_ his professed—we say professed, ad- -‘im’any subsequent si ntes ‘nue i + * BORN ” Box ‘Safety ~ Deposit Boxes: > How can What wil The Safety Deposit Box is the “cranny hole” of the grown eee is can ; it is secret; “IM PERIAL BANK LISTOWEL BRAN HE purpose of a Safety Deposit safe from accident and from theft and to relieve you of worries: 4 Where are my policies P e is to keep. your valuables I keep these records? 1 we do with the Bonds P it is secure! BRANCH, Manager. M. R, HAY, esteem ataad shanna ee — The Listofvel Banner r and The Atwond (Amalgamated Oct: Ist., ” ’ E. 8S. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newspa- pe tion ee 928) Published Thursday of each week. Eight to sixteen pages, seven col- th age. All home-print. Subscription rate $2.00 a year. strictly in advance: otherwise Pe 50. six months $1.00; three months 60c. To subscribers in the 1. States 60c additional for pos anner and Bee ios the cir- culation—several hundreds .. more than its competitor—and excels as an oe medium We do job seetetine of all kinds. Nov. 1925 Thursday, 5th., | With theChurches| 6alvary Evangelical Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 8th 10 a.m. Genera} ae meeting. il a.m.—Sunday Scho p.m.—Public Worship. per will a, Monday 8 p.r L. C. E. Wednesday He Pp. m. "—Prayer meeting. Baptist Rev. Harry W. Jacksoa, Pastor Dr. Tup- Sunday, Nov. 8th 10 a.m.—Sunday échool. _ Homestead By ALDEN CHAPMAN (Copyright. 1919, by Western Newspaper Union.) “J. don’t seem to please her,” spoke Martin Frey to his old-time friend, Judge Bartlett. . Mary is not a demonstrative person.” said the judge. “Don't get a lot of nonsense into your head, Mar- tins You have provided a beautiful home, the children are“healthy and happy—what more can you expect?" But Martin Frey sighed and shook his bead, and although he did not pur she the subject it remained in his mind. e had married Mary back at their Po town, Lelgliton, twenty ears since. Never had there been a toore loyal and industrious helpmeet. And now, only a month before he had confronted Mary with the surprise of her life. For years he had planned it—the building of a mode! home as good as any in the town, He had cherished the idea, saving, scraping, for nearly a decade. He had never let Mary even surmise what he was at. When the beautiful house was all completed and newly furnished he had appeared In a brand-new automobile and had piled in the delighted children, with the brisk, cheery hall: ae Mary, I'm going to take e drive pet then, as they reached the new home he had*so—proudly acquired, he drew a key from his pocket, handed it to her and said, grandly waving his hund toward the pretty house: ‘ “There’s your new home, Mary. and no one ever deserved one as you do!” was pleased, there was no She admired all the “4 them. There were strong hopes that the government would be returned to powér with such a majority that pro- mises having for their object the bet- terment both of agriculture” and manufacturing would be :mplement- £d without serfous difficulty or de- lay. But the Conservative party, true to their performances of months past, raised such a doleful howl in regard to thé etate of the country that many électors friendly to the King Admin- istration must have been stnmpeded inte the opposite camp. Thus ‘fave an impasse. It fs true that Mr. Mefghen may rally to his high pro- tection standard a few Liberals, who matter, may share his views Mr. King, too, would doubtless find the anti-high protectionists in the Progressive party with him, es ‘what the country wants is a etron government, and it would appear that no matter who assumes office the tife of the incoming government will But the country must bé govern. ed; its business must be carried on: In al) the utterances of the Hon. Robert Forke there was not one word of admiration of praise for either of and aithough the very considerably, there are sti! rents pie will have a good deal to say in any sug- gested legislation. Liberals will re- gret the’ defeat of many ménibers of the King Cabinet. The country can ill afford*to Ieee the: serv however has been offered a seat in! hoc which an enant Liberal majority is obtained ut if we “hha another general e- whom is the F eg proceed with visedly—hf&h protection: policy when} he has not a working majority, -es- postelly with the Progressives un- compromisingly hostile? Liberal pol- icies would have saved the country had the electors favored. them more generally. They will till have a wide and benefielent influence if the ruin talk an e of the country, SAW cen cerere rer re Oeen + doses Loclentnatente clon fenfedt: HAMILTON — at Shedden. on day, November 2nd.. 1925,.to Mr ‘and Hamilton, a éon. Drake}. Both doing wel, be published In next week's Bannér el Mon- La p.m.—Public worship Fed itor jal sunaiay 8 p.m.— fine points of the handsome residence t Thursday, 7.30— Prayer meeting ; and her eyes brightened as they noted : the comfortable and even luxurious #ccintaht A high constitutional authority se gs. _ gives it as his opinion that the logi- ee ou are a good man, Martin,” she cal course for Premier King to pur- Thanksgiving said, and her voice quivered with emo- sue is to retain office. With that pro- - tion, and then she kissed him, and his nouncement we cordially and entire- Services heart warmed toward her. m4 —— niet agp also i Rip Ay ndi- For all that, as time went on. Mar- ons which @ game authority 6ug-1 . * thr miteed th ‘ j see gests should govern the head of the'/{ The United Church, Listowel memento: Be _ — no Seen a Administration, namely that Parlia-| They ‘icine t ¥ eo oe ment. should be summone at the| SUNDAY, NOV. 8th ey were able to keep a maid now, earlies moment, that the government' but Mary was wedded to her old should not be committed to precise, 10 a.m.—Praise servic |; housekeeping ways. She missed the courses of action and that appoint-| 11 a.m.—Public worship Sub- 4) old Kitchen stove and the shining gus ments to office should not be made, ; ject: “PHE THANKFUL runge troubled her, She missed wash except when absolutely necessary for HEART.” | : Ing the children every Saturday night hat child on of the business of the | 2.45 p.m . reget ae 1b ; in the old-fashioned wash tub. 7 ) - ublic Ww ahi Sub- aa . hile “BUILDING THE NA- “It's beautiful, Martin.” she wonld The situation politically may be! ONS." } say, “but T can't help thinking of the considerably clarified. It is an un-! Thanksgiving Music j old home back at Leighton. Don't precendented one ao Canada| Mornin yo. remember the view from the «ld is concerner, and, ae it stands, justi-' Ant hem—Ye Shall Dwell in the open piazza there, Just far and grand? isi | and Stainer BN the cool well water, and the neds man who stated some time ago: Mate Quartette hone yRuck le vine, wine fie Tittle school “Lat us have a strong government.if ge. die Enel house just beyond our lot? why a , » _ therr -§ o the 0 te whether Lib gl Conservative mat With Thanksgiving Tozer “I do, Indeed,” Martin would reply, ters not to me. I want to see a party Soto——Leave {t With Him “and It's the sweetest picture in th in power that can initiate and carry;{ > ‘rs ED B ot world In my me B rays have out legielafion on its own account! . Mre. E. Db. Bennett y memory. But ways have without having to plead or beg for}y You are cordially invited to chunged, Mary, And the old place? support from minor groups, each of enjoy these services Twenty-years—why, I suppose Leigh which has its own particular Iinter-| F. Hoadley ton is Just a bustling Httle city now ests and ambitions to serve, apart Organist and Cul ee and you wouldn't recognize it, with all from the well-being of the country.” E. F. Armstrong, the old lundinarks gone. culty in the last Parliament. and one| | Stl Mary cherished her dream. 1 ‘could not but Rid pedir with him} | ba vet ainecel) fo conylace her that and his Minis the difficult} Mr. John kw Kewes the children were given greut advan task which meres Jay before | Honoured By Friends tuges under the new order of affairs, eve ayeNIDE wag Spent at; Mr. John Keeso, Sr, ¢ en upvarda of f!fty Zi s home in honour of his sixty-sixth birthday Mrs. Keeso'e nieca, Mrs Sheridan of Los| Anceles, Cal.. formerly Mika Rose Widmer. bs Listowel, who is vigiting h sre, decorated the aguas in yellow nd black, with bla ente, bats, naan heads, corn stalks, witches, hat and campfire. The gathering was in the form of an Hallowe'en social. Jues's were entertained during the evening with live ghosts, witch fort- tellink, games, cinging and dancing. Mr. Kees) was presented with a combination shaving set an other gifts. Lufich was served at mid- night, ant & pleasant time spent. ———— Softball Game Montag diene The International Piano Company! softball team will play the Profes-} sional team rom Listowel on Thanksgiving Day, Monday next, at twe o'clock, in the rink. An admis- sion of. 10c will be charged, and the entire proceeds will go to the Lis- towel Athletic Association. The lad- les are especialiy invited. This is the opening game of a short series that will be played between now and ten ey sempon, and everyone is u — to come out and help the Associa on. As to games for next tone will be posted on bill cue and a echedule of further games will i a ee ae ae ee ee ee a ad + DOWD'S SALE LIST + FS be a ee a Ss ee ee ee ter Thursday, Nev. 19—Fer Mrs. H Peppler, 8% lots 23, 24, com. L. Bima, stock, implements, hay, grain ee Nov. 10—For Louis Eng ler, t con. 9, Elma, stock, impleinen: Tuesday, } i7—For Henry Camp- bell, lot ts, con. 8 Wallace, stock, impleme nts; grain. Fe er dy's Majority Reaches’ ,345— The bwiareae pens agg Miss A. C, MacPhail, Progreasive,-in Sonuth- east Grey, now stands at ri "345. On plection night, she left her ho at Tr vir was n, Uevotion and she longed for a sight of -pald his but the old home seemed to beckon her. It was a shrine in memory and ft once more. How much, Martin never knew until Mary was under a spell of sickness, Ile was spelling the nurse one evening and seated In the half darkened room-where Mary lay, when he knew from her restlessness that she was fevered and incoherent. De enught some words that enchained xut- tention and interest, In her deliriain Mary funcied she was conversing with an old-time girl friend, “I don't waut Martin to know. Mary was murmuring. “He ts s6 good and kind to me, but it has seemed te me for years that the greatest boon I could ask would be to visit the dear old home aguin If it is only to freshen my memory and help the long- g I cannot repress, it would be a blessing to me. 1 hope some time he fore I die Martin will visit Leighton and I will get my wish.” “You poor, romuntic, sentimental dear! That you shall!” whispered Martin to himself, and until the day far ahead when Mary regained her old strength the Idea never left his mind. The glad took In her eyes fully re ‘care and thoughtfulness. when he one day announced that he was going to take a trip to Leightep in the automobile, children and -all. With dear,” chine turned Into the street where me had passed ber early childhood. Sltow- ly her face lost its token of delight. There were stores where the hanses of her youth had been. The eld-time green lawns were gone. The-queint, well-remembered little sclioolhonse moke of great factories, the honey. eathte vine was no more,. and the house, always s0 neatly painted and kept. seemed ready to eollapse with the first strong wind and was siveq over to poor mill workers, Mary drew dewn her veil to hide her tears. “We had’ better go on.” she said forlornly, and was very quiet all the way back to. their starting point. kind and gentle than ever to the chii- her husband's neck when they were. 2. dear,” ‘she. suid, “as | the That evening she was mere’ dren. and she placed her arm abouts | Left for Toron Mr. Carlyle ‘Poeun left for Toronto on Saturday morning, where he has accepted a positio nm with the Genaral Radio Service ; Moves to Listowel— Mrs. C. Elliott,’ of Molesworth, moved her household effetes to Listo- wel on Monday, and has rented the residence of the late J. H. McDonald, on Elma Brecks Arm— Master Kenneth Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Perey Davidson, town iine east, had the misfortune of breaking hie left arm on Sunday, when he fell from his sleigh. Leaving for Detrolt— Mr. Gordon Henry, plumber, and who has been employed with Mr. R B, White, is leaving on Monday next for Detroit, where he has accepted a similar position, will — a Nurs Miss Nichol, "danabiar of Dr. and Mrs, “A H. Nichol, is leaving on Wednesday, Noy. 18th. for Toronto, where she is taking a nurses’ train- Ing course at the General Hospital yew —— Shop ag ‘Open— M Abram, of Detroit, rented ne store re ‘ drick’s Grocery store. on Wallace street, and expects to open an up-to- date barber shop next week. He so- licits a share of the patronage. Perth Plowing Match Yesterday— Inclement weather made ancther postponement necessary of the Perth County Plowing Match, and the hagas 1et was yesterday, Nov. 4th. whe cellent weather prevailed = a tres crowd was present. || Hereand There Sport conditions are very geod in New Brunswick this year. Harold Chadwick operating hunting camps in the province reports that at the end of September catches of speckled trout weighing 1844 ibs. were taken sone day while a hunter took out a big game licence September 23rd and three days laters had his deer and bear. The world’s most northerly police Post, also the most remote of any human habitation, is to be con-- structed next year for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the far end of Ellesmere Island. Building materials and two years supplies will be cached within easy freight- ing distance of the point where men will be detailed for patrol duty on the lonely shores of Riel straits. Appointments recently made through the office of the Comptrol- ler Canadian Pacific Railway head- quarters are W. J. Cherry who be- comes Freight Claims Auditor in place of J. R. Steele retired under pension rules, and W. L. Moran ap- pointed Assistant Freight Claims Auditor. Both these gentlemen have been connected with the Freight Claims department for many years POSE, eee G SS - Wctat flies ’ “poe. Because the prospects for hunting and fishing in northern regions of Quebec are more attractive this au- tumn than they have been for sev- eral seasons, the number of resi- dents of the United States applying to the Quebec association for the protection of fish and game for guides and licences is much greater than it has been; for some time, ac- cording to the Moretary of the asso- ciation, A very pleasing incident occurred during the .visit..to Montreal of Madame Maria Wiese, world-fa- mous operatic star. Col. Geerge H. Ham, “Grand Young Man” of the Canadian Pacific Railway who had met the singer before, sent his fe- licitations in the form of a bouquet, and Madame Jeritza replied’ with a bouquet of roses made of sugar with the hope that his days also would be sugar-coated. She gave a one-night recital im’ Montreal, leaving for To- ronto the following day. Isaac Gouverneur Ogden, viee- president in charge of finance, Ca- nadian Pacific Railway, attained his 8lst birthday October 10. Mr. Og- den is as active as ever although he has spent 54 years {n railway werk. He joined the C.P.R. as auditor-of the western division with headquar- ters at Winnipeg tm 1881 and has been vice-president of the system since 1901. Mr. Ogden was the re- cipient of. flewers and eongratula- tiens frem his colleagues on the oc- casion of his ‘birthday. Caresessness and lack of fore- thought on the part: ef some un- known meterist at Bellevilie might have led to serious accidents if it that ured, oe nae _| ture factory, and is staying 4 jority for Wright of yn Fhe major- months drilling wells. , Sells oer Mr. resiasion. on Victoria street Sam Burnett, of Brussel possession the fore art’ of December. Mr. Karges will go Pt bh daughter, Mrs. Fred Be Returns to Listowel— Mr. Jack Hay returned Monday from Brandon, Man., where he has been spending the past eight months. orge ‘Karges. has sold his to Mr. Note the Pinched ner this one causes ¢ disease. CHIROPRA’ reliev “HEA Consultation Free ; L.0. Whitefield, peor hours 10 te 12 a.m. Ey Over Johnstone’ s Jewelry Store Phéne 9 DIUS 5 to enings and wager Nauk by apopintmen at- the home of Mrs. C. Large Namber of Hunters Leave— The deer hunters left the fore part of thie week for their northern hunt There were twenty-nine left Listowel via Canadian Pacific for -Pakesley and French River; twenty-two left from Monkton, and twenty-five from Milverton. Liquor Case Adjourned— Mr. R. Mullin, proprietor of the es Hotel, appeared before Mag Hamiiton on Wed- cane, ‘but a further adjournment to Thursday, 2th. was granted. he same bail as accepted previous hearing will apply. Football Team Hold Supper— Members: of the 6th. Hne Weld al football team, and friends, held a fowl eupper at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. W. H. Lorch, 6th. con. Wallace, | on Friday evening last. boys { provided the ducks, a : good sup- per was enjoyec vening was} spent in games, etc., ad a pleasant | time enjoyed by all. Attended Graduating Exercises— | Stratford Beacon-Herald — Mrs.) Thomas Kelly, of Owatonna. Minn.,) formerly Miss Margaret ueGilitvray,| of Listowel, and a graudate of the! Stratford —— Hospital, was the) guest of Miss A. Mickle. euperintend- : ent of the Sean Hospital, for the graduating exere'ses Monday even- ng. Attended Wedding in Toronto— ‘wedding of Mr. Lloyd McIlroy to Miss Gladys Tucker, Toronto, which took place at the Indian Road my at Church, The groom is a son Mrs. J. Mellroy. j ° - Splendid Picture Coming— You'll fo the Clever New Coats be delighted with r Women at $14.95 Don’t put off getting your Winter Ccat any longer. The - $14.05 New Prices will be good next winter as well as thie; they are advance styles, SMART NEW STYLES DRESSES. new models—the very newest in range from $6.75 and up. FELDMAN’'S STORE WALLACE STREET, LISTOWEL styles we are showing values are the best. If and up IN WINTER dresses in a variety of That splendid film “The Ten Com- m sandments” is billed for the Prin- & The patre for the first three days _ Thi 6 picture has been) y commended where ever it has been show n, and ja a most ex cellent production. Mr ayne’s en- tetprise in bringing this film to Li towel will be greatly appreciated by mov.e fare Colo beate 26th. Wedding Anniversary | | Friends and neighbors. aie ke ring | forty, pte ntty eurprised Mr. a el Mrs. Jnm Moorehead on Friday ev ening Jast, in honour of their 25th.’ wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs Moorhead were presented with a sil-! ver flower basket, and a lovely bou- quet of carnatione. Miss Mary Jer- [myn read the address and the presen-| tat'on was made by Mrs. Hyslop in Listowel— of Biggar, Sask.. J. Poag, the Accepts Pe ‘tion Mr. Robert Pong. and brother of M tailor, Mr Smith, Market. Mrs. Poag and little son aré at present: visiting friends in Toron- to, but in a few. weeks’ time will to Listowel, where they will re- come side. For the winter months they will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Conservatives Meet Mr. Wright— meeting of Conservatives and wou of D. M. Wright, M.-P., was heid in McDonald’s hall on Wed- nesday afternoon. About forty were , including ei ladies. Mr. accompanied by Mrs d Mrs. Strudley and Cully, of Stratford. Mr. Wright the opportunity of thanking the Listowel organization for the splendid work they had done in the recent election Official Figures in Perth— In another pel appears the fig- res of the vote in the different mun- icipalities of North Perth. Since these ely the official Armst er. The official totals give Wright 7386 votes and Bro 6725, a ma- FLOUR and FEEDS Pre-season has created a all KINDS, with the resu This FEEDS of Flour prices appear to have reached bottom. L. PFEFFER MILLING Co. and Successfully done. Chopping Promptly for Mill advance. demand prices wil strong It that each week or the first step, Capital Paid Up eta Listowel Branch - . Comfort in Old Age? Ye if you can save ae your gaming 1A DECISION to oiace a de- finite proportion of what you earn in a Savings Account THE CANADIAN OF COMMERCE e Fund $20,000,000 each month is BANK H. P. Wanzer, Manager posmmmeeerecomanssed a Sar Thanksgiving =} Day Hl Portrait. TAKEN BY APPOINTMENT wy after the election principal tors was in Wallace and in Stratford. The ma jority in Stratford was boosted and reduced in Wallac Held Apren Social— About’ $50 wae realized by. the Sunshine Mission Circle on Monday ening when they held Social at the home ‘a Mrs. Cogblin, town line east. The invit- ed guests were eupposed to return he little apron sent with’ the invi- tation and enclose in cent for every ft.ch 0 pant a ied Merrin ent wae Serived me cases | easurement be- ag dieputed wund another being take A large number were present ahd the event was & huge ,30 ~o0] Board Met i There was ittle. Husiners! before ‘thé Board of Baucation last Tuesday appointed a inset the, matter ronf ee the Inspector on his ‘ye pocket one! walet Tmeasure-: | How about that Family Group? Call, or Phone 162 R. J. Russell Photegrapher — Listowel EVENING SITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT camae hs Inspector se Eolg and advantage of ad n- rooms and gymnasium. No F $1.98 ON SALE Boys and Girls’ SHOES PNAS} i 4 := einem Suit Cases With LEATHER STRAPS ff - at $1.50 Overshoes, Rub-7 § - bers ‘and Rubber Boots. at . Right Prices el action will be taken by the Board’ at bat the question will be kept in mind, the public more fully in-| formed as to the need of su ~ fon, and further particulars as cost, decured