BPORTS: — (Kincardine poe -Reporter) ; Sg ae Is it not about time~ the Ontario} inquiry fs ma what chu : neh What "Ottawa, will Ottawa has-so ofte 1 oo otk tt amet: a ee from amateur-sport events? ‘Amiat- was a Pre-dintitintion of € Sree | | Bema RESIDENCE and I'l give 3 eur sport. deserves encouragement.; with a little more udded lot ee Tes ) as to what it will require at There are more and more influences} measure to capture or hold Progr | Blectricity. On your Banner and Bee should now read — tending to take youth today away,¢ive support 2 ; ‘ from the.simple and wholesome plea-| /The amendment of the Conse onserva- : . J}eures and to bring into being a race tive leader was a “no . confidence’ of .mollycoddies, if not degenerates. | motion ber" merely start ¢ si old naga f the “ins and Ee - ? i The facts are staring us in the face: Fe ns : : They make it SOChONREY to paleiahy jurteen Pp ~ , ; the agencies that make for normal; the Progressives as the price F : .|land cane development and of these| their support are nothing but the : ‘ ‘ one of the greatest certainly, is the) selfish demands of a group of men , : exicouragement and fostering in éy-| Who can think-only in terms of a j yy possible way a love for afd par-| quarter section in Western Canada. telpation in wholesome sport an Instead of a policy from the lead- If it < athletics. And the areal a aN . ” aay ei of heen ae gure . : dissen’é ure should follow .the lead of the; that wou nspiré ~ Can ns ; W, fix it ere eae nee, Better get it doctored, Manitoba parliament and remove the! work and as well to make Canada & fet e can fix it up for $ ave it too long and it will be? = amusement ‘tax on amateur sport e-| country worth working - for, fa $2.50. . vents. It is quite hard enough for) one in turn purposes eee aan that 2 ; : ur athletics’ to finance...their| Will make the other fellow w . ‘ : way without handing the legislature} ,Where is it all to end? a big share of their receipts from| The answer seemS to have been each event staged. given by a cartoonist, who pictures a p oF rogressive« member approaching 4 MUNICIPAL SHORTCOMINGS small ae rahe eo va He scans (Orillia Packet) ; two rival bills Bh are, and’ extends * The Municipa! World evidently be-| tare ‘where Tent, jue ae on aed haces 7 lieves with Pope that forms of g0Vv-} oat’ That is the measure of aimost 4 Be bans hs aa ernment matter very little, and that) every member in the House of Com- itis administration that is the reali pons to-day. Every* one will see to test. It says: “In mary a campalgn) it that the session [ists the minimum for municipal office proposed chan, of: fifty days required ‘dn order to radials are suggested ae a spe gt mays quality for the full iudemnity. ‘of : bringing about. amore satisfactory $4, Fifty days at $4, 000. $80 per day. STORES LIM state of attains anda lower tax rate. Not.a big price to pay for leaders, CANADA'S LARGEST R ETAIL GRO< anew tho ts."” } a * j ag CARL ROSS ‘Phone g1 3 poe S - : : ; A manager,a commission,’ election ror executives. But a big price to pay ¥ pa NOTICE TO CREDITORS for more than one year, election bY/ tor fiddlers. A big price to pay for Where Quality Counts : : 5 ‘ j general vote or by wards, are some Of fiddling when an eléetion is) needed . x : sa et * In she Matter of the Estate of John| the propositions most of which have) to attempt the detinite result the Inet | J , Se ee fae f H. McDonald, late of the Town of| been tried at some time by other] ejection vetted 46 give sodnashenz Bes | | x : Habis in the County of Perth, reer gepepayed and cm ga tatatae TEA iND COF uy faa e : most any system will give satis pat NG TU OST C FEE WEEK a ip ¥ Are You Paying too Much NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant] tion if “honesty of purpose” dp at Sige TOPS ono capa es { : to Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.| times behind the votes of the saa: of : $ “Wh seats ae : ! é ‘ S. O, 1914, Chap. 121, that all cred-jor and the acts of the officials, both! King Tut-Ankh-Amen’s mimmi- , ere Quality Counts F ¥, Wh | ) ‘itors and others having claims or de-|elective and appointed. for ‘“that|fied body is so firmly fixed in its z : ie? -OFr our 1stie r mands against the estate of the said| which is best administered ia best.| coffin of mussey gold that it cannot), TO SUIT EVERY TASTE COF Ee ‘ Ly 4 ohn H. McDonald, who died-on or| Men, honest, competent and fearless; be removed, even to satisfy the cur- FEE about the 7th. day of May, A.D.,|in sonduey of public affairs, ehould snd ara wisatchen trocar . i Quality Unsurpassed Delicious, Wonderfy) ae - sents - - 1925, at the Town of Listowel, In: the} be instattet in office. They aré to be} Marke the Boston “Trauseript.”> He ; ma Sie FreNeln: ae a-small h Was:S0 Oager'to Own: County of Perth, are reguired, on or|found in every municipality, hut they| has done all he could to amuse the ;}* D.S. L Bulk Ree. FSESC — hoes . u certain whistle that he°gave af— his pennies for it— before-the Kighteenth day of Febru-jare often unable and unwilling - to} crowd, he has had his personal af- 58c 1b, SPECIAL Bs 1 - | 3 and then found it-wouldn’t blow! Just so, rich - foods ary, A.D..1926, to send by post, :pre-| contend for. positions with those who fairs from his religion to the number Reg. ic |BLEND Cc b. Bs keep you poor—and then don’t nourish. For your jPaid, or deliver tq the undersigned,}are less Se but who “know }0f walking sticks thumbed’ over, >he SELECT 69c 65 1b. ! eae = health’e sake, cut down on them and eat ‘R. G, MacFarlane, Solicitor for J, H.|the gam This, combined with the{ 23s seen a world that prides itself on " SELECT McDonald Jr. of the City of Winni-| fact that: citizens usually vote their|etlightenment pay far less respect RICHMELL Reg: 75S BLEND Cc Ib. peg in the Province of Manitoba:|anim ies and prejudices . rather) ‘0 certain solemn matters than would 4 79¢ 1b. ; ; the. executér of the last Will and|than their approvals and commenda-!? Polynesian tribe, and now his maj- . Testament of the said deceased,|tions, is behind the shortcomings, if|®Sty hes. decided to stop at a point) 7 , ~- R their Christian names and surnames,| «ty, in Our’ present system of mun-}0f arrested motion, Perhaps ‘he has 41b.TINPURE . . 65c ‘ A +~ 7 ‘ y “anttieare ay ep hg ec tobis icipal government.’ i tial artale Re Mr pce pis 4 RASPBERRY, ' cH: particulars, in . writing, o eh arespeare’s - ral stone, or per-; , { ; = urbrigg ) Good Bread claims, a statemént of their accounts,}| LEMIEUX RIGHT MAN IN RIGHT |ltaps.on general principles the king OLD CITY BRAND STRAWBERRY 69c and ‘hela Sruiee o their security, if PLACE pas _ IVvedeciced bore —— _ Fions ay. neld b is s stanc i % piaik ~{J@fhe loaf at once-a luxury and an economy. Makes ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE (Saturday Night) i No one can say thet these discaver- CHOICE HANDPICKED gehapigid Lage) u feel you are living like a prince—even while’ it that after such-last mentioned date deme fabio. SB ae vtec Per-(ies have not been at enormous in-|) WHITE BEANS GRAHAM its your food-bills. : the said executor will proceed to|nemely that while the. Homes at eg eth pier sepia lic 3 3 19 AFERS ae ead x, . , distribute the assets ‘of the said de-| oo ae st, the archaeologist in general a ‘ Ss ; ae iy ceased among the parties entitled Commons m far: from ‘being of one} the admirer of beautiful things. They see ec 25c¢ Ib. : mae thereto, ‘having “regard oily to” the ne a 3 wha gee Prime}ripped—the—cover: off the past 5 eg eer ey ‘ y claims of which he shall. then have Dek ite ke sh Ange ere re showed Bs ‘hihe Nite that held on CREAMERY GOLD BAR notice, and that the said leary sued rn yj] ce banks OF the Nie that held men . , BS 4 ZURBRIGG’S BAKERY ice Sbdte 2 ctMtscies estima a sho lou pmlde| beatites “raey at ther svn oe | ff BUTTER | SPINACH axeoc ; or any part theceat to any. person oF i allends, and they - nia more; they ‘Ph 85 ; : oe le ot whose rhe Rises cahall period. Ee peaitiog of Hon. Rud-| stimulated the ausanedtions and the! ~ BRAESIDE ROWNTREE'S - 1 Ib. one Listowel, not have been received by him at_the orph wemieux, who was once more el-/ followers of the occult; they gave a eee Breakfast Co FIN C a) hime ‘of.such. distribution ected Speaker on January 7th. with:change to Egyptian politicians ‘to ocoa R. G. MacFarlane, ae digs ode of members of all!maé political capital; they aftord- 48c Ib. : 3 1 Soliciter for J. H. McDonald, 38. | Sane ete Seep ale . Cap Abe g pdr eal Mert se gO EB : ee ee 35¢ e the Executo sombine business with pleasure; they % é ee DATED af Listowel this sth: day is the most difficult. that any Speatt-| made it the fashion with the best ae ae CHICKEN a Ib. ; of January; A: 1926 3-4 - since Confederation has had to|society to go» Tut-Ankh-Amen-ing. CHOICE MESSINA ace. From the outset it was foreseen They ‘were chic. But after the first j Ib 23° mw that he would have to deal with} flush nat passed, there appeared a Cc . ONS dez, ; {Try Our | FEEDS soc wo croms | ty i ae or lati ta a oe “@ | In the mew of the Estate of Mary; which the House has a de facto fatlioko aud that ate had lo be { Poses Bless Siood till Satheday, Sea: Sed a Flour Bran, $82.00 ton. Greenwood, late of the Township) leader sitting in the visitor's gallefy| satisfied at such cost to mankind's! oe, eee : 4 : Shorts $33.00 ton of Wallace the County of Perth, inchs de ae easor Apphige! a general ideas of what was fitting. It ' z ces E.G eecthVee-tn Hin Grade fos w, Deceased. ceedings on the floor of the chamber.}was not easy quite to define the feel- = ee flour sash is 9 es No. 1 Serpentam Chup $81. tone NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant|/!" such a crisis, with both old time/ing it has eiistad, but aoHente es = fear f Barley Chop $83.00 ton. to ery 56 of the Trustees Act, R.| Parttes jockeying for position. and ajother more than one had an instinct- 0 a Cream of the West | Oat Chop $36.00 ton. s. 1914, Chap. 121, that all cred-| TUnner-up crying to grasp the bal-jive impresion that the frail young { : : rt Maple Leaf Pea Chop 942.00 ton oe and xveare having claims or de-}@nce of power, aman of narrow] king and his lovely consort had been : ’ ; ae Bee Hawkey 1 mands against the estate of the said|Partizanship er deficient tact would) handled ; enough, Perhaps, thought||™\|— he er Ss fits Corn Chop $42.00 ton. Mary Greenwood, who died on or a-| 5000 precipitate pariiamentary anar-| some, better let them rest their far- : ‘ ESS Hl | "ide Roses Oil Cake Meal $52.00 ton. bout the th: day of Decetnber A.D. Sey eee tortiteate indeed foe ne apt er nse and their treasures. a Mixed ¥ a 25, at the Township of Wallace in 6 country a ere even found cartoonists i Snow Drift a the County of Perth, are required,|Possesseé in Mr. Lemieux a Speaker|to suggest that a similar method ap- a f a Ze ee ‘ on or before the Bighteenth Mey of | ¥ 4 a =i all men seems fitted to} pHed by the future to the remdins lu a “ jone. Mea ankage February, A.D., 1926, to send hy} Stide the aaa with adequate;and tombs of present greatness ates Meat Scrap Oyster Shell post, prepaid, or deliyer to the un-|{#irness and digni not appear in so grateful a light t Pastry Flour --.- Tesdiis. staan Grit dersigned, R. G. MacFarlane, Solic-| Despite his long and honorable rec-| us who might imagine their happen. ra : iter for William Bailey and John ord ag the leader ‘of the best elemeénte| ing. : Car Feeding Molasses, 27c gal, ' Strong, the: magi of the last Will wugeiph temtent hi sry eu hi net all events, Tut-Ankb-Amen will Banner and Daily Globes. ict cet a see 54 6 76 and Testament of the said d as always enjoy- spared this = eee Highest cash price paid for Wheat, Barley, Oats; Buckwheat and their Christian’ names a oa cen ed the triendship and esteem of the/ He will not be a: teopliy Oe faxilober ae pote eeban — oe Weekly tt +++ as tree ee Peas. na mes, addresses and description, | Couservatives who in hie cabinet days he will etey put in that receptacle ner and Farmers’ Sun .......... Seen ees woe ces Samm ; j : the full particulars, in writing, ot were his opponents; and of ego nh} wherein men placed him years ago, Banner and Toronto Daily Star .. .............5.. +o 0 16 C. ee SMI F ry Ph their claims, a statement of their ac-|!2 Parlament he possesses the epec-|he and they alike innocent — of the Banner and Daily Mail and: Empire .... ‘ieee, e 9 one counts, and the nature of the secur- it qualifications to handle the prob-| Northern Isles or ths great contin- Ob teria : : ity, if any, held by them emé of his.office in the present/ents across ocean. Perhaps there is P enat ator anh an TAKE NOTICE crise or sort or See about all this, a 6uc) mentioned -dat courteous su on that even tot Ban: tha phd agacutoes wilt proces: d to dis-|/ CANADA NEEDS AN PLECTION |enthusiasm of the o y yetearee: mer ‘end Canadian Countryman ....-+--.+0+s+. « $8 = eda she asests of the said deceas-| BUT GE ane fal’ Pos ig SALE jer the geen have set limite. Banner and Farmers’ Advocate .......... at eeeeeewe 3 0 ed’amo: Financia in e@ mete a onnies cits ‘hi Karta dite ost Banner and Stratford Beacon Herald (Daily) ......... ‘8B WB erenen ker ities kane . Bidding for offica—wo © matter Banner and Montreal. Weekly Witness tree news eee ees £ OO and that the said executors sie ier _ pri Banner and Presbyterian Witness eres Paes ae i be liable for the said assets or any| 18 this what government in Can-| hatch _and_ Presbyterian... ns Seu MAN I SP RSL ER SAGES) | Part. thereof-to;any—person: or fade -has- je to? That is certainty! in PECTS TT ST ete ee ees deve Banner and Canadian Poultry Journal tit teteeeeneteee & ts sons of whose claim notice Sieil aan what Canada is Se eaine auction | 5 “them at the {sale when it-needs-an Banner and Youth's Companion... 2.20. ..2.00s5.0055 ; time of such distribution. Every ter Aaya we fund Ox bade 62 h Banner and Northern Messenger .............. evevtee : soliton a swan Maly a boetgited ‘public attain. ‘very tow = Banner and the New Outlook eset eteetisetenneenre ss ee idl ; citor ile c 8 ¥ wjma : 7 rk y and days we are told that the government) ers. A p of pork-rind turned. aie sd ten ti teal gid —_— seyatrete a TED a Listers! “ths 18th. day| °F the country is no better than the flesh side out, a chunk of fat or suet = at Sr SMa Fe ude Pi fond AD. 1926 1-4 prronle eaemsestees tosk’. it. Ave tases) tied 40 at the limb of a tree quite close “we enaiaan Bens pos tress eet en ent wane se iy an : @ window will make ‘er and World ee a ee 2 ae NomIGe 9 Gluwivoms . |g ety en ede ea tad wi ee rye tmnt of Sy ffl pener ana Mactan agate 70000020 r lo e SURI as Score iin Ak ak : ee ee ee ee Surely wo have not spine fo euch them cominy for several Paola 4 aad Guturday venting Post FAN CON See Ores | Wahl, deceased. ‘There may be only one fy. Banner and Ladies’ Home Journal ..........0........ a ‘i : ¥ : But after alf is it not too true? inbout for the Theat day ese ce ree! apie ‘ , make pls, a Se aol Sisids andi tte att halaxreaeomaere ae ee a sand 7 Basner sup -whol. cas: ry first jo © above publications and bread, until you've used — Page Wid- pepe ba and BY chopl his country}ous feas: or the news just tees ers in psoas mbtuation, the Setea ar pee “i . ‘Your’ dealer knows. Ask him. amed. No country/out, it will\; be lo bef ttferent tribes ng before the: figure. via lene 93.06, representing the priee of The Banner, in the vorta is ab Brg éitua tod t natfons of their resses Canada reat SEND For THE PURITY PLOUX COOK BOOK Iy| World es a m of vigor cad enter-|eeldam wit These prices are for add in or Gi prise and con untry) in the ge is eo well Seulopes to eo. tid the Jea rh eager earnestness on Sema the 30. fer Peden If the Publication you want is not . the above. tet know. We can supply any well-known Canadian or Fleur Cook pam: pales ornie prices are magerabe cash fin pivasee= Send subscription by post office or express: scenes