Mayor J. “C. Hay was in Toronto e this week. — ® —o— Mr. S. Feldman was in Hanover IN—GRIFFITH this week on business. A quiet hic ype was calnggioeg ers Pezat SRO te aaa cE caaigpe! a a adey a on o arsonexe n Wed-}' fr. F. W. Hay was in Toronto}0 oa pril Dist. 1926, anoer on Gusinaek: at tive o'clock, ane Miss May Pearl é Griffith, eldest ghter of Mr. and Mr. J. A. Melntyre was in London gies Gabriel “Grit, ath. Leah Bg ‘Tuesday on business John. C. Perkin, son o Mrs. G. Perkin, 6th. con. Wallace. —-0o— Mr. L. J. Burrows spent the week- end vos friends in Toronto. --—o— Ringler made a business} Mr, Wm. trip to Windsor on Tuesday: —o— Cc. F. Vandrick was in Lin- NoeE: macoeeey ome business. Mr. and Mrs. er Harr are spending afew days in Buffalo. Mr. J. H. visited this week with iene ti "itcnener. ee —_—o— Miss Amy Purcell. visited “with Miss Nina Purcell in Stratford this ~week. Mr. and Mrs. wd BE. Malcolm left wistey" to spend a few days in New 4 —f * Mrs. I. Ducklow and Helen, scent ‘Wednesday with Mrs. L. Brown, At- wood. ‘ , MPG. K. ‘Bricker spent a fe road the fore part of this week in dale. Mrs. W. J. ‘eatees is visiting at ‘the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. «<. Bender, Toronto. —o— Miss Lillian Nickel of Walkerville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. P. Nicke . _—o—. Mr. J. W. Sangster attended the funeral of the late Wm. Irwin in Stratford to-day. —-()— Mrs. Ryan, of Preston. spent the week-end in Listowel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ronald. ——. — Miss Annie Broughton of Palmer- ston, spent Wednesday with friends in Listowel. -— Miss Gordon, of the Memoria! Hos- pital staff, is spending twe weeke’ vacation at her home in Embro. Miss Vivian Harris, of Brussels, spent Friday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson. —o— : Mr. W. A. Wood, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks in Listowel at the home of Mr. Matthew McLaugh- in. Mrs. C. Shular and two children . Louis Pfeffer was‘ in Bios iaoeday and Wednesday. The bride looked pretty im a navy blue tricotine suit and fawn hat. Her shoes and stockings were of sau- tern shade. The young couple were unattended. Immediately Teltow tae! the ceremony, the bridal party re- turned to the home of the bride's Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Mise A pet cell and Mr..R. * Seaman at- tended the meeting f the Perth w} Will be the compositions of ‘the or- County Prohibition Union in Strat- ford on Wednesday. Next ‘Sunday eles all the mus- _* make it an aid aes - Johnston’ $ Bread _ 3 : a Whole Wheat Loaf ene ee Shs: to Graeme-Date Bread — Is gaining popularity every week. It's something e new. Have you tried it > Cua desnes satis daily calls to all asks eT 8 the . wn, Phone us at 91 or call him and be con- Vinod of the superior quality of our Bread Johnston’s ot of the church, Mr. -P. F. Hoad- ey. “_ @¢€¢ * s ic, anthem, solo and organ numbers, | * Bakery Mr. Louls Pfeffer gave the on “Building or Uneeminine 4 topic the Sabbath” at the E. L. C. E. meeting in the Evangelical church Mondar} hibecene The scripture lesson was by Miss Irene Rassman end Mias rola Bepder — Monday sighk jai " Citizenship night at the Young People’s meeting at the United Church. Elgin Leppard read the epg and readings were given by M - MacQuarrie and Clarence Hallman. A vocal-duet was sung by Mrs. A. Hallman and Miss F. Hallman. The topic “The United | Church in South America and Trin- idad’’ was taken by Mr. John Hill. Rev. M. ani Mr.M. F. Zurbrigg. are ‘in Kinkener this week, attending the annual conference of the Evangelical church. r. Zur- brigg is representing the local con- gregation. There wilf be no service on Sunday evening next in the local church. Prayer meeting will be held in the morning at ten o'clock, and’ the Sunday School will ‘meet at eley- en o'clock. A very enjoyable social evening was held in the: Guild room by SF Ladies’ Cc SOEs OF Bouthimpron, are spemimgrr tew weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ronald. . — Mrs. Armitage returned to Toron- to on Friday Jast. after spending a few days at fhe home of Mrs. &. Bricker. } j —o— Mr. Jaco Riehm is visiting with relatiyas— Detroit. He joined his son, Mr. Stanley Riehm at Stratford and motored from there on Saturday. ~G— Miss Jean Nichol, nurse-in-train- ing at the General Hospital, Toronto, is spending a few months with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Nichol. —o— Mre: P Van De Water of Pic- ton, spent the week-end in Listowel with her son, Mr. J. P. Van de Wa- ter and Mrs. Van de Water. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. D. Park have re- turned from their wedding trip, and ‘re at present visiting at ae home of Mrs. Purcell. per stantie. tae An “interesting program was arranged, and Florence McIntyre had charge. The program was as follows:, Instrumen- tals, Misses Dorothy Symons, Thel- ma Rennie and Kate Nicol; and violin duet, Dorothy ymons; reading, Miss Mary Climic; solos, Misses Hunter, Marion Thomp- son, Eva Hamilton and Dorothy Sy- mons; piano,®violin and saxaphone trio, Miss Thelma Rennie, Robert Symons and John Savage. After the program, Date and John Savage took charge of the games and con- tests, in which all heartily joined. A very dainty and appetizing lunch Was served by the members. one m A BR Sas ae, See SET Prene ae Coats C A Showing of : all that is new in fabric, pattern and olor for 926. Spring We are con- _tinually addnig new apparel of interest, at values. specially arranged for your benefit. - McDonald As Presentation of Silver Platter— A pleasant evening was spent Sat- sey and John W Miss Beth Chimie, ¢ of Victoria Hos-!urday at the honie of Dr. and Mrs. : = pital, London, spent Monday with|A. H. Nichol, when a number of tale SOMERy Riens IDS = siceaaes her parents, Mr. and -Mrs, J.| friends called to congratulate them Temple,- banquet was werved ae fe. Miss Climie’s graduation takes place on Tuesday, May 4th. —o— Mr. Sam Stewart of Niagara Falls, spent from Monday ‘till Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. James Stev- art, who ie ill at the Memorial Hos- pital. i —n ; Mrs. Williany Martinis at present nursing Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Cuatcheon, of Bluevale, who are jl). Mrs. McCutcheon bas an attack of pleurisy. ‘Mr. R. K. of Toronto, a former resident of Listowel, is in town for the funeral of Mrs. Climia, “whose remains were brought to Listo- wel from Castor, Alta. to-day. —o— ‘ “‘Mre. W. W.. Karges has been spending the past week in Port Cred- ‘it. Her sister, Mrs. W. G. Owens, of Port Credit, underwent an opera- ‘tion in a Toronto hospital on Satur- Mr. and apa win, Howe and Mrs ‘Thos. Howe; of Windsor, were call- ed to Listowel ia Wimess of Mrs. Thos. Blackmoré. jan@ the others are So geapnaeca ds Agnes eeurer. of Red Miss Deer, Alta., who has been visiting friends} and relatives in Listowel and vicinity and also in Galt, barre January tIast, Sat Calgary, where she ‘weeks, . prior to Jearving for Red, Dee Deer. . Mrs. George aeaybarsy Della yburry spent the week-end at the home of the former’se aunt, 4, Mrs. Agnes wad, oo Morning- “tom, who is pasiously, 2. remained and is and Mise - Miisa “Mary Sa ~fingcron at Ferrera on’s spending two weeks us! Chamney, Marion E Monday morsing Miss Maybufry earned i ‘ ey returned te| upon their silver wedding day. Miss Lola Fair made the presentation of a silver platter, and Ro Cisoais read a brief address Af rhyme. Dr. Nichol thanked the guests for their good wishes and gift. Elected Superintendent-— Actorting, to the Sinicoe Reform- er, Mr. C. Blatchford, the former editor of tia paper, has been elect- ed superintendent of St: James United Sunday School in that town. The average attendance of this school is given as 205 for the past year and the total amount raised as $638.65, and $413 for missions.) Prior tn leaving - Listowel, Afr. Blatchford was again. New Pupils at Public School— After the oe vacation are always a mb: ehiidren | starting school war the first time, and the Hst this year is as follows Irene Alexander, Bitty Bamford, ladys Bitton, Billy Biethnors. Margaret Freeborn, Eileen there oc M ’ Calvin Rocker, Lillian Eaueth Thibidean, Grace Vance, Jack Yee-) om. West Branch Institute Meeting— . ‘The April meeting of the Listowel | pieces presented a fine program band music. This was broadcasted by the Free Press Cc G. return me i926 by “individuals, farmers ane accordance pA asigg ee of P for burial! the arethodist Sunday Schoof here, and his friends in Listowel wil be glad to know he is back in harness vid calculated from the date the taxes were due. ; ape. see Library Board Meeting— the temple in the evening when a-; bout eight hundred members were a ape dance. During the banquet augmented shrine band of _— o Station ee and several local ce fans “‘listen- ed in” for this musi File Income Return by April 20— pce woul otily remain. for filing earned dur- 4 per ce f the taxes " penalty limit is $500. Besides the nalty there is also the interest on e amounts collectable, which is The regular meeting of the Lib- THE BAZAAR Come Into the Garden and See The Peacock Ours is on the piano and is a mechanical bird, and sells for $1.00. It is a beautiful a price now 75c. Yes we have some 25c dolls left, look them over Fishing Is Here Boys Ahook, line, sinker, bob and reel 10c ee 2 Race Track Game Special price today 15c. regular 35, ncliides the board a J hig Wiss ee OT essit Ps ? a U a Tweed Coats to Clear at $15.00 to $19.95 Velour and Duvetyne Coats at $11.95 to $15.00 Tricotine and Charmeen Coats at 3 ada to $24.95 - Black Satin Coats to clear at $41.5 - SILKSHINE VESTS AND BLOOMERS Large roomy silk stripe vests and ERiwiers, all sizes 34 to 46, Peach, pink, -apricet, mauve, maise, white and canary. Special while they last 4c Each Cushion: To CUSHION TOPS’ 15¢ EACH Beautiful heavy Cretonne and Chintz . A big variety to choose from. Take a dozén or s6 with you for the summer somety of for verandah or kitchen, only | Se “The Store the Sells For Less” Chapien Bros. & Gray Listowel, Ont. > Bil 2 HIS u NN ha ae fae aa, unusually . Ls Tye beautiful set Dia- 2 mond Ring is Hand Carved in the newest design in Green or White Gold. . Special at $50.00 complete from thee$10. 00 ones up to $200. 00 each DIAMONDS And Diamond Set Rings OUR DIAMOND GUARANT EE---Full Value for all Time With Every Purchase The copulartty of gerd uine D Set Rings. as Griese GIFTS is tradition a because the. Diamo the April Stone. ‘a " Our Tice Leaders: $20. 00:$35.00- $50.00 Each stone set in a beautiful carved 18 kt. green or white ring, Stectal for T his Month -” ws ‘ <ome $22 We invite you to inspect our Quality Diamonds and our. present stock is tmost _ oil ae of-March. This is and shows/s that the public appreciates the e's vantages of the lib tary will communicate with the Ac-/# ricultural Representative ford with a view to having an A¢- ricultural t towel in the near futpre, -| Honoured by Friends— _ raty. The secre- at Stfat- Short Course held in Lis- Nickle Top Syrup Pitcher he, Shag price 35c, today ot or Vincent Bottles Clearing all wa and ‘Columbia Records 15c. We will not play’ these. _ Robt. Just received our ‘ new stock of Lumber _- British Co'umbia Red Cedar Shingles. 3X & 5X on hand Oliver soveurs W. A, Johnstone crroierns: