Listowel Banner, 10 Jun 1926, p. 7

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Jelly Powder ‘Special price while it lasts for this cual 3 pkgs. with spoon 25c Pineapple Week Special Price by the Case. BE: ull Supply of Seed Com ~— Prices Right ~ Wallace Street FRED BENDER LISTOWEL -Whitecap 48 Bailey | We have all the best varieties such as Wisconsin No. 7 Compton’s Flint - Longfellow Flint Dent ; Golden Glow EXC TERIOR ERE GROCER All Government Tested Corn RA CeiMiE PHONE 72 atynriey ra\hra\iya\craue trav tye s earanasz TOYOTA TONE ——_ “Magnolia stellata should be planted The. only way to beat insect ‘ik nally hopeless. remedy on hand and waiting, and at bee them hot and in the foliage and poiso which are eaten with the “plant are effective; for the others, contact pot- sons and repel used, as stomach poisons from the surface of ‘/helebore are the common poisons used for biting insects, Lead arsen- ate is becoming more popular than the ol@ reliable paris green, aS it sticks. longer. With hellebore it is. necessary to «remember that 1 weakens when osed to the air, and fresh sngioting are needed ever, spraying i application, althoug fequently dusted on in the dry state. Cutworms, which eat through the stems of corn, tomatoes and other plants just below the eurface of the! ground, require special treatment. “Mix one” quart of bran with one teaspoonful of paris green. tablespoonfy! of molasses + with e- nough wat@r to ‘moisten the bran,’ run the directions: “Spread on the surface of the ground near the plants when they are set out. The eutworms come out-at night, eat the mixture, and are half pound of paris green with 20 pounds of bran while both are dry. Dissolvé one quart of molasses in two gallons wo Soom of water, «then pour this in isoned brah and stir until al. ne ran is moistened thoroughly.’’ Som ° x ernie to make ro mixture more en- ticin iy ~ THE MAGNOLIAS M agnolias May still be planted in spite of the fact that the early kinds have already flowered. Rather care- ful thought should be given to the location of Magn them are-ubtaoeh in a protected place. This advice is often given but frequently is misin terpreted: The best proteetion is giy- en by walls or trees which shut off the rays of the sun in spring. This means in practice a northern expes- ure, If the Magnolia is planted in a warm situation it endeavors to Howe er too early, with the result that it invariably damaged by It is for this reason that Magnol- ia stellata is not well.suited for city yards and gardens, because in such peinartdne§ the bude are vin tie ce the first sign of segiey activity give! sini Pointed Inspector beg Pabuen Schools ; “to the Ia t t t ef nett, Stratfor . Ey Nels son, Kin- ae Deans are not taken in with the rj, paring « rf pal achiey, Brantford: Paris green, lead -areenate and ee R. Mikel, Outawa andl. J. Pattit, and declared A. t E. Nelson ie sa to the position. ad North Perth Consepyatived Add alb Pe poisoned. For| Rt .) larger quantities mix thoroughly ohe- us| As Public Sool Lepecor D 0 Mr. -A. E. Neledn, p prictpal 0 of ‘the Kincardine Five vo. aBplications tor the onttion of school inspector were placed be-} fore the renee ec W. R. Bur- “i the tiret ballot re E. Neeae re- ceived eight d°“W. R. Burn- ett received tk og Warden Beggs re- ‘fused to cast a vote Met in i North Perth Conmarrn tives e North Perth Dangarvaiies As- a eat in Miiverton last Weds nesdey-and rr. ted old_office} ers. The attendance was not large, ut was representative. Brief addresses were ‘delivered by} ® D. M. Wright, M. ee rm J. D+ Mon- teith, M.P.P.; or Bs i Marsh- all of Stratford sree ty ‘D. EL; lis of Listowel. Resol fidence in the Conserdat ve leaders, . Hon.-Arthur Meighen and~ Hon. G,. Howard: Ferguson, were ‘passed. - The following are théeff were” unanimously re-elected: orary President, Dr. J. W. er, W. mond, Stratford; aud {tors, H. W. Strudiey- and Alex. A raham. The presidents of the various township organizations complete the executive with the mbove officers, Lacked the Password Sandy Muir was ver¥ fll, so he called his good wife to his bedside and sai ef “of con-t icers hd dee Be longer stalke and serve them~as a eese. Put a a, in a ibe sare tying pan. en -hot fat in Sat lightly pio Cook ‘until well sez, place in the oven to finish cooking on the top. Serve a once on a hot platter. 3 Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter, when well blended add one ‘cuptul ot hot milk;. cook u smooth ani er Add one ‘cup of ~Brated hease and when the cheese is m ers. To make thé digh a li ai y add half a dozen ll se ol- ¥ Cheese Fondu “Pour one cupful of scalded” mil over one cupful of soft bread crum add three-fourthé# of a°cupful of att ‘ful of butter, and salt to the c ™ and fold in the atitfly beaten ‘whites. Bake in a well-greased dish for twenty min. utes or until puffy and cooked to the center. Cheese a Select firm, erase, tender celery a chocse the stalks which have grooves. Cut into inch pieces sty fill with- seasoned cream cheese to which cpopued onion, green a ogi per and nuts have been added. a half dozen of these filled sales on aattnes and serve with a French n This sa: same method may be used for salad Se eectiene: : Hot nd mato Sandwiches Saute thin slices of lean ham very quickly in a frying pan. and slice thin some ripe tomatoes. Have ready slices of white bread cut one- fourth inch thick ‘and lightly toast- ed. Spread toast with salad dress- a Maxsis: I ken’ I'm going to dee.”’ “Ah, noo, Sandy, dinha ye sae sic a thing “But I ken, Maggie, and I hae a! last request to mak’ ye. When I'm} gone promise me. ye'll marry Angus MacFarland.” “Ah, noo, Sandy, sic a thi “But he’s a guid mon, Maggie, and he’ i take good care o’ ye h, na, dinna ye ask it, Sandy, I couldna hae twa husbands in Hea- ven.’ “Ah, dinna at eg nae a’ Presbyte I couldna .do he’s Mageie; i tomato and spread with safad dress- ing and chopped lettuce leayés. Cov- er with toast ¢6pread on one side with salad dressing. Cut into tri- angles and garnish with slicéd pick- le. Serve. with coffee. Baked Mackere gf salt Aad over night, skin side Pp, changing the-water several times. Put to bake skin-side down, adding a ew teaspoontuls of water. Cook 20 minutes, of until the fish loosens po the -bones. After ten minutes over with sweet cream and baste often during the making. Herve with sauce poured over the f add two tablespoonfuls of flour, and| cheese cut into bits, one. ee eg bis d pepper to} pei Spi five egg ole. until thick, heese elted| aavue on wntherea: toast or and , ttle more "The Root Bie eae © an pe of Asphalt Slate. Fire resistant, lasting and. economical, of Yoke: Garuge he gps that wi! harmonize with Surrovadings — a. Stock Carried, I urnished om Brantford Roofing rendered b Brantford Roofing CoLimited~ Brantford, Ontario” oe Service 7 = Laat ormation F Robert Oliver, Ltd., jee fait. tt “looks eras s00n “ate ter the flowers begin to fade, the blossoms aes held on the plants in- stead = drop aaede Ma nolia and ‘various other brightly colored hybrids-are al- 60 tender, even tho they flower later. They like the shelter of build- Baby Chicks For Sale Delamere Production Le ghorns ~the same high standard, heavy which we be - Delamere Poultry Farm, - Thos. G. Delamere, Prop Established 1903. We would advise you to plate your peta early for BABY CHICKS fez June, July and August deltvery. — laying strait of pure DELA MERE PRODUCTION. SINGLE COMB WHITE LBEGHORNS, tor have been receiving 25c apiece . low-price of 12%gc each. Phone or write us at ence. We are rine at the ridiculously Stratford, Ont. Phones 489 j or w WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SPLENDID OFFERINGS IN BAKING REQUIREMENTS—WONDERFUL SAVINGS ‘White Satin” Pastry {FLOUR Pies Bes? for $3.85 97¢ 98 Ib. Bag 24 ib. Bag j= BAKING POWDER 1935, Reg. 23c SE | QCOANL | TEAS | > das ie 2 LEMONS } is c Always uniform c - et picnmeiio 795, —_ <> o= Pees SELECT 73%. —* pe. [asinnx ase] FEU 3° Easifiret or Domestic Set No.3 ISHORTENING AS": Pail STERLING CHOKE QUALITY ~} ty-five, The 4} ¥estment plan is ings and trees, without too-much dir- ect sunlight. One useful species not so often planted as the others is -Magnolia macrophylla, a native of the south- ern states, and the largest leaves and the largest flowers of any tree growing outsidé the tropics. Leaves a yard ins are often seen, and the flowers “ are pure white;and craked are occasional- ly a foot across. THey appear in ear- ly July and have a remarkable fas- cination for rose bugs. It has even been suggested that this Magnolis might be planted as a trap for these pests. ‘ Magnolia macrophyHa should be trained to a single stem instead of being grown in bush form. Then it will became a tree fifteen feet high, an excéllent accent in'the garden and effective + eee a near an entrance. t he tak though, alent this Magnolia in a location where it will be expos- ed to strong winds, for otherwise the leaves will soon. be hipped to pieces Monthly Investment Plan Will Build You an Estate The real funetion of the monthly investment plan and its greatest ad- vantage to the investor, is the accu- mulation of an estate through a reg- ular and systematic plan,.The foun- dation of financial ineereneeae ematic 7 i and so decide on a.g00d plan and to fe to it. The sum of $50. o00 at the of gixty-five seems lke a ee <uasat of money, but the reg- ar investment ofa trifle more than est, with rene oie ee 000 is the regnity ae he youth © of twenty-tve. who will invest. on t aseured an annual in-} > come. of $3,000 if he wishes te re- tire when ie reaches the age o of -six- operation of the Sue anes in- conven- ty, tat chick cope , |ualization of assesamen 2 Takioalk month at 6 per cent, imter-} al-ret im- COUNTY VALUATORS PRBSENT, REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL-- LISTOWEL'S. ASSESSMENT $1,- 534,087—INCREASE OF 4.6 PER CENT—REEVE RINGLER OB- JECTS Consideration of the County Val- uators’ Report recommending an in- crease of $1,091,700 over last year’s aesessment throughout. the - county, ocetipied the -attention of the un- ty Council at a, particularly import- ant and lengthy session lest Thurs- day. The Valuators' report wae laid over for further discussion until the next day, when ebjection was raised to the figures seenralne the agsess- ment of Listowel The Valuators’ report on the eq- t for taxation purposes varied from a deerease of 1j--per cent., from that of the last revised municipal assessment roll. In preparing the rade ane yaluatore, George a Nero Mon- teitr, valued fro oa cent. to § per cent. of all the nae * Sithin the varions townships,~ and in recom- mending the equalized they took into consideration many factore that would influente land and. property values. Among these were, the charact@r of land and buildings, location as to markets, state of cultivation, improvements of tee Cane ang eee erp and in this w an assessment, wee, “at adopted, a be the isi whiok the rates of taxation wif te decided for year. The assessed value of property as }contained in the last revised munici-. pal roll, eager hohe the she mendation of the Vaéluatogs, r Rosemtta ‘Blamaberd. >, eseaes,, hd crease 18.85 Ser cent.; Downie $2,- 874, oo8: “tne 3; per cent.; Bima $3,623,660, increase 5.76 per cent.; ° Elilce $2, ave’ Tacre: Pullart n 32.981. per cent.; tisiowel $1. crore. jn- crease 4. - reel Mitchell a 352, ixecouan 3.02 per cent.; ilverton $612,726, Pb a : oa cent, The totat equalized assass- ‘ment for thie peo d agr ded Valuar ‘te $38,226, oe Last year the assousment was. bea ‘ 6.14 per cent. to an increase pf 39.+/ 6 t6 | Bach Listowel’s aes Assessment: Has Been Increased 4.6 per cent tatned by by the valuators from the as- sessment roll. He eoolaeaea, that there should be a corresponding de- Pcrease in the equalization . assess- me A Penstie that rap report be adopt- oved by Reeve R, Armstrong of Ellice. and Reéve ‘. Kalbfleisch of South Easthope, was lost, and’ an 2a- meéehdment, moved by Reeve Ringler and Reeve J. Douglas of Logan. de- ferring final adoption of the report until the next day was earrie In explaining the repart on Friday Valuator Lochhead stated that in ob- taining the figures of assessment from ‘the Listowel officials the -ex- empted property, including cemnere and school, etc., had not been ta into consideration. The correct ig. ures, he said, according to thelr ae assesament roll were $1;466,5758 dectease of approximiately $114, 100, from ne Swanton originally. present- A ualized assessment for Lis- towel thie year is therefore $1,.534,- 637 Doi deg abt an increase of 4. ¢ per ¢ A eatin was passed adopting tho report as amended, and that the tot- al mssefsment be $35,107,410. YOU NEVER OAN TELL You never can tell when you send a word Like an arrow shot from a “bow By an-archer blind, be it cruel or Just where it may hanes to go At may_ pierce. the. -breast.. of. dearest frien Tipped “witheite ante or To a eager e heart in tite’s iat art It ‘ay carry its pain or fta calm. You never. can tell when you do an ons Saat the result will be. But with every deed you are sowing seed, ti the harvest you may not see. Esch ‘cindly ot is an + ao dropped In God's produative 60 You ran not know, bat rr tree shall e. 3 With shelist for- those who tell. You never ean tell what thought. will do bringing you hate or lore. ghis are your In for thou airy Are swifter than carrier doves They follow the law of the universé: ust create its kind, And they speei o'er the ~. bring you beck ‘Whatever “wert out from your mind. Elfs” Wheeler Wilcox, ‘The igileatae is from ‘en English : “Dear Teacher, track it je simply a convenient ten-pay: your} ings, and - their} ty * Proved safe by millions Said prescrib ed by physicians for Headache ~ Colds Pain _— Neuralgi », Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis a Toothache | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | -which Seats mates quent Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets ‘Also bot les of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirit a the trade mart (registered in rer iat wt Beyer, Manufacture aciden: Salicylicac! means (Acetyl Salicylic **)s of ‘Monoacetic- haar it is well known t imitations, the mark, the “Bayer Crows.” -MOTHER:~ Fletch Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and. Children all ages of Constipa- tion, Flatulency, Wind -Colic er’s and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by : regulating the’ Stomach and. Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. : "76 avoid mltations, ainaye toe the sianatare of Absolutely Physicians s— No recommend it, tie z oes in F, Ailes shizky ator commses SS rnan, creek, beaten is “Physics. pregraum throughout ag pl Beautiful mew University Buildings. OF WESTERN ONTARIO - SPECIAL L_coU RSES FOR 1. Geure tn Pulte Health pare es ‘rench Conversation. he F Mcniess Catunes ix High Bedal Maas es A mplan td cettat end ath-— Summer School Rue 7d oe Ste

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