BUTTER PA 100 sheets, plain .25c 100 sheets _printed, Dairy Butter,” 30c. 500 sheets plain $1.00 500 sheets printed $1.25. Best Quality Parchment Paper FOR SALE AT Listowel Banner. “Choice | ZG Zz ‘fas sa letadtoty when j work is done fmmediately after the »| started. In any event there shonld Most of the icra Roses <r not own roots a8 when but wdde od for Teason propagating them Phin if te is not recommended, Simtisy Roses on the other hand, eras grown on their own Too be slipped very satisfactorily if he 4 blooms have fallen. It is only neces sary to remove’a stocky tele: of new growth, choosing one’ with a bud’on the end but-not one which has borne a flower. The end removed: from the branch canbe placed in the garden where it is to grow -or: in a cold frame or a seed bed until it is well be a handful of sand vinnie under the slip, which should be se from two to four inciés d eep, A ie ing box such as all the seed stores sell, or even an inverted canning jar. can be used to- give the elip the needed protection until it is rooted. Water must be given every day; and even twice a day in very dry, weather until growth starts, but af- ter that more sparingly, ang™ the pro- tection covering should be kept in place until several leaves e) £55 il Fire Threatens Our National Heritage Carelessness Destroys’ 3,000,000 acres Annually. of Canadian Forest Loss of standing timber by fire continues. to be appalling. On the average, over 3,500 million board fect are — annually. ogy— The forests of Canada. are being depleted-at.a~_— ‘ rate they cannot spaaibly withstand; over half of this depletion is due to fire, insects an decay. The future of the forest industry is i; «just asdependent on the seedling trees and. young growth as the pulp and paper and lum- ber mills, and industry generally, are depen- dent on mature timber—both must be saved from the ravages of fire. 3 In addition to the shelter afforded by the forest to the farmer and his stock, settlers in forested regions are vitally dependent on the woods for winter employment. Care with fire in land-clearing operations is,all-essential--- burned timber pays no wages. Canada has the finest inland fishing in the w ut these splendid food and game fish require clean, cold water in the streams to ensure prolific reproduction. Forest fires are inimical to fish life. oria Sb aney Game animals attract foreign tourists and - induce Canadians to seek pleasure, health - and adventure in the great outdoors. These animals are distinctly a forest resource---ut- terly dependent on it for protection and. food. Forest fires are most destsuctive of such wild life. Ninety per cent of the forest fires are caused by carelessness. Are you doing your part to prevent, this wanton waste and de- struction? CHARLES STEWART P Minister of the Interior ’ “< ee v ee ae ground and covering them with earth, first taking a little cut on H}the under side. Climbing’ Ro of the Dorothy Perkins type t in creased with remarkable ease by this method. * ° “GALLLARDIAS } ground growths, but without flower- : spikes. In order, therefore, to obviate ee bever-y—wnsrens peared. Even ‘tlren the plants shou!d Wcres inured gradually to outside con- dition: Some climbing Roses, which grow very freely, are easily propagated by laying low growing branches on the jas are once grown they are always grown, for by experience "hare sev- eral distinctly good points buickly ks ware "Wy oon Sta “wr mmoniy | have ap-{ -| ducted on a total of abont 200 plots Wheréyer the very showy gaillard-} ery | or not at all... You can niwiieceet bes ithe “place you're: df you'll set.your as. the wind is b ‘ If the mountains ~ Cake high, - go round the valley; ’ If the streets are blocked, £0 A some alley; eo ; 3 “ Ai te ne + +e¢ “ vas 4 ca t top If par rlor-car’s tiled, + don't scorn a freight; uate If the front door's closed,-go + in the side gate. + + To reach your goal this ad-. “ vice_is . + + If you can oy ro ovér or ‘under, + Da go round! + + + tahini ale ehhh Treated Seed Will Greatly Increase Yield of Potatoes An average increase of 40 bushels of potatoes per acre was obtained by seed-potato treatment during the past five years, extensive tests con- on the farms of Kangas Browere in-| y4 dicate In some, instances the increase in yield was not more than 10 or, 12 bushels per acres while in other cases it-ran~-as-bigh-as 135 henge per acre. Not on aay was the yield of po- tatoes increased, but the Seatie also reveal themeel-‘es. They are, for in- stance, practicelly weatherproof. Un-; der the hvttes:) sun, when, maybe, other plants ai: apparently lifeless, or thereabouts, gaillardias are in perfectly happy mood, raising their brilliant heads of color well up on Straight, ‘stiff etems, ag though ob- lividus “to ‘such things as variations of temérature, Heavy rains seem to affect.them just as little. blooms, and on this account they are poses. They need of course, to be gathered ‘young, i.e., before the ring of petals has become quite flat. As exhibition subjects, too, they are In- valuable, and if given reasonable time soon recover after a journey. The plants possess, however, one ec- centrictty, especially those more than a-season old. They sometimes throw up quite good and healthy; such a disappointment occurring, as well as to increase one’s stock of ed Few flowers can equal them as cut' powdered form favorites for home decoration par-! of water. was raised. Growers are now using one of two disease contro!” methods, either tho cold @érrosive sublimate, or the hot formaldehyde. For the small grower the cold corrosive sublimate is prob- ably the bekt because. -with it pota- toes can be quickly aud conveniently treated. Corrosive sublimate can be secur- from almost any drug store in . “It is dissolved at the rate of one-ounce to eight gallons yr he powder is dissolved first in a jar of hot water and then poured into eight gallons of water. Whole, uncut, lowed to soak in this solution for one and one-half ‘hours, after which they are dried, cut and planted. Tais treatment will kill most of the trou- blesome diseases that are ei el the seed. It has been saticf potatoes are then al- * to with no visible means of support, are . ‘The week from: om Saturday. : - Don't cut across ‘the corner. of. lot. Yoo may own th a your: some day. your Incomé Tax returns. All forms must be filled by april SOth. In Walkert nhs dogs will this year not-be allowed to run at large from | April 16th. to October 15th. Collingwood Chamber of which are proving succeseful. A roofing manufacturer. says, figs your mind of roof worry.” That’ good _to a man whose hair is falling out Mrs. E. Winslow of Listowel, spent the week-end with her . daughter, Mrs. G Lawrence.—Paimerston Spectator. Will ogo Residen: ence . Bcott Binning has purchased a lot a the corner of Main and Nichol streets and will erect a combined —inbapiar house and ‘store this sum- mer Transferred to New Liskeard— Mr. Garnet Bamford, of the Imper- ial Bank staff, os Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bamford, Listo- wel, has ng transfer red. .to the branch at New. Liskeard and left last week to assume } his new duties. Ma x by Septem! tember iay Stare it Bt who will be six years old ‘by September™let. may start to Public School this term: A e from the parent or gudrdian to the teacher showing the date of birth of child will be necessary. Sustained Bad Fall— Mr. Percy Raines, C.P.R. brakes- man, had a bad fall from the top of a box car when starting out on his run on Friday. Though no hones were broken Mr.-Raines was badly tetiahinig ‘neeson. opens Ra + Inmates eat” Be ee per: aa 2S atta . Onty eight. more days to make Sut r. Com-} merce holds” bi-monthly -“banquets, 8 TEE EES TEEPE IU B18) TAS “Perth = jatt Cents’ ‘worth Sica Hake: teaik eelteai cs bver the Cf 0. N. R. will’ go. ect’ ‘oa. Apri. 2b. ope ae cat : Saco Tree De EARL O!S ARAL NPN O I ited ~ 4 | and Garden Seeds in Stock 1 Wi ‘HAVE paid particular atten- tion in our selection of Field Seed. vi (Wis See Se Aa LLL Duis yee Sake Merc Se are Ul she SOL TAG L8 Gr OU Os ey 7 ararer ' Red. Clover, -Alsike Clover, Alfalfa Clover and Timothy. All No. 7 gov-. ernment grade. Prices low for hi qua-" z-lity. Look at-samples. ‘Garden Seeds in bulk and packages. wee OC aie \STaNT yah Tern a e/a ihren ate aac NTO aE a ae ee CEL BTS Cer Sis? tee See aI Nu faNt ye Ta aviva ta al a ele Sar = Ck shaken up and bruised, being-inca-~ pacitated for a few days.—St. as Journal-Argus. ppointed O.T.A. Officer— Palmetston Council appointed their local constable, Robert Wilson, a special O.T.A. officer. The mayor beileves that many of the men who are walking around well dressed those growers who only have a email patch to plant. Formaldehyde is used at the rate of one pint to 15 gallons of water. in bootlegging -The town council will back up any action of the constable .u this regard. ‘plants may, || because’ frequently 4 = ‘quarters in the | 8ingly or in clumps of three or four, | Gard 1 BANNER “ADS. PAY piqicts_ ons ehumns that ~aej-- att j have flowered | should | lifted in August, dividing out the rootlets in- to Tight soil a few inches a Growths emerging from tag bene of course, be etal similarly. It is well to mark ne meat. the leaves die! quite uway; but this should not be ‘taken as a sign thet the roots are! dead. In due time they will epring | up. Apart from the dreseing of some’ insecticide, soot or lime, no further be will be necessary until re- val in spring to. more perman- border, elther the eal giving a bold effeet.—The lang the -wide-legged trousers, light. The solution is then heatbd to 124 to head vegrees Fahrenheit: The pota- oes. are dumped into the cotution ae allowed to remain there for three mint tes. . In some places the boys are ‘wear- grey in color, with dark cuff of deep blue or black. My! They look sweet and charming, shy, modest and un- assuming, and one is constrained to wonder if ‘they have ‘little pink rib- bons in their unawares. A blotter is the thing you spend your tinre looking for while the ink s drying. Optimistic Oscar says: ‘‘Thé old maid is always lookin’ for a husband ——and so is the married woman. Drayton Horse Show Son 27th.— The Drayton. Snring Horse Show, CREAM WANTED If you produce good cream and want ‘go best results under the new grading system, ehip your cream to The Palm Cream- ery. Our Creamery wilt be operated 24 hours a day in weather and your cream wil! be in r Creamery and graded 15 minutes after arrival in Palmerston. Thus assuring the farmer who produces good cream the best possible grade and price We loan our patrons cans and pay cash for each can of cream re= ceived. You can ship on any ag any day and be assured of prompt delivery and pay. Send us a‘trial can to-day. -PALM_ CREAMERY CO. _ which has been for many years one of the best spring shows in this dis- trict, will be held on Tuesday, April 27th. This show, when weather and roads are favorable, never fails to draw a crowd and we would judge from at list of prizes offered this yeu l ‘be no exception to the rule. There are rumors afloat that the public will be allowed to fish in sop blg hydro pond at Eugenia this s mer. It fs also stated that Gast will be allowed within a certain distance of, the island game preserves Great quantities of trout fry have been pigced bs in this pond.—Chesley Enter- prise Shop in The Banner first—read the advertisements. al ways threngh the pountties ages ar ii his _ “Whole tri s gather ether now peri the he sooth et , . |} mightiest of the +) blood in their veins. apparently civilizing mbes! the ©} would astonish the “ave: ite and brought THE WORSHIPPERS OF THE SUN GOD od bi should not close her eyes in eee ne Blackfeet, Stonys, Perans, eritage e sun-worsh sees, They veah Throughout: the despite the nfluence of | white man, thas have retained s) their form of~ worship. e Indians are Christians, ~ pity ar c¢ many. of them are well educated and speak English with a cing which — shi man. But - their they ied they feel hes hs — jordm eradicate | ye 5 and S wh Ps seen merged fone ethics 2 anadian Pacific “Rail ris ve et pr wines seit ee Pgs 2 the dards ot ie, = ® ‘ al raiment of the whi speeches. eamp come the wer nients whih the Indian believes will ‘help his “cause to receive the Prin e25- ings-of the sun anties. beste their movements fest Then the chill, @ grey dawn slewly spreads te | over. ti | The Ind [= PALMERSTON ONT. We pay the highest prices for Raw Muskrats. The most reliable house todo busi- ness with ROSS’ LIMITED FUR N.ANUFACTURER Established 1885 196 Dundas St. LONDON, Ont. How Much Money do the Workers Who Make Your Clothing Spend in Listowel ? Do you think it is fair to employ workers in large centres and let the people who help to make your town, ~ sit idle. Remember every suit you have made in Lis- toWel gives 4 or 5 days employment to someone. {~~ Come in and see our stock of suitings and get our ~ §.J. POAG PHONE 327 LISTOWEL i al answering the ‘eat of the Trikes , groups and.sing, chant or make ‘From all rts of tha erms of instru- moke ses heavenward from the fires, the riests chant. weird hymns, their Ben and as the Savini batpici and UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Summer School JULY Sth to. AUGUST 14th a Fer Invormation Wy he. Kinastons co Br 1. Capnen is Public Health: and Bace 2. ow hi in French Conversation. hee ac ee hag High School Algebra te Siantrioals Also Shirts oct other courses in Astronomy, , Ger- Geology, Gar Botany, French, man, Crake ue Science, Mathematics and A eodial and ath- letic m threughout the entire six works. Beautiful new University Start on a B. A, Course now! Six delightful weeks of study and recreation, . he’ ‘scene, ail becomes “ss fans But ci ceend tas