Listowel Banner, 11 Jun 1925, p. 1

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nubscription Rate $2.00 a Year in Advance. Otherwise $2.50 * a LISTOWEL, Tirursday, June 11th, 1925, ne 4 Get In Line For The ‘2 Motor Hike Next Wednesday PLANS COMPLETED. FOR HIKE ON JUNE 17th—WILL ‘}ISTOWEL AT 7 a.m—HIKE NOW OPEN TO ANYONE. z ‘ All aboard for the Chamber of Commerce fnotor hike to northern towns on “Wednesday next, June 17. r Bas ent eerie eet was } held on Tuesday evening t plete the vate of this aeeuat tke which is proving so popular and i¢ so efficient in advertising Listowel. The route as published last week will be followed as rigidly en possible. leaving Listowel at 7 @ the Listowel band will 5 along, a pout twenty strong, and they will EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five centsia line with mini- mum charge of 25c. $+ —— +--+ MAN WANTED Man wanted. Apply to Chas. Bin- ning, Phone 613 r 2 Lost Half Persiaryellow cat, with white breast. Reward. Apply to A. J. Oke LOST Two keys’on chain. Finder please retern to this office. WANTED Real reliable maid, to go to Co balt with Mrs. R. R. rown. Gooa wages. Apply Mrs. S. J. Stevenson. WANTED ——— to borrow on first mort- ce, $1000, 7% interest. Enquire at enis office. APARTMENTS TO RENT Apartments to rent with all con- pieure stoke Grand enn rl niture sto —w “FOR % SALE a sale, on easy terms; also V @ Farm for to rent. Apply J. Vv. tf apartment Scott SALE A’quantity of Silver Hull Buck- wheat for sale. Apply Wm. Grainger, Enquire at Molesworth store. 6-11 np FOR SALE Gasoline engine, four h.p. almost new. Terms allowed. Apply Steve layford. R. R. No. 3, Listowe, phone 614 r 33. FOR SALE OR RENT Seven roomed house, all conven ences. garag r sale or rent p- ply Mrs. A. G. Melrose, phone 294. tt HELP WANTED Young women to assiet in the Knit- ng and Sewing Departments. Steady mployment. Apply at office. The P. KX. Mills. Listowel. WANTED Youth leeving echool, must be able to take shorthand and willing to learn factory tine, Apply Mr. Oke, Piano Factory GARDEN PARTY The Wallaceville garden party will be held on Thursday, June 25th. on the churah grounds. Supper ee from 6 a 8 o'clock, Softball gam hetween Pordisteb and Wallace. Good program. Admission 35¢ and 20c GARDEN PARTY A Garden Party, under the au+ pices of the Donegal Church, will be held Tuesday evening, June 23, on the school grounds. Listowel Brass Band in attendance. Good supper and program. See bil FOR SALE 125 choice, bred- to-lay White Wyandottes, selected for large eggs, each showing splendid Hogan test, Come and see them f you © wan something good. Reason for sale~ sold Atwood property. apoly to Wm, Kentlall, Box 55, Atw GARDEN PARTY Reserve the date, Tuesday, June 16, for the garden party at the home of Abraham Cross, 3rd. line Wallace, put on by Orangemen and True Blues of No. 1847. Supper from 6 to 8 p.m Football match, tug-of-war, program of vocal an rumental music. Aa- mission 35¢ and 265c. LEAVE f course | me eight P, garden eats: Maynd ehareh will be held PA en m the telat ee Bee f diniogues: etc. Ad- poche 35c°and 6c. La ca important part in the day’s activi ie mike fe again thrown open tc anyone desirous of a fine day's out- st but non-members will: be charg d $2.50 each, the 50c¢ to go toward the expenses. The following resolu tion was pas motion ALoiting attendance at the hike-of-the-town residents to mem. bers of the Chamber of Commerce only be hereby -recinded. that non-members be permitted go on the hike under a gharge 2.50, the fifty cents going into the general fund of the Chamber of Com; ree. to It is expected that upwards 250 men will be taking in the trip, and it will take a lot of care to carry . If you own a car, drive it that day and take along a load. if you expect to go on Wednesday’ register your name at the Banner Ot- fice, whetli¢r you take a car or nov ane Lage is right away. e hike is some 40 miles iiertar iw last year it will not bed! necessary to drive so fast. Many 0 jected to the fast pace last year, je 20-or 25 miles an hour should kee the crowd schedule. cSMEMBER i. Register at Banner Office if you wit to go. 2. Register ~ — Office if you 7“ ‘driving ac 3. Every car w a be numbered. Re- member your number so that you may fnd it calle at different stops. Oo not pay of car, car before you le Gaeke ready. 3uy a badge to help pay ox ave. Have exact ounaek 6. Banners and numbers for cars | will be ready Monday and Tuesday Get them early and place On cars Tue sday night. 7. If a member, show your member- ship ticket when paying fee to col- lector 8. Be on hand at 7 ‘rowd must stay together diffe rent stops to avoid delays a.m. at sed: “That the previous D. Further. } oF} splendid sight, your fee to drives | Rev. Collectors will call at every | Listowel Cadets — Make Good Showing COL. GILLESPIE, PIE, OF LONDON, CONGRATULATED CORPS 0) EXCELLENT . ° APPEARANCE — SOCIAL TIME AT SCHOOL APF- TER INSPECTION. 2? The faspectios. ot the . High School cadets by Lieut-Col. Gillespie, C,.0., of letic Park, quite a Lapa of citizens. "The ca. dets, number 79, presented a w praotiealls everyone of cadet age in the school, being in the parade. They acquitted themse}- fes in-a very, creditable manner, tak- ing the various parts in the drille with a precision and effect that gave evidence of capable and careful plonge on the part oe the instruct- s. The cadets were in charge of Capt. Elston Moore, Lieut. Eric Eak wards, Lieut L. MeConaghy, Lieut, Fraser McDonald, Sergt. Major Lorne Halliday and Sergeants Lloyd Hall, Wm. Jack, Elgin Leppard, Wm Zoeger, Horace Peachey| The €ade: corps has algo a’ signal corps, whic gave a good demonstration ‘of signal- lin ng. Lieut- Colonel Gillespie. expressed imself as being exeeedingly well pie with the splendid work of |t the Listowel cadet and | thought they had a very good chance of winning the proficiency medal. I The cadets ee also addressed by i Mayor J. C. .J. P. Walter, chair- |man of the Board of Education, and B. Howard | Following the inspection, the ca- | dets were served refreshments at the school by the girls under the direc- ‘tion of the lady teachers. Principai |P, V. Smith provided the ice cream. Specials in printed crepes at John McDonald's. | Flower Show— If the paeonies are ready a ehaggec j y will be held on Frida end! Saturday of next week. Iris, cninm , bine and other flowers will be shown also. Items of Local Interest | Underwent Operation at Hespital— Mrs. Mahlon Good of Gowanstown Se aes an operation at the Mem. | his family from al Hospital. on Tuesday morning, and is doing nicely Ablé to be Out Again— | Reeve Aaron Ringler. who has _— confined to his home for a few weeks through apt was able to be down street this Returns from Hospital— . Henry Zilliax returned Fri- day front the General Hospital, Strat- ord, where she had her tonsils and | Hye removed. | Chrysler Coach— N . Zurbrigg was in Wind- sor thoedas on business, and return | ed home Tuesday with coach. Returns ee — ig PN Mr . R. S. Nickel motored to snoea” rs Wednesday. and at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Nickel’s brother for Tatton— Herb Zilliax and F. von zuben motored to Stratford and Kit- chener on Monday. and made some arrangements for the tattoo at Lis- towel on July Ist Arranging e ‘ | Moving This Week— | and Mrs. A. J. Vandrick are! moving this week into the residence on Dedd street they recently pur chased from Mrs. A. E. Windsor i Mecting of Utilities Conmidaion— The regular monthly meejjng a Listowel Public Utilities -Com ssion was held Monday evening. Sex eral accounts were passed for pay- f Bo Buys Business in Oakvitle— Dr. R. J. Milner and Mr. Carl Ga bel, formerlytof Listowel, have p ehased a grocery and butcher busi- nese jn OakviHe, and have already taken possession. Masons Visited by D. D. G. M— official visit of. Rt. Wor. Hy J. Jobb. D.D.G.M., of North Huron, was paid last Friday > ree to Ber nard Lodge, No. 225A. and A. M. At the Close of the Sera refresh: ments were served, Addresses wer6s — by several of the members in- siasatel the officers on the splen did manner in which the ipiegt was done. GARDEN PARTY The Molesworth Women's pane sor the |. ; with pneumonia, and is now re-cup- | “Listen In” on Service— | ed in” on “so a Chrysler! iT jage was done. Rent — on Raglan Strect— - Mr. M. Porteous, of the Per- | fect ‘nit Millis staff, ig 8 rented the brick residence of Mr . Brothers, on Raglan street, na eevee mov Peterboro the latter {work they might undertake part of this month. Relieving at Bank— Mr. O. go of Hamilton, re cently of the B ommerce branch at ‘cucbater, is relieving tem- 'porarily at the local branch of the Bank of Commerce, in e absence | of Lawrence Pirie, who has been fli, erating. A few Listowel radio fans “‘listen- seals wi morning on the Inaugural vices celebrating urch U aiea: in chs Arena, Toronto hey. were delighted with the clear- ness In which both addresses anc music came through. Mec reury yet Down— “It’s a short summer we've had,’ ed te ome citizen Wednesday in referring to the sudden cold spell which struck Listowel that morning. The cold was more felt more follow: ing the recent hot spell last week. There was from one-half to one de- gree of frost last night, but no dam- Former Friend Visits in Listowel— Councillor Harry Maloney had the pleasure of. having a former friend, Mr. Charles Fuller, of Goderich, cal) n sim on Sunday last. Mr. Maloney friends Fuller was accompanied from erich by his nephew, Mr. Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell and daughter. Moved to Listowel— Weer Bruce Herald —ana Times—Mr, H.-Zilliax, who.recently disposed of his druv store here, re- moved on Saturday with his wife and daughter to Listowel where he will Hee up for six months in an effort egain his health. He is storing his housenole effects here until such time as he embarks i buatuieoe, in some other town. Attended Funeral in Petrolia — Mr. and Mrs. C. Banzley and Jack, were in Petrolia on Wednesday, ai- tending the funeral of Mr. John Glo- ver, who died in Oakland, California last week. The remains were brought to Petrolia, where interm made. The late Mr. Glover is a bro- ther of Mrs, Banzley and father of Jack Banzley, who. Syuskhe his home with his aunt in Banzley and Jack week in Petrolia. . istow Mrs, are spending this r,| comed and entertained by Arthur *| chapter. Mrs. Bernie very graciously ex- was! was narrowly averted. The firemen dd Services Close ngregational Church SOCIAL EVENING ‘ING LAST THURS- Dax eee OF ‘SADNESS PERVADES \Y SERVICES. vices, social and’ spiritual, Church in Listowel. At a Tecent vote the congregation was about evenly on the question of union, Eee _was decided te close the ‘On yn eoNuradige last; “June 4th., at oodly numberof the members and friends met at the church, enjoyed ee pro- gram was given. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Washburn, Adriene Baker, Billy McNeeland and the Pastor; rec: itations. by Miss Tindall and Miss F, Tindall; trio by Mrs. Baker, Mrs. EB. Hallman and Mre. Washburn. Dr. James Moore gave a very in. terestDig and appropriate, address, Mr.-B. Couch, chairman of the Boara, and Superintendent of the Sunday School, gave a brief review of. the work of the church and school since he connected himgelf with it some years ago astor made a few ge remarks, thanking the org- nist and choir for the excellent ser- wich rendered durifig his pastorate, and heartily wishing them and alt the members abundant success in any in the church they would join; The services on Sunday were al well attended, all realizing that this was their last Sunday as Congrega- tionalists. Special music was render- ed by the choir, composed of a duet by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Washburn, solo by the Pastor, a trio by Mes- dames Washburn, Baker and Hal- man, a quarteette by Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. W burn. In the morning Rev. Rayner spoke on “The Need for Divine Guidance,’ basing his remarks on ul's ques tion, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do.” t e evening service his subject was. ‘““The Urgent Need For a Definite a " Communion service was he t both morning and even- ing sorvices. the afternoon session the sup erintendent and teachers felt keenly the parting with their young friends, but urged them to join an other Sunday School at once, with the consent-of thelr parents. Egg Grading Case Against L. L. Anderson Dismissed | L. L. Anderson, on, Produce Dealer of | Kineardine, son of T, .G Anderson, local egg dealer, who was charged! with failure to cokapiy with four sec- ‘tions of the Act- respecting grading and buying | up for trial before Poliec Magietrate | McCartney, of Wiarton, in Kincat dine, on Friday, June 5th. Robert G. MacFarlane, rister, appeared on behalf of Mr.! Anderson, being apposed by Mr. Newman of Port Elign, Counsel for the Government, who was assisted by, Inspector Morrison and an Inspector from Montreal. n the conclusion of the case | for the government Mr. MacFarlane | moved for dismissal upon the ground. ‘that sufficient evidence had not ind adduced to warrant a conviction. Aft-|) ra very spirited argument, the| Magistrate disraiseed the — with. out calling upon the defence | local -bar- | Mrs. J. W. Bernie Elected D. D. G. M. of Eastern Star A mber, ofspast officers ‘ouaahors of Perth Chapter O. motored to Arthur Monday iit and attended the District meetin for the election of the District Dep. uty Grand Matron, Mrs. Ber nie being unanimously elect The Chapters in the district wer. well represented and cordially wel- and 5. 8., pressed her gratitude to the officers for electing her to the high office of D. D. {Two Fire Alzrms best, Ww Week— The firemen were called out on both Friday and Saturday. but net ther fires were serious. On Frida) evening about 8. 15 the firemen were Fair, he ce d that morning and’ continued smoulder causing the emoke. On Sat- from the electric iron, and a made good runs in answer to both’ alarms. é Specials in broadcloth, Raieurae summer Listowel Women At ‘Head of W. C. T. U. RESOLUTION PASSED ING PREMIER FERGUSON— a7, L. HAMILTON CHOSEN presi. | CREST. TENDER, $22,500, AO-jto the proaietlon pt saeeln: sew DENT CEPTED BY JUDGE GAULT— | lines of garments, keeping fully te see HAD PREVIOUSLY PU breast of the very latest fashions in — repesentation from the en- . M. BANK-—PROB| 22, Terleas aud: sthloty e very tire district was present at the an- Wate larton last Friday. Very satisfactory icy were prone in by the var- BUSINESS. At Judge Gault, Local Master, the Court. House in Hamilton, F.W. Hay and Wm. Climie qualifications for this work and thac ow s departments % ; are Judge Gault, Local Master __, nuene oa ne Des been_ successful is rare: by “given “y Rev. opper an Rev. na ‘or the sa parcel have Greening of Fullarton and Mrs. Holl- | No. 1 consisting of Buildings, Plant, se that fast 5 roe "mill {day of Mitchell. machinery, equipment, furniture and 5 ra ei: me Peak 8 Bessie tions. were. pas- sed, am creed, freedom from ure en the prohibition issue.” “That we depiore Premier Fergu- son's attitude on recent plebiscite as m, ‘That we adogt ae a cardia’ acorns of our political party domina- tion of the members of the legislat- Also of cash subject to all claims the bond m under which th parcel, one put im by Mr. M, K. Bec fixtures of Perfect Knit Mills Limit- ed. The bitis were made on the basis that might be entarteoe in priority uf property was being sold by the potcty There were only three bids for this ped of these Hines have been already sold out to the capacity of the mills to turn them out and have had to be withdrawn from sale. An order has however been. placed for new ma- chinery, to be delivered at the ear- -| liest possible moment, that will tre- being a dishonor to Canadian democ- ~ Listowel, for $12,000; one by| bie the préduction in these lines ana acy.’ Mr. Wil Mitchell, Kincardine, = it is hoped in this and other ways te The following are the officers. $17, 300; ant-the-other by Mess take-care ofas much as possible of Pres., Mrs. T F. W. Hay and William Climie, Taine the business offering and » largely L. Hamiltot-of_Listo- wel; vice-president, Mre. J. Dick! son of St. Marys; corresponding sec retary, Mrs. L. A. Fleming of Listo wel; recording secretary, Miss Hilda Kidd of Mitchell; treasurer. Mrs. Weitzel of Stratford Will Celebrate n- ly advertised and he ‘ordered erce the ed that the sale had been thorough- -| highest bid to be recorded as accept- d and that deeds of conveyance be waite out ‘to the successful bidders and delivered to them as soon as the purchase money was paid to the Trustee. As Messrs. Hay and Climie had already purchased from 7. Canadiaz,|and Mr . Church Union Bank of Comm al inven- increase the output of the The operating staff at pesaent con- sists of Mr. imief who will have charge of finances and office work, Mr. Manager of the business, Mr. Ralph Matthewman, Superintendefit of the Spinning De- partment with general oversight ov- er Yhill operations, Mr. Frank M. Porteous, Superintendent of the Knitting and Finishing Departments n Robbie, in charge of the Dye, House. Extra hands — be- e tory of stock in trade By Nand: con-} ing taken on weekly as the equip- SPECIAL INAUGURAL SERVICES} sisting of raw materials, goods in| ment is boing installed or sete put WILL BE-HELD IN THE UNITED | Process, finished goods, supplies, etc..| into shape and the prospects are that CHURCH ON SUNDAY—SACRA- they are now the owners of the en-| the uae wil be kept reine to~ MENT OF LORD'S SUPPER. The service on Sunday morning at the The United Church, formerly je a i Church, will be of special nterest, as the consummation ot} Ohare Union will be celebrated. The game order of service is being fol- “O come let us w orship ad bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our: Maker. For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.""—Ps. 95: 6-7. 2. Doxology, followed by Invocation. 3. Praise. Psalm 100: “All people that on earth do dwell.” 4. Responsive Reading: Psalm 118: 1-4; 19-26 5. Choir Selection: " The “Te Deum Limited. For the meantime have formed a partnership style and firm na Mills, Listowel, the business The firm are retaining me of The P- and are the tire assets of the Perfect Knit Mills they under the K operating ' property is’ well suited. for ser- | vices of Mr. George G. Smith, late o1! Winnipeg, who has been in charge ot! = st rong effort will now be made to ‘denne of thé former mills of the t. This tindustry and can now be-offered for such B purpose on attractive terms, The owners are most hopeful that with feneral improvement in trade pointed by the Confer Sherbourne St. The attendance was lar, met at any other such gathering. ings an about-each othe elt t tinctly Methodist were being ‘and-after that not, Church on Tuesday. rgée, a greater number of ladies being alr a than friends met in the aeittors and at the church front to exchange greet- inquiries re, But on e solemnity of the océtasion. The final meetings which were dis- held, as Tennyson 6aia say as nearly as sensei " alli the business since last August, dur-jand by keeping keenly alive to the sha ton congrega or ye ie time he has deveted his/ requirements of their customers in ven est efforts to reorganizing affairs. modern merchandising a larger an in eeerawentatives of the three unit. throUghent the mills and the salesja successful baxinbae can bs palit members that desire to join the Un. tones, ‘ppole! atantion Dele peta: ay. jted Church, and these three /lists| ~~ will be accep ‘by a standing vote, | as the mem ship roll of the U ant li a” ‘ ed Church of pes in Listowel. P M. rg Church of Canada in Listowel, reliminary Meeting of Delegates es by. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, of} aoe t A a i , a baal” aon Presbyterian] to General Council a eisai Rev. W. Rayner and Rev.} + John Geach. Rev. Atkinson will give! By Rev. E. W. Edwards. : \ | the Communion . addre and the} : 1 niste | sacrament will be administered. ser: The preliminary meeting of the; tional one: In both Canada and Scot- bane | Methodist delegates to the General] land union needed becatse division 1. Call to Worship: | Council and the representatives ap-| was wicked when great areas n| great masses of the people remained unreached, and the waste of men ae money, which are the 4 sinful, and the new church would be d| free from state control and in sore sense really national Winnipeg, said that w estmin ster Church, Winnipeg, had its cor einer stone inid,-they believed union was coming, and did not use any de- nominational Word on the stone, but just called it “Westminster Church.” Dr, Dayies, Laudamus.’ Principal Tuttle, Rev, 6. Prayer: followed by ‘the Lord’! the dark, but the peed are ot} Mr. Hughson and Mr. Elmer Davis, a r in conc }a new ecclesiastical condit | ga ave excellent addresses on soms . Praise: “m) for a pe tongues! The general officers of the aon Ne of Methodism. Al gence ng.’ 8. New “Testament Lesson—Eph. 2; or Eph -16 ; 9. Intimations 0. Offering: ¥ > ay yer. 11. Pratse: “Come, Holy Ghost, souls inspire." 12. na. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, 13. Prayer. 14. Pr ie: “O God of Béthel.” 15. Bénedietion. Splendid Offer Offer For Wheel Factory FAC. OFFER DEFUNCT INTERNATIONAL. PIANO TORY PREPARED TO TOWN $15000 FOR WHEEL FACTORY. Mr. L. J. Burrows, on behalf of the International Piano Factory, and with their authority, is prepared to offer the Town of Listowel the sum of $15,000 for the old Perfect hed ot factory, which is now’on their hands. This is-an offer that the we fa- ‘{thers cannot very well refuse, as iy likely be called early next week tc consider the proposition which will be laid. before them in detail The International Piano Factory Is ut present ‘giving employment to a bout 43 hands, and if they can secure addition pace would employ at least 25 more hands. This would mean @ ment and other families would tome to town. At the present time an aver: a of two carloads a week, as well or four truck: loads is being The Council would do well to act at once on such an offer followed by Offering our were Ltneaat, and most of seemed to be very busy. pale, quiet, stately, presided rare dignity. Dr. Moore, Ww Young and Mr. 10 minute addre holy trinity, fornfing a holy Cath hol Church with room for variety worship and method, in Scotland would embrace 90 pe cent of the people of Scotland, Dr. Chown, {to a A De ai gave) [ate ‘with those of like mi young pointed out nat “~ oe take into | Jesus Christ. things! cupled with be went to France did. not bury; Canada by being urged“into the Brit} ot, Biffin, but actualed| 2586 boxes of colored cheese were and united by. one spirit. The U nion | offered. sqi17 9-1 that the United Church in Sees pa street, would become In a real sense & Ra emjed that Methodism was not comin an end, but was just finding ate pee rh > in which to exercise her his- » gifts, and in, which, to. co-oper- nd in hpelt- ng the COMBS of the Hingge om res Vednesday wi the joint. sessions ad nad always emphasized, evangel-| the meetings will be held in the af-- personal experience and gift of; ena—of them more next week °"E. W. E the new chutfch three great we ism. song. Mr. Hezzelwood said that men} See the specials tn volles and ish army, they put Canada on the ———— dresses at John MecDon- map. And this thing the Union will} do fro Methodism _- The two Presbyterian deseanaonl Dairymen'’s Exchange Mecting— spoke with exceptional appropriate-| The Dairymen’s Exchange regular ness. Dr, Ganider said that the three} apg was held Friday afternoon uniting churches. were forming ain the Council Chamber. Buyers prea- ho po were Me Riley, ssrs. Muir, Ballantyne, Hansen and Johnston. 17%4¢ was the Stee bei ri Le rH w cere reported on the ts the highest bid ae he mi pen were sold at this Wide Open Chamber of Commercé Motor Hike Wednesday, June 17 Register at Banner Office at Once “Everybody Welcome Price to non-members $2.50 :

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