Me ane ee si, Fry rant SUS ‘08 oe j e . W. Campbell, Fe res al Sending Christmas and sioner of of Highways, “nem iy Baown accepted wa of remeber Se awa eee THANK SGI VING SPEC [ALS 7 accepted way of remember- =: od ee eos “ aoa ante! ing your many friends clared that he be very much ‘ , i daring the holidays. So we invite you to make an early selec- Coats for W omen, Misses and Girls fees on on ~ : tion from a pretty and = adian roads: dud early two: mill W 5) & * E t Mi : d J . Mi 9 C ts ; i j nt autos ‘crosse e er into Can- | ed dainty display of Greet- —— ada last year. It was estimated, he omen S ur, rimm: 0a S ISSES an unIor. ISSES 0a ing Cards. Do it now ies: | Pitkin way theveck ace to Canadas Made up in soft pile fabrics, Iustrons and rich velours and A variety of styles from which to make a selection, Both in before the best of the — when sllowance was mad tao for suedines., Trimmed Ban awn ane dyed pposum. Both in plain and fur trimmed, = lot i —— the cars that went from Canada into straight and flare style. Sizes up to 49. bzauteous lot is done = the United States. St sani Sal 17.00 47 50 Misses’ Coats from .....s.0.-s0ceeeecuseeers $10.00 to $17.00 == r. Campbell stated that practi- ? ° = cally 1,200 mfles of good roads have On aie $ *. to $ ° Children's Conte from. ...........cccececvaavs $5.00 to $12.00 ott — been built in the last five «years. it =—_—=- was expecte to have a surface } highway all e way from Windsor NEW to Montreal by the end of next sum-! er, he said. The commissioner} pointed out that the money epent on .&Greer ATT iz 4 work is being done ut Scarfs Silk knitted Scarfs, all colors, 50 inches long. Special $2.00 Silk repe Scarfs, with printed design, very new, all colors. $2.00 — Hosiery New checks in silk and bc in greys and sands, Pr. | ‘il _ * 52 o a Gloves in kid, suede and chamois suede, in all the new colors with flare cuffs, Embroidered. wit efit to the coe anny iM which the Plain sik and wool in fawns, $1,00 A MODERN BABY } blacks and. greys, Pr. The Chicago Inter-Ocean prints! ° e 9 this true story of the way a baby in| Chicago eslepkoned his New York; i l m ] e S r '@) Cc e r y relatives when he was only ten minu-; Pe tes old. | 4 The telephone-bell rang in the New and Seasonable Goods wonee Of eRe bark Team, She, whew rs ther he is at home or abroad, keeps ; sat ° his finger on the pulse of the mark- Dates, Figs, Raisins and Currants sts of the world. Half-awake, and All wool cashmere Hose, fawn P colors, ribbed tops, Per Pair 85c pair 85c to $4.00 a New California Prunes dimly conscious that it was long past i F ‘4 Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel nae ne stagreso to the phone. i lo!" he sa f Over the wire came the plaintive : DATES} | PEAS | | COR HEINZ} {| “Hurrah!” he cried ive parchaser of © fur cost cap/afford mot to inspect our collection befor { Hurra hh!" he cried. ‘It’s Jack's No prospective purchaser of a fur coat c. ‘ord no » e 4 2 1b 15c 15 N Tomato ‘ong-distance telephone! The baby Our collection hg aocages Hudson Seal, Pegsian Lamb, French seal, plain and celal ni Taeskrat. We a c has come! Say, mother, get up quick! guarantee every coat we sell to give satisfaction: 4 25c per can per can 2 for 52¢ You are a grandmother i ~ kaa? cried a wo- Persian Lamb Coats, No. 1, qual — Seal Coats, plain and trim — Seal Coats, plain.and trim | Muskrat Coats, variety of styles f mW hy, the baby himself is tele-|f" ity, ....-.-.++ $300. upwards. }-med ....,......- SE0S apa Fm ee eo sice ses nee WOON Bh ise narnis scents 3 ‘ ; » phoning from Chicago!” ‘ ; Tapioca Oatmeal Nu Jell Die- “Well, father.” said another voice .* 2lbs. | {5 Ibs. 3 erich’s 4 4) propet, the tlepons, ast oe Zoe ' ¢ i of 3 a ? 25 cents 25 cents 25 cents Bread 10c ten minutes old, and announcing hit eCSSCS or a fernoon an evening Wear arrival to his New York grand par- : . nts! He is lying on a pillow, an Darwin Tulip Bulbs $3.50 per 100 whenever he 3 screams I put the phone We have just opened up a new shipment in all the newest shades, plain and trimmed with fur band- i his mo Extra large Hyacinths ........ 15c each ing. All sizes16 to 44. $15.00 to $29.50. A nee pitcher gets as high as ‘g a Peony Roots, new shades... .35c¢ each $40, a@ year and a preacher from : | WE GIVE SERVICE AND DELIVERY £2000 to $5000. Perhaps ita the dif-|] , f 5 , Qandllam. 3and5p.m. TE =. __A Fresh, Wholesome Assortment of Fruit, Craabaries and cerere Fou follow te eurboay s _M. S hi nN Li I’s Largest Store ae - ootsteps, find out where they are go- C in 1 So istowe Ss a rges ) Green Vegetables on sale for Thank sgiving mg. c - cas Phone 72. Listowel. If one half of the world doesn't ~ e . lofow how the other half lives, it is- a ahaeeeapeeieeeal jut the fault of some halves we know. ¥ A ~ - — . Eric Douglas 318, Patricla Rutledge IF I WERE A BOSS Se a ee ee a ee Se 317, Lorne Wilson 313, Billy Baker | 310. Mary Clarke 308, Bobby Vance ej; if {f I were a bose I would like to say: | + 3 Dorothy Gee 296, Harry Black- ‘You did a good job here yesterday’ | + more 282, Norm *d look for a man, or a girl, or DOY,| Hibbs bed tbF tte ttt ets t te 270, Gordon Welch 265, Edith Loree! Whose heart would leap with a thrill A couple of strenuous squaw win- 256, Dorothy Hammer 254, Earle| of joy ters already this fall have caused Lavery 247, Billy Grainer 242, Ag-| At a word of praise, and I'd pass it people to ask, “I wonder if we shall nes Allison 242, George Payne 232, | have our Indian summer now?" That Dick Youn 225, Charles Jones 223,' Wh question is always asked. It's a tra- dition of this continent that we have Roy This | Indian summer in November, a time INDIAN SUMMER? “ October Report of Listowel Public School The following is the report for the] 434, Dorothy Stricker 428, month of October. The names are in Travis 423, Muriel Ward 401, Ro order of merit. Those whose names} erta Thompson. 397, Mary Wilfong Buy and eat Ontario ou ere the crowd could hear as I walked about. *Elva ES > if = 4 Ee ee bar | i o & re] eS s Ruth Sdn “Russel | It I were the boss are marked with an asterisk were ab-; 391, Mary , Bennett sau Jack Banz-}Grosz 188, Lloyd Smith 178, I would like to| of lovely, warm haze and calm, ‘ent from one or more examinations./ley 363 Lyle Ewing 332, *To Smith 52, Elzora Baker, Mary Carnso | windless days when we used to husk ROOM 1 Caruso 332. *Jack Ress $31, *Annie absent for examinations. | #ae 7 on whose work is the proper} corn, and listen to the partridges - 2 Gray 269, *Roy Ronald 233. J. Fleming. { ind; drumming In the woods and the bob- 1 Honours 676. Pass 640. Helena . MacKenzie. 7 And w aenever to me a good thing} whites whistling and the blackbirds: ROOM 7 Total 400. honours 300, pass 240.; ime 4 — 600, honours 450, pass 380.| Marie MacMillan 384, Carrol Snel. |1'd eek to be told the toller’s name. : 540, a Pratt Th Routledge 775, Helen ’ Harry Rogers 7365, Delicious, healthful. This year they are better thanever. Lay inasupply of fall and winter varieties now, both for cooking and eating. Buy from a grower or dealer. The Hon. John S. Martin, B.A., Minister Ontario Department of Agriculture °91. Bert Tremain 690, Margaret smale 643, Pearl McLean Albert Gilkinson 576, Kathleen Kidd 508, Billy Slight 500, Erminie Rich- 608, Billy Sight 500, Erminie Rich- ards 500, Clifford Alexander 498, rote = A Wa _ Gibson 439, 434, Edith Hestings 426, Earl Me- Lean 425, *Cyril Bamford 313. ROOM 2 Total 850, honours 638, pase 500. Carol Sangster 784, Jack Kibler 761, Jim Savage 754, Myrtie Hoad 706, Fritz 675, Vera Kritzer 651, Evelyn, 2 Catherine Kibler 499, Grace Dierlam er 418, Peppler 396, Jack White 390, Jack Finkbeiner te hte Doro! ip. * Kuehl 376, George Cham 376, Cock- well 364, Garnet? Richards ' 362, *Lou- ise Robertson 350, Gibson Ducklow 234, Gertrude Marshall 327, Vance Gibson Frank Jermyn = 315, er *Arthur oiccene Ronald ae *Carman Wakeford 248, *Jose HZ-) Jim Bartja 84, Senior Primer_—Total 100, hon- ors 75, pass 60. Thelma Rocker 90, Helen Hoffman 84, Grace Cockwell 80. Eddie Anger 73, Billy Helmka 67, Nora wing 0-9) 50 Primer po 100, Elmer Fleming 95, be dow 93, Do Welch 91, ove? Bender 89. . Mary Hardy 88, Stanley Atkins 8 Chapman. 88, fariode Russel Jackie Feldman 79, Alma Gray 76 i Pirie | Adelia Payne 73, Etta Loree Mg Helen Ducklow 58, Percy Bean Primer 5 Total 75. Jack Keeso 66, Grace Sandow 46, Ethel Bogues 27, Absent from. examinations on 80, Percy Hoadley! And there’ 8 —_ Now a bit of praise is'nt much to give But it's Gent to the hearts of all who aman on this od old e But is “pind to ‘told that he’s been of worth, ra | And a kindly word when the work is fal Io welcomed and wanted everywhere. If I were a boss, I am sure I should, Say a kindly word whenever I could; .. the man who has given his best by day, Wants a little more than his weekly He itkes to know, with the setting Clara Pirie 729,;, VeT™on Matthewman 576, Jimiting 363, Mabel =e 311, Stanley And I'd go to him and pat his back| high to the th ew Helen Twamley 716, Margaret Gem-| LaTse 553, Lloyd Bean le Ellen| Fritz 292, Clay Richar: And I'd say: “That was perfectly |jays claim to an Indian summer dur- mer 712, Jack Fritz 702, Margaret Greenslade 637, Billy 527, Mervyn Leslie a Hilda Winer H+ splendid, Jack! ing which they very often have Armstrong 693, Bertram Hastings|DoOUslus Fleming 516, Max zen 501, *Viola Hanna 5 warmer weather than in August the middle of December. In various parts of Europe this season occure under different names. The B a between Suez and Singapore the East Indian seas are free from tropical monsoons. Freneau, an old oe poet, had this quatrain abou “An ?- hue the grove assumes, And Indian-summer days appear; When that deceitful summer comes Be sure to hail the winter near.” ems Marshall 235, *Rena Wakeford erly account of sickn . Lorne Freeborn, aun, conte McDonald “688. "Jean Melrose 679,]~Ll0¥d Upper 168, *Lizsie Holinger Dorine Forman, Jimmy Adame, Al: —_ fick wale 28 a Bente —_ oe deceitful pA met,” t weal chat Norothy Walter 661, Dorie Hoad 661, 148. bert Aikins, Florence Gee, Jack Wal- baal ps “na A. Guest.| know, that India “4 - er Velma Forman 661, Elmer Richards - &. 1. |ters, Billy Baker, Ernie Tomkins. ——mager ues nd di n summer appears 641, Walter Ruppel 639, Norman| tal 600, honoure 450, pass 360. F. Lake. other enarnie Towieee cate ne aes The term, Com etent bre Bie ome: Betis Sia 537, Marguerite Soraon 838, oe a ROOM 8 Orator eays there are more wo- Kittredge's cheney” that is” ieee P Frances Cartlidge 612, Jack Stewart} Weber 522, Floyd Bea Marjor-|| Total 100, honors 75, pass 60. Sen-; men voters than men in Ontario.|‘‘Indian” summer carries allusion to . i 610 ald Browne 607, 180) 5. Seott 609, Phyllis Fs Mien Car-|lor Primary. Jol, Smith 84, Florence|That surely can’t be “the great eil-| the alleged deceitfulness or treach- 6 e j Duck 585, pees, Burgess ace lyle Chapman 488, William Poag| Poss , George Peppler 75, Eileen|©=t vote’ we hear people talking a-| ery—or the inetability—of the Ind- ectrician [| sce" ii ee car at TURE |Soy. Set Broom an ere Teg deus 7X ere hes elo : y 458, Alice Leppard 457; Doug: ‘oag 6 usse iver 61, Dorothy 554, Bl Duberges 636, Margaret . Grabb B22, Hardy Bell 618, Aibert| tt 452, Grace Calder 450, Flor- Charney 58, Jean Der vis *. Harry! resumed their regular Tuesday even- Fritz 610, Donald Oakes 507, Albert |CRc® White 449. Eleanor McCartney | Izen 44. ideeriog Toyes, Florence! ing meeting. The program this week For The Kiddies Whealey 600, *Ieabel 429, Bobbie Binning 428, Marion ‘ akg vat Made! ; took the form of es in the early Children who take cold funchecins *Jack Gee 472, Johuston Kelly 466,| Raines 427, Ed 8, H unior A—Madeline Kibler 97-|yart of the evening, followed by 4| {© School need hot and hearty food Roland Gibson’ 448, Charlie Wheal-| Det ay 426, Jean palsy $38, Wet ape Arse pf eden AB bene Min Literary program in charge of Mr.| At night. C re, however, should be | ngton e4 twin ‘elman er6o ’ OMIDE| 4 ier €n to see that the food is digest- d TELL ME YOUR PLANS FOR YOUR NEW Set by taf once 415,” *dgar 422, Nota Groves 419, Claud Chis- et 84. Peter Athas 74, Eva Seehaver|* pn 5 “True Workers” Mission Cir-| (ble @s well as substantial in ith ate 3 ‘ RESIDENCE and 1'll give you some suggestions *Minnie Smith 127 , Utt 417. Robert erie mnjrak Herman Zé Sacer pee ke eon cle will meet at the home of Mise ae By abet, wie three thriv- * . armen Bam ’ ’ oll- ren show her good care, con- as to what it will require in proper Wiring for H. MaeQuarrie. Inck Grainger 400, Jack Wakeford|mershansen &2, Burdette Irwin 41 pig ge a rl lca Rd tributes this hint te 3 398, Helen Heath 392, Bana Burke Lockie Wakeford, ebse The "Baep tac” iniesice Band will a Yegetable soup made with tal 700, honours 525, 20.} 391, glas Browne Jun race Kritser $7, Hel-| mect in the basement ar the church | " milk. Cook carrots, potatoes, a little - AND OF COURSE YOU WANT IT WIRED Moorhead 381, Hugh Barta $75, Bi Stnlocie be’ Bruce Sp *Whipfler 73, Saturday afterno onion and a little ‘turnip ali togeth- 4 wood Smith Doris’ Walker 3 pfler 73.) Owing to th th n an enameled ware saucepan un- SO that you can enjoy angry. spentss mes 2 Marle Gros 845, Nelson ‘Travis 344.| Blsie Groves 72, Adrene Baker 70.| cooniin’s eae tas Rohe) til all are very soft. Rub through a convenience. I'H #ee to it that it is ren & ton} Norman Walker $35. Olive Rinks nit Heibein 67, Beatrice Chalmers met in the basement of the church colander, Put milk into a enameled fully satisfactory job before I'll accept pay for it. $30, Arthur Me 290. Francis; 65. Robert Washburn 61, Thuraday afternoon ee last week. The| “#t® double. boiler, Heat just short ‘ ; Call personally or Phone 81. ree 289; Roy. votes 190. Billy} Hammer 35, Murray Peppler 33, president; Tv. Ham {iton; xare the of the bofling point and then stir in e; Smith 19 A t, Hube,{ Lorne —. 26, Peart Hollinger 18, report of t 44 Distr Me con: the pureed vegetables. Cook slowly sy Tina Gray, verly, Whealy.. Alice Trene Hi 16, res Schnittker | vention Gein in "aitirtos, Oct. 1st, | {2 the milk until all is smooth. The : oe [36 Bosal Hoste ia MeCoongh ante 6 ver | coud’ tiger 1s helpful ‘payer on “the 23rd. Petey Mra. W. ware. 7 M. Austin. ° ra W. JeThompson - gave. an inc| . 3°” ith toast or. oyster crack- Bartl 4, 6 | struct ere, this soup makes a meal in Keer. 508, ‘Agnes Hamilton 508., Total 400; Honours ark araaacee Biewardahip: and/Tt i8 very nouriehing and will ae / s mer Bean 50 Alma 3 Carl ‘V; clieikithatee po Oliver ae. ba Hein 1486, Jean Sees 46 459, Bih ¢ i ours 300, pace ’2 the work of the er 801,| George Mnleoim 368, June Grecn:}@ _ | uidianein the Nordy Wasts Mies Tan) £176,782, 8 delteate ehid Zhe night 8 sq tatriee| Good 966. Mlste, MeKensie 364, Cari) + Collins discnsced the third ‘ehapter| MATS. Which can be s0 easily Hg Lloyd | Zutbrige «355, . 346,45” Sunday ES of he ae Study Book “Building with © rich or heavy, jo Saseoiet ob pd meng etd fo Boa Sait fiton : “hoodie ba: Board met in the par- ane attora mone rs ‘ednesday evening. : . oMrs. Jas. Jos. McCrae of ‘Listowel, ate as one of them. Pere, — a