mh) district. See that tion is paid in advance. Subscription $2.00 a year. . - teototT vtakee 5 Fe See Established 18v0, ATWOOD, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1925 ” Having disposed of my Grocery Business, I wih to take this opportunity of thanking my: customers for their kind patronage during my five years in that business. At the same time, I wish to announce to the citizens of Atwood and Bagge! that I have purchased the Hardware Business of Mr, J. Roger, and will appreciate the patron- age of an customers—old and new. | YOUR PATRONAGE. CORDIALLY INVITED | ‘ Atwood Johnston Peebles ontario |PERSONALS Mrs. C. mee is visiting friends in Gowanstown Mr. rs. T. Oliver spent Sunday “with pie in London. pe ee Chas. Ducklow, 14th. ‘con is visiting at the home of her father, . Wm. Blair. and brother, week-end with Mies Ethel Boyd Harry, spent ,the friends in“Stratford. — oe | frs. Joe Packard, is jconfined td her home at- tack of la grippe. 12th. con., with an hotne trip to —o— . Mrs. John Houze returned Monday from an enjoyable the West. Miss Kathleen M Mitchell spent Sun day with her friend, Miss Marjory Oliver a Mr. Wm. Erskine of London, spent a few days this week with his son, Mr. J. M. Erskine. McCutcheon Wm. irs. Wm. spent Guugay with he and Mrs. McCullough,—4th. afin Blair Ducklow, 14th. con., the week-end in- Seettors with his cousin, Kenneth = Thanksgiving Candy What would this happy season be with- out a generous supply of Fresh, Tasty Candy ? And we have just received a fresh as- sortment of delicious Chocolates and Bon bons that make your mouth water even to look atthem. Every sweet piece > of it is just as pure as it is tasty. Try a few of our Thanksgiving Specials E. G. COGHLI DRUGGIST 9 ATWOOD Our Constant Aim tg to keep quretffiie of Groceries complete. Fresh Fruits’ and Vegetables in season « An always-complete supply of Canned Bottled and Package Goods, and at lower-than-elsewhere prices ALEX. DON ELY - Ontario Atwood, int eleeeeteiet ree + ¥ MOLESWORTH es P ersonal | Sea SSO Ss SOs eo a ee em . : ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chamney, 3rd. ® Christmas ‘Vine Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Ter- lryberry of Beamsville, visited Mon- Cards i day with Mr. and William We have something dif- | Holmes, boundary west. ferent and very attractive in | Master Russel Gilbert, who spent our 1925 — Greeting | the eummer with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Card Sample ‘ We invite you to call and Simpson, returned to his home in : see them. Toronto on Saturday. a " 4 eddresa petnt Mrs. H. A. Mobles hae returned ral Name and adr a from her trip to England, and %& i ed bas this office on all cards visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. acintosh. selec: Miss Jean MacDonald was the guest of Miss Margaret McEwen on Sand Miss Marion MacIntosh spent itew days last week at the home of obt. McLennan, of Bluevale. ‘oal of Toronto, visited 1as' week with Mr. John Wright. Mr. Arnold Brown and bride re- k. Aix Print Shop, iwood; Onli (, of Bessie Holmes the former's paren Mr. and Mrs. CRETEEEEIA EE EOSET ESO OT ETSY I rn, of Newto n. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Smith, of At- -~mer and J. pacha Mr Don Cameron risited at the “nome of Mr. R. J. Lowry over the at the gdh a hapds th Inetitute Convention neon this mee ting o “Molesworth WwW. tL week-end. will be held Thurstay, Nov. 12, in z 4. A large crow wd was present at the! t4 nai report of ne London / regular meeting of the Literary So- cravat will be given. © ciety held on Monday night. It was a Mitchell, ee: and. Mrs. Masquerade Hallowe'en Social and a Henry Howe ve visited good. time.was enjoyed by all. Sunday Sfracapon: ip in Bruss ’ Mr. Earl Sprouie had the misfort-). ‘argaret Scott ot Listowel, une to lose a valuable horse Jast!.was pps Sunday. .. week, miquite a number have taken ere . ‘Mrs. W. Sproule is spending a few) vantage ‘of the abundant crop-of-ap- daye at the e of her. .daughter,, plee.t0 haye apple butter made. at} An English shilling of the time _ -} George II was recen' ‘ound’ the teller 4a a Stayner Pasi. dM spent Sunday with’ Mr. and Mrs. Delmer, of Ripley, spent Friday at the home of Mr. a Mrs. Adam Dahmer i] \Miss Grace Dewa | Miss Irene Thompson, Atwood. —_—o— Mr. Louts Engler, 10th. con., left | | Monday to epend a few days “with | friends and relatives In Ottawa. | —o— | Chas. Buttery, 14th. con., re- | turned home Wednesday after spend- a few months in the Wést. | Mr. Mrs. Frank Brynes and! |Mre. Pelton, of Listowel, brag Sun- | | day at the home at Mrs, M. Smitzer. Mrs. K Ouckiow left ree ‘to spend a jfew weeks in Londo with her daughter. Mrs. Thos. V vie. —o— Mr. and Mrs Henry Raszman and} Mr. Roy Raezman of West Monkton spent Sunday with friends in Listo- wel ercittjonee “arl Vine and baby. of Lon- are visiting at the home of her Mr. Robert Thompson, 4th. Mr. don, father, con. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hastings. 12th jcon.. spent Sunday at the home of | ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitfield, Grey township. | — i Mr. Roy Riehm of Niagara Falls, jenent the week-end at the home of Alex and Albert Thompson, n. \ Messrs. Wm. | Seehaver vieited over | with friends at Comber “Gilchrist and Harry the week-end and Wind- _o | Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harron epent ‘Saturday with Mr. a I R. | Hammond, and a aie for their ‘new home in Bu —~— , Messrs. Wm. Shera and Wm. Haist ; motored to Grand Bend on Sunday {and visited at the home of Mr. and |r Everitt Haist. cmmmifhiea Mrs. T. E. Hammond is leaving the tore part of next week to spend a w weeks with her son, Mr. Harold Hammond, Stratford. —o— Miss Mary Shiell, 10th. con,, re- Ing m brother, Mr. R. B. *shien, 4th. con —_—o— Mrs. J. A. McBain returned home: Monday, after spending six weeks with her gon, allace McBain, at Port Colborne, and with friends in Hamilton —o— Mr. Joseph Ingram, who has been ve the summer months fn this cality, sailed this week via Canad- is Pacific Gn a visit, with friends in England. —o— Mrs. Pye of Tha#mesville, who has been epending a ch her sister, Mrs. Hodge; Sr., left Friday Florida, where she will spend the t{ winter mon Mr. and Mrs, Lee “Lee Huston and Mrs. E. R. Purdy of Caro, Mich., and Mrs. . Houd and little daughter, Mary Adelene, ew ' rned. Thursday, cage epending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mre Hammond. ‘They were accompanied Robt. Lowry returned, wood, 5, ent Sunday with the latter's by Mrs. _ Letheron, of Toronto, oR are suet 084 tena! im . rs. Ma nc Pde ag Py es-| Who will epend a few weeks in Caro, “few ends 34 pena Millington ye" Detroit,. Mich. Miss e love spent the ree Much sympathy is extended — with friends e. Mrs. Scott and family in the Fecant peAhibbEhtbhteeeeebeeeend atin that. left with | bereavement of husband and father. | * : uth we a y were “* Mr. James cones ot able to be} * NO. 4, ELMA AND GREY _ +" . 8 Mm. Tish . 8. -lout again, after a _“_ t injury ‘ Haddow, W. Smit hire. WW. Ak Leathe Ss a delegate; + netted | The following shows the standing 2th |spent the week-end aha her triend, | for her home, and later will leave for | lis. Parents’ Night at - S. S. No. 2, Elma An ee weathers was held in 3. 8. nm Friday evening, Atcha: Sint; Saher: a Parents’ even-! ‘ng was held, and snjoret by the | ‘arge number of v darents was an evidence of the in- erest shown. Pupils’ work was exhib- ited and recitations of the various rlasses conducted by the teacher, Mr. . Burns, and the pupils. Wil) Hold Memorial Service on Monday Next A Memorial service, in remem- he unreturning heroe éacrifice in Thankegiving Day, November $th., the Elma. Memorial plot at eleven ock. * Kaine,.. pastor of the United church, and Rev. Jones, Ang- lican minister, will conduct the ser- vice. An offering will be taken in id- of the Children's Aid Society, Stratford. Weather not permitting on Monday, the service will be held 'n the Presbyterian church. Hallowe'en Social Enjoyed By Presbyterian Y. P. The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church held a very en- joyable Hallowe'en social on Monday evening, Nov. 2nd. The church wae decorated with the Hallowe'en colore. Candles, pumpkin faces and ghoets j}m ade the room look very spooky. The | people were received at the door by a ghost who shook hands with each jons as they entered. The program was opened with community singing. Mr. Albert Cogh+ ju n acted as chairman. The following |numbere were n very much enjoy- ed: reading by Margaret Ovane and a “Round” in which everyone took -part The Journal was taken by Jean Ham- lilten; reading by Agnes Dickson. | Minutes and roll call were taken and a large number panes to the call. Thé-remaintér of the evening was \% e nt in Hallowe’ en games and lune | “he meeting closed with | the Mizpah benediction. | ex Wilson, Sr., is confined } — Se et eo St ie sherlesfeefertedebededettedebeebteheetel eit) | to his eed with an attack al | fete Nestesecleeferies ivlbl hie | | *!grippe, and his many friends wish is a aa % U. 8. 8S. NO. 2, ELMA Do him ; speedy recovery. | HESSON : \* * a? ow 7. TesJoodeeToofeLeefoofonforte forte ofed apne eDerdesdeneder dye desdedecde detente ete etee Purchase Farm— = —_—_______—__CdsE. artattsttaeeaseareperanngetettgtratte Pt he ade aie he bee le) ™ . ie Mr. Lloyd Hamilton has purchas-! Mrs.*Dennie sanity, accompanied | Te aad is the school report. ed the farm on the 2nd. con. of Mre.!by Miss Winnifred Hanley, of Tra-| jof U Ss. , Elma, for the month] w. H. Peppler, and will move short-: lee. left on Tuesday to attend the of ouch ly. Mrs. Peppler and family are tak-]C. W. L. convention at Sarnia. . IV—Margaret Brisbin 83,/ing up their residence in Listowel. | Mis Linseman and -I Maude Thedorff 82, Lorne Hewitt 80 } Har aley metered from Waterloo Sun-| Frank ea 66, Willie Brisbin 55. “| Mfussquerade Dance— |day and spent the day at their res- V—Elsie Henderson 87, Irene| There was a good attendance at) pective homes here. | ,|Tompkins 76, Stewart Peppler 74,/the magquerade dance held i the| Mr. Wilfred Hanley has returned | Jimmie Brisbin 74, Lillian Hew! Foresters’ hall on Friday evening} after spending a few weeks in De-) thorne 60, Margaret Smith 55, Scott a under auspices of the Atwood | troit Hamilton 48. F O. and a good time was had Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stemmler and Sr. IlI]—Doris Hewitt 95, Cari a all. | mily were Sunday visitors at the Geiger 89, Bert Hamilton 88. Helen hor neo! Mr. Louls Veitenheimer. | Coates 86, Stanley Richardson 80. improving Slowly— us‘in left for Detroit on Jr I—Reginald Tompkins 73, are glad to report that | sMonda last. Dougias Henderson 71, Ellie Thed- Chas. Vallance is improving tow rif 61, Bobbie Bristin 50. after being seriouly il) for the pai Seleietesteedet Second—Lorne Morse 89, Edward| week. Owing Vallance’s ill-| > > Brisbin 77, Lloyd Morse 69, Jean} ness, he was unable to accompany the! + LEBANON + Smith 65 hunters this year on their northern! + bad Fir st—Marion oe 85, Eitl-} trip 1 4 ey een Hamlito on 85, Bray 60. ' i an Hammond of Lebanon,| —(In or ee of merit)—) Property Changes— spent Bunaas with her parents here. Max ‘Peppier, Alex. Brisbin, Doris Mr. Robert T. Hardie, 6th. con., i.2-s Florence and Pearl Crees- A full reeadaane “a Pacha ine ‘ Giimore, Lloyd Tompkins, Roy Thed- orff, Douglas. Kennedy __ e, & Sanderson, beeen | + teacher. Ly + TOWN LINE EAST Mies Giaays Hamilton, of Sg at hom Ross, Mr. George Israel! of Kitchener, | spent Sunday at Mr. Wes whin- ey’s Mr. and Mre.Riseef Bailey of Gotham, spent te gl with Mr. and Mrs, John oy? Mr. and Mrs. ellroy, Mr. Harvey. Miller, of Waliaceriiie. 6pent Sunday at Mr. Wes. Mewhinney's Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fallie, Mr. Har- ry Fallis, Mre. Wm. Johnston, Mr. and Mre. Will Coghlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coghjin attended the funeral of the late Mrg. Wm. McRob- ert, a 8! London on Tuesday, Mies Helen Forest, of. Bolton, is visiting. her friend, | Miss Thelma Fal- +++ + ¢ : Seine bebe Mr. G. Everitt, epent the week- end at his home jin the 2nd. con. Miss Yocom, Listowel, ay the Na with her friend, ‘0 s Jean Mr. and Mrs. ni. Cleland Sanday with Mr. and Mre. J. “Mr. and HH Cutlen une the silver vente anniversa: rs. J. Moorehead in Listowel on Friday evening last. spent Prets- bs] FEES | ,,of Mr. an of Mre. James Fallis, at : ® % Mi oA Q 4 ? Ww T of kindness, but the rators. These girls have made hi has its compensatians 2 after a ef entertainment is dancing in whic di the one. i a dainty lunch is serv he lives of the blind inmates of Clarkwood House, on Sherbourne Street, Toronto, are brightened by many ere are perhaps, no visits which the: the unfortunate ones of Clar , and the tire a preeate more than those ouse thei tenderly guide their blind emis ti to "the but delighted inmates vow that blindness acts pid . group of telephone irs nm of Tower r c ‘ompleted— Calder and Son, of Lis- towel, Atwood on Tuesday ane ay tly— Mr stin Martin, has Yeas sed the farm of Mr. Hamilton on the 2nd. con., and wil move his family shortly | Confined to Bed— Mr has purchased fro the fifty acres nijolning his present hundred acres. This now makes of the finest dairy farms in Bline township, as at both ends of the farm. sr, a been of their Mary Bunice, to Robert youngest ly the middle of November. Operation at Guelph Hospital— Friends and relatives in Atwooao Murray, of Atwood, is nicely, following an operation recent- y for inward goitre at the General Hospital, Guelph. Call for Your Jars— A large number of jars, belonging © ladies from Atwood and vieinity, | who gave fru# to the Memorial Hos- pital, Listowel, have been emptied and returned to Inglis’ Hardware Miss N. Cameron - ag Sunday store. The ladies are asked to kind- with friends im List: ly call for these at once ehh teh het ih ihe eee ed Ill With La Grippe— + Several residents from Atwood and + @nd. LANE’ ELMA + stetaiy are at ill with la grippe. Mr. John Willoughby and Mr. Wm. Wherry, 12th. con., Mr. Sage, 8th. con., Mrs. Arthur Hinks, 14th. con., and Mr. Chas. Lucas, of aig ig are under the doctor's care this 5 a: Returns From West— Mr. J. P. Aiteheson, 4th. con., re- turned home Wednesday from a few waekes’ ‘trip to the West. Mr. Aitche- #on attended a Stock and Feeder stow at Winnipeg. Regina and Moose reset and also reports that the crop in the West is good, but on account of pupils in No. 4 Elma and Grey for . Robert Geoghegan is in Lon- the month of September and i eo don, attending the Women’e Insti- one aa ravorme Pe age po r. Simpson, 8. Peter, L.| tute convention their harvesting finished ; Crowe. Mr: Mrs. George McCutcheon| ‘ K hi IV-—M. Collis, A. Ruttan, L. spent Sone? wath the latter's par-|tmproving N. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos! Johnston. Word | a Se Stmpeon and R ilne Mr. and nie $! Geoghegan spent word hae een 7 Fae a ayinle to D, Hainilin, hae na. | Simday ‘with the latter's. parents; Mr.} Vancouver; who. has been seriously i on,.. Co mae | and) oT. Sproule, te oe LAH} wie inward goitre, ' ¥ r. and} operation Tuesd H Jr VA. nog t. Kerr, L. Mis. Willi Johnston oh pF aE Pract bneieen remit tal Soaps and 7 | Se as ‘Hamilton Crowe,. pat Mrivaud Mrs, Wes, Faulkner, ‘town 8. Bins doin bi bg ‘The Stekation | ornto iime-east, Mrs. Brook and daughters, | Was duccostfuly tformed by Dr. et Ruttan, R. Hanna, C. Violet and Bertha, of Latowet ; A. B. ‘Sehinbeta, ornton. ee. ee Hanae. Mr. and Mrs. 8. We Vancouver, “ue. iather er being a si « L, Domals,- teacher. - 8 hargwel: ae Bchinbetn, of eompiet ed the erection of the}; new tower on the United Church inj of Trow gg 0) m Mr. Morton Gray} it has a running spring Mr. and Mre. Hugh Richmond, At- wood, wish to announce the engage- daughter, art R. Park, son d Mrs. David Park, Listo- wel, the marriage to take place quiet- Janfoelorfoodvelectookerloolecfertooferfocfoconfosfoele + a BORN ” fpofeoleelecbesleriedeobeelesfecleciecbededeobedeb eed? HANNA—On the 4th. con. Elma, on Thursday, October 29th., 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hanna, a daugh- ter. PEACHEY—In Listowel Memorial licspital, on Wednesday. alia ° Mr — Mrs. Jesse Peach- a a daughter. H AY MIL. TON—In Bima, 1925, to Mr. Lioyd ‘Hamilton, 2nd. a son. j | | on Tuesday, and rs concession, man week-end with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at Will Kincade Quite a number from here attend- ed the anniversary in Moorefield on Sunday. Mies Daisy Richardson has re- turned home after spending her holi- days with friends in Wellesley Misa Vera Holtzman of the 4th. Hine, sent Sunday with Mr. Albert Riddolis’ Mr. and Mrs. Philp McLeod were in Elmira on business on ; ay. und Vera Loughran’ spent the Philp McLeod's. Howard Walker the home of Mr. and vicinity will be glad to learn)! }bé-ddelplebdbt tobe tbe} that Mr. B. W. Swayze, of Guelph, son-in-law of Mr. ie Donald} + 5. 8S, NO. 2, ELMA + improving} + Ba a ae ai a a ae eM ae a a ae Report of 8. §. No. 2, for the months of September and October. sed he: or more bell Thompson Ill—Jea 2 Shearer 337, Isabel Jickline 333, y Biehn 324, Mor- rison Huisser S16, * Tom Allison 279, Those marked wns sams have Mis-| ma IV——Fratk Cleland 272, Camp-/ py “ATWOOD Gnited Church Rev Sunday, Nov. 8th, 1925 10 a. m.—Sunday school. a.m,—Thanksgiving Service |p.m.—“THE GOOD SHEPHE RD." . C. C. Kaine, pastor. Friday evening—Young eople's Meeting in charge of Christian Fel- lowship Department. The executive of the United Sun- day School met Tuesday evening in the school room of the chure S. of hs gre ie chureh ‘held. a quilting in the ba bcrapon last A congregational sesling of ct Presbyterian church was Tuesday evening of this week. . s - Rev. Jeffre f Toronto, occupied “ay pulpit in the Presbyterian church last, and delivered two fine éermons 2 and Ladies’ The W. M. S. Aid of nited C | weane sday afternoon by Mrs. Cc. K aine, at the pe arsonage. The seeleg eae of the = men's Missionary ocie he Presbyterian church a Jet in ee basement of the church on Teendey afternoon of this here was a large attendance at Hallowe'en social on Friday ev- under auspices of the Young People’s Society of the United Church. which was held ir the church. The program for the ev- ening wae as follows: réadings by Dulcie coer and Isabel Wilson; topic con* ‘Ww io We Mean by Hal- owe’en” kin 7 Mardie Roe: The r f pent the ant time was enjoyed Board Meetin ng of United Geucda The Quarterly mecting of the of- ficial board of church w the chure there m ng of the dletrict is being held in Listowel on esday, November 10th., Many aé possible from Atwood will arrange to attend this meeting. 173, *Florence Donahue ‘157, Willie Shearer 130. eink aun wood Gray 272, Donald 268, Earl Biehn 258, Gordon ray Shavror 246, Elmer Coghlin 240, Fred Allison 232, Inez Tickling 176, Gordon Coghlin 168. elyn Leonard, equal. H. B. Burns, teacher. Wishing farewell and bon voyage - Séarlet Pimpernel” a bouquet of searlet pimpernels was presemted to Baroness Orezy, when she enbarked with her kusband, Mr. Montagu Barstow, on the SS. Montclazse of 1 the Camadian Pacific lime,* for 1.2 presentation was |; ngiand, made on behalf of the company by Capt. Geo. Webster and President E. W. Beatty's card was, attached. Baroness Orczy came out to Carada to assimilate local colour for « new tt = which will be eagerly awaited *Ross Thompson 271, *Mary Sharpe}., eorge Sharp, Muriel Douglas, | bs E'sie Gray, Lloyd Donahue and Ey-| yy to the celebrate’. writer- of . the | es NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter: “ the estat irc ~ —_ of John Mcintyre, eg inte of the town- ‘Bima, in the Coun Perth, deceased. ° ial Notice is hereby given pursuant to — arte Act that all Creditors and person: tates, - full particulars of thet claims against he. said tes. take notice that after the ] ed executors: will ‘proceed distribute the assets of ths a : ra ceased icon 3 the parties thereto, hay at th x not be Hable for is ae : id wena a part. th me toe Person or ee notice shall the time of such distributio: ie Bg ” Fy wood the November AD. 1925. ra. oe % John allance and and Wa “Sweeto, ators: 1-19 .