Thursday, July 23rd., (All articles mcg The Ban ner ith views expressed). doesn't necessarily agree » Appiy the liniment every few hours to throat and chest. €orcie with Minard’s in warm water. — Splendid for Bronchitis and Asthma, Vacation Stationery Share your vacation joys with your friends “back home.’ Write them , letter and Jet them know what a great time you're having. Just so you » plenty of good Stationery gz. And we can supply that y at lowest prices. ELLIOTT & GREER A’ Good Every so often” prolongs [! the | of And espectlal- ly now, me en you subject that <ult at oye —— yh w yea uth Br r Joe Lockhart The Tailor “Tw artomobile acctdents occurred | in M--real the week-end railway 8, in both of it was proven that the car the train. In the first accident car ran into the first car behind rengine and in the second struck the side of the engine itself. Public at- tention has been directed to these accidents as illustrative of the re- :sults of negligent driving. at | which | struck { the | over sing cros Early in July a party of one hun- @red French-Canadians associated with the University of Montreal de- parted from Windsor station on a @hree-weeks educational tour of the @ountry under the auspices of the Waiversity. Mayor Duquette of Montreal, Monsignor A. V. J. Piette, rector of the University and Profes- | sor E. Montpetit one of his asso- -Giates accompanied the party. ‘They “were seen off at the station by E, W. Beatty, K.C., chairman and pres- tident of the Canadian Pacific Rail- ‘way and other officials. & similar excursion to the above Beft Toronto, July 20th, for the benc- @it of English speaking - | comunodati ion equalled in sa fof this size Cleaning § { WHY THE CHANGE? (Kingston Standard) ’ Can any one explain how it is that g oach a street inter- section, will invariable step aside and alow her to cross first, and when the same man, in an auto,*sees'a lady approaching an intersection, a in- variably toot h‘e horn and sail pasi without ever slackening. his speed, or stopping to aliow thé lady to cross first? MORE OF IT (Stratford Beacon-Herald) And now it is Mr. Magrath, who was fuel controller in this country during the war, who is advising Can- adian consumers to gefAin their fuel for the winter just as soon as they has seldom seemed so threatening as at the-present .time. I becoming a habit with the fuel outlook to appear threatening a- bout this time of the year; but it must be admitted that the threats are not always idle. And in any event the advice to oe in the fuel now is good advice for those who can heed it Those who can’t aecept it must do as such people have always done, that is, do the best they can. WELCOME THE TOURI (Walkerton Telescope) During the coming weeks «our town and district will be explored by many summer visitors. For these strangers within our gates, we be- speak a cordial reception and all the courtesies possible. There are many ways the visitor may be made to“feel so welcome he will want to conte a- Even the easual passerby information is asked in the street by atrangers may refiect pride in his citizehship and in his commun- ity by giving the service poe vy ip a courteous manner. By ving .ac- towns Walkerton hotelkeepers are doing their share in making this town popular with outsiders. Garage service is ancther line in which vis- ftora are well looked after hert Let's all do our part so that visitors to this beautiful town of ours wil! carry away the right impression. ST “Commissioner. The whole West has TIME TO GET | (St. Marys Journa!-Argus) | The final e xaminati ons of the year) are now over FOF pelt ple of young | ] | Canadian met and women. It now! } behooves all su to: stir thelselves! Quality and Service into action and get settled into theis jar Gable’s Old Stand, Listowel. future every-day t ne} >} ” oung people O ‘ Phone 138 to lhe provided 1 for pea BVM LOLS school or colle day without doing the ir part. pate good fortune that thes 2 talk abut 1én they sent re garden as ton p coming in shovid. not b optimisi BUSY } profited from the incoming of Finn, ponndins a5 and other Europes The cae test for prospective immi- grants should be mental and physic- al fitness and’a readiness to fit into the work of building up a great Can- adian Commonwealt CANADA'S. FLAG (Goderich Signal) A lot of nonsense is being talked and ‘written about some imaginary} danger to the Union Jatk in Canada. Nobody proposes to do rn with or change the Union Jack. What is pro- posed is that a Caseaane standard be eontinental| pcg ae of dair. ists in addition to the akties re jes. Its chief functions track of the general rirag itahease of Canada; to propose any new or a- mended legislation; and to see that the law is observed. Their work is ot an educational nature, but they are keenly on the look out for anything that would prejudice the industry. According to the Hon. W. R. Moth- — Minister of apatite kg me adulteration has been goin chief ly with cocoanut oils. Very it: tle is done in the creameries, but in the cities there are people who make ing butter, op lee which calls for the sehr i enalt officially adopted, instead of the niéter xe. frankly on the The various flags that are now used with-{ matter re dairying not long. ago and out authority. A design fxvored by many is the Union Jack in the upper} in Ontario and Quebec can. He declares that the fuel outlook) corner with a maple leaf, or a wreath/they improved the gee of maple leaves, in the field. This would be distinctively Canadian and at the same time would symbolize Canada's partnership in the British Empire. To talk as if the adpotion of such a flag wou'd be “disloyal” is supreme nonsense. It was no. dis- loyalty for the Canadian troops in the Great War to wear a maple leaf and the word “Canada” on their uni- form. If it is.“disloyal’’ to have an emblem of our own, we must discard the beaver, and instead of singing unitedly about the maple leaf we should engage in a quarrel as whether it is the rose, the thistle or the shamrock to which we owe our allegiance. — °o THE DEARBORN ee ON ST teoe hae 1 Free Ff ovat The recent “teers of Mr. Ford's pa pet, the Dearborn Independent de- votes an entire page to a discussion of prohibition in the United States. The centre of the page contains a panel display type which is as fol- tows: “An arm is raised to knife the Constituiion of the United States in ; one of its most vital parts. The Bigh- eenth Amendment is the object of menace. The country is not be- id th’s. It is the work of those who are deprived of piling up wealth on the weakness of their fellowmen There is nothing sincere in any move- ment ae on the assumption that which is for the benefit of the mun “A asa whole must be bad xecnuse it deprives a section of that commt unity of the opportunity of preying upon others burglar and the bootlegger as — rs of the ire in the same category. They ; One in their opinion that those eek to restrict their activities ‘nj jus tice, we mi riam were no onto y about ye NR. and to the ¢ or climbs 2 olf ove you show in the industry that unless of their utter they would find Australia and . a Zealand opening warehousés in ronto, Montreal and” other large centres and offering Canadians their products. He ‘did not know that this would be an unmixed evil, but it would be a rather strong comment- ary on the quality of the home made article if Australia were able to do this successfully There is improvement in sight and Ontario has taken the first required step toward better results by provid a good raw product through of cream. Certain edu- remains to be the improvement a dairying tions, tthe raw product in good shap A i then insist on re me a aatacten rers turning out a good rticle There will nayver be a glut of first- class dairy, products, and that is an- other incentive to speed up the _ Drovement of our quality as quick as possible. Every country that can go in ‘for dairying successfully is go- ing to engage more and more in this branch of agriculture. - The provinces, for instance, were thought to be good dairy countries but they have increased enormously their output of creamery butter. Our cheese vies with the best Australian: in fact.the best Canadian cheese is far away better than the best Austra lian product. What Is wanted is uniformity, and taken ail round, Canada can extend butter and cheese industries illimi- tably, with the help that the Depart- ment is only too anxious to afford. told those engaged A § ‘SIBLE GIRL Their boat was drifting id'ty. th sun shone above, and the sea wa serene; while she was sitting snugly Then be p 0sed. the opposite end of th » gazed at him calmly. The: of common sense * are in this bwat than fifty feet deep 8 bs 1 y to 2 » 1 accepted 3 ed. 1 will = 8 moment— uw) row as aS you Can lo nda k me again will make a SnoboasT at reference the ith of a man as he was buried In We have all if not in the 4) supplied by are f rom _long they chat ~~ OUR DAIRYING INTERESTS +! + as i + The National Dairy Council, an yYmen extending} from the the Pacific, ia d= a business of buying and adulterat-| . ‘Zs rite Z —Methods of Supplementaty Peed (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) In the construction of the animal body some ten principal minerals are used.. This seems a lot, and when we look at a cow or a pig, nothing of a metallic nature is in view unless it fs the ritig In the pig’s nose. Miperals are reduced to forms that the layman cannot readily recognize, by various Processes before they are used in body building. When we see a roast f on the butcher's block we do of not think of it in terms of hydrogen, | calcium, phosphorus, fron, etc.,.unless we have a knowledge of | chemistry. To the majority it is just beef and that is as far back as their thoughts go. But to the man on the land who makes his living producing food animals it is something more. He has had experience some time d ing his feeding operations, With ani- mais that lacked thrift, did not de- velop properly, bones weak, small, crooked, and joints malformed. The experienced feeder knows that salt is essential to the well-being of his anim. r erals, sodium and chlorine, find their way~to the structural—units—of—the bady. The experienced feeder knows that blue grass grown on limestone ands is different from other blue grass, {n that it provides something that alds very materially in building 500 Envelopes |. Your choice of — 500 Blue Lined Duplex No. 7 or 500 Special Grade, White No. 8 4 Get Your Supply While They La:t PHONE 61 _ The Listowel Banner a strong bony structure for the young imal. r =] Recognition of Mineral Deficiencies. 1. Iodine.—Big neck or goitre in new-born calves, lambs, foals and dead hairless pigs indicate that this mineral element was not present in quantity sufficient for normal de- and Phosphorous.— Rickets in young animals, paralytic onaition of the joints oflelther ford ind limbs, weak legs, and soft- shelled eggs in chickens, and low milk production are common cuiidi- tions where these minerals are not supplied in sufficient quantity Feeds Rich In Calcium (the bone maker)—AlfaWa, Red Clover, Tauk- age, Dried Milk products, Skimmilk, Buttermilk, Whey. Feeds Poor In Calclum.—Cereal grains, roots, Tjmothy hay, cereal straws. Feeds With Calcium in Moderate Amount.—Dried beet pulp, corn sil- age, corn fodder. a) Calcium can be sauppled by feeding steamed bonemeal, raw rock phosphate, whiting, chalk, alr-slacked lime, limestone, marl, or wood ashes, in quantity sufficient to supply the good wile other | to} A Link With The Dead Past need along with the daily ration. (b) Phosphorous, can be supplied | best by using phosphorous rich food ‘as bran, linseed meal and tankage, or by using raw rock phosphate floats in conjunction with calcium. Steam- ed bone meal can also be used. (c) Iodine can be supplied by us- } ing sea salt from which the lodine has not been removed ising the ESTHET ‘ | | Doubtless in your home as in many others, there’ some room or some corner that might be made more. con venient or cosy with an extra Electric Light socket or base plug. | Have it wired now and assign the task tous. You'll» | get high efficient results at a minimum cost. | CARL RO | commercial iodized salt | Method of Feeding Supplements | The quantities required are not | large. For animals at pasture a self | feeder is the only practical method. | For stall-fed animals the Ineredients can be mixed and given with the daily | ration, where calcium and phesphor- } ous alone are required such cu in be mixing steamed bone meal, marl and salt. If fod ins alone ‘| Js required a solution made of une | | | ounce of iodine to om | gaits pn of water can be made up a | *Phone 81 Listowel McDonalkc ’ ele 20ne sm Hugh McGillivray ‘ BROKER BONDS - GRAIN INSURANCE LISTED and UNLISTED Securities Bought and Sold. STOCKS .- MORTGAGES : ful applied daily to the te end of cach | ‘; animal, | If the milk ylelds are low, and the cows chewing bones, look to the min- ; eral content of the and marke adjustment. If the pigs are cripp!-d, ; With swollen joints.and defective i bones, look to the mineral _ne | of the feed. If the hens are Iny | soft-shelled eggs, look to the mine 2 | content of the food You are the one that supplies-the | feed. The cow shut up In the barn ' yard and the pig in the high-walled ‘ {pen are your prisoners; it is up to to provide what their bodies i need, or let them go out to nature ‘and find it for themselves.—L. Stev- } enson, are ie of Extension, 0. A. Col- ' lege, Gu ph. | To Keep “Pests From Small Fruits. | No good excuse can be given by ; anyone as a reason for losing a crop {of currants or gooseberries because }of mildew or worms. Limesulpbur at summer strength as for apples or Bordeaux applied when the leaves {first appear_and at intervals of two ~Lweeks-thereafter untll*the fruit is } half grown Will control miidew. Add two pounds of dry ae arsenate to /100 gallons of spray and can | control the eth worms at the | same time. If plant lice or aphids show up.give them a dose of nicotine | sui ptigte at the usual strength on the |first appearance ‘of the pests. If | worms appear after the fruit is half srown usé fresh’ white hellebore in- | stead of lead arsenate, ! rings by Paris Green Spray.. ach year considerable injury re- saite to tender plants through leaf scorching following the application of Paris Green. This injury~can be avoided. by us- fres lime combines oxide and 're- property. ttle boy madder! sister has borrowed Connection with Toronto, New York, Chicago, Winnipeg and Montreal Exchanges. Information supplied on any Securities without charge Listowel, Po RE greasy So) . o ~ * . es eYe Cleans Like China When you use SMP Enameled Ware Utensils, you never need to &crape, scour and scrub the Aang 4 some wares demand. cloth - rh Ms all you need to clean them. It washes china, "t be the slave of your cooking ware; equip with clean, pure sani- tary, ‘lasting SMP Enameled FOR SALE AT “; WHITE'S HARDWARE. COCHRANE MACHINE WORKS Listowel, Ont.