Established i890. sewn a eo Will Pay Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Highest Prices For Hides ‘Wool Eggs Butter + Let us give you an estimate for wiring -your house. : We have an assort- ment of Electric Fixtures From $6.75 to $15.00 Reasonable prices Poulty [eee aire “ALF. ZINN -Ph 374- Jd. M. Erskine wiatince a. fintowel ee: TT a ; Oe ATWOOD ELEVATOR FLOUR AND FEED Flour Seeds FIVE ROSES RED CLOVER MAPLE LEAF TIMOTHY PURITY ALSIKE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD ALFALFA PASTRY SWEET CLOVER ; Car of Hominy Feed at $34. a ten. Car of Good Screenings. B. SMITH PHONE 22 ATWOOD bee~ FOR SALE HATCHING EGGS --- S. C.. W. Leghorns. From Good Strong Healthy Stock. 40c fpr-13. HAROLD PARKHOUSE Phone 45 r-1l R. R. No. 4 Atwood Charches: Mr. Borden McClory of Mitchel Was inthe village on Monday —o— ~ Mr ell this. phe er ears Mr. Win. Wood of Toronto, is vis- iting with Mr. and. Mrs. Robert eorge mpage dy is in- Miteh- eek on busin OX. aati “ure t R scant a few days last wee with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ers- man, Chesley. < -o— “Mrs. J. Hone = of Listowel, spent Monday with ee parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilm vow le Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dickson are spending a few days this week with friends in Toronto. —o-- 7 Miss Zelda Hamilton of Listowel, épent Tuesday with friends in the village. —Q—— Mrs. Stanley Ford is returning to Toronto on Friday, the past few months at her home ~~D— ‘ Mr. Joseph Ropp, of Poole; spent a few days this week. with ‘his son, | Mr. Aaron i a . Mr. and Mrs. W. H.. Gilmer spent ee last at the home of Mr. ind Sam Johuston, Britton. —_oO— Mrs. Stanley Purvis and son, 6th. con. Grey, have been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lucas. of Tavi- at the and Mrs, —po— _ Mr. George Richmond stock, spent the week-end home of his parents, Mr. Hugh Richmond, —)— Mr. Murray Thompson, who is. at- tending. Toronto University, return- ed home Friday, and will spend the summer ee at his home. Mrs. Wm. wipelana of Listowel. spent Monday@with her mother | fn Atwood. Master Bobby Leonard, who has been spending the past week with his crantnataae im” Atwood, ra- after spending} Gnited Church j Rey.:C. C. Kaine,’ pastor. : Sunday, May 2nd, 1926. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schdol. s 11 a eee Sacrament Ser- vice. 7.30 p.m. — “THE WAY, _ THE i oan us AND THE ay gational go aw Friday p.m. — Young People’ 8 meeting, in charge of Titemes and Social Department. Rev. W. J. West; M.A., Minister Sunday, May 2nd, 1926 10 a.m.—Sabbath School. ‘11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Subject: “THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN." )7 p.m.—Hvening Worship. Subject: “DEEP SEA CHRISTIANS,". Good music under the leadership of Miss Blackwell, Choir Leader, and Miss Ratcliffe, Oren. Monday 8 p.m.— Tuesday.2.30 p. tid 5 M. S.sac5 Wednesday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer ser- vice. k Abstract Sisivinent of Elma Memorial Committee Receipts Individual nibéotiptions Twp. of Elmf, grant ..... 0. ; Maple Leaf waned" 8 Institute 50. + Atwood Literary Society 62 $2644.65 yarns to Listowel with Mrs. a endipions Mrs. A. Terry, ae ele by ven guest, Miss Huggins nkto spent Friday last in’ Listowel at the stone Miss Hazel ani of Stratford, spent the meek-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,.Con. Rass- man, 2nd. con. She also visited on Sunday with her sister, Miss Irene Rassman, Listowe . amb thee ELLIOFT-——JOHNSTON A quiet, but pretty wedding was solefimized at ‘the Manse, Stratford, on Wednesday, ‘April 28th. 1926, at high noon, when Miss E. Viola-John- ston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Johnston, of Britton, was united: in marriage to Mr. Wm. T. Elliott, of Holmesvifle. Rev. W. fated. | Order Your Wire Early rin. Have your home re-papered. All. kinds .of ATWOOD Car of Mixed Wire arrived this week, Leave . your order with us early while our shipment is complete. We also have our Wallpaper sample book’ Paint and Lacquerette. Grass Seed, Gardem Seed. Milk Cans and Dairy Pails. THOS. INGLIS & SON HARDWARE FREE F of any Day Dream Toilet Article amounting to 50c or ’ Intreductory offer only, that you may know Day Dream “Day Dream” Week A 50c vial of Diy Décam, Perfume with the purchase over. For a limited time only, this- offer holds goo. An : cad Creations. ~ Be sure and visit our stcre during ‘this week and y Bepeure your peru E. _ Everett G. Coghlin “Atwood DRUGGIST.. | Ontario. 2 The bride was gowned in a sand erepe dress, with hat. shoes = anc stockings to match. Her coat was in the Rosewood shade. The bride wae attended by her cousin, Miss Norma Hone, of Toronto, and the groom was supported by Mr. Oliver Elliott, of Holmesville. The happy. young couple left on the four o’cloc -N.R. train from Stratford for Woodstock ~- and ather points, where they will spend a shgrt honeymoon. They will return to the home of the bride's parents th lat- ter part of this weék, and shortly will leave for Hélmesville where the groom is cheegemaker. $8 eb adee Thc biettoteb inetd Db te bebslntedeteh pede feted debe dep Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilmer, At» wood, spent Thursday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. 8S. Johnston. The echool here was closed on Thursday. The teacher, Miss Steen- eon, attended the funeral ot the late Mr. Irwin at Stratford. Mrs. Hone and Mrs. J. J. Alexan- der, Listowel, spent Fri@ay with the former’s sister, Mrs. \S. Johnston. Quite a number of yhe friende aud neighbors of . Miss “Viola Johnston home of Mrs. , to his bi : Mr. J, W. Allingham. Mr. A. Newton and daughter, (3 Joa aoe i spent pea tate | in Kit. gathered at the home of Mrs. Vance on Friday a on and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. She yeeeived many -beautifal. and useful gifte. The remainder of the afternoon was epent - a social way. ‘A dainty tanch was ay the mem stone Mission Pr rved. On t~ eet the Living- gathered at the . Alexander and sented Viola with another edus shower. She received another lot of beauttfa “Miss E Nichol and Mr. M. Sohn-| — Johnston | eton attended the Eliiott in Stratford on Wednesday. wedding in shee eee tudes MOLESWORTH + Bhai lt oh ber of. people have been very sick tits week with the flu. All ipiiications are that business 4s prospering in this burg. Mr. W. Lamont is. Hntldtos a large ad@ition m any farmere pt hs able to work on the Nag 9 now not losing any taking advantage of the few ay “aays this week. Free- home of Mr. and Mre. A. W. Feat her-! f Bell Offic-' A: ; yre-| low o duet, Jan-| Ratelite and Ethel Blackwell; Sale of cards ang program 44. 30 Proceeds of supper ...... 116.90 Bank interest ....0...... 12 %2 Secatlarirea ene eat es 5.80 Total receipts Sa vial $3235 97 ixpenditures | Porterfield & Colgwhoun, monume Mt wsiwetiihs.. s23ne.¢8 | CO? | Geo. Chapman, cement .... 69.31 eorge Lochhead, deed 3.00 . . Swing, printing pro- ray tJ or ee 28.54 Stratford Beacon, Advertising 2.45 Banner Pub. Co., notice . 1.02 Anglo Can. Music Co. music 2.48 Whaley Royce Co. tTansic 5.07 Jean Murray, meats for men 3.00 Services of Stratford band 64.54 Rebdt. Smart, cleaning church 2.02 Col. Wm. Beattie, expenses 20.62 Mrs. B. Snell, telephoning. -73 R. A. Thompson, posts-and Sig ou Qre ds aa Sak 8.86 Harvey Packer, anchor ne 6.92 Walter Jickling, posts ... 3.62 Dennis Co., accouht ...... "$0.34 E. Otto, cement blocks. 174.91 \C. Pteifer, drawing blocks - 81.84 . Everett, mason work 1538.41 Albert Wilson,! gravel .... . 16.52 A. Py Gordon, drawing grav- We 2:4 oe ae Bed < 6s 0 « 23,727 4/ WB: ne ee se 1:52 J. C. Baker, lime ........ 6.52 John snd pee nee 14.57 W. B. Coulter, pump 31,52 a Brown, work:........ 39.28 Cunningham, work ..... 5,72 E Parkhouse, work ..'... B.n2 Jas. Cuthbertson, work ... 4.22 ane Cruden, work ... 3.02 R. Vaughan, work .. 5.02 Thos. ‘McFarlane, work 5,02 -—* Pantie de Work and ex- as Sanbbhte-«03' » 5-054 17.02 T. a "Hane stationery, ~ postage and telephoning. 14.09 A.’ M. Robinson, stationery. Postage and stamps on *CHOQNOS 2c ew cee ecw ad 1.63 Balance on hand ........ 26.58 TOL. 64-00%. «Coie $3235.97 Certified correct, . G. Ratcliffe, . Sweeton, Auditors, Presbyterian Y. P. S. ; Held Enjoyable Social The Young People’s Society of the Presbyferian church held an enjoy- _jable social evening on Friday last in the basement of the church. There were upwards of eighty present, Mr. Albert BE. CoghHn, chairman, gave a few remarks, and also ~welcomed ev. W. J. West to the Society. i] piano Misses Marjory; Ing, Dr A. Kidd; violin: ‘solo, Can eron Talis: P Puritation , Miss Marg et Ovans; solo, Mise Ethel Black. well; mouth organ Hamilton. An interesting address was also given by Rey. West. Following the program, Miss Pth- el Blackwell, on Lon of the So- ciety, introduced West to tha: young people who tt a hand- sbake with each of the members. The remainder of the evening was spent in contests and games; and luneh eerv - 1s dallas! RS a > o . - ‘ ? : ss - ties +e * ~ ' x : es ae tag pec ind: Miss. Lottic LIFE.” ting at 8 pm, donate to Prosi -Chureh|= me program rendered was as fol-/ selection, Wilfrid | - Smith. The soueen was read by Roy #5 4 ; aoe, - « ne? AT HOME OF DAUGHTER IN: DAUGHTERS. SURVIVE. ; The death of Mrs. Samuel Stusrt occurred at ae home = her daugh- ter, Mrs. Alex re, London, on Sunday, Sort 25th 1986, She had been confined to bed for about a yeur suffering from roan trouble. * Thefaddresa-w fence Mayburry and th made by Miss. Nellie Johnston, ‘The remainder. oy .the evening was nt The late Mré. Stuart, who rmerly- Henrietta Murphy, “was nev énty-seven years of age. She born in n taiedaii: and spent the greater part of her time here and at West Monkton, where she resided for twenty-five years: er husband predeceased her sev- yea go, and she is ived by one son, Wir. Alex Stuart, 7th. cor: Eima, an@® nine daughters: eas Geo. Ellacbtt, 17th. con. Elma; rs. .J. Ditchburn, - Detroit; Mrs. Wallace, Fordwich; Mrs. J. lL. Stru- thers, Monkton; Mrs. Stanley. Hare, of Stevens, Minn.; Mrs. Chas. Brown, of Success, Sask.; Mrs. George Pecb- les, Atwood!_ Mrs. M. R. Morrison, Cayley, Alta; and Mrs. A. B. Case- more, London, The funeral was held from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Case- on Wednesday, remains were ‘| brought to Atwood and interred in afternoon," Among those from a distance at- nding were Mrs. M. R. Morrison, of Caylos. Alta. and Mrs. anley Hare of ‘Stevens, Minn. SPEER LEE EEE EEE EET SE * -’ 2nd. LINE ELMA . ~ > Seokeofesteofeedeolodeeoeerderb eefeseederbesteebe desl Toeletedoee Our vicinity was visited by a very heavy thunder storm, accompanied by hail Saturday.. No damage was + = ° Mrs. Thomas Johnston spent a fow days in Toronto last wee Ada Forbes spent the past week on friends in London. Miss ce Gray is spending a few days with Miss Margaret Hardy, 6t». Mrs. Geo. McCutcheon spenta few i last week with Mrs. Tom John- sto Mr. will ewan has purchased a Ford touring ca uite a few tort the 2nd. con. at- tended the shower given Miss Viola Johnston, at the home of Mrs. Sam Alexander Saturday “afternoon.” Many useful things were received. Hededeocfecte + Oo Cg . ehpednsToadongeeteotoefn ole fonzentenzeefecdeoSenfeofeaterfoo$oofe ofocRonorge Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stemmler at- tended the funeral of the late. Mrs. Gatchene in Waterloo. Mr. P. Boegel was a businse visitor in our burg recently Mr. Patrick Doherty has ‘disposed of his fine grey team to Mr. Albert Voisin, 4th. Pee sfooterfooteetefootesteotes HESSON . ape Vaper Valley, a virginal tract of Jand 135 miles from Vancouver, be- tween Fort Douglas and Lillooet on the Cdhadian Pacific Railway line, is to be the. location of a large. medical sanitarium and hunting lodge which is to be established this summer by a syndicate of Van- couver men. General conditions on the prairies and in British Columbia indicate that Western Canada is headed for a period of real prosperity. Charles Murphy, general manager of the Canadian Pacifit Railway, Western Lines, after a periodical trip of inspection, stated@*that farmer's and business men alike have not been so optimistic on the prairies in years, On March 3 a crowd of represen- tative citizens gathered at the Can- adian Pacific depot at “Vancouver to welcome His Honor Lieutenant Governor Robert*Randolph Bruce, of British. Columbia. Forty years ago the hardy Scot left His ances- tral: home in Inverthere, Scotland, to seek his fortune in the Canadian West. He found it. ; - ot eg During the month of January 3926, 15,766,700 pounds of refined sugar Valued at $960,483 was ex- from Canada as compared with. 197,400 pounds valued ~ at $14,893 for January 1925, Of the total amount the United Kingdom ‘took 41 ,750,000 pounds while Swetien Robert pe Elma Centre cemetery on Wednesday, Nrtefeideriedoeteiooke gp | Miss Amelia Linsemian spent Mon- day at her home here soclals time spent. The official Mrs. Jno. Stemmler is at present board will convene at 7.39 o'clock on the sick lst. We wish her a|the'same evening. épeedy recovery. eA Miss Clara Parker had of, .| Young People’s Society of the Pres- 4@ lesson from. Owing ly music, after whic a nty- lunch was was served. Following is a cs pel of the address: Dear’ Miss Johns We, your Rinas ‘ot Carthage e Un- ited a social evening with you and“to try ts etpress the esteem in-which you are held by all. Your cheery smile warm spot in the hearts of all an we aleeply regret your removal from, r midst, but we feel that the future holds in- eeghs for you every true happiness. On t 2h of your approaching marriage, ask you to accept this gift as.a aight token.of @he esteem eat which you: are held by all, and we you many happy wedded oa tea that God’s pleasing may regt on you and yours. Signed on behalf of Ang friends of Carthage United Church Mr, John Geoghegan, of Monkton, will take the services ‘in St. Atban’s church, and ~8t. David's church. on Sunday, The Baptist eRe rée-opens on unday, Ma? 9th. Sunday Schoo) will be held at two o ‘clock and. pub- lic worship at Piste nce clock: Beginning on Sokday next, May 2nd* the evening service in the Un- ited church will commence’ at 7.30 o'clock, instead of seven, 60 as’ te énkble the farmers to attend.. * > Next Sunday is missionary Sunday. A special missionary“address will given by Mrs. H. Peters, missionary superintendent, at the United Sun- day School. Wwe vw. wake M.A., attetid- ed the: Synod of Hamilton and -Lon- don in St. James church, London, on Tuesday and ..Wednesday. of this week. . * * : # Sunday morning was temperance Sundzy in the United Sunday school. At the close of the teaching lesson, Mr.. Hugh Richmond, the new temp- erance superintendent, addressed the schoo! on Temperance and each’ scholar was given a pledge card to be signed and returned next Sunday. * * . The annual congregational meet- ing of the United chureh is heing held on Monday evening, May Srd, ut eight o'clock. Reports from the var-' ious organisations will be given and the meeting of the Young People’s Society in the United church Friday Svaning: last. Miss Margaret lt ga Cit ei hi ie, eM Dulcie Coghlin gave a Sheet. ing. Mr. Melbourne Kaine has charge of the meeting on Friday ey- ening next. > ° . Mrs. J. P. Greensides, Mrs. James Erakino and Miss’ B. Laidlaw were’ in Stratford on Wednesday, attend- ing the meeting of the Perth Presby- terial of the - Women's - -Missioarry Society in. the United church. The service, which was held in Central United church, was opened with impressive procession of repregenta- tives of-the three Uniting Missionary Societies, Methodist, Presbyterian and Conersentious entering the chure . The regular weekly meeting of the byterial church was held on Monday evening, April 26th. The meeting was opened. with ‘the President in the chair. Jean Hamilton read the «crip- ture lesson. Minntes were read and adopted and roll call taken. Several business items were discussed. Soft ball will be started as soon’ as poa- sible and the Soofety has decided to go akead with sports on the grounds beside the mansée. The topic for the evening was .of a devotional pose prepared by Margaret Thompson, “The Life of Ruth.” Alice Dickson had the Journal and Margery Rat- eliffe read a very interesting read- ing entitled, The Legend of Mr. T.. G. Ratelitte attended the of the late progantasion in gain op on, Thursday troupe drew a fair crowd and. pleasant manner have found . Music Hall. jetties of the jay evening of this week. F rues cg eee a ad business, one rae young Indio ito pr gig —— the on in the ‘pereor_ of [SPTiNg horse show. Miss Viola Johnston, © ’ : * Wm, ire held, Fisatanent at Hospitals) Stewart Coghlin, son of Mr. and” ts. R. J. Coghlin, {s receiving treat- _ M ment at the aoe ‘Hospital, Lis- towel. ; church have gathered to spend Drew Fair “ * Crowa— The “Way Dowd. South”’ iaadt at their cert given Monday evening in. ant - Confined to Home— Mr. John Roger. was confined to his home for a few days. the latter ering from the a la gripp sn ig is also indisposed this week. : Have Home Painted— - : Quite’ an improrenest has been made on the of Mr. and Mrs... bogie Inglis, bo the adding of a coat nt. Mr. Ro Cunningham handled “the brush. ‘ inaves for Detroit— r Mr. Ivan a Serereevee son of Mz. and Mrs, ves, con, and recy has been employed in Toronto, left Tecsdey for Detroit, where he has secured a position. hCireus Co. Draw Crowd— There were upwards of two hun- dred and fifty present at Shook & Lipton’s’ circus held in the Music all on Thursday evening last. A darge number of children were in attendance. — Return to West— ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Peebles and family, of Portreeve, Sask., whe have been spending the past few months in Atwood and dg ieee left | Tuesdgy for their home in the West. Revised Prize List— The directors of wed Agrieaitor< al Society met on afternoon Jast, and revised the eiten list. for* 1926. Sept. 2lst and 22nd. were the d@tes set for-holding-the annual fall fair. intersting. Mecting of U. KE W. 0. The regular monthly meeting o the Atwood U.FW.O. was held in ‘he Foresters’ hall on Wednesday,\ April 21st. In the absence of. the Presiden e yice-president, Mrs. Bp ersen Vipord took the chair. The meeting was opened with community/singing- The roll call was responded to by the members on Helpful Hints. A ‘pancr on Public Health was given by Mre. Will Petrie, and several of the mora- bers also gave remarks on the su ject. Another paper on “Arranging the farm kitchen’’ was also enjoyed, and this was given by Mrs. Parker- The “Club quartet rendered a s¢iec- tion. ? os bs Mutual Fire Insurance ~ Co. Met on Tucaday A meeting of the Directors of the Eima Farmers Mrtual Fire Tnsur- ance Company was held inthe Ag- rieultural Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, April: 20th. 1926. All the members of the Board were - present. ‘The President in the chair. ‘ The minutes of the last meeting jvere read, confirmed arid signed. ‘Claims for logses were paid to the fabs eying: Wm. Crawford, of Elm4, $5.08, damage to contents of house fire; Wm. A. Fetter, Mornington, $4. ‘damage to roof of ‘house from chim- ney; Wm. Buick, Ellice, $14.82, damage to roof of-house from chim- ney. A claim was also presented from John Martin, Maryboro, for lors of house and contents, fire from lanters amounting to $3400., laid over for further investigation. Applications bs ancen leg amounting .to $197,- The meeting adjourned till itucs- day, May 18th. to meet egain at the usual time and place. Se ie Si ae i a a 3 ih Nha ied * * BORN ‘ eee ane, Heeb ebiebdeitins om ae er ceee STIEFF—On 16th. E]ma, ~ ta Sunday, April 26th, M926, to Mr. and Mrs; David Stieff, twin boys the Sacks," which we could all take to the socinl on Friday night, the recreation per- iod was omitted and the meeting was ¢losed with the Mizpah Benediction.j. ncemediaeon” eaceeboneenteiaaied Was second on the lst with 2,250,- 000 pounds. — A Gipitataalan of three pYofessors in agricultare will mxke a survey of In our hearts your malty lingers; IN MEMORIAM EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cen a Une with maipi- mum charge of 2b5c. - nifimen ag praanation ny abeth Peter, who inte «rest, April 29th., 1923 No one knows how. ‘mus we aioe you | No-one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered ee iets rota ‘Joet you, Life for us is net the ensered PETER—In iavine memory of .Elis- |- W.F. Teavenin LISTOWEL.