The: Siar ‘Grocery. ¢ F S wishes to announ everything for Cake euch | in can or bulk. as raisins, 5 peels, nuts, ‘cherries, black strap ce > that they have the Christm as currants ie Greensides In Stock at ATWOOD Shoe Store low- and at Call for Immediate sale est possible prices. see for youreelf. Men's, boys’, womens,’ ten’s rubber boots and : rubbers for every member of @ the family. Also Goloshes for men, women, boys, girls and children. chila- low OUR SPECIAL SALE $2.40 pr. -98c to Men’s Shoes, at.. Women's Shoes, at 2.48 pr. Boys’ school shoes, $1.48 pr. EARL SWITZER prntatanen seen ATWOOD Gnited Church Seuday, Nov. 2b, 1905 10 a.m. ae 7 0°? échool. —"“LOVEST THOU ME.” ROPOSES, BU' 7 pt GOD DISPOSES.” Home From Western Trip— Mr. J.~/A. McBain, commercial traveller, returned home Thursdey from his Western trip om ~— Soha e} James Denman and Master eeerinn v McDowell _ e- ahdennd from an attack of the Returns From Hospital— Mrs. Jesse Peachey returned home Saturday with her baby -daughter from the Listowel Memorial Hospi- tal. panera Guelph— Mrs Dg mtg we has been nurs! ng * nike hom f Mr. Wm. Sweeton for the past vounia of weeks returned Friday to her home in Guelph. “CONCERT Under camiigation ae of the Young People's ‘Society of Presbyter- ian church, to be held in the MUSIC HALL, Mon., Nov. 30th Mr. Chas. A. Codke, Indian singer and entertainer, will provide the program. Mr. Cooke comes very highly recommend- ed by all audiences before whom he has appeared. He has given his sixth concert in Rev. Andrew Little's church. He will be presunt next Sabbath and will sing at both servic Admiesion to concert, 35c and 20c. OTHER LOCAL NUMBERS L Attended Weddmg— Mrs. A. Donely of Goderich, was: in Atwood“on Wednesday, at ng the wedding of her son, Mr. Alex.) j Dox sely, to Miss Lily Hall. Attended Funeral Mrs. Farrell, of Atwood, and son, Mr. Robert Farrell, 6th. con. were in Wingham over the week-end attend- ing the funeral of the late Mr. Robert Forrest. Held Miscellaneous Shower— The girl friends of Mis Ella Gray, bride-elect. held shower at her home on the Sth. con. on Tuesday tvening. Attended Winter Fair— Mr. and ure. "Henry McNichol and Mr. Thos. Hamfiton, 8th, con, and Mr. J. A. Robb, latter part 0 attending the Royal Winter Fair. Engagement Announced— Stratford Beacon-Herald — Mr. Sa ie ee eh ee spobettebeteeteetets ao + HESSON e+ The farmers of this = sor be pleased to hear’ that Stemmiler’s chopping mill at Dorking is mow open .after bein Some tme on aceount of the 8-Moree fuel f ever before. We all jom in vintng . tSemmler every success with ‘his \ new enterprise. Misses Madatin anZ Margaret . Izen.ef Listawel, was a a Redtiioes visitor de our burg one day Jast week ~ Pedetetletebebtfedelebinetedehbb debated | is Hospital for a few we Robert A. Murray, announces the engagement of his on- ly daughter, Marion Margaret, to Mr. Herman E. i. 8. Owen Sound, the marriage to tice place quietly early in December. Able to Return Home— We sre glad to report that Mr. Ralph Love, Fatma con.. was-able to return to his*home on Tkurstiay ‘last, after being satined to the Seaforth where a an operation ‘for aretiis ith: Tonsils Removed ues ane While visiting in the city Mr. and Mra. George Gordon. had Their’ ted- sile removed at Toronto ‘Yast week. Mrs. Gordon's throat has m very sore during the past week, but Mfr. |Gordon ts feeling none : worse Tast from the eperation. on Trip to Floride— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fixture, -~ two children, Norma and Donaldo, of © 7 to sey- at : } jeralin Atwood, and Mrs. ww. Brandie’ | EVERYBODY'S COLASEN. of Atwood, t a daughter H . Ten cents a line for first in- ¥ Pratt uci Aftica— I sertion, with minimum charge Rev. T. W. Jones, pastor of St. Al 1 of. Subsequent ban’s name. Atwood, received ser “-f five cents a Mne with mfni- eral jars of fruit this week trae ee ] mum charge of 26e. ister, Miss B. Jo of South | frica, who is at ere visiting + * ack Bre YF on, The it was NOTICE arty that took th ehurch, Atwood, on Suni ; wand. “save trouble a same. ° eek: "petaraing D e all-wool fg q teed from the shed st Mr United Mrs la few ea wi th “her = Mrs. r. Monkton, spent Sunday at the home T)ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. people's} Mr. B miscellaneous } Monkton,, i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. ise a to Gey 6-6 Kaine is spend- . days visiting her mother Mre B®, Switzer spen' day rh ‘visiting Mre. F. Eo. carte in Listow! esc Mr. James Hance is spending week with his nephew, Dr, Hance, St. Mar. z —— Miss Stella Turvey, o ete spent Friday at the home of Mr. and rs. J, Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sippel, of Milverton, spent SS page with Mr. and Mrs. Adam: Dahm —_—~o— Hammond is -spending George E. Harron, Buffa —— and. Mrs. George Bettger, of of Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Ter —o— Mr. and Mrs. Morton Gray and family, of Listowel, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas. A. Porter. —Oo— . John Gordon, of Toledo, is spending a few days with his par- and Mrs. James Mayburry of ritton, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Peebles. —_— Mrs. Elliott Sandy, and daughter, Jean, of Ashfield, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dahmer —— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner and family, — ee age visited on = urday at the e of Mr. Thos. Inglis. —o— Mrs. Harry Fixture and daughter, Donaldo, of Wingham, visited on sg at home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bran —O— Mrs. George Rome, of Palmerston, 6pent a few-days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. ict Miss Geraldine Hewitt returned to her home on the 2nd. con. on Friday, after spenGing a few weeks with rel- atives in Bright. — Mrs. Ducklow returmed home Sat- utday, after spending two weeks digs at the phe of Mr. and Mra os. Vyles, sap nen Mr, Frank Hackwell a rs. Fred Oxtoby, of Ethel, visited on Mrs. James Denman —o-— Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamilton and two ‘boys, of Newmarket,, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond, 12th. con. snes Mrs. Walter Inglis, 6th. con., left Monday morning to spend a week viasitmg at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Grieve, Port Elgin. win Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blackwell and John Hall, and also attended the wedding of her sister, Mies Lily Hall, on Wednesday —— & Mr. W. A. Gray, 12th. con. and sis- ter, ‘mine Helen Gray, also he 12th., spent the week-end in Toronto, and while in the ity attended ‘the Royal Winter —_— Mrs. Rabb and “Miss Mattie Rabb, of Palmerston, are spending thh week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greensides and Mr. and Mra. ‘G. 'P. Greensides. on Mr. and Mrs. J&tk Howard and nll ng nee t Suntey bome od Mr. and Mrs. Atex. MaKay, Sth. Mr. ant Mrs. Remel Holman end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holman, 14th. con., and ‘Sir. Ed. Holman, of Mortk- ti day and spent t h Bawin | Friday last at the home of Mr. and; | baby, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent pa week-end at the home of fhe ormer's paren Mr. and Mrs. W eskws \ — —@— Miss Maggie Hall, of Toronto spent a few days this week at the honre of her parents nd Mre. u motored to Stratford on Sater-;t: the a Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served, the apr number- ng twenty-seven. ng room ted a pink. ph. white =~ ° 8 their residence in Atwood, ae groom recently having purchased grocery business of Mr. Foxaston Pee 53 The Bee joins with their many friends * orig congratulations and beet Bk rake Bride-Elect Showe Showered Friday Evening MISS LILY HALL ALL HONOURED BY|* FRIENDS AT’HOME OF MRS. GEO. PORTER—P ATIO: OF KITCHEN UTENSILS MADE TO BRIDE. ay pleasant and enjoyable erenies was Seat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Roger, on Friday even- in ng, November 20th., when upwards of sixty friends and "neighbors gath- ered to honour Miss Lily Hall, bride- elect, who was presented w sh to the centre Evelyn Turnbuli played the Bride.” Here Comes Following an address jread by Misa Alice Porter, Miss Ir- ene McCutcheon presented the bride with a necklace, containing all the names of those giving the gifte, and these were neatly tied in pink and blue ribbon. Mre. McCutcheon and Mrs. Hone then presented’ Miss Hall with a love- ly large decorated basket, filled with kitchen utensils. They included the Bonnie Blue pattern and =r ware, and half a dozen atain steel knives aa forks. Miss Ethel Ler ipl oo Janie Dennis n ead a ae rhymns which were attanhet "ie each gift. A short program was rendered during the evening and included in- strumentals by the Misses Marjory Ratcliffe and Ethel Blackwell; solo; Miss Ethel Blackwell; readings, —_ Alexis Easson and Mrs. Wm. Bel Miss Hall made a suitable ns catasing her friends for their kind- sin presenting her with the gifts | “Following is a copy of the address: our a friend, Lily Hall, , but are they true Within the future near? Well, if they are we cannot scold, Your Mother did the same; And since the years around have rol- You think yon'll try the game. Well all Rife wish for you ts joy To fill each year you live With o good natured happy boy With whom yon choose to live. We'te glad your home bebo be near by ome times your friends to greet. But ere you go ~~ = to say € love you ve And in this more etbatantial way, Our love for you tell. behalf ny your many Mr. & Mrs. McCreight Signed on friends. SURPRISE PARTY HELD TUES- Y EVENING LAST AT HOME OF SENTED WITH DAVENPORT. A large member of friends gather- and Mr. ‘Buttery motored to Londen! and - a Tew days -with friends. * Mr, a gehen Pht Porter . and. Burleigh, of To motored tpent the. fore part ot Thi jweek at. George t wr gg i Re and. Mre. Porter, . 6th. ey were gers anted “by Mt. tga Pevtee of bt tials oa MY ns at the home of Mr. DONELY—HALL home of Mr. and Mrs. John r midet, and hope you will mak “Chas. : Buttery. any new friends, and that you will spent a few alaye aiteek with Mr: join with us in our social activities. ensall. Mr. Sherry! Mr. M been one of onr ae ‘6 very much the interest you have always taken in our community, and et be will contin me, tn Se ae @ ask you accept thi port, together Fisk the. best wishes your wees ends for a long and happy wedded life. William oem Wilfred ~ and Harold Wil- and, Mrs. McCreight made outtakit te reply, after which the warty. sang “For they are Jolly Good Fei- remainder of the evening was The spent in dancing. Honoured By Friends: a Magoffin. T.!liott, was held on Saturday from the as ithe church being f showing the t selves. for- sometime, and we apprec- ea. Signed on behalf of your friends: : Smith, pens, the Isat three months in Spent. l|Mr. Robert Forrest Cie! $ in | Sist Year! HAS oe ELMA_ TOWN- DIED AT HOME OF DAUGHTER IN WINGHAM FUNERAL ‘SATURDAY AFTERNOON. : The death of Mr. Robert Forrest, his daughter, Mrs. James Edgar, in Wingham, on Friday morning, Nov- ember 20th., 1925. The late Mr. Forrest has been ail- in Scot ane November o5th., anne, d at the of eeven an came with his parent to Canada, travelling ily farmed in Mornington township. late Mr.. For- n carpenter trade, wee he “followed for about eh “Tn: 1857 7 he was united in marriage to Susan Farrell, and for e few years following their marriage they farm- ed in Elma township. In 1863 he took a trip to North Carolina but not liking it_there,.returned and see farmed in Elm he retir and -m Mrs. Forrest died in 1898, and for ree years, the late Mr. Forres ved with ‘his son. In October 1901, he married Mrs. Robert Young, ot Atwood, who predeceased him in 1 1918. For the past seven years, Mr. For- rest has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. James Edgar, of Wingham Surviving members of the family are two daughters: (Margaret), Mrs: James Edgar, of Wingham, and (Jen- nie) m. cheson, of Spok- ane, Wash. Fanny, the eldest daugh- ter, and William, an only son, figs By number of years ago. Mrs. Farrefl, Atwood, is a sister. and Miss Eliza- beth Forrest of Poole, is a half-sister Mr. John Forrest of Poole, is a half-brother. e funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, November 22nd. a private service being held at the home of his daughter in Wingham at one-thirty ‘Forrest were brought to Elma Cen- tre cemetery by motor, and a funeral service was held at the graveside at ‘four o’clock, and was in charge of ev. C. C. Kaine, pastor of the Un- ited church “Atwood U.F. W. ae Elect Te on the.water for elght weeks and Directors—-Mrs. Inglie, Mrs. Joh three days. ston, Mrs. Scott Hamilton, Mrs. Har. For a number of years the fam- k d Miss Mattie Hurst. Pe o'clock. The remains of the late Mr. : oafosfe ates Pallbearers - were: Messrs. Edgar of Howi wick Wingham; Alvin a Wing p Hugh New York Board of Health Met on Tuesday |; ‘The Board of He: alth township of Elma met in the Clerk's office, Atwood ,on Tuesday after- noon, Nov. 24th. This was the_last meeting of the year, and the mem- ers were all present. everal matters regarding the sanitary conditions pg cnmeneree: The annual report. oO. and secretary von wapenittads and oe to be forwarded to the Pro- nelal Secretary of the Board of Health, within the Sage Liang un- der the Public Hea The following eng were ord- ered paid by the corporation of El- Kidd, M.O.H, attending wor 3 Tughen, attaneas meetings, $8, T. J. Tughen, _ enge attending meetings, $4: ‘ot attending meetings $8, mileage, attending meetin Geo. Wm. Beott, $5.60; for mei” YEAR — ae manag ae cra TREASURER, het Fo 8 Nov. 18th. for their sebesl meeting, | gree and their monthly business was also; S$ ene 6 meeting opened ie Seay @ Atwood. U. ¥. Bf 0. mir iat ‘edn Ginptak and ig petal: ft the Creed./ the United. hurch on Wedn af- M chosen County | ternoon There were twenty: Delegate and. Mrs. “Vipond Provincial | Indies present, and three quilts were on] eee . 3 nished, Luncheon was served at the Following are the officers for} ¢ e@ es also met at 1826; ome of Mre.. Albert McBain \President—Mrs. Newbiggfing. Vice-President—Mrs. Vipond vans, Miss Parker, Mrs, Chas. Danbrook, Miss Cowan. Auditors—Miss Miller and _ Ballantyne. rs. Matheson favored the ladies with a.solo.. The annual report and financial statement were read, an adopted, after which a vote of thanks was tendered Sod mecretaxy, which was much apprec ‘ The meeting | closed: by singing Auld Lang Syn Maple Leaf Institute Hold Regular Meeting The November meet meeting of the Ma- ple Leaf Institute was held at the oe of pane ae Smith, 6th. con. n Thursday "aize. Witeon cai Mra, Johnston, delegates to the recent convention held at London, gave their reports, and these were listened to with muc interest. <. the business part of the CGB ecgruembers spent the re- maind@P of the afternoon by yer a quilt, and a social time was spent. Mra. ea served a daly luncheon at the * £ eeppeliolelolteteh tt woe DONEGAL orfostorferfecteofoafecte: OC CN > Mr. and Mrs. ion ‘ olutiie apent 6 a few days last week at the Roya! Win Mre. 8 ter Fair in Toronto. A) Jas. Danbrook has returned The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. 8, the Church here held their regular monthly meetings at. the home of Mrs. Leslie Hymers. They arranged od hold . bazaar in the church on turds+ afternoon, Nov. 28. “Mary Robb of Listowel, apent ‘net week with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Little. Mrs. Donegani of St. John’s, N.B., spent a few days with her cousin, Mrs. S. E. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Henry MeNichol ] spent Ist week at the Royal Fair,| ¢;, Toront Rebbe tsb ti0 tok ot “4 meetings Hoard of Health, and other bs Eee rk $15.; ochhead, attending meetings h BRITTON De ee roe Ser Mr. J. Sproule had the misfortune his right arm at the wrist Pete trving to crank the car last h . ‘Messrs. T. Haddow ong Wm. Smith returned home last Friday from soutiee” Lake, where they were ntin Mrs. A. Hird, Listowel, spent a few et Dom J. McLennan, Blueva : Lamont ene Hamilton and was as fo H Hutchingon, Grey arent, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fr. and ey relat cuts | Mie Wile a ayaga of Listowsl: e have gathered together spent a few , ie with Miss Ruby The funeral of the late Thos. El- church. It was. very largely attended, ceonsed was held. Th od eo Mrs. { nD wet eee Dur ; . Mess a et Haat. ‘Hatriston; Earl Chica {Russel and vil Scaitistes Detroit! Si Mr. M ell, of Mit- chell and Miss McAllister ret Bloom- ee Len Allen and Bennett Mitchell. “have returned home after ME gine ath lage of Newton, at the home of} 4 Mr. Wn. Ninian. boundary weet. rt. % da . " and] "| family, spent Sunday at the home of The meeting then adjourned. days last week at the home of her Sestechestastusts Podhdeduche PudcthdedoProtactestortetat. | Orother, Mr. Robert Alexander. +. vommswonrn 2 fended the. county from here at- : n @.county meeting of the U. 4 MOLESWORTH S/F. 0. a. W- 0. held in Listo- POET TEE COTTE TTT wel on Tuned Mrs. Scott and Miss Ethel spent], a G. Alekandéy has installed ‘the week-end at the ——_ of Mr. R. Dressed Uone — ofl wm. Atkins. #/at the home o Ys * also were busy quilting. As > Cd ey. T. DeCourcy Rayner. of Wat- ford, preached two appreciative ser- mons on Sunday last in the Preshy- terlan church. On Sunday next, . Jamieson, of Brantford, will preach, On Monday afternoon a con- gregational meeting will be held in who'linve preached In Atwood. . . . The quarterly meeting of the At+ wood Baptist church was held on Wednesday. afternoon, with a large attendance of members. It was de- cided to close the church in Atwood for the winter months. Rev H. W. get will preach on Sunday next, Nov, 29th. d communion service will be held, © church will closed after this date until further . . . A concert, under auspices of the Young People’s Society of the Pres- byterian church, is being held in the Music Hall on Monday evening, Nov. 20th. Mr. Chas. A. Cooke, Canada’s Indian concert basso and entertain- er, will provide the program ir. Cooke comes very highly recommend- ed by all audiences before whom he as appeared. Mr. Cooke will also be present at Sunday services and rend- er music Canvassers and Extension Ftind of the United Church are busy this week making their canvass, and the following is a list i the canvassers con.—Thos. Bert Wilson. Bth. con. een — Tae Peter and baa Donaldso ‘Johneton and con. want—Biavctl mS and and Sidney Bissett ) G h. = . A. ¥. P. A. Organized A branch of the A. Y. P. A. connection with St. Alban’s church, + Was successfully organized at the home of Mrs. Margaret Smith, 12th. con. on Wednesday evening. November 25th, % Following are the officers: - President—Mr. Clarence Smith. Vice-president—Miss Mattie Hurst, eer -Treasurer—Mies I Whit- in " very enjoyable evening came to _ F pine with refreshments being serv- and a hearty vote of thanks tend- ae to host an tess. e next meeting will take place urgt, on Fri- day, December 1 Boot dorfor dene -Jeataforde ofoshe-Foe,-endosforfen soe Loose oe TROWBRIDGE FEEEEETEPTEY PEE RPEE SESS Miss Tia Moore 18 spending a tew days with her aunt, Mrs. Tabor. - Robt. Hamilton of Millbank, occuped the pulpit Sunday morning. He gave a fine add generation wiser than the children of light.” k. 16:8, also Mal. 8: The monthly meeting of the Lad- es Aid will meet at the home of Mre. Wanted om Briebin, Wednesda: afternoo Dec. 2nd. ' ™ Poultry HIGHEST PRICES PAID Poultry must be in good and wings off. ‘We have been fortunate in securihg a good market for all kinds of Dressed Poultry from now until Chistmas. fore killing and dry picked with heads, feathers Bring them in each week by Thursday night condition—starved be- * . s. for the Maintenance ' on |