Listowel Banner, 4 Feb 1926, p. 8

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& Headbeds of shrewd buyers have been taking TS of the exceptional values. that we have been offering. “We are HORNE. no stock in reserve. Everything is ‘to: be sold at wholesale prices or less. : M — a coe MEN’S We Invite Competition on Our Complete’ Stock of Suits and Overcoats| P an SUITS ft | JUST A-FEW OF OUR MANY VALUES IN FURNISHINGS | Men's Work Shirts, all colours, 69 c Men’s All-wool Sweater, Coat style, colours |: Heavy Wool Work Sox, Regu'ar 40c 29c be. aa f full siz . Pair be : Regular $ | 6.50 for Brown, Lovatt and Greys, Reg. $2 65 . ; : : “Gi ’ $3.50 for 4 $1 1.95 Men’s Heavy Cottonade Work Pants 79 : ate Heavy Wool, Sox Regular 60c 39c belt loops, with er without cuffs Regular sau 00 for Men's Overalls, blue and blue stripe 1 abi i coy aR 33c 1-3 OFF All Fancy Sweater Coats and Pullovers Rex f20 ard 225, Opening ore LTD sb wena hx ‘Sil and Silt Crepe Neck Ties, Reg. "7B Regular Pry 00 fe or Men’s blaek Overalls, heavy Regular 60c Pair 39c -$1.00 and $1.25 U Cc $16.95 duck. with bib $1.55 ’ Boys’ Fleece Combinations, Regular 95 c 4 Men’s Heavy fl d ; Work Sox, Cott k »R $1.30, Opening price Riediafer noe for en’s Heavy fleece underwear 79c ork Sox, Cotton work scx, Neg. 19c A Shict Se ee a Agnice ‘range to choose from ~ Vahies to $30 for oh $16.95. Boys’ O’Coats © and Suits) | Any Coat or sant in the stare All Sizes to 35, for $7.95 Penman’s. ‘all sizes, garment 25c for Pair ts and Drawers 49c garment. peels 270! for ff Successor to D. Ve K (“The Store for Dad $21. ( Bcseley | a Oe B : and His Lad” SOCIAL AND PERSONAL | Canadian: Coal a ‘Canadians” Miss Graham Hl =-i—~ Miss Lola Fair 6péent a few days in: . Le St 7ae, So, teer im = vist or | |Totuato Ht wore ee tan oe eae . . —— id . have company, your _ friends, Mr. L. J. Burrows was in Toronto} Past week through illness, ALBERTA who are Subscribers of Tne Monday on business Banner will be interested. Tele- Slowly Improving— COAL phone 61 and give us the facts, Mrs. Kelly, sr... is aaa friends We are glad to repert that Mr, ' 1 in Walkerville = Detro Robert Marks is improving slowly, - ’ = TS My i following his paralytic étroke ; Mr. T. E. Grainger was in Strat- Miss Alice Ciearer spent ew | V, 1 ti ford on W sdnpediy: days last week with fricads in Tor-! Left For Florida . . oi a en ine” opto. . ‘ = | Mr. J. A. Hacking was in Hanover a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schinbein ‘left | ‘a this week on business. Mrs. J. E. Johnston of Kinc ee ; Memes SeOTng Sy 5 Seana. rer _-FRESH---4t eghir HOU R OF THE DAY | Alberta’s Best Times without nn fate e emia spent Thursday with Miss i where they will spend a holiday } magic words have conveye 4 Mrs. L. W. Payne was in Toronto! schae with Mr. and Mrs. S.. Velie. 4 H U “sincere thoughts of one heart this week on sons oni elie | . Delightfully Tasty High i m eat Units | to another. _ Mr. Oswald Scott or Toronto,! | Dante: Frigay: Siveniag-—- : ‘ ; i Low-i m Ash | a delights : ag tec }: ett “DTarrestinee 6s ‘1 -Tor-} spent a few days this week with his! A dance is being held in tae Music BAK " ; # '} follow, this showimg — t e ghto this week. aether in Listowel | Hall on‘ Friday evening, under. aus- oz : ; |} “‘someone” who articulart; _— aoe pices of the Junior Clerks Hockey , : = ; : Ctleot “nash ‘ NEWCASTLE } EE tietine eeling of -admir-.} « Mrs. C. A. Ziiiax is spending a Mr. Richard wean: of Mitchel; NGlub. OUR POLICY of baking only: »_ Hymiter { rig Sewn . i : f sade y few days with friends in Toronto. spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. makes it possible for us to assure ‘you of. Bakery Always Suits----Never Soots | You will find ‘in our stock cep and Mrs. W. P. Rennie. | Returns to Work— Goods that are “fresh at any hour of the day!" ig of requires Nei agsort- Mrs, Arthur Vandrick and littl —o— Miss Viola Byam has resumed her 5 imi Am ,) ment to choose nem here ny Toe. are visiting cnenie ta Te | Mrs. D. Lennox returned Wednes- | {duties at Livingston's, after being ff] . AND THAT ASSORTMENT always includes nourish- Limited ount é if able prices. ? onto. day evening, after spending a few'confined to her home for fqw days ing, whelesome Bread— Cakes, Pies, Cookies and LEAVE ORDERS NOW { it oe daye with her daughter, Mrs. “stewart | with la gtippe. ‘ Pastry so delightfully tasty you'll double your order * re " __Mr. John McKeever and Mr. -§. , aren: — sion after the first trial. . ELLIOTT & GREER Thompson were in Toronto this week — New Bank Sig . R T Kem & Son i on business Mrs. H. H. Bamford of Moose; A new sign on the door of the —e oe ae } Bae 2 antienrs Jaw, Sask., arrived Monday, and is!Ganadian Bank of Commerce 18 ex- ey . H Phone 121 | Quality and Service = . Spending sometime with her parents,!ceptionally fine, and reflects credit ‘ 9 i Mr. T. ‘G. Anderson was ine Kin-| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks. on thé: work of @ local man, We. J ; 7ZURBRIGG S B I if Gable’s Old Stand Listowel. * cardine the fore part of this week a—wEpee Plowright, who did the lettering ; |i Phone 138 é on business. ni 3 = : , am : a | “ aie oe Mr. Elgin Hay, who has ten vis- ? *Phone 85 Listowel. | be glad to learn that he is slowly im- —)}— iting friends in Chicago. hag teft for] Slowly Improving— | Mr G. W. Douglas left Wednesday| Dayton, Ohio, where-he ia *isiling aie gh og mes. Rogera will A RASS —_- ; for London, where he will spend’ a} Mr. and Mrs. Gourley Darrocb. nies w ae eC sere : ' ; fe ) few days. 8 —o— - ert f —_—_—_— — Mrs. J. Lampman and little proving, after being confined to his aA aTR A SD . ; ' 4 a —.- Carman Thornton, of Wood-|daughter, Donna, of Wellandport,| ete ‘D6 Ue. RAR LACE - 2 S ptoc a was in Listowel on Tuesday | are visiting the former’s father, Rev. : as visiting friends. John Geach, who has bven Ill, but @ Enjoyed Snowshoe Tramp- GENUINE _—o— slight improvement has been report- The girls of. Miss: Mace earrie’s! BE Nick Mr. Robert Binning of Barrie, is/@4 im his condition the past few days.) poo. of the-Pubiic School sajoved a rances I awa visiting at the home of hia father, acta snowshoe tramp on Wednesday after Mr. W. E. ae Mr. Patton, district manager of! school. They returned to school for| THE INDIAN ENTERTAINER the Bell Telephone Co., Stratferd, lunch after the outing. ; and Mrs. - Gibson, of Ford-| 224 Mr. Weber, district traffic sup- F ; eich, spexit Sunday at thé home of erintendent, Kitchener, were in Lis-| Returned! from Hospital— ocahontas No. 3 Mr. Ni A. Gibso on. pene! to-day, visiting the iocal of-| Friends -of Mr. Cully Rocher will * 5 me " be glad to learn thatche was able to : R liza Miss Louise “Bender speit the a ah tu — sg hy tom he Menytrss! Hospital Nothing to Equal It ea tion week-end with her parents, Mr. and rs. — and two children re-jon Tuesday, where he has Leen con- . . 5 4 Mrs. Markus Banger Waterlvo. turned Sgturday to Port Huron,/ fined for the past few days with an Beware of Substitutes Of An Ideal : Mich: after spending the past three) attack of pleurisy. 5 : a Mr. J. S. Vass oor Guelph, was a| months visiting at the home of the + " R. T Kem & Son week-end guest at the home of Mr.| former's ‘aa Mr. and Mre. W.| Buys Matched Te Ni k . ‘6 p ‘ and Mrs. 8. J. Stevenson. - H. Walker Mr. Austin Hawthorne, boundary icely Phone 121 YEARS AGO we -had an I- —o— —o— - | west, has purchased a matched team Mr. Milton Cunningham of Hollen, Mr. Richard Grills of Winnipeg,| of Clyde horses rising four, from gt is visiting at the home “ of Postmas- ay spent Jast week with his niece,| Mr. Roy Hammer, of Glanallen, as ‘6 ter and Mrs. John Sco nh Listowe', Mrs. Henry ements he purposes farming again. a dpi Mr Grills was called sast-owing t " Mr Dan Kaufman and Mr. Law-/the serious illness of his brother, Ii With Pneumonia— DRA and that turned into an IDEAL when we bonght the BAZAAR which has, to a great extent. been REALIZHD—and Fitted GLASSES rence Kaufman, 8th. con. _ Wallace, Mr. Thomas Grills, Harriston. Harold, son of Mr. Mra. W. i ith the con- spent Tuesday in Listowel, hike Wien CORLL. eR ga a Soe, gee Wallace, FA) ill SE 5 tone oe souk tari, add charac- that was to improve the condi- sntisee ss Flora Coltart; who has mj} with pneumonia a ome. Nurae “3 : features and give {! ‘4 _ Mr. and Mra. Michael Little, 8th,| spending the past three. months at} Edna Liebold is in attendance, and " UNETRD cHUROH, LISTOWEL vourtaren ike soothing reliet i tions of buying EVERYDAY : con. Elma, spent Saturday with Mr. ihe home of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.)|.we are glad to report there ts a little and strength they need! That NECESSITIES AND NOTIONS Reg and Mrs. G. W. Dougins J. M. Nicol, returned to her home in improvemént ip his condition. = is-our-_guarantee to —_ell_ who ar oy see es h hn 2 nies Se ca 3 La Montreal on Wednesday. Mrs, Nicol “Me y, Feb. Sth seek our Optical Service! Just hi nthracite ete ae was Re r. and Mrs. D. &. Chapman’ are mecomaynied her to Montreal, and Attended Fun & 2 Kitchener — ont d Hi; h when the GLAD HANDED Be ‘spending a few days. {n Toronto| Will spend a week. Annie oa. Mrs. George Mc- - MEROCHAN hia ; ‘ spen Montreal this week. a Dowell and -Mrs. Chas. MeDowell, of} ¢:. se aE Bs eivorts League. Those are the salient feat- Scarce an ig A NT got the LONG is - 2 Miss Ruby Marks returned home| Listowel, and Mr ‘Mahion Good, x be about Fens Br yeu 9 : Priced PRICE by giving LONG ORED- | , Mra. Emma Askett returned home| Friday from Orlando, FJorida, and|Gowanstown, were in Wator! on =. es we pro hace 2 é e E. lust week, after spending five weeks|is visiting at the home of her parents,| Tuesday, attending the fun of ccarapge tae © we ll edd—yoy'll find them : ; If. It bred SUSPICION” and Beet with gto daughter in Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marke. She was hs late ori L. 8. Bhs dl MF. Ed.| Adults 40 Cents. Children 25 Cents|]} very becomin to your features, , DISHONESTY—and GAVE the Be ee oe ay accompanied by a friend, Miss Van eber, 3rd. con. lace, was in ~ ‘ ; BLA EYE. Mrs. .J Kritzer ‘is spending a} Volkenburg, a -former Brantford} Waterloo on Monday, foe siad or alles ag = TOWN, a sis ‘month in Toronto with ner aanghter,| nurse, who was spending a holiday in ’ ; Sy 5 ? W bo Mrs. C. W. Tindall, Toronto. Florida_with Miss Marks.’ Miss Van| Card of Tianks— eon ep : ~ a) € ae some ught ® We believe CONDITIONS reads Volkenburg left for Brantford to-day.} Mr. and Mrs: . E. dnd Mr.i ot . —o— sell at the old price. have BETTERED, © '- Mr, Russel’ Knipe is spending a and Mrs. M Gibson desire to} = pia . Pp =p it is no - 4éw days with friends in Biratine Wedding Anniversary Siege ie eH Bre 3 all those. who so krhdly. as- NGER POSSIBLE that Aah. evs Mins" Be aes Ga Pees eat, 2, a] WA JOHNSTONE |} Get in while itlasts 1] grat a 4 a eof Mr an Beas ‘ und Watker. r. if ) 3 iiss Mazele H. Hugging, of Monk-/Mre. Chas. -Aikens, | Wallace. street.|Ueing | paiaaded 48; "those xin Rgceiboy tote aededs bev, ana {f Jeweller - Opometrist TOU Mee aes g a week or two with| when a number of friends surprised} trough’ whose orp cay the driving Listowel ee ae eee Puy- & & hae hei" aunt, Mra ara” A. EB. Featherstone. [them on their 19th. wedding anni-| shed was saved painted signs, In this town before : R. ‘T. K & S pe CASH. — versary. Mr. and Mrs. Ajkins were foes studying: art. : emp on si lO rc Dippel enent Sunday| presented with several pieces of al- Father and Son Banquet at is & omen hie ate ae. Mr. and|uminum ware, and the evening was rrangemats are ing made tc M r Dippel, 6th. con. Wallace.| spent in Sauna. eal i wang ei Lunch- waa me hin mont and Son eggs tagger eon was Phone 121 A STRONG STATEMES BUT TRUE—the MORAL 18 | ; PAY CASH and —] Colebrated 83rd. ‘ety — Pg and Mrs. Willis Jonson, Mr. ; a garni af T: ‘Eve Mrs. Everitt and _ a * Mre. R. C; Bitton left iast Ngee ue i elears oy oa Gucdee Haitton. Bi ar A ‘pleasant and enjoyable evening | the on . oa = ee wean spent Mrs. Fred Ben at’ the home of a q to Toronto on ene © Pst renee iatting. at a ig of Morae, Sad! Mrs... ; in aon oni ew me In the report handed to us last} Hf week of Byes {peerh of Mrs. M, Wake-| of organiatzions the list of floral the Missionary Trade Ca - were: omitted roma tributes - from Auxiliary of former Saadiamcami church, and W. ©, T. U.

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