In Alluring F abrics and Furs, now ow showing at John McDonald’s School Shoes ---Built For Wear--- The shoes that make so many trips to school must have sturdy QUALITIES, and they must be comfortable and good looking as well. Ht We have a-large~range to choose from for Boys and Girls: [ry our School Shoes priced-from $2.00 to $5'00 KIBLER'’S Items of Local Interest sm rebpen on ia iin next, ca, Mr. Dempsey, has ‘again pn goed Sept. 1 the competition this year. Last yea | Meatord band secured second "money. a Scotch | | | | i Southampton will hold. doables bowling tournament on Wed-; This Month for the Farmer— nesday, Sept, 2n This is one of the’months wh | farmer c'n begin to quit growin’ all | McCracken Bros. - intend showing} the time—and begin to garner in a their horses at the Toronto Fair next| way early apples, garden truck, fry- eek. jin’ pout: I don't know any bett- jer feelin’ than to know your food is The picnic season {s at its height | growin’ right under your eyes, and and- family outings are almost d y| not to be beholden’ to anybody else | occurrences ‘ rit. It earned food, and that | makes it good food Mr. Will — of Listowel, spent | lookin’ at it—Caleb Peaslee. {the week-end igs parents in} | town.—C liftord ‘Sanrens. Alberta Prospects Better— Alberta's wheat crop will be about Are you a member of the Agricul; 50 r cent. greater this year ‘than tural Society? - Secure a ticket now} Just, from one of the directors. t sim er of prominent grain men tn- | ter viewed on this subject. The gen- Wingham intends holding a street) | aaa opinion is that the Province will carnival an ance geome time | have a crop of between one hundred and one hundred and ten million bushels this fall, as compared with The word “'Gladioli’’ ‘will a a} sixty-one million bushels last year. f/dropped and in future “Glad will be both eoeuar and faut, ike. Nonagenarians to Speak— ‘Iri J | the word ‘ Booth, of Ottawa, head, of . ada’s greatest lumbering’ firm The oat yield in Perth County has | Can now ninety-eight years of age Ziaveraged 50 bushels to the aecré, lwill b chief speaker on the open- Select Fruits and Vegetables --Ready For Preserving-- Fresh from orchard and farm. A daily shipment that the housewife—bent on buying her Preserving needs—w fil beum upon with delight. Lowest prices. R. A. CLIMIE Phone 72. Listowel. practically the same yield per acre a6 5), Find pe the exhibition, it was an- last year. | nounced yesterdgy. Another eminént . ‘ | Canadte Will be there in-a like Returning officers for the 243 con: | eapactty. Adam Brown. Mr. Brown stituences in Canada for the next); '¢ od old and has been pow Federal election have all been ap-) master at Hamilton since pointed. 1 likely speak at the luncheon on a ; youre Canada’s Day, since he bas You will soon be sending out ae. | been connected with educatfonal counts to your customers. Get ont bill heads and statements at "The | work for many years. Banner i | tong Motor Trip— Mr. Joe Wallace, and Gordon,! The following item from the Sen- Aspent the week-end with the form-/tinel, Woodstock, I1., is of local in- er's sister-in-law. Mrs. Davidson, of!terest; ‘‘Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eby and *Listowel— Walkerton Telescope. pangneet, Fern, motored to their old ‘anada and have just re- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jic —, and | turned enty-four d p. family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew They visited Listowel, ton and Miss Jessie Preston of Listo.! Hanover, Jalkerton, tchener wel, Sundayed at Mrs! Nora Mc-} Preston, Galt, St. George, Branchton Lean'’s.—Port Elgin Times. and Allan Park. Covering a distance lot 1750 miles, they said they. had Two inmates _ pent no car trouble of any kind, including tentiary have w their wattieiation have evidently learned their lessons; were glad more ways than one county of = i d = = 32 o come back to MeHenry and Woodstock.” Birth Certificates— At the inétance of Dr. Forbes God- Mr. and Mrs. Ellison of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Hartung and four children of Gowanstown. Mr.jfrey, Minister of Health, a new scale and Mrs. EB ndy and daughter, of; offees for the fssuance of birth cer- er were Sunday visitors at/tificates has been authorized by the N A r’s. —Kincardine | Provincis Jovernment. In cases Review “Besirter. where women apply for birth certificates of their children, as re- Mrs. Hood, of Listowel; Milton;quired under the Mothers’ Allow- and Mrs. Hood, 8th. con Walace,!ance Act, and also where the appli-} Your. Home Paper Vom bre SSE SESE a tm om eae =s/ = SS Fr % = ‘ = All E yeS = = , = ==| In Some 1000 Homes of = = | Listowei and vicinity are == = eagerly focused upon all reading matter (ess = within the pages of the Pod mek | iJ — c<T th TH Listowel Banner Think of it, Mr. Merchant ! | Just think of its power as a lime- light in which* to display your offer- ings through the medium of the_ printed werd and illustrations ! Lia HT - Ht And we'll help you attain the greatest possib'e results from your Advertising in this paper. For, we carry Gj Hi => Aa == the well known Bonnet-Brown Sales i\w =/| Service of cut and copy suggestions for r =a your exclusive use. Phone ‘6! and ask -; mat G about it | 4 ? § ay eq 4 / it “Gy ? iin Mm ai ) i jn 4 * Wu, Wad were visitors Bunday at the home of|cation® are soldiers or soldiers’ de- —_ the former's brother, Thos. Har-|pendents seeking to prove’ pension ve. Henry and Mrs. Schaefer and/ claims, the certificates wfll be isau- Mrs. Graybiel were also visitors at}ed free Ih other cases there is an in- the same home.—Fordwich Record. ‘crease in the fee. The fee for each certificate where the applicant “When people ask me how I find} knows within three years of the date businéss, I tell "em ‘by looking for it.’| of his birth will be $1 instead of 75 The fellow that says he can't find|cents. Where searches of records ov- business Is like the guy that takes a/ era period of three years is necessit- milk pail into the pasture and waits| ated; however, the charge will be 50 ‘or fhe cow to back up toit. If you/cents for every additional three want ae go after the cow. She's| years willin Bad Anto Accident— “If the women of the church wish to continue to raise money through; 30. o'clock, an auto accident happen- the sales of home cooking and baz-|ed on t aars and by other methods that are| north of Mitchell, merch-| cupants of the care had a narrow es- o aj}cape from being seriously injured. license to do business and aleo Jet it} Mr. and Mrs. Earl oe of Mitchell. pay all the other taxes with which/|and a and Mrs. Cli Sachs, the legitimate merchant is faced,”’| Londo who were Visiting Good Bread--- A first essential im the building of sturdy bodies. The almost tireless energy of ehildren eam only be replac- ed by wholesome nourishing food. “* Bremi—good bread—has for generations past played a most important part in the development of emall bodies and mimis, ise parents provide plenty of good bread for their Wis children. No food is of geater all ‘round nutritive yvalue—is more easly eaten and eo more ecqnomical good bread. than was the declaration of Mrs. James/ them, Wece returning ae from At- Henderson, of Brand@on, “last week,| wood, when which there when she addressed the first session ; were-a xamher of ‘waar people, who ~of re-organized Women’s Missionary| were on their way to their homes in Society of the Continuing Presbyter-} Listowel, collided with the Sachs car. fan Church at the inaugural meeting ear turned a eomplete in the historic old Kildonan church|somersault and after the accident of the Selkirk settlers. was lying upside down on the road a a Statistics prepared at Ottawa show] the Sachs auto, a wheel, fender and that the number of eutOmobiles injaxle were damaged. The He crncrapiet of the On Wednesday night, at about 10.-} in which the oo-} 50,000 “S15 eee $2 Aug tothe From Wi eae Plus 94 cent, pers CANADIAN PACIFIC Through Celenist Steepers Leave Listowel 2.05 p. m. eb be }21st. and Sopieeng 4th da have now $0,000) both cars escaped without injury. The mark for the figst tims in history.| Listowel car w Motor vehicles registered in Ca: January 1 numbered 652,121, com-|a truck.—Mitchell Advocate. pared with 593,322 on Janua ery 1, q928. Ontario is the leading auto-| Twenty-one Years O mobile owner amon week saw the coming of age with: 308.693 cars to ite credit. The of Canada’s pay rn indgistrial. Prairie provinces of Manitoba, Sask-| mance the Ford sigiee Homeee of atebewan and Alberta combined, ac-| Canada, Limited, Twenty-one years 234 myles” isa pork time in the history of Can- a badly smashed In rural dis-|eo remarkable im their progese. 60 tricts. An average ioceatiomat of $600] remarkable in their drama, aad 60 per car m investment} remarkable In their changes that it fn automobiles “$360. s08, 000. {s difficult to keen pace with the in- strial. perelcumant of. antomotivre Won Several Cases— ngineering. er Com- 2 3 Mr. R.’G. McFatlane’ was in Kin- vy of Canad t + : peg bapa Ma at sg and er successfy aan “4 was er? “ete bute n win ps gS ne Te SABER 05, io t so grea’ revo whieh he was soMeivo: ‘| tone ay a a esc oy ah up that it was teken to that town on |‘ i trane~)_ ae" tn ieee a ee engineer-| oMeare J a. CG. 2G, Hertes Yana tate Bat that 9 mate oot “yews ag =f whe are | tm ma! a : Sine | oe ee ” == fim > = 9° ARTE on te coo he “te ie NA handy die pk | IE World’s Fair ase for occas ions pt f hating balk «ene : = 4 ght.” er -