BSE eo EE ee canadian winter sport enthusiasts feared that the lack of snow would prohibit the usual activities! this year in the- realm of ski-ing, snowshoeing ski- ore, pT ebeti | ning and hockey. But “Our Lady of Iden a in the distance, ed up tc the namé bestowed upon hd roll aver slowly on. one £0 as it descended at the _ a a "brilliant writer, and long before the winter Melon of a gorgeous day to give the world rest Re Sate half’ through a deep, luxuriously soft white Maaket had fajjen, clothing trees and rivers and mountains At Revelstoke, British Columbia, moun glis- ar audat ‘of white. sading gained its popularity overnight. (1 eee thin «the Laurentian ag es in the province of} line y usiasts would stan 5 the top of a flew thousands of city dwellers aha porous hill. Then the ‘line would b: as ee went plung- holidays = every opportunity Such sw: ets w t the Canadian Pacific Railway trees 5 povided “spacial Siaithes for skiers where accommoda- were made for skis. At Mont Rolland, Pied-| the “mont, ted ged pl and Shawbridge, resorts were : S organized Once sath the picturesque hills and vales‘of the _ Zaurentians, numerous parties made excursions into teams of the fastnesses of the ehonly forests. to the tops of the mou ‘marvels of nature's Deautifal i colors in the heavens. ads in crammed Others, ng watched the sun, like pts large number een officially eoraad the Ice Palace, a number of young ladie: hockey teams while othets @lonned the garb oe Indian guide and Some climbed see more clearly.the ~ sleighs, learned to drive ve sell by Long D Distance to points 200 miles away, and mever see the eustomers*? —urties ¢ Mardware Merchant Gr hy take a week to sell customers ' who can be sold in a morning —by"Long Distance? { “FEED + THE BRUTE” The wise housewife soon learns the lesson. It is her duty to give him not only food that tastes good; but food that supplies him with hole. Billy Voigt, who was assisting misee' A NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Interesting News of Nearby Ol From al / Exchanges: Shetlbourns curlers are jalking ser- iously of erecting a — curling rink at a cost of -_ Bt 000. A ithe room.and Jan be the ‘new pelle Gold Fish Bow! Caused Fire— Smelling smoke in her bo at 20 Morris Street, oat on day afternoon, Mrs. H. Ditehtiela investigated and re | that the sun's rays shining through an aquarium focussed on a-table cloth in one of the bedrooms and had set it on fhe. The blazé was extinguished before it had done’any material damzge. Two Men Fined Under O7F.A— In Herriston pdiice court -yester- day afternoon William Remus,” of Minto Township, and Chris. Demmer- ling, werb: assess 100 and costs and $50 and costs respectively, when they pleaded guilty to legal pur- chase o] Hquor Magistrate . Hellyer réndered the decision. and County Attorney J. M. Kearns conducted the prosecution. Constables Wilson and Neil and Inspector J. nt secured the evidence necessary the vonvic- tion.—Guelph Mereury. A Close Call— While -shoveinng coal into hole of a self unloading ear for Pe dy George at the C.P.R. station Tues- day afternoon Levi Miller was sud- denly buried by'the black @iamonds as he slipped with the fuel into tte d-him, and glanced:around in time to see him pete the disappear-) j health and energy. 7 GOOD BREAD . 1 Does -both.. Itarich Bread flavor is a never failing appetite-delight. ts perfectly balanced ingredients make it the idea health- food: Every morsel. is easily ass: not a crumb goes to waste. ie Dephrement 6 done. Hene 61 and a will call on The Listewel Banner bad e ) Onr Jab Printing, Depa Sees eat ‘ Printing. the better grade work. ing act. On being résened mai gules out of the coal dump Levi -b- sorbed so much of the are ge ee Prince meet look IWke.— —Bruce Her- ald & Times. geyeaEs g White, or. _| blooms, with an outer set 1 will be incor-: containing a number of ggld fish had)_aq 4 5 ee A Tt wauhi So’ dlttioust tay one admires most—some’ of th single: vigorous growth and their ei long beautifully formed s indi- vidual flowers sometii measuring over 2 inches -in d ter, with a centre eye of changing black or purée the la jouble vf petals of various shades of blue and inner set of petals of a contrasting shade, conspicuous brown, black; or ‘white centers, with oecasionally, here and there, one that is full danble. Culture of Like every other plant, the Del- r eason' should -be well and deeply ‘dug, and liberally fertilized Sebi bone meal If manure is used it must-be old and well rotted. On light and. piste ed warm soils we stron) autumn planting from Semmens 1 to the second ‘week in October, Ely. ing the preference to September. On heavy and cold, wét solls it will Ba safer to defer planting until early Spring. When the spikes are growing rapidly, copious supplies of water should be given if ia Swap is dry, and occasional w h weak liquid manure wil: benetit the ee oe considerably, giving increased 5 flower and length of spiké, and gen-' , erally improving the color and ‘bril- liancy of the flowers. Slugs and snails are the greatest enemies of Delphin-| oume, and the best plan to prevent their attacks is to place wm good cov- pi of sharp cinder ashes over the owns in early autumn. When well] catabli ished, the spikes shonla be *hinned-when-three--or four ~ inches high, and if extra large ‘specimen epikes.are required, three or four or less In some cases, are sufficient to remain. It is necessary to see that the growths are é6taked In time to prevent damage by win A good mulching is beneficial in a dry time, or the ground may have an undergrowth -of dwarf -shallow- rooting plants to furnish a protect- i from the hot sun. If the -spikes are cut down as soon as they are through blooming, others will spring up in their place, prolonging the season of bloom from June to late fall. AN. Delpiiiniions during extreme- ly not weather are liable to be attack- by a fungus at the crown, per- fectly healthy plants euddenty wilt- ing and dying, and the loess of 2 small A pg of plants is to be expect- his-may be checked by mixing eynal ‘parts of hydrated - d flour of sulphur lei water, ~and pouring tt aroundwethe base of the plants at the first indication of the trouble. (To produce from seed, take the ceed fresh us soon as ripe. if plaht- ed early in August, plants will make sufficient growth to set out in April. If you desire to ‘increase your stock of a wo08 varlety, ‘do 60 by di- baste of roo will add beauty to your. garden. our séetisman can sales "Plants ready to set out in the eprin: Hamel, -317 Cobourg street, Strat- ford. Mr. Schultsies’ was in His 7bth year. He was born ‘in Wi ship near Linwood, oe lived ity life there. Later he farmed in Mornington township for ‘a short time. After retiring from t farm, he moved to the village of Linwood, Where he resided many his ear- Mo an Furniture Company. . ‘For several years past m retir- ed from active work. His Hie dtats pre- vpaeeee him by 13 years, A i of gs two. sons and two da 2 arbre 1, Howson Pied ean a night oe Siapaiy “at the et otel at Wiarton complained es) police that he had been relie a sum of ft is not Nik that in * has ¥esti- t outscoring them 2-0, but succeeding sessions, the heavier Lis- the hibition, thowgh Kemp of the Listo- A few pat Delphinium ©. piants| Be os given out a circular Alber {not be opdned:as ‘Ii may canse back- (firing when pens. Th fresh fuel and |’ will result in t too rapidly. The draft on the door and the chimney damper should ft) always f) ri Ere ty oF the fire,”’ it is pointed cut. “Place the have the combustion chamber wilt allow Lowry it ee : y es ae Se he Di he che he ithe BAMA ES Dacian ihe SA DN i i i i ai le i ae all ead a ¥" é 4 fie hast Pasta fatevaotel In Listowel-Paris Game | SPORTING EDITOR OF DURHAM OHRONICLE, COMMENTS ON GAME—CONDEMNS KEMP'S AC- TION IN COR. The hockey taba ta in Durham were interested in e Paris-Listowel games in the final N. H. L. series and the editor of the Durham Chronicle comments as follows: > To the town of Paris go Northern League hockey honors’ this year, .jand on their brow ndw rests the senior crown, wrested from Listowel by virtue of their it zc win, the ad e} ciding game of whic as played Listéwel, ice on Monday night. Raris on Thursday of last week, the Paris sextetté took Cully Rocher’s aggregation into camp 8 to 6, and though beaten Menday 6-5, they won jie ponies. Northern crown by one tn P aatert’ ‘Tocal fans went down to Listowel Monday and report a goodj!= game,'though if the ice had been fast, think. the quicker Parisians (or should it ‘be Parisites) would have secured a commanding lead on the play. They had-it over Listowel like a tent during the no period, in the two towel players wore them down and emerged from the contest one goal & s + — Speaking te somé who witnessed me, they say it was a good ex- welteam, marred his reputation once more when he assaulted a Paris play- er for no cause. -This is the same Kemp who went wrong last winter in the game against Durham, and if this is ‘his disposition genérally in tight games, it is about time the Northern League took action and saw spss he sat°on the fente for a season The public is - tired of ro ay sport, and from its lightning f ness, there is no sport that can be made more nauseating than hockey. Nobody has any use for the player who wants to “rough it up’ just because he is on the losing side, and while we @on’t expect the Listowel press-to take the matter up this week, we'll venture the remark that ste sports writers have thought a - The win,of the Paris popilar one here, for they played the game fairly against Durham, and Mine Host Hahn of the Hahn house here says they were the quiet- team is a ‘est and -best-behaved bunch of hock- ey, players. he ever had in the place. They took the near beating Durham gave them In Paris in the semi-fin- als when they held them: 2-2 ite real sports, and accepted their, 3-2 win ere with grace and thankfulness. Durham fans are a unit in tendering them congratulations. Points on How to Use: Alberta Coal CIRCULAR ISSUED BY ALBERTA : GOVERNMENT DESCRIBES Pko- PER WAY OF FEEDING AND REGULATING E-BBAETe. Property. Co Cownilasioner Chisholm issued th Office of the proy- nee of -elerntihh on how best to burn It ‘is fa tetaena that the bottom draft n the front of the Turnace’ shouid he coal burning away |) fornuce ae r to get. Heating results my you-must supply air te * “ta, ak coal in the fire so thst ed oben “at one side will be the light the gas..As Alberta match to domestic coal is much easier ignited thon. grb coal less draft is T(if ‘you haye too much draft you will gas faster than requir the capacity of . th erefore: educe the draft to its lowent Sr mone was > found dead ‘a Hm of a } Seg ma- The hat death. we will refund the full Tf} your cup 6f coffee doesn’t taste right try. Chase and Sanborn’s Coffee. bulk pound or 65¢ in tins. v your next groceries and if it does not please you | after two or three trials, return the package and aula We have it at 60c Get a pound. with { i urd Yee See purchase price. fa Belgium. Peas 1 tin 15c “Palm Tree Soap 6 for 25c Cocoa, 2 Ibs. 25c Grager er — Rice, 3 Ibs. 25c Sliced Pineapple Can 25c GROCER R.A. CLIMIE Came Mink Miied VSgc Maly Siete Wty Ny = is : — SN paper: 27 - PHONE 72 Oe" a Maat ane at Ga ALAuAnae | te 2 DOMI ‘Where CANADA'S LARGEST Quality » LIMITED RETAIL GROCERS Co unts Foe ae : : J QUAKER OATS 2OC WHEATLETS 4 »-. 25¢ i? 31... Lic R OATS 6 sea paeket WHITE BEANS| MEAL 4».25c|4™.22¢! CORN ‘SMYRNA peg PEACHES 2 ate (25ch. Roman Meal Sic Singapore Pineapple ‘20c 1 ib. Mayfield Brand Puffed Rice \2 for 35c Bayside Cherries 25c. Pot Barley Gc lb. [Silver Bar Apricots 20c Shredded Wheat 2 for25c } Valencia Raisins 2Ibs, 25¢ Buckwheat Flour Messina Lemons doz. 23 = —-- SONNE RELISH CATSUP- 1Se 1 Ib, D.S.L. Bulk Tea 1 9c. e Competent | Electrician RESIDENCE and as to what it va Electricity. AND OF COURSE NOW WANT It WIRED SO that you can enjoy every modern. aaa convenience. FH TELL ME ¥OUR PLANS FOR YOUR: NEW fully satiéfactory job before Tn ae pay for st Call peeventy or Phone $1. ue Vl give you some suggestions require in proper “Wiring for eee to it thet it is r