The “Atwood Bee. ae Se oe : ge: Hall Crowded for Cathedral Chimes Subscription Rate $2.00's Year in Advance, Otherwise $2.50 STS reminds Ke Hundreds of Kiddies Gladdened EVERYBODY'S COLUMN a Se ee tt tm S. S. Concert Installed in Organ} Generous with Appeals Aen’ pabecaeant Inations By Visit From Santa Claus | PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL MR. A. W. ZURBEIGG PRESENTS|ONLY Two: APPEALS AGAINST five cents a line with minti- GIVE. FINE PROGRAM AT OCON- UNITED CHURCH— OF oy ee OVER FIFTEEN HUNDRED CHILD- mum charge of 26¢. AE EVO ERAT z REN RECEIVE GIFT FROM SAN- Ps me pa « WAY aan HALL nie. A ‘4 DEDICATION. SER- TA— RECEPTION ARRANGED). accePTABLE CHRISTMAS + asses toetacargperisire: ade Acne age ; Baled Hay ~ BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.| + $1 Kuiox Ohared @aiaay achool’ con- PIPB: ORGAN! a, Gnristmen apiit wes'evidenca Timothy, alfalfa or mixed, carlots + _ 4{cert attracted more people than Mc-| BUILDERS, LTD. : at the eitting of the Court of Revis-| .. “er less. Ground alfalfa meal. J. W. The third visit of § of Santa Claus to > When planning your Christ- + Donald’e hall could accommodate x eyes era * fon on the Assessment Roll last Fri- ‘Clear of. Gash exe — something to Sangster, Phone 14 tfnp.| Listowel on Saturday, turned out 8/4 mas gifts, a s ticket for +; Friday evening. Quite a number were Last .week cee Weodstock Pipe Or- day evening for only two appeals ae was re- bigger waco this year than ever|/s the rink would be one of the -+jobliged to stand-in order to hear the| £80 Builders , installetl-a set of) were not allowed: Some go #0 fa port of Councillor Sangster to the befo e day that hufdreds of} 4 most acceptable. Tickets +/very interesting entertainment giv- beautiful Cathedral Chimes in the to say that the nearness of the mun. | COUBe! at i “red session One” ‘BEE BALE kiddies in this district were waiting|+ are on gale at sighton’s 4|en. Several were turned a away and| Organ of the United: aa. Litewel felpat electidna made the-couct oot: 7 ey. ‘An. overdraft of a Choice young beef for sale, by the/ for proved no disappointment to|/% Drug store nowy, | were unable t the These chimes have been. ge giabrcied, bet wa preter to bel ta over $9000. has os ot, all. By quarter. Apply to H. L. C mpbell, them. To eee the hundreds of child-| 4 7 + PrOmpey gar o'clock, he pro- donated Mr. A. W. Surbrien: 8! the Christmas ‘oir i w D/ the accounts te of a Phone 607 r 6. 12-81 pd-|/ren that crowded and shoved to BC} dutepaetuppndebbepntbbitebbbdede | BT Re Nic | Prominent member of the congrega-|aue in Listowel the following den gr lh py etn lability that will congre: Santa and receive his gift woul ol eat othe audience. The ton and choir, who desired to add’ ~ Perhaps if a little more investigation to the incoming council = TERRE ; Venu ea ad, ing ri hol: alled the — iveness of the service o be the unpaid taxes. The aasessmen . If you want to look nice, come to] make your heart gl the smil 2 primary scholars were c upon had been made of some: of : ’ faces and sparkling eyes ehowing ex- ‘i for the first number on the porgram.| Prais roll that will be left for the or 4 Mrs, Chislitt’s and have your hair Mrs. J. A. Tremain Their claging Samick & Paoli These chim ate manipulate a} peal, the result. would not have eek council will be considera : marcelled for the Christmas season, You will get it done-right. ISTMAS TREES Christmas Trees for sale, all sizes, Leave orders at Dominion~Store or/Is t with Mervin Richards. * oa nee OF FOR SALE Heintzman piano, in walnut case, and in good condition. Price reason- able. Apply at thie office. FLORIDA REAL ESTATE Do you own property in Florida? /Do you wish to dispose of it advant- / ageously. Il so, leave your name and address at Banner office. 12-17 Ld HOUSES FOR SALE $5700; Phone 222, Wm. sdimmiiieasl FOR SALE “The Book of Twenty Ae" slightly used parpbe ct stmas Splendid Chri n children. Price $35. fice. gif your Apply at-this of- . SUNDAY sc HOOL ‘CONCERT, = Trowbridge Sun nday School en ~ tainment will be held on Tuesday = ening, Dec. 22. Splendid program s ing prepared. “admission 25¢. chila cen under 12 free. ee : SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAIN- ME? ‘hurch Sunday School will st et om nual entertainment a Friday evening of this week. Chris mas tree, carols, recitations, egues, etc. Admission 15c. —— CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT, A Christinas entertainment will . held in the Salvation Army ptr on Monday, Dec. 2ist. Good program of. diaogues, drills. recitations, etc. Admission 25c and 16¢ 12-17 np. ee CE e firm of Fletcher & Nelson hav- war seston terminated, all parties to whom accounts are owed by satd firm are notified to, send same to Alex Rae, at Fletcher & Nelson's garage. Listowel, by December 26th. 1925. ULTRY announces that dressed poatry ° wy Mr. Alvin caeee {Il buy live an — M : Tuesday, Wednesday. epeh week at C. Highest prices paid. "Phone aney “ G TO DO" four-act comedy. ory’ to ** will be given at the schoo! con- cert 12 a. No. 6, Wallace,.on Wed- nesday, ember 28rd. Program of dialogues, drills, etc. Admission 25c Cc. HOUSES FOR SALE Bolid brick SE earn: of ke streets. Pig ray br . * and, very suitable aleo brick house a 1% of | ilaing "intel , el for bu "alt 0 mveniences. avn I ae hea FESTIVAL hristmas Festival of the mranettt ngelical Church, Ee ae will ete. et the soer, .| wel’s popular brass _| little lives. 3. _| to extend thanks to all those who do- ming “| ketp out of parliament if delayed. eitement, pleasure and anticipation. Certainly those who contributed to- wards the expenses of Santa's recep- tion were pleased at the sight and were glad they h doubt about that in Listowel last oe n fo rmer occasions Santa vis- ted 1 Listowel at the Invitation of the Chamber, of Commerce, and _ they made aaborate La yc tran for his reception. A large* Christmas tree, gaily decorated, had been erected at the, corner of Main and Wallace Street. Various committees were ap- pointed to look after the many detaile in connection with Santa's visit, and all plans worked smoothly te As usual Santa was on time, and Wasi na shortly before 2.30 the parade seen coming down Main street’ First came a nicely decorated cutter drawn ly proceeded the elaborate float pre- Lrg so that Santa could ride in n either side of the float wane painted reindeer and a-lion on the back. Two teams of prancing grey horses bearing banners drew) jand the float on which Santa was seated high and at his feet and on elther side were two clowns, Ralph McDon-| ald and Jack Walter. This splendid| float was designed and completed by Mr. Frank Kelly, and all agree that it was a work of art, and was great- ly appreciated. Following the float came the High School cadets, and the Public School scholars. Inside the float were stored away over 1500 bags, that Santa had brought along with him. Each bag contained candies, nuts, pop corn and an orange, and they were all given out. For, in spite of the rather stormy weather. people came from many miles around and brought their children for this big event. The crowd this year, although big- ger than ever. was handled better and less confusion resulted. A portion of the etreet was roped off to keep the crowd back, and the High School cadets did ggod work along this line. Before th» distribution of the and extended an in- vitation to come again next year Santa also made a few remarks to the boys and girls and also spoke of the splendid Christmas spirit that 8 his third visit, staging the affair. It proved good ad- vertising for the town, brought a lot of people to the own, and alse brought a lot of happiness into many The Chamber of Commerce desire nated towards the to the Public a John Keee ; Smith, W. Gray, Frank ‘Kelly, and the ladies’ au of the Presbyter- jan,.United and Anglican churches, and the Listowel Band. Beautiful palms to clear at oo price at Plowright's G.cenhouse. A fresh supply Christmas fruit at Caruso's store, Reasonable prices. go rend m Has Right t r appeal the de- a Fastice Wwaeet in ‘og ve, elected. N. we Rowell, ter Mr. King, The appeal will fore the appellate court Friday of this week. Three Months’ Vacation—_ [ Mr. and Mrs. Blake Young. of es csr ag Sask., turned home and will spend three months oat vintting at the hame of Mrs, g's father, Mr. Sam. boundary west, and with Mr. ‘youug's! parents in. Fordwich. On Tuesday they yisited at the home of Mr. and/ - . CHICKS laid eggs can be had at any- dan aathet by Prone or crate; also low the time to Chicks for your the season 1926. 9. C. white leg- with record rs. ‘D. B. Campbell, 47d; eon: Wal tance. Dies This Morning DEATH CLAIMED RESPECTED CITIZEN AFTER YEAR'S. ILL- NESS--FUNERAL WILL BE HELD SATURDAY. After nearly a year's nn death came to the release of Margaret D. Hannah, beloved wife of Mr. J Yr. n was born at Lake-of-the-Woods, M e town of Arbroath, Scotiand, died pre- vious to her coming t nada. In June 1923 she was married to Mr. J. A. Tremain. Besides her husband there survives one son, Alex Hannah, of the Town Clerk’s office, Arbroath, Scotland, al- 6o two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Cameron, of Dundee, Scotland, and Mrs. Rach- ael McDonald, of Carnoustie, Scot- Although only a resident of Listo wel a few years the lat : ae — main madé many frien tend sympathy to the” iaaval yes tives The funeral will be held on urday afternoon, Dec, 19th. Service will be conducted at her late resi- by Rev. E. F. the United Church, at one o'clock. Interment will take place in Fair view Cemetery. wear on sale at Schinbein's. Sunday few s staff. These were senior boys, and a play, The Ca Fire boye of Gemmer's class trained by Miss girls of Mrs. Ro en 7 were well ee oe motion| take as his guiinct “The Message of songs by Miss Motfat’s ick ll 7 girls the Bells."’ Mr. Hoadley, the organist .|and Mrs. Debur class boys and choir leader, has pre eeeree spec- were well rendered. The Primary| ‘al music for the occasion lass recelved m applause for Sener their Mother Goose eelection. Creighton’s Drug Store bas a com- Graceful folk dancing wae exhib-| Plete stock of Toilet Articles, Station- ited by Miss Eva Hamilton's girls|¢T¥: Smoker's Supplies, Candy, tain in beautiful Christ- age’s class. “A hot time in Gowanstown" ster's class possesses much talent. Equally good was t Sat-'¢ |and Olga. Gee. A bag of Christmas treats was dis- "| tributed to all ‘the children of the Ichurch by BE. G og vorchestra rendered & e primary scholars were conbeall I By Mise Thelma Rennie. re was not a dull moment in the varied program, which. contain- ed two numbers written by Mise Edna I. MacKenzie, of the Public School “Mr. Keepintab,”’ a school scene by a number of the “Bobbed Hair,” by four young men and nine A.] young ladies. eorge George |Next Sunday morning aret CE ge and Girls’ Camp fire as mas packages presented by the boys of Dave Say- af- forded much entertainment and de- monstrated the fact that John Sang- @ memory act ed by the girls of Miss Flore Nic- +4 sire. in “Buying a Sewing Ma- Tedividual numbers were: highland fling, Mary Hardie; recitation, Grace Davidson and solos by Carol Sangster McDonald, euperig- Nifty Shirts, Pyjamas and Neck-tendent dl the ‘Sunday School and Ww nie. from the console and attached to t great organ, that ia, to the lower aoe of keys, and they are put in action ready for uee by means of a draw stop.. The chimes: consist of a series} y of cylinders situated high in the org- an, suspended from a beam, and they vary in size from two > seven feet. As the organist key, hammer.strikes the chime, Such an addition will certainly add much te the effectiveness of the musical por- tion of the church eervices. ese chimes will be delicated ag the pas- tor, Rev. mstrong, who will Mrs. Ben. Johnston Dies at Carthage HAD ONLY BEEN ILL FEW DAYS-- HUSBAND AND FOUR CHILDREN SURVIVE. The decisions were as follows: atreet, reduced eu 000, from to $5,500; duced from $1,500 to $1,200 ax, Jr., on house from $2, $2,500; 3 from $425 to $200; City Dairy trom $6,000 s a 000; = Hemsworth $625 to $20 Ww. Henderson from $160 ns "$60; - drew Malcolm on land $1, 000 to 600; E. Malcolm income from 6, 200 to $4, 360: John. McKenzie rom : re- es Tre. maine, house on Division street, not allowed; Joseph Vandrick, Jr. gon f J. Van- drick property on Main street from $5,600 to $4,600. Henry Youn pac pealed against’ Robt. Ronald's 686, on ent for loaning and collecting money and should be assessed at his resi- ence. The appeal was not allowed. The councillors sitting on the Court were J. W. Sangster, H. Mal- oney, A. Ringler, H. Gee, P. Peppler. Ladies' Handkerchiefs reg. After a brief illness of two nights and a day from an acute trouble, Mary Jane Martin, beloved wife ay | Mr. Benjamin Johnston, i the 12th con. Morningon, died at her home on ag “ister al lith. 1926. " nston was a daughter of; the late William and Mre. Martin and was born in the township forty- seven years ago. She was married to| her surviving husband twenty-one | years ago. Deceased was -aceonneonh ra Items Of Local interest a kindly disposition and was beloved in the community where. shal resided all her life. es her sorrowling husband, | she is survived four children: Ill With La Grippe— Mr. A. Allison is confined ‘to his home this week with an attack of la ippe. e Unloaded Car of Hay— Mr. Ben Johnston unloaded a car of hay last week, this week a car of choice clover. Assisting During Christmas— Miss Margaret Huggins is assisting in the grocery store of Mr. Gordon Johnston, during the Christmas seas- on. Business Places Open— Commencing Monday next the me- jority of the stores will be open ev- ery evening until Christmas, forthe convenience of their customers. > — Leaves for Quebec— Mrs. R. os Hay left Wednesday af- ternoon for Shawinigan Falle,, Que- bec, where she visit her sort, Mr. M. N. Hay, for an indefinite per- iod. from Hospital— of Mrs. E. H. Dierlam and wae able to return home on Sat- urday from the Memorial Hospital. Operation Mies Windiftel Ores Oram, aister of rday last, and we report she is improving aloeriy.. Leaves for Stratford— where she has accepted a position. Taxes Collected— Miss L. ene. reports that $58.4 mount of taxes coltected to die. Birthday Dinner Held Tuesday— = initialed fountain pen Card‘ of Thanks— | “Mr. and Mre. Robert ti al ‘ Sells One Milk Route— Miss Hazel Rassman left Listowei on Wednesday morning for Stratford eat cotiector. a- A birthd din ld .T - . “ig mae wan baled pe Bell, of Carthage United Church. In- a for the occasion, andj. more was ee with McMillan e of their recent. ead bereavement, | for the kindness of neighbore at the time of Mr. McMillan’s ili- ness. George, Howard, Nellie and Eva, all under nineteen years of age. She is also survived by two eisters, Mrs. Hammond, of Wingham, and Mrs. Jas. Gorden of Elma, and a bro- ther, Thomas, at home. The funeral, which was one of the largest ever seen in the vicinity, | ee hundred buggies at the home, took place from the family residence on icntay afternoon, December 14th., and was conducted by Rev. W. terment was made in Fairview cem- etery, Listowel. Make Schinbein's store your head- rs during the Sea- fers is at your disposal. take this means of expressing their eee for the kindness and Miss Ruth W: pathy extended them at the Siosoured by Girl Friends A pleasant “gocial evening waé spent Wednesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. L. of twenty girl . istake, an iron jack t Han er: ; . eh klace “ ee: as in . Mr. Henry Opfer has sold one of} eens = Seence s un~| and in 1309 5 Gi. cananee The Christmas edition of the War en, w eg oa ae ean tied in| MPr and sons, and eettied Cry, Rg of of Salva-~Nor him since his purchase from Mc-| white os Wig pie 4 ‘tor tion Army, Je now on sale and is in- dea! for the eale| replied, her thanks for}/# year or so have alao been deed an excellent number. All art-jof.the other route has not yet beautiful gift. ts of Trenton, and for the ies are Christmas in nature. The remainder of the evening was| Dest twelve years have residing * spent socially, playing and | in me taste ie’ tak tamty Mies Irene Woodcock, who = acks ro eee Wing i ine ladies upetaire| “Te. husband, six sons and t ed in the millinery shop], °c oman, of Gothem, was baiiwnere ake displayed her tronaseau- tere ies C. Gibbs, has returned to bh -of Gotham, was A daint® iunobeon Mae herved ai). Mt. Joh ; and fe Momeon oer abe Hl aon sar oft. oye gad go . > . o lew i dered unconscious: and I; H. , of iyo Bo bak, fis naa aera ac Qin Fin at bata | Lat, lr hoa aie en -? . te gasrne Bey na of un we * | take ahort ride Pathe Meeps eng S eon , , Aue tus ae chia, — im tdowly, after belne sera we Clifford Editor Desd— Cisaiatin Bi, ER fare, Chae, Mitchell. also of Toronto, : B f to. pA oh onl on he The death occurred on Saturday). Mies’ Tanet ‘Adeetin’ ana The oreeee ails and” removed Thureday 1 Hoe- | 25c, at there being seventy-five cars and one} Mr nm. Every convenience our store of- and. Mr. Fred tt Martin of Trowbridge, had their ton- bien ~ R. Forster performed | 1000 25c, value-on sale 15c each, or 2 for Schinbein's. Creighton's pres Store first | tor peamtifel Christmas gifts for ‘ery member of ihe "tural. Unconscious 3 Days From Coal Gas Fumes ‘o AND MRS. ALEX ALEX. HIRD, WAL- LACE STREET, HAVE NARROW ESCAPE -FROM DEATH—MRS. HIRD MAKES SPEEDIER RE- COVERY. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hird, Wallace street, had a narrow Pp from death last Thureday night when they were overcome by gas fumes from a new kitchen range. . and Mrs. Hird have’ only rec- ently moved to Listowel from Elma township, near Monkton. On waking early Friday mornin Mrs. Hird found hereelf quite ill, and being un- able to arouse Mr. Hird she called in unconscious for three days, pd re- gaining conéciousness onday morning. ig condition was yond and other doctors were called in neultati At the present time Mr. Hird a making fair progress towards grade cut flowers at Plow- t's Greenhouses, Shop where Ohristmas shopping is cna — ot Seems. J. Vandrick stores on. Wallace res stating that a mortgage is outlawed speaking as secretary of the Agricul- etery. an as Bailey ¥, of septa at- ;| tended the funeral on Tuesday. than the old one oa which a tax rate of forty mills accomplished the above poured? of 19 ne of Councillor Gee were — nm The deal with the Public Utilities for the purchase of th cl uu meeting of-the Publil Utilities the preview night a motion had been pas- to make financial arrangements tn the purchase and he felt that a e the council before, as by virtue of hie positio member of the Commission, and, he believed, had attended every meet- ing. To this Mayor Hay replied: that the matter had never come up at any meeting of the Public Utilities the knew nothing about it officially un- til presented to the council. ‘The pro- n at the meeting of the Pub- wie Utilities on Monday night. ,Coun- cillor Sangster and Treasurer R. vane were appointed a committee nfer with she’ po a o fale and if arranged to their i Mistaction were empowered to close the Councillor Ronald bought ‘up the matter of the mortgage held by the town on the Agricultural Grounds, they eal, in ten years if nothing had been paid mn it. Councillor vonZuben, tural Society, replied that if Ronald had come to the proper par- ty he would able to se- cure all the information desired. He =e that the mortgage which as taken out in 1912, was for twen- giving a grant Society. to the Agricultural Rae was present protest- ing eaninit. his son, Frank Rae, bejag billed for poll tax, and he has fiot fe — ‘in Listowel. His name was struck off the roll. Make it a Merry Christmas with Smiles'n Chuckles Candy at Creigh- ton's Drug Do your Christmas ~ shopping at as. B. Y. P.U U. OF Officers Electea for 1926 The annual businéss mecting of ” the B. Y. P. U. was held at the Bap- tist church on Monday evening, with a full mda of mem the Return from Trip-—- members from the Young Ladies’ Bi- Former Listot Listowel Resid Resident vy. Ha! Jackson in the chair. Friends in Listowel of Mr. an@/pble Class of the E ical The eerie report oat Mrs. Ralph Johnston, of Bimburst,| Gchool, and friends, gathered in hon~ Dies in Toronto| ,, meet 4 W a eY/our of Misa Ruth Wing, rene rage haye been on an enjoyable motor trip Wing was p with| The death of Mra Alfred Augnatus a of 34, the-average a fo Laddonia, Miasgarl Thep-were-Be-| ait a doren-cut glass.sherbert glas-| Bailey occurred. at her home, 192 The companied by. thelr two boys, Robbiel ses, be 1 end Booth Ave., Toronto, on Friday, Dec- $36.00 Feoeived for t anjend Ralph. They returned Jast week| match.. The presentation was made| ember. 1ith:,. z peventy- me hand of ir $3. seer totheir home in Elmhurst. by Mies Karges, ourth year. Mrs. Bail a, form- yond tha $15.21 hae been gi to companying address read by Mise Lil-|)er Listowel a and will bel iy Mitne oi election of officers then took place by ballot, with. The resulta were ab President, Mr: ping Misa ® Operate: Miss Archer; Roll O| retary, Mies a Millle Greenslade. The Banner Makes a Splendid Christmas Gift On every Christmas list there ie some one ae be a $ appreciate. a Subscription for @ Listowel Ban- ner.