—————<—— i = _— THE DOMINION IN BRIEF. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. A CONCISE EPITOME OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY FOR A WEEK. SUMMARY OF CANADIAN HAPPENINGS DURING THE WEEK. News by Wire from Here, There and Everywhere—What is Going on Fercign Lands and Climes A Celumn Column of Interesting News Beilced Down for Busy Men—What ts Golss en to Excite Attention In Scven Pre vincees and the Nerthwest. for Busy Men. Great storms have been raging in the The season of navigation has closed im a r Black Sea. Montreal. Hog cholera has broken out in Chatham Lord Harris has been appointed Governor Township. of Bombay. 5 eet . Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe is said tobe Be The Dominion Parliament will meet on January 18th. Ex-J udge Jellett, County, is dead. It is a rumor at Ottawa that Harvey’ sentence will be cominuted. Mrs. L. G. Reid, of Belleville, was acc: dentally drowned at Kingston. Mrs. Mary A. Bradshaw, a well known actress, died at the age of 76 in London. The vice-regal party has returned te Ottawa from their trans-continental trip. Twelve men have been in Windsor during the past few days looking for runaway wives. Henry Barton, a Brantford maa, aged 63, was killed by a Grand Trunk train at Mount Pleasant, Smallpox has disappeared from Pelee Island, and the quarantine has been re moved. The Sarnia’s mails were taken from Haii- fax to Montreal in 17 hours, the quickest time on record. St. George’s Cathedral Kingston, are now agitated over the ritua istic question. The Richelieu & Ontarie Navigation (@ompany’s steamers are going into winter ‘quarters this week. A by-law granting a bonus to the Belle- ville Rolling Sills y was carried by a vote of 1,04 to A blacksmith name. (Calkins has been fatally shot by one BlincLard, a Vermenter, near Stanstea:!, (Jucbee. The Industrial School for Indians near Winnipeg has been completed, and handed over to the authorities. Montreal will ask the Quebec Legislature for a measure providing for the placing of all electric wires underground. There are 247 pupils in the Belleville Deaf and Dumb Institute at present, of whom 111 are girls and 136 boys. A car load of tea from Vancouver, B.C., arrived at Kingston, which took only a little over eight days to come through. A despatch from Cleveland, Ohio, says that the forgeries of B. 8. Barrett, amount to over $100,000. Barrett is missing. A new $10 bill for the Bank of British North America has been issued by the Do- minion Bank Nete Company, of Ottawa. The opening of the night schools in Mon- treal for the working classes is pronounced asuccess. About 3,500 pupils entered their names. A small schooner, with twenty-one bar- rels of contraband whiskey on board, was seized at Suillery Cove, Que., on Friday night. The rightful claims of depositors in the Kingston postoftice who did business with R. T. Burns are to be paid by the Govern- ment. A large number of Louisiana lottery tickets sent to an Ottawa hotel-keeper have been confiscated by the customs auth- mildly demented. Mr. Pendleton, late U.S. Berlin, died at Brussels. Geo. Reihl, aged 17, of Buffalo, has been arrested on a charge of bigamy. Havana, Cuba, is to have a new water works system at a cost of $2,000,000. It is stated Queen Victoria has invited Dom Pedro to visit her at Windsor. | Judge Langston, of Mount Sterling, Ky., has been fatally shot by 8. D. Everett. Railway building is at a standstill in China on account of the scarcity of money. Several of the European powers are reported as about to sent ironclais to Brazil. | Two Germans have been arrested in Chi- cago, it is supposed because of Anarchistie | tendencies. | Gov. Ferry, of Washington Territory, was yesterday inaugurated with imposing cere- | monies. F. X. Quesnel, of Montreal, has been ar- rested at St, Paul, Minn., on a charge of forgery. The French Government has been defeated on a proposal to make the manufacture of matches free. | H. H. Warner, of Rochester, has sold his safe cure interests to an English syndicate for $5,000,000. ) News has been received at St. Louis, Mo., | of the Government expedition for the sur-| vey of Alaska. ) It is reported that the camp of art by Rush, of the Peter’s expedition to Africa, , has been burned. | Henry Lockridge and nine other persons J Minister at of Prince Edward congregation, i ji- i Comna’ t “1 ol. were bitten by a rabid dog on Friday at Madison, Indiana. Seventeen Republicans from Southern States will make contests for seats in the next Congress. The managers and peformers of four Cin- cinnati theatres have been fined for giving | performances on Sunday. | A syndieate of Berlin bankers has been formed to build a monument to the memory of the late Emperor William. The elections for members of the Berlin | Municipal Council showed an increase of | 3,000 in the Socialist vote. ) Capt. Wissmann has telegraphed to Lon- | don that Henry M. Stanley arrived at! Mpwapwa on November 10th. | The Provincial Government of Brazil has | issued a decree establishing universal suf- | frage throughout the Republic. The General Assembly of Knights of Labor | at Atlanta decided not to endorse any gen- eral strike for the eight-hour day. road was held up by two robbers, who too about $50,000 from the expréss car. London, with the object of converting the fashionable dwellers of the west end. | Another heavy storm prevails along the Atlantic coast. ‘Iwo bodies of sailors have been washed ashore at Long Branch. _ orities, a." a cin A “oP YP meet ef fands taken by onder tee By 0 is NOW in Canada, from oom RAHattan County vault, is estimated at eir house at Prescote under “circumstances which appeared to indicate a case of murder and suicide. The other day a man in Ottawa resisted the removal of his four children, ill with diphtheria, to the hespital, and they were removed by force. The petition praying for commutation of the sentence of Harvey, the Guelph mur- derer, to imprisonment for life, contains 3,270 signatures. _ Rev. Mr. Owen, pastor of the Reformed Episcopal Church in Montreal, has re- signed, owing to a dispute over the wearing of a white surplice. The Grand Jury at St. John returned a true bill against McDonald, charged with sending the poisoned candy that caused the death of Mrs. McCrae. The Senate Committee to investigate the claims of the Canadian Cayuga Tadtene on the United States Government have had a meeting at Brantford. Honore Bolduc, a bailiff in the employ of the Montreal City Water Department, has absconded, leaving a defalcation reaching into the thousands, Miss Wood, a niece of Rev. Mr. Wood rector of St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Montreal, has taken the veil at the sacred Heart Convent. At Gloucester, Mass., Frank Foster at- tempted to shut off an electric light with a wet. ipon.asft andrews , aged 88. He was conspicuous for charity. away and much other damage done b ‘ofessing to be a priest, was sentenced at Prison. The grand jury at Detroit has unearthed | a good deal of corruption while investigating | the actions of aldermen in relation to con- tracts, etc. ) During the voyage of the steamer Fulda! from Bremen to New York diphtheria broke | out among the steerage passengers and four children died. A gas explosion at the Beachville, Pa., mine mortally injured James Kelly and Patrick Haughney, and burnt half a dozen laborers severely. Joseph Smith, a New York letter carrier, shot his two babes on Friday, probably fa- tally. One was 2 years, the other 1] months old. Smith was arrested. Mrs. Annie F. Eastman has been or- dained to the ministry and installed as pastor of the Brooklyn, N.Y., Congregational Church. The choice was unanimous. | Stephen L. Petties, of Brooklyn, was shot and instantly killed by a woman giving the name of Hannah Southworth, who said she had been ruined by him some time ago, The town of New Berne, N.J., was struck by a storm which blew down a large pulp factory, killing two men and injuring eight others, besides doing much other damage. 7 . = T. M. Bailey, ex-cashier of the Security Loan and Savings Bank of Chicago, has dis- Smuggled whiskey, representing frauds on the customs amounting to $400,000, has been seized at Lower St. Lawrence points within the last few days. : Mr. Charles Fox, who was so seriously injured by a fall on the steamer Algonquin, at Owen Sound, died yesterday morning. He leaves a widow and eight children. The prospectus Of the Cuxtindian Meat {PPe*red. te is reported to have fraadu- Company was issued in London on Satur- a y obtained $10,000 from various sources. day, the capital being $1,500,000. Its object is to develop the trade in Canadian dead meat. J. McCaugherty, of South Fredericks- burg, Ont., has lost four children by diphtheria within ‘ten days, and the only remaining child is not expected to live many hours. . News has been received of the destruction by fire of the Negwenenang Indian mission house, in the Algoma district. Mr. son, the missionary, @nd his family lost everything. : Mr. Colby, deputy speaker of the Do- minion House, is to enter the Cabinet as President of the Council, resigned by Sir John Macdonald for the portfolio of Rail- ways and Canals. | Miss Maybee, of Gananoque, whose appointment toa subordinate position in the Quebec Postoffice raised such a storm in the Nationalist papers, has been transferred to | the Ottawa Postoffice Department as a tem- | _A new cattle disease has appeared in Platt County, [iL The cattle are attacked by itching in the hind legs, and when the trou- ble reaches the body death ensues in less than 24 hours. x The National Grange in its meeting at Sacramento, Cal., adopted a report favor- ing the restriction of foreign immiigration, the building of American ships and the ownership of small farms. : M. Tirard, in the French Chamber of Deputies yesterday, said that while labor- ing to complete her military organization, France loudly proclaimed thather sole desire is an honorable and dignified peace. At the German Reichstag yesterday, Herr Richter, leader of the German Lib- erals, moved for the stoppage of the steam- ship service to Samoa and Sidney. T1 matter was referred to the Budget Com- mittee. : Two women, supposed to belong to the Reni- ~d Lt") > ro re + } — —- 1 porary clerk. ) sews tae _ me the meee west, have eaa8 , ) ler examination at Osweco. Kansas William Ware, the colored preacher of | .: vies oamarey eee fee Wind . ; | with a view to establishing their tity indsor, who was married by Magistrate} ..4 they are held without buil to PET dike Bartlett a short time ago to a Windsor girl, | . tion of the crand oan eee ee, ne has been convicted of bigamy at theinstance| wy opt pas eh | of his first wife and sentenced to six mouths New subscriptions to the New York | World’s Fair fund inclade $25.000 from the Manhatten Railway Company, $25,600 h . th t ry" i . , = is ; from the N -U. t r 4 ompany, 325,- 000 irom Jay Gould, the Standaz d Oil Com- pany $100,000, Amos R. Eno $12,900. in the Central Prison. The National Wardens’ Association met | at Nashville, Tenn., yesterday, and changed its name to “The Wardens’ Association of United States and Canada.” Joseph Nich- olson, of Washington, was chosen president; ee Massie, of the Central, Vice-Presi- den oe psa’ of New York, is still izing, and crowds of rd + io2nd the banking ct eee cee ae Gen. Knowlton, of Minneapoli 5 from home on business last oo aaa nothing was heard from bim until the other day, when he turned up, saying he knew nothing of what he had been doing in the interval In the meantime his wife had siven him up for dea:i, and married again — o* S of Shoes are beiug disposed of at unh | SHOULD MISS SECURING |Walnutand Mahogany ® A train on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas pits in repp. Hair cloth An evangelistic movement is on foot in | “tse, 7 Many railroad bridges have been washed floods in Pennsylvania and New York State. | Samuel Lobley, who stole jewellery while | I ae York yesterday to ten years in State’s | January Ist, 1891, Bargains in Boots and Shoes ntion to his Fur business, sirous of paying more atte See d Shoes to the ing de ay ing : led to offer his stock of Boots an as deci¢ public at wholesale prices. Now is the time to layin your stock of shoes for very little money. Children’s, in fact all classes Men’s, Women’s, Girls’, Boys, in| eard of prices. Women’s Buff Balmorals for 79c. Boys’ Long Boots, 75¢,_90c and $1.20. A.J. McPHERSON | Men’s Long Boots from $1.50 up. Ladies’ Fine Shoes, greatly below their value, $3 shoes, for $2.25, $2.50 shoes for $2, $2 shoes for $1.60, and so on. A fine lot of Skating Bals., only $1.33, Genuine Calf Bals., $1.50, worth $2. Good wearing Boots for $1. All work guaranteed. Repairing neatly executed. Rubbers and Overshoes away down in price. Call at 64 Ontario street for bargains. A. J. McPHERSON. THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR 1888. ous and Literary matter ificent Press Work, FORTY PAGES of Beantitul tilustral Coated Paper, Colored Lithographs, Magh Handsome Colored Cover, i BI Tw o BARGE SEPERF LEITHOG BeAPLAEC PLATES, in 15 coors, acecmpany this number, entitied. FRIENDS THE CANADIAN VU ITIA. _““T must congratulate THE ll executed, and appears to , and y about the latter plate says *- able a picture. Itis very we d appcé Ty1ik DIFFERENT UNIFORMS ARE CORRECTLY GIVEN HOLIDAY nglish productions. R. the office of Gen. Sir Fred. Middleton, in writing: GLOBE upon having produced so cre it me to be quite equal to any from home, the grouping not too stiff.” t- ae The whole number is, without doubt, the B EST H try. and much superior to the great majority of KE i 4 COPY OF THIS MAGNIFICENT NUMBE o be had from all Newsdealers and at Printing Company, Toronto. additional Five Cents to cover extra PAPER ever issued in this coun- No CANADIAN FAMILY PRICE 50 CENTS. T The Globe Orders from “the Old Country must be accompanied by postage. “ —$—$——— ———_—$—<$<———————L— BY CARRIAGES. T have a beautiful assortment of Children’s Carri ig ab the Lowest Prices, - ——————— BA I Excel in quality and ages W FURNITURE. Bedroom settsin Elm, Maple, Black ompetition, Also a fine line of parlor all kinds ef Lounges, Mattresses and ds,Crockery and Glassware. a price hich Iam selli: urnitureis complete. t prices that defy ¢ avd Plush. Also Tables, Sideboar My Suock of New F Springs. Chairs, CARPETS. Floor oil © ther beds and pillows made to order rret, cheaper than the cheapest and good cond hand furn ture, stoves ete. Hempand Rag Carpets, lets, Table Oloths. Fea m cellar to ga Tapestry, Cover I wil furnish you a Housefro Also eyery conceiveable #iing 1p 5° wits Lem ee ee eta — T have a first class Renovating machine and will call for and deliver all feather a thoroughly cleansed and satisfactory condition beds and pillowsentrustedto me ;with moderate prices LIME. load JOHN MYERS, PROPRIETOR Tw Medical Hall. Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, &c. We have just replenished this department by importations {) f New Goods. In Infants’ and Adult Trusses we haye now a good assortment. Our trade in Ladies’ and Gent’s’ Shoulder Braces has in- creased considerably of late, making it evident that satisfac- tion is given in this line of goods. J. H. NASMYTH & CO, 63 ONTARIO STREET, ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL. TELBEPHONE FREE TILL NEW YEAR'S FREE TILL NEW The ‘Advertiser’ WILL BE SENT TO—— NEW SUBSCRIBERS ——FROM NOW UNTIL— loth, Table oil Cloth, Blankets Talso eep a quantity of first class whitelime for sale by ‘he bushel or waggon O'FLAHERTY & QUIRK, Beg to announce that they are receiving daily Large Consignments of Goods, Which have been purchased at the Lowest Possible Price for Cash, And are prepared to offer to the public full lines of Teas, -- Sugars, -: Coffees, Also a full line of the BEST -:- BRAND -:- OF -:- LIQUOR. | ae wy | | Fish of ha 4 all kinds. Canned Goods of a kinds and Extra ING SALE! ——* COMMENCING TO-DAY. Values in China, Crockery and Glassware. A REa Ny ee November 28th, 1889, _ OFLAHERTY & QUIRK. GRAND CLEAR ERMAN-BROS, Surprising Reductions in all Lines. oO 1 Come early and secure~ fitst choice. ate Ree HOFF) . . “54 Ontario Street, Stratford. Bhi anus BROS. DR, W.H. GRAHAM'S British American Medici & Surgical Institute. mm 170 Kine St. West, Toronto, Onr, Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs & Heart. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ul ick]; , , &c., quickly cured, Nervous diseases and Dishesae of the Br in fodicased tae" : Fear ie oe all Neuraligia aSockion 7. aN As gia gs dea iseases Of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels characteri Indigestion, debe, 2 mar: Jaundice, Offensive Breath, &c., , ig ike : larrhoa, Costiveness, Piles, Tumers, &o. nig i the Kidneys and Bladder. *rivate Diseases and diseases of a private nat I : eri) Varicocele (the result of Youthful f ; Sa) Gleet, Syphivey afte May teeth mdipeanee ps Be ote: di ! olly and excesses) Gleet, Sy philitio affect. Diseases of Women, Painful, Profus corrhoea, (whites) Ulceration and all Call or write for particulars. as 1 j | i ‘ ise or Suppressed Menstruation, Leu Displacements of the Womb. Office hours.—-9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays2to4p.mr TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. GREAT CLEARING SALE ——AT THE—— POPULAR BOOKSTORE. J. H. DUFTON, © Has bought Rit out the Stock of a tay tcl CU., at a very low rate, and is determined to. E ee : § soon as possible All Bocke fees ee oe oh line at exactly half ptioé: Berlin Wools at 7 cents per oz: pt school books) at 33} per cent. discount, All Blank Books and Stati- | onery at 334 per cent. discount, Open till 8 p.m. Every Day. The Popular Bookstore, a b ® FOR ONE DOLLAR. P OPPOSITE THE;POST OFFICE. —