Advertisers. ¢ Services of Reliable Business or Professional . Men LEGAL & MEDICAL ROBER? G. MacFARLANE Successor te J. E. Barrister, Notary Pu Public, Office over n D. ‘Bolton, 0... ’Phone 48 Terhune Convey- A. G. SHIELL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of pe erga and Surgery. ne 1 Office. Inkerman eviet West. H. B. MORPHY. KH. ©. Barrister, Notary’ Public, Convey- @ocer, Solicitor fo“ Pauk of Com- Merce, Listowel, Milverton, Atwood. Money to loan. Office over J. A, ae: ’s Drag Store, Main St. Lis- towel. J. O. HAMILTON, B, A. ‘ Barrister, Conveyancer, «Solicitor for the Imperial Bank of anada, ead to loan. Office on south side { Main i alg over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- o Parlor endie for Sale. e ©. MORTON SCOTT, B, A. . Barrister, eee woun Convey- Office — Adotanis Eawimars , Main stre ‘DENTAL W. G. E, SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist ‘ ent of University of Penn- baa sylvania, Philadelphia; also gradu- | gte of The Roya’ College of Dental ry a mri Toron’o. Office over Schin- ‘8 aa or painless extraction we use nit- si ome oxygen gas, aleo conduct- ‘R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.8. Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- rsity. Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. Offiie over J. C. McDonald’s store. Phone 60. Oppos:te Presbyterian Church. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER - Eye, Ear, ‘Nose aid Throat Graduate in medicine, University of Toronto Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- vitals, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. Stratford, Phone 267 Will be at the Queen’s Hotél,' Listo- wel on the first. Monday - the month from 10 a.m. to 4 p én who have a dietary. tradi about yee dandelion greens in-the pie. when they dre not more than | Ww the leaves, or know how to overcom it. Dandelion greens are useful in . bout the same ways as other green- leaf -vegetables; when properly cook- ed, which is the ehortest possi time, or not at all. They supply vit- iz -_ > amins and mrigaee™ » and those who are tomed to. their flavor find that ‘they. afford an a- greeable change. The time to gather dandelion leaves e early in ® season when they’ are young, INSURANCE tender and least bitter. The crown, route eee large outer Jeaves are dis- FIRE INSCRANCE in best companies; also accident, au- tomobile, burglary, plate an bond insurance. ance, 86 cts. per 100. aor business solicited. B. D. BOLTON. MUSIC PERCIVAL F. HOADLEY ~ Composer Organjst and Choir Leader of Lis- towel Uiited Church. r of Te and Theory o Studio,. corner yx Division and El- ma Streets, Phone 306. Song, Organ HEALTHGRAMS J. FR. District Ofitest ot a reaith 3, S¥. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of +» Dental Surgeons, Toronto University. - Office over Banzley's new store. ¢ 28 for appointments, HEART DISEASE Heart disease 18 now the greatest single cause of death in Canada. To the layman heart disease is thought CHIROPRACTIC .L, O. WHITFIELD, D. C. of as an affliction of adults only. I would like to speak of the disease as it is found in children, and to say that its occurrence c quite frequent. There are two groups in we classify such cases, the congenital—children horn. .wi _Chirppractor _ eae “of Palmer School of Chir- actic, Davenport, low Otnice on Main street, over > Jone some structural heart defect, the second is the acquired. Last week I spoke ot rheumatism |. : stone’s Jewellery store. Hours 10 to/in he child.-This causes the largest - £2 noon, 2 to aes. hours by appointment. Phone; Zonsultation free. AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd —.. oe chars and alwaye sells to ot NATIONAL FARM AGENCY Phone 246, Listowel, OPTOMETRIST DR. H. 8S. MALLORY Registered Optometrist “Graduate of the Royal Collége of Belence, Toronto. Office, L. A. Oli- ver’s Jewellery store, FUNERAL DIRECTO R UR reputa- tion for bus? ness integrity and professionsi wisdom is the public’s| protes- 6 p.m. Bvenings and | jete may ca era ey Ww {be home again with thelr loved ones, j know - i encouraged jon, and to keep up co and died 2 saw in igs te paeenaas, Maree number of acquired cases, fatectious eg eit. A very promising field for oa sreveatiNns of heart dis- ease in adults is opened up here. If we can prevent these diseases in childhood, we will have less heart isease in later life. If everyone would co-operate we could say defin- itely that there would be no diph- theria in Listowel by 1930. Other communicable diseases can be con- trolled if not eliminated. if proper isolation of the first cases is carried out. This would require not-.only a good community conscience but the co-operation of other communities as - | well. A cardiac cripple is not the use less person he used to be. By judic-| ious care he can lead a happy use ful life. I-shall have something to say of heart disease in adults later. Weck—Small-pox. a’ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR > Sunday, March 28th. As I sat thinking of the past to- day, 3 came to my mind of the sink- ing of H. M. 8. Eurydin, on Sunday afternoon of March 28th. 1878, which was one of the worst catastro- phies that had happened m the Brit- ‘Navy up to that tim fo This ship was a saitiie vessel and had been fitted up to take a crew of all young seamen for a 6 monthe uise. The crew-numered 250 offic- ers and nien; all young éailors, aver- age age about 19 years. She had completed her cruise and was home- ward bound from the West Indies al- most within sight LA her home tot Portsmouth, England, with ful Y sail set, and a ’ crew young men naturally Pg ym that only a few more hou would father, mé6ther, sister, brother, sweetheart and ‘the like, w every sailor has. a: sweetheart. But fate deemed it oth isé. With-, out a moments warning *the ship turtle and went down, and crew of 250 onl: eir names beinr urage. Managed to float until. about clock aR erg evening, when 2 faking them up. Cuddifora contracted consumption after. Pde sce’ TI “South A or Automobile insur- h| minutes with these greens. If eggs the first is ry th, ut any } therla a “light-hearted j- }| Awees Manny and Black Eye Mis-._ rowfat varieti¢s..-. - Many methods of preparation have been tried to modify the bitter flay- or of dandelion greens. The method of long boiling in several waters is} 2 mot recommended by the United Sta- Department of Agriculture, as most of the valuable food matter in greens en thrown away. better method is to Goahine the dandelion greens with other veg- Siete or flavors which modify the itte: > w dandelion leaves or those copkae without water are less bitter than those that have been boiled. AE pears or acid dressings help, and odo foods of strong flavor, such as celery and some meats. Crisp sal pork or-bacon is frequently served on. Blends of dandelion and other €reens are better than the dandelion alone, The recipes below indicate some of the ways these. valuable greens may be used: aK Dande:ion Greens with Bacon 2 qte. or 1 Ib. dandelion greens, % Ib. bacon, % cupful vinegar or less, % cupfal water or less, 4 tea- spoonfuls sugar, 1 teaspoon salt. Clean the. leaves thoroughly. Cut rather fine with scissors, to ayold stringiness, the bacon until crisp and delicately ‘brown; pour off all but*four alge ons ofthe fat. Add the water, vinegar, sugar and salt to the remaining fat, bring to the boiling point, pour over the dan- delions and serve. Slices of hard- boiled eggs, or boiled beete or car- rots may be simmered for a few are used, the sugar is omitt Panned ‘Dandelions With Cabbage and Salt Pork % andelion greens, % Ib. finely ahfedaed cabbage, % to 1-3 b It pork streaked with lean, 1% to 2 teaspoonfuls salt. Clean the dandélion: greens and cut with scissors Into fine pieces. Chop or dice the pork and fry crisp three ines es long, before the ste plant begins to flower. of Weal Divide # loin steak into PP ate ieee ee ed vores ‘as will be needed; _hemne with the value of dandelion greens | 224 Se880n each p an as food, or they have less objection Ha ae abit a Sage. Rollfand */Tubercular Stock with dandelion greens for this reas-f Or wire skewer through the fillets and suapeee them over a dri pone Bah a hot oven. Baste often with onieken fat or butter. Cook until a delicate ‘brown and serve qinitened with parsley. hmallow Peaches Arrange ahd of Lage oe “ dessert dish. and sw en, flavoring ite a little ebony Place a spoonful of the whipped cream in the cavity of the peach with a fresh marshmallow on top. Serve with cookies or cake. fiw dish aE nuts and raisins will serve as dessert on busy day and will sataty the foan ily as well as saving the cook. apes Gash French chops to the bone and fill with “the following stuffing: Six tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs, three ta ednotatuts of minced boil- ed ham, two tablespoonfuls of mush- rooms and twa tablespoonfuls of but- ter. Roll in egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat until well browned. Must be Checked tere oh VETERINARY INSPECTOR ‘AD- DRESSES STRATFORD ROTAR- TANS—NORTH PERTH NOT AS BADLY EFFECTED AS SOUTH PERTH—ALL = SHOULD BE TESTED. speaking before the Stratford Ro- tary club last . week, . W. A. Henderson, veterinary inspector for the department obAgriculture at the Whyte ‘Packing Company plant in Stratford, declared that the South- western part.of Perth County had a poor record-so far as tubercular cat- tle. were concerned. The northern part around Listowel, Atwood and Milverton was not so bad, he stated, being about 20 per cent, and the sec- tion around Shakespeare and Tav- istock about 24 percent. speaker, in the course of his address, made some rather. disquiet- ing statements that resulted in eome discussion. He declared that, of the eattie in the county, about 6 percent are affected with ‘tuberculosis in some form, and classifying different kinds of cattle stated that the per- centage of tuberculosis —in—.-heifers and steers was about 4 percent; in bulls about 8 percent and in cows a- spoonfuls of the fat. Cook the dande-} lion and cabbage together in the fat! after removing the meat. Stir con-| stantly for three minutes, season, mix with the meat, and serve. Dandelion and‘Turnip Greens With Boiled Mutton 1% pints Lom leaves, 2% pints turnip gree % Ib. (% cupful) diced boiled. tuba: 1-3 cup strong mutton broth, salt; pepper, 2 table- spoonfuls melted mutton fat or but- ter, 4.tablespoonfuls fine -sifted crumbs-fmay be omitted). Boil the greeng in salted water to cover for 10 minutes. Drain, with the cooked meat, broth, fat, seasonings and crumbs. Cool for a minute or two and serve, 3 ee Dandelions in Blends Dandelion. greens may be panned orboiled in blends with other greens, the proportion depending on the mildness of the dandelions and -the kind of other vegetable used. Turn- ip or seo ria oy leaves, kale, or cab- ge sprouts, make good combina- tions with "aandation greens. Four or: five times as much/of any of these should be used as of dandelion, er the blegd fs panned; from six eight times as much if it is belied. The dandelion, it will be found, adde ‘0 the flavor of the lend. (Soft Music, Please) * Adam and Cain are discovered passing the Garden of Eden. Cain: Say, tt didn't. we used hail my boy, we did. But your cutee —Ah, your mother! (sigh.) She ate us out of ouse and home! Lerd Allenby, conqueror of Pales« tine, was greeted by huge crowds oa his arrival in Montreal in March. The loaders of the local militia were a ris iii teil Farms eystem announces the introduction of .a new and ‘valuable variety of | fieid, peas - cia “sy mean-to the {'*7 COWS w 5 dangerous. Dr. Hender: Gaia boas ett ot Tee Bae kee }ooe replica in the ey saving to the growers of “wheat in the west. The new variety isa selection froma cross made at. Ottawa be-. drain off all but ‘two or three table | 0° [children w was the same thifig and ad- heal sanitary conditions, he assert- ai ut 20 percent. He -declared that there was no getting away from the fact*that bov- ine tuberculosis and tuberculosis in ded that if town and city councils éaw some-of the carcasses. affected with the disease there would be no hesitancy about having all cattle turberculin tested. Tracing the Cause ‘ Transportation of cattle from one section of ag country to another, the epeaker blamed—for the higher Lae peg of tuberculosis today a- ainst years ago erated: that cattle were housed un- der better conditions today than years ago, but probably not under Dealing with this ‘section of the province. including the counties of Bruce, Perth, Middlesex, Wellington and Huron, Dr. Henderson quoted figures showing that around 1907- 08 out of ad 348 hoge he - percent were tuberculin affec from 1908-13, oat" of 143, S18 soak 11 ‘i percent; in the next five years, Hur- on Tan up percent, Neale: ton 15.7; Perth 17 and Bruce 19.4. Dr. Henderson dwelt at length] with the strides made in the Domin- fon affecting the health of animals, stating that prior sh bd when Dr. Henderson was appointed Veterin- ary Inspector for the hagas fon there was practically nothing done along those’ lines. ust Study | urged that every health oftic- alt te a Cantetpeline “DhoalA be fam- iar with in, concerning tub- bercular in any form it may be dang- erous to the m Dr. Hende: if all ‘berculosis Henderson answered in the that ‘abont two bigs out Ae the 100 would be condemned. ~ the. belief ‘hat: had alarm’ rming statement’ when he said’ that 20 per cent of.the cows were af- feeted. to which Dr. Henderson. an- swered that that’ Was tle percentage *n actua® if the tt Anked~ f the mi = i all tuberen- nger orhen. the: mammary iste dan! af~ thse an police court Judge Smith Took: | [Scurty or not gute os fudge,’ hedged the prison negative ee explained sooptag Sig out of lio Ppa 0 carcasses H irds. wonla be affected in the youd Fi mn. about one-half in the intestines. of erp ie $3 and $2 to contest~- ants within a rales at [6 miles, on April 16 aa 178 The Bruder Hotel, Kitchen ‘ was eine $2000, as the result pee a pro- police raid when a suente of beerover 4.4 mrengte was, found on the premises. ot Old Mornington ‘Resident Deed - Alexander Forsythe, $2 aly old, for 12 years a ent of Brussels died Saturday, Fs 10th. Mr. For- sythe was one 0: early settlers in Mornington to nail retired 12 years ago, going to Give In Brussels. Besides his widow, a’ grown up. fam- ily survives. Bullet Goes Through Window— William Lind of Tara had a nar- Sad escape from death at his home Thursday when a Ddullet from a nifle crashed through the dining- *=troom window and lodged in the wall near where he was sitting. Some boys were shooting at a target, along the river at the time, and the bullet fe believed to have been a stray shot. Clinton Carries By-law— Clinton ratepayers ‘last week voted on a by-law to expe $80,000 in erecting a new Colle of 110, the vote being 278 to 168. A similar bylaw was defeated by six- teen votes at the municipal elections. Construction of the new building is to be commenced. this summer. Bank Clerk Wounded— A. H. Venner, junior clerk of the’ Royal Bank, Clinton, was wounded in the hand Monday morning when the his desk drawer discharg- ed when he moved it .The wound was not serious, the bullet passing through his hand without touching a bone, The guns-in the k -had been cleaned Saturday, and Mr. Ven- r was not aware that been: reloaded. Damaged School Propertys— Jacob Hopf, aged 19, and Ervin Fisher, aged 15, Carrick Township youths, were arraigned before Coun- ty Magistrate McCartney in court last week harged un- lawfully committing damage to school property. The youths broke into the schoolhonse at public 8. S. No. 5 Carrick, one night frecently and amused themselves by writing stuff on the blackboard and through the pages of the children's. school books. They pleaded guilty to the charge and-the magistrate imposed a fine of $5 and costs, together with the cost of damage to the echool property amounting to about $17. So ® Former Milverton Teacher Dead— Word. of the death of Robert Lav- ergne Eagleson, B.A., youngest son of Robert Edgieson, of Markham, Ont., who died on Monday, April 5, in Toronto, as a result of an. opera- tion for tonsilitis, was received- with great regret in Milverton. Five years ago Mr. Eagleson taught in the Mil- vérton Continuation School and was well known and liked in that vicin- ity. Mr. Eagleson, who was in his 28th. year, was one of the most bril- was) liant of last year’s graduates in arte}. at the University of Western Ontar- fo, London, and had been .teaching in the high school at Hillsburg. Spivey-Saunders Wedding— A- quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church. parsonage, Ethel, on Wednesday, April 7, when Lillian A. G. Sanders, daughter of the late William E. and Mrs. Sa ders, of Grey ‘Lowkship, was united in marriage to es 1. Spivey, of Grey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Spivey of Manchester, England. The ceremony was performed by Rey. D. M. Guest of Ethel. The young cou- nl- ; e mony the bridal pair went to the home Pe the bride’s uncle, Mr. D. Sanders; concession 10, Grey, where an en joyable reception was held. Th young couple wil reside on the groom's farm near Brussels, Church Members Should Quit Dishonest Smuggling "If the church members of the Dominion, of Canada Rar | goods that they are into this cou ada would oun th tech, He, Iast week “You have to honest with the state as well as the ch You gay that the bootlegger is an 34:4 “Ea he ie. But hew much the erent Don't Peg kes yourselves th sagt -terrible in mages if you a rare come ho with something, on the hip,. your wife anit probably kick you. yok out that she doesn’t kick you with a smuggled shoe, Smuggling goods Into Canada its do- ing the country ont of money et rightly belonge -to it.” A toil © Mae Bovd stove is worth iy on the 2 H. BE Bogeland. the the movil nants : deg dl egetior $5.) ° te Institutes building and carried it by a majority} they had rake on}. M throughout the season the Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in Canada. These re- bd ports, telegraphed to headquarters - from the Managers of the Bank’s 600 Branches, cover every Prov- ince and form a reliable itidex of crop conditions. The reports are uae , Bank your name will be placed on Si our mailing list. : BANK OF MONTREAL. Total Assets in Excess of $750,000,000.00 ——_— The Rences S — List} Banner and Daily Globe Poe tes ee Banner and Family siete and Weekly ‘Star wists ist se ee Banner and Farmers’ Siin ........:. digcoige' dR HDS RA sO Bannet and Toronto Daas wks Rte pr sre COI NL et i + Banner and Daily Mail and Empire ...-.....-+:eeseeess @ 75 Banner and London Advertiser «Morning Edition) ....: 6 75 -anner and London Free Press (Morning Edition) ..... 6 46 Banner and Canadian Countryman ....-i...:. sees 8 00 Banner and Earmers’ Advocate .....cseseeereresee 3.00 Banner and Stratford Beacon Herald (Daily) seve ee 8 TB Banner and Montreal Weekly Witness .........s00-+++ & OO Banner and Presbyterian Witness ......-.e.eeeessss- 4 00 Banner and Presbyterian .... .....5 Fee ee wee ee 4 5e Banner and Canadian Poultry Journal: prttbeetsvr iat. eee Banner and Youth’s Companion. -........cssssee-s4 4 28 ~ Banner and Northern MOMENT +: penne cht oad" 6 hin Banner and the New Outlook ..... 2.4. see eeeesereeses 3 OO. Bannet and Toronty World, (Dally. Waition) seceereree 6S Banner and Farm and Dairy ......s..008) setevieess 2 00 “‘Bannér end Canadian Farmer ..... «wie Che wane eases eRe _ Banner and World WIS on. sccrennecsscesestenrers- 430 and. MacLean’s Magazine .....e+seeessee+ss- 4 46 Banner and Saturday Evening Post Steet ee re netenaes 400 _Banner and Ladies’ Home Journal seemereeeng eres etes 200 “Banner and Ottawa Farm Journal .....++eeeyesee yes ee = The above publications may br Gintnbited toe Banners ers in any combination, the price. for-any- Padang a figure gixen Jess $2.00, renvresenting the price of he BARRON . These prices are for addresses: tn Canada or Great Britain. If the publication you want ts not in the above. Het let ue an snow We can supply any well-known Canadian or Anierican _-wubiication. These prices are strictly cash in advance. Send subscription-by p a office or express order to "Banner Pub. |