Listowel Banner, 21 Jan 1926, p. 7

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| LOVE Awe OF eiirekie COMMANDERS. “tron Dike” Wa Distinctly Yale Main—Mother' ‘ Sus % “X” ‘im his book, “Myself Not act to regulate the grading o Least,” has many good sto to tell The Lady Scored. ; ; of many celebrities. Here are a few: “Every nice girl loves a sailor.” So When the Duke of Clarence, eldest a modern bard wrote, though nobody | son of .King Edward, was at Cam- mas oe ipinaily” O62 ans «| enews tres the ‘oem igghtaee was | bridge he wag once entertaining 6 peat. § i sean - Pepe ye rigin ~| mentioned so exclusively. friend in his rooms, and the latter. is eg , Want = cook, ants aoe ee ee e regulation to} Now Mr. F. J. Hudleston, the War | was gitempting to open a bottle of ee Ey Rees ws Want : : ‘ BAR ae Lal ts (a) ‘For the istading of-dairy pro-| OMe Librarian, toll Ue Remonwrother | ‘soda water. The cork proved obstin- eee oo ve ant a clerk, . eee Ge intended fot- export. things, about the love affairs ef fam-| ate and the duke proffered some ad~ ey ei Want a partner, - pe )} For-the establishment or de-} ouse British and other eis “oom. vice. His friend retorted, ; : Be, = sae: ) ror the nits of grader's| 3 “Teach your grandmother!" No . = A r in Undress.” For a War Office of-| er had the words escaped him sere : Want to sell a farm, Se eae : | | (a) For the special: marking by| Sed; Mr: Hudleston bas ® very witty /thelr full meaning Mirat upon him |jf|- Sees : ' Want to borrow money, 2 SRUSACEREOTS Ot: DACKAECS 0 and. w pale with horror at hav= |] ‘OE : aes ‘ : : Barer saektes ts 06 Eraded. othe Duke of “Wellington scarcely | ing on a aaihe ot the apa, : Want to sell sheep. cattle, © . Or, , estblishment 0? icknam “ - és ; en definitions and grades foi vee Brad * es e of “Iron | in this way. The duke, says “X,” J Want to sell town property, fe ie dairt produce 0. BO ERE women were COD-| was highly delighted, Want to sell groceries, d nee Ag) "For one imposition of fees for| cetned. "He was distinctly a ladies’| 4 nother story concergs Wilfrid z ‘ * me grading of dairy produce. At the| man, although he said that no woman | Blunt, the poet. Once if Northern Want to sell boots and shoes; x Want to sell dry goods, carpets, Want to sell clothing, hats or- taps, : 2 Want to find customers: for anything, ke A) oe ADVERTISE IN THE BANNER & Advertising will gain new customers, Advertising keeps old” customers, Méndment to the act was acon fers to an episode in Brussélai. just | Te! ae with & scott sue RS oA the before Waterloo, and his witness is| ™*2- The police arrived and Blunt ceca withoidine Basil Jackson, # staff officer of that Tun de He one tie moan thee mcaine Govermar-tn-Councll may pre) ie was atting in the park when | ine was 20 way of aking Blin put once to hich the act shall apply Ty great man walked past, and | pagiand, : Canada: within igmediately a carriage drove up and : e par The case went against Blunt and rt ich it all be enforced. Regula-| &J#dy got out of it and joined him.” : They quickly disappeared, and, says he was fined and sentenced to im- may be provided for an appea’ Bis Heidleston: “another prisonment. The law of the ramet ag : carriage Ls : Deep nana tea the ae | thee arrived and trom i _atighted on sus ke nae me ee , Advertising makes success easy, < ‘ on of a dairy produce graded. For| “#4y hin Lins "for b peering avout | since Blunt had escaped, the only Advertising © begets confidence, 3 lations of regulations to be madc tate F. . Bo OF eet Revi Jat person left was the Maltese, who had +a : r the act a fine of not more thar ¥ to pay a fine for being knocked, down. Advertising means business, ~ : * or mot less than $50 or impris-| * h&ve been an interfering old ag “X" declares th this P signees : ‘ : i ent for not. more than threc| Amd the Duke had later to write t0 | ing “story is. one. told peters aah Advertising shows energy, thé may be imposed. tank thatthe, “deal ea hus Whistler, the” artist. Whistler was . Advertise and succeed gene specific regulations to be made peabept ned (0 pr al e | soe marine in a bis hotel in Italy. a : ‘detainee “a. eee cernorn ounce f w | norris.” In this story of "ig Bag -guest was a woman who Advertise judiciously, ¢ | pro : ve e@ pannoules a8 600° | one does not know whether to ates het if reryone by. talking of nothing pi Advertise or bust Peaeaiee ' eee. err oO above COME! more the strategist who brought the ee mae etapa heat. Soaia ne pobre - : A , “ a / . ‘ga ; st ,| lady unchaperoned to the battlefield, Y hot-afternoon, tier looked t- ‘ Advertise weekly, — « : 7 over the balcony of his room an or ae tacticlan who immediately took saw below a bowl of goldfish belong- Advertise now. Advertise HERE ¥ Mrs. Arbuthnot was another of the | 126 to this woman. Immediately an Duke's fair friends. She was a beau- | 1deastruck him. He borrowed a fish- ty of the day and was, with her hus- | 47 rod and caught the goldfish one RECOGNIZED AT LAST! IN THE PRESS. OF COURSE! - one. Then he cooked them in ‘Scandal was whispered of them chafing ‘dish and lowered them into buf ‘ce cher’ Gleig, while aauting the bowl again. that-she-2: the Duke walked to- | ~~ At- dinner that- night’ the woman 7} gether arm-@-arm in the streets, re- ‘arrived bubbling over with excite- marks very Wisely, ‘Regent Street is | Ment and wipije perspiration from scarcely the locality—which persons | her brow. Backes t-a-day!"’ she pant- meditating any outrage on decorum What tropical heat! Would could select as the place of recrea- you believe e "Mr. Whistler, ao ae 2 nd, the Duke's constant com to (Stephenson, Mich. Journal) “ get - The groom was faultless- paralled in a hine-«erge. : uit with trousers and vest Sto match, a starched shirt with pleated bosom, and a 4 ped red and blue tie, tle ate Heinle ote ole ofe ole he 5 hile his only ornaments Were plain gold cuff-buttons and agold watch chain with charm. Under his right arm he*carried a natty straw hat Sof latest style and weave with marine blue hat band. He as clean shaven and *re- Pently trimmed. while his Satures. reflected deep houghts. His feet were clad well-polished Florsheims, yet merely showed -Holeproofs. A solitary ation with fern spray ckground lent the finishing eh to the correctness of $ groom's ensemble. - tion.” I am sure all my readers, foes so fierce this afternoon tL whighever their sex, will endorse this. nd that my poor little goldfish "It is pleasant to read that Mr. had achat been dpe d.’ Glelg firmly believed in the ‘possible! Whistler was often in financial || existence of a pure and lasting friend- | Straits, and more than once had the }} ship between persons of opposite} bailiffs in his house. Once, when |! : sexes’: ais fact that he was nearly } this happened, someoné told the ar- }! ° material. nine different from that | had the property of sending people ; ‘cynical and slightly deaf general offi- | t0 sleep. So Whistler bought a huge wr wn ITN cer who, when asked by a lady, ‘Do! Parcel of snuff! and put it‘ into a you, then, General, believe that pla- | large tankard of beer. a he gave 1 i : q f { : tonic affect is j ible, im } to the bailiff, who was in th rd ; 4 a Joe Mawes he, oe volcan Tiguan OPS Sore Stent Items Of Local Interest | Listowel Horticultur t session of Parliament ‘an a-| ever loved him. Mr. Hudl re- | Africa he became involved in s quar- ite whe sid ate she ata By ate wo ate she ale ste se ste ig? coldly, ‘Madam, I can make no ex+ | ap. : ception, not even in the case-of—a Sa repr mapas however, in- watk- : ena or gard 1 a z r wiput the Duke's queerest affair was ane t6 ana tne aah i exntsly the Help us to make finanojng easier ; Annual Prohibition Convention— _ _THE JERUSALEM CHER’ CHERRY \to learn just how much oe wine oh olleb eb elobilettelttelep | with “Miss J.” (her real name was | Same position as he had been the | ?¥ #0 early ds cbing of you eubscrip- Notices have been regia fr us Couuscomire gr ns i eeacntl Bae pots vA ee. tay satndpes heres Jenkins), to whom he wrote three | day before, still fast asleep. wee don to The annual convention of the Ontario ‘ t numbers by florists this year.| the sun’s rays strike the side, dry out? hundred and ninety letters! ~The girl | (er woke him up and th Prohibition Union which will be held; grea i 7 #4 Boys’, patitament of r, --o¢ [These are easy plants to grow, and} more quickly than those which ars simply pelted him: with letters, tracts, | Marked ‘‘that {t was dreadfully hot |. The Tuxis Boys’, p in Massey Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 26 sere a taur Deoling aceraeg hones bel protean ty iasaniieea: Tei aeed = and:spect ipers.” She persuad- | weather, and that he must h: been | New Brunswick pronounced against i ank You re eee eee Whistler. sat the. use of ‘cigarettes by boys et Deserved the Prize— a sumny window can raise an abun-| plan to follow is to set the pots us a fe else ste ote ed the viet =e to call upon her, | asleep over an hour.” bn and the| War Office Librarian de-|bad meanwhile got together some j ‘teen’ age from the babe 4 o A newspaper publisher offered. a reat or ane tet the aye bel Pood ath Se ee wes orale he scribes what happened in the lady’s inntey, paid him off and the man | 2ental, physical and moral culture.(_ i. to the best answer to the con- lerxe pg ears: Seta i as and] ‘and dardiniatiara Wed: the She St in yn pe ee oS: bal dag Ceatted in the parlor” and Later that night there caine a lee Mr. Jas. Brooks, of Holstein, has ee bed satis thyntabcetsa itd arbi will _haye red fruits at thie season or! must always’ be pasa sae pe ents postage, The Banner| Miss J., ‘after compliments,’ said, ‘I | at the bell and the bailiff rushed in | Purchased the 60-acre farm nearii.4. who sent this answer: “Because| * week or two later the following blocks or some other supports se his more convenient method will now show you my Treasure!’ She | and demanded to: know what day of ; sie ai a a pore a “Brooke every man should have one of “his len STMTRLET Ghekey ie am very} mrt AIOE will “ stand giiiuseg tt 0 f ; - ile Mr. Hanle ‘ Owledging receipt of the fol-| did so. It proved to be ‘a large beau- | the month it was. ¥y own and not run after his neigh cease blunit +6 REARIR: eulting ae rte call te nies ins “teaee Pnew subscriptions or renew-| tiful Bible.’ Shortly afterwards, to Whistler told him. “Well, siz” | property at Holstein. > Fbor' sived during the past few| ™y intense astonishment he eagerly ; said the man, “I can’t-make it ont. ind for which those remitting| Seized my hand, exclaiming, ‘Oh! | Here you've paid me three dare pos- adhe ponvaaense business, of the} Tew Chateel Mortgages— ase accept our thanks. How I love you!"™ jsession money, and I could have | year is off to a good start. | %t is interesting to find that the ° — ' The lady suffered Trom religious sworn it was the sixteenth, but some- | chasing public is on the Jook-out for County of eamoa kiiia the distinc- | &2 nsitive to gas; dropping Doth its|minwe Insect works on the; under .. ireday, Jan. 21st., 1926 mania, and ‘her avowed object “was {how or other everybody tells me it’ | bargains.Tell them wbout it, Mtl iono {having the emallest number of fruit’'and its leaves in rooms where| side of the leaves, often beihy un- an-abundance of water and- good|two or three times‘a week on both drainare. The fact must be. kept-in/ sides; In’ this way dttacks from the: mind, though, that it is exceedingly;red spider are preventéd. This very - : to save his poor sinful soul.” ‘Her |the seventeenth. -My wife’s beén | Merchant, in tha. columns of the I chattel mort al any county of via a small amount of gas has e6- detected until the foliage oe 2 od ‘Lizzie Barr, Walnut Creek | motto, says Mr. Hudleston, so far as | blowing me up for being out ail Jast | paper i Western Ontario with ~ Gonnty of - Most of the difficulties in/dry or curls. the Duke was concerned, appears to night without being able to explain. i » ee Perth a close second... Farmers of grawing the Jerisalém’ Cherry sel Cyclamen _ plants always “thrive. = H. Coghlin, Marquis | have been, “Up Jenkins and at him!” | J told her I’d been here, but she said Mrs. E.. Ww. Pawards will receive aoa hole—are esti-| 27° Teported are due so this fac best in a room which bas a moist at- The Duke of York's column in the |that if I had, that would be four |at the Robinson Unite parsonage, Ag to ca auidar from the 1925] . * ~ | mosphere, for which. reason Spey ym. Habe rmehl, Tory Hill | Mallis one of the sights of London. | days’ possession money, I thought | 1059 Ridhmond. street, on Tuesday), THE CHRISTMAS. ‘CACTUS pans of water upon the radiator. ; It commemorates ‘Frederick, the |the only thing to do was to cone | sfternoon of next week, January 19.11) j904 ‘Land is once again begin-| ‘The so-called Christmad Cactus al-|esister will be beneficial. And of oe bi st Sask. or “The Soldier's Friend” because of an vhistioe pa confessed, but me soe i ten i a ser te eon ae Siem the Sonetae Caries cneiie tear pa big die piinte whoala: weleigres 3 felvin Gilkinson, Etbel. the Interest he took in inmiproving the } the man some more money a ad oath j ii Cavtus. It is a plant which is coming| ‘fom the windgw, or else. thick kford, Guelph. paypateg Bp the arm ee wee that he hi not tq have the pleas- The time os te come chor ig on, Naming the Farm Hom ALE itis into bloom in winter gardens rs this ne of fan ‘laced between them bck Heath, Stratford. & srea' es’ m r on: jure of him again. dian codL nty. 0 tingu Very frequently it sta to e & { . Staufer, Kitchener. says there were Whispers of numer- “=X” sleo tells th this story of Ruskin. bere cup ‘tell us that ters is enough, Bi Gp. a ee ee Se rol matin and then Sad duiky drops its]; : j Pe Kennedy, reeeele. 2 amours. One iy them rormees (rhe great-critic was always eulogis- |‘coal { n Coeee = ~ aL encan SiP-| more and more popular. If the name eee Oi read the plant itselff "" ” : . : ige, .Fordwich.” - rs. Mary Anne Clarke. Here work of Turner, in the continent for a ueand | és without t These | t-btehieg ttttt 4 Ores Aldridte, Fomieicn! | Mr Hadleston's lively description oti tene are Reterinte thet bel ears. IC on no-eold it te 08h ound tntcag apegtial gt my F erotit | troubles Mitinhih see “gigi nilip ee tre Beoteraton.. her:— SP Seana mie ns q seationlanis e¢mized. Every day he | fault, ; sc able business asset, as wel°as some-| Watering. Like all types of the Ca¢-|~ . A FARMER'S ACCOUNT - + ee Pheent douticeat ge, but, trom her portratt, @ most |e tol waist rar Wl ae Nickawa, the Indian] ‘bine of eatistaciory sentimental Uubaat ae molars tf tee sol tele od joadt, trattord: Base, 2st, or sagen ep @anions bear it np longer. So] Migs Fran in ae | Pei Welue. There is sure to be a nimej mount of ‘moisture. ‘If the soil be-!4 (Experimental Farms , Note) + pr iri cot, | ev seg at ec | el mnt ea eR ee come pn et decane mae mene Boome, ag ; gar Weppler, Hanover: cre amssage, Emma) a very’) put the substitute in its plas. Thes Feb, Sth, She She wil ales dee : wil verve to advertiee it and its pro-| Weakness which rieita 1a. the dei as fa PREG I nley Rtéhm, Detroit. clever tertaining bag: they asked Ruskin to examine it, say- | the ous and take + that w a good labet;. p ng ° e m n Experimental: Farms ve Cleland, Sturgeon Falle oe Mes arc fener she parted, Gat. ing they were afraid that the damp | the service. at a eon: ser Abily . good sie signboard:|.- 4 Ch ristanas Cactus always bloorie evatem iss published an° extremely J| Faleoner, Hood ‘River, ® panned te th MP. (ot the ee “to Apa eRe xe ae e tion of of|* a good trade mark. Farmers, try it! more frequen — i pres m i und. sad rig re esinkeg book, de- ' Cox, Aberfeldy, Ont which yo allowance paid her by the the ne.” he “Nothing pose Pa ‘the i tr rent nec: Pergaite aie meeieettie = a tke per ae wopaaietial not ave “Keep tt needs no. vanesiat Rae , Eeeveres Portreeve, Sask Peal x axd thn egaek. Wak’ had rat | thls priceless gem. The more I Jook\jern Ontario held in ra ee Motor drivers’ Shaan will not bé' tion of limewater such as is readily whee of accounting; simply the 2- ne P sPiRESG, etl’ aux, | Go Waele rouent a charge inthe |nurpanag erefuss "nas altered [eels ect peone vases ha mai made. by, Gropp suall-alaca se MUG te mee sae MA Aaa eee , ; House of Commons against the Duke at a3! T can that the chasse 11 We . of Wi an ho kk. we vid O rr, Pasaden < : ‘in his ¥' i ean only say change | dent. | é beneficial, as it corrects apy Bes 4 : ur a week. A plain dire. < W. Kress, Tethbridge 2 Alta. pi ails ‘abated the tome jis for the ." «There came an jone of the directors. iste hy “Thestaw is ef-| Which may appear. This ex-| tions as to ng ent her gps aids - W. Coseha, Lucknow. the geolta ot thm uala st. caitt races |< 4 ¥. Fes Ger eee ’ tremely weer plant to hand it an to taking inventories, a Be oF silo ra explanation go Marshal : ention are kept in} bain dit ; he took “room | Stratt nce the ‘Strat- : 2 ° the EROUR 30 CLARKS. ES Peat pet pag ag ong type to woh pt ge sovennl ford A aig seman ag The departijent did vr pat to un. tonthe Tt can i weplinged | ina piecte ve { pages for conffacted tour to Alncka | Scored off, her erotelexaminers, — ‘i Sn er cic iy aid-of the atteken qYam.|dertake this at the same'time as the) ®ituation in the open ground, —re- “Under whose teétion. madam,” “}issuing of the motor licchnses.. “It quiring but little attention until it is are ee ovina Th | teamierad sous Pariiam sendy LB a ag William Sharpe, Elma town-| vould need an extra etaft, and it is|‘#ken up in the fall ag ways, early in July, visit-; PeTsonage, “are you now?” “TI had te at Western Can- | thought, sir,” burner! Se turn- K | der ele 5 2s c to - sae mig Seta SOMEEE pat here ae hal WiChbat nie th oe : ee as been po out, there is no Out question the iniors from i igh say gag space in the 1926 card for register-|cmong the handsomest of “the house ‘eterloo, convictions for breaking the} plants which bloom at this seaso en ‘traffic laws, this being Jett off be-} Frequently, however ‘complaint. is > yr att : intention . to issue the| made that the leaves curl and dry up drivers’ card. However, in th@ inter-} or that the ag ink tae papa nt will have rec-} may be due i 2.8 a ih gee aul aig it and edurations! | signed onal | w. A folder descriptive ot | ™ander-t se 5 ving complete informs LE prdseof ns yes can serve! as in the aie? but (is titel to Tine vin iggy vlad be hots PBs: eh? : 3 Ms : ; i et for refere i from lack of rat or of drainage, |? . (Principal of mr oo “Standing: in: front of portrait of st Bem. rae ek a : Cytiamen plants will, not thrive if} Sol.) 4Rehiah Aive:. Ham- nmap Sek ashaua: akeeu tise : ae nPt| ware a ze r rage es ee mpe Ae At 2 x rough a a - . ; “ages EE Be itt vate, of Ca Monoxithe— @ kame time they lose their leaves » eB Regen. Fag Sil r in bump of ven~ jf red ce Masia es we with : } ies “The first weeks of —_ sda and flowers if allowed to dry oo LF ' Person in Pink, whose + te g ’ dy ma antes an —increaged of} . Considerable attention “a e., Toronto. In view of vy traffic to Alaska dur ‘g ' ell to make early reser- emands for accommoda- imu given the plants when first eektreatt ae tr et ee re : en atte the car 4s driven in but potent only ore the motor is stopped. So do-; -an-inclosed area. s0-it follows that ‘emiangers” “tives-of-erery pi Ai ae from it daring rat of the car. Too: Ponetial neha asic OS Esa a os db ‘he laid upon

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