townehip céwncil wae hold Gare remain monthly nresting on Mon- day, January 11th. 2 steven 0 pero a New Year's Dinser— Wr. and Mrs. Eyoritt Ward, .10th, con.. entertained Spwards of thirty wt thelr home on New Year's day to a few! dinner. Misi Flora MeDonsid is Shree ver Soe Weare pleased to announce to the ladies of this vicinity that we have se- cured the agency for iy - ‘Miss Gladys McLellan o { Listowel; spent New Years at her home in At- oved on Thurttlay— Mr. an} Mrs. Jas. B. Elliott moved their househotlt effects to th ; bd a f eles A ‘McCall s Printed Patterns inion cheese factory on Thu hus es pe eee ee . spent the holiday ‘with Mr. Tpeeae Any pattefn you desire we will Taking Dairy ‘Course— Parkak 4 “4 Mr. George Richmond, 12th. con., 3 gladly procure for you, left for Guelph on Monday. where Miss Wilma tome, of Brussels i ; i he is taking a three month's course | par Ry) aig with Mr = ) 4 The Magazine is issued on the 10th of eac an detryeey At the 0. 4 ! . Mr. Allan MeDougall. } month, and can be mailed to your sing be Ma gal thorne— Se hai Forest, epent New Years at thi PY address for $1.00 a year. é Port Colborne on Monday, owing to, of Mr. and Mre. Bite u Bd i d . the iliness of Mre. .(Dr.) Wafllace ; ;McBaln, ‘who ds suffering from ton- itis. a Mr. W. Melvin So Scott have returned from the to Brantford,. Paris 2 M ’ The Spring Quarterly will soon be here. , d Ba ET Te of Contribution— Ask us for a Counter Sheet. Mr Aloe’ tiaiae © dae taeenred letter “of gekncwielgmant trom Upper Canada Bible Society for the contritution of $153 made from ‘the Druggist E.G. COGHLIN Atwood local branch of the United Church. Mr. and Mra. Georg Marion of Millbaak, 4 with Mr. and Mra iiss Haze. r spent New Yea : ents, Mr. and Mie 4 { Entertained Friends— : ~ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kitchen, 12th. con «, ‘ aA a - non. entortai their neighbors and ‘Z , rita baayet friends on Ptleeday evening last. ‘The Mr. Murray Thom + Mon Meetin of evening was spent in a pleasant man- | Toronto on Saturday, . x wicca | M S. ner, by playing cards anil dancing. ea eats one { EVERYBODY f tral * i nr Bese P onia— : ‘ ' - Ten cents. line-for first in- We “e re sorry to report the ‘illness Mr. W, W. Walker rett sertion, with mizimum charge ANNUAL “REPORT GIVEN—$479.-| 6f Mr. Adam Gray, 10th.con., who Is wood on Tuesd By of 60c. Subsequent rege 17 RAISED DURING 1925—MRS.jcufferiIng from pneumonia. Nurse spending the New. Sm five cents a ime with minl- wv. cou LTER AND MRS. JOHN-| Coote of Guelph, and "Dr. McKenzie his home in Jarvis: - aa. wum-charge of 260. PEEBLES ~—— APPOINTED} ot Monkton, are-in attendance: ups Samuel Bam ES ics . FLOWER COMMITTEE 2 — Successful Sale— Ip fiandling the Camadian sammer grain harvest of - ape ata 83 Pieces Phage ope. a marketings ap mh paeee hy ri rig : The entrall Th ul le of houehold *fur- adian Pacific extab-' ursday last & HAY FOR SALE We EOL poe! witsra ori. C. L Wenn, Ox patar. Bitar Sis ee 7 in the armaboes, Coagia léad: totalled 160, 519,000 Rarer of wheat ane Lago keer and Mrs. C: C. Raise ‘Sixty tons of hay for sale. Applytwas held Tuesday atfernoon with 29day, January 2nd. was largely at- bushels: of coarse cing ing the e peribd 7m, McClory, 16th. con./Elma. I-T7pP members pesent. The President, Mrs.| tended and very successful. Mr.-und ing of grain so that the figures for the current year} 118,160 approximately ITS, 104,000 Mr. Wm. Mayby j fsa -(T. Hamilton, had the scripture les«|.Mrs. Wynn left for Toronto on Wed- — a. a record not only for Canada but for the ee were, era loaded. ¢ Of pt eedinee®: 9,0u0. cars — spent New aera eat r c “ 5 itan W a ft a wor to Vancouver, conside mount was his parents, ri. BIG DANCE pi tomy at oe ed ia beacon’ a aaa are A. Hatton, general superimtendent- of transporta-| sorbed by interjer tour mills, but the Hane bulk went Mayburry, Britton: | ; Big dance In ‘the Muste Hall, “At The roll call was answered to by a Presented With Money— tgp of the system, -has issued a report covering the/to the head oti che lakes, F and Port . ay Semmood, Friday evening, Jan. 15th, Aj. se-scripture on “Joy.” On leaving for her wew home in ent of grain cn Canadian Pacific western lines| Arthur, passing ¥ rough ‘the Winn eg yards, includ- Mr, and 53 h class orchestra win furnish | °°) 7G. Lochhead had the mission| Toronto on Wetinesday afternoon, from August 1 up to midnight Bol ‘December 18.|/ ing Nort Trans , the aol india yards in family, of Listowel; pei happy music. Ever yy aweicome. study amd a splendid missionary| Mra. C. J. Wynn was presented with It ‘ig-shown that on one day, Friday, November 20,| the world having a weapacity of 1 at the home of pe ; . 3 ney ase . i *» $368:000 bushels of grain were -marketed and on From there the movement bag those a 420 mile Simpeon, Sth. ¢ A bes: rending was given by Mrs. Johnston;a sum of money from ‘her intimate peon, ANNUAL MEETING Peebles. The offering, $14.50, was| friends in the village. The ladies"ga- ; , November 18, 1,094 cars containing approx-| stretch of double Seagragerry. 0. Cis J088: See Ome ON i Sa The annual meeting of Elma ‘As-| dedicated by Mrs. T. Hamilton thered af the «tation. and made‘the i y 2,921,000 busbels af grain were load ‘In| this run soe records ‘yore also made, the highest Mrs. i multural Society will be hetd in the] The -annual-report of the society! presentation to Mrs. Wynn. the twenty-four hours of ‘that day ‘this represents 83 | number of losis moved eastward in any one day | | this week. after 6 cultural Hall, Atwood, on Sat-|was given by the Freasurer, Miss ' pom Ser hai Sa eam. ora little more than one and Pees, 1,640.. The ‘daily average was in. numbers of Viet May, January 16, 1926, at 1:30) Murray and Rec. Sec, Mrs. Lorne! Held Dinner— ene minute. ur figures. mire 2. tor’ the purpose of Receiving aul-/ Vallance. The number of b Mr. and Mre, Samuel Bebuvioe.: of PO asd i Sn Saget take eR py eat Sih yt agp alae made dy a Canadian Pacific " for's statement, election of officers|}on roll are109 and average attend-| Britton, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Gilmer, thin sas approe Minination 2 the B bat _ , oe er tc ote Pg) worked > hd general basin ance “60. Money raised during the/12th. con, and Mrs. “W. Honerof afr art adinentaik WS trecatiier Swe 1:25 cars ry Utyi get fon ele cee of ar shor to te A. Gray ER. Swing, j|vear amounted, to $479.17. Listowel, gathered at “the home-of ne ite ange ee ihaltier shcuiitiona ot the months ra sg Tadilisies eh te er 1@ WY hotidage with President. Sec.-Treas. 1-34! Acari! from the Prebyterian Lib-| Mr. and Mrs, Wm: Gilmer in “At- pice - ' 5. ap: e vy power, | = Mrs J.. Wynn. my Bs Seer beg ghana Si sa ron on Tuesday, ani iheid a fowl . epee 7 = 4 . donation of a box o unday choo. nner. 1 " . . Ham re Lifes ANNUAL MEETING . books. was read. Mrs. W. Coulter Soe eee eS ee ae seereeoreoieit eb: footed | day to Toledo, ria Lae The annual meeting of the Atwoo@/and Mrs. Johnston Peebles.were ap-; Purchased Cheese Factory— + a! =} ATWOOD ’y _|days at the home of if 1, Wood and ‘Cartage Cd. Lté.|pointed flower committee for the Mr. Walter Hargraves, well known | + MOLESWORTH ” M HESSON | : Walter Hemiliode ‘Bth. pes be held in ©, O. F. Hall, Atwood, | year in Wellesley, Mortington-and E}ma,| + +\¢ } Be , —o Era Tuesday, Jan. 12th. 1926, at 2 p. The meeting was closed by singing| has purchased the theese “factory ai Sele eet deelegetenipdedsegaepe | debeletebteietedeteten sohbet | United Church ( Mr. Arthur Blair rett i a for the purpose of receiving aud-| “Come “Thou Fount of Every Biles-| Oxford Mille, which is in-an excel] viieneu Margaret Doig, Margaret} Mr. Jno. Hard of Kitchener,- is day to Toledo, after spe Lae rs’ financial statement, election of) sing’\-amd the Lord's prayer in maii-|lent Eastern Ontario déiry district. | .¢ewen aud Annie Cumming left on| Spending » few days with his broth- Rev. ©. C. Kaine; pastor. holiday at the home. of ey! icers and any other business that} son. j four miles from Kemptville, where Tuesaday Yor Guelph where they will! &: Mr. Jos. Hard, .who is in a pre- . Wm. Blair, and with os y¥ come befrre the meeting. the Agricultural -cdllege is | take a three months’ wewie conrse,|CAtious state of health. Sanday, Jan. 10th, 1926 —o— ; ae Lov he rig agg in Premier Fergusot'e home town. Miss Bibel Robertson spent ‘Bun- tts Clarion Pear left on Sat yee wb cars mi mamraiila eos oe Rows Sir lye bie President. Sec.-Treas ; ; with can icDord utday —“Gon's o her home on the fe. Pad oe a PERSONA S Entertained Fricnds— é vg Goun rite, Voues antl Miss\Ver-|. Miss M. Clifforii ‘has returmeil af-| © HEISTIANS.” jspending a week visiting E % = I . and Mrs. Wm, McCutch na left for London on Monday, ter acenhers ther vacation in-St.}P.™— if THER GATE BEAUTI-|sister, Mrs. John H. Keeso, Dig . 7 ANNUAL MEETING entertained beg lag of Bhhag ts at Miss Era Cumming ‘spent ‘the} -- P “f , ro.” pee? a sae ; ae fs ae ANS Mr. : Vall Ingile left Wedues= their home on New y re | week-emdl With her yurerits, Mr. and r. no. Linseman visited with ub r. F. rch spen Ww i The annual meeting of the share- r. i Va int, nelis left MrCutcheon. preparell a {ovis dinner tagrs Thos.“Cumming, friends in .St. Clements one day re- with his mother afc) brotha BY dere and patrons of the Himsa eo Mich. where he will) which was math enjoret. caper fi Mr. antl siite. \Jirks Whittield. cently. : : Ed. Lierch, in Mon He Siar fi sese and Butter Mfg. Com- Robert Johnston, of Raskatoon. brorbar snore, wire week-entl visitors at| Mt. Louis and Mias«Edna Kocher, ; epending thie week visiting in’ bed hy, Limited, will be Weld in the oe ther of Mrs. McCutcheon, vas pree- Mr. Thes. McDonald. of Deemerton are spending = few real and other points. 4 resters Hall, Atwood, on Satur ry ‘Alice Miller, 12th. com, 4¢/ent for the dimer. Miss Josie Sangster “teres :titie| 0878 with relatives on the. line. =: ea the 9th. January, 1926, at the! cdg ng age elke al const, ‘s week for Toronto where ehe:will| _ Mr. and Mrs, Albert Foerster of Mr. and Mra 3 r of one p’ctepk. m. for the DRT; — J Ries Cora 'et Se acetal at iGing train for 2 muuree i awit ip "ya eg A Ee the Reh. a eck ae poe bo ; » of receiving the reports o a good 8s Jean and Mr. Tven Smith | ; . ev. cLean of Toronto, oc- tors and auiitors, for the leo! oat ange a tlh a Ligh ig aol sanve. a reeset es an ‘ea turned te ag, on Wontay: gitar dl en ie crea a be cupled the pulpit in the Prebyterian ere Sm, Bo with Mr. = fficers smd other usiness ; ¥ lest. i ; E mee in‘tte Cream Pol Of the! church of Sunday last con. fe nfl porened before the meeting. = See A cay teth. ome Ma aeiaiee She wes ier Pe fixe Stance mee. ats See ws oP yptmreaay| : _ " 4 Mr. K Blah . ‘ will be received sp to 2 0*4|- : an I ys mugic was" | “Migs "Marton ‘Ma Intodh spent | night. ' r., Kenneth r returned Sat- on trat day for filling the fea wane ‘ees. ay tan Aéate a oe ed by Mess Fale gee psn phe 5 dy with ‘Alda Mork { Disi—aAt ae hi hnoawe near + Henson, jitg next meeting Re 7G oe a urday to Stratford Normal, after ‘ » with the sedson’s sxpply 2 and Mré. Wan. iheon. ae roung. people of t milraden. eye! Mr. Andrew: Stones be left for "Tor: Thos. Stanley, in his ‘9th. , Engler, Kih. con. on ponday, Janu- is Aeon Fn eho 5 and New. : he butter milk for ‘ean @eaeon " also iy" 4 2 om thie week. = ary lith at aignt ne. oliday & e ome of ge a a will also be aold at auction on Dr. Waltace“MeBain, of Port Col, Norval sal, Tooms of Mr. am Te. mS Harry Grainger and ‘Bizs : ‘Dor. Se ee ae ee alt | mother, ‘Mrs, AACE: Blair, a a p amy- borne, spewt New the home] oy ve returaetl sbhome|* : +! rhe sealer jaca a ting of the 5 5 cmon, J. BR. aot of his paresits, Mr, andi Mre. J. rw. Gitt Appreciates— from remy CRieey ‘ovhere ther ‘spent the ¥. ‘GoTHam - . Presbyterian Young People’s Society sui, Stanley Purvis of Grey town es _— ~ McBain. Mr. C. J. Wynn, past secretary-| PEO Ow 2 en Hu ond | #Peb64o4445sseeeneeeeggse | 78S eld Monday evening. The scrip-jday at the home ‘ok f her parents, M a — ee wes “i Sager a: me jitreasurer of the vig Ag Agricultural tn ie = gh Smith sand Y Aliases sat ia Tom ; pad eee was read aero Tyn land Mrs. Chas. urvis al- ny ‘3 dge resurned.™Mon-} Society, and who beft on ‘Wed: y | tamniiey were: Senday : igecs: Ardelia = Mnesel da. am missionary to was a nt New Years ds pebienennacenneitie aay to Deteoit, after spending ‘hel for his new home i Toromto,, Kiatl nomerof Afr a cod re. Saray soak Oah, nce lh gma amma MeWichol.| taken by Miss “Allee, Dickson. The | M ra. Leas. # = 7 and 3 feaiday atrthe home of thie brotiferigy donated the be™ that has been|/y ooo.) ithe vot Me “Noa ee eee as Couteer and two} @vorite bymn was taken by Jea NEWRE 4 Mr D..E. sigh jmsed in connection with ‘the races| 5) dene ‘Noah i Mrs. oulver fe Hamilton. The meeting sn ‘Monday ead “pelt, ana| 2/ehe®, st daughtem, spent New Year's Day| next will te of a social na pA peg Bg agra pag tals Mr. Macintosh | With frientis: in Maryboro. » {| SULLIY | Pic ine ys. . Roy Mewougall, at The spirit in which & waa: arm it] apent {Sunday at the hor Nonie of Mt. amd Mr. Jabez Chapman hes ‘been ‘Inti ARCS Reon cite cen tin aah eee eaeniociene 1 Arthur te. up with a mvere-esid. Perth County Council. The Reorganized © . and Mre. Dan Metthews spent ay . ie : ‘|. Mr. deck "Fieth Sect Mrs. Webster aed daughter, Mar Christ of Latter Day Sai nts, Delhi,’ Youre sit frlends 4’ Hevever.| ‘ ) ERAS ee oe Sanday with triemds =o sare. at re Seositord, gent dew. Yoare Has Fou Four New Men|*2s Pree eo Bg i ~ wedding: : pte ; ; Mr. J Kemp, of i: Dey = een iriam Frances young- my at the home @f Mr. <@tto| oot Now Yeam and a few gave thi ae ree Soauaree of Atwood. and} isn Sophie Hatbers Miss EHen Hanmend is. is visiting Onty tour mew men go to Stratford jest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas ick, 12th. con. Grey. ! | week at the hame of Mr. an@ Mrs.(G-} returned home, after attemding th: Monday ‘te her home in itnwmerd. |! th iriends in Torento this year to.County Council, but two|A- Riach of Summeryilie,_ fo Wm. Hamphrey_is_at_present) 5 ~Greensides. }feneral of their sister, Mre. Rickard) See spending two Migs Jéesie McLellan spem a fewlaf these were former members so are of Elme township, was umited in em Repeny Ms EEO Owe: | Adame, who died at the home of sher | *® H. C. Feticar, and cater Aare. lagt Week. with ¢riends Gu Lis-! mot really new men. marriage to’ Mr. Albert Sullivan, of — poronta:. Mrs. 1. O. Wirtetiola i itle.con,| denghter, Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins in| ‘etds- towel. Wine out of the sixteen seats were] Delhi. Bro. Chie. Siete a i . and Mrs. Ted Bureett spent Chester, of Listowel, epent the week-|Oreaiton on Friday, December 26th. Mrs. T Mawihorse of Killareey, Mr, James’ Gray -Weturned home} filled by acclamation, so that there pigs patito assisted byt miday, Deo. 27th., at Mr. Ales.) ona-at tue home of her mother, 12th fhe funeral was held om Monday, ns ph olidher cto spending Br: adhd weeks earl + sag rt 9 8 eae vere elections in Only saveR ridings. an Barty yet th aa ne rne, - ‘boun- : er_holi-) The new men are rge Keith, of % and Mrs. Semuel Lore . spenty °°" ae gag? and a a ey as dary ao devs visittig friends in Listowel last| Bianshard, A. J. Bradshaw of Dow-| ‘ok. their place ce beneath ny Senre day at the home of ther} 4 ir Georke Whitesides, of tee 0 Geiger se at Ss iam Hitt: Georse Hawthoray and Aus-| "°sk: =A) nie, George Koch of Ellice and J./@versteens to the strains o . Ralph ‘Love, 12th. eon. Gueph, spent a few days th ie] Mean . ‘ » @pent the week-end whith friends Pe ey oT pe, 4 ees Mooily Kincade of Wallace. ding cont pl og if % Thos, Fewster received’ the! Yc." atthe home ef Mr. and Mra.) evidently one “org ae ree ek a ar te hb alia ba ews last week that her aunt,| pocg Batiantyne, 8%. con. Sd nga whe take yen phe - Mr. nad Mrs,| Joseph Yeo: te ‘ ' of Lake Side, Ont..| cr = ; : os hs sath eich of the formers : ied of pneumonia. Detrei astie. and Mre. Eric Love spent New \epatias, 4 few oe cmon, of mt * i id ‘ ut the home of Mr. John COW-| tome of her parents) Mr. ait Mie ‘this retniiven: andi KE. PE S.-J. Kalbfleiech. © vet Bicheaned: LAR OE 5 | me at the home of Mr. ELLICE—R. A. Afmstrong, deo, iets es Mary and Jean Hume apent Be irs Sid ebeet New| K last with their uncle, Mr. —W: Sdott, bs E. _ Shearer. Dp: and Mrs. ¥. Coulter, Fred and) Ber ae ote ~ "Sather" at the holiaays at her home ia ering a : pee ee f : Ee yyheent mt #5 ctReN | HIBBERTK Noges [) te PoGaN—J. G. Deasine MORNINGTO: TON. A. Beges. Ww, CE—J. Moody Kincade. er, -MIFOHELL—Arthur Mutton, MILYERTON—Dr. hee L. Tye, estate boom in Florida octing: ts. Jeeniier nt John, New Bi mi y for carht,