Stratford Advertiser, 28 Nov 1889, p. 3

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f aT] r ee pies Pale th Lo HOUSEHOLD up of stoves, and the like; ina word he sie SS ROLE RET RR? SURO MEEEEERERaTIET ane aioe : peers a the seponalaty for all the A MARE AND OX!FIGHS. SOME RULES OF LIFE ry ys ie a neces SAREE EAS ASE TERETE AH , eavier and more disagreeable duties cons — ow the Red Men Kill tbe Monst i 4 Some Tested Recipes. nected with good housekeeping, and be Fiercest Encounter of Beasts Lately Re-' Not to obtrud . the 0 vd pennants ogy ~P ray, fi: cal i Beer Loar —Two pounds of raw lean ee on. 20 zasion, to take a hand in those corded. To aim at ch x ; fs per nucrets ee rece sentin inc sie yr notifi tana e beef, one cup of rollea crackers half tea- | Which are lighter. f cheeriuiness without levity, The Indians of the Neah i ' My specu be end two cas = a -| Bai ; . "won't do sheds ites Sek gin ee " a ooratet conk rieee A he to dispute if you can fairly avoid i, | Washington sere er ater a ag “vA yf ipa abe 5 ae and 4 gether, form into a long loaf, cover the top j °Ught to do, let him at the least, h é ‘ ever sh ; mense whal ing i i ; | ing Sith emall pieces of butter and bake one enough to Sie ag cB gies io i? The a oe — é C. 2 gaged in = ps A aed when the people are en-|.n4 about thoes miler pr pec "Pohewing See ie sets ae to b f the : : . , rou : tears 80 i hour. | ahs : * is og Pa yg ha him, and refrain | about by a farm hand turning the mare eat Never judge a person's character by ext rapt ness of the Indians, says the Portland | known as the black, and measured 55 feet in y OysteR OmeEtet. — Stew half-a-dezon : y ne, from rewardivg his|in an inslosure where the ox ha d al appearance, —- regonian,” a report of the fact was made | length by 8 or 9 feeb in di large, plump oysters over a clear firein their Sie worked belp-mats with cross and com-| be, and the Cincinnati ‘‘ Er hae Aha Say as littl ¢ to the medicine man or dreamer of the tribe, | mouth about 6 feet lon ee He aig a 4 own liquor, take them off at the first boil ; plaining speech. gives the details of the combav: _ |those who rsa usu of yourself and|Who calleda hurried council and alloted a| corroborate theti sd Jonah” ‘ote to 5 ; ay them, oad Gem iapateey and spread The gate had scarcely been closed when| Never affect t Le , amber of picked men to the different avail-} The entire skin or the animal was inde’ ma them over the omelet efore turning. If Hints to Housekeepers, the ox looked up from the fodder it had been | wound ch to be witty, or jest so as to|*2le canoes. Incantations were then held, half inch in thickness, and, with the e ; large and solid the half dozsn will suffice for| : munching andsaw the mare. Withouta nd the feelings of another. wherein a certain harp20n was blessed by | tion of the throat and bell by blac: ewe expel Gaeare bilee, rub fies : becoming black and | moment’s warning the ox began hostilities. Never court the favor of the rich by flat- the dreamer and handed: to the hoa-chin-i- | The throat and belly were beautifull fia wee EscaLLorep VEAL.—To use left-over veal, tothe Ler eos tat in sweet oil, then in spirits of | Lowering his head he, with two or three tering either their vanities or vices. ca-ha or thrower, with the warning not to |; black and white, what a Mexican ata call ; chop the veal fine, place in the bottom of a To tak “gad preparatory snorts and pawings, rushed Never to dispute witha man more th ty go from his hands except so ordered by|a pinto. The blubber was from 6 to 8 inches baking dish a layer of veal, then a layer of|_ ..° take outiron mould stains, wet with | Upon the mare, The Jatter was nob expect- seventy years of age, nor a wom re than | the dreamer himself, les» their efforts in the | in thickness, and resembled very much the : cracker crumbs, then of p2pper, salt and but- milk and cover with salt. The latter also |g anything of the kind and ken | CBthusiasc. al Rot: an cnake Seonen Sree nt fat of a hog. The Indi Sleaase ‘ ter Repeat the layers until the dish is rubs egg stains from spoons, unawares. She turned afliclentes eedereh Never to ridicul : The harpoon on this occasion was con-| will obtain dg oo oO nt? ap “i : filled; add half a teacupful of stock or| To remove coffee stains, put thick glycer- to prevent the maddened ox from planting others may pears dessa % things, or what brary se of two pieces of elk horn, each | oil from it, ‘ ' ene | ine on the wrong side of the article and wash his horns in her sides, which was evidently they appear to be , howeverabsurd |@bout four inches long, a half inch in thick-| In the evening the Indians of the sur- f Tomato Soup —One quart of canned .0o- out in lukewarm water. ~ intention, but the sharp point of one of| Never to think a Pop lesa ptf sare ere anareine of an inch | rounding country who had been reached by matoes, two heaping teaspoonfuls of flour,| If your sewing machine runs hard and eanimal’s horns grazsd the mare’s flank | account ot his di né worse of another on a - elaborately carved, beveled at one the ruuners, assembled, and a ‘'cultus pot- one of butter, one teaepoonful of salt, one| Your oiler is empty, try as a substitute oa and tore open the hide for about four inches. | or religious opi ffering with you in politics pon , me mne two joined togetker in the| latch” washeld. F ormerly the “‘cultus Ly . of sugar, a pint of hot water. Lst tomato | Parts of clear lard and kerosene oil. bs with bets with pain the mare kicked out) (iia. Ke ae fastened sik the ry Laaagg. as a bay Bpeladgnri: BB emcee re _— sone to - a Rub flour, but-} To remove paint from windows take eaaien 4a i feet and landed, t00,| who ig sd oa meray part of an absent person }an gle of the “ia os fo Bah apex, Tothe| trade among themselves, but since the ad- ~ i es & . eners vl of tomato together, strong bicarbonate of soda and dissolve it} The oe 8 one sibs, and proprie TT td so far as truth|, rope about three-quart , One AG, oF | See of the whites it has degenerated into a . boil all conse iS: i ee in hot water. Wash the glass, and in tariona ts crap With pin = “¥ Awa Never tog Mert: diameter, and oon slaty 6 dct teat fi pie pana. On: this occasion the geth n minutes, rub|twent ’ ’ equeals of terro resent a inj i eet in monies opened with i : rene” a sieve and serve with toasted potas wane Roche an: hour ah thor- oo the _— fought with all foar feet — the views anicate te = pdynl ws The pe ase oa bvied "ofe Ay ch eg din " the whale, aftr whioh the skin read. ‘ e the ox made rush after rush, striving |‘ nor any occasi ’ n hurled, is fasten to a| of the animal wa PREECE a i ay es a ag oh ae Spon bores hears inte sais) ory ker- ing —s sngye = to sink his ees into Em toe to retaliate, ty Ln be say of = fe to Sosy from | by the guests a0 eer ccacidaees pay cored and peeled apples tiil quite tender | half fill them with pepeantnl.<t sahehy | See re eee mene Seon wk SS) ee I ; nd ni a eis vt ond meter} rare tidbit, After this the flowiag bowl with a piece of thinly cut lemon rind, avery} ous shakin w . water, and after a vigor- defensive ; the ox kept on the aggressive, Zealous for His Client. h nine or ten feed in length; when the| was brought forth, and from the howling we ho ps ay gis Basar Aamed ee apse 2 a g and rinsing you will find the| _1¢ was thrust and bellow on one side and| Pros arpoon enters the body of the whale the heard above the ocean’s roar, at tance nite toe yarn e0 5 Pee oa Apt bottles as good ag rew, kicks and shrill scream-like neighs on the|of Eye aii it witness) —‘‘State sapaborsercim points, which are sharpened, act] of half a mile, we Hubley that “be ee beat up a couple of eggs till light, and mix Rg no Apc marble stoops, halls or walks secant pe eg few minutes the mare| Attorney for the defence (rising in great self in the flea, seit Ue wie pm. he wie lets Ai: | them with the apples togath them washed with a m y quick jumps and wheels to es- NR as al Leen . DDR XOpS ANBAD- 6 left the coast | quantity of sae ali, as oe he te has been dipped in boiling hot ee cape punishment in the shape of See oo. . BN A ese) Honour ‘y -. the ments having dropped out from its|and up to that time dar pp titi Reed Have sendy s buttered mould, eprinkle it — ~ a i aeey deal - maa and allow it oe pond one oe all pexts of the ana- “This man has - saat knowledge rag Relay ak Mair Rupa’ ta Lah 4 a Sorte i 4 heard; and vee Jadioue weve : very thickly with baked bread-crumbs, fill jane is very effective, ox. Sheseemed to be getting| where he was bo ction to the; convinced thad it mast have been wrecked up 4 ish ithe apple, et oy an ‘lelinn add affine Bie way to keep Shitwedh anlh aul whic des of the fight, but it was only tem- | what his pena ai cold “him shout It Pe ceraiieaca ot peste ® enchanted ones | and the seven occupants must have perished. ayer of bread crum ake in a slow oven, | Proo! melt and mix therough! ‘ testimony, y’ amt 7 : ‘ibe , oe poretays and serve aie a meade 90 es pound boeswar, one pant a sale tame Waeotthe d = man who had driven) “I think Te wits i igs, for ra wit acne seeker himself hig gal ta pk re Rab aye , with pulverized sugar’and, if liked, cream or | POU2¢ resin, two ounces Neat’s Foot Oil e enclosure waz at his wit’s| ness to answer the ion.” ; d rete! asd abies And Dog Days lain : two oun 1 »| end to devise some sch b ; question. noe, and the hoa chin-i-ca-ha, or throw | 75. @ plain custard, ne . pie ycerine. Apply warm. could sepaniie the Basa sops ; y which he 4 (Hastily consulting with colleaguss)— armed with the prophetic harpoon which It is quite wrong to suppose that the OystEeR Pire.— Linea buttered baking dish ent way to clean old brass is to| with his lif tants and escape)“ We take exception, y’r Honour.” must be the first one hurled Pk hi “dog days” are the moatf bl anin mur pastry, and place in it a layer of fine rae a 4 tae omens undiluted | ed tigre fal sunt ¥ mee ee ire ; penting attorney—* Vou may answer | tion in the bow of the po host. They a madness, Rabies occurs pul donee the arge oysters, Rub two tablespoonfuls of a brush, is will leave the that time had + ; e fighters by guestion now, Mr. Thompson—ty the|*hen run through th Eee th arctic regions ag well as in th d butter smooth with as much flour, and place metal clear and bright. It should then be| sid rye ad worked their way to the other | way, you spell Th pson—ry the gh the surt by the moembers} “i deed a the torrid zones the enclosure. Th : 3 pe ompson with a’p,’ do you of the tribe who were to accompany them ndeed, sixty-five of Kane’s sledge dogs small bits of it here and there on the oysters rinsed in clear water and wiped dry ed : 1 2 e ox had jast miss- | nojit closely f itd ? | died of ; ; ; ‘ ‘ ; y followed by two other canoes full ed of rabies—and at M. Pasteur’s institu- Sprinkle with oe hel aakk.- ; The juice oi the matured leaf of th 9 a lunge and had swep> past the mare’s| Attorney] f : oes fully | with another oot of pian adey intel’ Gite asi " aeeponatal doses, three ec ae tig heels when he caught sight of, the ieapticantey * Bres ne (jumping up Monk thtuc ponsccnene, ae Dare: ee os dar Meda BAB emp na ) i one mage oe oe ene. aoe wiih obeainelan oeutneas ohinok i phan A desire for human game seemed to strike pa wT ii hiy Lapeesy is overruled.” hand. : ae hoteiys ame _~ si pea Pau in the hod malasia of is ‘ our in 7 mia (sore or the de t 5 o’ ugust, entirel } Spree er Gi enue csed NS es eal oe ane ee ean te “eben Nae ah yy fete meats aa dog taps of Samer ie tems nat | phi, “Bake phage oe area & rich a ed man, In about the twinkling of an eye the ~y -age yt ioe abt egatas prabpei cmie k she omproach was, sasne _ han ation dane aaa tha woe, See . latter was in full flight, and managed to|room ?” » isn’t it too warm in this ctly from behind, Ib is the habit of the | 1 20W weed to denote insanity, which is CALSORRD Oysters.—Put a layer of the AS YOU LIKEIT. slam the gate just as the ox drove his head| Attorney for the d sre clyla pal Apa cen dh caplet if disease, thy pe reesepbe ged dag lice ce . crackers in a buttered pudding-dish. Just 2 iis against it, shattering a couple of the boards. | ‘* ’Bject ey G @ defence(mechanically)— to skim along the top of the water, appearing ase, the delirium of which is anal zo | the Oe ee vw S mixture of THE CANDIDATE, A he ie continued running, and after a sini acted gs edocs sire a Few RecnOCs, | 2d oa oe haetaa ih apa ia De Rapen oe er liquor and milk, and cover with al : ew bellows of defi vi appearance he throws himself high in | *0Vor 24Ving bhe Fe sullar ty that it assumes layer of oysbers seasoned with pepper, salt pnb eeae and grasps you by the hand, | the fight. enenen ee: Oa eames f° Ga als the air, turns his tail to the clouds, pe the form of irritability of temper, and hence oe colikcakes then tee Sak lay i of | And fisther ven ce ues bland. = rope meantime the mare had to some ‘ A Question of Advantage. The bebit spine nie yeh € maint Pa tetaton' te ey tts re nf carey i | : rs and crackers stand ? extent recovered her wind “Excuse me, sir,” 8 well known to the Indians, and ite at all, or at least Cer a pen aay eg i 7 pee The candidate, Die npr from a score of Seo! rue pad nae to a Be fey seshtae thee spit se fot ek . ae when he dives vt sp ean dee how, ise ro : : more moist an t . ox’s hor ‘6 ’ . soon and where i arp and incessant . with bike Ge Gates: Coven abn ieee : bd “rah fogalame A te children do, The aaa! dda pani Fanart DE jah gph, pis . ge ,;and when he does so the iectiten boat da are dejected and svllen at first, pees iu ose well-heated oven one half hour. Then re-| And hopes orld is using you, growing weak from the effe de lotta. kt Veg.” you do not Know me?”/generally not far away. Ia a short time the more or less violent in the later stages of the move cover, set upon upper tin pes that you'll help to put hi eceived of the kicks} first boat had disease, Most dogs ll reed ’ pper grating and through ? m : ceived from the mare, and blood flowed Bat you misstate it. As I know you, it|forty feed of carina ee ee ings have a h : an pn apart Th d rom its nostrils and the froth at its mouth|!8 1 who have the disadvantage,” iy tae ace eee proposed, gains and. tie either the si ation aie ie Hepi car Brrr Stock.—Take a knuckle of beef and e candidate.| was fiecked with blood, (The ground all The landlord went into his private offic reamer,” who, upon such occasions, is er the sight,sound, or feeling of it throw-. separate the beef from‘the bones, cutting it Who says the country’s going to smash around had been torn up by the hoofs of the to figure it out, private olfice | anything but asleep, fixed his practiced eye ing them into convulsione. This fear of water into small pieces : break the bones also, and Unless you help his side to thrash infuriated animals, and was stained red by DEO EER wat sha | GURDON PES She AAADLE MES at hore ete aot oat ela i cron nis Pati yi add a quart of water to each pound of meat ; The other side with vote and cash ? their blood ir a thousand places. The lot What the Editor Said to give command, for only when the animal sh paralysis without dread of water, but when it begins to boil remove the scum, Phacarididat looked like an immense slaughter-pen. He ’ humps its back to make the dive is ib even ae aninability to swallow it--the mere being careful to do this as often as itrises ;| yy}, : ate.| Returning to the attack, the ox made aland eee at thin and hungry looking, somparstively, aafe to. give bins she harpoog, th foc . ro ana ont 08 Si epee S set the soup kettle where it wil! simmer for| 4 4 begs you to give him your vote, furious rush, but was met by the mare,|the editor rhe the editor he was a poet, The thrower, bared to the waist, stood, the guilet, Paralysis is in general the last © five or six hours, or until the substance of nd says your interests he'll promote which planted both hind hoofs fairly and B r idn’t say a disputatory word, | #@tue like, with shaft and harpoon lifted actin the drama of rabies, Paralysis stands whee inet Uc Biceeemahie isccinan bax this And tries to cut his rival’s throat? equarely on her antagonist’ y But he didn’t get his poetry in the paper high in air, his ears alert for the command, | ‘” *3 '2verse ratio bo that of the dread of gaily ; add t? gonist’s head, Th paper, : salt sufficient to season it ; skim out the meat The candidate shock was so great that both went ‘ows just the same, and the man with the blue}, 43%!” or throw, for well he knew if his water in relation to the rabbit, dog and man. strain the liquid and’seb 4b away. to o00l carat 2 aR. *| "The Dx-was the loser, however. adiorie of ite pencil and the preoccupied air made several instrument failed of its mark ke would be | /2 ™4m paralysis is rare; in the dog ocoas-— for the fat to rise ; when entirely cold remove Wills “ad igh his victory is won, horns had beer loosened and nearly torn off prio deposed and some other appoiated to his pimsapee sult repaptaa dsiligels-s ost denis iy pte the fat and there will remain a firm gelatin-| And ee + horas - you have Rowe. Both animals managed to scramble to shell oi. vag or sh sir |” he said haughtily, ate igs egal ae neg killed his eighth spony Abu eins of things in the ~~ ous mass which can be used as scups, gravies arp for number Oae? feet, The ox wasa little the qui 2 up Ais manuscript, —. whale, and hoped to hold his position for the vite doth ap ret: a , | etc. fpr The candidate, | j28tas the mare regained her cauilibeteny oll Pe I’m doggoned sorry for it,” said the |"emainder of his days. : —_ ‘ a i —[Somerville Journal, | eceived the wounded horn, almost its full editor. Presently the word came, and the blessed } L : otato YEASsT.—Take two quarts of PRL length, in her neck. She fell drag as the q. harpoon was thrown with unerring aim, and Bad Sport. EGE ee = or mona fne;,cunes of hops de. ohiteen } 2 eWo Work nian) hae ) the ox with her. In her death ne Fe shin Close, Sure Enough, others followed in quick succession. At the The taking of harmless life, even for | dour, putting the latter into = --vasm {oun that he lege - invented a wire bit and pawed her artagonist in a frightful First Artist—Well, I see the hadi sams time the oarsmen backed water with acience’s sake, involves a violation of human. and pouring on water slowly to prevent pigment diene diate Will not explode under ) ™anzer. A minute later both were dead. | Pinter has taken the first priza edbae all all their strength to escape the great danger | feeling, and persons are to be pitied who getting Loney ; one + ad il acaen is race Ib is generally safe ‘to trust toa woman's | ae hit n. showed eighty-seven un- | ‘T'was a close race, though, a pits cee ata Gale lithe cite ie ene cena aes ie same ma ancipseliae) 0 Surkie 3 sugar and a handful of fine salt. 1.9 generosity unless she knows that you are in| teeth, had torn the akin of the most ee NR Arps won ky ahead. fully thrown into him, and the whal d {sport A7ee mere gain, or worse,for mere stand three days, stirring it occasionlly. | love with her or you are so unfortunate as : che oA alcdlicen from binding Abedin tc ne ark. to the .C icago Herald; Se SET Ea a ot a When it ferments well, and six potatoes} to be another woman yourself. which have been boiled, mashed ard run through a colander, making them as smooth as possible, This yeast will keepa long while and has the advantage of nov requiring any yeast to start ib with. It rises so quickly that a less quantity of it must be put in than of ordinarv veast, Driep Yeast,—Peel six good siz-d pota- toes and boil till tender, bave ready in a stone crock three pints of flour ; while the potatoes are hot rub them through a colan- der into the dry flour ; boil a large handful of hops fifteen minutes in three pints of water, strain out the hops, add the water to the flour and potatoes, mix well and when almost cold add enough cold water to make it as thin as bread sponge ; have half a pint The Sultan of Turkey presented the Empress of Germany with a collar of jewels worth $250,000. But has the Sultan paid the wages of his cooks recently ? A machine that cuts matchsticks makes 10,000,000 aday. They are arranged over ajva) and have the heads pub on at the rate of 8,000,000 per day by one man, pss During the recent visit of the Czar to Ber- lin, Prince Bismarck went to a performance at the opera for the second time in twenty- four years. Both visits were of a purely formal character, into shreds, had drivenin several ribs, and ruptured several blood vessels. Ib was 2 ing battle, gamely fought to the death of each. ~ THE LIVING MICROSCOPE. An English Youth Whe Has Most Wonder- fal Pewers of Vision. John Thomas Hegslop,jof Birmingham, England, is a lad whose powers of vision are to be accounted among the marvelous. He is known as “the living microscope” on The Rev. De, Henry OC. McCook intends to show in a big book that the poor despised account of being able to see the most minute objects clearly defined, In 1878 or 1879 he was attacked with some befiling eye trouble and came very near losing hia sight forever. Brown—And so you got a first rate cook ? What paper did you advertise in? Fogg—Didn’t advertise in any. My wife told Mrs Gray we wanted a girl, bub mads her promise not tell anybody. **Well 2” **Well, we had the door bell ringing for a fortnight from morning till aight. No less than a hundred applications for the place.” A Bad Case. Miss Luendi (bursting into the doctor’s cffize). ‘*Doctor, doctor, you must come down to the house at once,” Doctor. ‘Why, what's the matter? Who’s sick ?” Miss Luendi. ‘I am. But as there was no one to send, I came myself.” another together, and soon the three cance:, tied to the line atintervals of two or three hundred yards and drawu by the monster of the sea, were sailing through the water oceanward ata fearful rate, ‘he filrat-line is made of cedar bark, twisted like ‘‘factory work” into a rope about an inch and half in diameter. ‘To this line, at spaces of twent; ot thirty feet, are attached air-floats made from the stomach of a common hair seal and much resembling the bladder foot ball of “ ve olden times,” All the openings of the stomach are sewed up with the exception of one, and at this is ingeniously constructed a valve which opens on the inside and is kept closed when the float is *‘ blown up” by the pressure of the air. Each float holds about twenty gallons of air, 80 one can readily im- re the little chance a whale with a half. filled th » windows’ “+4 never see a sealskin coat,” he said, ‘that I am not reminded of s heart-breaking day I passed among the seal-kilers.” Then he told of joining an expedition when he was & young man, and going oud for the eport of seal-killing. They knocked the pretty creatures on the head. The seals were 80 tame, affectionate and fearless that when the hunters landed they crowded round them like dogs, making their little, friendly bark, and fawning upon the murderous ome A that proceeded to stretch them as bloody corpses upon the beach. fhe man related how sick at heart he got, and how he tried to get away from this massacre of the innocents. To this day the sight of a sealskin coat recalls the wretched sensation he then experienced. i ‘ ider is really one of the best fri of dry yeast soaked soft and stir it in; let OF ian, ie, rlends ! After the disease had reached its worst there mateo Ib 28 . . m : 1] White of Sel- the yeast rise, stirring it ite ai say'for alin ‘ae’ poinmey H et ae was an insiant and startling change for the Vary. mile of float-line attached has to escape, es jose gl ys ok diotaed a _ — thorong ly, roll, cub into] ¢oroughly dead, 8 D | all inflammation in an incredibly short time) , cares he 3 seeps TH 3 bw are my voyages|lar nor’ wester and the sea wero ns heavy | ‘bill in its mortal wound and looked up cakes and Gry qulcaly. It was not a cure, however, that brought) Hon qastic, ‘You fab veakliae’ fellow !” oa eo teed ee ae on into his face. Rich Fruit Caxe.—Two pounds cf sugar, two and one-half pounde of flour, one and one-halt pounds of butter, three-fourths of a pound of citron, two pounds each of raisins and currants, one ounce of mace, six eggs, one-half cup of milk, one nutmeg, one teaspoonful of cloves and one of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, A Man's Part in Good Housekeeping: A man should first of all help his wife in Let every husband planning her work. i assed i lop ; hi tM, Pda Sa Sone oh oth tet a Yale men have concluded to discontinue Soeabe gore ve piper ares td . Her Own Fault, fifteen miles in diameter, and it was well ip The New York World’s Fair guarantee : she may best arrange and time her several Pe one te ik cee» mer ger riser milk, thoroughly boiled. The doctors say| Sympathetic friend—How are you and 00 manent oe rg (side bo magpie ie ars now doing iene a ae | i i study under the an i i h i , unt Herbert Bismarck, during his visi f duties that they may least conflict. y guidance | that the entire organization of the eye as Miss Fanny coming on? teckuess set in, the monster of fhe big ori i i Ya A siyart bei ) Aer Bs oe j In the second place, the husband should give the wife the fcll amount of money nec- sary properly to care for the home, Third, he should see that she has the best tools that can be had to lighten her labor. Fourth, he should by every possible means shorten her hours of labor. If he finds that she is obliged to work earlier and later than he, then he should at once give, or procure for her such assistance as will make their working hours equal. Fifth, realizing that for her labor she re- ceives no direct compensation, he should, at the least, be careful to give continually that reward of cordial praize, which costs him nothing and so much pleases her. Finally, the man must recogniz? tha many of the domestic duties are essentially proper to him, and not to the woman : such are all that require great physical exertion. Therefore, not only should proper imple- ments be generously furnished for the woman’s use, bud all the materials she must useshould be provided and made easily An American amateur recently offered $12,060 to the Municipality of Sears for the violin of Paganini, which is religiously pre- served in the city museum asa memento of Genoa’s gifted son. The instrument was made at Cremona by Guarneriin 1709, The American’s offer was declined. Gaorge Francis Train is held in Boston for examination as to his mental soundness, He refuses to submit to a medical examina- tion on the ground that ‘‘lunatics don't empléy doctors or lawyers.” The old man may be crazy, but he'll have bushels of fun with the doctors who try to prove it. of Professor Harper. It is probable that this change will bring goodresults, and stucy of the Bible is not likely to diminish the tendency of students to engage in prayer. A gentleman who died recently near Ber- lin desired to have his tombstone decorated by the following legend : —‘“‘ 1 believe in one Saviour—in Him everybody must believe, of whatever religion he may be—and He is death, for H3> releases us from all our troubles,’ This has been done, and now the parish authorities have requested the heirs to remove the gravestone, Ina small town in Baden a minister closed his sermon the other day with these words: ‘*We would be pleased, moreover, to have the young man who is now standing outside the door come in and make certain whether she is here or not, That would be a great deal better than opening the door half an inch and exposing the people in the last row of seats toa draught.’ —[Frankfur- ter Zeitung. The Philadelphia church which recentl decided to have thirty candidates preach in succession, and then call the best of the lot, back the old eyesight like that possessed by the average genus homo, When it returned io was with extraordinarily increased power of vision. To John Thomas the most minute plint louse was as large as a rabbit and the mozquito’s bill as large as an ax handle, He could see and describe distant minute objects with startling clearness and precision. He was amezingly ehocked upon repairing to the well to get a draught to see the immense number of hideous creatures that were floating, fighting, and wriggling about in the water. ae ie From that day to this water has never undergone a structural change, that the cornea. has become abnormally enlarged, and that the crystalline lens have divided into three different discs or circles, each circle surrounded by another of light blue. In the center of eacn of these three circles appears an irir, greatly diminished in 2°23, | but an iris nevertheless. Medical reports have besn made on the case by journals such as the * Lancet,” ‘* Medical Times,’ and many others. The young man has been visited by all the greater and lesser lights of the British medical colleges, each of whom pronounces his case the most wonderful in the animals of opties. —— ——— | His Preference, Longhaired Individual (entering the sanctum—lI understand, sir, that you are very fond of poetry. Now, I can write any kind. Epics, Bucolics, Sonnets, Madrigals— in tact, anything in the share of poetry, flow like trickling water from my fertile pen, Ago kind do you — e Ge ct ino ditor (savagely) —“* ine of motion. ‘the he f A Certain Indicator, Fresh Young Man(to his gouty employer) —Beg pardon, sir, will you kindly tell me how your legs are feeling to day ? Employer—Legs, sir ! Legs—what do you a. sir m y, these n aper weather reports are not certain, and I heard you say your legs were a certain indicator of a coming storm—and I’m going out with a youag lady to-night, you see. —_—_—_—_——— Conceited dude—She gave me the grand bounce. She said she did not like me, Silly creature | When a girl don’t like me, she has got nobody but hertelf to blame for it. She ought to Be. First Broker—How is that pretty typ<- writer ? battling with the air floats secured to hira. That night the wind increased in velocity and the sea ran mountaina high, and on the third day two of the canoes were discovered, but the whale soon hove in sight, returning from the tour of many miles he must have journeyed during the night. Tho two re- maining canoes gave chase, and were soop again attached to the float-line and enjoying the excitement of traveling through the water over the swells of the ocean at a rall- road rate, drawn by a monster inhabitant of the deep. The procession moved in a circle of about succumbed to the inevitable, and lay floating on the bosom of the ocean, All this time the wind had blown fiercely and nothing had been heard from the missing canoe, Little attention, however, was paid to this latter fact, as, after separation from the others, an isolated boat would be expected to return to shore. Second Broker—Oh, she’s all write ! The Fashionable Amusement. Mildred (who hears that her aunt is going to take a fencing lesson). ‘‘Oh, auntie, do take me with you, I’d love to ses you jump over the fences !” The fur par excellence of the year is the Persian lamb. Many dressess will have bands of fur round tne skirts, Children’s coats of Persian lamb, lined with crimson or blue silk, will be mach worn. The coats have a deep piece ot the far turned up all around so that they may be let dowa as the child grows taller. All Monday night and the succeeding day the two remaining canoes kept tugging at their prize to land him, and succeeded in getting within a few miles of the shore. The wind became so violen: Tue:day after- noon that they were forced to leave him to the fast-flooding tide to beach and make a landing themselves before darkness rendered it extremely hezardous, teeling confident, however, that the coming ebb tide would leave their game high and dry on the beach within view of the point where they must necessarily spend the night, Their hopes were fully realized, for ad dawn of day a siwash who had kept early vigil announced that the whale was stranded at a high-water mark a short distance below their camp, at a reef of rocks called by the natives ‘* Coph Chicago Forethought. Wife of Lawyer—(who is engaged in the Oronin murder trial)—-Why did you keep Tommy in the library so long? Great Lawyer—I was posting him about this trial. ‘* What for? The child is too young to know about such things.” ‘‘Perhaps he is now. But he will have to take my place in it when I am gone, you know.’ - — — that the great power would under no cir- cumstances allow Bulgaria to be disturbed, It brought the Truth,—A Chicago ‘max brought out a brand of ground coffee called « Never-Such.” Another Chicago man stole the name, and in the law suit which followed the coffee was analyzad and found to be 30 per cent adulteration, Thers was “* Never- Sach” a fraud put on the market,—[Datroit Free Press. The rather sudden death in England last week of Lord Falmouth removes one of the pillars of the English turf—one long identi- fied with racing, and one who had done much toward elevating its standard. During the last decade his famous colors, black, white sleeves and red cap—have been borne to victory in most of England’s classic events prior to his retirement from the turf, some four or five years. ago. Ab that time his trainer, Mathew Dawson, and Jockey Fred Archer presented the retiring peer with a very ornate and handsome silver shield on which were inscribed the principal races his stable had won. These included no less than four Oaks, twe Derbys, three S», Logers, accessible, Plenty of coal, wood, and kind- | is reported to be having a great deal more | Jimmy, open the door for t gentleman,” The style of skirt known as accordeon has|Palis,” or leading rock, about two miles lings, should be supplied so as to be handy |fun than the candidates. The men who| He got, met with, immediate and general favour, |northward from the mouth of the Chepalis| four Guineas and minor events ad libitum. and abundant, plenty of i shelves, — first feor that their good points will —_— They are very graceful, and as the wearer|river, and a keen 1a2e began to see who|Asa contemporary of Admiral Rous, Lord closets, etc., should be arranged to the best Harpgoa forgotten before the match is A Good Id moves about the tiny pleatings part and|would be the lucky one to first touch its| George Bentinck and others Lord Falmouth advantage. ended, and they think they ought to have a ood 1deae close again with the very poetry of motion. body, for he would thereby become eligible} was ever foremost in all affairs of the English At house-cleaning time the man should either move or get moved the heavier articles of furniture ; he should attend to the clean- little extra show. The tacle of thirty clerical contestants ri oe to a finish, when a church as a stake, is somewhat un- ing and putting down of carpets, the setting to do now ? First Coffee Ground—Wha! are you going These skirts are jast the thing for dancing The materials that take the tor the cffice of hoa-chin-ica-ha should the present one be deposed or die. After the eyes of the whale had been re- eettle down, Second Coffee Ground—I jthink {I shall Deeg ore gag silk, crepe de chine,| moved by the dreamer, as the custom “goes, Jockey Club, and possessed more, porhaps, than any racing man in England the entire confidence of the messes, He was 70 years ‘old at the time of hie death, | Ie eet aoe ee 5 eS fh

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