‘Jelly Powder. ‘Special price while it lasts for this ee " 3-pkgs. with spoon 25¢ ‘Pineapple Week - | Special Price by.the Case. : Full Supply of Seed Com '@ Prices Right vs ]_FRED BENDER. Wallace Street- —— -LISTOWEL-— Baan . SEED CORN : We have all the best varieties | such as Dent Golden Glow Wisconsin No. 7 Compton’s Flint : Whitecap Bailey Longfellow Flint All Government Tested Corn R.A. CLIMIE GROCER - - - PHONE 72 ; Ot ‘avant Wea Siar ae Mitte Winey? ba atts We ee tae ae ete wa DTT es > s'}in growth and have anh e&pecially fine «|the easiest of annuals to grow. The NASTURTIUMS FOR ' COLOR The easiest way to produce a sheet of brilliant color with a minimum of effort in the flower garden plant nasturtlums. whether the dwarf or the climbing varieties. There is only one cultural warning to give for this old-time favorite, and that is, do not give it too, rieh soil. It ia at its best on rather poor fare. In rieh soil Ht runs too heavily to leayes. poor soil, -it a ‘most abundant bloomer. wis of cut flowers ‘in’ the house’ in, both soft-and- brilliant col- ors, there is nothing more convyen- jent in the garden.: Ranging Yrom sulphur and pure yellow into rose colors,-it-aiso-has— velvety oranges, carlets and maroons that “are al- 58. i plant to tuck into tulip plantings, delaying the sowing’ of the seed un- t til the tulips are fading. The nas- turtiums will then come up«to.cov- er the dying leaves of the tulips with a mantle of their gray-green foliage spangled with a wealth of flowers a little later in the”sedson. They are excellent for beds or for edgings. i The climbing sorts are really-trail- ere or ramblers, having no means of supporting their long stems. They give an excellent effect when train- Tied 0 ‘strings or siip- ports, they make a brilliant porch vire and are particularly effective when woven into wire fences. There are two types of the climbing nastur- tiums, the tall and the Lobb varie- ties. The latter are shorter-jointed series of rich red shades. They are somewhat more free with their bloom than the climbing type. Both will make a™~growth of from six to ten feet. They are used with fine ef- fect as long trailers from window boxes in sunny positions They furnish cut rlaweve from July until the first hard frost, which pute an end to their brilliance as I they are somewhat tender. @ “2° 2 ANNUALS FOR SHADY PLACES Please give me a list of annual flowers’ which will bloom in shady places There are a very. few annuals whioh “ivwes freely unless they re- ceive sunlight for several hours 43 day. Probably Balsam is. best | 1; annual for very shady places. It will thrive with only a.minimum amount of sunlight, and will bloom contin- uously all summer. It is readily started from seeds sown in a special seed bed or in the garden where the plants aré to grow. Other annual flowers which will “endure consider- able shade include Bractiycome,. oft- en called the Swan River Daisy, For- get-me-nots, the Mimulus or Monkey Flower and Kenilworth Ivy ANNUAL SUNFLOWERS Surprising results have attended recent efforts to hybridize and im- prove the annual Sunflowers. Many Warieties now offered are worthy a/i Place in any garden, and are among} t A Baby Chicks For Sale We would advise you to place your erders early for BABY CHICKS fer June, July and August delivery. -We are offering the same high standard, heavy laying strain of pure DELA- MBRE PRODUCTION SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS, fer which we have been receiving 25c apiece at the ridiculously low price of 12%%c each. We also. have a limited number of Delamere Production Legh Pe chicks fer sale from our hatches of May 24th. and May 31st. at 15c each. Phone or write us at onee. Delamere Poultry pet, Stratford, Ont. if . Thos. G. Delamere. Pro Phones 489 j o ee Established 1963. fon of bronze and rose. From Eng- land there come dwarf single forms which grow only two and a hal three feet high, and small flowered WHERE QUALITY) COUNTS WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SPECIAL JAM WEEK STARTLING REDUCTIONS ~ for this week’s selling. 4 Ib. TIN RASPBERRY _Aleo sNarge Anpiee prc haecaiors BART 6e-25c FRY’S a: 255. | MAYFIELD age ‘COCOA [3 234 COFFEE Nujell rdbtiths 3-25e Qc SPECIAL c 7 33 ‘ Sane et | ate Blend 493: | = a “Blend 595!) varieties, These flowers are of value even for house decoration, and keep well when cut. when brought healthy ee body, in“the opinion OS) cal clinie of Koenigsberg university. convention of German surgeons now nm session here’ by on Minuet tra he h ferrihg a patch of can from a patient's Or ioral eink to ite sta own thigh. The ported, soon died, ene unable” ee live in a healthy body. ‘could be cured through a serum, Dector Kurtzahn also extinihed blood from: himself after an. injection’ of; physician's willingness to experiment upon himself in the study of cancer has been acclaimed by his colleag- ues as an act of rare heroism. Oo ee +: St tctectos ica have gold? It ign’t hard Go plant ithe seed, the Lord will send ans age the fertile fields with ee rain Who gota desires? Then sow the roll- ing hill, been cooked ways and should be ag ere It makes a delicious soup when seasoned, hbire cay be thickened or not, as preferr- ed Or plant a little garden, if you will, Or put a box upon a window-sill. pee plant a bulb,-Or give a root a And thei some day observe a flow'r ahs summer sun will ripen all your A yellow rose will make your garden A Fellow jonquil cheer your window And autumn’s yellow all. wa Who would have gold? It isn’t hard wea PRACTICE ver culture is that in which the clo- ver is sown with spring. As soon as the oats crop has; £US been harvested, the clover takes on a rapid growth and soon furnishes a valuable hay hay hag been made, the crop furn- for a corn cro colors range from creamy. white/this furnishes three -crops—oats, through primrosé to orange-yellow,|sweet clover -hay and oo ar: well and often there is a delicate suffus-!as.fall pasture, in two years. In ad- dition the system turhiskes a legume every year for soil improvement. 0} Oats must be cut not to injure the on-coming clover. oc BANNER ADS. PAY Scots on Bett : Herts aaeer is not. cbctagions | in’ contact with a of Dr. Hans Kurtéahn of the surgi- hed Doctor Kurtzahn has astonis ad reopegleay sagen . ae é rous grow cancer cells, he re- In an The experiments, which Were made ive months ago, left Doctor Kurtz- ahn .perfectly healthy. The German A * 2, IA, a a a *, od , WHO Wy OULD HAVE Goin? EYJOY DELICIOUS: TO PREPAREAT. _ to. enjoy many times and in > any ways w the supply lasts.- ah la should always be cooked as soo: after it is cut. It tiuhane ‘and bisagis a very FADED * any tough ends, bru so as to remove all sand /and icles of ¢arth which may have lodg- ed under the scales: home-grown asparagus does not need salt, pepper, butter, if allowed The season for ragnue is relatively short, so it Is a good plan this del'cious ena : ible to ‘phapare it for ebekihe trim off scrape off the larger,ecales.- carefully, Ch Hares 2 part Fresh, tender,|. sorte black, with- many | variegated. rey ee pay ig ae repo — pe the vigorous scraping so often giyen : ad found negative results in the/to the mature talks with tougher The nasturtium is an excellent ‘serum made from. this. blood. icin Asparagus may be cooked wholk. of fresh tender young . stalk or cut up in inch lengths and boiled in slightly salted water. The cooking time ent up this way may be aoe "ide bo ten minute at most, tw oar -five minutes’ Cooke raeuie be enough. Season the cooked separnaue with and litt taste. geet ag and _ MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL —with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates, Yon con have a sott toned roof of = color or combination of colors that pleases your cd permane ent beauty end value to any kind of home By ‘Dougiaa Malloch o> ote ab she 4 Sestestastestestostectectest, Sustastoat Toefonforloelonloeleoloslonlentenleeleeloeleelenleelealeeoetaotactente | the ra t sen’ hard to gain—who would have gold? pon your path the ssi cel’ petals fall, leaves. adorn at all! IN ET CLOVER CULTURE A piorhatis practice in sweet clo- the the oats in crop. Soon after the shes fall pasture and can be turned inder early the next spring in time p. A rotation such-as The high e¢nough 60 as cream_if 4a warm place for a few miniites and then éerve, either alone. or on toast, Many people who have been accust- omed to serving the whole stalks ac- company them with mayonnaise or vinlaigrette—similar to-French dres- sing—or with hollandaise or white! sauce, These sauces may be used eq- ually well with the cut-up asparagus. ass the sauce separately. added to almost toes, A asparagus omelé ing luncheon dish, Sj with asparagus sauce, pst wit “tnt Sexh sto a i lost, Let vou-haye-it The water in, west eeperesns has can a little cream or milk added. many Asparagus stock is an improve- It combines well ment to soups made from other veg- etable juices; such as tomato, onion, or. celery. cream of chicken soup, and can be made into a good sauce to use with left-over asparagus in making other di with ed asparagus may be used in : aking scalloped dishes, croquettes, small amount or Sach! the use of a pressure cooker, the "au pias of home-grown aspara- ned. Some of the del- icate, fresh flavor’ will of course be asparagus is one of the best of the canned veg- etables. may be can but nevertheless KEEP GOING When some one soe advertising Some one stops buyi When some one dine buying Some one stops selling, When some oné stops ‘selling Some one stops making. When some ote stops making Some one stops earning When every one stops earning Everybody Keep going. stops buying. fritters, vegetable loaf, timbales, or any soup, stew, or vegetable salad. Vegetable combina-} tions are increasingly popular, rie? such dishes as cut-up cooked aspara- gus with-new diced creamed or with peas, give variety {0 ae menu, and make-~prof and pata- Brantford RéofingColLinited Brantford. Ontario | — Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by . Robert Oliver, Ltd., - - Listowel . 5 ny the taouthe of Misch pig April | ‘year. This s 3 slowed up ty supply eats in April, but by the end of the mionth arger amounts wére ‘adiog t rE being ‘reached uSually sbout last week of April: “parties Maple Syrup Time | the syra bees as Begg the iene yrup, Tale: ego goon gl to their lips sO as er to lose even pl hile th the quan are well up to ‘he ayera, ape ge af these déalers ih pments go Montreal, but direct to|} Colds Pain Proved safe by millions.and prescribed by Headache Neuralgia Neuritis. Lumitago Toothache ysicians for Rheumatisr | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | is the trade Aspirin mark (registered in acidester of esti ee poet fe ered Acid, 8, that Aspirin means Accept only “Bayer” oer which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tableta ~ 00—Druggists. Also bottles of 24 and 1 Canada) ae mere Manufactare of M While it in we od wabiie against imitat trade mark, the * of ayer Company whl | be st aemiea w ite “heir i general —— known a MOTHER:-~ Filet Castoria isa pleasant; harm- less Substitute for Caster Oil, Paregoric, Teething and Soothing Syrups, espe- “cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. — elehads To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of cher’s Drops Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Cold Water Always and the Mustard Joints—beef, mutton, pork and Ham—ate perfected by the tang of Mustard. should be cold to give the best effect should the meal. be mixed 10 minutes before