~ when 2 hef for the day will be the pet pe H. Robarts, rector of Trin- Up Histol Banner ‘* The Ainand Bee v ‘ {Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 1923.) E. 8. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association Thursday, Oct. Ist. 1925 ie itorial Every British subject, 21 years of age, who hae been in Canada for one year and has resided in the district since July 5 last, is entitled to a vote at the coming election on Oct. 29. It ie the duty of every citizen to see that his or her name is on the list, and also to exercise the fran- chise and vo @ eure your name is registered, F, & Mr. Lorne.Eedy, editor jof the Walkerton Telescope, has sold that paper to Mr. H. E. Pense of King- MM ohn Hattaradts of Howick, ped ‘the week-end at the home of . E. Gibson, Wallacé street, Mre. Gectee aicariuiet of Gielph, spent Wednesday*at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bricker. Mrs. M. F. Zubrigg and Friiklin, spent a few days this week with saante: in Kitchener. Mr. Mervyn A. Dowd, of Hamiifon, psomepanes by Mrs . Faulkner and Mrs. J. Reles, of -Streetsville, were sate on Sunday - a home of Mr. and Mrs. W Col. J. L. Youngs of Stratford, was the guest of his cousin, Mre. ©. Simms on Wednesday. Dr. Wesley McCormick, of Toron- to, and Dr. Harry McCormick, of Detrolt, were guests last week at the | ANNIVERSARY | Listowel United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4th Speaker---Rev. Robt. Laird, D. D.,.of Toronto Special Music 2 . hudiveomiy Tea, Monday October 5th Supper Served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Good Musical Program led reflects light into the eye, and at a-glance can det if far- t he mote pare of lis find- no other Sir can far-sight in children be so accurately de- Do paren rents owe their ogee ren any duty regarding a@ parent wiehes to {} have his child free from the handicap of far-sight or any We ace in the market for a canny of GOOD FEED OATS for which we will pay a PREMIUM PRICE. Ip YOU HAVE ANY T0 OFFER LET US KNOW. E Our stock of MILL FEEDS,. FLOUR ete, is complete, at se) tera L. PFEFFER MILLING CO. at be secured at the earliest mo- ment. DR. H. MALLORY: Phone 170 Listowel. ome of their father, Mr. Whitfield McCormick. Me and Mrs. Andrew Jarvis and aon Norman, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. David Murray, Monk- ston. It is Mr. Eedy’s intention to come to Perth County and take over Mary's : Mr. Eedy has been prominent in weekly newspaper circles for several years, last year capably filling the honored position of president of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Ass'n. The weekly editors of Perth welcome Mr. Eedy to this county a According to the Meaford Mirror prizes amounting to $100 were don- ated this year, through the generos- ity of a citizen of that town, by the Meaford Board of Trade for the best kept workmen's lawns and gardene. This is a suggestion for the Listowel Chamber of Commerce or the Horti- cultural Society. There are a number of fine lawns and gardens in Listo- wel and the competition would no doubt be keen. The Able to Be Out A r eB We ton. Mrs. Jarvis and s6n remained to spend a week. Judging Horses at Sime cor Mr. Hugh Darroch was in Simcoe this week, judging horses at the fall fair. Takes Position in Schinbein'’s— Mr Dippel has accepted a J. M. in- ‘linton position with Messrs. Sch gain— The many friendg,of Robert Woods were glad to eee hfm down town this week, after being seriously ill at the Memorial Hospital for several weeks. Tonsils Removed— Albe' rt Cosens had his tonsils ednesday morning at the Listowel Memorial Hospital. best kept lawn, garden, (4) best general appearance ‘Breaks Wrist Cranking Car— Bert Donegan had the mie- The money {n each class wa as divided | fortune of fracturing his right wrist as follows: Ist. $10; 2nd. $7.50; 3rd. Wednesday, while cranking $5; 4th. $2.50. |car, and ja now nursing a so0fe arm. = It hardly seems possible that any | Le#ves For Sarnia— party will sweep the country in the . Mr. J. Askew, for several years a coming elections, but at the present! taflor in Listowel, left for Sarnia on time ita that the Liberals | Tuesday morning, where he will work at his trade would have the best chance of doing | . The Lethbridge Herald has pub-/ lished un estimate from Ottawa ef what the Conservative party hopes to do. According to this Ottawa proph- | ecy, they hope to carry 110 seats—/| 20 in the maritimes, 20 in Quebec,! 65 in Ontario and 6 in the west. Hv- |° en if Mr. Meighen did this he would have to carry sixty more than he did | in the last election and even then hie; party wonld be jn the minority, for} against hig 110 thera would be 135| members jn the House panes eh DL hie | | 5 ge Baptist The young people of the Church held their regular meeting! . on Monday evening. Fleming | took the topic “Our Western Mis- sions."' Several others spoke and a | collection was taken for this cause. | Rev. J. M. Nicol, Misses Flora | = Nicol. Winnie Stevenson and Eva Mamilton motored to Stratford on Tuesday to attend the annual fall Tally of the Stratford Presbytery held in St. Andrew's chureh . . * Rev. Robt. Laird. D.D.. of Toron- to, is the preacher for the Anni- versary services the United Church on Sunday next, Oct. 4th Special music will be rendered by -) | choir under the leadership of Mr. P. | , F. Hoadley. A special Thank Ofter- | , ing will be received. H * e A splendid Raliy Day service was | held at Knox Presbyterian Sunday | Schoo! last Sunday when the regniar | Rally Day program was carried out. / The cervice was held in the body of the church. Rev. Clayton Powell, of addressed the school, | a’go Mr. E. G. McDonald and J. W_} Sangster. Recitations were given cod | Roberta Thompson, Jegsie Thomp- | son, Beryl Allen, Tom Reid, Ernest Allen, Jack Thompson, Bernard Du- | berges and Cecil Jones. o . . North Mornington Presbyterian Church will hoid anniversary services on Sunday next, Oct. 4th. at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m ev. Dr McGillivray, .A., of Guelph, will be the speaker -for the occasion. . B. Den in B.A., of Strat- ‘ona ‘will be the special —.- for the anniversary services gelical church on abl 4th. Monday evening, a ou people's rally ie being held, at ¢ Which the Kurtzville, 6th. line. Wallace and an- oo ; Listowel League will take part in the program. At the E. c. E. t- 1 on Monday evening last, e. ‘Miss Flora Nica! was in the chair et the ° Guild meeting in Knox church Monday evening. The topic on “Bliss Carmen” was tak by Miss Austin, af Rey. Nicol, Jean.Savage and Thelma Gee read three of_his Other program included ours MacDonald andy @n orchestra sed of Clifford Rennie, Alex. Ro on Halley Nicke: ably Miss Kate Nicol, gave two selec- tions. Christ Chien * will hold ite an- nuel Harvest Hag ns dake services on Sunday nex the specter urch, Mitohell, Rural ‘Dean of . The Pose ces will be held at 8 7 p.m. Spec- furnish : will be. nite. by the occasion. 'drick's Hoep! ~ Auxiliary Meeting— The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospi tal ae will be held on Monday, ober 5th. in vel ile chupeee “et three o'- clo Crushed— . e at work at the City Dairy plant on Monday last, Mr, Fred Chal- mers had his foot badly crushed, when a steel girder fell on it. Medi- “al attention wes required. Has Foot Whil yoration at Guelph— Mira Mildred Greenslade under- ent an operation on Wednesday on her nose at St. Jacob's Hospital, fuelph. The operation was perform- ed by Dr a ae Miss Green- slade [s doing nice Wil inet in ¢ —- Mr . Ross, formerly with St. Holt Club, has hgen-= en- raged by the Listowel G “shad Club, and s rented the rear of ¥ F Van- residence on Ded Ss Mr Rova is now prepared to give lessons n golf to those desiring to learn, or their playing. Mary ‘8 ha improve | junior Hospital Auxiliary— A meeting of the Junior Hospital Auxiliary is beihg called for Tuesday evening next, October 6th, at 7.45. i the Public Library basement, and a! the girls of Listowel and vicinity who sh to join, please arrange to studies present at thie meeting 5 8. ° Mr. and Mrs. M. Loughran of Leb- ne to Hamiiton— ° anon, were =n Miiverton on Fridar F. Smith, who has been on 6 { cr ) i J last for-the dhe We ai staff of the Canadian Bank a yal va e Ica ou “ts. Johnston ing at cafeteett, of Commerce during the past few es is, has been transferred to King nd James Branch at Hamilton, and hae assumed his new duties. Home Convalescing— Mr. Waiter Schlimme, of Port El- gin, who recently underwent an op- eration for adenoids at.the Owen Sound hospital, has returned to his me in Listowel, and will epend a few days convaleecing. W. Cc. T. U. Meetin At the regular meeting of the W. Cc. Tr. Uh Monday afternoon in Knox church, Mre. . Rayner pre- sided. Mrs. Bartley took the devot- ional exercises and Mrs. Fletcher sang a solo. It wag reported that ov- er $75 had been raised b e Soc- fety at ite tea and baking eale held Saturday afternoon last. is money will go to help pay the travellers’ aid in Stratford. Social Afternoon Spent— ohn Livingstone opened her of Mrs. Climie’s circle acted as hostesses, An eran afternoon was enjoyed by a large number of ladies who apprec- fated instrumental Bap camer 1 by Mre. Berger and Mrs. vocal selec- tions by Miss ceabe: MeGillivray ~ Miss Dorothy Symons, and an ing ie akeieh “Bobbed Hair” Pr Mice Edna 1. MacKenzie, Rev. J. M. Nicol took enniversary sevices in Drayton last Sunday, Rev» layton Powell, of that place occu- pying Knox Church palpit here. The ng Sean rik the Onited- Church ‘held a rally and social even-. tng last Monday and inaugurated the work for the fall and winter. Mie : | With the Churches | | Admission - - - - - 35c and 50c Moved This Week— Death of Brother-in-law— . Mr. T. Rellinger has rented the . _ . C, Graham was called to residence of Mr. A. G. Melrose on} Owosso, Mich., last week, owing to Richelieu street, and moved this|the “death of her brother-in-law, Mr. week. {Hugh Graham, a died at his home Owosso on Friday last. The fnn- Class Social Tuesday Evenin ral was held on Monday last. The Members of Mr Dietrich’ s| » s Sunday School clase of the Evangeli-; late Mr. Graham wae pote ee cal Sunday School, motored t the | hy several in Ligtowel, nome of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bowman, 8rd. ton. Wallace, on Tuesday even- ing, and epent-a-social time. A dain ty luncheon was serve Attended Milverton yir— Among e fro Listowel and [ast who ataniel Milverton Fair non - were Mr. and Mra, Fined $10 and Costs— ve Teaier, Mr. and ar. George A visitor to town on Saturday last |b Denstedt, and guest ae lex was arrested by Chief Wilson on. -a | Shrink, of Warsaw, N. aere. Hugh charge of being intoxicated while) Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Aibert Adams, driving a car. The visitor appeared! N y before" Magistrate Hamilton,, and wen} ee. ane _ Dan Lohr, Mr. George Mayburry. ined $ and costs and eeven days | in _ Attended Funeral of Aunt— I. oe ¢€ © @ © © @ + Mies Luella Scott was if Toronto! ¢ . on Tuesday, attending the funeral ot} ¢ ENGAGEMENTS * her aunt, the iate Mrs. Wm. Bruce,/| ¢ . who passed away on Sunday, Sept. ee es = © © @ @ © © @ 7th., at her late residence, 34 Rob-| d . < } ae Ave., Toronto, in her 88rd. year. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rennie ik - | nounc the engagement of their - daughter, Ruth Vera, to Mr. Freder- 7 ) me — I ies in. Owen Sound— jy-|i¢k William Johnston, son al and 2d. Jermyn rece ed the sad news this week that Mr Henry Jermyn, an uncle of the form. er, had passed away at his home in | Mra. Wm. | marriage 4 | October. Listo oe the ce the widate of Specials Women’s | and 2 sttap Patent Slip- pers on sale at $2.95 Just Arrived Men’sBoots on new square. toe, Black Calf, on sale at Owen Sound on Tuesday. The lute Mr. Jermyn wae in his 86th year, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, town ; $3.95 line east. announce the j of their eldest daughter, Edna May, | to Russel Bailey, also of the town line. the rriage to take place | In Oct | the funeral was held to-day. Crossed Funcral Procession— While the funeral of the late James Lucas paésed along Wallace | street on Saturday afternoon,“a team- ” KIBLER’S s . Mr. and Mrs. H. Fooks, Centre St., ster so far forgot himself as to un- Stratford, warrantably cross the funeral cort- announce the engagement | ene, inatead of waiting until it pas-,of their daughter. Gertrude to sed. Thig a serious offence and} Henry Clarence Horne, son Mr. | pant isha Ste by a heavy fine. and Mrs. H. re. Listowel. The; of October in Stratford | | marriage to take place the latter part | Card of Thanks— } Mrs. | James Lucas and son, Moles- worth, take this means of express-} Ing their thanks to friends and neigh-| ** bors for kindness extended during, their recent bereavement; alao > for the many beautiful floral ead utes recelved. | ‘ye and wis. Dawes Calder, 3rd. Given Ritchen Shower— | con.-attended Mivrarton ‘fall fair on Last Thursday evening the Sun-|fTidhy of last week hine Miesion Circle and neighbors| The Misses Addie Mary and Rella| § numbering about forty, gathered at/Aylestotk. spent a day at Lie stowel | the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gib- !ast week, visiting their aunt, Mra son, town line east, and presented Selby Miss Marion Gibson with a kitchen Mr. Alfred Sheldrake and two sons| shower in honor of her approaching, Billy and Arthur, of Hamilton, spent) marriage. very pleasant evening; Sunday at the home of Mr i Mrs was epent aniel Pommer, 3rd : — Mr. Eli Riddolls, who hae been epending a short holiday with his) trente. Mr. and Mra. Simeon Rid- do Ns, to Victoria College of Lebanon, returned Tuesday j to resume _ his were guests over Sunday at the home Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gompf, town ‘line east. Sunday, Oct. 4th ' Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ruppel and ANNIVERSARY SEBVICES daughter, Mrs. Wm. Burch, of Kit- oe |chener, spent Sunday with the form- = j -oreship. Rev. J. B.:er’s sister, Mre. Geo. Gabel, 3rd. con. iO engia, BAY wore? Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Swartz” and 11 a.m.—Bible school. | danghter Allie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 7 p.m.—Public worship. Rev. J. B, Weaver and son Donald, and Miss Denais, B.A.. will preach. ‘Valeria Schmidt, all of ti mona Monday p.m.—Endea gue; Spent the weék-end at ome of Rally. Kurtzyille, Wallace ane “Ei | Mr and Mrs. Adam Schmidt. 6th. 1 program and good ;£0Nn. dep oe Pt Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ruppel of ical selections. ¥ Music Kitchener, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. John Gabel, * bd Jr., 3rd. con. Ba tist Mr. and Mre. Oscar Dippel, 6th. con,, spent Sunday in Moorefield at the Rev. Harry W. Jacksoa, Pastor | wetz | Mr. Hagerton, of ee. and ‘Mrs. Justice Ruppel. of Waterloo, 7 a Rally ere re. Gea Gabe week at the ‘Sere a a.m. y 51° eo. Gabel, 3rd. con. Address on “Shipwrecked in and Mrs. Marks Bender of Sto aes hject: “The Peril of Pro- Kitchener, were gnests during the 7 p.m . week ag le friends on the 6th. line. crastination.” Pastor, John F. Hol-| . a Hur y of Kincardine, will be i) ender, ‘of. Listowel, were guests ices. biel friends on the 6th. con., over nday. , _— of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Monday 8 p.m.—B.¥.P.U. u ea 7.30 ee ene Mr. and Mrs. J. Detwiler and daughter Edna, motored and spent Sunday eat the home vd Rs and Mre Ed. Schnetder,~ 6th. Although the arlatnor was not very abi ses for the Jubilee anniver- Bary reece. of the United Church, Lebanon, on Sunday, Rev. ane Rid- dolls, of Victoria College, and Rev. J. §. Kaye, B.A., of Moorefield, deliver- The United Church of reas Sunday; Oct. 4th SERVICES Nie whrenip. ok “Rey, ot “Toronto, music by the chi AND g eer- 10 a.m.—Fel. 411 a.m.—Public Robert Laird, pound free cans. Pay all express | charges, Drop us a card for | cans a | | Bdw oe Kz .| line -Howick. f r, -and bormpanied by day an pe home of Mr. J. a | Riddolis of Toronto 7. | Moorefield, also addres-| | Mr e at sed the Phas Beakngh on Monday even- NE. Mrs. Frank Gingrich, of Tavistock. | is a guest this week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ankenman = Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dippel, 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schade ‘ea4 Mrs J. N. Livingston, 8rd. con., epent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ezra Wetzel, of Listowe Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schade and daughter, Helen of Listowel, spent Sunday with their cousins, the Mis-} ses Luella and Janet Livingston, 3rd. con. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldyrell, 3rd con., and Mr. Jack Lynn, 4th: con., motored to Niagara on Sunday and returned Monday evening Misses Luella and Janet Living- ston, were in Drayton Wednesdey for the Fair, while there they were the guests of a friend, Miss Marie MacDougall. and Mrs. Johttson McLaughlin ond family, 4th. con., were Sunday visitors at the _— of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weber, 3rd. firs. Snell of “plcevaie,” home Friday after a two it with her daughter, Coultiss, 3rd. con. ‘returned eeke’ vis- Mrs. Chae FLEE DEEL REET EEE Es + + + KURTZVILLUR + + bbb ed nd Mrs. mman spent Sunday owith the latter’ ‘ perests. Mr. and ag Irvin Master, 3rd. lin Mr. and Mrs m. Vance py on. Whitfield and “Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Donald from Tara, epent the week- end at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer. The Misses Ruby and Mabel Mas- ter and Messrs. Ed. Ament and.Char- lie Ferguson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eidon Anken- man. Miss Violet Jacques is spending some time thie week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDowell, 4th. We Are ‘Ready To Supply Your Needs. For the Cold Weather Give us the opportunity and we can show you some real savings. Come in and look over our stock. You are under no obligation to buy. ‘ Fur Coats An unusual selection. Muekrat, light and dark, Plain Seal, with seal and squirrel eollars, Seal with ae collar, Per- sian Lamb, Plain Persians with Kolinsky collar Attractive Fall Showing of Ladies’ Cloth Coats and Dresses COATS—Here are ‘> beautiful new fall styles, ity showing the neat the major- fur trimming so fashionable this fall. Dresses—Charming velvet—made in . frocks of the latest dasign ia georgette, satin, cut Men’s Overcoats and Suits Smart fall Suits, English guaranteed fast in color and styles for Fall Wear. Top Coats: ractive models in Fall Fabrics, expertly new patterns that are tailored in correct Tweeds and Wool Gabardine, sation thexe Top Coats so serviceable for fall wear, is} HAVE YOUR MONEY CIRCULATED IN) TOWN. Get your mall order catalogue, pick out the lines you:- need, and their prices. If we have the stock on hand, you can have it at the catalogue price, in facf'in some cases a little lower. You have the privilege of inspecting the goods before paying by er- cering here. M. SIEGAL Phone 360 Wallace St. Listowel | | | rs. Alex. McCabe, Mr. apd Mrs. George Spust, epent Sunday afternoon = at ‘be ho lett, hah line. . Gomion Hardgrave spent Sun- Schaefer. Mr. H McCabe, who has been under ‘pe doctor's care for the past /month is notiémproving as fast as his friends wo me of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ber- mae BQ pree-iton on Saturday, a2 like. Ea. Orth, Rec apa to Hamil- cone sa ‘Thursday, Oct. 15—For George Snel- Tot 16, Coa. 1%, Grey, aacehak: :] Just THE BAZAAR| — e Arrived! 4R les F ; -------—- ules ror New || The Last 3 _Su O Month f pp'y ©, || Months of | Coats an | 1925 Dresses‘ | Coats priced from $13.50 ona aetna. money fF and up. and Canton | x psig ou ticennes $10 and up. | The Right Goods 4 ur dresses and Coats are i pater at very low prices. | | 2 Snip poeta: - ax ae We also have a beautiful { Priogs he ee cae range of Cut Velvet Dresses, At The Right Price latest styles and shades, { Made up to the last minute. when you knee th SEs a COME IN AND LOOK || peeked Bes . cee Se ae THEM OVER. . | At The Right Time Feldman’s Store ||) 4707 mus." PD PHONE, 3" aperiai Ban || Right Now Means Much to You win ot fe oa “pit tr ata ts con 2 nine || Pam to Trade at turnitur en ee