ee ee FT ET RTS ae Business Directory Patronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men LEGAL MEDICAL ROBERT G.- MacFARLANE Successor to Late J. E. une A. G, SHIELL, M. D. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- Physician and Surgeon ancer Office over E. D. Bolton, O.L.8. e "Rhone 48 Diseases of Women and Surgery. Phone 13 Office. Inkerman Street, West. H. B. MORPHY. K. ©. Barrister, Notary Sabo Coayee: e@ncer, Solicitor fo- Bank of Com- merce, Listowel, Milverton, Atwood. Motey to loan. Office over - J. owners Drug Store, Main St. Lis: J. C. HAMILTON, B. A. Solicitor Se ok rrister, Convéyancer, for the ap ing Bank Money to loan. Office on of Main street, dver Miss Gibpe’ Mir fmery Parlors. Bonds for Sale, ©. MORTON SCOTT, B, A. Barrister, cape (a ity nag Contey ‘Office over pre Hardware Store, Main stree Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER | Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat | Graduate in a as University of Toronto. uae assistant “New York Ophthal- ic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Si il Throat Hos- pitals, London; Eng. 53 Waterloo St. Beater’: Phone 267 Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Listo- wel on the first Monday in month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE in best companies; also accident, au- tomobile, burglary, plate glass and bond insurance, Automobile insur- ce, per 100. Your business solicited. e “D. BOL'PON. DENTAL “Ww. G. E. SPENCE “Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist Department of University of ing sylvania, Philadelphia;. also gra ate of The Roya! Colhoge of Dental once unpre Toron’ ©. Office over Schin- bein’s Sto For painless extraction we use nit- rous oxide oxygen gas, aleo conduct- Ave anaesthesia. MUSIC PERCIVAL F. HOADLEY Composer Organist and once Leader of Lis-| towel United Church Teacher of Plano, and Theory of M Studio, corner or Division and El- ma Streets, Phone 3 Song, Organ BR. F. TAYLOR, L.D.8.; D.D.S. ea aaate of the Royal college of Denia! § jurgeons, and of Toronto uni, “versity. ese Oxide Gas, yeite over J. C. Phone 60. Sxtractions. onald’s store. F. ST. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of Royal Dental Surgeons, Toronto University. Office over Banzley’s new store. Phone 28 for appointments. College of| — HEALTHGRAMS FRASER Disteed Othieer of Health 4 The Lonely Incapacitated Aged--Poor ood deal of att of attention is being A £00 given to this problem in the Old Country. It is becoming of interest CHIROPRACTIC L. O. WHITFIELD, D. C. ropractor Graduate of Palmer School of Chir- opractic, Davenport, Iowa Office on Main street, over John- stexe’s Jewellery store, Hours 10 to 223 noon, 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings and; —s hours by appointment. Phon «?. Consultation free. AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd Sells for others and always sells ed others NATIONAL FARM AGENCY Phone 246, Listowel. OPTOMETRIST + DR. H. 8. MALLORY ee Registered Optometrist Graduate of the Roya] College of ee, Toronto. Office, L. A. Oli- Yer’s Jewellery store. FUNERAL DIRECTO F O UR empley ors, the pub Iie, have’ found ‘ws to be reliable and capable. The in this country. Last year two cases eame to notice who were at one time Reeves ‘of their respective Townships. They had both been urg- ed to go to the House of Refuge but as’ one of them said “I was in the council when we built that place. There are two classes, the deserv- ing poor who are unable to wor and those who have never worked if they could avoid it. The problam is 9 | Sometimes solved by the children ‘who are themselves often poor, but lig not taken care of by their child- |ren their lot is pitiable indeed. Ow- ing to enforced solitude and weak- ened faculties Oey become eccen- tric, untidy and dirt One plan that is poles tried is to i build small cottages—2 to 4 rooms each, for two people (for example married couples or friends-. If this scheme could be financed it would be an excellent plan. If a group of; ceunties could combine it might, bel possible to carry out. So many of these people when they reach. ad- vancing years yearn for privacy which they cannot have in a public institution. Next Week—Enlarged Tonsils. De Se ee a ae ae ee atelier olin + + ROOM FOR MORE + * Sineceiereibls La “On the largest record day + + at the Canadian National Ex- *’ hibition there were 230,- + 000 humans on the grounds,” + said Douglas Hallam, speak- + from radio station CKCL at Toronto last week. “You can get some idea of the number of sheep in Canada if you realize that there are. ten times more sheep in Canada than there were human be- ings,.on the grounds of the Exhibition. But “in Gréat Britain, which is so small compared to Canada, that as ad know 78 cannot walk far in any direction without falling into-. the English ee the North Sea, or th Irish Sea, there are today, ten times the numler of apeae: that there are in Canada. Sesh esse sess PEE ED Eb eh oh ob ob ee APRIL COMES CLOSE TO SETTING RECORD OF I" ae In all the weather history of” Tor- onto, so far as records recall, there have been but three Aprils co)- der than the month just ended. The records mapas as follows. Ee ie aE ert 34.2 TEST. «cas s 35.4 ty pip Maint $6.2 $936 Sache ie $7.3 : April of “his year was 3.9 below the April average. It had>* wide range, howéver. It went down to 15.6 on April 16 and on the 22nd. it was up to 72. It was only an average napnth tor gunshine. The normal sunshine for: April. fe 189 hours, and this was jon 48 min wae possible to have 402 so the total we month month agen EEEEPELELLEDETSODSPTS PDO | reckoned for 80 years back) 663, is past ~ $103 at Factory E- Taxes extra . & * a roe has ay 2 General Motors’ ~ New Six is Here! ENERAL MOTORS of Canada, Limited, now pre- sents the New Pontiac Six—the _ first car ever developed and General sponsored entirely by Motors. - A car of high quality—the Pontiac Six possesses a degree of power, smoothness, comfort and-- beauty, never before combined in a car at or near its price. Pontiac Six affords you a road. seed you wil we eal in me ° Manufactured by GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMIT ED gencies. This new General Motors’ Six has a 110-inch wheel- base, and is equipped with low pressure tires, nickeled radiator, Fisher body with V V windshield, automatic windshield wiper, rear vision mirror, high speed window’ regulators and other fine car features. Here, in brief, is the six you have always wanted—a six that repre- _ sents the full scope of Motors’ engineering skill, manu- facturing wer—at a price 30 unex F pow: pectedly low that Motors could possibly achieve it. ook preeeereerenrerrerersy, + ¥ 8. 8. NO. 2, WALLACE + EER p be ee bth et SEPP h tt Report for March and April. ¥. ie tta Mason 77, Kathleen Reid 7 Sr. IV—Harold Good 62, Clarence Coghltn ta 60. ; IV—Harold Reid 77, “Marion take pbell 72, Roy Ludwig 63, Mar- gaetite Reid 58, Lester Bowman 56. Sr. I1J—Earl Hallman 70, Marion Keeso 69, Helen Reid 68, Merle Mc- Intosh 65, Charlie McIntosh 62 Grace Perrin 61, Lenore Rela 62. Jr. Ul—Greta Bowman 67, Ruth Perrin 66, Franklin Bowman = 55, Thomas Ash 53, Harold Ludwig 51. II—Lyla Mason’'87, Eileen Hall- ag 86, Marjorie Bowman 65, Mor- Ash 62, John Harkes 49, James 49. I—Vera McIntosh, Viette Ash, Gordora Weber, Elsie Hisson. Jr. er—Dorothy Hallman, Dorothy Siw wman, Cecil Ludwig, Harold Fullarton, Robert Campbell, Harold Mason. Vv. E. Campbell, teacher. LEEEEEEDEEEETED TEEPE OEE ITD ¥ + + 8.5. NO. 2, ELMA + ¢ + GEEEGEEEPREEAEELELEFES DOGS Report of S. 8S. No. 2 Elma March and April. Srihiee marked with an asterisk have missed one or more examinations oF a large portion of daily work. Sr. IV—Total .588. Campbell hey 422, *Frank ea ica ot 423, Re *Jennie Leonard 268, *Iasbe! Sharpe $65, *Ervine Huisser 244, *Florence Donahue 216, “Lorne Gray 203, *Willie Sh | aps -picte Gray 709, Barl Biehn Shearer 656. Allison | $43, Rime Coghlin 621, Sickling 479, * rdom ‘| And bringing joy to soule that weep; Discs ctievirsecrs see , Perhaps you had forgot about Setobefedede pedo aptetscetete™s SMILE FOR SMILE ‘€ = Douglas Malloch We can’t be merry all the day, Butif a friend should come your way With smiling face and happy air, Whatever load. you have to bear, What eort of sorrow for awhile. I hope you give him smile for smile! Now, much is said about the» need, Of bringing cheer to hearte that bleed But there’s another faith to keep, There’s something for the sad to do-- To smile at folks who smile at you! Bo when they come, as come they will, To epeak of good in time of ill, To speak of blessing too, no doubt, Whes jody eomes knocking, night- or day, Run out to meet it half the way! Yes, there’s a duty for the sad, When good folks come to make you giad, And that’s to grin, and show yqur -And cheer yourself a little bit. At least this ought to do— To smile at folke who smile at you, THE H. C. OF F. When F drive in my Liz there _ invariably A puncture or smash of the fénder, Which in dollars and coats ix a mighty expense For one whose bank balance ie slender. : Whenever I _ in my car chaeoa ¢ That's react about just to mark. it, And he’s glad to escort me around to the com vag Fe failing to properly park All my eile 40k ilie come eat moter yan ae. “i @ | Manly and true of hea: Bein, Hlelee SOMEONE TO LEAD There is’nt a boy but Aa Sa to grow And every boy would like to know The message you impart. He doesn’t desire to aa or shirk And hayén‘’t you, heard him plead? He'll follow the man at, play or work If only the man will lead. Where are the men to lead to-day. Lending an hour or two Teaching the boys ree = to play Just as a man shoul Village and slum are pr Ry “Come” Here are the boys, indeed! Who can tell what they would be- | come If only the man will lead. Motor and golf and winter sport Take up the time a lot, But wouldn’t you like to feel you'd ht Even a boy—a knot? Country and home depend On you; Character most we fi | How can a boy tell what i" do If there ien’t a man to 1} | Where are the. trl rg ae a a bena Echo it far and wi Men who will rise c ‘every land, ging the Great Divide. Nation and Flag and Tongue unite, Joining each class and eree Here are the boys who would ® do * right, But where are the men to lead? A HUMBLE VETERAN In an Irish courthouse an old man was calléd into, the witness box, and Canned . Goods Specials “Tomatoes Corn Pumpkin linnys us your order for Seed Com now., Mangle Seed any kind 50c a Turnip Seed 65c a |b. and Grass Seed 2 tins for 25¢ 2 tins for 25c 2 tins for 25c > FRED BENDER Wallace Street - LISTOWEL seed being confused and somewhat’ near- sighted, he went-up the stairs that led to the bench gam of thope ge led to the @ judge Saadaulinoradly said, “Ts me a nase you want to be, my go “Ah, 6 ay igs worship,” was the reply. “Tm old man now, and mebbe it’s all "rm fit for. Ps While on a motoring tour in tbe west. of Ireland an American stayed one gight at a little inn in County) 2 way. He was much struck by the clas Sheet ‘re fine bhoys. I've never Bab see ea ree ot ,are known to be favrorable temperance Will Not Have ilu Candidate,in the Field After a thorough discussion of the temperance situation as re politica, mittee of the Perth County Prohib- itien Union in session in, Stratford last week agreed that it weuld be lated to the Politieal Action Com- to nominate an independent wise candidate In the forthcoming elec- ton, but rather decided to endorse candidates of any political party who to the carse. The fellowing equally representative of bers, each oF the political ai) present: Dr. od J R. Fors That this. commi ‘that an aero ee McKenzie, Logan; G. Armstro Town gad Laren Fedy, St. Marys. S. R. Stuart, Mitchell, ef Se Union, acted That, aside trom ‘the question of temperance,, We, as & are not interested’ in the tions of any cantlaty nominated. eS ante Fath o: : the 0.