Thursday, June 25th., 1925 : |W. M. S. Conventior Business Directory || “WSQidt® |" aa at credton Dileonize Thesé! Advertisers Whenever You Need. the wemepene Cliaoee een ieeet MRS, J. 8. STAMM OF NAPER. Services of Reliable Business or Professional ‘Men _ Exchanges. * geraa: OPFICERS ELECTED. : “ PATS ER i Chevrolet Garage Robbed— The Crediton Evdngelical Church LEGAL a MEDICAL Sometime during last Thursday|W2S the meeting place sixth = e A night rip A. x po ty ok garage was . -a . BERT G. MacFARLANE H. D. LIVINGSTONE, M. B, entered.and hig cash register reliey- 5 Physician and Surgeon. Office|ed of a little fover eleven dollars. When customers _ Successor to Late J. E. Terhune Barrister, Notacy. Papite, Conves-| over Livingstone’s Drug Store, corn- The thieves entered ghe garage by ag La Ping: and near to receive =: a. - Bese" er Main and Wallace streets. Phone|raising’a window at the back of th. | the inspiration and blessing from the go 0 e. i Office over E. D. Bolton, 0.1.8. | 59. Night phone 113. Dullding and, then through snother /Addresses given by the | convention t Ss revealed. The flavor is. pure window, Into the office e guilty . . J. 8. - ‘ window, Into ‘the office. The guilty crv, itl, "second vier president] country fresh and fragrant. Try it. b tarti 1 ts lat-|and candidate: secretary of the Gen- f Be B. MORPHY. K. C. A. G. SHIELL, M-"D. be some, starting. deve opmems ““leral’ Woman's’ Missionary Board: grocers and \ Black, Mixed dr Green Blends. ister, Notary Public, ‘Consey- Physician and Surgeon ‘ Miss Marie Hasenpflgg, Changsha, fpaéebiaes continue to eee, "Solicitor fo- Pank of Com- Diseases of Women and Surgery. | Fourrlegged Chicken— China, Miss Vera Schweitzer, Heid- ly th b allin: ‘ merce, Listowel, Milverton, Atwood. Phone 18 Mr. t. Jones; TR. New ‘Lak alberg, Ont., under/appointment to supply them by ¢: & 5 - 2 Money to loan, Office over J. Office. Tnihevuee Street, West. eard, s The Speaker, has a four- up out-of-town pros- 4 Hack ng's Drug Store, Main St. Lis-| Opposite Presbyterian Church. legged ‘chicken etched’ in’ bis poul-| | At the eee pea ot he poe in a circle of 30, : towel. _|try yards. It seems a perfectly norm- na obs ml - ene addresse ai a in DR. ALEXANDER FISHER al chicken, but for the two legs and| D1, C°MnO Ww Mrs. in the program 40, or 50 miles on an ap- sj J. ©. HAMILTON, B. A. feet, complete, on each side. As the) Dac & < d > Th a tans inted day and hour, Se Pho Stratford,’ S$ are not jointed, thet is;-have no @._W. jpom Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor] Special attention given to care of |eibow. the bird is clumsy in its walk, | efinite place, the speaker said, and and getting their orders. “4 ‘| unless she fills that place she has no e ’ e ee: for the Imperial Bank of © Canada. nts and Children. but nevertheless manages to get a-|"" D Office on south side ‘ , right to exist. Her right to exist is V1 n Money to loan. Office o h round quite lively and pick up a g00d | eect Ee voditive naswer to Grocers sa they can well I = of Main street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- DR. F. J. R. FORSTER living. afford to do so on’ weekl Amery Parl “° a - Pye Far, N a : i a8. rs SBUCAtAAL torte? ik bd whe orders. Deliveries are bone ¥ Bonda for Sale. ~ ev ene Ane Gk (SaaS Lutheran Minister to Wed— ~ n educational factor? Is the W.M.S. by truck or express. r a Gokous in medicine, University tg na J. Wie. ‘web wy be tne : “ flaancial asset? Is the W.M.S. a new utheran 5 ’ ©. MORTON SCOTT, B. A. Late assistant New York Ophthal-|has passed his final examinations at | ®°0s,cuomabip qetes ctanesiah ‘Visitors renting aa at Can be bolstered up and stimulated by letting us do your * — Barrister, Notary Public, Convey-| Mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s|the Waterloo Seminary and is this|, yery beautiful pageant “Sisters A- nearby points readily re- ; . ; Eye, a5 Golden, Bquare Throat Hos-|week joining the ranks of the bene- | cross the Seas" the second evening of —_ oe to supply baking. Dont worry’ and stew over a pie for dinner or’ some vitals, Lond n dicts. The reverend gentleman an them, and this is usuall a , Office diate, Adolphs Lora, ly 53 Waterloo St. Stratford, Phone 267 | hisebride are expected at Walkerton cdg ge = A Tne SOLER bry profitable business. y cake for supper, when you can buy such delicious baking at i aie be in Listowel the first eer about June 29, to take up residence |«pne Three Calls.” She ‘told the story ZURBRIGG’S . . i n the month, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. |in the Lutheran parsonage. Mr. Wit-/of pr. Ida Scudders call ito the ntis- We would be glad to help ; . 4 DENTAL tig was ordained into ~ ministry at |sion field im~India. Miss. Vera Sch-| you work, out a plan for ; r ; sock VEFRRIN SRY Sebastopol ‘two weeks ago. eps under appointment to China, reaching this trade ‘ ‘ W. G. B-SPENCE prc. A, House, vs, |Weflning Bolt Hite Car Render *70Ke,0n,,./nuner Art They Bonne. Our Bread is the Staff of. Life Dayerene! Uraduste a ore ee Graduate - the Ontario Weterinary be spies padtie-atbnel aad thrill. = Sete wpe convention On - . I ~Pepartment of University of Penn-) College. Memb 5. | Wie ~The Challenge -of ‘the ~ Miastonary| 7] A sylvania, Philadelphia; also gradu- . mber of On As-/ ing experience last Tuesday evening Enterprise,"" The attention of the n most Listowel omes ate of The Royal College of Dental! 41; Diseases of Domesticated Animals when, ha, da pa gars ats audience was drawn to the fact that eons, Toronto. Office over Schin- Promptly attended t r : beeause.of the greater — — ath. Surgery a Specialty. ning just grazed the car, age = greater responsibilities rest fenders on one side of the car tO/them than ever before and that teens Qffice Central Barns, Listowel, For painless extraction we use nit-| Siones: Office 325 W: Howes ee turn blue. The road was torn up for] responsibilities must be shouldered. rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- a distance of some 15 feet by the A children’s story hour “was con- 4 five anaesthesia, lightning.—Hanover Post. ducted by Miss Hasen : y 3 pflug. The INSURANCE children were greatly delighted with meas ZURBR IGG BROS. May Reforest 1000 Acres in Bruce—| the curios from China which ‘she - ®. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.8. | Three Government officials were} owed them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Graduate of the Royal college of FIRE INSURANCE [in Amabel and Albemarle Twps. last Thursday evening Miss Hasenp- In the Matter of the Estate of John Bakers. : ; Listowel. a0 bya Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- | week inspecting the land recommend- flug spoke on “Our China Mission. Koch, late of the Town of Listo- vers in best companies; also accident, au-|eq by the Reforestation Committee] , - P ” vary ine ‘1, D Sec cas Oxide Gas for Extractions.| tomobile, burglary, plate glass and/of Bruce County Council as suitable ee pha a Si . me = Nov! CE ts | hereby given that all Offiie over J. C. McDonald’s store. — insurance. Automobile insur-| for reforestation, of which 500 acres h ghtfnl ta rom persons having any claime or de- nee, 85 cts. per 100. Your business ‘ sres in Albe-| ®t 21 years’ experience in China. wayne 68. tolicited. E. D. BOLTON. ae oa — oticate report is Troughout the convention srecial| who. dled on or about the 14th. das y y wil bably| ™usic was given \by the Dashwood < P. SE. C. WILSOS, LDS. DDS. favorable ime county rl Mg200bY| Sn Crediton choir au well ur itor |ae, Marc. AD 1925. atthe Town ot X es = , and quartets. The busi . : é Graduate of Royal » Golege ot AUCTIONEER iment reforest it.—Port Elgin Times. onvention ian asa cot the} Seieiien, of Ontario, are required to Dental Surgeons, Toron bs Cheque Lost ceasio send by post prepaid or to deliver tc urge e Lost— the undersigned, Solicitor herein for the Executors under the Will of the Farms for sale. Get our terms.! usual place to-deposit a cheque, but said John Koch, their names and ada- | Want to buy? See our list. Need ajMr. Robert Nichol, Arthur street.| dresses and full particulars in writ CHIROPRACTIC house? We have it. Require an auc-|while assisting. Mr. Robt. Morrison oo, ing of théir claims and statement tioneer? Phone 246, Listowel, Ont. | to instal a cement cistern last week, or gh Pe dagen Secretary af their accounte and the nétute: ot ese : , “qf > 8 ¢ a : 2 jplaced a cheque for a considerable . . lemens, Kit-| the securities, if any, held by them. E The ‘following officers for the en- suing year were elected: President—Mrs. F. Haight, Water- Office. over Banzley’s oo store. W. J. DOWD, Auctioncer e 23 for appointments, The cribbing of a cistern is an un- L. O. WHITFIELD, D. C. ‘sum of money in a knot hole in aj °#ener. AND TAKE NOTIC that afte: i eep the cement from runn-| | Second Vice-president and Secro- 4 " a ‘ chiSbractor OPTOMETRIST: board to keep ‘2 3 titary of Thank Offerings—-Mrs. v.| the 3rd. day of July, A.D. 1925, the ing out, thinking it only a piece o executors. wills proceed to distribute 5 ap athe Graduate of Palmer School of Chir- ‘ ked hiet q|Domim. Avton i an actic. Dave t. lowa crumpled paper. He looked high an Third Vice-president is the assets of the said deceased a aie, on a ee ‘ over — W. A. Johnstone jlo w i the -— oa fine sto at Lit t Pee swcrtar mong the persons entitled thereto, ce on Main stree i Regist 2 . 92} hot discovered un he cribb Shs : - it. having regard only to the claims of stone’s Jewellery store. Hours 10 to Be gecionie Ss paaalalnae Over 25 | moved.—Harriston Review. a Racording: § Secretany—Mrs. Emily] wh; they shall then have notice, 12 noon, 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings ane Main St. Listowel. 7 barkareneisech ain; Bea and that the said executors will not other hours by appointment. Pho —| Frog was a Whopper— ponding Secretary and -|be Hable for the said a or any No. 9 Nelson Howes has had his seniser—1 Miss Agnes Good, Kitchen- part thereof to any person of whose Consultation free. DR. H. 8S. MALLORY ‘dumber disturbed of late by the deep ag they shall not then have not- Ses Registered O - |bass warbling of a bull frog that rent e—tee. A. C. Bender, Kit- | “ } ogistere » che DRS. J. E. and suns PATTERSON | Bistered® Optometrist | made his quarters fn the river behind | ""Cocretary Y. P. C.—M } “Dated at Listowel this 9th. day of Graduate of the Boral College of the bowling green. Since the heavy Kres Wat —Mrs. A. K-) Jan D. 192 Graduates of Toronto College of Science, Toronto. Office, L. A. Oli- T#ins of the past two or three days) “ressman, aterloo. | é Robert G. ee \ Chiropractic. Office and residence, ver's Jewellery store. the frog has been ie peed —_ ae eis Ontario lever > 83 sling . : : 2 first door east of Blackmore- Sa = toned aT uarie at anna om a cides ACROSS CANADA AND BACK Solicitor for the "Bxecutore. 1e 1 st s : y } -95 ne ce erent rire y saan, | fevening Nelson captured him and by The wonder trip of the coming | Listow , "Phone No. 4 _ measurement he was 13 inches long| Summer will be conducted by Dean ; <n . jand 4% inches across the back.— Laird of MacDonald College, to Vic- I W ° | Harirston Review orla, B.C., and back. ssues arning MUSIC Inspired by the success of the | wt Tight on New Bee trin to Victoria last year on the oo To Parishioners . . 'wHarry McCron, a painter from Soo|casion of the Teachers’ Federation FRANCIS gees |Ste. Marie, says Nickle’s new beer meeting at that point, and filled with . ~ A. F..C.M., A.R, TS is very intoxicating. Wedneeday ev- natriotie motives for everyone to see | MILLBANK RECTOR PUBL ISHES “feacher of plano, violin, aegis and lening McCron let four bottles of the|their own country, the Dean has ar NOTICE TO “CERTAIN MEM- 3 theory, Listow | beverage trickle down his windpipe.|Tanged for a special train of stana BERS." Pupils prepared ‘for Toronto Cunt land was ‘three sheets in the wind.’| 2rd sleeping ears to leave Toronte eee «(CUS servatory Examinations ; Provincial Constable H. R. escorted|%" July 20. visiting Port Arthur.) stratford, June 19.—Trouble in - “ly: * Apply at Mr. Philip Nickle’s resi-/; = memes | oC ron up Zina street and introduc-| Fort William, Winnipeg, Regina /the parish of Millbank, which has very Farm Building sg dence, Phone 159. lad him to Jailer Leighton, who gave Moose Jaw, Calgarv, Banff, Lakt}peen simmering for some time, has : ; {him a room for the night, Tuesday lac Vancouver thenca steamer tt| resulted in the rector, Rev. Ernest Needs GYPROC : j . afternoon, before Police Magistrate Jacques, making public announce-} FUNERAL DIRECTOR | Hugh Falconer, McCron pleaded guil- Returning. the trip hc be via thé| ment that he will “stand no further You can keep your stock in better : |ty: to being ‘tight’ on the effects of|Okanaran Vallev, Nelso e Koot-| annoyance from certain members of health and increase the value of q ~~ idrinking four bottles of the new/e®nav Lakes, Windermere gangales [he congregation * * ! : W. F. McLAUGHLIN | brew.—Orangeville Sun. art hm ee = parts | It is understood here that certain GYPROC ae entire farm cof wallboard a : will be motored to Ban mile: | of Grace Church membership are dis- : roc is fireproof wallboard, cast » Embalmer and funeral Director . |Making Trip to Detroit— over the newly completed Banft- | satisfied with rol incum bent, and a in, ed ons 4 - tte eee; Graduate of Canadian embaliing Merchant Tailor | Mr. James Black, of town, made a| Windermere Highway. the mostihave been seeking to have him as- Low cot . F~5 gehool. Residence and parlors, Main | week-end trip to Detroit in his twen-|chartming. and awe inspiring trip (| signed ta eeiee aiher @ ériak. Tewent- Tevet hazards. It keeps your oe and St, one and a half blocks cast = \ |ty-four year old Ford. He crossed/‘'s nossible to conceive. with stops at ly someone called Mr. Jaciues on the R § we lke Lamber farm buildings warm all winter be- papi Shared. _ ema ‘ear . | ; the ferry to Port Huron on Sunday to| Radium Hot Springs, Vermilion Riv-| telephone and used some abusive Sen bo pais cause, being made of solid rock, romptliy atten - it sedtincneit ca Main Street | continue on his way to the Ford mot-|*r. and Storm Mountain Bungalow! jangwage, threatening violence if he ey ed cold wind and moisture: cannot vtor or horse dra quip jor plant where there has been an of-|"mps—-another day at Banff. then) did not resign. Mr. Jacques thought Alabastined netrate it. 1 desired. LISTOWEL ifer of a new car for the old one|*dthonton, Saskatoon, Devil's Gap|he recognized the voice of A. C. Can be Papered pe } ‘standing for some time. We under-| Bungalow Camp. near Kenora on the|Crawford, and took action in the Yormia Proof F Its sections are nailed fioty to the ' }stand that he arrived at his destina-| ake of the Woods, steamer pal rm of consulting his solicitor in - agaaaalaia joists and studdi or nts are then : N }tion all right. According to a Sarnia r William to Port McNicoll thence |form of consulting his solicitor, | Easily Handled See Gyproe’ Jolt” Fil = ay a Grane ; ow Located In jdesnatch he had been bet that he/rall to Toronto, where the trip wilt) who sent warning letter to Mr. Craw- cane Rapes | * ersect, Hat, d | could not make the trip to Detroit|/terminate on August 10. | fo | Goan “ can be painted, Alabastined, papered |without a tow. No doubt the ex- Everything fs included at tho} ~ Td latter promptly denied the} Keeps out Moisture or panelled. 4 (The Old Bailey Stand) } | pioits of this early-model of Ford} rice of $325.00 from Toronto; | implication and called for an apology | magi : jwill figure in Ford advertising in|transvortation, sleeping cars, accom-j which the rector makes this week in Easily quickly : i, due course and we will be pleased if} Modation in hotels and bungalow /yarious newspapers. In the notice,} agente’ boc ROBERT OL ES ~~ Mr. Black is presented With a nice}camps, meals in diners, hotels, anc!however, Mr. Jacques “ that} aiid ‘ ? D. 4 H e thi | new car.—Goderich Star. on epee poses pe Pl at, “someone telephoned me this | D ; av our clo in noints visited, and all gratuities, manner and I take this method of) ealer ; 7 8 — Fined— , While Fa Sgr wennag = rity te! notifying all and sundry that I will! Listowel ; : ; Mr. Joye, son of the proprietor of |'eachers. the tour is open to every-jstand no further annoyance rom cael rb | Made In Listowel the Joye United Amusements, a ae desiring to go. \caraadn memuers of the congregation | . . i QURIKy OF Our | showed on the Exhibition Grounds} All will be welcome. laud will make an example of the THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, ONTARIO ae pPpointments | PHO how 327 four days of last week was summon- Fares from other points than Tor | tiems one caught.’ ; fulfills the re- | L e/ ed to police court on Saturday morn- | onto will be named and descriptive! He has been in charge of the par-! ; quests of the ing to answer a charge of assault | Ulustrated booklet sent on igen jish for some years. i thoet exact! | laid by a young farmer of Flesherton. ; tion to Dean Laird, Macdonald Col}; “I have absolutely nothing to say; { xacting. H \It appears that the Fleshertonian had} lege, P.O. Que. 7- ar would prefer no publicity in the | f Our experience | seenepneenousr renner — ==e a ride on the Merry-go-round a yaieDhigghep seit matter at all,’ declared Mr. Jacques enables us _ to . | when the ticket-collector ng ‘ ein en so tava , over the telephone~ to-night when) 7 * ontendeeferTealefenteeeleeTenleolententeo!: 5 9 @ wea of scenic loveliness and | sstioned regarding the tte “ It} serve in a polite : “i round he could not find his tic ot jue o garding the matter. , nriten : : * i but said he would either produce the} unlimited amusements they afford.! will best mend if there is nothing | % d tactful manner. { THREE RULES PLUS ONE. * | sicker or ten cents when he got off. ‘neluding sea bathing and eca fithing. | more sald of it,” he added. Firep1 oof Wallboar ht ara |The incident led to wards with young| While in Muskoka, Lake of ays | “No. sir, I have nothing to say. at | Some philosopher of business * Joye who hit the Flesherton man! Kawartha Lakes and Georglan Bay,) all,” promptly replied A. C. Craw-| ie eclhadiaumaind Copree ieee eared SEN aerate need ee eee 7 ; recently enunciated three gen- * | three times. Magistrate Tolton, Rich-| olf, tennis, bathing, boating, etc. lford ,of Linwood, whose name is! . eral rules for making money *} erdsae and Mayor Goode who sat on| re added attractions, For real fish- | mentioned in the apology. The re-| ——— = . = ° 1 Do something before others *!the case ruled that Joye's retaliation | ing in Ontario, the forest reserves of; ports recounted eome of the facts of | - it. ofa *| was certainly excessive in handing| Nipigon, Quetico, Timagami,and Al-/the situation as he understood them. | 2 . Do s aun’ others do * | ont. three stiff pokes, even if he did|£onquin Park cannpt be surpassed.! but beyond stating that some parts 1°,. Rot like to -* | get some abuse. They fined him fif-}Or take.a trip to the Canadian Rock-| were inebrr ects Mr. Crawford .would | M Do something better than teen dollars and costs, amounting injies and- the Pacifie Coast for w which | § rive | ; gg 2k Sl : all to nea dollars.—Walker “|the be dite pa Ray being offered. /} saigsempesienasithabinna tp iaiabambioiey To the foregoing we may ton + ere is wonde mountain ecener™ x add at least one more: Save 4 ‘ of the firm had caught} * * COCHRANE MACHINE WORKS Listowel, Ont. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS .. rushing. rivers, glaciers, Indian lages, and a age 550 a sal Sheltered Scen 460 Phas telling lies. “Boy,” he “do you’ Know what eoghe do m4 boys who tell lies.” “Yes, sir," 4 * bd a some money, for you can‘tdo * | EVERYBODY Is PLANNING HOLI- much without it-——The Shield *- Se . DAYS : ‘< Everyone is, making plans to spend} 4n ir ¥acation in one of the different ? are 4 ; ’ Seas of othe Pacttic Coast. Then i rf » is on to Tarize the | eteetetecgecfentectecdecpetesteetetestecterbetesteebectetectespeeh renown | Was the reply. “‘When"they are old) it can't i toks as long : o she worse sia oy enough the firm sends them out as rn esmen. % } ride them. A ehioull geomesieag oab- Canada: ¥ agent. t the : . from a ooest: 6 se Cana . , of Oanadian |