Parcel thers ance ttaess Wiens You ‘Need the: Services of Reliable. Business or ‘Professional Men LEGAL - MEDICAL ROBERT G, Mac¥. Successor to Late J, E. Terhune Barrister, Notary. Public, - Convey- ancer Office over E: D. Bolton, 0.L.8. a "Phone 48 — A. G. SHIELD, M. D. Physician and, Surgeon "Diseases of Women and Surgery. - Phone Oftice. Inkerman Street, ‘West. ne 7 MORPHY, K. C. Barri Notary Public; Convey- ener, Solicitor tor. Bank of Com- Merce, pastowels Milverton, Atwood. Money to loan. Olficp over. J. A. Hacking’ 8 Drug Store, Main St, Lis- J. C. HAMILTON, B. A. : Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor “or the Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to loan. Office on-south side of Main street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- mery Parlors. Bonds for Sale. ra 2 ©. MORTON SCOTT, B. A. Barrister, ee apn Public, Convey- neer, ~~orficé over Adclpk's aeriwase Store, _— stree 4 tomohile, burgla ~-Oppostte Présbyterian Church. -DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Gradvate in medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefielid’s Bye -and Golden. Square Throat Hos- vitals, London, Eng 5 Waterloo. Si. Stratford. Phone 267 Hl be at the Queen's Hotel, Listo- “ wel on the first - Monday month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m The hearin ng of ape Rosa Commit- tee. report; which tained an ex- | tensive 2 hig of rae work for the year, involving an expenditure of ap- Troxtiaathiie $108, 000, ena the attention of Perth County Council ra a considerable its sessio: las ommen contained will be earried out this year, owing to the lateness a the a ang beg ony event the es matey: cop appropria- tion mee only .$76, 900. on roads this year. The “ale itself is. largely main- tenance, grading and resurfacing, al- though there will be a certain mount of camabrictiod throughout the county. In matty places roads Be- in the INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE in best companies; ‘also accident, au- bond insurance. Automobile insur- ance, 85 cts. per 100. Your business solicited. E. D. BOLTON. “DENTAL W. G. E. SPENCE manna, Graduate of the Dentist ent of University of Penn- caeivania, Philadelphia; also gradu- ate of The Roya) Colltge of Dental el perl aaa 0. Office over Schin- bein's Sto For painless sctiti tet we use nit- rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- five anaesthesia. R. F, TAYLOR, L.DS.; DDS. Graduate of the Royal college of ch Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- & F. ST. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto University. . Office over Banzley’s new store ‘Phone 23 for appointments, r Extractions. mald’s store. rsity. ce Oxide Gas Offiie over J. C. Mc Phone 60. faa MUSIC nancy ay F. HOADLEY mposer Organist sak me Leader of Lis- towel United Chu Teacher of Piano, and Theory of Mu Studio, corner oe Division and El- ma Streets, Phone 306. HEALTHGRAMS District Otticer wey Stealth Song, Organ The Annual Clean-up : A combined ‘effort should be made by a spring clean- up drive for the removal of 1e winter's accumulation of ashes, gar- CHIROPRACTIC L: O. WHITFIELD, D. C. ropractor te of ya .8chool of Chir- opractic, Davenport, lowa Office on Main street, over John- Tiga 7 store. Hours 10 to! 12 n .m. Evenings and “other nme rae appointment. Phone No. Oonsultation free. AUCTIONEER W. Dowd Sells for others and always sells to others NATIONAL FARM AGENCY 10ne 246, Listowel. OPTOMETRIST DR. H. 8. MALLORY Registered Optometrist e Ee | =~" Graduate of the Royal Genes of! Science, Toronto. Offic . A. Oli- ver’s Jewellery store. | FUNERAL DIRECTO 1} and professional wisdem is the publie’s prétec- tion. Our equip- ment is moder: and eur eonduct :, ir ¥ eproaehabie. bage and other refuse in yards, .al- leys, streets and lanes, This is re- quired by schedule B of the Health Act but civic pride should demand it ‘Have your back streets as clean as your front ones. De not wait for i the Sanitary Inspector to come round with a notice. Don’t be a town with a swell front and a ewill back. Clean out the cellar and whitewash the} | walls. all waste material ifrom the attic and storeroom, In this | way you will also reduce your fire risk. garbage re- thoroughly breeding | Stables, pedi and ceptacles ehould cleaned to prevent ‘fly | places. The house fly ‘thirty distinct disease /ganitsms..Swat the fly is good advice ' | Will the cellars of your fgod (shops bear inspection? There is no {excuse for decayed vegetables and | rotten fruit being on the same shel ves with the butter, but this fs of- Hten the case. Tenants have an equal | responsibility here with the owner. | The landlord pays the taxes, but any extra expense he is put to comes out of the tenant’s pocket. Practical sanitation ts easy if ev- ery one will do his bit and duty. Each and everyone should be inter- ested in the general clean-up move- ment to beautify the city and pro- mote healthy conditions Next Weck: Longer Lite and Tess a Disease Initiative and resource shown by the Foreign Department ‘of the Do- minion Express Company went far to neutralize, if not entirely nullify, shipping tro '“s during the recent general strike in England. A fleet ef moter trucks in London, Man- chester, Bradford and. Liverpool catrigd out receipts and deliveries in the usual manner thereby elimi- nating any ill effects to the Britieh- Canadian wade during the period of the strike, Saskatoon, Timmins. T» tour ends July Ld weitciecs wiio “‘ttrrived on the "Empress of Rusyia" from the Far” _ East, and who crofsed Canada in had been ftarted for the stabilization of Ghina and the end of brigand t swat his breeding place is better. € The English Football Teafn now. a the of * the old eravel - rule, Under the chairmanship of Sun will be widened a number of culverts are in need of repairs The-. report very thoroughly covered tlie road .work necessary in the -various town- ‘skips and was tavoratiy received. It also contained recommendation that a bylaw be passed covering the erection Of “Stop” signs atthe junc tion of all county roads with proyin- Glial highways, Agi) at other danger points, such as Monkton, Russeldale, etc. The purchase of a carload of chloride of lime for. the purpose of dust prevention, was advised. Detail of Road Work The report of the Road Committee presented by the clerk was as fol- ows: The members of the " Road Com- mittee inspected the connty roads for the purpose of ascertaining the amount and nature of the work re- quired to be done during the year 1926, said inspection being made during May 10 to May 14 inclusive, and beg to aictee: thereon as followe: -Road No. Palmerston to Dray- ton, Wallace, “rowaahip the 2 feet concrete pipe requires to be widened five feet and the roAd requires to be widened for a distance of about 504 rods from the Wellington boundary westerly oad.-No. 3, Palmerston to” Listo- wel, Wallace Township-Concessions and 8 require to be constructed throughout, and concession 4 to 6 require resurfacing in places. Two new culverts are required, 14 feet clean span, on—concession § and 8 feet clean span on concession 9, also the road requires widening in many places, especially on concessions 9 and 10. On concession 5 the 4 feet galvanized. pipe wennizes widening, also the road is na in many places and requires athe gutters, Road No. 4, along concessions 4 and 5, to northerly boundary from No. 3, Wallace Township—The ap- proaches to the bridge opposite. lot 36 require widening. Also there -are {two culvert6 which require ,to be widened. Road. No. 5. boundary between Yallaee and Elma and north bound- ary of Mornington—Opposite lots 12 to 18, Wallace, requires resurfacing and a 3% feet galvanized pipe is re- quired opposite lot 1, Elm Road: No. 6, Listowel to "Seakton. Elma Township—Concessions north art 7, No. 8 and part of No,:9-con- structing and resurfacing is requir- d conces- d 17. A new bridge is re- quired on concession 1 of about 50 feet clear span Road No. 7, Tralee to Brunner, Mornington Township—From Mil- verton north to concession-12 shouid be resurfaced in many places and much grading is wpgiteae. A an” bridge of about 48 feet clear span is required on concession 11, Also the new road on concession 9 requires to be constructed. A culvert on conces- sion 8 requires to be widened Road No. 8, Edgecombe to botnd- ary of Wellesley Township—From Newton east to join up. with the work of 1925 requires to be done un- der constructio Road Ne. 9, “north boundary to Lo- gan, Elijce and North’ thope— | From Monkton west to r @-11 re- quires to be done under conatrnction. From Mohkton east reqalres to be graded and resurfaced in places, es- pecially opposite lots &, 6. in and 10, Ellice. Between old and ow. Pruner the road requires to eg tected: The ae railing on the bridge over the creek drain ae been tak: en. off ra requires instructed. The road requires wihetteg in places from. Topping a No. 10, »beundary between Lo McKillop ‘Townekip—, aly in nee@ of grading and resur- Natu 9 in - places from concessiona 1 Road Ne. 11, Monkton to ig ye p—Con wid a road pretected for about 160 feet ‘pit On e@nesssion Road No. 12, from north bound- ary of Ellice Sebringyill cessions 12, 18, 14 and 18, to be scarifi : ert ‘a too narrow ae resurfacing. in - ‘ ad Wo, Northere Gravel 3, Road, Topping to Stratford—cConces- alions 9 and 19 ae pert of 11 -re- quire resu thé feundation of the concrete. exlvert requires » t Yen, ‘fon , } requires mere— « Officers of the Order of the Roti- ee * at Osborne, | ier: to? ¢ ear di and 12. require ‘rerurfa@ing at too pointe on Road No. 16; Mitchell to -eouth boundary of Falla artomg-Concessions | $7 9 to 14 require to be ened. in places. Concessions sions 4 Sid opponite, the cemetery protection | No. 19, ‘Sebringvitie to. south boundary of whie . wnship— Concessions 1 oe 2 requies to a constructed and straight The road near the front of ponlocceent 6, north to Avonton bridge, r be wideried and néw» pipe culvert constructed: Concession 14, @bont 100 rods from the front, is narrow Ing. dangerous _and requires: widen- n No. 20, Fairview, peg aed to Drovingiat Highway—The is worn very thin in many places rly and requires alleen pyrone and. i. also narrow. in plates on The work done last year “ ‘illing hole has sunk. near the road bed and tarth-on top. ~ Road. No. 21, Tavistogk to Shakes- peare—Requires to be perenctad from Bbakekioare to Taviatoe d_No, 22, Tavistock to Peeve: clal Highway along geouth end -east boubdary of South Basthope—Re. quires maintenancé only and ts ah tenet 5 a Oxford, Coun ‘Roa he 15 ponedary ‘between Bistanant: “and Osborne — Conces- sions~1 and 2 require constructing. Concession. 3. needs- widening ‘south of bridge. Widen culvert 5 feet, pipe corrugated 10 feet, concession 9: el- so the road at culvert: On boundary “4 Middlesex wideh the road 5 feet by taking earth from-south side to make gutter and protect the_road for 80 feet at Whalen corner Road No. 24, Kirkton’ "easterly a- long concessions 4 and 5, Blanshard to Mitchell road, thence to Rannoch —Resurface « where. necessary —in places under maintenance. No. 25, Water street,. St. Marys, to seuth boundary of Blan- shard—Requites maintenance only. ° : No. 26, from Stratford, St. Marys-Highway, towards Thamesford —Requires maintenatice only. ; Road No. 27, St. Marys, northerly to gouth boundary of Dow- nie—Requires. maintenance on! Road No, + Town of Mitchell, Blanshard, and St. George streets— Either new bridge or-old stone one . strengthened, dnd the road by appli- cation of taryia and ccarse sand or pea gravel. Road No. 29, Main street, Milver-{ ton, to be-maintined by application of a and coarse sand or pea gray 7 Heteund There | On May 16 two hundred new Scot- tish settlers arrived on the Canadian Pacific liner “Metagama” in charge of Father R..A. MacDonnell, nanag- ing director of the Scottish Inimi- gration Aid Society. This is the second consignment of settlers brought out this year under the Clan Donald plan. The well-known comic strip-artist, - Clare Briggs, of “Mr. and Mrs.” fame, arrived in Montreal recently with six New York newspaper -men. y then weft up to the Laurentian mountains fer some trout fishing on Lake Archambault and streams in the immediate vicinity of St. Donat Chalet, a A. L. Rawlinson, passenger age’ and Victor Collignon, chief clerk se the Canadian Pacific. Railway at Antwerp, have been: appointed as mapian Crown by His Majesty, King of Roumania, for services rendered 7 motorcycles_in Japan is Neca ine creasing as this is considered a cheap vahd cohvenient method of locqmotion and well sulted to the somewhat ' naire row toads of the country. pililverton Sun. 41925 Tourists Bronght fikties 000 . Mrs. 7. paces oe eer coneee | aictriet ‘of Big United Church for the ‘Bx: nd ming. er is pay chet which is $75,000 less than fast ie Mre, Bryans aad Mrs. Pelton of Listowel spent Monday at the home of Mr. H. Eckénswiller, and. accomp- anied Mrs. Abel and Miss Pearl Eck- enswiller on the rettirn motor trip to Toronto, —Clifford Express. “The towns which | hayen‘t a band are envious of towns which have one" rem ‘the Durham eer “while towns. which don’t seem to fully: aureciets fact ses mane an organization {is in | the tow year. @ open season Be bass fishing ee e sum asihoniad to the. angie at the] - oe The in local and district waters opens on June 16 and extends ‘to November 30, both days inclusive, according. to extracts from. the game and fish laws < ; t_will_pay-you-te-consnlt-the-ad-; vertising columns of the Banner. hey contain announcements of re- liable concerns: Mention their Ban- tied advertisements when ho call to see their goods. Woodstock and Owen Sound are arranging to grant free lots to those 1 building homes thereon. In -other villages in Western Ontario exemp= ong from municipal taxes for one “ce ~ prompt delivery and pay. Send “PALMERSTON THE PALM ‘CREAMERY co. us a trial can more years on new homes has bake suggested. Mrs. Zilliax; of Listowel, visited in Walkerton last week, and sang in Knox church on Sunday. night, with great acceptance as a-solo. “Abide With Me,” by. Liddle-—Walkerton Telescope. Two silver cups for pf teig among butter producers of. t minion have been donated me Hon, George S. Henry, minister of high- be for Ontario, it was announced by the executive of thé Royal Agri- cultural Winter Fair. The Highways Department. of the Ontario Government will take care of detours made necessary by roa construction. This reform will. be hailed with joy by motorists, who feel that a good many detours In the ast were devised with a view of helping thé garages. . Mrs, Francis Yeo, Sr., came over on Tuesday from Listowel where she rhad spent the winter with her cov- sin, Mrs. Tipping, who achompasie’ her here. Her sister, Mra; Mason, of London, who will remain for a time, d? What kind of warning. also came with her.—Mt. Forest |Con. & Rep \ Salesmanship | consists in song? }Something else “just as good'’ when you have not the saiicle desired on | hand. Samuel demonstrated that he] possessed this inetinct when a cus- tomer asked for.a quarter’s worth of carbolic acid, and he observed: Vel) dis is a pawn shop; but, mister, ve have razors, ropes and revolvers.”-— Boodtlegging- is still rampant in Provinces that have turned from Pro- yaetion to Government. Control, but t varies in form and extent with the restttéttons:. Last year between May 1 ts December. 3 the drunks ‘in. the Regina Polite Court showed. © an in- crease of 127 per cent,.as compared with the number for the same period in 1924, whén Prohibition was in force; Received Call to Ford City— A despatch from Forest, says that Rey. Wiliam Cox tor Congregational Church, ed h ation to Ont, lias tender- the United Church at Forest. He re received an invitation to Ford Cit ' Myr, Zillisxy « Delegate— Mr. H. Zilliax, a former druggist of: Walkerton, isa delegate to the convention of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Service . League, Which é6pens in London on June 3rd. Mr, ZilMax is ohne of the representa- tives of Byron “Sanitorium Branch Tuberculosis Veteran’s Association. —Walkerton Telescope. No Funds time you suffer indigestion from unwise eating, your body is giving the Same. To enjoy the blessings of health, stick to the simple wholesome food ds. Miik Made Bread lays up a reserve of strength and en it regularly at every meal and note creased health and joy of living. a sharp-financial les- er : Rat j our mn. H aa“ % ’Phone 85 ZURBRIGC’S BAKERY _ at A Bailey, per bushel Flints--- Longfellow, White Flint; Comptons Early, per bushel . Car of Land Lime price $8.00 per tons Chopping Done Satisfactorily an Promptly C. H. SMITH, Flour, Feed & Seeds Mangold Seed, all varieties, Turnip Seed; ‘all varieties, - SEED CORN---Dents, White Cap, Golden — Glow, Seamirig,; Wisconsin No. 7; 50c Ib. - 60¢ Ib. $1 5 $0.05 Phone 256 Only Three Days! Notice Required— The egy ea oe Balsipel a —_ of 1922, See. 5 n repe; in} how part, aud Satie 7 ‘at tabeeen. 1s substituted therefor: “A member of a beard of education or-of a public} or mererels eehdd rd of. a ty town village, or a member of a high saat beard, éaet three days before the day of nomination lg | his nesignation. with © secretary of the board, shall be disgtalified for a a at the Connell Although many are skeptical with d to..the- accuracy of published, sfeaien: -of-the revenue brought into the ping by tourisis, the me A. W. Campbell, in ies the Motor ‘Veh- “Tourist in- Canada,” re Campbell estimates) that. the industry at i yidd: ited ce into the #ou 4net ve t.Canadiang ieft * $60, 006, 000 in preg Taited States. One interasting mea es — publication isthe statée- t the “nine provinces — ¢ol- eos sation from motor vehicles amounting to $17,570,245, ote: ing $4, 068, 156 in gasoline “ee to is Petsonal Vvish—- ~ Phat angen F Bawsbacers 2 rs ot the coun- xy . 0. persona’ on be cy Ttle Saorentation ®. The boasted, chuckling ct, are thet ever, that no advertising or pub-- ley y coal ‘eounteract “ipdifferent: r “failure ei deliver - the a he adver ne r muet k up his advertising with quality in what he has to sell and efficient service. With pores forees polling Poppet: he will get reguite. An Exchange of Notes A Chaliapine story comes from a ‘small American town, Witere the foc- a) postmaster betrayéd’ a ‘most figs m and shre Chaliapine called for og poo val at @ post-office. ‘I gnees J want some proof ‘saat you're Chaltspine,” demurred the! postm + Chattapine gang an air, and: the postmaster was satisfied. Afterwards of: his ort o FF concert. Gut a certain bank manager in the! middle west once went’ one better! when Caruso entéred the _ to cash a Graft, Caruso, also, in- formed that-he must t devinitely 9 ave his identity: USing a couple of songs,’ pa the manager. “That © tle it. Caruso obliged,-and tse the sec the manager t- really. ‘doubt you,. Mr. ’ euggest- will. soon aren - a card saying many ehicks you want. We noe write bi by ibe be mall when pply y 1000 year aad “White horn hens for June park each WALTER ER ROSE” ~*~ toe good to be. nrissed!** Tt was, after “all, merely an ex- change of Actes. Pee: