Listowel Banner, 24 Sep 1925, p. 6

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oe oa a eaeWweS “(au ticles credited. The Ba) a id 3 agree articles wie! Banner oes necessarily IMENT srtide and wees os. a sure chest. 1 would not be without it if eo ceca wes bon dollar 0 bottle.” MINARD'S LINIMENT get considerable support in Quebec. rere he is not unfriendly to e Frenh race or language. He has a student f spect Mr. Meighen was 4 better de- fender of French than they. Mr. Metl- ghen, ohgigr nat going too far if he purposes to mpel searains ot French throughout Canada. Persua- sion is better than compulsion in this case, as in moet ot 4. .Writing A Good Cleaning Every so often. prolongs the life of a suit. And especial- ly now, men, when you subject that suit to harder wear than time of “save you the cost of a new one. Bring your suit here and we'll have it back to you looking as clean and new ae if did the day you bought it. Joe Lockhart The Tailor We call and deliver. . Paper ENVELOPES INK MAGAZINES BOOKS OF ALL KINDS HYMN BOOKS BIBLES CREPE PAPER CONFETTI WEDDING CAKE OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES, BOXES SCHOOL ete, etc, Give Us a Call ELLIOTT & GREER | Quality and Service Gable’s Old Stand Listowel. Phone 138. OTHER PEOPLE'S INCOMES pe al Saturday Night) September first was official goasip day in the United States, it being the first day of thirty when citizens may into ha =] 2: we is s ° be] ua 5 ° ° af ® - fo Lal — ° pA Ss 4 r=] om. is) year, but as one paid $2,600, — $2,150,000 and the Ford Motor mpany nearly sixteen and on ne-half mnifiions; ches are still not in actual In movie star land Gloria Swanson leads the list, — paid Uncle Sam $57,000 as his sha of her 1 profite, while May *Picktord octn with $34,000, an Douglas Fair- banks from his production profite paid over $182,000. Harold Lloyd, as the most prosperous of the comic stars, paid a tax of $28,000, whik Charley Chaplin was taxed $345: | We note that Billy Sunday paid | $10. 000 as the tax on his income for /1924, while Babe Ruth paid $3,400, | which goes to prove that evangelism jee Sin a handles it pays better than base | Sr ouient Coolidge paid * sedevat jincome tax of $14,000, wh ice- | President Davis paid $24, 308, a |shows that big jobs and big money ido not necessarily go hand in hand. } NEW CAMPAIGN METHODS (Grimsby Independent) | We are getting a new kind of elec- |tion campaign this year. That is, a controversy between and Conservative * -PERUASION BETTER (Mount Forest federate © and Lede mg” «gee iey Mr. Meighen is election may only but because they could not get iho on gccount of King's bad tariff So there you are! You pays your money and you takes your choice, WHAT payer A TOWN? © Press) , Here is a ahort editorial ‘clipped froc an exhange, and which all of us might well read, and, having seats ponder over and act wu : makes a town, dak 2 Is it the wee evidenced i the des = ° ® ae 5 3 = 2 ld ° od ‘= =” ~~ o " i ic good order and law observance? old ham may have this spirit in rank abund- May their number ever increase; but they don’t make a town—they only culture it. Is it the geographical lo-| cation, the location of the country surrounding, the ehipping seelitiee, the natural advantages? one these are essential. Well, what is St that makes a wn, anyway? Just one chitig-=the unity of the people. the existence of a common bon which causes business and social en- emies to put aside all differences when it comes to boosting the town No town ever made real progress in h- ithe way of substantial success wit out a get-together spirit unanimous- It has rejuvenated old yawning infused new heart of commercial life and made thriving cities out of paralytic vil- lages. Natural advantages count for much and prosperity cannot be built upon shifting sands, but any town with half a chance can be made to grow and expand and thrive when its citizens join with one accord In the boosting programme GOLF VS. WORSHIP ON SUNDAY (Brooklyn Eagle) The Protestant Subbaterian © ie | sometimes a bit narrow. Bu ere ‘gs no narrowness in the an of the Rev. Dr. Christian F. Reisner ex- pressed in a sermon, “Time spent on the knees in prayer will do mora to remedy heat-strain and nerve-worry than anything else, for it will bring peare that lessens arterial tengjon in a way otherwise impossible.” nd then quoting Dr. — David Stew- art, ‘eat = Sunday “Most men oo My be more bene- fited nh a period of quiet and rest such aa worship and prayer induce. They overstrain themselves in the false notion that exercise in the out- of-doors {s the only way to get rec- reation. The anger exhibited © n. King says he will reform the Sen- te. _ Meighen says g will reform the Senate will be by appointing reformers to it. King |it on the Canadian | ways | Meighen says the only way King | will economize in {ture is by useless National Rail- and that the only watel jures the healt says he will reduce the deticst 5 railway expendi-! reckless | j Poor playing destroys the strains the heart: and generally jn- s Dr. Stewart is a prominent surgeon nd a Bellevue lecturer. We presume many physicians and aiasibioniats woul@ agree.with him. So Thomas Kempis would have held. So, we \ tangas. most of our Christian scientists hold today. The health val- ue of worship has been too little That is a factor only. The sleepiest/ tne northern section of that province Yets that dot the count?y) js peing peopled largely by French ance. Is it the schools and peat Shere 1911 and 19$21-Northern On- +} als, ‘PRCULIAR war el Herman, aged’ 70. peck punctured the bist and it was found. nec- essary to remove eye. Dr. 8 .T. Bah 8 a8 ‘Ratner: for the rath lenaiag’ physic pats Ag that the accident is a ntebly et unusual! ‘one. English Ontario over the fact that Canadians. It is pointed out that be- iiesvebescoeiomae sue fr occasions wees a pound is righ! tario’s population of French origin grew from 45, 000 t o 63, Melee aoe of a ae population: vot 267,0 re is nothing Hh tthe and " The Fr is an ideal pioneer. Simple in tastes, industrious, ready ‘and willing to put up with what we would consider con- siderable hardship he is the man that fits naturally into our open spaces. 4n8 lastly he is a good citi- en, He nds his business, does not join any m Rolshevik clubs, behaves himeelf and brings up a large family, all good Canadians, who are in fut- ure ei likely to stick to the land, in place of decamping to the ae States or gathering in our vit- From much of the loose talk on this subject one would imagine that English Canadians had some special difference Yanadians take naturally to this life and English Canadians as a rule do not. As for the religious beliefa of the French Canadians, that is their own business, and it ill becomes’ Pro- testants who are spending a goodly share of their time squabbling with their fellow men over points of dos ma and the general conduct ol one see criticise the belief of any sett. THE STANDING OF dro PARTIES oronto. Glo Since the last ery blection on Dec. 6, 1921, there has been resfark- ably little change in the relative strength of the parties in the House of Commons. The 1921 cantest re- sulted in the election of 117 Liber- 50 Conservatives, 64 Progres- sives and 4 Labor and Independen' members. Ateiissolation on Sept: of this year the standing was: Liber- als 117, Conservatives 49. and Pro- gressives 61, there being no change in the minor group. The Iatter fig- ures make no allowance for Vacan- — seats, one in ha Brunswick an This is the line ‘that for — I pen, ' Only a , the ONLY A DAD Only a dad, with a oie face Coming home from e daily "race, Bringing little of sola” or fame To goed aad well he has played the But ad in his heart that his own| rejoice To see him come and voice. to hear his Only np dad, of a brood of four, One of ten million men or more, Plodding along in daily etrife, Bearing the whims and-scorn of life: | pain or With never a whimper of ate For the sake of those who at home await. Only -acdad, néither rich nor proud, Tojling, striving, from Facing whatever may come his way; Silent. whenever the harsh condemn And nearing it all or the them. Only a dad, but he gives his To emoo' small wit h courage stern and grim Doing, The aeane that his father did for best of A Joke on ode ie eetmsn man con Seige is omg a of Bate Cop in wat love of all neers the way for his children allo Pur to arrest you when you “Ha, ha, ha! I'm “ ‘aot coming on). 1 out. I'm committing sul- | | A. Watson, who, : Ting Sar listen to voices and music that com summer day when Prof. Bell « which the great ak d I were thrilled. ! The Maker of the First Telephone a mec Alerander Graham Bell's frst telephone, Tee eee peeve frome. Of| a expense of the Progressives, Messrs. Hammel! and Binette, of Muskoka, and Prescott, Bip a ha AO paves crossed the floor of the Those readers who are politically minded will be interested in the fol. lowing tabulation, which indicates Mithe standing of the parties before dissolution, by Provinc cotia Liberals (enaerediives 1. Tota . New Bru cia aperaio 4, Conservatives 5, Progessives 1, 15, 11. Island—Lib- erals 4 4. ebe oA dbetats 64, vacant 1, Total Onta tario—Liberals 24, Con- servatives 35, Progressives 21, vacant 2. Total 82. Manitoba—Liberals 2, Pro- gressives 12, Labor 1, Total 15. Saskatchewan — Liberals 1, heir he oe" 15. Tota rta—Progressives 10, La- bor 7 Independent 1. Total 12. Bri Columbia — Liberals ° le tives 7, Progres- sives 2, iedepentent 1. Total 13. Yu oe tives 1. Tot Totale—--Laberats 117, Con- eervatives 4 P rogressives 61, Labor a. > rien 2, vac- ant 4. al 235. Those in the figures for the “old e new House to ‘be el- 2 29 there will be ten additional members. an nerease from 235 to 245. This change was affected by a readjustment that gave Western Canada 12 new seats and subtracted two from Nova Scotia's iota. Representation in the other Provinces remains unchanged, ‘vill be seen by a glance at the fol- lowing comparative table: New Old Gain or House. . ee Loss® expenditure on capital account, such! studie e other in Ontario; one wa ‘lew ¢. thnk 4 as the Seribe Hotel in Paris, a sky- However, we are inclined’to offer to Liberal anes in Quebec, and Gui qootinn pia a fact that nore “a | scraper in Toronto, and golf linké! as a side suggestion the expression of|the fourth a former Progressive seat|g fair field for om : it Is. int ms | and radio apparatus all over the the Rev. Dr eorge Drew Ebert of}in Ontario, estin to ote tat the’ th 2 Mid. | country. Flushing, also from a sermon, “Jehu.| During ‘the fo r-year interval Weatera peactaces Sips peated ¥] ' King says he will inaugurate 4 the fast diver. cannot think on th@tth: were'41 by-el, ‘ions, Y| seats. Numerically the We - ars Bhsched en system that will’ same line as the man who plods. and|th * which were there reversals| will be stron = in the one work wonde so, of course, he will have a faith ofjof ,' , fortunes. The Conservatives! by more bgt ert ah cing Meighen save that King has been | his own."’ That this is an age of Jeru-; won two seats from the Liberals—]er Western Pro ; i J * i be sending people out of the country for, ism, with a vast need of watchful po-| one in New Brunswick and one {n} jg a hardy . Ser rh on 7 dc | the past four years instead of bring-! Iicemen and traffic courts, will be) Nova Scotia. The Liberals captured|to say Ghether this a jing them i generally. conceded. one seat—West Hastings—from the} resentatfon will be Liberal Pro ni ‘ing says the country is prosper Conservatives, leaving a net gain of sive or. even Conser tiv : i . it ous — the reason men left the FRENCH CANADIABS AS SET-jone for the Conservatives, Progres- party ffiliati — “i country was on account of Meighen’ 8) TLE sives have had only one seat at stake : 53 bts a Nl | blue pale speeches. (Toronto Satay Night that of Moose Jaw, for which a Pro- = | Meighen says no men left the There are always some iil try-| gressive was returned. The Liberals PERTH LEADS IN country on account of his speeches,, ing to throw a scare into Protestant,;however, gained two seats at the HOG SHIPMENTS Topped Other Counties in Volume, and Percentage of Selects While the total shipment of anes from Ontario was still relatively light, figures from G6everal counties would indicate that the fall rush is about to commence. Thus, in Duff- erin,, Grey, Hastings, Huron, Perth and Wellington counties shipments are again over the thousand mark. however, where hogs are largely fin. ished on corn, farmers are not yet in a postion to market. Essex, which is tsually the second largest shipper in Ontario during the spring and fall, marketed under 500 animals inst week. Lambton 908; Elgin 474, and Kent. which has often exceeded 3,- 000 last week shipped 1.092 The description of the trend in quality is not such a simple matter. mong those counties shipping more than 500 hogs, Victoria leads with view ‘of the volume handled, haps the most noteworthy. makes a good showing with 33 per cent. out of 1.455, an# Dufferin. with 32 per cent. on 1.0611 and Hur on, with 31 dn 1,301, also deserve mention WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS What this country needs is not a new birth of freedom, but the old- fashioned [$2 lower berth. What this country needs isn’t lib- erty, but les: feted who take lib- erties without libert Vhat this per cog needs is not a job for avery nan, but a real man for every What tite, country needs isn’t to get more taxes m the people, but for the people to oa more from the t this country needs is not territory, but more on. at th country needs oe more he old place and less. on 4 his cou r needs fan‘t a fang on Nova Scotia ..... 4 New Brunsw ick. 11 i No che. fey ey 4 No chg Quebec” epee ocae 0% 65 65 No che Cmtario wie wteas 82 82 No chg Manitoba .....-.- 17 #15 2 horney a eee. 210616 ~=5 gee Se TR 16 32 4 British Columbia 14 $13 1 e089 S8e alae 1 1 No che WIRING Doubtless in your home as in many others, there’ | some room or som: corner that might b: made more con venient or cosy with an extra Electric Light socket or base plug. Have it wired now and assign the task tous. You'll get high efficient results at a minimum cost.| ROSS Listowel CARL *Phone 81 Where Does She Get Such Clever Ideas ? ver their tea-cups they marve! t the ingen- uity of their hostess— —it was eal such an unusual ney d. And the sec. s—just 30 minutes’ ’ study each week of the Bae Maple Leaf Club lessons occasional perepnal neclatance i se yal Conmute Lett ‘This famous. Domestic Science author! sit and Director of the Maple Leaf Club has pre: an unusuall, interesting, prac: en! core. te lessons (sent you by =e) on C it. bersh: Lest Club the valuable course Gad peacoat adatoms Kir taal Anna Lee Scott is to every housewife who uses Maple Leaf Flour and sends in only four Maple Leaf Flour coupons (1 coupon in 24 Ib. nee: 2 coupons in 49 Ib. bag; 4 cou- pons in 98 Ib. b. You will agree after one trial of this brand that you have never used so satisfactory a flour. Made fom Canadian hard wheat, carefully selected, and test at every stage of its milling, and sold under a nae guarantee of uniform quality. It will give superior baking results whether used for bread, cake or pastry. You can obtain full particulars regarding Anna Lee Scott, and this big free course offer from your dealer. Ask him today. MAPLE LEAF MILLING CO., LIMITED HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, ONTARIO Gnmule Lert WAPLE LEAF FLOUR a

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