_ res = Ladies’ Chappy Coats, Regular Ladies’ Sw Mén’s Brush wool Neck Scarfs. Ginghams, per yard S Avi our samples and losk them over. Our Specials in ready made Suits at C4 Pork and Beans. 2 tins . 26c on sachae pile pew ween eee ‘We present ripe, 69c, as this tea ing up. QUALITY STC RE : SPECIALS Men's and. Boys’. Sweaters, 20% eaters, regular $5. 76. pe sale eeeeee Men's Fine Shirts, Regular $2.50, now. ..:. received guarantee to satisfy you in very y. 5.00 GROCERIES Fresh and the best quality. Prices as follows: advise our customers to buy their Tea from us at our’ Highest prices paid for Eggs. A. E. ANDERSON Papier eres eer eyed eee Med Steet off. $4.5 ay $3.60 reg. $1. 50, on sale... ... cet eee eee $1.4 for made to m mea: sure eloths. eat Veale. Mh chic dcr Ps Toilet Soap, 7 cope e 13 cakes ndry Soa ae 00 has advanced ce per Ib. and go- Kitchener Bread s 5 ova ena \ ied et alt al aia rate Ta sete ec ATWOOD ~ Gnited- Church — Rey. C. C. Kaine, pastor. Sunday, Feb. 2ist, 1926 AM—“CHRIST'S CALL TO THE PM “THE HARD SET FACE OF Feb. 19th.—You ung People’s e. Meeting in charge of Cit- izenship Dept. Voting for the new ‘Mock council will take place. The voting for the new Mock coun- cil of the Young People’s League of the United church will take place at their meeting on Briday evening. London Aavertioer—Re v. FL W. Gilmour, pastor of Elmwood ‘Ave. Presbyterian eaeseh: took the ser- vice at Soc Presbyterian ~church, St. Thomas, on Sunday. ! . s A pleasant social evening was ‘spent on Monday of this week, when Mr. and A mer entertained members of St. Alban’s Y. P. A. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- Pres . ‘4 ig mum) charge of 25c. ee a 4 Te te ee NOTICE ig Will the party who was seen re- “moving the robe from the heod of a ’ Ford car in Atwood on Sunday night, Feb. 14th. leave same at Ford Garage, Listowel and save tneuble. This' was in the form of a Valentine Soctail. Rey. R. B, Stevenson of the vi ig Day Aitlence, Stratford, preached i the interests of the Alliance ut the morning service on Sunday last in the Presbyterian church. He also had charge of the évening service. * m « Teeswater News—At the evening 6ervice in the United Church, Mrs. Robinson,. of Atwood, sang Garden of Prayer."" Mrs. Robinson is an accomplished singer. and her voice is always a welcome gore, her homé town The service of evening prayer will > W.F. McLAUGHLIN LISTOWEL AND ATWoop © - Embalmer and funera] Director Graduate of Canadian embalming school. Residence and par Mein St.. one and a hatf blocks east o Baptist church. Wight and day calls romptly attended. . Phone ytor or horse drawn equipment as desired. SEE ee Senepeoeeey + + GOTHAM * Fi Rt +. otter et ereteeeteee? Mr. and Mrs. J. Vance and ¢ifid- ren of Britton, visited Sunday with Karges. a ee yon 4 . Bes. . Resse ii nspaniet _ A Tittle son arrived at the home Mr. and Mrs. T. Alexander gave) @ dance last Thursday night to ther: friends and neighbors and a gent time was reporte Miss Belle Keith is visiting at the home of Mrs. Randall, Mornington. . * Mr. and . Karges held a gressive euckre party’ last Wed- mesday evening All repert a good time. Mr. ed with ‘Mr. Maittand and Miss. Aub- of Mr and Mre.. J. Cerry last week. a Mrs. Percy Burnett visit- be observed every Wednesday at St. Alban's church at 7.30 p.m. during the season of Lent, beginning Ash- Wednesilay, February 17th. At St. David’s church, Henfryn, the Lenton service will be held eyery Thursday, : beginning, February 18th. _ There were ‘ghee sinnieiatinnth at 227.} United church on Sunday last, ana splendiG music was furnished by the choir. In the morning Yrs. George B. Harron sang a much solo, “Only a Little Way Farther to Mr. -A. Robinson rendered a quartet: In the */ evening the quartet “Lead Kindly Light,” which was en- joyed by all, and the anthem by ‘the choir was also well rendered. s — *. A pleasent. evening was ‘spent dy the} the Young People’s Society . fase sl he United. Church on Friday last. There were upwards of tity ae in attendance, ‘including members ‘the Society and frien Jtm ‘Terry Was couvenot of the committee and the onsisted of Valen tine readings and community sing- Singing. The remainder. of the y ening was spent and Sotial ti Luncheon =e * . YP. ela Walentine Social The Young People’s Society of the PU Wade ana nee eae Sod eke NL Medd Ne ee Nd Se ores Mire: Coulis: Latte appreciated j also rendered] an of! being needed for this gam me was ‘enjoyed by alt served. A. Wilson, T. Me-|,) Dickson, composed 0} tyni itation which Vv plause and Miss Margaret a reading: Four young girls, Margaret Park- er, Becky McFarlane, Mary Vipond and Winnie Hawke gave an exhibi- race! Ng Folk genes: which all aor ve and danc- ing and ecards Tillea out an evening enjoyed aot Bren by the club mem- bers and their husbands but by the young Deon ie of the families aswell. Rest Thursday | Last! The ‘funeral. of ¢ of the late Mrs. _Crooks took place from the residence} of Mr. E. H. Swing on Thursday af- ternoon, February 11th. end was ir charge of Rey. CC Kaine, pastor of the United chu ch The late Mrs. Crooks was a pion- i past fifty years. She w King, Ont., and the old home sakes ag pa where an only brother, M Ww. Thompson, now resides. Mr. Croats died four years base pst 2 lyr were Mesa Greensides. P. ‘Greensides, Coulter, W. kee hom pson, Hiles _ _* R. Terry. The y floral trijutes received attested ' ~ the’ high esteem in which the Jate Mrs. Crooks was a large. circle ‘of friends, These. were as follows: wreaths, family, Mr. and ~ bbe; G an George Wm. Samuel Wm. Co Mr. and. Mrs Walter Thompson and .Miss Jean Thompson, W.M.S.° Wnited Church: basket of carnations and ferns, Mr. ae Mrs. W. F. McLaughlin, Listo- Official Board of United Church Meet The Official Board of. the United chureh met on Monday ~ afternoon with a selenite attendance. A spirit of optimis 1 e Tut- ure, serra being wee ‘attended and finances well up. Arrangements were made to endeavor a. avind up the year’s business by March 21st. It was also.decided to plece a board on the front of the church, in- dicating it is the United Church 0° Canada, with pastor’s name and time rvices. Piva pastor and E. G. Coghlin were inted to look after and secure additional ners on communion set, gemnts were also made ot the completion of t the Maintenan d Extension fund, a small balance purpo An appreciation of the paahor’s services was given and a invitation psc to return for the second year Monkton Cheese Factory Has Good Year's Business} A satisfactory year’s business was of choruses and numbers bya double quartette.| 5, Mesdames F. Baltlan. rom mas Orr nsur- pa of- liability for accidents on roads and filed: Willoughby -. Shearer-— That the Tieasurer's Sureties be accepted as follows: Himself is: the ean $8,- Loess Thomas J. Hurst and Geo. vee in the: sum of three ae d dollars each. Tresor, -Ellacott~—That the aud- report as L be adopted Pee'y that the clerk be “instructed have 100 copies ‘of statement printed and f itors be Pcie the “each, : hat the aud- tt — That Gordon, collector, be credi $121. 10 on tance’ Rk. not Cowan, Howard MeMane, Allan hoy viz, ed. berg auditors then presented their | cagsm. sum of mea. 09} of Lo and Atwood Bee. Tenders -re- ceived up till tow o’closk p.m, on ‘Saturday; March 20th. 1926 and an accompanied with e cheque for $500.00 on pact drain Carried, 2 and other supplies, $19.91; Banner Publishing vertising tion’ and elec wean prepari bull drain $32. re Turnbull ¢ or) ttion Scott, signing sche re Turnbull Drain 50 ~M.- Sweet si - and Pr the collector's roll be ac- cep: Shearer-Willoughby— ‘That a grant of $25.00 be made to the “Atwood Public Library and d the.sum of $15. be made to on Monkton Public Lib- rary. Dickso: sie That By-law No. 839 estimating the. amounts for ex- penditure for construction, -repairs and maintenance on the roatis in the township of Elma during the year t}1926 as now read a third time ‘be finall Bese toh — That the Clerk eva a ao: seuhred to dis- tribute the nse A on the “McCourt Drain.””. - Ca: by—That where- as sufficient funds have not - been work, ger ©.B,, of the town of Mitchell is hereby appointed to ex- amine and report a it with an Patan gs coon cost of Piast nots ‘or which # ent funda. not been provided under. Sriginal | by-law with = copy thereof for each «| municipalty affected as provided un- der section of the. Municipal Drainage Act. “Carried. Noug - Shearer — That | re clerk notify all persons Elma in the North Maltiena En. —.* $1; ? N. Ratiway, express on dog ta Chas, Petrie, removing fence, 25 and 26, con. 9, $24.00; W. G. Shera, repairing tractor and grader $6.00; Lorne Hiles, 63 yards at 95c e ing fence, lots 11 $12.00; Albert Quinn. 100 yds, grav- el at 95c per yard, con. 16, $133.00; Jas. Smith, 75 yards gravel at 95 a. con. 16, $71.25; Jas. piseng ry 97 yds. gravel at $5c per yd, con. 16, $91.13; A. M. ton, attendion at poereat $4.50; nbe velling SR 5 and 4 con. 17, $7. So: 8 Milton Ron- mentee: do, $15.75; Melvin Little, do., 10; Wm, Crawford, do. $12 60; Ed. Campbell, él, 5 and 6, con, 1 Ellacott, breaking road ‘SR 10 and 11 con. 18, $2.00. Carriéd. Shearer-Ellacott—That the council do now adjourn to ee again in the are Hal’, Atwood, an Satur- day, Mare 20th” 1926 at ten o’clock a.m, ore jctopais township business. Carried. . must give the names of two sureties) marked | n Ecorse bod I- lector, $1 sg re- ceipts 2 ar ybet? Yonicimal world, as- roll, Subscription forms nomina-} h On; ne bentures re Turnbull drain $1.50; C4 of CATAL ae ee eaves UST as you cam do it with-. out plate-glass windows or electric lights. ‘But—your more up-to-date and pro- gressive uses every modern facility for promoting hie business will be getting a large share ,erwise to be yours. The ad- yertising merchant is trying . to draw trade to his place of business, and in all likeli- hood will hold by attractive | methods, quality and eer- vice all the new customers coming to the community, > paaldes winning over-some -——~ of the older ones you now have. name and businese before hundreds of possible custo- mers every week. neglect: ity? Oth are not. competitor who the trade that ought oth- } The Banner places your Are you ting ~“opportun- ° CRE a ela e a ee aa ale SOCIAL and P Miss Lenore “Moore was home ron Moorefield “tor the week-end. --0O— Mrs. A. Jolly spent the week-end with Mrs. Jas. Holman, Monkton: —oe Operation ‘at Mrs. Packer underwent an. opera per = the Memorial Hospftai. on Peri ast, Cheese 8) ; Over hundred - boxes of cheese was pped from the Domin- fon cheese Factory on wrens last, to the Ingersoll Packing Mrs Roger Ii— ‘We are sorry to report the serious iliness of Mrs. George Roger Miss Cunnieford of Toronto, arrived day last, and jis nurain epreoaney to. Home— ‘ Mrs. J. Rutherford has _Ddeen- con- fined to her home for } t week | with la grippe. Mr. Wm. on and Mr. Wm. Willoughby and. Mr. David Hodge have ‘also been indisposed.- Enjoyed Moccasin ‘Dance— 4 A jolly time was-spent at the ‘pink on Saturday evening, when the young [people of the community. d a a9 sdahbor's victvola. Mr. and Mrs. Huisser Honored ed by Friends UPWARDS oF | FF’ GATHER TO. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY—PLEASANT EVEN- ING ENJOYED BY ALL. A pleasant evening was-spent at the home na Mr. and Mrs. John Huis- ser, 6th. con. Elma. on Wednesday evening, iat upwards of tifty friends and weighbors et va 6 honour of Mr. Huissers birthday. evening was spent in a social cee Sn/and a presentation was made to the host and hostess. Mrs. Huisser was presented with a plate and cream a r set, an is a copy of the Mr. and. Mrs. Huisser: as friends and neighbors have gathered together with you to jcelebrate your birthday. We feel we ‘cannot let this opportunity ing our apprec Fisher, Listowel, Sunday last. y te: en- rted at the annual meeting of the a i ) accept” plate, also this cream The young people of this vicinity} joyatie Valentine's Social on| Monkton Cheese factory, held rec-| Entertained Monday Evening— a@ sigar set, and Mr. Huisser, this attended the literary meeting at| Monday evening, Feb. 15. There was| ently. All the old officers were re- su. and: Mrs. Arthur Nichol, 12th.| Pipe, as a token of our pares a - Britton Friday evening. a large gathering of young people inj elected. with Milton Homan ae presi- entertained » and may you be ae iets of the e stormy weather. The pro-|-ient, William Knipe as cecretary| ed to enjoy them » Signed on hehait pape treasurer, William Holman as salee- home of ies and Mrs. Arthur Hinks, Scala BA hate ole MP pee ee he Sorpenuetiy | (rent , wes pent in cards and dantin which of your iter tate bie MOLESWORTH ele m. The polly BES TEO CN ee eae was moved t o B.| Was spent and dancing. \ Walter Inglis, si de ae 4} plano selo by Alice Diskson; reading | Sielor, the cheese-m ee niaal ee * John S. Thompson. beeen e betes | by Jean Hamilton; “eslo by Helen “for” tts: Mr.. Wiltlein Crobka; “or Seliaet re. R.J3.-Farrelt ‘Misses Mamie Campbell and Eva| Porter; recitation by Agn | efficient tote ot chtnes ast] Mich., and Mra. Moffat” Aiken “of{ wiht Cumming of Stratford spent the) sot, solo by Jack Godfrey the} Tear. About 100 { cheese were were | iinton Sak ae te ot] a week-end at their ho agen bec “Journal” was read by Jno, Tyndali.| :0ld last year at Seat $12,000, the ar Motions age thet ve Mission Band _ Mr. Russel Ho guest| Minutes and roll were taken.| Sulk of whieh was distributed a~ a pepe: ia Crooks ins Bnevel os as : fa of Mr. Eric Dueklow of ‘Listowel on on | The’ Fe ef of the evening was] Tong the patrons of. the factory. ; Eg ' east Et Held Monthly apating D Gandny peg: ‘alentine nacre bys dgpen a : ages Siete ( Miss beth Robe n of Blue- nty luyich was served @ com: 3 _. ‘ se ve vale, = Bie phe with her} mi "the amecting was closed oR a | trons, niger hire _amonthy moetin the Ss. friend, Mise Ru Magaffin, * FEEEEEEET EET EEE ER EER Fe} ad to : ae hureh held § tans » : peg eit » ‘able rood | byte! church was he . of : pa iS the achool room on y af- : com-. of work t Mr. James” Menzie, Mrs. B. tig and Miss Jean Martin, - % emesy at the home of Mr. Me aan, 3rd. dine Wa rs. Erie Whitfield and a meeting , nies “Séaus Bids Us Shine,” jed- by sen Annie Bal was. “opened by sin foll pared by prayer, pre FIFTY FRIENDS | suga d Mr, Huisser with a re. Following address in of Mr. and-Mrs. Mrs. Scarlett of Toronto, is visit- ing at the home of Mra nd Mrs McBain —o-- Miss Pearl Hone spent the week- end in Trowbridge with Mr. and Mrr Lioyd Hamilton. —_—oO— Miss Martha Wilson, of Detroit, is | visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Win. Wi ager Miss Ella Feulkuer, of London, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kno — Oo - Mr. Henry Tanner of Walkerton, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Bari Switzer. —_—o— Mrs. Mills,.8th. con., is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mil- fer 12th. con. RE Roy Golightly and son, reese ee re eee spent Semin in sto Mr. - Wilbur Sonnistor of Britton, spent the week-end at the home of ;} Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott: “i : —o— Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Purvis, 6th. con. Grey, spent Sunday at the home Chas. Lucas. —o— Mr. and Mre. W. Holman of West Monkton, spent Friday at. the home of their son, Mr. Russel Holman. r pera Mrs. W. Brandle and . Gertrude, spent Thuteday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. wgsecs Gowanst own. Mr. and Mrs, Geo sea © Coghlin, ent Su maoey at the home of Mr Sea Mrs. E: G. Coghiin.” ee Mrs. J. Dewar, 1 ed home Monday after elgg tod a few ‘days ‘with friends in Listowel. —_—p)— 12th. con, return Jean Hammond of Listowel, | spent the week-end with her nedlnewageg spending this week. with oy cou: in, Miss Pear! iad Trowbr ridge, spent the week-end and a few ™Miat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. —— Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MeTavish lana little son, of Teeswater, are vie+|. iting at the home of her perereny Mr. and Mrs. pr.) Chive. returned. Wed-. nesday home in West ‘aba a * M Mrs. J. Boyd of ap sivas Corners, | ¢ days afte ee ts days. i Mr ; a few ! * G. Coghiin. hn R. Hammon d spent wonkcnd Visiting: friends in Monk: Miss Joan Arnolai, of pi gar eas yisiting Miss fee Park, 4th. co Miss Edith braking, of Monkton, is visiting friends in Atwood and vic- inity. . —o— Mr. Wm. Evans has returned to Atwood, after spending a few weeks with friends at London, Forest and other points. Miss Elsie Baleat: has returnéd to her home in West Monkton, after spending a few weeks at the home of her brother, Mr. Russel Holman. . tet Mrs. F. W Sherwood returned tp Hamilton the latter part. of last week, after spending a few weeks with Mr and Mrs. idiot M, Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fred Burt and pauete ter, of Toronto, are at present stop- ping with Mr. Wm. Sharpe, Mth. oo and intend Heed then get kettle’ in their new hom baie Misses Mardie Roe, of Atwoud, and Eva Galbraith of Britton, attended the Oddfellows “at ho verton on Tuesday evening, and were guests of Miss Dorothy Pugh. ee Mrs. Melyin Scott, 8th. con. and Miss Isabel Scott, of Donegal, spent a few days this week in Molesworth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Felkar. , —o— Mrs. Jack Scott, of Star City, Sask.. and Mra. Milton Smith, of Bluevale, visited from Tuesday ‘till Saturday at the home ped Rose and Mrs. George Ruttan, 8th, Spe, Mre. W. Blackwell of Atwood, and Mrs. Cameron a bh, = 8 left-Wednesday” t with their areas Mr. Thos. Idle, Clarksburg. --o— Miss Neliie ai ea sr returned to Milverton on Wednesd spending a few days wit F thur Love, at the sia of Mr. and Mics Mattie Hurst, 12th. mare. A: MOOR. Dest ape Sunda: pairs at the home of Mr. Miss Ada, Kitchen, 12th, con. is}. .3 see” ieatit. Sad. rs. Herschel, Sask., ~So34 have heen ‘risit- Ing in this vicin Band vaiue of wheat delivered at’ estern Canadian points from Aug- ue 1 to December 15,- 1925,. was - $338,800,000, representing ‘an aver- cash return to farmers of over spend a few days and Mrs me” in Mil-. Mrs. con were Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald , age x sent per farm. This isa new high)