4 Visits ts Former Listowel ‘Friends In The West MR. W. E. BINNING’ON HIS ar TRIP TO WEST MERTS FORMER LISTOWEL ‘RESIDENTS. My fifth trip to to the West. had « nice sail up the lakes, barring the cool weather and a bit of a blow ae EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- pid ny with minimum charge 50c, Subsequent insertions five cents a line with | mum charge of 25c. >} -—--—-—__—» home June 24th. and came to} poat rocke YANTED Wanted to borrow on first mort- gage, $1600, 7% interest. Enquire at this office: APARTMENTS TO RENT Apartments to rent with all con- veniences. Apply Grand Central a -niture store. tfn FOR 8. Portable Underwood typewriter, used very little and in good running order; two ribbons go with machine pox A at Banner Office. WANTED Experienced operators ower sewing machines for Sweater Mill. Apply .Penmans Limited, Mill No. 3. Paris, Ont 7 FOR SALE OR RENT For sale on easy terms, or for rent, six room house, all conveniences, and garage on Richelieu street. Apply M. K. Becker np. WANTED Young man stenographer, knowl- edge of bookkeeping sferred; ap- own handwriting, “etating ex- hae ee and salary ex- pected. Adgre A. L. cjo Banner ALBERTA COAL We are advised that Alberta coal is now on the way. It will be deliv- ered to any pert of the town at $13 per ton. J. C. Baker & Son 7-30 on ‘Friday afternoon. This was my firet experience in a storm but Iicame i¢] I heard one i d considerable meet you-all the time. died down however in the evening and those of us who did not partake very heavily in the dining room were served with a light ITunch by the waiters. The Huronic is very smooth Salling boat about the safest in the lakes and the eervice is ex- cellent. We landed at Port Arthur oe Sat- urday morning and took the C. " to Winnipeg where we can 7 by our friend, Mr. V. Schwalmn, who away back in the sixties used to work in Climie and Halstead’s grist mill, in Listowel. Here -I spent a pleasant Sunday} Visited Mente Dav- idson in the afternoon, an old school- mate in the days of the old log schoo! house. George was’ a former Editor | or of the Banner and one time a mem- ber of the local House in the West. On Sunday evening I took ‘the train for Edmonton, reaching there on Monday night: e--country we passed through looked fine, the crops good and healthy, a little too much rain if anything in some places but on the whole very promising The Iand up this way is more rolling and more wooded than on the Pp, R. up through Brandon. I lHked ‘the country very much. I was met at ps monton by nieces folks, nd spent three days with them, vintiae Nat Purcell and Wallace Yule, also called on the msays. Mrs. R. Is a daughter of the Mitchells, our old | neighbor, the marble cutter. Left here on Friday morning by C. P. R. for Calgary, to att Ex- hibition nfl stampede. Found all well e and had the good fortune to? meet Arthur _ Vancouver Bert's. The show opened on Monday with a magnificent parade, 5 or 6 miles long. which took two hours to pass a given point. Being the jubilee! year of ‘the entry ‘of the Mounted Police, it was emblematical of the) rise of Calgary and the establishment | of law and order in that vicinity.! The Red Men were there in all their! glory, sqtpeously. attired in their war paint costumes. About 1200-coWboys and! girls took part. The Mounted Police, led in cowboy style. a fine body of men, and all the old | timers that could be gathered from far and near were in the procession. | These, with the floats, representing | the rise and development of the city} and country, were wonderful andj ted one of the greatest events| HOUSE FOR SALE Ten room frame housei electric Uehts and furnace, with 2 acres of land, gvod barn. 2 choice hen houses, 2 wells, orchard and small fruits Would exchange for house and a. R. M. Cowing. 7-20 EDNA K. LEF ‘Teacher of .Music who ts spending the summer vaca- tion at Kineardine. will be at home Listowel, on Friday and Saturday Ba: each week beginning July 31st. or summer pupils wishing to onan mence lessons please apply on those days. HONEY FOR SALE New crop of honey now ready. The crop this year is reduced by 50 per cent owing to cold weather at bégin- ning of season. Customers are advis- ed to secure their honey early. Clo- ver Honey 15¢ per pound. Apply to N. Mitchell, R 1, Listowel. 7-30 ENVELOPES FOR SALE A shipment of a special grade of envelopes has just - been received which we can offer at a specially at- trative price. $1.00 will buy a box of 500 of blue lined envelopes or a ~ Only a few plain white envelope. boxes. Act quickly. The Banner Og- fice. { AGENTS WANTED An exceptional opportunity for an energetic man, who Full Une of trees . We supply free é6elling eee and pay liberal commissions ELLAND NURSER (28 years experience). wallund ont 2 PROP. E, KATZ The noted and well-known eye- sight specialist will relieve eye-sight trouble at the Queen’s Hotel, Listo- wel, Thursday, July 30th. If you have heahache, pain in temples or back; you should have your eyes tested as above troubles are frequent-| of neck, our great oR we_can_ help you fl othérs fa! in one piece for sib, worth $15. w|that noble tribe of red men. FOR SALE Farm crop, stock, implements tor sale. 61 acres adjoining town of towel. Boll, i, clay loam, in ih toe a cultivation; two ‘story » ban " straw shed and Semon ben stabling for 250 hogs. ‘Drilted well] and over flowing spring. Crop, 7 'ac- ty T spring wheat, ever staged in the North American) Continent. Slim Moorehouse with his; eighteen teams of black horses and 10 wagon loads of Marquis wheat | Wasa great sight. On Thursday we were favored with! a visit from Earl Haig, formerly Field Load ep of the British Army | and who did such excellent work in) the se war The Field. Marshall! took parts in the morning parade on Friday and was made a and feathers and beaded | gave themselves over to an evening's j which Palmerston Hikers. _ Visit Listowel THEIR CELEBRA’ INCLUDED IN PARTY. Following the initiative of the Lis- towel Chamber of Commerce the oo izens of Palmerston staged hike on Wednesday of this week, bat they went one better than Listowel for they brought along the ladies. bout 35 cars, containing about 140 persons, left Palmerston on Wed- nesday shortly after the noon hour and the itinerary Included Harriston, Clifford, Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroxeter, ‘Bluevale, Wingham, Ethel, Brusse Atwood and Listowel. The object of this jaunt was to advertise the Semi- Centennial and in Palmerston on Aug. 2, 3 and 4th., when an exceptionally fine program will be put on. = Zeta band nonemnpentee the p fs r Hay reoured word that the parks yi he arrive in Listowel about 8. 30. and quite a number of our cit- izens were out to. welcome the visit- skirts of the town by the mayor and officiale of the town, and by the band at the corner of Main and Victoria atreéts. Here the two bands unitea and led the party to the Public Lib- rary where the Listowel band gave a couplé of er Ons.- Mayor J. C. Hay™velcomed My vis- itors to Listowel and Rev. E. F strong spoke briefly. Mr. Geo. Howe, a he of Palmerston and chair man of their Board of Education, an jold. Listowel boy who received his early education here ey. Jas. Semple, pastor of the United Church, ar for Palmerston. Listowel was the last stop on the trip ae the hikers left for home at it p.m. tired, but well pleased with the outing and believing they had ac- coniplished the object for which = was organized. No ubt arger number of Listowelites visit Palmerston on Aug. 2, 3, 4 a result of this visit. Arm- will ed with hearty cheers from thousarfds of spectators. On Friday evening the cowboys’ ball was held at the Palliser Hotel, This function was free to ev- ery person who cared to attend and was participated in by hundreds who All were dress- A street dance was also held and morning's light was well advanced before the parties broke up. Saturday was the big day of the |exhibition, the program being extra exciting. for in addition to the usua broncho busting, an automobile race was staged for the occasion. Miss Marion Martin, European champion. land Miss Alfreida Mais, champion of _ United States competed in a spec- al match for women. The show con- auaet with grand Burbecue, at seven animals were roasted and sandwiches were served to the fun and enjoyment. oys’ Re-union my NOT FEEL JUSTIFIED ING COUNCIL TO PUT AS FIGURED AT P The Chamber of'Commerce did not lay their request for a swimming IN - cost and they decided tp hold the proposi- tion a... abeyance for the time being idea has not been abandoned} = means. Further particulars} and figures willbe secured from firms that make a business of build- ing such things, ahd also secure oth- er expert opinion “on their construc- tion. When this ig secured they will come before the ‘Council, and, if fav- orable, an early start.can be made in the spring and bat) “ad haba complet- ed before the swimming season. Quite a number of intarontad eiti- zens were present at meeting, and it seems to be the general con- sensus of opinion. that a swimming tank” would be a great boon to the youth of Listowel. Certainly every precaution would have to be taken to make things as safe as possible, and certain rules and regulations would have to be laid dow PAPER HOLIDAY NEXT . Following the custom of many weekly papers The Ban- ner will take its annual holiday next week, and no paper will be published on Thursday, July 30th. This is done that some of our staff may enjoy a week's rest from the dafly grind. The office will be oper ‘as usual for job printing and oth- er business. Hamilton's 13th. Regimental Band, Palmer's Midway, Ete., will be at- tractions at. Harriston's Big Labor Day Celebration, Sept. 7th. Simms is a good piace to buy that Suit Listowel Young Man Called By Death MR. GEORGE KEHL, FORMER crowds, The show and stampede as a whole has been a revelation to me and of course could not be on g Chiefjed in the east. The time and mo of the Saracu Indians and invested preparing for it shows the sicuiiant: with the regalia and head dress of Mount- ed on his steed he afterwards rode through the principal streets, ac-, companied by his suite and the; mounties and lowboys and was greet- FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1919 model, has new batte shock absorbers, is newly varaend and in good running order, It will pay you to see this car before purchasing elsewhere. Also two very nice building lots, one block north of Main st. East. Apply to Wm. Tench. NOTICE TO USERS OF TOWN WA- TER Public notice is hereby, given to water customers, that any person at-| ‘ttaching a hose to any water tap sup- plied by town water for any purpose, | shall pay for an ordinary lawn ser- vice. And any one found using a hose and not payin same or notify- ing the Public Utilities Commission shall be Hable to a fine and water service discontinued until such time as settlement is made. : FACTORY FOR SALE BY TENDER HE TOWN OF LISTOWEL OF- FERS FOR SALE BY SEALED TEN- DER to be delivered to the Town Clerk on or before the Ist, day of August, next, the premises known as the Wheel Factory Premises proper- ty on Mill and Alma Street, Listowel together with all buildings, plant, machinery, electric motors and 2h a ment now situate thereon. ee CASH. Tenders will also be rece! td said propeett by said date Ey aaties to sealed, on a time Clerk ell. community spirit and liberality of the people of Calgary and surround- ing districts, and is truly deserving of the highest’ commendation Yesterday attended Knox church which has gone into union. ev. Dixon is the minister and in the evening we attended the Baptist church, with Mr. and Mrs. Nimmo This is one of the finest churches in the city. Mrs. Nimmo is a sister of | Mrs. Berger, at home. | Am feeling fairly well, able to take my feed pretty regularly, al- though I did not indulge in those sandwiches at the Barbecue. More anon. W. E. Binning. Straw Hats must go. All Hats up to $2.75 for $1.00 at Simms | Program for Next Sunday's Sacred Band Concert The program as arranged for next Sunday evening, July 26, for the sac- red band concert is as follow March eee” ~< Rosenkrans. Selection Ectioes of the Opera Mackie Beyer. Band. Mixed Quartett. One Sweetly — Though Miss L. Seott, Mrs. A. peaeuton, i. Maloney, Dr. Tay. Hymn, nee Worship the ne Haydn eabelg h Love that will not Jet me Al . Peace. cornet Solo, A rend Day (by re- quest) ie Jacob Bond. aspen: -Solo Abide. With Me J. Plowright. Hymn Tee Chacelins One Foundation M. Haydn (Greenland) Hymn’ Saviour Breathe an Byening Blessing ebbins. RESIDENT OF ELMIRA, DIED WEDNESDAY—IN HIS THIRTY- FIFTH YEAR. After a short illness. a well-known young man of Listowel, passed away on Wednesday evening, uly 22 1925, in the person of George Kehl, his 35th. year. Although not in the best of health for some time he has only been critically ill for the past week. Mr. Kehl was born in Elmira, mov- ing to Listowel with his wife an family about three years ago H was.qell known in Listowel and the surrounding district as he acted ar I ‘sentative for the Rawleigh Products. Since the first of the year he has been employed at the Inter- national Piano factory. He is surviv- d by his wife, formerly Minnie Ernst, of Elmira, and two children. Dorothy and Robert. One sister and — brothers also survive, 4 mn 7 Kehl's parents both visdasoneed him, The funeral will be held on Satur- day afternoon at one o‘clock and will proceed to Elmira for interment. Rev. Capt. Edwards of London will con duct the service, assisted by Rev. E F. Armstrong. pastor of the United Church of which the deceased was a member. The I.0.0.F. at Elmira wil) have charge of the service in that town. “Pree Pants" at Simms’. Turn to page 8. orses Run Away— An exciting runaway was staged forning when the bus horses fright when the canvas covering on the top of the bué became loose and ‘jblew over on the horses. ‘The fright- en 0. own Penelope street-to Wallace. instead of Mrs. left front wheel s but the bus was not w Band. ‘GOD SAVE THE KING (Evening Prayer) March When Jesus Comes Bonnisseau horses crashed-into the barn. Pasian uiee Cohen tan were in the bus d se 8 ey PE NET Ce Ve Tok! 2) BO ME 62W Sc She bose £ 0) yen tar : HIELO bey $f0 1% gn lene Boo ©! Dempsey again favoed with a cor- ing the door of the barn, and one of): horses a [eae Pr mene, 5 ay. ate. ‘ra. as Listowel’s. Beicving ot 7 Ang. 3— Hay, has procaine at McDonald's— olet Bean is eerie tem- et TER The Connetk; wit. “advertise-. for tenders for the purchase of the eel tory. tank before oe Colincil a their spec-} Fac Such was the agar f Pe fal meeting 1 day night. When} that at their special mee the estimates figures were com-| last Friday-night. A; pleted it was fouhd that the tank was! Ma . C. Hay. read ‘ails latest | Com! going ,te. coat clos® to $1400. Theloffer of the International Piano Co, Chamber of Commerce did not feel! fo eel Fac ‘and cs up- that they wanted to ask the munic!-}on Mr. H. B. Morphy to explain mat- pality for — a> su which: was} ters. Both th gentlemen thought several hundred more n expected,| the present offer was all right ‘and worthy of their earnest consideration, Councillor Maloney had no confi- dence in the capagles* 4 Bs may ty Lex carried out one of th had made. Mr. sukinet eo ed ae was absurd that this firm needed Wheel factory so that they could ok: large and hire more handsw»The pres- ent factory was adequate’ for their needs. He felt that they desired pos- session in order to place & second mortgage and raise fands for eaae n nees. He meen r and willing to help indistriesif it self respect. Councillor Ronalds stat- ed that the Piano Co. had made a promise they knew they could not fulfil when they offered to place a first mortgage on the propérty when second mortgage already existed. Neither had they paid the insurance that the town had been obliged to i place on the factory to protect itgelf. ut Mr. Ronalds seemed to strike the nail on the head when he suggest- ed that the two ‘deals be kept separ- Id mofiin by J. W. Sangster and sneoetan by F. vonZuben that — the offer of purchase of Wheel Factory he filed was carried. ‘Councillors Sangster, vonZuben, Maloney, Ron- ald and Peppler vayed “Yea! and Mayor Hay voted “ A motion to nin was then made, but on a vote being taken it resulted in a tie and the businese continue Mayor Hay thought thatSome Pro-| position should be made to the In since their otter | The mot angster and saci y H. Maloney brought the dis- cussion to an end, * t we advertise for sealed tenders and provide that no offer is necessarily accepted.” This was carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned. Straw ; Hats must go, All Hats up to S82 .75, for $1.00 at Simms ‘ Large Crowds Attend Sacred Band Concert Another Interesting program was put on at the sacred band concert re Sunday evening and a large rowd was present. "Oouncilier Maloney acted as chair- ing with music and the benefit of such community gatherings. The choir of the United Church under the leadership of Mr. Francis | Sutton rendered “The Vision of} Christ” by Christiansen, Mr. 8 net solo, ‘‘Come Sing tp Me” which, this time was given from the roof of the Arlington Hotel. The sound car- ried wel and was enjoyed by many citizens on the verandas well ouf to wards the town limits. The complete program as rendered was as follows: March Belphegor -Ba Selection by United Church Choir. Ballet Suite from Coppelia Band ymn aith of Our Fathers ymn more Loes to Thee. Cornet Solo . Dempsey. Hymn My Faith Looks up to ee. T Hymn The or Rn the Wildwood . March Sele Band. The “Human Fly” Gives Exhibition In Listowel |! A fairly large crowd gathered on Main street on — esday ern to see Jerry fly’ give an exhibition of citabine. Bills throughout the town announced that he would perform on Tuesday evening, but the weather was unfay- orable and e climb was postponed i last decntan? Hudson prefaced his performance *h uma n New York City, a ve oe ro ov- er fifty 8 igh. Probably exhibition =— be climbing the Kib- ler Block. w . but it ‘as quite thrilling to. ne eosttaters perm pb Se gem Bid Ea aie aboraigee could be done legally and retain his} Ipreciation the delicacies, “wany floral tributes sent to me dur- ¥ | ing “my 6 at-hou.@, Mrs. altpetta Moffat. \porarily ve a store of J. Don- ald, ee te B artley: ' e Bartley, who has been serious- Able €o Be Out be glad to learn he has recovered tan his recent serious illness, and ig able to be out again n—— na Friends of Mr. Daniel Schell wili Successful at Exams— Miss Agnes G as passed her scapitaations at ihe eeliees of Education, Toronto, ae are scceut- .a position as teacher he ford High School staff, Niagara Falls. Accepts Position in Listowe Miss Phyliss Hewitt, ona cor. ma, has rattan a position in ihe aw office.of a McFarlane, aay commenced her duties on Mon « Ford Sales— The following are the Ford sales during the past week: coupe, Ira Mc- Lean and Wm. Ackerman; tudor se- dan, Misses Clayton and R. H. McKin- non; touring, George Heibein. Card of Thanks— I acknowledge with grateful ap- ecards and fliness in the Hospital and Band W im Furnish Cencert— ‘By request of the Wingham Town Council, the Listowel Brass Band will motor to Wingham on Friday ev- ening, July 31st. and delight the cit- izens of that town with one of their splendid band concerts. Return to Listowel— T. G. Tilley, accountant at the ora of Montrea recovered om his recent illness while on holi- days at Lindsay, and with Mrs. Til- ley. returned to Listowel Monday ev- ening. He will resume his duties the foré part of next wee i Strikes Chimney— In e severe electric storm Tues- day siteekuen the residence of Mrs. Schinbein. Wallace street, waé struck by lightning. A chimney was demolished and the stove pipes were nocked down, but fortunately no other damage was done rm at Goderich— H, Wanzer, manager of the Canadien Bank of Commerce, is on vacation, and is spending this week at the lakeside, Goderich. He was ac- companied by Mrs. Wanzer and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholl, of Ottawa. pears From Heliday -Mr. and Mrs. M. F “Zurbrigg and Franklin, returned home Tuesday, af- ter an enjoyable two weeke’ holiday at a cottage at the lakeside, Port El- cottage with Rev. and Mrs. €. Gret- zenger, Mildmay. Did Not Affix Stamp— Magistrate Hamilton on Monday fined another Listowel citizen $10.00 for not affixing a custome stamp to a receipt for a sum over $10.00. Cit- izens are urged to not neglect this = and lay ys ees them- etoa . Exchange Mecting— At the r@®iilar meeting of the Lis- towel Dairvmen’s Exchange on Fri- day leet. fourteen factories boarded 2360 boxes of cheese. Bidding on the hoard started at 21c and advanced to 22c. None were sold, salesmen hold- ing for 22%c. After Senate Job— ative, a Se ck the On- o .Yacandies. the fllnese of nis Net-| page in, where they had jointly rented a! : i : re, &. "the ‘Old days. Mr. John. Watsor and Mr. R, Mullin are looking atter * the entries, and the track is if put In splendid shape for the event. Fakes teaeaa ld at Simms’, Turn to Institute Entertained—. The ladies of the Listowel very pleasant rogram was enjoyed, consisting of piano duet by Misses Queenie Jackson and Margar- et Blake, reading by Miss Isabel Nichol; piano duet, Misses Jackson; paper by Miss Lizzie Nichol. A dainty luncheon was served at the close. Engine and Car Derailed— big engine and baggage car of the C: assenger train from Kin- . cain to Palmerston due here at 4 o'clock wore derailed on Monday a- bout two miles from Whitechurch and tilted over on their side in the -diteh. No-one -was-injured; the engin= eer and fireman evidently having jumped to safety. The cause of the accident is not known A special train was made up and brought the passengers from the scene of wreck to Wingham, where they were taken on board nother special, which had been sent from Palmer- Stratford were on the Scene as quick- ly as poss ae Pants" at Simms’, page 8 of Sudbury, Turn to Mr. Jam mes cia home on vacatio is ae Mr. and Mrs L. Fleming spent Sunday with fr jends in Stratford. _—O— Miss Jennie Schorten and Mr. Aar-= on Misch of Waterloo, visited friends in Listowel a few days this week. te Mr. Keith Spackman and Miss Florence Kilgore of Stratford, visit- ed friends in Listowel on Wocneadey last, and were accompanités.to _ Stratford by Miss Effie Karges, who spent’a few days with friends. Mrs. J. A. Kilgore, Frank and Olive, Mrs. E. Richards and two children, of Stratford, motored to Listowel Satur- day afternoon and Miss Karges re- turned home with them. Mrs. Rich- ards and children and Olive Kilgore are spending a week with friends in Listowel. Old Listowel Cemetery. Greatly Improved STATEMENT OF COMMITTEE AP- POINTED BY WEST BRANCH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE — ONLY $33.51 STILL TO BE RAISED. Old Listowel Cemetery .. About two years ago WwW est Branch Women’s Institute appointed a committee of six ladies to act as trustees of the old Listowel cemetery and have that old burying ground put in a respectable condition. That these ladies have done their work exceptionally well is evidenced by the present appea ceo yood- lawn Cemetery, the ni name giv- en. Many have been “a ce ary remarks passed on.the good werk and the wonderful liprovennikt that has been zane + Ma ha ecomtributed money while others hese given material and labor,_to-help-dlong-—the good work. To all tes the Sg pare desire to extend their sincere t The statement erinied a will show the general public, and those directly interested, just ow the money contributed has been spent. The statement shows a deficit of $33.51 which still has to be raised. PTS i For the two Senate vatancies in] Box Social .........cees- $ 65.00 Ontario there are man$ aspirants |Ojd irom ............0.... 1.50 From Western Ontario the most {Stone i, 20.2. seer eevee 26.00 prominent entries are W. G BUG. clewwassie tienen gy wale 4.00 mond, M. P.. Brantford: Dr. Rankin. |old Fenee 2212002020222, 15.00 M. P.. North Perth: W. M. German, | Donation, Listowel Council . 100.00 M.P., Welland and W. D. Euler, M.} West Bran Ww. a are 35.00 P., North Waterloo West Blanch wae Te sateger 14.00 Paid by W.B.W WL for wire. 160.00 A Shortage of Help— Paidkby W.B.W.I. for cleaning 225. 4 Repeat orders and new orders are; Burial of child .......... 4.0 piling up at the P.-K. Mills and the|Subscriptions ..........., seiee management is badly in need of fe-| Balance due ............. 33.51 male help at the factory. The plant ——- is not running to capacity because $938.51 girls for the work cannot be secured. EXPENDITURES The work ia light, the surroundings;Cement .....5.....-..+-45 10.95 agreeable and good wages are wait- Hauling ome for bases .. 4.00 ing for a number of gir Hauling @ ects 2.00 his RT OB ise Wi eatels bencdeihie atvimiece 35.60 Election in October?— Paid. ‘Geo. “Denstedt seeeeee $50.00 On Monday last.the Toronto Tele-| Putting in bases . 14.50 gram has the following to sar about} Cutting and drawing posts . 4.00 the prospect of a Dominion Election! Posts from 10.20 in the Fall. “Wednesday, October 14, ae and putting in posts 13.50 is said to be the date fixed upon by| Digging, around stones .... 7.00 e Mackenzie King rnment for tree for binges... 4.2.45 5.00 the next federal election. The infor-} Turning tine eres ee os 80.00 mation com oe from 8 sabes of the Gravel ....... op ee 44 wie wiee i party. tawa rel- tn cb pe vba eat. , 10,90 Sagi ‘or cement Cartage for m rang Sem