I é ie E 2 te sie. the ere ey Bat , turning to the yougnest. “Iwas on the doorstep, | MAKING A GOOD TOWN BETTER (All articles ‘credite4. “The Bairger doesn’t necessarily, sree’ with views Sy sioner ‘ -- WILL NOT SUFFICE _ . (Milverton Sun) Friends Leslie Hatheway are raising sufficient funds before the trial takes place to make restitution. for the funds stolen from the Thorn- dale bank. What restitution will bejt made for the physical inconvenienc€ mental torture suffered by those who were locked in-the vault and left there to die of ‘suffocation, had not their perilous plight en dis- covered and their release effected? (Hanover Pos t) Population is the guage by which most of us judge a community; yet it is not always a safe guide. The type and quality of citizenship rather than the mere num eople, determ- ines whether the particular commun- ity is a good place in which to dwell and bring up the family. When incr- ease in population can be combined with the keeping of a high standard of citizenship, the ideal growth is the result; The so-called middle class, Vacation Stationery Share feed hee ion _Joys with your frie home.’ \Write eern a daily what along. And we can supply that now at lowest prices. ELLIOTT & GREER Quality and Service List Gable’s Old Stand, owel. Phone 138 oA population is the saving grace in Can- adian eitizenship . No city, however great in size, dan stand high in its ec- onomic development or claim aiatings tion in its educational or moral life without the great middle class. Salon of course includes the wage earner. WATCH THE OVERDRAFT _ (Kincardine Review-Reporter) — Some years ago Walkerton had an over draft and had to make applica- tion to the government for’special legislation to be allowed to issue de- bentures to meet the same. Since then the councils that haye ar ae i) $14,000, This will have to care of and it is doubtful if the Leg- islature will again give gage ng to issue debentures unless cap- ital expenditure where , sta tod. im-4 provements have been made. We call attention to the overdraft for the reason that in 1920 Kincardine had to issue debentures to the amount of nearly $40,000 to pick up an over- draft, which was shown by the spec- ial audit. We suggest this year that Kincardine finds out exactly where it stands in regard to its finances. We think great care should be taken to avoid any further overdrafts in the expenditure of the towh. The Leg- islature has refused to grant the re- quests of towns to issue debentures for overdrafts. It was hard work to get the last debentures through, We point this out to our Council not in er 6m, but becanse we feel that it would bé very unwise to carry any pn overdrafts. VALUE OF COMMUNITY NURSE oie aes Heraid) Peery ae A ta Cleaning ' Erery so often prolongs the life of a suit. And especial- ly now, men, when you subject that suit to harder weur than at p ys 3 other time of i 1 1 r ar two may un the cost here und we you Jlooking-a did the di back to clean and new i¢ you bought it Joe Lockhart The Tailor We call and deliver. The Distriet ursing members have bee en making a canvass 2 town for tunds to carry on hat 2s we do not know. ir hardly ems Tight that thle 10uld be necess¢ry. The town nurse s an institution that Hespeler cannot fford to be without and just why the i ladies anente be compelled to beg for } nece se imoney rard to understand, In T sonburg a few mont - ago. Dr. MeCullough, Ontarto M.C stated which consitute the major portion of! Association |° and Jasper Park and Stanley Park western scenery, but they are also na- sort of wonder that commercial inter- esta have discovered how strong the feeling is against ever dest them or encroaching seriously sees them. Old marek buildings here an there in Canada are more loca amples of the same qualify of public interest which lies in sentiment are “scene of, a sort which ap- ea to a pride” as stubborn as the] m ower of money, and more creditable. The man who cares Tave and is anxious for perpetual care in Fairview Cemetery, and pre serves the old family home a “pay- ing money for scenery,’ sbut more persons understand that kind of sentiment. The other kind—the arger, more communal and frataen al oat ae as surely coming in- to its THE SIDESWIPERS . (Stratford Beacon-Herald) The other Sunday a big car side ler car near Galt, pushed it culvert, and passed on without stopp- ing. The sideswiper is one of the worst types of “hogs™ on the roads. and there seems, unfortunately, no effective way of dealing with him. Usually he drives a big car; only a large auto can do t with absolute certainty of safety ig itself. “ sel- dom gives proper wee of his in- tentio&f to pass, nd the first the other motorist Lutes of hie presence is the “zoom” of his engine as the car whizzes ahead with just an inch or two_to spare. Sometimes not that, a the events above. mentioned, which are but two of many, prove. loves the a unalterable course along the smooth- s immense confidence and prides himself on just missing the other car by a hair’s breadth. Should he fall to miss it, he: usually steps.on the gas a bit harder and is lost in a clond of dust before the victims (if they are 8. ard to know ow to deal with this all too prevalent and call- ous type of “hog;" perhaps ‘_" On- tario Motor r iaaiaad can “do some- thing’ about -LACKING IN pail ota (Chesley Enterprise The Port Elgin Times er of three oung men from Owen Sound, al! of at ‘table families, who were fined $10 and costs amounting to $14.75 f rt Elgin. What's the matte: with some young men _ thes days a they have no more respect for Selves or.their parents-than to be Reond drunk in public places and | shows a loss sitive qualities that are bound to be} ‘ome more dulled the more they be- come addicted to the booze habit. | The dopy cigarette habit encourages indul gence in strong drink and the that £ asary. the town would yass the necessary money for The town of Hespeler has | been making a grant. Other generous} grants have heen made. but the bal-| [the local Medical Board deem- F 2 of intoxicants excites $s the assions the unclean life. Are * partially to blame g acceptable in cood society while under” the in- fluence of strong drink? The father of tional possessions, and it is with a isto! RE\fore Police Magistrate da} negl 1 ex- or his. father’s} ¢ a family in this town informed us| WN CHARGES FOR CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE AND BREACH OF | MOTOR VEHICLE ACT “THROWN | OUT BY MAGISTRATE. Monday ‘of last last week Mayor Palmerston char, Haliman of. Listo man of Hanoy nover were injured. May- or Fawcett “was acquitted th existed of criminal negligence. In all probability a civil action will follow. The Harriston Review Phi sale the hearing of the case says The chagge laid against Mayor Fawcett oficriminal negligence in~ causing an-Qecident. whiist driving n his car on the highway near. Dry- den's Mill, on the evening of July 5th and also of not returning to the scene of the accident was tried in Palmerston on. Monday last before ellyer, Crown Attorney Kearns, of Guelph.’ represented the gar, of Toronto acted tt. The a was an acquittal on both char, r. and Mrs. aiknae awisbe that not bale did‘ the Faweett car crash into the side of their car but that he did not return to their assistance. In defence Mr. Fawcett swore passed them on a wide spot on the r@ad with fully three feet of space between the cars, but that“on finding when he was about a hundred yards} -* further on, that the Hallman car was in the ditch, he and-his son, Ward, ran back to their assistance, he hini- self bindf{ng up Mrs. Hallman’s arm with his handkerchief. This kerchief was later doctor and wa6 produced in and identified. Further C ; Drain as No. 1, from ns Division oo ae et ach e| ques, shov. gravel, 8, $3.00 per ors, work on road 1, Pig N.R., express on blade for phe nd- taken off by oe . M ad eters a $985. was accepted,.he to put in a atch basins, dig the drain, - the tile and fill fant eaitch Feger ney to eer’s mon motion oe Phensh jarnett, t ne i make a Sadek’ on the south Branch of Swen ons. Ewan and e engineer” was authoriz- an extension concessions t 18, on through lots "8 to 6 *ticlaaten, in the Voce bake kid ot hos ae that} Enclosed lene ind $onsercsscecenee dM Bi Dainage Act and file the same wi this Council. This work was deemed necessary to Wm: Caldwell, gravelling $71.85; M. Livingstone, rep. culvert, $5.00; ). Stanley Campbell, sheep killed by dogs, $10.00; John Kroft, raking off stones $1,12;. Clarence Bender, work |! on road at bridge $1.75; Alex. Wolfe,|. rep. bridge $1.75; Jno. Walter. work |! on winter road 6, $13.25; Herb Ber- lett. do. $3.00; N. B. Krotz, prey. gravel, road 5, $ 0; F | otz.}! shov. gravel and grading etc. 39. - | 50; tz, do. $4.00; nd. Ott, | 4.00; Henry R. eas do; Fred Edgar, services Ins Drain No. 1, $10.00; Marshall Ste 900; Wesley Master, tine: ciabtet 2, V4 o Melvin Mason, grading ; James Smith, filling in sickens %e 4 $11.00; Robert North, shov. gravel 4 35. 00; Wallace Hunt, ading 4, $2.50; Albert Traviss, shov. gra nae i 4, $2.00 ive evidence was given by Mr. Geo. Pheifffer, of Drayton and his daugh- ter who passed the scene of the ac- cident and testified that they met Mr. Fawcett and his son running back to the wreck. Miss Pheliffer also stated that afterwards they saw blood on Mr. Faweett'’s hand. The fact that there was no marks of the collision on the Fawcett car also went to prove that he was innocent of running into the other car. The case was closed before‘ all the de fence witness were called on and a verdict given for the defendant he consensus of opinion seemed to be that back of ie all might be a civil suit for damag The Review tis or “onion: that if any person is entitled to damages It is ayor Fawcett, not only for the worry and expensa he has been pu: to, but also for th@ slanderous — re- ports which were Sirenlated. Such ure a serious matler especialiy to a an in his positic fast what action take In this res- pect the Review {is not in a position sav. but those who were so ready | to blacken his character might wel) | take warning. the people of Hz jton, knowing the lor Faweett is, aia | dence to believe ig e trust our con urerer | List owel papers in a fairness wil) yea full and co account of} eC ence evidence for the benefit | the def of their readers and they might alse | lanee has had-to be pried out by the} recently that when he was a voung| State that several defense witnes ee hae a : \n an became i xieated ond as; Present were never called on. | | yme of the manufacturing plants | the oe was pass sod to his. g'ri | \ el s hi be ee ed { | ee te a c have . a on woot . une nds they shunned him on the —Roe .- | ; for the o ha a tov nurse ublie @ es say. | - . lin ease of dent or sudden sickn ose | treet and at public dances for sev-| /a. Ross (Geog:, Bot, Can. Hist.) | : mal} t yenson. | ral months until he showed by his| K Ross (Geog., Bot., Can. Hist.) | ie aake a ‘grant ‘al — reason-| rood conduct that he could govern) can. Hist.) i | revenue 1s cert rem pry Pe |himself. This same man tells us that| ne _ - Pe ae a : re a ‘lusion | many of the girts ot to-day will not Hist. ) “| ng led al se], te } : an eal. | 7 icize those young men who ae i ‘an + fees and contr Hat ons should be met unseemly at public anetion Se ineider (Cz — . t.) ts s€ } t i} t , st ;out of the tow ixes. It shouldn’ t bel nrough indulging in booze. We pass ] neces sary for ‘the ladies to have tO} this on fo? what it is worth | > a house to house canvass for], a 1? voune wore cieatien iis { - & town aurea le fast aa necess doubt if young women by exctud} Se & OUT adie * from their soclety. young men w | sa road foreman and the eos have become add licted to the dri houl ihe 3 habit “ell ef? . ate ‘ con: |ihair Hes ght te t , the real change must come from the | EB} leen Sveber {C. Hist.. Geog. Bot) xpulsive power of the higher life. | > 2 —En ng. Grammar, Physio- ponrenpeneene woven POWDER (3a rnia Observe ) { th M ay PUFF FOR MEN ead of system in the Un there ure half a > coOs- Mr. and Mrs. H. Riddell ; Celebrate 50th Anniversary Some thirty-five friends from Lis- towel and district met at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Riddell last Tuesday, July 28, in honor of the 50th. 45 perttanggetd of their wedding hering was a surprise to Mr. and Le Riddel 1 regs © they were very the ‘task. dicts that the fay is not r off png vear on men, At the present time those ad- dicted to this form of art are rather timid about it. Evidently great days are coming. Dad will have to _ his powder puff and instead flask of moonshine he will carry ~ his hip a bottle of eau de cologne. It ia said that the women are growing more masculine. Nature is a wonder- fu grateful for the many tions and best wishes that w ere show- ered upon them. The bride and. groom of fifty years @go were presented with sweater eoats by their friends, the presenta- ji Vera Mc- r Morgan Welsh read an appropriate address. Eyents that happened dur- ing the past fifty years were the sub- jects of conversation during the ey- ening: A dainty luncheon was served. “Where were you boys when I cal- Jed for you to help me an hour ago?” bee = as in the barn settin' a hen,” said o saw," Pacey? other. = Grandia’ s room éettin’ the lok,” came trom the third boy.) .. “And I was ot the pantry settin’ a arth. re a fine set!" remarked the “and were you?” he settin’ “And ‘| was in the loft settin’ a ‘oe 1 It is quite in line that she should nee up by mak- ing men more. effe the trend is as Mrs, Maurer Says there will be good going for the drug stores and the beauty foundries, Donbling their prospects ought to be satisfying business. The young man or woman looking for a career with a commer- clal future should not overlook the beauty parlor. There ought to be money in it, when father takes to curling tongs and rouge. Hie hair -is already bobbed. “SPENDING MONEY FOR SCEN- ERY” : - (Acton Free Press) Not long ago man of national cakex, or with approva and La wise hohe. “Spans 3 is one Of They Results of Lower School Examinations LIST OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS OF- LISTOWEL HIGH SCHOOL AT LOWER SCHOOL EXAMS, sink 1—Canadjan History. Geos- raphy, Art, Botany. Subjects indicat- ed ie brackets must be re-written. M. Aitchison . Allisen History) . Chapman M. Crawford M. Climie _ son R. eg (Canadian History) M. Ell E. Fers rigs (Can. Hist, R. Frits (Can. History) ibson Cc. Heath (Can. History) Helmka Ww. banaitas fen History) W. Kennedy ©. Kinkead (Can. History) EB. Love Geog.) Part i ret! Zoology. iner lfson 3. Finkbe D. Gowing J. Haddow tamilton Hammond J. Hardie ’. (Arith.) H. = Harron (Ari . Hastings (one “Gran m. > ed {Eng. Gram., Ari 7 ) F. Hone R. ia ck A. McCluskie . MeDonald (Eng. Gram.) se _E. Raines M. Rogers A. Sanderson G. Sanderson B, Smith % Smith (Physe.) . Smyth E. Sm oth H. We ices: ong. ee I. Wilson (Ar ocom The foll raged have ee Ay. the n. brackets rew 3.00; * veri| Ross, do. $8 00; Meander Speers, | do. $1.00; John Timm, ‘ and winter road, 2, $3.0 ler, shov. gravel. 1, $7.00; grading etc. 5.25; Ruppel Extension . Mun. Drain $9.00; J. 8. $3.00; John Mahnke, op. grader, 3, r| ve a proper system |; drainage for the lands. specified. Thé folowing accounts were order-| if} ed paid: : i] plug. Doubtless in your home as in many others, there’ some room or some corner that might be made more con venient or cosy with an extra Electric Light socket or base Have it wired now and assign the task to us. You'll get high efficient results ata minimum cost. CARL ROSS *Phone 81 Listowel $4.00; Arthur Krotz, gravelling artd| shov. gravel 3, $6.00; Lys Magof- | fin, shovelling gravel, 0; Alex. Speers, do. 1.00; “Sant Greer, clerk's fees, T. Thompson award, $2.- 25; Wellington Henderson, work on winter road, $4.50, $5.50; Wesley Nelson, shov. gravel $3.00; James Megoffin, assistance on survey. Mun. Drain: N 1; $2.00; Richard Bram- hill, do. $2.00; Fred A. Edgar, ser- vices Bolton Mun, Drain, extension, $4 gravel, John J. Nelson, shov. * er ard ‘ple: estimates pee school placing at once. vid Greer, Clerk. COCHRANE MACHINE WORKS Listowel, Ont. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS con ee WELDING Britain Celebrates Hundred Years of Railroading Upper—Stephenson's first aS en the Stockton & on the Pacific Trans T land, is a matter directors is no more; its inventor museu: in peace in ving serv left behind noes achievement an F, McCrae x a Mcintyre T. i. Nickel ae Seo) stage coach. as a means of long: he old Stockton and Darling boi Railway, in Eng- of hi. now. ven board reward; its rolling stock, or what arviede of i its day an rests been the time when the d of}to is rlington Railways/ _Insert—The interior of the ebeervation car Lewer—The Titne Saneke leaving Montreal. agonies our parents to FS from one place to another e Duchess of York “Sttended the celebrations ‘> Watehs eg spi - n the proces: the para: Wh. Be: be = ee tas p t of the ‘occasion. had to endure if they wished train. Th in the sore Bears ‘of the peri sions, and so who. dunt, ee Pra Pigg oasis aaa . the’ wonderful