Listowel Banner, 27 Aug 1925, p. 1

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The Atwood Bee Subscription Rate $2.00 a Year in Avance. Otherwise $2.50 ns ! ne LISTOWEL, Thufaday, August 27th., 1925 Paar iar Gan e ~ “= = ER! ‘ * 2. ‘ele : - : : — ‘ | Dr. J. L. Stewart~Gives| Eighty-Four Go West PERSON ALS feu Listowel Man EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ee Re Li wD. nw ee wee ‘Interesting Address Over The C. PR. oe - Killed By Fall sertion, with minimam chtse | |r UxETED CHUROH LAST SUN-| SEVERAL OTHERS LEFT. LIBT0-1 pe nh wate ne a returned) ARTHUR E. PELTON, TORONTO, Cetneoy he Verde ndaracke Ee pe 8 a He with mini DAY MORNING" DR. STEWART|| WEL OVER Sects Dette HAR- s. Heary Youn spent pomigee egh 7! ak ag operation at the Memorial Hospital . mum charge of R SALE OR T Sev room house, th all .con- ~veniences. Apply to W vduiaepatar 4 BOARDERS WANTED High school students desiring board oO oom near the school. Apply at Ganher office. WANTED to borrow on first mort- 7% interest. Enquire a Wanted gage, $1600, this office. APARTMENTS TO RENT Apartments to rent with all-con- veniences. Apply Grand Central fur- niture store. tfn FARMERS Do you want your hens culled? If so, write for particulars to M. C. Mc- Phail. Agricultural Representative, Stratford, Ont FOR RENT Summer cottage at Point Clarke for the balance of the season. By the week or month. Low rates. Apply to Dr. Parker, Wingham. RESUME CLASSES adley will resume her music classes on Sept. lst. For terms _ partic _ apply at residence, Jallace str 9- WILL Miss W. e HOUSE FOR SALE On Rideut Street, London, two story solid brick dupiex, to sell on easy terms. Apply Rey. C. C. Kaine. Atwood. 8-2 NOTICE Any boys found on the Golf Links Property unaccompanied by players are Hable toa fine and must keep off. By rig Listowel Golf and Country Club. J. F. Wilson, Constable q _ HOWER TEA A er tea in aid of the plain Pos booth of the Hospital Bazaar will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Seaman on Friday afternoon, Aug. from 3 to 6 p.m. All are wel- = ABOR DAY AT HARRISTON 3th. Regimental Band, Baseball, Sucoall big Midway, dancing on pavement, platform dancing on grounds, etc. Band Concert in rink. Biggest program at lowest admission price 10M iARDEN PARTY Under ike auspices of S. S. No. 2 Elma will be held on school grounds on Friday evening, Sept. 4th. Supper will be provided from 6 to 8 o'clock with a good program after. Admis- sion 20 and 35c¢ E. Shearer. Commitiee Bee, ~3 NTED Wanted immediately, one for dye house, chine knitting department. those willing to start at the bottom and destrous of learning a good-trade and sticking to it need apply. The P-K Milis, Listowel three youths, FOR SALE Brick residence centrally located on WaHace street, newly decorated throughout, in good repair, conven- fences; good 6table and garage; im- mediate pdseession to. sui purchaser; will rent if not sold. Ap- ly to M. H. Moore, "phone 192 tf FOR SALE 100 acre farm for-sale, 1% miles west of Simcoe, on county road. Up- on property there is a brick h frame barns, about 500 bearing apple trees. 1% acres strawberries, grain yet to put in this fall. -" pply Geo. Wateon, Box 599, Simco 8-27 i HONEY FOR SALE New crop of honey aow ready. Clo- ver honey,lc th. 14¢ in 100 Ib. lote; @ quantity at 12%c a tb, mostly clover; mixed honey, clores Buck- wheat and golden rod, 10c . Spec- fal prices for large danatitien: Apply to N. Mitchell, R.R. 1, Listow sh aaee <5 1% REMOVED! Jacob Brandle, general blacksmith and horse-shoer, as moved from the Main street stand tosthe blacksmith shop formerly occupied by the late Mr. Sergison, of the Queene Hotel. Mr. Bra ndle will be _ a welcome his old fr owienage te and m: be dee ones, His reliab! MeDonald, is still with bien $27 np ABLY DEALT WITH CONDITIONS. Rev. J. L. Stewart, D.D., return- ed missionary from China, proke 2 in the United ed last Sunday m ing, and the large audience cmiared the privilege in hearing euch a ag arly and interesting address Stewart has been the vopréeladative of the Stratford. district for over twenty years in the foreign field. time like this, when there are serious difficulties in China, and people of Canada are at sea as to what the trouble really is, it is very gratifying to have an explanation a ~ fr one who has been there; and ge Sgn so ped thoroughly understands id * tye tion. Dr. Stewart In a masterly way, began by saying that first of al China has now the spirit of national- sm. This been brought abouty by the students of China who have studied China's history and also his- tory and conditions of other coun- tries. Chiffa’s treatment in the way of treaties with other countries has been somewhat unfair and certainly not very Christianlike, and now the Chinese are demanding that the treaties be revised and that they be treated as at present standing as a nation calls. For China has also been exploited by foreign businessmen and labor pe are far from what they should A 6tronk a tor also in China the Bolshevik influence of» Russia and an effort is being made to instil into the Chinese the spirit prevalent in Russia. The students of the coun- try are divided into two classes. One class asks for better conditions through conferences with other na- tions brought about in a peaceful way, but the extremists among the students take the 6tand that the way to set justice is by the machine guns. Dr. Stewart stated that with a many of their grievances he was in sympathy and hoped that mattere would be adjusted/in a Christian and brotherhood spirit Listowel Boys Injured . In Motor Accident FIRST RU MOR THA’ AT MR. MUL- LIN AND PARTY WERE INJUR- ED WAS FALSE—JOE CARUSO AND JOHN BELL INJURED. Was reported around town this afternoon that Mr. and Mre. R. Mul- lin,-and son. Mrs. Mullin’s mother, Mr. Wm. Stricker and Dorothy were all im the hospital at Kitchener result of an accident, when r was struck by a train. Up- however, this was h Ar- got busy on the susie and got in touch with Mr. Mullin who knew nothing about the accident. turned out, however, that two Listowel boys had been injured in a motor accident at Kitchener, Joe Caruso and John Bell; who were re- turning from Hamilton with a truck load of fruit. The report is that Joe Caruso is badly cut about and his leg broken. .}also badly cut. Both boys were in the hospital, but it was thought that Bell would be able to return home to-night, ‘while Caruso would main in the hospi Relatives of both boys left by mot- or this afternoon for Kitchener. SACRED BAND CONCERT Sunday, August 30th March Camp Fire Girls Mackie Beyer Band. Ballet Suite Coppellia Leo Delibes Hy mn The Church in ~ Wildwood m. Pitts. Hymn ason. Overture Lygla Hymn Faith of Our Fathers Walton- Hymn Abide With Me Monk Selection Sullivans. Operatic Gems Sere Band March Hughes | # In Old Quebec Band GOD SAVE THE KING dete numbers have still to be ar- nged. Flower ct next Friday and Sat. flowers and urday. ng your waialon. it ee best we we have had. 4 i| vey er J, Love, George. McDon- is |S My Faith Looks up to Thee} } M Mackie Beyer h Mr. John Livingstone, C. ticket agent for Listowel, reports a er quota the year:for the Har- vesters’ Excurs'! number tick- eted being aerinioar, They left on Friday last. He has kindly furnished us with the following list of their names: r Mrs. J. Riehm, Mrs, A. Schinbein, Mrs. J. Zurbrigg, Mrs. Zimmerman, Miss ‘McWatters, Mrs. George Ash, iss M A rs. Houze, Mrs. Adam Smith, Mrs. Robertson, Miss Stew- art, M Love, Miss McGoffin, ow. es Pollock, HL. McLaughlin, Chas. Murr, W. J. Stinson, Howard Heath, Har- ald, G. H ae ogan, Lorne Love, E. A. Armstro: Vallance Inglis,...W_.L. Campbeiee c. Edwards, Russel Far-’ rell, Robert McIlroy, Thos. McWat- ters, John McCallum, C. Shearer, D. ig ye John Sproule, H. . E., Cameron, Bert Spar, Harry oo Alf Faulkner, B. Ronald, K. mp, ° ostick, Graham iohasttn, Wilbert Johnston, 8. Hood 7. J. McDonald, Keeso, H. Geig Young, Buchanan, Frank Carson, Mc- iy Collison, R. E. Elliott, H. Turn- er, Robert McGeorge, M. Osborne, 8. Perry, Elgin oe Ed. Gabel, Roy er A. . A. Ha igus, town ticket ag- ent ton ‘the Canadian National, sold Mtickets to the following, who left on Friday on the Harvesters’ Excursion: John McIntosh, W. R. Patterson, GeorgeWakefield, St. Clair Campbell. Andrew Leonard, John Felkar, Har- ry Sanderson, . Loney, Stanley. George and Wm. Foulston, T. Sand- r here were bag of thirty left via C. N. R. but Mr. Hacking was unable to tarnish all their.names. “Returned From Five Months Chautauqua Tour who has been with for the past the season Ont., last week and has Te- turned home. Starting in Georgia through North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iniliana, Hlin- ois, Michigan and Ontario. In Ten- nessee he the scene of the famous “Scopes Evolution Trial’ In Kentucky the birthplace of “Abra- ham Lincoln,”’ and Indiana, the home of “General Wallace," the author of “Ben Hur. Redpath Chautauquas carry twen- ty-one tents and visit some seven hundred towns and cities. They are the largest Chautauqua in the world and engage some of the world's most Savage, Chanteniae. he travelled notable entertainers. One of the lecturers this year, Dr. _ Julian B. Arnold, fs the son-of-S8ir Edwin Arn- old, who equipped Stanley for his ex- | ploration into Africa, and also w rote | many notable books. among them “The Light of Asia.’’ Although quite young Dr. Arnold was present at the funeral of the late David Liv- ingston, the famous missionary. — Inspector Highly Commends Listowel Public Library The Secretary of the Listowel Pub- lie Library is in receipt of the fol- of Education, Toronto, O. Carson, Inspector of Public ‘Lib- raries. Dear You should receive a grant of $170.82 for your pyblic library. While the amount is not as large as your Board received last year, there : 7 its organization. and service. Your Board is to be highly commended for the forward steps taken of late and +E iy éure that the people of Listowel the il I have just spoken to Miss i wan, my assistant, in regard to your library and she says that on her vis- it which was made during my ab- gence, the work was progressing| splendidly. She observed not only a great improvement in the libraray methods, but a i abtioabble dif- ference in the neatn and order throughout the brary. Miss w Climie’s progress and that you rarian feels such, éatisfaction in the ethan | we STRAYED rayed from home this week, lit- tle brown dog, answers to “Brownie.” “fee 8 kindly notify Mr. Irwin erth. changes that have been made. $16. BOARDERS WANTED Two Eee school oy Terms mod- jexate, ,, Cox . App ly Mrs.|% Ready to wear me aie is ate aan MONTH END SPECIALS AT sraos|- * and M [sunday at. Point Clarke. —_—o— Kaufman was home from Fergus for Sunday. Met OEE) Mise Newman of Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with Miss W. Bradley. —r— Mr. Arthur Wright is spending his vacation with friends in Kincardine. | i are Mrs. A: urbrigg returned Monday with her bay son from the Listowel Memorial: Hospital. Mies Mabel Fisher of Stratford, is visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs Alvin Stricker, and 3 Mr. 8. 8. Goo Mr. David savize e hae returned home, after being with the Chautau- qua company for the summer months. —oO— A. G. Savage and family have C returned home from Goderich, where they had been —_ a few days. Miss Clara Rothwell and. Mrs. W. Yocom were in Toronto last week, guests at. the home of Mrs. George Beedham ‘ —o-— * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jarvis and son, Norman, spent the week-end with Mr:--and Mrs. David Murray, Monkton. J. A. Wilson, who is relieving at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, spent the week-end at his home in Hagersville. —l< Mr. and Mre. J. K. Forsyth and daughters, Mary and Marjorie of Toronto, are guests this week at the home.ot Mr#ffd Mrs. John Watson. —_-— Marion-and Neal Crawford “od Milverton and Grace Gray of Strat- ford, visited this week with their | aneiailia Mr. and Mrs. W,-A. ay - Mrs. C. A. Wiis oy of Loa Angeles, who is a guest at the hom of Mr. an Mrs. John Watson, Jeft this week for Toronto and Kingston, where she will visit friends Mr. and Mrs, Jesoph Elder, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyle, of Niagara-on-the-lake, were week- end guests at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. nning. Mrs. James Bright and daughter Jean, returned to Hamilton on Sat- urday. after spending two weeks at the homes of tthe Misses Bright and Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson. oO Miss Edna MacKenzie left Wed- nesday morning for Goderich, she will spend the week-end friends, She was accompanied by her guest, Miss Viola Langmade, of Oeh- awa — Poe Mr .and Mrs. Frank E,. Welker and family, of St. Jacobs, visited on Wed- wesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stricker. Mrs. Welker and fam- ily remained to spend a few daye in Listowel E oa “Koenle and G contented re 6th. con, Wal- . Listowel Messrs. Miller, of ae Miss Ruth Fileinger, lae, Miss Lillian Bender, ‘and Miss Muriel! Dietrich of Chesley, motored to Grand Bend on Sunday. —o— Mrs. L. Gabel has returned home from Oakville, where she has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mil- ner. Mrs. Milner and any daughter accompanied her hom an are spending a week or s0 y* Listowel. —_—o-- DICKSON—STEVENSON On’ Wednesday..afternoon, August 26, 1925, at 1.350 o'clock, the mar- riage of Lenore Busenie, daughter of Mr. and Mre. 8S. J. Stevenson, Listo- wel, to Dr. James Alan Dickson, Am- sterdam, N.Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dickson, Niagara Fails, Ont., was + ag anit - the bride, assisted by . M. Nicol; of Knox Church. The ‘pride, es the arm of her fath- er, entered the living room, which was fashioned with Her veil, worn in Juliet style, was roses and lily of bridesmald, _ Mise Mar, n4 joreatangd of the Listowel ERAL ON MONDAY.> The sad néws of the sudden death of Mr. Arthur E. Pelton, of Toronto was quite a shock Pe relatives town when they received the wor een =a ae August 22nd. Mr. had pene morning ‘aad fell ft ng; sustaining iijerien which caused his death from cerebral hemorrhage within a few hours. ig 60n, Stafford, had just come to Listowel for a yisit the night be- fore and Mr. a Mre xi were guests at Mr. Pe ‘lton’s home i Toronto at the time of the uiaident, d. Th elton, oO was his 57th. year, was born at Innerkip, ‘Ont., where he spent the greater portion of hfs life. About fourteen years ago" he went to Vancotver, B. He then years, only moving to Toronto a little over a year ago, where he also engaged in building and selling houses. About twenty-four, years ago he married Miss Miriam Moore, daugh- ter of the late Henry ag of Trow- bridge, who's ae ‘vives " hree sons, Charles, nora one "Reid, ana one daughter, Ruth, Toronto, also survive. sleo leaves three sisters and one brother, George of Port Huron, Mrs. Fred Switzer of Atwood, Mrs, Grant Anderson of Toronto, and another sister ‘in Van- couver. Another brother, Wm el ton of Listowel, predeceased him a- bout @ year ago. The funera!l which was very large- ly attended, was held on Monday af- ternoon from his late residence, 53 Highcroft Road, interment place fh St. John’s cemetery, to. The services were conducted by Rey. J. M. Nicol, of Knox church, Listowel, of which church the ceased was a member while residing here. He was also a member of the Canadian Order many friends in Listowel ex- tend sympathy to the bereaved fam- ly. a Ce ms’ is a qood. place to to buy that Bat — now is the t Have Culled 2500 Hens In Perth County Everybody's Column in this issue ee an advertisement asking the ultry men of this district who are tenting of eradicating the non-pro- ducers from their flocks, to /apply to the Agricultural Representative at Stratford. ar oe 2,600 hens been culls »y Perth county have junior farmers duting the past month. The number of non-layers found in the various flocks averaged poons 28 per cent. “Pree Pants" at pcowmcc with — tailored to your measure. $24.0 beg offer closes next : aendar. Avg. st. Flower show next Friday and_Sat- urday. Listowel is noted for its flow ers, Let's show them for the admira- tion of the public; Mrs. Albert Wahl Dies In Hospital HAS RESIDED IN | LISTOWEL TWENTY-THREE YEARS—FUN- ERAL HELD TO-DAY FROM LUTHERAN CHURCH. The death of Mrs. Albert Wahl oc- curred at the oe lee Memorial Hos- pital, on Tue ugust . 25th., 1925, in her ‘titty -ninth year, follow. ing an illness extending over a per- iod of two For the past three weeks, Mrs. Wahl was a patient at the Memorial Hosiptal. Thetate Mrs. Wahl was formerly Emma Wittlaufer, a of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ittlaufer. She was born October 17th. 1866 near Tavis- tock, and when quite young moved with her —— to the third con- — Wal e ext “twenty-three years Wahl has been a highly respect- Mr. Wa Mrs. ed poe of Listowel. predec She also. ST resided de, Mich., for ten years. Surviving mem- bers of the family are one brother, r|/Mr. George Wittlaufer, of Saginaw, Mrs. Wahl was 2a Lutheran Mich. The late ir) aw "The ‘funeral was held this (Thurs- Frc ‘om ae port resi- e nak ae dance, Barber street, oO". quet was oF shell pink roses. hme was Dr. _ Avthur ar Graham, Toronto. During Miss Molly bri a » Sang 5 the t and their parents, the signing of the register R. B. Geethaa sister of the t tonawed. by public ‘tarvice in theran church at two-thirty o’- ge of her pastor, Rev. r. Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery, the Lu clock, in char Pe doe ta " oe as apprentices with Mrs. Chis b straw Hat in the store $1.00, Last Call. b Purchased Essex Coach— Mr. Sidney Greenslade as pur- chased hora ra coach from the loc- al deai Operation at Hospital— ‘Mrs. Thomas Baftja urfllerwe operation at ‘ee Memorial Hospital on Friday lae Tonsils Rem Miss Thelma wEligore had her ton sile. removed at i seein Hospi- tal on Friday last. Judged be Palmeret Rey B. Howara was in Pal- merston "lsday, judging at the flow- er 6 Addressed Kiwanis— Mr. Francis Sutton, who recently left Listowel for Peterboro had the privilege of addressing the Kiwanis Club at their banquet last week. Leaving for Thessalon— Miss Effie Karges is leaving on Monday next for Thessalon, Algom district, where sHe has accepted a position as milliner Attended Funeral of Cousin— Mr. E. D. Bolton was in Toronto on Saturday last, atending the fun- eral of his cousin, Mr. James Green- away, who was drowned in the island at Toronto on August 19th. a| join a Wednes-- day next and enjoy a game of golf rthere. Visiting Editors— 5 Eedy, editor at Walkerton 1 Telescope, with Mrs, and family, called at The Banner of- the calls are always very enjoyable. Moving to Listow ~. Alex. McDonald, conductor on the P. R. running from Listowel to Mel has rented the residence Mre. J. Koch, and gets possession on September ist. Mr. eesre who has been conductor on the loca has~ — for Guelph and is now on the Guelph-Hamiltoh line.-Mr. Me~- Donald is movi his family from London, the fore part of next week. Invited to Join Hike— The ndon Chamber of Commerce has acunied = invitation to the Listowel Cham them on a thotoe hike on Sept. 2nd. and 8rd. ‘The first day’s itin- erary includes Strathroy, Wyomfng, Petrolia and Sarnia, where a stop will be made over night, returning the next day hm siiaaietain aie Dres- den and Chat Boys’ and Girls’ School Shoes on sale as low as 98c a pair. See our val- ues before you buy. W. ALTER'S. Have Moved to a owel— Mr. M. Siegal, proprietor of the|‘ Home Bargain Store in Listowel, | moved his family to Listowel this | week, and have rented the résidence! "| of Mr. Frank Kemp on Wallace St. | E Return = Trip— Mr. S. Good and Miss Pearl Good wternag home Saturday, after an enjoyable six weeks’ trip through Paul, Minn., and other points in the: southern states; also Didsbury and Calgary, Alta. | ’ Returns from Kingston— Mr. Osear Nickel returned Friday from Kingston, wheré he had been taking a summer course. He ) leaves on Monday next for Waterloo, jto continue his duties | College. i s Return From Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae and Mr. Frank Rae have returned home. after an enjoyable sir weeks’ trip through the west, visiting in Hamiota, Man., Invermay. Sask., and several other points. Ordered New Pants— Mr. 8. Poag, tailor, has been given an order by the Listowel Band for twenty pairs of cage in _ match the coats f their unifo The trousers will be blue, with se braid, on e6ide New Milliner with Mrs, Chislitt— ne, of Toronto, arrived has accepted a posi- Chislitt. The Misses Mary r “ce Rae Held genre eee? Mr. and } G. C. Adams were in Bay field on Tareday attending a fam- ily re-union. Members of the family to the number of thirty-five present from Mitchell, Atwoo Keewatin. very enjoyable outing was spent. Struck ‘el ing Well— Mr. Henry Johnston, who has been | drilling at Point Clarke was succese- last week in striking a flowing well for-a Mr. Bradiey at a depth of 180 feet. Mr. Johnston saye it is the best he has struck for many years. Mr. Bradley intends having the wa- ter piped to two or three of his cot- tages. Girls in Competition— Three Perth County McKay, Stratford; Alva ton, and ‘Ruby Shearer, Listowel, have been entered by M. C. McPhail, Perthy County agricultural repres- entative, in e girls’ domestic science judging contest. under the auspices-of the Canadian National Exhibition. girls, Ethel oe, Milver- ete Baws a Meeting— nual meeting of the Wom- en's Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, lat. at 3 o’clock. Election of Aug. 3 officers will take place. Final ar- rangements made for zaar. Good attendanceis requested. Ptease notice change in date of meeting §. Perth Liberals meet in convention at Mitchell on uesday next, Sept. Ist. when @ can- didate will be chosen. Hon. T. A. wand Hon. Duncan Marshall will in tendered the nom- idee action is Wes present rum er, will be aga ination. In North defe: ed: = land Mrs. M. H. home|? h at Waterloo of o M m The Liberals ae South ‘Perth will Attended Funeral in Toronto— those from Listowel who one ml the funeral in Toronto on Mon afternoon oO a A. Pelton were Rev. J. M. Nic- Dr. and Mrs. James Moore, Dr, Moore, Mr. and Mra. Miss Ida Pelton, Mr. Moore, Mr. W. ‘J. Moore and Mr. Frank Bryne, and Mrs ussel Dowd, Miss Lydia Reid N " Fall Attendance Urged— The Public and High Schools will open for the Fall term on Tuesday next, Sepi. Ist. and the principals urge that all students be in rage ance on the opening de facilitate matters { the! classes, snd the” pupits will benefit by bein on h or the first lessons of the different subjects, Petition Largely Signed— petition asking the Government to release the Hon. Peter Smith on the first of October, when he will have completed one year’s imprison- m .is being largely signed, by city and country people been fairly thoroughly circulated through South Perth and is now be- ing circulated in Stratford. No Gambling at Fairs— Notice to the officers of all Fall fairs and —_ ultural Societies has been sent from Toronto, pointing out that the Gorermmuaet will strictly en- force the law providing against all kinds of gambling, and all games of chance at the exhibitions, or within 300 yards thereof, and that any — of this regulation will result in the association forfeiting all claim to any legislative grant during the year next ensuing Fall Proved Fatal— The death occurred Tuesday morn- ing as a result of injuries received @ few days ago when he fell.from the roof of a building on~Which he was working at mith, citizen of Milverton. Mr, Smith, who was more familiarly known as “Tab” Smith at his home on Main street, Milvértoh. He had been % resident of that town for many years and enjoyed good health until his fall. The deceased, who _ in his 73rd year, is survived by widow, one daughter, Ella, of Milverton, and three sons, William J. and George, of Milverton, and Samuel of Strat- ford. Bern Burnt in Wallace— About’ nine o'olock last Saturday evening fire completely destroyed the large barn of Mr. Albert Elliott on the 8th. concession Wallace township, about four miles from the village of Moorefield. The cause of the fire is unknown. The barn con- tained a large quantity of hay, eev- eral pigs, and a number of hens. The most of the season’s crop, however, had not been drawn in. The estimat- ed loss is about $10,000 and there ia reported ,about: $7000 insur- ance. The fire could be. seen for_a long distance, Fined For Assault Considerable excitement was evy- fore Magistra n ten o'clock. re charge of a8- had been laid by Mr-

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