BUTTER PAPER 10@ sheets, plain 25 100 sheets printed, “Choice Dairy Butter,” S0c. 660 sheets Plain $1.00 600 sheets printed $1.25. Best Quality Parchment Paper ® ror sale at Listowel Banner - } The naman, are in order o Pablie Sc School Re ies For Month of April Report for tes tice month" ‘e April. f merit. I Total 1000, honours 760, 600.— Helena Snellings 926, {Savage 896, ATbert Gilkinson eee Harry Rogers £37, Jack Thompson 819, Mac Pratt 812; Helen J 795, Helen Twamley 766, Ciiffora der 720, Margare' bell. ‘e72, Pearl MeLean 667, Margar- et Fritz.¢60, Kathleen Kidd 659, Thelma Gee 658, Cecil Jones 644, lola Hamilton 640, Vera Kritzer 623, Helen Stuart 598, Jim White 6598, raham Kritzer 568, Billy Slight 556, Margaret Jones 653, ith Hastings 504, Erminie Richards 503, Mary Anger 458, Earl McLean 450, cyri Bamford 428, Waldo Gibson E.G MeDonaid, Principal. ROOM I Totai 900, yun "8t6, pass 540 —Carol Sangster 813, Jack Kibler 800, Jim Savage 762, Jean eae MOTHER:-— Fietcher’s Cas- toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub- Stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, » Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the sj Proveh directions on each package. ure of ysicians everywhere recommend it. ; worth 734, myrtle Hoad 721, garet Melrose\721, Dorothy Walter 707, Olive MeDonald 705, Velma Forman 692, Donald Browne 688, Elmer Richards 679, rothy Bur- ges6 678, Frances Cartlidge Doris Hoad 665, Lorena Fritz 665, Walter Ruppel 647, Jean Helmka Hardy Bell 643, Isabell Ross Loufse Ducklow 628,°-Jack Stewart 622, Aima Richards 619, Norman Wombwell - 618, Blythe Du- berges 615, Albert Fritz 610, Mar- garet Grabb. 601, Olga Gee 594, Johnston Kelly 572, Mary Gibson 552, Margaret Wood 6538, Stewart Peppler 528, Jaeck-Gee 499, Albert } 493, nald Oakes 473, Charlie Whealey 423, Cecil Boyne $91, Edgar Forman 347, Roland Gib- son 282. H. MacQuarrie. Mi Total 740, honours 555, pass 444. —Marjorie Pratt 674, Doris Wheel- er 639, Jack Pickering 18, Orville Leppard 616, Annie Gray 595, Ken- neth Prueter 693, Georgina Fletcher | 584, Isabel Allison 582, Beryl Fish- Jack Fothergi!! 540, Roy Riehm 532, Lloyd Hems- worth 530, Dorothy Fothergill 519, Elmer’ Bean 617, ernice Bartley 515, Carl Vollmershausen 508, Bert Simms 501, Billy polit 497, Nor- ma Holtzman 482, Franklin-Lemmex 481, Carson Mills 480, “arantitn ol- M Flour, Feed & Seeds 50c Ib. Mangold Seed, all varieties, iad ...urnip Seed, all varieties, SEED CORN--:Dents, White Cap, Golden _ Glow, Wisconsin No. 7, Bailey Flints--- Longfellow, King Philip, White Flint, Comptons Early CARROT SEED -.- Large White Field Carrot, 30c a box Chopping Done Satisfactorily and C. H. SMITH, Phone 256 TSE... Promptly 60c lb. iver 478, Norine Filsinger 466, Jack Ross 465, Alma Peppler 455, Mabel Keeso 454, Tony Caruso 450, Maye Helmka 446, Hildred Kritger 444, Elva Travis 436, Mary Bennett 427, Roy Ronald 425, Andrew Malcolm 424, Dora Holtzman 423, Billy Chap- man 417 Roberta Thompson 415, Ag- nes "Hamilton. 410, Jean Smale 409, Lyle Youn 408, Kenneth Baker 399, Muriel Ward 388, Dorothy Stricker $84, Mary Wilfong 277, Wallace El- Wott 365, Jack Banzley “327: P. EK. Kilgore, id ROOM IV Total 610, honours 495, pass 360. —-Vernon Matthewman 626, Jim 4 Burrows 603, Ellen Greenslade 584, Lioyd Bean 581, Jim Large 579, Earl Zurbrigg 575, Gordon Wheeler 57 Douglas Fleming 551, Billy Lar; 568, Max ‘Izen 539, Bert Alexand 516, Eleshia Payne 616, Morton Burnett 511, Catherine Kibler 510, Vera Peppler 505, Jesste Thompson 497, Nellie Clark 495, Garnet Rich- ards 487, Jack Bassett) 474, Gordon Reihm 470, Mervyn Bean 467, Grace Dierlam 463, Hazel Heibein 444, ©®.439, Bobby Cockwell Kehl 420, Bileen How the Bank can help the Far armer Take the sale of an animal. If it is a cash transaction, you ‘can ask the purchaser to send you a marked cheque or your bank will attach a sight draft to the biil of lading. Our manager will be only too glad to outline to you the scores of ver in which he can ‘serve. HERE are scores of ways in which your Bank can help you—methods that will safety. surprise you by their convenience If it is a time sale, aamopteiccs eK collect the note. BANK CF MONTREAL ' Established 1817 Total Assets in excess of $790,000,006., za + Esther Foreman 405, Florence Ronald 396, *Louise Rob- ertson 382, Wilfred. Montous 375, Gertrude Marshall 363, *George Chamtey 357, Arthur Vance 354, Velma Smith 351, Jack ‘Finkbeiner 347, Frank Jermyn 341, Vance Gib- s0n 333, Gibson Ducklow 328, Car- man Wakeford 301, *Billy Reithm | 234, Joseph Marshall 224, *Marjor- j ie Little 146, *Edith Coghlin 123, *Lioyd Upper 85, *Rena "Wakeford 83, *Heten Weber 68. Flora Nicol. ROOM V Total 600, Honours 458. pass 360. \|| —Grace ge 556, Marguerite Gordon 506, drey Bernie 5064, Jack Grainger Privy Floyd Bean 602, ; Marjorie Sewtt 499, Phyliss HAoad 491, Norma Weber 489, ‘Carlyle Chapman’ 468, Hugh George 464, Eleanor MeOartnéy 467, William Poag 460, Doris Bricker 455, Una Gray 453, Douglas Frits 453, Bobbie Binning 445, Grace Calder 442, Rol- ani - Bailey ‘341, Lillian Alexander 434, Erle Browne 4277, Vera ‘Will- Plorence White 423, Cland Chietitt 469, Alice Leppard 408%, Hib- Bean 406, Bdne eee 403, Carmen Bamford 401, How 378, Douglas Browne Candler 373, Hugh Bartja . 372, Wellington Boyne 371, Marie Grosz 867, Arthur MeDonald 362, Lore } Moorehead 361, Nora Groves. 354, Jane Allison 353, Merman Fritz 351, Nelson Travis 341, Edna Burke 838, Frances Loree 3$30,- Robert Tra 816, iPichirg er 309, Nor- man Walker 297,/ Berens Whealy 282, Roy Upper 226, “Billy Smith 42, *Jack Little 51. — I. M. Austin. ROOM : Total £690, honours 360, p ~— June Greenwood $72, brigg 370, Georgina Athas 346, 233. Ralph as 328, Kenzie 326, age 240. = . me Mc- $35, Hel- ison 300, Harry Black- 293, Ads Groves 288. 294, 274, Lorne “Wilson 270, tae the Notice or the Chiet of Police on 666,) Billy en Jones 334, Fagan Hamilton 225,)th S 300, Gordon Weleb i968 Bally] ™ more + e . le Loree 5 Baker 281, © ‘Laver : advised to look up St. rys council fixed the rate for ‘this year at 46.5 mills, one- half mill lower than last’ year. : MeDonald of the C. S. staff, toned at his home in Listowel over the week-end.—Fordwieh, Record. The Se oe an of pheasant egge! ty the Dept. of Game and Fisheries will be“ continued again this year. Getting’ dings? See the "hanwen about the in- vitations, newest designs in old English and script. Several people in Listowel receiv- ed invitations to attend the unveil- ing of a tablet in memory of Sir Ad- am Beck at the Queen Alexandra, Sanatorium, London, yesterday. mershausen 231, Charles Jones 230. Russel Smith 223, Lloyd Smith 221, George Payne 213, Dick Youn 210, Arthur Thibideau 152, Roy Thibi- ean 128, J. Fleming. ROOM VII First Lig $00, pass. 240-——Marie Men 366, arent Snelling 343, Freeborn 331, Clayton Hichiras3 300, 300, Stanley Fritz 250, Viola Hanna 242. Sr. Pr. Total 100, honors 75, pass 60—-Marion Bricker 91, Percy Hoadley 89, “pim * Bartja 87, Nora Farncombe ‘87. Cecree Sandow. 85, Donald Kennedy 85, Mary Hardie 84, Jack Walters he Billy I Helemka 76, Max Peppler._75, Thelma Rocker 75, Kenneth Pirie 71, Dora Welch 68, Grace Cockwell 68, Jack Feld- man 67, *Eddie Anger 56, ‘*Tom Forman Age *Etta Loree 50, *Elsie Chapman 42, *Dorine Forman a2. *Helen “Hottman 39. Prim A. Tota Duckie. 84, Alma Gray 83, Percy Bean 80, Billy Baker bg Jack Kee- so 68. Primer B. Total 100—Flor- ence Gee 65, *Ernie Towpkine 49, Ethel Bogues 44 Absent for examina- tions—Elmer Fleming, Olive Ben- der, Marjorie Russel, Grace Sandow. F. Lake. ROOM VItt Total 100, honors 75, pass 60— Senior—Betty Large 92, Efleen Jones 91 Helen Wilson 89, Vera Richards 88, Adrene Baker 85, George Peppler 83, Madeline Kibler 83, Florence Poag 82, Iola Smith) 81, Howard Kritzer 81, Jean Davis 79, Frederic Groves 79, Samuel Poagi 76, Grace Helmka 75, Harry Izen 74,! 73, Russel Oliver 72, Alice ariraea 71, Dorothy Chamney 70, race Kritzer 68, Vern Abram 67, - \ Britton 66, ere Pohl 66, Norman Whipfler , Bruce Spence 61, Bruce Wastes. el, va See- haver 58, Robert Washburn 57, Dick’ rere 48, Rose Foreman 48, Bur-, dette Irwin* 42, *Lockie Wakeford 36, *Harold Hollinger 34, Kenneth Vollmershausen 34, *Florenee Mar-' sh 24. Junior—Harry Opfer 78, Doris Tonkin 68, Annie Heibein 66, Marie Opfer 65, Ruaesel iar she Pearl Hollinger 40, Ire Hann 16, *Murray Peppler is, "Douglas “Hoad: ley 9, *Lorne Irwin 5. O. Sanderson. 18 THIS TRUE? An Englishman, resident in this country, sends some rather pertin- ent remarks to a Montreal paper on the subject of what he believes to be wrong with Canada. According to this gentleman, Canatia. is at one Considerabl “damage ‘is being | done in town by boys doe pin ap Constable Brown is on war path after these lads as it is “apolar the tax is not the coldest pice in Pa wor orld? ‘{dents of High Schools, Public and ready for the June wed- fo ; Clifford Express Total 400, honours # Mervyn Leslie 293, Hi Hilda Fisher 258, Mabel Bartja| TU i. rul 100—Helen | Beatrice Chalmers 73, Peter Athas’ tl law. to carry them. Did you know that the North Polke Peary's coldest record’: five degrees eeloert vet even eer thes was , equalled at Miles City, Montana, one aay. in January, 1888. The Annual Track and Field Meet of the W.O.S.8.A. will be held at Western University oval, London, on May 22nd and will be-open to stu- panera Schools in ‘Western Ontar-|" Mr. (William Welton, son of’ Mr. Chas. Welton, of thwn, who is on wel, has been given a three months leave of absence by~- the company. Will left on Monday for North Bay to seek a more —- position.—. The season may be backward, but n Saturday last, May Ist, Mrs. Roy Wehrley of Minto Township, present- ed the editor of this paper with a ripe tomato grown in a flower pot in a window of her home.’ She in- formed us that there were ten to a doben thore tomatoes just ripening on same vine.—Harriston Review. Half Holiday at Post office— Pollowing the custom of other years, the Postal Department has at in towns having a week- half holiday, the post office may $is0 observe the holiday, and as 2 consequence of this order, the Lis-, towel post office will close ~éach Wednesday afternoon. ~{ ‘ Smiling Bill says— - ‘ “The O.T.A. may have taken the kick out of everything else, but there sure am one /thing it'll never ney ag _ “wallop” out of, nohow be | 4 Adver eioaa . An th’ Meaty of th’ hewspaper stuff ie that th” next day finds you with more money in your pockets, no headache and a big smile on your map!!!"* Negotiate in Listowel— St. Marys Journal-Argus: A Mit- cell of the Middlesex Tertilés, who spent some time in St. Marys recent- ly in connection with the proposed purchase of the So-Cosy Shoe Fac- tory on which he took an option for $11,000, is now in Listowel, with a view to securing the Perfect Whee! factory there for $12,000. Mr. Mit- chell through lack of funds, was un- able to make-progress in St. Marys. Send for This Booklet— A booklet with the suggestive ti- e, “Tell Your Children the. Truth” is -published by the Canadian Social Hygiene Council, 40 Elm ‘Street, Toronto 2. The price is ten cents. \Parents of young children should fet it and read it.-It will assist them oO solve some of the problems that Yarise’ in home life,-and may mean much for the health and happiness of ‘their sons and daughters. ft is concise, clear, courageous and com- prehensive of the best results’ of present day scientific knowledge. In the Days of Long Ago— Turning to its ffle of fifty years) ago, The Orillia Packet discovered this rather good story: A Madrch- mont man, on his way from Orillia, while “slightly tight,” came into contact with a ‘tree. As quick as a thought, he raised his hat. begged pardon and passed on. Three other eres having met him in this uncer- emonious manner, he doffed his chapeau and, placing it under his arm, backed up against the fence in aparent meditation. A friend passing and the same time the most ‘beau- tifnul. most healthful and most ‘self- contained country ‘earth, Her ‘eli- mate is splendid. The riches of her natural resources are such that we “could build a wall around Canada and produce all we require for ex- istence and then have millions of tone to spare, but in spite of all we are a bankrupt people” In this man’é opinion there is no use blam- ing the politicians since the politic- fans are elected to parliament by the’ people. No use blaming the Govern- ment since it is made J the people: In a democratic country aRn- ada the ple alone are to Siene: If the people: don’t approve of their Government they can put it out of office. But to effect one or the other, what the people have got to do is to change their “spots’’—in ein words, think incentives over. charges Canadians with being “ concerned about making miltons| than about making Canada.” ‘He eays we are “worshippers of the god of pleasure.” He suggests: More 400, Elwood Smith $80, Helen. Heath | overalls and less eastere and cigar- ought “to 378, ‘Thelma ettes; more wheelbarrows and. less automobiles; more scrubbing brushes and less cosmetics; more clean entertainment, good education-} al lectures and less degrading pie-}t ture shows; more spades and jong golf sticks. ‘This is is pretty But drastic or not, is it ‘true? The: is the real question! _A REMEDY AGAINST BORES The mayor of a Western town hit upon a novel echeme to rid himse of a bore Psd had pestered xin for some = iavois doork was Malcolm The eeper a! Times Gertie ha te good-natured obliging chap. and hej lies in Gntaric, announced in their conld never Sind it in tiis heart to turn bere away. Just as sure as was in, the bore was cer- Cart Rup Mary Clark 319,/‘tain to oan? One day the Hct! Varce tin Cutors ilton | mayor determined to end the perse- 303) cution. Se he said to his doorkeep- Ms ig and Times.” “Both soaraets PI eat LB rr know why-Smith continues bo come here £0 Tio, alr, Orillia P. balf a century and ‘Ne fon Br thett fig egreno: oe ete pg rt etierjo ’ by at the time inquired what he was doing. He replied, m waiting for the procession ‘to pass.” —e Increasing — ecount of the increasing de- ss a to their line of © Breakfast Room Furniture this season as well = for their other lines the Black- re-Hamilton Furniture a finding it necess: some additions m public to know that the shipments for April 1926 were over twice. the volume of sales for April 1925, and four times that of April 1924. This jant dis giving employment to nearly fifty men, and the above statements go* to show that the Company's products are proving at- tractive to the buying public. Plus put the tether upon certain quadru- oon a Nigga town, next in order a tether upon certain bi-pede Dies will persist In crossing the lawns and Shai corners, has re- marked a citi ere are some people who ere ‘that they never fet the grow under. their feet. A noble boast, sure, ings applied to your own property and highway, Mr. Bi-Ped, and not to public and private wn corners. Listowel . has m black eye to the visitor lovers of the home-like and tlre tidy. The Orillia Packet and the Oril . tro of the beat known wee issues of Thursday that completed arrangemeats’to ama mate and that béginning with next week's iegue they tena appear as one paper “The titey best been published 5 eee : ‘Teas tom ess chicty diffe ee ent gardensare blended to gi SALADA its Aistanave: fave , UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN empte the Canadian ‘National staff at Listo-| - SPECIAL COURSES FOR . Course in Public Health and Bac- 2. ree in French Conversation. Ree eet to . Summer School © A. JULY 5th to “AUGUST 14th For Information CREAM WANTED If you produce good cream and want the best results under the new grading system, ehip your cream to The Palm Cream- ery. Our Creamery “will be operated 24 hours-a-day_in- the —hot- weather and your cream will be in Mg" Creamery and graded 15 minutes after arrival in Palmerston. Thus assuring the farmer who produces good stops Seek voseible grade and price We loan our patrons cans and pay eash for each can of cream re- ceived. You can ship on pie Sein any day and be assured of prompt delivery and pay. Send us a trial can to-day. THE PALM CREAMERY en _ PALMERSTON ~ How Much Money do the ‘Workers Who Make Your Clothing Spend in Listowel ? Do you think it is fair to employ workers in large centres and Jet the people who help to make your town, sit idle. Remember every suit you have made in Lis- towel gives 4 or 5 days employment to someone. Come in and see our stock of suitings and get our prices. Sn ee SLA Le S. J..POAG PHONE 327 ‘LISTOWEL Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of archi- their rich, soft tones blend with their surroundings They last fo oor gears are fire resistant and give sme: protection er all weather o Brantford Roofing Co Limited thied Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished 4 Service on Brantford Roofing rendered b Robert Oliver, Ltd., - - " Ctotal Now that the Town Fathers have; ™ erase CH and R. Hale! te Blackstone! . grad A Proved safe by-millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis -Lumbago Toothache Rheumatisr L DOES Net te eee ‘onl er’ Wich coatans pro proven det e