. .— “The Atwood Bes a ‘LISTOWEL, Thursday, June 17th., 1926 Chautauqua Coming _ to Pa 7 omg Palmerston Man Fatally Burned r ” : The death of Mr: John Ranton, of Palmerston, occurred at the /Palm- erston Hospital on Saturday/ June 12th. as the result of severe burns received early on Friday, when the coal of] which he was using to Tight e fire for breakfast exploded, en- veloping him ingflames, which burn- ‘ed him badly abut the head and body. The house§was practically de- stroye dg Encnene, who was about sixty years old, had_resided-in-Palmerston all ‘his life. He was a married man ‘and leaves. a widow. and -“familw. For upwards of ten years he was care- taker of Palmerston cemetery. Henry Hemsworth attended the funeral which was held on Mon- EVERYBODY’S COLUMN Ten cents a line for firstal insertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cents a. line 4 with minimum charge of 25c. GIRL WANTED . ; Experienced girl wanted. Steady work. Good wages. Apply Diana Sweets. “ LOST . Aw Sunday evening, opposite the: Presbyterian church, a dark brown fox fur neckpiece. Reward. Finder kindly leave at this office. HOUSE FOR RENT House for rent, partly furnished or unfurnished, medern convenien- ces. Central location. Apply Box 616, Or at Banner office: 6-24 —_—" Uo Betw LintGwe; and -Kitchener last week{ auto Hcenss No. 329-467. Finder &findly return to” Mr. .M. Siegal Listowel, é y ae } ford, Rus. Knipe, Frank Kelly, Geo, Re Executive of L.A.A.A. Appoint C Committees DOMINION PROGRAM TATTOO THIS YEAR. DAY CELEBRATION Public Library Building on Tuesday evening of this week, and discussed further matters concerning the cel- auiKtinn 6 July ist. . The program this year will be -of-a—Hfferent’ nat- re ‘than fermer Years, as no tattoo will be held. A softball tournament will be held - addition to. other sports. In-—the morning a monster parade will take place and a softball game will. be played. In the afternoon a baseball match will be played between Palm- erston and, Listowel teams. This will be followed by softball games until has been decided. In -the evening a football match with inburn and Listowel will be played, This will be followed py a concert in the rink The program will conclude with a monster street dance. Music will be’ provided throughout the day by the town band. The following committees were ap- pointed at. the meeting Tuesday ev- ening. ~ Parade —Frank Kelly, D. L. Chap- man, Stan. Kemp, W. P. Rennie, J. A. Schinbein, C. B. Hacking and Stewart McDonald oe all Games—Rev. T. B: "1? ard, C. Bamford and R. Knip Baseball oe Kelly. on . G. Sava Street Danc® and Evening cert—S Kemp, Con. L. Bam- Harron, W. A. Britton, W. P n- nie, Fred Johnston, ‘Robert Cassel¢ and R. G. Savage. Printing—V. C. Walter Bamford and J.j PB Mayne Garden Party Largely Attended As in former years, ‘the annital | garden paty,-held at Mayne United | Cliurch on Tuesday eveninty 15th. under auspices of the Ladies’! ‘ Aid, was largely attended, and the; NOTICE . proceeds totalled the splendid sum! The Fiddler’s Content hil at of $230, including gate and boot last week to eld e Town | recefpts. Hall, Mitchell, on Friday pi June|~“A 18th. at 8 p.m. will be held in the Opera House instead of the Town Hall. s , - * } CE Would the plot owners of Wood- Jawn cemetery please take notice that the Trust Committee have en-, gaged Mr. Thos. Chapman for care- taker, and he has full charge of all ‘the work required to be done there. TRACHE NTED A Protestant teacher for U. 8S. S. No. 1. Elma and Wallace. State sal- ary and experience and qualification. Applieations to be June 28th. ne Coghlin, T ec reas., R. 3, Listowel 8-24 iT Between store at Lebanon and Ds ghee on Thursday last, leather lub bag. Finder kindly notify J. K. Ta lim, 18 Garfield Ave. N. Hamil- ton, or Mr. J Brawn, Listowel. BAZOR BLADES SHARPENED rope Razor Blades seasnened. Satisfaction guaranteed or money gg Single edge 3c, —e axe . B, White, Hardware 7-1 FOR SALE Ancona hatching eggs from in before monday, ahort addres snappy game of football was syed between the 4th line and 6th dine yr the a winning by the score of 1-0. mptuous supper ‘was served by the’ ladies of the ebur- ch. The Salvation Army from Listowel: furnished splendid music for the ey ening and their numbers’ were all enjoyed. Rev.“C, Barnard was chair- man and the following program was rendered: two selections by « mixed quartet from Listowel United Chur- ch; reci ons, Norman ~ Bell and Percy McDermott; dialoguea by Mis- ses Eva and Violet Jaeques, aon McIntosh, Nellie Dowd, and Mess Ed. Jacques and T. J. Schaefer. Bee. Smith, of ia laa also gave a NOTICE Will the party who took the bi- cycle from the Evangelical church shed Same at once trouble. on Sunday last, kindly return and avoid further AGENTS WANTED » Agents $600 monthly easy selling Magic Gas. $1 box equals 33 gallons gasoline. Proven merits. Your name on cans. 300% profit. Write quiek. P. A. Lefebore &.Co., Alexandria, | trap] oy ~ “nested, Lvtagp acon those aves: white ‘eggs thet mand the highest prices. Apply © o. R. Richards. tt ‘Molesworth, or . GARDEN PARTY The Ladies’ Aid of Lebanon chur- ch will hold a garden party on Wed- needay, June 28rd. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker. Sup- mgt eae 6 to 8 o'clock. Excel- lent p football match at 8.30. TA amlagion ae feet. 2c. ‘ ARRANGED — NO The executive of the Listowel Am-| ateur Athletic Association met in ‘the! the championship of the tournament). nei man, of es *|sent from here for upwards of forty- |W.C.T.U. Will Meet In Listowel Next Year| WILL MEET IN LISTOWEL NEXT YEAR—URGE STRICTER OB- SERVANCE E OF LORD'S DAY. ACT i, RS. HAMILTON ELECTED | VICE-PRESIDENT. j —) Resolutions were passed urging a more rigid observance of the Lord's Day Act, advocating. a membership drive and the jnauguration of a week of prayer.for temperance prior to the coming ge ge es the Perth Count C. Booth W. hich met in Mitchell \last Thrsday ; The following heey were elect- ©'ed: President, W. Dale, of St. Marys; vice- ~preaidaat: Mra. L. Hamilton, Listowel; recording eecre- tary, Mrs neman, Mitchell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. 'R. Climie. Listowel; treasurer, Mrs, H. Weitzel, Stratfor ‘a. Three sessions ware held, morning, afternoon and evening, with an at- terdance of about 100 aaegites: rep- resenting branches ftom -St. gts Sedo puh ea Listowel, Mitchel ie Fullarfon. The eretuge were held in the Un ted Chureh | ‘The morning’session opened at 10.30 o'clock by singing “Oh God Our Help in Ages: Post.” Mrs. (Rev:) Rayner of Listowel was in charge of the devotional part. The meeting was presided ‘over by Mrs. D, Reddick of Toronto, and Mrs. G. Neal. of Mit- chell, the county recording secretary, read the minutes. of the Dawns meeting, which were-ado Mrs. H. Weitzel | of Stratford, the county treasurer, gave her report, which showed that there was $171.- 71 in the treasury. > Mrs. R.A. Climie of ‘Listowel, the corresponding secretary, reporte |that there were | fons in the county, of which the to- MY membership was 219, and that the money raised was $1,182. The | superintendents of a number of the ; departments also gave their reports. \ The invitation which _came from | the members of the Listowel union to jhave the next convention in that town was accepte * Committees were appointed as fol- ‘Resolition Committee—Miss J. Hf¢de, of Stratford; Mrs..W. Stone- bai R. A. } Seaman of Listo Plan of Work Retimttbeas are. | ee arenas rg Mrs. Wauriieg /and H. Cairns, St. Marys; Mrs |B ahh “6f Motherwell. ‘Coarteay Committee—Mrs. W. | Dale of St. Marys; Mrs. Smith,- of + Listowel, and Mrs. Pepper. Former Listowel Boy Renews Friends MR. WILLIAM E. BRYAN OF -CHICAGE, GIVES LISTOWEL CALL ON TUESDAY AFTER AB- SENOE OF FORTY-FOUR TEARS. Mr. William” E. Bryan, attorney and counselor, of Chicago, a former} ® Listowel boy, and who has been ab- four years, paid a visit to Listowel |i on Tuesday of this week, and also gave The Banner a -brief ca Mr. a tema “member| of The Banner staff, He recalled the year 1882, awhen hé’served as ‘‘devil” ff. yes time The Ban- at a half. He attedded<Listowal Public School, his waste, the late Benjamin, Rothwell at that time being teacher, Early in the winter of 1883 Mr. Bry- an left for Port Hope with his. par- ents. Here he atterided sehool for) ¥ two years. He was an Sepleren of @ vera business office for two years} following, and in 1887 left for ook 1894 he bao to the OCOTFPAGES FOR SALE Two for sale at ee ee ee ae pee Soe arts, Lee ¥ E Parniohad or unfurnished franfe Roush hot water fireplace. Lew rent to soot tanent Phone 260. |e Branch Wo- ~ Woodlawn cemetery. pro ie 36 and ‘atc. Proceeds for he y,,| recalled the deys of 1882 when he} 4 Listowel La Department of cago. In 1898 he wae admitted to the bar, and since that time has been|risen following out % He {s a member of the Masonic] he Order, Nobles. o' e Shrine, ‘empie, Mem of Chica ber go Bar gee and several other lodges. While in the office on Tu ” GARDEN P PARTY jer ge RS are holding their annual at r -quar- FOR S4LE ~ Bight-roomed frame house in good per ‘repair. All Bape si ene pcos Large lot. oe termes; for. i or to rent. Appl a ‘Fotherg ill. Abr: nable,. easy ee as. at “at Point Clarke GC. :6, 76-17 , are pares providing the fom ge program. Sup- served from to 8 Gclock. Aa- Tot, |miesion 38c and 2 "Registered Training School ‘Nurses, affiliated with Albany wed-| Sr. or ih Col , offers a year the ae ‘change of the town absence of forty-fou Mr, Bryans was Mfs. Bryans and eon, Mr. of Canada TEA AND G SALE e ladies of che they sence booth, are holding a ¥ pe teaching staff have consider- d Thus the animals had plenty of wa- five organized un- ter * a. a tick @ and}A huge, In gate pte rcieed elbowed; Bt. — retreated, Wee y hee embarr- ‘eecompanted by | J. F. Bry-; ans, and pet were praises a tour Essay Wake at: Listowel High School ROY SNEATH, FIF FIRST FORM STU- DENT, WRITES SPLENDID COMPOSHTION FOR ENAMENA- TION. The followings. is. a copy. of a composition” examination written rohit a the Listowel High School, 4 eath, He me Lape and thirteen sae old so and Mra: Roy Sneath, Pihtadel, The -High this compostion yéery well written aa worthy o mablication. THE MIDWA a bee, i SAW IT John Hewit ow short, heavily built, healthy, itttle Cafiadian lad of eight He $was the only son of a slight, “Tittle - 6 Fag teh and a *| strong-lim bet John had lived all his life on their eB farm, five miles from a village and had ie visited the nearest town, Grime - Odaeeaneane he was very excit- ed when he ange that his eee er had promised to take a large circus which was visiting ‘iene, That night: he slept little, ml what repose hefook was haunted by dreams of great) roaring. lions, huge alge and. Yabbering monkeys. Next day he found that, owing to an unexpected® pied of work he could not go till night, He waited eagerly and when sevey o'clock, came climb- ed into -a délapidated Chevrolet his father owned,"ind was soon speed- ing townwards. The circus was pit- ched on a large stretch of turf on the outskirts of the town. A tiny brook meanderin on’ one side and ‘the circus was pitched, on the other. John alighted with his father and mother and began walking around. He was delighted with all he saw an while calling his ‘mothers’ at- tention to some entrancing “scene, found that he was talking ‘to air and that“she and bis father had disap- ear a However, he, was not afraid, andon,-thé-contrary, felt. that he pes yes better time without her: John felt Yery important as walked dowh the midway with a dol- lar in his pocket. The first. thing he saw as. the Wild Animals’ tent. Out- side a big, florid, over-dressed man as entreating the pdople in a voiee of fhunder to ‘Come "along and see the greatest collection of .animals since the world began. Only -ten cents, gentlemen. “Only ten cents.’’ Zohn walked »~ and timidly deposit- bo 8 dollar the counter. He re- and change, no icing the omission of ten cents. Inside { hinge t tent were hun- dreds of cages filled with wild ani- mals. John had never dreamed there ng, hurrying c' At the next booth w a huge, negro swallowing flicker! flames of tire with apparent relia’ Jehn did not pause here, but walked to hately swallowing and reswallowing swords, and challenging every man, woman er child to a wrestling match: wan" boxes ged ag" sige Saw a woman, : eet wha. shook his held and i tter his health. in ea pleasant tone. Hé gasped out something inaudibie and ae next encountered a and im is a gett three and tour "at vases The Scenic Railway was @ series of dowhs like the vicissitudes} steal) life, in little cars which crawled; clines wi elow=| m — again found rowds. in the seeth-}Smale; ara Nellie ¢ Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Entertain 600 Kiddies Items Of Local interest | ANNU. L. CELEBRATION * ENJOY- ED BY CHILDREN ORKS EN TAINMENT. The> peawtitul home and prem of Mr and. Mrs. A. BE. Malcolm wal the scene of a gay gathering Friday. evening; June tith; when about six hundred Listowel children were en- tertained by Mrs. Malcolm: This is he Ment gathering of the kind, andi come to be re- ganied by the children of the town as an annual” ee In previous years it was held Ju ard, on the occasion of the Kings" birthday, but year it was postponed because f a mpagles epidemic in the schools. Eleven members of the Highland Pipe Band, Kiilcardine, formerly Mr. Maes home town, were in at- endance; and headed by the pipers; ° tee children paraded from the post- office.to their host’s yesidence. ach of the children were given a balloon and the parade was featur- d with the singing of songs. The streets were 1! hundreds of citizena from Listowel. The children were also treated with ice cream cones, bananas and. loly pops. Harlier in the evening, the happy crowd had their pictures tak- en by Mr.’R. J. Russell, photograph- er, and a man from Toronto was also present and ony moving pictures of the process During the. evening, the Highland Pipe Band .and .the © Listowel band rendéred several selections. Mr. Jas. *‘Maleolm, of Kincardine, M.P. for orth Bruce, gave a brief address about. the oe and its pro- cedure, and to the qiitven, on “Being Happy,” as he termed it, Attended Palmerston Races—\ : Qui @ number from Listtiel motored to Palmérston Wednesday afternoon and” attended the races... 4 Fractured Right Arm— Doris Wheeler fell from a tree on Wednesday” egerissais and “fractured her right arm Studio Re-derorateq— ~*~ Russell's etudio has been Improv- ed in the interior by having it re- decorated. Successful in Passing E Sxams— Mr. Dick Kidd ha ea been success: ful ia passing his first year in med- deine at Western ‘rultvensity: ‘Lon- } ‘Father's Day, June 20th— Next Sunday, June 20th, is Fa- ther’s Day and a general observance of the day will be had throughout the country. : = New Car Sales— ee. Pe Mr, J. Ankenman of ~ Listowel, has purchased a Pontiac coupe, and Mr. Rob 1,-of rrie, .a Me- Laughlin sedan, from the-local deal- ers, Messrs. Stricker & Son. Attended Convention— ¥.- Wilson was in’ London Mr. J: this week, attendi € annual -con- vention of the ef Constables. ‘al Books— illivray, of Hamilton, — is in Listowel this week, auditing the local books of the-Canadian Bank of Commerce. Renaving at Office— r..C, Taylor of Litowel, is re- Veving temporarily at the coal of- fice of Mr. Robert Oliver. “Putting the Honey Into Life’ the races Were as follows: GIRLS, 6 years and under—tist Grace Helmka; 2nd Helen Ducklow, org. Helen Wilson each) years ana’ under—Ist, es; 2nd.. Douglas Hoad- ast GIRLS, 8 un —16t. Geor- gina Athas; -2nd. Viola’ Smith: Srd. Hilda Fisher. BOYS, 8 and under 9—Ist. Stan- ley Fritz;, 2nd. Jack Little; 3rd. hie Chapman GIRLS, 7 ana. under §—1et™Flor- ence Poag; 2nd Etta Loree; 3rd. Mary Hardie Boys, 10 under 11—1st. ts| Douglas Frits; a* William oe $rd. Hugh Bartja. f At =-11—tstif h Cogh lin; ara. Vera Peppler and ‘Marjorie Lit- wére that@many in the whole,..wide “hoys,, il — under 12——Ist. Ly- world. In the first cage were a cou-|/¢ Youn; 2nd. Lloyd Bean; 8rd. ple of huge, roaring lions, with; Stuart Peppler. arp teeth and lolling tongues, pac-|-. GIR li and under 12—list, ing the floor witlr rapid, noiseless! ret png 2nd. Alma Pep- tread, Next were shiny seals, chat-|Ple?; 3rd. Jean Helmka. tering monkeys, striped. tigers, en- HIGHLANDERS— an Rego: And- ormous elephants, and animal after! erson, 2nd. R. Camp ' animal of every sige and form. Fin-| -GIRLS, She oa up 14— ally he had finished his inspection! Magaret - 2nd. Evelyn 12 and up 14—1st. Jack $rd. Jack 8 Fritz; 2nd. Jack Ross; The events’ and prize winners nt, Racca E. .Maleolm has purchased r. a new Packard sedan from Messrs Zarbrigg & Bender, and Mr. W. 8. ' Carter ot Brussels, has purchased jan Esse se lg mere es Position— Miss Mabel W Whaley has accepted a position.. in George's restaurant, and Sneeyinen her new -duties | this wee £ Take Positions in Detroit— Miss Edith King and Mise Gert-|® rude Sangster, both of Grey town- ship, and recent graduates of the Wingham Business College, have ‘taken excellent positions In Detroit. Leaving for West— ’ Mrs. R. R. Hay- left wiles for Hamiota, -Man., where she will sorry. to@report the serious illness a Mrs, Chambers, sister of Mrs. Hay. Will Tour Burope— Miss Helen Hay leaves this week- end on a two-months tour of Burope. She sails on the “Berengaria’ from New York on Wednesday, June 23, and will visit BHngland, Holland, Belgium and France. n Servico— The annual deceration service o piven, Gowanstown, wish to March Selection where, a small Japanese was alter-| H. man start in the pit and} es nas t to rhe top on a racing motor- cye errie- hich “rhe mess a a Cae is dona ¥- The evening's program was eon: cluded with an excellent display of firewerks and an enjoyable time aras q at two-thirty o'clock. Mrs. Dan Loughran’ wa 234 See thank . indly gave their assistance in sav-— ‘ by tire a eis barn from ‘being destroyed. | Fractures Left W is¢_C. Gibbs met. with x very fortunate accident. on Thursday ae ternoon of last week, when she ae down the stairs at her home, She fractured two bones inher left wriet, and has been confined to her home sinte the aceldent. , Addressed Doctors— 2 poten Dr. Alexander Fisher, of Stratford, - ~ ave a very excellent lecture on ab- ~ domina!l diagnosis to members of the pete png ae profession at two o> ~ clock o afternoon in the public career, uilding. Among these attending from out of town were Dr, ston, Dr. “McMaster, Ethel, Jones, Millbank. and Dr. Organize For The -” Coming Ch a EXECUTIVE OF OF WOMEN'S ‘pat. YTIC LEAGUE AND. < TORS APPOINT OnFICERS AND .- COMMITTEES. A meeting of the: ‘exbcutive of the Women's Patriotie League an@ the guarantors of Chatitauqua,. which - be be in Listowel, July 6-8, was held in the Council Chamber po = Weneecey. morning. Mr. Buerkins, advance agent for the ke : sociated Chautauquas of. America, was present and addressed the meet- ing, giving details regarding the or- Sanization for Chautauqua. The foll ying officers and com- mittees wer ae appointed. joy Bamford, G.. Johnston,. iT, i e. Anderson and H. P. Wanzer Grounds Gommittee—Messrs J. ae Bayne, J . MeDonald, rege Ole ver, 8. J pexenstin: W.A Britton and M. R. ~The first sabe in each: commit- tee to ae as chairman, Mrs. F.. El- was appo d bd take charge of the Ticket Commit The all star pro wing for the 1926 Chautauqua ye oe ops areny of cel- ebrities e in aid of the r Meine rial tand. Listowel Wa and vicinity will be canvassed short- ly for the sale of ticketa. The season tickets are: — a 00 pins tax; childrens $1.00 plus tax. SACRED BAND CONCERT . Sunday, June 20th Watestowes Park at 8.30 p.m Apolla King Echoes from the Opera Mackie Beyer kie ‘ie stad oe paced Me Mac’ ’ No, 160 I. 0. F. will be held oe yume tapas, nace-i. ti] Rls? Yul Sh aT ee" rme rome it Dea All members of the Order are re- Aone ih roa the Old Old Story meet in the Lodge rooms | C2¥atino nod Hymn Oh Love that Will Not Let Me Go Hymn | Bleat be the Tie That Binds | Overtur Honeymodn,.. Sutton be) ote Fire ‘Girls March GOD SAVE THE ee, p for the men’s pera 4 er found, to his horror thet, he had spent his last cent. When’ the man’s}. back el Segre Ae aa Bb ge 2 iy his way f to. the| nad by all... Mr and Mrs. Henry Hemsworth rand an ed ao. yo | ander a ae bowed iu ’ wont the amazed crowd was stili District Meeting of | Haaeade deupeer ot hr aD ge won iawn Be tothe ground, nis Eastern Star Lodge} Enos Colgunenn, Pe eee ull panese had employ- ame ceca ed, ‘Sui sooner ‘messing: Weak: N ante eth ie Mnitoca Pape j nees eae tered shin held on Tassday evening, ane 15th. 1G ilt of Bewroryery had A large sumber of visitors palthoatre bau might ttke -Aliadinrs| ent from Owen Sound, Palmerston, te ‘Were; for ten ehta Sieerun: Kitchener, Drayton and}/ . lg of 19 Sones 1 pig, 8 0 altogether a4 on yea 0 qhickens. a bast, Worthy ——_ Sister M. Shane a r, ’ wat Slocted Dis Grana& Last week's puzgle was as tollows: A He A Matron the s i Tanch when sheep wefe at $5 a head, pigs $1 a: Tn ickeus Bernie, of Perth Be each. He spent an even a oape and. hooey just o196, alto- c oe gether, of all three kinds. Mow. many did he get of each? lowing the serving 0 ‘he answer is: 10 sheep, 1 Big, 60 chickens. 19 sheep hen ek wo musical mumbers were At $5 apiece cost $95. The pig i, bringing us-up to $96 nial b aa P And 80 pred @t Sc e cost mt sotia ine spen . a j of just $10 eyening’s entertainment for or ps a a whole party. Fascinating: veut bes ae no. cca real diamonds. No. 10—A farmer ordered some sugar ma es. The nursery company wrote+ack that they pene t ai the Stealthily away and. in a fev, ana| order, but were-doing the best they could. Th t utes found his worried “haber nd him cae ten nit iis The fashaex : ey suite oe eg Rio Leetgnring ig rieir a while figuring how he could set out those ten way etc J gd gaat