7 ~_ Prize Winners at Listowel Fall Fair : GENERAL PURPOSE Quarrie; H. Weymout! Rocks, White, He jand a Cock—H. Goddard; Span—W. F. McLaughlin; Jamés Connell; M. McMillan. x Rocks, White. AGRICULTURAL 3. F. wilson Brood Mare—W. S. Shearer; J. M. Gibson. Colt ‘or Filly Foal—W. 8. Shearer; .M. n. Cold or Filly, 1 year and under 2— mn. + Wyandottes, White, Hen—H. mouth. Wyandottes, White, Cock—H, S. C. and R. L Red, Hen—H. Goddard 1 Wey- Wey- Wey- mouth. we Filly, 2 years and under 3/ pf C. and . Red. —H. Wey- —J. R. Darroch; Robt. Park; J. ye gn. Bel Bode tip - R. C. and R. L._ Red, Cock—H. Wey- Span, in harness—{W. 5S. Shearer; mouth: : - J. R. Darroc R. C. White Leghorn, Hen,—H. HEAVY DRAUGHT Weymouth. Bs Brood Mare—John S en: An-| BR. C. White Leghorn, Cock—H. gus Dickson; J. R. Weymouth. Colt or Filly Foal—Joba ‘c. Costel- Darroc lo; J. ° Colt or Filly, 2 years and unddr 3 —McCracken Bros.;. M. MeMillan; J. ‘span, in " harness--John $C. Costel- lo R. Darroch. teres Team—W. S. Shearer. CARRIAGE Brood Mare—Wm. Hahn; H. Zinn; Robt. Park. aed or Filly Foal—H. Zinn; J. R. Darro e, Gander—H. We t Tabl L vingstone, Colt or Filly, 2 years and under 3 sacutne pa eign oe i natalie syrup—A. Stevenson, J. P. pe . Mes s—Miss Livingston —Alex. Mayburry; Fred Gatcke; H.) Di. pekin—All to McCracken | *¢ison; Fruit—Mrs. Jno.,.Baker,] ., Buffet Set—iirs. McNab. Miss Zien Pel Bros. Mrs. A. Cameron. | Strangw Single “ee Horse—(eo. Black Jersey Giants—Alex. Alex-|~ jolly—Mrs. Jno. Baker, Mrs. A. Towels. “embroldered--Miss Living- ertson; J. ch; A. K. Hewitt. ander. Canteron tone, Mrs. va “pair Carriage Horsee—W. sill POULTRY, YOUNG Pirkles—R. Brimblecombe; Mrs. ~~ A.0.K.—Mrs. MeNab, Mrs. oan : a Jno. Ba ROADSTER a ae | J inter ceeumint Froit Cake—Miss Mary Bright, Guest Towels—Mrs, Savage, Mise Colt cr Filly Feal—Robdt. Park; W., McQuarrie; W. B. Shearer. _ han — sce, Hiner S th Towel— R. SrinibSeninies n. . Rocks, Barred, oem - *o Kiaa” RIAA. Biers! iiss Livingston Colt or Filly, 1 year and under 2— McQuarrie; H. We pe col whlte—Mrs & tems Pillow Gases. a ag Mar nae J. M. Gibson; Stew-) Rooks, White—All pong H. dar at og gg on McNab, Miss Eivingstons. art McQuarrie. Tyandottes, White—H. Weymouth K. -—-™ Colt or Filly, 2 years and under 3 bins White Leghorn—All to Moy Ple—P. Mcintosh, Mrs. be i aed {iss Strang- —Geo, Cleland; Wm. Hahn. McIntosh. , ane Bed S§ Mi St —_wW. B. Sh . Me- y Be prea ss Strang- Road Horse, in harness, under 15% Orpington, Buff, Pullet—H. God- ie Pie—W. Shearer, P. Mc wavs, Mrs. McNab hands—J. P. —. idson; Fred Bender; | q, _ tees cover-—iMrs. McNab, Mrs. Lethon Pie—Mrs. Jno. Baker. J. Angus Dickso 15 A. O. V. Pullet—J. P. Davidson; H.|p. Dayidson. E. Harro oad Hore, in Sarre over 15%! weymout Homemade Soap—Mrs. M. E. Har- sh eet at Pillow Slips, aes beaie hands—John hi A. O: V. Cockerel—J. P. Davidson;|ron, A. Ringler ered—Miss Livingstone, Mis air Roadsters—Herb Mewhinney. H. Weymouth. Scones—J. M. Gibson, J. P. David- Bamfo SPECIALS Toulouse—All to McCracken Bros.| so Sheet and Pillow Slips. crochet Gentleman Driver—Fred Bender;} Ducks, Pekin—All to McCracken ‘Jelly Roll—W. B. Shearer, Mre. ne “Miss Strangways, Miss Liv- J. P. Davidson; Angus Di res. no. . . Gentleman’s Outfit—Fred Bender; Black Jersey Glant—Alex. Alex- Shortbread—W. B. Shearer, Rich- Py Runner—Mrs. McNab, Mrs. J. P. Davidson; Geo. T. Robert ander. ard Wilkin . . ae —4 . Lady Driver—Mrs. Stewart "Mec: PLANTS u Butter Tarts—Mrs. John Baker, mint Mrs. G. Kidd, R. Saas J. P. Davidson; Geo. Robert) pegonias Rex—J. F. Wilson. . ea monka son. J. M. Gfbson ofa Cushion—Mrs. McNab, Mrs. = Begowis, Tuberous—W. J. Alex) Gran Mufti _ 1. P. Devideon | Saved "Saddle Horse—Geo. Robertson; J.! onder, ve ORI uffins—J. P. Davidson, Ladies" Night Gown—Mrs. Savage, R. Darroeh | Display of Plants—J. F. Wilson. “dees. ; Miss Livingstone. Agricultural Society Trofhy—J. P.| - npn woe Mrs. Jno. Baker, J. M. Boudoir Cap—Miss E. Bamford, Davidson. | evr = a Workingman's Supper—Mrs. A.| Mrs. Savage. SHORTHORNS alot —_ = Pink—T, B. Howard; Mrs. cameron, R. Brimblecombe. A camo Slip, hendmade—Georse Co ny e—Jno. Aitchison; ; John ak ~ g Se Snaps—W. S. Shearer, Mrs. E. Kenne ody 2 and 3 ° | a: alr an . Colored—J. F. Wil- Kidd. . McNab, i “Livingstone, idea—Mrs. a4 2 years— -A. E. Kennedy 1, ae rs. ¢ 5 Ibs. Butter, special—J. M. Gib- 4ifer, ear old—A. E, Reaned?| | witse Best pair, Ducks, Special—Tom te ; ae Hote Cait ” eset: 1 year—A. E.. 12 pinoes. 6 colors—H. Goddard; | Clar 7 Work Bag—Miss Livingstone, Miss penn and 2 Mrs. G —_ Homemade Bread, special—-W. B. ye Bazg—Mre. G. Kidd 1 : ‘e 1 1 year—A. E. Ken- Balsa Mrs. / Cameron. Sheare Steve _ ; : g—l) : . 5 lode: mapaneer Dahiias, Light—H. Goddard; Mrs. | Homemade Bread, special—Geo. Ot Geoster Knit -woot=-Mrs Herd, Shorthorns—-A. E. Kennedy. A. Cameron. th, J. P. Davidson. ; P Savage Mrs. G. Kidd — ADES Dahlias, Dark—H. Goddard; Angus Canned Vegetables, special—Mrs. . . " E- K jy. | Dickson. A. Cameron, R. Brimblecombe. Posehn Sweater, knit silk—Miss Liv- Cow,“ any age—A. E.- Kennedy; ablias. 1¢ —H. Goddard; | 7 - sR McCracken Bros.; Harvey Campbell.) ee Risse. ESREEETS . GRAIN SEEDS . Trish crochet —Miss Livingstone, | ? jeifer. 2 years cld—-Harvey Camp-| hale i. Howard: A | Red Winter Wheat—J. M. Gibson,| R. Brimblecom bell 1 and 2. ° kk eS B Howard; =“ 1 R. aalageeary con a Filet Crochet. Miss Livingstone, E 4 - wi Winter Jheat, white—Jas. Gor-| Mrs. McNa =. on ,@ Kennedy: | Gladioll. Light—T. B. Howard. | aon Tatting aii Savage, Miss Strang- Met racken Bros. 2 and 3. 7 - | Gladioll, Dark—T. B. Howard. ng Wheat—J. H. Bender, R.| ways. Helter Call under 1 i cell John |, HMdtol,. 10 splkes—Jas. Cleland; | primblecombe. Hahd made Cartas: -Miss Strang- Kennedy ; McCracken Bros.; H. Godda Barley, bearded —R. Brimble-|.ways, Miss Livingst ve } ade Pu | Gladioli. 12 named—T B. Howard.) combe. / T* Fancy - knitting, entton-—2isi; Mc- Best Fatted Beast. Grade as re} Marigolds—-T. B. Howard; James; White Oats—R. Brimblecombe. | Nab), Miss Strangways. bred—A. E. Kennedy: eaten , Cleiand FIELD ROOTS Céliection fancy work—Mrs. Say-) JERSEY OR GU | Nueturtiums—Mrs, A, Came Turnip, swede—aA. J. Cl n age, Geo. Robertson. Cow, any age—Wm. Donohue; P Petunias, Single- = ie emiipentks F. wink = - J, Chapman, J. Child’s Dress, embroidered—Mrs. Davidson; A. J. Chapman. iJ. F. Wilson. Mangel, yellow—A. J. Chapman,}™cNab, Mrs. Savage. Heifer, 2 years old—John Me es Petunias. Double-—R. agg E. Gildn Child's Bonnet, handmade—Mrs. A. J Chapn an; Peter Davidso | -hlox “Drummondi—J. F. Wils Sugar Mangel—a. J. Chapman, a. Geo. Robertson. . Hedfer. 1 year old—A. J. Pile R. Brimblecomb, ert Bray. hild's Jacket, knit—A. Kay, Miss John McMinn 2 and 3. ; Phlox Perennial—J. F. Davidson. Pumpkins, 2—P. Melntosh, Mrs stacy Bright. "6 Heifer Calf. under year | Snapdragon—Mrs. A. Cameron. Pillow Covers, handmade, ny Chapman; H. Goddard; Peter David-! Verbenas—T. B. Howard. ‘Mammoth Squash—lst. and 2nd. hed with crochet lace. Girls under son. | Scabious—T. B. Howard; R. Brim-|A. J. C . years—Geo. Robertson, R. Brim- HOLSTEINS | blecombe Gontection of Roots—Gordon Dick-, blecombe. Cow, any age—W. S. Shearer; Bert; Z{nnias, 12—Mrs. Jno. Baker; Mrs. son. Domestic Needlecraft Cleland: J P Davidson ‘ | A. Cameron Fodder Corn—Gordom Dickson, J. K J “ Helfer 2 years old Bert Cleland: Coll. Cut Flowers—R. Brimble-) M. Gibson ™ Alaa pieced cotton—aA. Kay, Jno. er. 2 years — leland; ; _ : McMinn J. P. Davidson; McCracken Bros. + ;combe: Mrs. A. Cameron. Caer FROnVCes uilt, log cabin—Mise Strangwaye, Heifer, 1 year cid—W. S. Shearer} , Dinner Table ee Brim- Deleware PStatoes—Stewart Mac- win Mary livie 1 and 2; Bert Clelansi. lecombe; T. B. Howard 1 | Quarrie, Quilt, So atinen Aili Strangways, Heifer Calf, under 1 year—Me an sket Flowers (Wicker)— = a Mountain Potatoe’—Bert| yrs Savage. Cracken Bros.; Bert Cleland; W. 8. ‘Wilson; Mrs. G. Kidd. ad ullt, fancv silk-——Miss Strang- Shearer. ‘Funera enadliian K. Hewitt: “trie Cobbler Potatoes—J. P. Dav-| ways, Mrs. McNab. alf, under 1 year—McCrack-, Mrs. G. Ki id Fancy uiltin —Mrs. G. Kidd, es Bane mee . + Cell. Roses—H. Goddard. ‘Medien or late Potatoes—J. P. Mine Siraaewa . Herd of Holsteins—W. S. Shearer; ; FRUIT Davidson . PBedspread, ‘cnit-Miss Strangways,’ Bert Cleland: P. Davidson. st i ae Tomatoes. green—Gordon Dick-) Mrs. A. Kay |, it. Lawrence Apples—dieo. Orth; json, A. K. Hewitt Bedspread,’ crochet-—Mrs. McNab YORKSHIRE ; Jas. Gordon Cabbage, winter—Mrs. A. Camer- Handmade eles— Mies Bear, 1 year and over—A. Steven- Alexander — K. Hewitt; / on. = «| Mary Bright. Mrs. Savage. son; H. W. Borrough. Stewart MecQuarri | Cabbage, red—A. J. Chapman. Floor Mat, rag—J. H. Bender, A. Boar, under 1 year—H. W. Bor| Maiden's Blush—Richard Wilkin; Carrots, Early Horn—J. P. David-j stevenson. rough; A. Stevenson. A son, A, K. Hewitt. Floor-Mat, yarn—J. H. Bender, Sow, under 1 year—Jno. Aitchison; Gravenstein—W. C. Hewitt. Carrots, no cpa k.| Miss Strangways H. W. Borrorgh. Snow Apples—A. K. Hewitt; W. C.| Hawke, A. Floor Mat. braided—Miss Living- Brood Sow—A. Stevenson; H. W.| Hewitt lone ripe. Brimblecombe, stone, Mrs. A. Cam Borrough. | _Weaithy—P. McIntosh; J. H. Ben-|4. Rin Floor ie "OK hire. A. Cam- BACON HOGS Turnip. ‘Beet—R. M. Cowing, A. ero : lverts—Jas. Gordon; Stewart, Ringler —Mrs. Jno. Baker, Miss Liv- Pair Hogs, best Bacon TM yer a S. Oaicae; red—A. J. Chapman; Sve: 1, Sock rs. {SAREE e Serene ees . K. Fall Apple—W. S. Shearer, |®- Hawke Mitts—Miss Livingstone, Mre. M. son. i - H W. A * —o wit alg ye te “white—A. J. -Chapman,!p Har Pair ‘Finishe con Hogs—-H. ee Mrs awke. , j tort — N Beet Taee Kitchen Apron—Mrs Borrough; Jno. Aitchison. ses orton Spy—Stewart coQuar- { py le ae aaa Dickson./| savage. Mrs. Kidd. 7 , LEICESTER SHEEP Baldwin—J. M. Gibson; w. c.}%-™M. Patching torn garment—Mrs. Aj any age—Alex.. Mayburr: _, Shearling alla S. Cowan, 1 "isa teuh—v. S. Cowan 1 and 2, e Lamb, 2 Shears—J. S. Cowan; Alex. “Maxburry Shea ae Ram Bee Aiez. Mayburry; J. $. Bre “Lami—Alex ‘Mayburry; J. 8.! Cowa Pen " Leicesters—Alex. Mayburry; J. S. Cowan. Wright; Crone Pre C. White Leghorn, Hen—G. Rob- son; H. “s. Cc. White (Leghorn, Cock—Jack Angus Dickso on, Black—All to A. S. V. Turke: ent Wem Geese, Toulouse—All to McCracken a0 Geese, Hewitt. Golden Russett—Jas. Gordon; rth “1 Greenings—R. M. Richard Wilkin. Talman Sweet—E. Gildner of os = aa amaaes M. ene Pippin—Stewart H. God- Goose—H. Wey- a McCracken Bros. A. 8. Geo. Cowing; ; P. Mc rd Wil : KF. =. neacQuar- OXFORDS iy RR En 3 Witkin. Ram, any age—Jas. Connell. 1 Yellow . Bellflower—Gordon. »Dick- Shearling Ram—Jas. Connell. con; Richard Wilkin. (Pewakee—W. §S. Sliearer; Richard Witkin. an Ontario—Richard Wilkin; W.~° C. Hewitt. ie ‘Winter Apple, .A. o. K.—Richard Wilkin; AK Hewitt. + _ Shipping —W. C. Hewitt; witt. Can. —W. ¢. Howitt; Bender. tor Yellow—Mrs. R. Hawke; Ww. C. Hewitt. , rd Plums—R. M. Cowing; A. “Burbank Plums—A. J. Chapman; . Bender. ‘German Prune—A. Ringler; “R. M. Cow! rc Gage—A. Ringler;. J. H. Bender. Reinclod—R. Brimblecombe. Hewitt; E. Gildner. Bonne de Jersey Pears—A. Ringler c. Beurre Clairgon Pears—wW. Hewitt. ~ Beurre O’Anjou Pears—R. M. Cowing; W. C. Hewitt. Winter Nellis—Mery Bright; Mrs. . Clarke ‘Dartiette—Angtis Dickson; , E. Gild- ner. » Glendale—E. Gildner. DAIRY PRODUCTS Ly Yb. Butter in prints—J. M. Gib- Homemade bread—aA. Stevenson, W. B. Shear . cookise—W. B. Shearer, Guim pickling—Mis. R. Hawke, ake Mrs. John d hemm tabl iinen—Miss| = uash, Hubbard—Mre, John Bak- sity ria mee x Reiners rs. R. — Miss t 4 e ~wegetable Marrow—A. J. Chap- wise Re baietns d. . ’ ran aye man, Tom Clark. k, under 14—R. Brim- Ae oe a Tom —'s gre nee weet 1 ioe Kay fe under 14—Mrs. Sav- Brimbleeom Mrs. G. Kidd. fet = Melon Richard Wilkin, A. Veen Apron, . under 14 years— Drank er A . Stevenson, R. Brimb) white—Stewart MacQyar- Rig ° . rie, z H. “Be nder, FINE ARTS Beans, AOK—J. H. Bender, Mrs. E. Clarke. Radish, winter—J. F. Wilson. nips—. Parsni A.-K. Hewitt aneeene:: copy—Mrs: Savage. Cucumbers, ripe—H. Ell Mies Livi Cucumbers, pickling— Mrs. A;; Oil Lic gb “taeda Iaina Living- Cameron. ingston vage. * LADIES’ FANCY WORK oer pg Al beng os A ag Living- Ce Fancy Needlecraft . ting, truit— Li mbroldery, solld white—Mr# A.| stone, Bis, O° Kidd, J. Savage, Miss M. Livi Ol! Painting, still tife—Mrs. .Sav- z: ngstone. - 3, Bmbroiders, eyelet——Mrs. A. Jilage. Savage, McNab. _- Mrs. T. N. Modern -x stitch—-Miss . Strang- — ances Savage. nogram embroidery—Miss Liv- ingatone, Mrs. Savage. itial embroidery—Mrs. Poo -N, McNab, Miss E. Bamford. Roman cut work—Mrs. Savage, Miss E. Bamfo Luncheon Set, centre, 6 doilies— Mrs. McNab, Miss Livingstone. Luncheon Set, crochet risnee for Centre Piece, colored “nen, em- broidered in silk—Mrs. Savage, Mrs, McNab. ye ao ys: trimmed—- . Mrs. McN: <7 Cloth, "36 inch, embroidered— Mrs. McNab, Geo. Robertson. Tea Cloth, 36 inch, A.O.K.—Miss Strangways, Miss Livingstone. Serviettes, eo Sav- age, Geo. Rober Serviettes, Stachet trimmed—Mrs. Savage, Miss,Mary Bright. Table Doilies, ee Livingstone, Table Doilies, other nana Hee Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Savage. entre Piece and Tray Soe. G. Kidd, Miss 7 Samat ioc - Savage. ve Désign— Mra. Savage, Mrs.| ikl A orgs or marine — e, Mrs. Savage ‘Crayon cmt stee gh Brimblecombe; Mrs, Savage. Crayon, any subject—Miss Living- stone, Mre. Savage. telle, any subject——Miss Living- as stone, Mrs. G. Kidd. Pencil - aresans = Miss Living- stone, rs. Savag Pencil "Dewan, | "local Miss Livingstone. RURAL SCHOOL COMPETITION Bi a NO. 1 Bes Ayo fag ae Joke stote Binet ‘Snelling, Leslie Da subject— the interest i earns but i | A, seperve ta eainecoaeary Soyeuse eae wilh as Book and start to establish your re- IM PERIAL BANK : OF CANADA cs V—Go Conklin, Stanley He Sr. 11l—Jeanne Everitt, Aas John- —_ Fred Kopas ni —Eaity ‘Coghlin, Rita Bart- ley Senie ton. sin -G Gibson, Wm. David- we, “Morley Mewhinney. LISTOWEL PUBLIC SCHOOL COM- ETITION ROOM 1 Map. drawing—lIola Vera Kritzer, Edna Routledge bore —cittord Alexander, Hamilton, Writing Jack Fritz, Jack Thompson. Writi girls —atargaret Fritz, Helen Johnston, Jean Sava Colour work—Helen : Margaret Frit2, Helen Twamley. Pencil work—Helena Snelling, Margaret Fritz, Edna Routledge, —Water Color--Ethel Suslline, M. R. HAY, eld lereaket Johnston, ae Jackson. Pencil Drawing—Jeanne Everitt, m Ada Johnston, Margaret oe Writing. ae el Snelling, er Johnston, ’uepgaree John- McDonald Une Phone rdon a Lulu Block Hugh McGillivray , 283 BROKER BONDS - GRAIN - MORTGAGES INSURANCE LISTED and UNLISTED Securities Bought and Sold. ' STOCKS Connection with Toronto, New York,{ Chicago, Winnipeg and Montreal Exchanges. Intormation supplied on any Securities without charge Watercolour ecene—Mary Anger, Jean Savage, Margaret Fritz. SEW 5 Crochet work—Vera Kritze Gukrctiste=Margaret Gemmer, Vera Kritzer, Margaret Gemmer. Dressed dolle—Helen Johnston, Margaret Jones, Bernice Bartley. ROOM 2 Water oolour, group—Margaret Gemmer, Helena Snelling, Jack Fritz Water colour, calendar—Margaret Fritz, Jack Fritz, Erminie Richards. éncil, Hoad, rers—Helena pp peaks, Edn Writing—Jean Hemsworth, Minnie Smith, Johnston Kelly. Harriette SacQuarrie. ROOM Cameron, Miss Strangwa Oil Landscape. original—Miss Liv- pepe"? rapa Mrs: Sava’ L Water Color Landscape. 6 pees Post card Aesiee alter Ruppell, Dorothy Walter, Lorena Fritz. Wall-paper design—Lorena Fritz, Olive MacDonald, Margaret Wood. Plate design—Myrtle Hood, Albert ritz, Lorena Fritz. lowers in cray ‘on ik poe Jean Hemsworth, Walte Flowers Duberges, Hemsworth. F —Blythe Dn- Dorothy in water-colour—Blythe Dorothy Walter, Jean e e¢,¢@ Daily Opportunities &, are offered tothe man with ready money. Accumulate a fund so that you may be able to take advantage of just such es. tic de posits in a Savings Account will enable you to do this. 25 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid ” >» $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 * Listowel Branch - - H. P. Wanzer, Manager t Coloured Hnoleum design—Lorena Fritz, Blythe Duberges, Olive Mac- Linoleum design in pencil—Elmer Richards, Savage, Minnie Smith. Writing—Bernice ers alain Holtaman, Doris Wheele Best dressed’ tol Barnies Bartley. EK. I. MacKenzie. ROOM 4 Art work. Sailboat—Jack Rors, Irene Martin. Dora Holtzman. Printing—Jack Ross, Lloyd Hems- ba a Orville Leppard. Winter scene—Har Cou Seok Fothergill, Dorothy Yotheunt Hallowe'en Poster—Norma Holtz- man, Norma Mills, Bernice Bartley. Hill scene—Jack Finkbeiner, Vera Peppler, Lioyd Bean. Crayon Landscape—Nerma Elmer Bean, Ebert Freeborn Lake scene——Ebert Freeborn, Min- nie Hamilton. Writing—Louise Robinson, Jessie Thompson, NelNe Clark. Mills. * M 5S € Writing—J im Burrows,’ ~ Jack Wakeford, Alice Leppard. . Perth—Eileen Rocker, Jim Large, Vernon Mathewman. ‘rayon work—Lloyd Bean, Nellie Clarke, Ellen Greenslade Hallowe'en og BE ol Clarke, {Gibson Ducklow, Lloyd B Pencil scenes, the Wigwam—Billy Large, _ Greenslade, Bertram Alexande ont “scene The oat—Jim a Gordon Reihm, Gibson Duck- lo 00M 6 During the night somebody | erected a gigantic sign directly in front of your home—it sure would get your attention in the morning, wouldn’t it 2 You would stop and read eyery. word of it, no doubt., |< So itis with a WANT AD in the R Art Work. Wall paper—Welling- | ton Boyne, Norma Weber, Jean ail by Hallowe’ en scenes—Douglas Fritz, | Hugh Bartja, Norma Weber. Shamrock border—Jean Selby, | age Weber, Marguerite Gordon. | Pussy willows—Norma Weber, Jean Selby. Phyllis Hoad. | or | amrocks—N: Groves, Maric Grosz, Willia m Poa Tulips—Wellington Boyne, Hugh Bartja, Elwood Smith Writing—June Greenwood, Helen Jones, George — , Wor Ne: ‘Binith, Ada Groves, Arinur “Tai dea Wa orkelenokdord Smith, Char- He per Gordon Welch Baekete— Agnes Allison, Douglas, Ralph Dougl Eric EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Of The Listowel Banner Small though it is, the amount of atten- tion it gets from all’ our readers makes it as cer- | tain of results as the largest sign board in the world Try it some time when you need help or want to buy-or sell anything. Just Phone 61. i Georg wn une Greenwood, Georgina Athas, Carl Zurbrigg Queen's Crowns—Ralph ns George Malcolm, Harry Blackmore. Clocks—Billy Bartja, Lorne Wil- son, Clifton Hamilton. Picture. frames—Ada Groves, Nor- man Vollmershausen, Gertie Smith. Fleming. ROOM 7 First Class Dra wing—! Hilde Fisher, Georgina Athas, Clayton Richards. Marie Tulip—Helen Jones, Patricia Ront- edge, Agnes Allison. Dandelion—Marie McMillan, Zurbrigg, Patricia Routledge. bject—Carrol Snelling, Mabel Bartja, Mary Hardi Paper cutting—Viola Hanna, Eth- el Bogues, Grace dow. ROOM. 8 Carl A Florida company dealing in wa- Paper folding. Picture fram vient ateueity otters & ware ins Selly Russel Oliver, ola xe Bat Xn eoptomtars Xk ; . Writing—lola Smith, Eileen Jones, sua}, sore Uotties thrown overboard ean Da’ Paper “cutting and pasting. Apple|°" Js pce tg than any other point - Pose, Burdett Irwin, Rus- Wadkeae weelbiattora many things sel Oliver. hid ancients Gobbaa't wi iek—athensl poaliver Elsie tamily rt tone of of them oe