for sore -gnd chest. I would Sor be rao ei canted bottle.” Thursday, June 2ith,, 1925. av o {All articles credited. The Banner doesn't Pape essarily agreé with views expressed). URIED a (Kincardine Review-Reporter to dig its gra ma the town tivnlehes the epffin. time from, his» business fairs is making the shroud. funerai and sings the doxology. of the world. PAPERS OF THE PROVINCE (Fergus News Record) Since the amalgamation of the two Kincardine papers, there is now one town in still two weekly ~ newspapers. Ion. In. Wellington. there. are bela the last one to face ; That Suit Looking i cannot be excelled anywhere. A town that never has anything to) with the 4 do-in-a-public way is-on the way to} the cemetery. Any citizen who will! do nothing ro his sty is helping | to a visitor. oy displa that cusses | flag The, man who ie so selfish as to have nt. | flown below the Union Jack. Wh to give af-|the British fla man who will not advertise i, service town lice buried from al! the sorrow} stripe of the Cross only; ue Bruce where there are flown; | red ensign, called the Canadian ‘anadia: the field times it is desi to is not correct, for § flag to orations, the Union J pg agar ig the purchase, of the offering they | shou d be next to the masthead; for oe paoes 1 n | us mernaaee it'is an indication of dis omen sherabold pide aider it ed easy marks by these sharp indiy jt to fly after sunset, It pulpit, and nothin should always he held upright-an For indoor decorations the flag ma a | compelling 7 fying of the flag o }any occasion that ie the Union Jack. The m coat of arms in is proper only ion Some- urtesy fee a foreign | * . If so it is sire gy cr ba though it be en and other flags are displayed together, as in street dec. on | Streets running North and South. In And thus the | hoisting the flag The flag should never be hoistea | before sunrise, nor 6hould it contin never ‘should be used as a cover for table, na| box, desk or that is the county town of Walker-| should be placed upon it. If carried no; wo-paper towns, the city of Guelph! never allowed to touch the ground. r any law to prevent ‘OSE OF DOUBTFUL V. . tea wirit * ae em ef the chief Heasctet duis of the: fn Montreal and vicinity is the group of stock saias- mien who pester shareholders of ont company .to.switch into. another stock, very frequently of dealers al etimes wort to cosh and the proceeds applied to idhals and it would be well for then. to consult thdir pee commer highs tak ng any action, or in t cases Py pinsters and widows, Mature banke some reliable, well-informed fin- cial friend who is willing to ‘give them conservative advice, G Ma any these salesmen, 6omé of; who He Poiana ‘high’ pressure | & y 3 i j itable. Dufferin still maintains two} be caught up in any graceful fashion artist my 34 tne. wrare riven fo | in Orangeville where they were three; 224 used with bunting or pceoary erockal dealings and arp following | j until recently and two in Shelbourne. bebe it should never be below a per | thelr customary tactics in ‘Ca ada. | There are very few-Ontario towns| $0 sitting. When the flag is used some of them: having headquarter: | ;now with more than one weekly | #t the unveiling of a statue or tablet| i, montreal ' . ba lnewspaper. But ifthe number or| it should not be allowed to fall to One scheme wit has been effect | inewspapers is growing” less, the|the 8round, but should be raised and| ;,, has been to »proach small} |standard is improving and Canada | tilowed to wave, forming a feature! tradesmen and Py the urchase of! |has many weekly newspapers that the ceremony. There is no ‘ Dp some well known, local stock which: | bl enjoys an exsellent reputation. . The} | i : tock Is s 8 2 ~ h bb ? TYPE YOUR SIGNATURE fit Borin: day and night throughon tastalnent Plane ae ae = alg a y ® (New-York Times) F this would be "s, kiden. violatl aa imety’ backeted and -the - part | paj-| i | No matter who it was that firs) fine etiquette. But custom ‘has ‘aime ments put In their own pockets. Hay | Bs ce rr > | suggested that the written signatpres | ; it almost obligatory for -tflose he ing established what seems to be a; " }on typed letters and docunients | have flags to display wrens on Vic.|20und reputation for conservative | : | should be accompanied by the same} y,.44 Day. the King’s Birthd De dealings in the eyes of their r inexper-; \ |name, over or near the written one.| minion Day ana ‘Ariilaties Day. The tenced clientsW switch to some othe: | n a Grae lin machine-made duplicate, he wa ' . offering suggested. Some- No monty for a new one? Nev- ja benefactor to a considerable frac- aged on Dabs ogee Sie holidae Senes these are worthless if they. are! i er mind, bring In all your ola tion of the human race. lie Good Friday Labdr Dep delivered but delivery is generally be. | All the people who write ilegibly Thanksgiving and ‘Ch ist . ant delayed for a time on one pretext! ta clothes, we will make them | write their names still more illegibly iope to see hore flage fiyine 1 th ‘i or another. In the long r the! iF . |than they anything else, ana] qi. The Great’ War Veter as in “ *Iclient loses everything. ’ fe look like new, and keep them many whose writing as a rule is de- aeesiian Shatudhitce “~~ mln This. emphasizes’ the necessity 01 | be. Hike new at a surprisingly low cently legible make mere hen-track»} Wy i0y promises to line aa tity the public being extremely careful & ? a) |when it comes the one part o treets with flying flags, thus givin about deailng with strangers who a , ; cost. ‘their communication for the reading Tnans unwonted lifa-ara cot & &ldopt such methods. A great deal of | ol of which the context gives no help.| inoressing upon. the goer nes sens money would be saved if old estab | a ‘hey seem actually to be proud Of] wnat the flag stands for ana the lished houses dealing in securities! e SNegibility, as if it showed how man) unforgettable “shenihvlas ont e a were consulted before undertaking! : ;and how large are the checks they} wiry” sini a. Joe Lockhart The Tailor are signin constantly g. must know the trouble they They other folk. | make but apparently they do not | their time and convenience more than they do the time and convenience of That is_a trait not at ah WHAT'S BECOME OF SALLY. “What confuses me,”’ said an intei 2 2 Vv y can t jeare. The truth fs that anybody can) iipont and studious Japanese clera } writh legibly who will. Those whoj .) tries to keep abreast of Amer do not, simply show that they value : gust can development, ‘‘is changes in your national “It seems that your the music ane rapid anthems." commitments or exchanges. ERINGING UP CHILDREN They all sat round in friendlv chat Discucsing chiefly this-and that— And a hat. When over the wav a neir ,| Was seen te act in wavs quite bad— a Thher'’s tad We call and deliver. pretty songs go too fast for me kee yh, "twas sad! : pe ; well informed, But a brief time ago}One thought she knew whet shoula i 7 ,}/a song deeply deplyred th grea. ye done r (i ) ! Dy 4 = ; RURAL SCHOOL CONSOLIDATION | dearth of bananas, Searcely had 1, With every child beneath the sin— (Waterloo Chronicle) mastered the meaning of the words She had none * | The propos t abolish . locall when the market evidently recoverea | ANd ere her yarn was quite w = spur | } jschool boards and create township|and with the bountiful supply oi] Another's theorles were begun — } a oge | boards in their place, made-by Pre-| this tropical fruit the song was a- She had one } ; ; al ing |mier Ferguson, has elicited’. mach bandoned. . The third was not so anre she knew | 5 ;comment, favorable and unfavorable. . » nation seemed pani { But-thus. aud se -she thought he'a} : Feet amis b soure. ee ections : province F occten over the fear of a protrac: do— | a P many of the rural schools have anieq q period and there was muct. ‘e had two a a er uttendanfe of twenty or less, in fact | deplor! ring the fact that there wae nu| The next ‘as mateo “Now let me see, ty ‘schools with ten pupils are not un-| rz n prospect. Rains came wit)| These things work out so differen: | “ENVELOPES }eommon and some have even less | the antumn and ite nsloty died our ly"— j \ than this number. For this reason; «Then we heard a great deal a She had three. | INK the consolidation of two, three or! poyt an ove rheated mamma. The hid | The fifth drew on her wisdom store 7 LaeNarcnd four schools in some districts, is for) den meaning of this one I did no.{And said, “Ill have to think it o'er’ | MAGAZINES ” ny as the school ld b St ; economy as the schoo could 2 at all Ww hy should one’s mam- She had four fc: BOOKS OF ALL KINDS taught by one teacher. it + 10 The = one said, “You can't con- | id On the other hand the fear is ex-| “Last nicht tT hes ard one I have ye. triv | a. HYMN BOOKS pressed in some quarters that con- {to get in printed form though 1) Fixed riiles for boys; they're tos! solidation would mean unduly expen: | have tried. I am sure ft will prove alive’’— | BIBLES sive iy resi higher sataries Andi an intellectual treat when it is fu She had five. ' ‘mnie Dace probably residences for principals. It) iy and carefully translated.’I heara| “I know /t puts one in a f CREPE PAPER las inted ’ i ler | in at . t t s also pointed out that in smaller) it sung in a theatre between a trag-| This ¢ tralehtening of “erooked sticke” Be CONFETTI schools more attention can be given| $7 and a comedy on the screen. had s \ |individual pupils. The view is held was entitled “‘wootel-eye-doo"” and L eeeaOR NOT F: | Merchant Taine: Main Street LISTOWEL Now Located In 41 he Old Bailey Stand) rd Made In Listowel PHGNE 327 Have your clothing We are. now in tion ty give service on all kinds ef antomobiie rep Cord - SO RP iwi eek ee Oepieeeee Tubes 30 x 34% ..... via Dinlop Junior Cord, 20. x ‘3% 88.95, “guaraniend: $000 imiles. | * Dunlop Touring Cord, oversize, $10.05, gu 9000 miles. | New SMP Enameled Sink Also the larger sizes, and Balloon tires to fit your present ms. ‘ : ~“ Presto-lite Sales and Service as McTavish Bros. eoeonyoe VANCOUVER CALGARY 1a) wT Garage Wallace 8t. 3 Doovs South of Inkerman Su "Phone 63. f Also the SMP Enameled McDonald ‘lye i Phone Drain Board uw. Hugh McGillivray ... Pri -00 ; Rivenneeaal STOCKS - BONDS - GRAIN - MORTGAGES very beng ang unc vali, ital INSURANCE includes all fittings. Sold by plumbers, Seer Mens Peau mai LISTED and UNLISTED Securities Bought and Sold. | TORONTO moeneee FOR SALE Baby Chicks DELAMERE PRODUCTION offered by the same hi gh standard, laying Production 8. White Leg horns. for which we have tes receiving aplece for ridiculously low .price each *hone or write once Delamere Poultry Farm Stratford, Ont. THOS. G. DELAMERE, Established 1903 Phones 489 j or w. Prop EGHORNS DO NOT DELAY in senha your order for Jnly deliv . This fs a —— never colpre We are offering heavy strain of am re per amere g and Montreal Exchanges. Connection with Toronto, New York, Chicago, Winnipeg Information supplie/ on any Securities without charge 1| Then one “lariores. “There's no rule n, i SCHOOL SUPPLIES, etc. ete, Give Us A Call : | ELLIOTT & GREER q Quality and Seroice : Gable’s oni aan Listowel. | Thank You! Since our advertisement appeared in the Listowel Banner. we have re- orders .for ‘nearly 10000 echitks. For years we have been atriving to build ap a good laying etrain and we take this opportunity to thank those who appreciate our sefforts by placing their orders with ma thereby making this the very bes “year we have ever had in the poultry Dbisiness. If you have been disap- pointed in getting your supply. of chicks we wil! have a ing out July 6th. Right now is thse ‘time ‘to place your order: Walter Rose BRUSSELS ‘ - ecelyed In reply to a townsmian’s question as to the return a fowl gives for the Brain it gets, a wide-awake farme: writes: “‘After close calculation my experience-is that ‘east one peck for gets.” — every grain e minister was at dinner with next municipal election Ww e that what has been proposed by Prem ONTARIO | ¢ fowl gives at t WEDDING CAKE BOXES jthat in any event no change should C am anrious to get at the beautifu a , ve made without a clear mandat | diversion and“mental stimulus, OFFICE SUPPLIES from the people affected secured sure.’ —Exchange. through a plebiscite taken at the| actin agree with the Farmers’ Bi in! boy. A red-haired, n| applied for the job. jer Ferguson can ‘only be made to “Do you like work?" A coal merchant had advert! ned for red-faced boy | asked the | Ij But do your best and trust to hee ven"’— She had seven. = NO | USE c ‘AL LING One of the favorite stories of tha clever Scottish comedian, Will Fyffe | concerns a certain Sandy . McNabb. who, being a popular and well-known member of the village kirk, was _ ed by the minister to canvass the ot ;er members on behalf of a charity jhe was interested in. | Soon afterwards the minister mev Sandy walking irresolutely along the ¥ and at once guessed the cause. | “Sandy,” he éaid, earnestly, “I am sorry to see yon_in this state.” “Ah, weel, it's for eause,” happily. see, meenister, through these qubatveantitnam been down to the glen collectin’ fun’s, an’ at every me hae a wee drappie." “Every house! But—but Sandy, there are some members who are “Aye, there are; those!"’ “ teetotallers?”’ - in comment- ing on recent law passed in thet State Florida bachelor, inrocaine a $5 tax on bachelors, s it's worth $500 a year to be the good of the replied the deli — quite rou it's I've the hoose they mads surely, of the kirk but I wrote tae 82 single, WATCH T ye ty of work eatisfactorily if public opinion! merchant. 's hehind {t and the way to yer “No, sir,” sald the boy. pel bie opinion is by a plebiscite fol-| «Then you can have the job! Yon lowing on-a general discussion. ‘re the first bey who's been here to- day and hasn't told a lie IN THE NAME OF STYLE (London Advertiser) Many young men leave the farm} There have ben many jokes pass- -}.to go to the city to look for work be- ed about the summer furs . worn cause ad home it's waiting for them eo ladies, and the jokes, good as they} regularl are, are not one-half as cood as. the real thing when it actually gets into a ee operation, Yesterday at‘the corner of Rich, mon and Dundas, when a very fm partial thermometer was showing 93 degrees in, the ghade, one th summer furs was in operation. One man monped a pratruding brow with his handkerchief. and proceeded te wring it- ont . it wouldn't mildew in his pigs, nother sought. the shade of a fr featdiy awning and fann ed ‘nimelt with bis last year's ‘straw Then came the fur. A young wo- man of twenty oho had no fear that heat or ‘cold would play havoc with her shins had a powerful lot ofpcon= sideration for ck, for around; * her collarbone at the back and the 4 a ho was:mopping grk grk ed and the fellow hsbing under th wes awning said: “Well, all the... si 8 . (deleted ‘by the ceinee: ) FLAG FLYING i » (Mail and Enmipire) nadians entering the a R Cj 3 J = 3 2 S J 2 —_ =) o & 2 od 8 e 3 = Es | ~~ GOOD First Ten Years---- Most of our habits, good or bad, are formed before we're ten years old. Help your child form the health-habit: Give him -plen- HOSE BREAD Have a slice ready when he he will come to recognize the nutritious flavored, ‘highly Bakers. loaf and other foods less valuable. ZURBRIGG BROS. \ " comes running from school. Soon difference between thie fich- Listowel. THE SECONDHAND CAR Theres a g'rievous mistake you are likely té make If a car you're determined to buy When you’ go to - conten and put out some fee And find that the pen is too high; Then ven ony w a vim, “I will be AND Foe saighiots have beat me so But ril dig up the jack to buy some kind of a ha “ee you purchase a secondhand teat ries Rigi pleasant day you start For . vey Bas zo straight as a bolt Ah! but right in the-m ig ET 6 sl ou sep with a jar anda ake; If it ‘se the tires why then it’s the € rires, It i t isn’t the wires, it’s the brake. There you tinker and fase and you cues the old b And you hope a Sarage isnt’ far— If you want all your trouble to cer- ~ tainly double Just purchase a een wale c. lara. That was quite a etiaitl - aay that a lady s } ahs ae jolt! You. mer Oe on the er bet. ite