consists of 235 ‘reforming power of th Thursday, Sept. 17th., 1925 The Atwootr Bee AAmalgamated Oct., Ist., 1923.) E, S. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Published Thursday of each week. Bight to sixteen pages, seven 1- umns to <ead page. All home-print. Can use m Rabetrivtion rate $2.90 otherwise $2.50. C) i ee excels as an esvectniek St mediu e do job Caatae of all kinds, Member Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association Thursday; Sept. 17th., 1925 r4 Editorial \ f your neighbor persists in bor- rowing your Banner tell him he can have it sent to his address direct from the goed — the end of the year for 50 ¢ — Premier King announed that would reform the Senate from with- in and he immediately appointed a newspaper man to one of the vacan- cies. If that wasn't a tribute tothe e press what was it?—Clinton alles The present a of Commons members but in the next the cenreuenseniits will be in- creased by ten. Nova Scotia will have two members rairie Provinces will } Brit- ish Columbia will have ohe more. In the other provinces as well as in the} Yukon, the representation is un- changed ini number. =“ The appointment of-Vinecent Mas- sey, head of the Massey-Harris Com- wise move M pany, to the cabinet was a on the part of Premier King. Massey ihe the cabinet, as he ws the ideas of the manufacturer, knows business and has a practical experience. He wil with of the Liberal tariff policy. enter the cabinet as minister out portfolio. Did you see “Ties That sel a the Toronto Exhibition? e We not strangely stirred when the ‘thease | Stratford Wednesday the bands played “‘O Can you not proud you were a citizen ot; And yet,} that fair Canada of ours? some people say we should not have a n — anthem for the Dominion = crowd promptly arhen “God agave the King” heard;—of course, and it with fervor and reverence, singing of a Canadian anthem ,not detract’one whit from the n the singing of the was but the Anthem has its place in life. . | The Winnipeg Free Press annual-| agement Ty makes a survey the Western crop. and always come pretty close to the official figures which are obtainable ia marketed. n$ chewan and niles” were covered bY 2,269 miles were traverse ad. While the wheat @ield will not bp! t first predicted, still the crop will be well over the aver- age. The Free Press estimates that the total yield of wheat will be 368.- 857,272 bushels. The entire estimate of the grain crop “ wv estern Ontar- | 89.1 2,646 bushels. eat ing news to the business Canada, pei worlc =” Farmers’ Sun-"in_giving his feas- id the aorta of Mr. Meighen's policy of higher protection would endanger confederation. That yith feeling in east- nion as it is, is the sober truth. the Maritime Provinces at the ern end of the Domi year, & bi be a great strength to the Dominion His acceptance shows that he has no fear you Tose was sung did feel- Nat- A Canadian National Canadian after the crop} kg : | With the Gharches Weddings Galvary Evangelical Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 20th 10 a.m.—Public worship. The Pastor. 11 a.m.—Sunday schoo] session. 7 p.m.—Public worship. The Pastor. Monday 8 p.m.—E. L. C: E. Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting. Baptist Rev. Harry W. Jackson, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 20th 10 a.m.—Sunday school. 11 a.m.—The Pastor. 7 p.m.—The Pastor. The United Church of Canada Sunday, Sept. 20th a.m.—Prayer and Praise service: 11 d.m.—Publi¢ Worship. Rev. D. M. Guest of Ethel, will preach. 2.45 p.m.—Sumday echool. 7.30 p.m.—Publie worship. The pas- tor will preach. “THE - SECOND-MILE We have excellent music. You will re- ceive a cordial welcome 10 P. F. Hoadley, Organist and Choir Le 7 Tr. E. . ARMSTRONG, Pastor. | Worla s baseball series will jopen on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. . . e The Chfford girls’ softball team pg the champions of the north- n league last Thursday when they defeated Drayton. Ba Clifford girls will now meet 2 Dr. H. D. tivtientine has won the) handicap trophy put up by the Liv- towel Tennis Club for 1925. He de- 1|}feated Mr. L. H. Bernie in the fin- -\al ae last week, by the score 6-3, 6-3. s . * t Fifteen members of the Listowel Golf and Country Club motored to afternoon, and {enjoyed a game with the Stratford . Dinner was perved in the Club House to the visitors, and a pleasant afternoon spert. af s Hanover Post—A great srane of football is being staged in Gr and Bruce counties, which is sites hy the fact that teams from these coun ti best; The senior W. won by Owen vho defeated Hespeler by 3 final round. Mildmay} intermediate and, says The Gazette, if ‘alkerton had displayed better man- the junior cup would algo} i] and estimate of have comé north. s e death final F ootball ’ 2 sudden game for | Association be eed on Fall 8th,, when ie a) wel | and Kitchener will be the oppos- | ing teams. } Ne!son Govenlock, Hinburn, will handle the whistle. weather is favorable this should be | a great gume as these two teams bat- tled through four games last year ao Listowel was declared a win- > | ;| Glamis Min: Chae With Attempted Murder _K " ngedine~Rtaview- Reporter--Last jef Morgan was called up- to, sepve & warrant of arrest on Samte 4o dgins, who lives near ed ‘with at- tempted murder, the co plaint be- ing lodged by Latc Kinloss Township. On Saturday the defendent came | up before Justice of the Peace, A. G | Macintyre and pleaded rot guilty = hford Thacker, of and with an equally intense iealins was allowed his freedom on bail b word secession, now heard in w WHY PEOPLE BUY CARS Ten thousand men who sell motor ears, reached by a questionnaire sen y, have rey Fopertant points upon which and won bpy motor cars. they a 1. wowsi buy on body ance, upholstery. hardware and the the ‘car. They want socia preference ‘puy the sta the price and the trade-in ¥. Gi Yalu ir! and boys chibi! rondatrs mi € in bright colors 4. Salesmen want a car with pe p| Rnoc or satisfactory . Eve pean mentioned coe reliability. , dictated | eky tor] acer eawetcate McCartney at Kin the limit, would assuredly cause the} h men Here appear- comfort ing produced to the amount of $6. 000. e@ case comes up for hearing n Friday of this week is- a epoents that the men have been pers. to be shduted from the house tops." at odds for some time over an old aonere which both have been trying avoid. One day last week Hod- ry called at sie Thacker home for a young o was there. It is al- t leged that ‘Thacker told Hodgins the -| boy was behind the barn, but just al tjthat instant the young chap made his appearance from the opposite side of the house. Words took place tween the men and Hodgins states that he sa to Thacker that “he didn’t come there to quarrel.”” Hod- 1} gins made ready to leave the prem- ‘ r that Thacker jumped in front 4d Do and yelled for him Evidently, sald, = helplesaly dragged for over 1 Thacker suffer- eda eeokie leg ait severely bruised about his body and was badly shak- en up. SAD IF TRUE It je reported that a young man from a neighboring town om his first trip to Toronto Exhibition stood that he got the roof of ‘his mouth badly sanburned. ; iden dauipaeeae ger “Compl KEESO—VANC A quiet but pretty wedding. to rthur Vance Vance, sister b sisted the groo Following the ceremony, a Mr. and M Listowel —_o— DAHMER—BARTMEN A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartman, 4th. con. Wallace, om Tues- day, Sept. idth., at eleven o'clock, when their daughter, Frieda. Marie, became the of-Mr. Erwin il- ef, of Conestoga. Rev eelhaar, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran ra Listowel, perform- d the cerem The bride looked charming in a gown of mayve crepe, and carried a Jovely bouquet of asters and gladioll. Attendante were Miss Henrietta Bart- man,’and Mr. George Bartman, Jr. Following the ceremony a. wedding points, the bride travelling in an en- semble suit. On return they will re- side In Conestoga. ie AUL—INGLIS A pretty house wedding was quiet- ly solemnized on Thursday, Sept. 10. at the residence of the ents d Mrs. Thomas Inglis, 5810 Sherbrook Street West, treal, when their elder daughter, Ag- o Mr. Richard Corley Paul of Men- ominee, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Paul, of Listowel. Rey. I Montgomery officiated. eb rs Iustedhal; was united in marriage. to nd» Mr. Alfred Keeso, son of Mr. and) Mrs John Keeso, Listowel. Riv — Ba eelhaar officiated. Miss Ethel of ride, wae ridesmaid, asa Mr. Earl Keeso as- wl sunpet was served at the home at: the bride’s parents. Only the relatives of the contracting parties were present. rs. Keeso will reside in bride's par- Mon- nes Wanda, was united in marriage e, who was given away by “and egraphy. f very week. ad mod: and thorough co courses in gf a a ay ed ¢e advantage of this opportunity and your success is ass Central Business College, _vtratford, Ont. ‘| ie teachers, methods. Hook kessnig! . Write for full Prepares then take CHURNING “We are paying 40c per Ib. Butterfat net, Supply free fcans. Pay all express A» IES TO PNTARIO S.- 2 Fo a ae a eS ea he ae a aed * Ry WALLACE < Ba 2 PELE EEE EEE EERE EEE EEE EE EF dinner was served to the immediate The Misses Verna Gabel and Lu- relatives and friends, The happy| ella Livingstone, of Listowel, Mra. couple left on the two o’cloc . P. Livingstone, and Miss Bessie t for Buffalo and “other Schneider, 3rd. con., epent Sunday at mm home of Mrs. George Gabel, 3rd. Mr. a Mrs. Norman: Ankenman returned home Saturday evening from thelr wedding trip to Niagara Buffalo and Philadelphia. Mr. Tom Daly, of Chicago, who has been spending the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Master and other friends the 3rd. con. left Monday for London on and Mrs. Irwin Master y, and Mr. Chas. Ferguson, 3rd. + motored to London on day and attended the Fair. her mutha, wore a French gown of | dedelebtebeageteiele ilebdebdtelieie} rose ciffon and a black velvet hat,| + > and. carried a shower bouquet of * TROWBRIDGE + butterfly roses and lily of the + +) She was attended by her aister. Be ee ae a i ae Se ee a ee ee ee Mary. Mr. Wilmer Inglis was best| .. | man. Mr. Robert Malcolm.of It, The orn and weiner roast at Mr. iplayed the wedding music. luncheon was later served. and Mrs. for a motor trip through Ontario to lelle stu jrel trimming and ‘hat to ‘macth, Ga A buffet Paul afterward left ne bride trav- e with squir- They T. Thompson's Monday fine success, the proceeds amount- ing to $28~There-eTre a large num- ber gathered. Splendid music was | tarnished by Mies Dorothy Sproule. | iss Prast and Miss MacQuarrie and} Mr. A. B. Thompson and Mr da ‘amen their home in Mic Penleodootenteelecterfeels Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and family and Mrs. Fred Ellis of Moorefield; are spending a week at Hawkesville, ¢$ 5 as 445) na =a = : e Cressman and Vera ttt | was enjoy 4, ing in Laughran are taki ng In London fair; 7 ccees ecmtunion last week. p-| this week. ee A. ; which ances much .- t j the enjoyment of the ev ng j The “Mission Circle" ie the home} ,of Misses Pearl and Velma Bowes) | was well attended. A good progra ed by all. will + at the home of Mrs. | Armstrong, 2nd. line. nd Mrs. S. Bissett and fam- | iy. of Atwood, were the guests aty ‘ithe home of Mr Pabor, Sunday | Rev. Mr. Wright is starting a ser- ed of sermons Sunday morning and) be All are welcome. aj” Mr. nd Mrs. E. Vines attended | | | Mr. Sheldon Hammond and Misa} qutep. | Blanche Blough atiended a young) + : people's convention in Palmerston | % MOLESWORTH on Tuesday afternoon and evening lg ts The Young People's League here | serfesfontentecfenforteefeetende nee’ hoslicdortonlestestesfocerp | ‘are having a corn and wiener roast! Mr .and Mrs. a | Yo | Sunday at the home ‘ot Mr. and ce Monday evening at the home of John Richardson and the Young Abas. SS *ken, oxeter. 11| People of Wallace are invited over. | John pretext and son toa and Mrs. John Playford and| pie’ Rot vert Men and Jam iMr. and Mrs. Steve Playford and) younge attented "the London Fair Donald, spent Sunday with Mrs this week. , Blough, Gueiph. Mr. and Mré. Andrew Doig, Mr. Lloyd "Aj lestock of Glenallan,} ond fami ly and ; =pent Sunday with his parents. | a Jr. Miss Della Dots motored to Stratford on Tuesday Miss Eva Cumming of Stratford. spent “Sunday with her parents, Mr.] ss lll tala Mrs. 7 Thomes Cumming. , RenrzviLsa 4! nome tip eat rom orate a eT crcuea here at | ies and Mow Mae Sleyart silted tended the London exhibition this a main ea of Mr and Mes. George ti Misses Jean MacDonald an@ An Mr. and Mrs. Gorrie motored from Flint, Mich., last week and some time at the heme of Mr. McCabe and ag gah Mr. and Mrs. Margaret ‘inane: ‘of Listowel, the week-end ents, Mrs. J. Dietz andAMrs man spent Friday at the god their sister, Mrs. Bray, spent Alex. vel. Mrs. week with relatives here 4 GOTHAM SPEER HEH London fair on Tuesd Mr days at Weston lest we Mr. Jolin Chanersas Coulter, Mr. and aa London fair last Tuesday. ‘orry spent a few days with Mir. and Mrs. J. N. Co | Thank You Gipson and Miss wit Le latter's par- Mr. and ure oe Hrul- near Listo- Elie Vines is apand ng this | Gebecbedeebetetetedestedeteteteelobebebedeededeteletee »> + forfostenfeefertbofesfoee forgo afefe ss r. and Mrs. McLellah and family, me Grader with Mr. and . and Mrs. J. Corrs spent a few tr. Wm. rs. R. Nutt at- nie Helbein returned home this week} from Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart, and Miss Massie and Howard tg Pe grant ee om | Mr. and Mrs. MacInto Miss Mamie Campbell visited Sun- day with Mrs. Thos. McLennan 223 0 Mrs. John Campbell ‘a ened last | lweek from the Exh Mr. and Mrs. Eiby ‘Toronto, spent Sunday with the and Mrs. Thos. "sre Marjorie Jacques, Gorrie, and | Miss Alice MacIntosh, 3rd. line Wal- lace, epent a few, days last week with Miss Marion MaclIntos @ glad to vanent that Miss Annie Holmes is improving after her a iin ess. r. and Mrs. John Morris and Mr, “it Mrs, Levi at left Tuesday morning for Lon Mrs. .McLe and Mrs. P. Burnett spent Mr. Patrick of roreute, eae’. Suntlay in London a very able sermon in St. Andrew's Mr. Albert Hammond took in the Chasse on Sunday morning and ev- in the afternson. A hot fowl supper will be given in h towel talent. hh -calak AhSaSp"diclicalih ndd* DONEGAL > 3 LonfenTestentenfentestealecfeafectonteatootoatoofenlerlenfveloelenlerfes]e el: Mr. and Mrs, Erie Harvey and ba- hy Jane, who were visiting at the home of Mr. ‘and Mrs. Vipond, three cents postage, The Banner takes this more convenient will please ‘Accept o Thursday, Sept. Na ae Instead of sentling receipts ~by mail, which in each case requires method ‘Tom days, ana for eget ae“ ce ti returned to their home in Toronto last wee Quite a number fronr here are at- tending the exhibition in London this) week. Rey. C. ©. Kaine has . return from his holidays and occupied ‘he ae in the Union church here ov day. Delford, the little son of Mr. ana os. Hymers, Jr.,° has eased Riad gay , in eRe RES ehureh here on Sunday, Mrs, quite ill, but we are s is recoveri | where he will spend a few weeks. | r. } evening was! ) The next moet. | Pagnink oi Visit the Optometrist As a “Patient”: ‘He is not a seller of spec- tacles. His chief benefit to you will be to determine precisely what your eyes require to make them as nearly as possi- Chiropractic For Rhea: Do you know that the cause of choruatis 4 is nerves leading to the organs of elimination. This lows poigons to be clroulated to the weakened joints ‘hereby ne the pain. ‘o be free from this ‘alaer able condition take moved. A FREE CONSULTATION will convince you of these facts. a. ‘ L. 0. Whitfield, D.C. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings and “other e . hours by apopintment. Office over Johnstone's Jewellery store. - * Phone 9 below SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS and the cause will be re- ble normal. This he does .with instruments that are exact to the smallest ima&inable de- gree. He has a service for sale, not merchandiee, So we repeat, YOU among our patients. DR. H. MALLORY Registered Optometrist Phone 170 Listowel. FLOUR FEEDS Leader Bran Will Five Roses Shorts eee . our Purity | Middlings Wheat Five Jewel Low Grade ats Jewel pang Screenings Barley . ats ete. —— City Wheat astry il Cake Highest. i ‘ Cotton Seed Market GET OUR PRICES. Salt Prices. L. PFEFFER MILLING Co. PRINCESS THEATRE | FRI. and SAT. | : | William Fox PRESENTS THE FAMOUS §| MELO DRAMA OF NEW ENG- & | LAND AND THE FROZEN 1 | | | | | NORTH: § “Hearts of Oak” ‘an ' “= RUPTURE EXPERT COMING TO “LISTOWEL. representing ‘Thompson - Huyck Co.,. NAPANEE, ONT. sue J Our personal Representative will, lbe at the | ‘Queen’s Hotel, Listowel! ON Monday, Sept. 21st.. (One Day Only) Every ruptured man, woman and child should take advantage of this }great opportunity. There is no need many different Ways to tell you the Rupture is caused or the high-sounding names}: jwh! ch are given it. If you have Rup- iture yOu are not concerned so much} th what tansed it, but what will) cure jt. You know the effect Rupture has on your — — and the trouble you-are-put take care lo? it. To find a cure Should be fére- Hears in the mind of every afflicted We want you to know positively! ‘that treatment with THOMPSON'S | | RE ENOWNED RUPTURE REMED ; Will secure for you the same aiciee- ful serete, which it has secured tor} oth Don’ t consider many sufferérs have repor fect recovery with far more ‘ease aud| mild- | est forms, do not miss this great op-} portunity in giving your case the at- tention and treatment which ite im- portance demands. such condition, delay nogeromy. but may be fatal. ‘ Don't suffer the burden of Ru» ce forget the Gay and date. Just ask the hotel clerk for Me Tho ompson, con- sultation is priva Don’t miss this tg ade to epualt our erpert ni fletnrad _ THO: ov power after using our treat-| Ea m It you are suffering from Ruptare| - <|even in its earliest stages and abn, i 3 Wit Aan TIE Ca ES are veers , co. IF A Bargain! To give you an op- portunity to share in the many savings of- fered by the Listowel merchants during the Fall season, and. to solicit your acquain- tance with this paper we of fer you The Listowel Banner From Now To January Ist, 1926° for al This offer ‘to new subscribers only. = « -