Listowel Banner, 17 Jun 1926, p. 4

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Miss -W. * Chamney ’ and Saturday — in stratiord. % erald Pig Listowel-Milverton | .— football, ae managed to find it oe Listowel.» V4 Al: eis Ne an ee Miss Pre ti Wenzel spent Friday i — : ty ar L i+} on another pase under the heading RETARY. oa a ag eee sa | ford --4 ISTOWEL Branch of *\)"Punerals of the Day.” We don't —_—_—_—- cl enaea stings } ‘Bank of know whose funeral it was as the Le Estowel Public vate Com- —a Soe Weaees S 2 game was a tie. mission “been notified by the Sec- hr “2 ; * was opened in 1899, wo out ge retary of the Ontario" Hydra ini con Peart Gukineon ene, ees Bees “ah The first of — th eeki itn: mission of new power an gee the years we have acted as od sotike inurnamaens ‘weekly 2 rates for Listowel. The new rates to Me, ad Mire. Chay, Sameer pe ee ean “| Mharsday evening of last weak. <The (the local commission-end for Stren Rant epent Bonds “5 5 ees. Sd eos degee ; | greens were in excellent shape, es lighting wae effective from January itl M ae Bee : : = and the farmer in this district. ( |} comp etition was sepirite and ‘Ast. 1926, the other rated ere efféct+ Beg hog and Vera Holtz- a “| [brand of bowling of a high rer. ive SenmiANy At AE oo ag aces lagae The best scores — turn n : We have learned that industry, “| the £ g: A. M. Smith, Harvey |$38 per bp. The, old rate was $40), Mrs. George Climie, of Moniroe, ‘ ‘| pilis, T: G. Tilley, Jack Alexander, |P@ is visiting her sisters, the Misses a supported by capable _ 1y. a! Barber, W. Squires, E@. Koch. The changes in the domestic rates| Hay, Victoria Blvd. eae 4 ment should give a and Ed: Jermyn. Cups and saucers|#te Trom 2c to 2.5 certs for firet 60 — and silk socks were the prizés. kw. hrs, and from ic to 1:25¢ per}. Miss Bissett, of Kincardine, is return of rosperity but as busi- -. 2 8 _. \palance of’ kw. hours: used- in the| Visiting <= the home of Mr. and Mrs. Capital and Reserve continually fluc month. The service charge of 88¢.ne-) *- Capi ness y fluc mains the sa $14,500,000.00 » tuate the advice and assistance = 4p The Civil Pin ag and the Profes- ate Miss Alice Livi beers i The changes in the Commerciat, ce Livingstone is a gues sionals played a scheduled Town sue poftbail game on ‘Tuesday rates “are from 4c for the first fifty of Mr. and Me. Hector. Dion at their ee aes ee Total Assets: of - our Manager may be of the pe taniig ~which peaited in a win for be fo hie oeiat need hig gre lg to bee on Lake Simcoe $124,870,316.11 ~' the Civil Servants by the score. 27- Fee a . Melvin Gilki t Ethe 7 greatest — to you. 17, The Servants were masters of, 8nd from 2¢ to 1.25¢ for the balance, nson 0 e a ue the game mniil:the’ eighth inning |? with an additional service charge of spent Tuesday at fhe home of f ‘ when the Pros. ‘scored: eleven runs. Se per 100 of installed ‘load. : DEIERt. DEF. SOR te FOURS Ghikine ; The, line-up — Ch {vil “Servants: ge? mee Aly eae ee ak rates Sail. Spb belebtebdebeteihteebe tebe tb _jaré from 3.5¢ to 3.1¢, for the first —o— ~The Misses Thelut Fleming -Bodier, Bamtory Asks fifty hours’ use and from 2.8c to 2c|., Milverton Sun-——Mrs. (Rev.) John! shearer, Flora Reopank ure Ale My. ane Bite By Weber: a ng Mekander, Knipe. Professiotigie— aim ae to Ste for the balane aid) Neil Crawford, spent ‘Friday with! aren ee eet aida Thurs:| Wa Raller movored pice a Pratt, Livingstone, ‘Creighton, Scott, M4 e, ay last, attending a Guild conven- Melntyre, Taylot, :Howard, Smith, trom ale pes po ¥ : ga friends in Listowel. jtion of the mae district. aan © ping aap hg Me of. Wilson. . Umpires—S. J. Kemp, M-|" porowing, ie 2 cof the letter], Mr. and Mrs. Henty Holtzman,| .- New Hamburg, spent the week-end : Peppler. received from the Power Cimmiseion 4th: con. Maryboro, afd Mr. Fred The Chancel Guild and choir of] with relatives here 8 * * : ot Ontario: Kryckman,. 4th con. Wallace, spent Christ Church are holding a picni Mr. Harold and "Miss Vera Koch, eT Thirty SF areitg of the Listowel ‘ordnto, May 26, 1926 iad at pe Falls and Ham- Friday afternoon and evening of thig| 4th. con. spent Sunday at ‘the home Golf and Country Club paid a visit| Listowel Public Utilities Commiasion| It go gh kg hd msgs pe neds eta =p ito the Seaforth Club on Wednesday Listowel, Ontario : nite An. -Mr._an rs. John -Pletch and’ afternoon of this week,;-and spent “ Attention: tine’ L. | Bec. BRICKER—-HARRON ‘ +e © j family, of Alsfeldt, visited Sunday RLS Hoshi ‘| pleasant time .Sixteen Lijstowel golf-| Dear Sirs A quiet wedding took place at the Rey. C. C. Kaine, County Master| With Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Pletch. ; : from tal— ers competed with the Seaforth men| | am-instrncted by the Co United Church parsonage, Welling-|0f County L. O. L. of North Perth, Mr. and Mrs. John Lingelbach and M . Friends of Miss Dorothy Gildner t y the Commission | ty et tauntt rien er tn kaow end in forsoms, The fin-|to advise you that after a very care-| >” © rect, London, on Saturday,| Will preach to the L. T. B.,O. Y.g amily, motored from Shakespeare. I 4 are 5 Wallace, will be pleage ai score restilted in Seaforth -win-|ful study of the bases of rates as us June 12th. 1926, at high noon, when|B. and Orangemen in the United on Sunday and spent’the day at the tithe none tml Mow as ante vam olor rr fd som dreads soci Ms agers ern, doaghm cf SHS Mra aaa ne. POY Sons Dati conte ‘ +}cone dered advisable t +0 stowel, was at ele iB oclo tal after har recent ORere tS those being the Seat See Listowel and|form of the ps Ni age 9 haere ‘a0 oe united in marriage to Mr. Forbes 5 ae Hen id eae spent a couple g aivar vap @ ica nen c e Bae: nbs lng. Seaferth have played together. Four-|the charges for service will conform| Fcc.’ also of Lisowel. Rey. Canon| Rev. Dr. vamos Ednicott, of the}® a ky friends in Kitchener. who kindly sent floral tributes teen Indies from the Listowel.Club| more nearly with the charges for Hunter performed the ceremony, Eel 284 ct Winnipeg, was elect-|, Miss Etta Whetman»and Miss Mar- ing her stay at the Hospital played with the Seaforth Club, their | similar service in other Departments The happy young couple returned to| ed moderator of the second general lon Ott spent the week-end at the ‘Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Vievee citing 16-2 fOr he BEMTOFIR TE hak aloo been deci#ed to reduce| “towel Saturday evening, ‘end’ will council of-the United Church of Can-| former's home in Drew. ~ j 20th Returns oe wet peg Fe oo7 ae muppet bs i gore slightly the third follow-up power reside here for a short time. bre - orl succeeds Rev. oe RY aan e ae of ile Sunday. une We are glad to report Uw Mrs. e owel club, after which @ 80 | rate. , —_—o— _| Dr. G. C. econ, of Toronto. on Krot® were. Mr, an , ‘4 Fred Davey has been able old jal hour was spent, The Commission instruct that; 4, “ann a = oe Loy aged thecal on Mr. ‘a Mes 10 a.m.—Publie Worship. Commun-| turn from from St. Joseph's hosp fon ' a « ‘- ‘Jeommencing-January-1st. 1926, your the 2 erage ghd a peace Lebano i ri ae ge damatcbtig of the Un- Fred Bend dapat’ fami anes “4 rs, ion service. London, where she has been coxtin- Tee % baer ; {Municipality will be billed for pow-| 6 we he ook place at 12 o'clock e ty ak commenced a ie be: pa iateh: ae 33 gan r. 11 a.m.—S. School session ed for seyeral weeks, receiving treat- oF _ now at at Intermed ate: er supplied on the basis of $38.00 ghey i esday, June 9th. 1926, ieee ce morning.—on et ae hie tv doh oj i +7 me m # 7 p.m.—Chikiren’s Day Program, by |ment to her eye. Miss eae oo bg ee she playe f ; per horsepower per year, and &P-| sire i on nae daughter of " th “i sale eon i a soba AL amily. “‘*otint Gindase-witt nm ov nat the Schoo! and others. of Kitchener, accompanied her ae ie ome — oO ppt ee proval is given for the following Ince a — ran, third line Wal- Ms >, “i rth, choolmaster.” Mon’ “Madison: Heiter Sch ~~ Monday 8 p.m.—BE. .E. and je spending some time at her ay evening with the vyertoni schedule of rates for and , to i ohn Melvin Love, only| During the sumprer months the ser- ‘Milas ‘ « con - Election of ‘Dele ates to convention. | home jn town, team as opponents. The ganie result-| ighting servi of and Mrs. John Love, | Vices wil’ be confined to one hour. Alberta Berlett has returned 4 £ g service to be wae | effective | ed. 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting. ‘ ed in a draw, each team scoring ©nejat the next billing period: third line Smatybdre. Rev. Frank th . . 6 ¢ man's a Owen Soum sometime with—. Bride Honoured by Friends— ~ | goal. urgess, pastor of the church, con- e members of the Women’s Aux-| fiends in Owen | b held} Although the players of both a pa a ~ ducted the ceremony. iliary and the Guild, of Christ. Chur- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dietrich of Lis- { Pe Nag cng ge aiwet wes Oe teams showed lack of condition, some mohfh: ce charge—33c gross per! ‘The pride was charming in her|ch were a. at the home of| towel, ‘visited Sunday with friends ap is ami line Wallace, on Friday even-| good football was played, especially Consumption Charge—2.5e per kil- dainty wedding gown of white geor-| Mrs, J. M. Kincade. on the third of | 0” thie line. andiin the first half. It was in this per-| owatt-hour for the first 60 towate- gette trimmed with lace and orange Wallace,” ol Thursday, June 3rd. A ing, June 4th. when friends blossoms. The brid lar mib d PERE EEE ELA EET EET Rev. Harry W. Jackson Pastor neighbors of the community of Leb- iod that both goals were registered. | hours per month. Plus 1.26c per kil- ¢ © bridal veil wae oval} large number tured Sned by Mra ips ’ anon, gathered in honour of her ee scored first, ys Simp-|owatt-hour for ail additional _ ot ee bee bea ae eye were hospltably ead: = we , RITZ aa. Ny ; Sunday, June 20th daughter, Miss Vera Loughran, whe/80n 2 lowed the ball to slip from his;sumption during the month. Min y a tiny wreath of or- ©. and Arey sae. ‘ - KURTZV. «+ = a was united {n marriage on Wednes- hands after making a stop. The ball} mum monthly bill 83 gross, werent. Ae ee te = Sa The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- 26 eae a a The j as = along the line and Bamford ebb ebb beite deb bee 19 a.m.—Bible School. en Agr srcthseh” wie eared, but Referee McLaughlin -de- arate nae oe 49 was attended by Miss Gertrude} per will be obeerved .on Sunday} yr John Dietespurchased a ¥ora i am.—The Pastor. =. Joughran was showered’ with mis- clared. that it had crossed the line] Service charge— 5 per 100 Salter of Wallace and Mr. Herbert morning next at the Evangelical {; touring car last aa cellanoous gifts. Milverton were one up. Deter-/ watts. of theta! aot Betty Mint eouearen, beater of. the bride, app- ohare. in the evening, the anaual) — wiss Man ‘Tine, spent the 20 + onday, 8 p.m.—B. ¥ oT Epp mined to éven’the count the Listo-! mum gross service charge per month ported the groom. Children’s Day program will . be! week-énd with Ps jend, Miss Ber~ °° Thangs: 7.30 ‘p.m, a erere service. Big Three-Da Salc— = wel forwards ‘pressed the play and|50c, Consumption: charge— bead . The bride’s going-away frock was rendered, and the committee havelipna schmidt. bd y : ie finally were awatded a penalty kick.|K.W.H. for the fret 100 hours’ uae of blue georgette, with @ smart blue|been kept busy the past week prac-| yr. and’ Mirai Beamore Ro aaa ge : ig ee ee pases + Rabbie page ie soored the|of the installed capacity, Plus 1.26¢ epee coat trimmed with fur,|tising the children, family, spent Sunday at the home of OIC ’ liser. * t eu the scofing! per K.W.H ‘ and tan shoés and hat. Mr. and. Mrs.~ Vines. and this special sale starts to-day, cous neitha® team. being-&* B , for all additional] yy. and Mrs. Love left by motor The Women's Guxtliacy and ‘the Wm. i Seeron Services One Hour in| Se Verna etl tem, ce™ aE Saat ON cya, Mamie, So, Sere he of ne i Srne tn. United Church Listowel tie ay a eaenices have certainly been bad the edge in the last half whet men. discount, 10%, Falls and other eastern points, On the — of ws mone itis, Sonne like to see, 7. ce ; oo ad WUMESD THRE ahould bring a {the Listowel forwards fel back fe POWER rae. A tape gt hy shett | the last be Laramer sauathn, SAT] sceaay a the Seat MrcAlex Me SERVICES monster crowd from a radius of Hise the, gts play thie home oye |e Serv: c® sharge-$1.06 per-H.P. per} line Maryboro’. The many friends of | W- Gale, who is leaving shortly Cabe. ay et se eS s Gane porn miles. Tie merchants are af showed that they are a g09d tam! “nth of connected loa ont ‘a Ee Mr. and Mrs. Love wish them a.hap- )f0r Jenan was unable to be present,| Rev. Johns, a mss ionary from S d y, } S6th aie og sales and van . your op- but they will have to plav jnore o — sauim AStnED, tts ae se eh “ig py and preeperows married life, aoe pete oted. age oe oe China. will preach at Mayne United unday, june < ; portunity to eboure igh class qual- "} bination atid play th ‘i 8 « for the ia dainty refreshents at the close of t2@) church next Sunday morning. y their positions iar mS : COS, dy ec | NOM PD |b mec en sovonsenanwnareeostosoeneg TN | Mr 2 areca tiene % Theme i Attended Funeral of ftrothery a egy Fe ge ACE. pir K.W.H. for the second 60 hours’ . THIRD LINE WALLACE. > 4 The annualcampmeeting and.con- Dae ' Jesus in tie QOut-ef-Doors | Mz, whd Mrs. T. Hamilton and wer team: or }- use per month of Sone pect ted load or}, 4] ventions of the Evangelical chureb Mr. Fred Ruppel ant family spent 1 —gubject: “JERUS AN} 1 Miles s Bye Hamilton motored to Galt son, rull backs, Staion re maximum demand.. - s 0.33c per OR ri ee ee ee of the Hanover district will be held Tharsday in Sebringville. . ii a.m FLOWERS Weduesday and attended 1, oan naives, Harron, Bamford, 8. Cooper; | K.W.H. for ail. wAditonal monthly| wr. and Mre. W., F. Heath, Car- at Carrick camp grounds as follows:| Mr. Eldon Ankenman was in Moth- q Eee heed eg as the children | oral . _ od oe amiitos henge peer eee 1 consumption. Prompt payment dis-|men and Helen and Miss Susie a ge eget 5 ed coutention erwell. to-day attending the sane ’ olc . , p 10 yi June 24t campmeeting! Field Day of the Beekeepers’ Assoc- A el c s | Tee late MF. Hamilton is d pesca Referee—MeLaughin, Stratford. SMREBT LIGHTING ar the ome of Mr a ak will hegin June 26th. in, the after- tation: ie was accompanied as far A.M—Children’s Choir. th > plow Jot Mr. T. L, egg glow 7 “a The following shall be the rates! powm noon and continue until noon ON|as Stratford by Mrs. Ankenman and eee Solos: de ve oN ng iy - “* e Defend Hough Cap for street Hghting, to take effect Mise. "Mary Chamney of Kitchener. oe 5th. From July 5 to 8th, there) Mre. J. Schaefer. ers - Bloom Fore er.’ ful.” Lanark County. i xed n two years) ‘The Hough Cup will rene un-|from January ‘1st. 1926: $30.00lenont the week-end at the home of i be @ monster: Wy awention of the Things Bright and. Beautitu b- of age thé family moved by ox-cast to ag ees within the four gray walltiper year per 350 W.M. lamp; $25.00|ney parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hvangulical League of Christian En- Salq paris taken by raven Kibe {Cromarty Foren eoee th For | the/af the Listowel ‘Aish Sehool for an-|per year per 200 WM. lamp; $12.-|Ghamney. deavor, Preerreevesrenesrrtns: co) ler, Master ew sate 7 past t ‘ wlgg oy: _ & has been cue season, We feel safe 00 per. year per 100 W.M. lamp; Mr. and Mrs. F. Schnittker and ¢ . r and Master Jac akefor: a in the Bhoe busimess in Galt. nouncing - this ph in watohineg the $10.00 par year per 60 W. M. lamp. |gon, of Listowel, spent Sunday with | | There was a lafge "number at the| > FOURTH LINE WALLACE 2 46 p:m.—Sunday School. - Blug and White — Stratford Yours truly, . Mr. and Mrs. John Bender emetery at St. Paul's church, Buy * ote 7 pm.—Subject: “WATCH Us peat "nt Grimsby— I. by a score of 5-0 ~laet meravdes, , W. W. Pope See| We are sorry to report the illness ey on the 16th. of June when the ¥ ore etiends in bistowel aid: viciniy winning the sound with & mrergin of ’ of Mr. Ed. Chamney, A nutee is in work af senogation 4 hese bag This alates eh eo gg la four ground was continued. sr <-lof the heavi rains for some time,. p afidress to, youne iy got a cig i Atter witnessing SattNiay’s game W. Cc. i U. H ] a: attendance, Knight and Magon were in charg€| many low lying lands are under wa- — Porter. 4{ d ‘next tor Grimsby Bast, where| we wonder how Stratford ever ecor- o penepnepeleeTeeeneerener’ and saw to it that a lot of cleaning |ter which will do sonsiderable dam- Everybody welcome. chav have purehased .a home andjed that gaee pines ete vine | An nual Meeting | + + - was aon It ub g gr te ane to Spring ome ee: ‘ et in future. Mr. and Mrs. firat game. e home téa RE e BORN | the same day each year is r. a an y, Mer. P, F. Hoadley, BF. Armstrong oe hse 5 os residing. in Edsto-jclever, smooth ombination, ‘etmiply w. cl? |The service will be on the last Sun-|Ogcar Felkar anu family, were fm - Organist. Minister. 4) ..) for the past eleven years, ‘and|overhelmed the ‘Stratford lads, ne ‘The annual meeting of the rr Se Rt eas, Pedery | day in May, and the gathering for! witchell on Tuesday celebrativg @ during that time have made many) Bever got a ghot en. the Listewel|T. U. wes held erg in the Bvan- the cledning up one week from the (family reunion. rt a who deeply regret their de-| 80 Sact Hoover in the Listowel gelicat church, and Mrs. W. Rayner! soHNSTO}F—In Wallace, on Thurs-| following Thursday. Mr. Conrad Nebel of went Polat. rare om here. - net. never bags the ball anette the} bad charge of thé devotional exer- 2h June 3rd. 1926, to Mr. and and Mr. and ila ' a eimonttpesn oveeipaeinsitie me i whole ore a Cee Pago ra} e ‘ -spoetinige oftisere ‘for 1986 are as . David Jehneton, a son. mber of of Carat Charen saga were Mig friends on hs fourth Pd . for & ou &. - ;follows: number adou y | }ine on Sunday. nee a peeenkt Pfpat marriage Pore poe invening= : y hare from. the .whistile| Prevident—} grs. “Hg J: Smith. sietasien <3 the - Listowel | mereton last at Tey night on the oe. L. Fatum and his mother - E ‘ach og eng Sue ea that tw Sixteen intimate Piet oe oie the Sree de team eoen had @tratford| let. Vieo—Myrs. T. L. Hamilton. Memorial Hospital, on Sunday,| invitation of the A.Y.P.A. of St) were visiting em the fourth “of How- - ‘Jive as cheap @s one are qniekly dis- be oboe ng a aejayea” tm Decked into thelr own ene of the po hie” sg ea Wing. June 19th, 1026, to Sanu my ¥ egg ag iad a sient oe iek on a ee tol : on * z owel was ew: a ¢orn- alter me there. ev. J. a ry oy vieite Se wor a gt gia Bay. te with her. 10 wes 9 NS007 seurprise fer ick and on a pertest drep from 4th. Viee— Mrs: Sarl Ross m8. HAMILTON In,_Trowbridge, 08 presided and gave a hort, intreduet=| with eb thelr oe on the @ird : tor Miss Bradley, yin Nos gathered.) viue’, Leppard headed the ball in-| _ Recording Secretery—M s Paursdny, Jam eT RES TRL hic yg baced eg ar re Feeiot | . The Myxtic Sig Ot ety att to the lower comer of the mat, to tie| Herre dough: pee Pree ee toxins et camaliiadineasdaie: te a yermotorist holds out | Dut shodly etter six was called tO} 1. the series. That was only the be| ‘Preasurer Mre. R. A. Climie. d Mrs. Roy Hafnilton, a daugh-}a54 games. Those taking part frome sngtng et oa hand then yeas can be certain | ber pane. The evening was epent)iioing Two minutes ister Zeoger) Supt. ot Visiting and Delicacies— ter, (Stik born ). _ there were Miss Lorraine Loree, Miss Or annowneements. The Banner | her hand, io’ either -to turn to | #00lelly. The to was held a6 # Te|Scoseq from-« acrimmage. Wot con-}Myrn. Cavell ag PE te ee Medal—~ Graham an@ the Rev. T. B. Howard. | assure you * satisinetory job, . ~y ighy turn'to the fhe teft or atop. membrance of the Bradley home 1B | reat with a one goal lead, Corbert Rvangelistio—Mrs. ‘paves. Mr. John Watsen moved and Mr. |latest atyles of wedding 4 Fight, urn o Listowel, whith bee peen sold t0f.., the ball down the right witg _Sarootie ire W. H : om % Bie rg Age tor she H.” Hemeworth seconde us ae re We also carry 2 ie stock ee ° he Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bean. . and passed to Davideen, wha regic- tess Cupt— MY. ernon- thanks for the fine reception. nm cake bones. The Banner Offices. i - : me t—Mirs. A. Hgliman was held at the Listowel High Schpol|_, ments were served t o all. i, ; Wedding Aumiversary— | na fered number, three. This took the} Pianls wa Priday last, June 11th. Ont of aj "°*re? SEES PRD E EEE Et t of “Hddie” Moores beam: mele | . : ones oe oe gobeineriitn ‘a Se ©. re eS aunts eee bal playimg the same thatj* * * © * ate 6 0, e! e | possible", wee eee — Among those from, Mises Sr : + = they did on their‘ home flelé. The} * : . % attended thes Stratfer resbyterial) DOWD'S SALE LIST + sen Oe said Bary. bape On oe rently ip 7 ainck,{balt time score was B-@. — 4s ENGAGEMENTS $| Davidson and Wilbur Johnstone] o¢ the Presbyterian church held at) % : Se ann : ‘noon ron haa rghan ‘a Tittle bet: | « : Siwere tied for second place with 68/ yiverton on ‘Puesday were Mrs. T. SEEDED ED EES EDE EERSTE? c. Lehman, parents of ae Ruppel.! ijn honour of Ber daughter, Miss Vera € eecond pe was - ints each. Hamilt i ; "There. were upwards et een eelseatent. Mare J. Wr. Pair ter. than the tips from, a) ROE. hn cg 0 oo. IR L. MeCauley, Mrs. T.-L. Hamilton, /Saturday, Supe 10—-For “Mise present. a an enjoyable afternoon presided at the tea table, which was point of view, in that Listowel scor-; 41>, and Mrs. William Gable, Lis-| window Display ae Flowe —_ sens po ecm oy ec pee a ‘a beer st. Listowel. a Was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman| centred with a beautiful bouquet of|ed only two goals. And the Listowel) ;oycl, announce the engagement of! There will be a window - oat ORO BS pile i Mayburry, Mrs. W. A. Jobnstone Tuesday, Jane 22--For Hugh J. Dar sed with a purse of istants were Mrs. Carl| forwards manag aged to reach the vane het Berdie, to ay & gold ee v pink roses. “Giarence Johnston and|towel full-backa, Alshouk® 2 re Ay Go Reinhardt. of Kitchener, |g) eee ree ag fn ee nto: of ee H, Davidson, Mrs. Andrew Stey-) Foch, Lot’ 26. Com, 2). Wee . ray, * turda pn the~ window. o : Mize Luella Seott. Miss Marion Crew- pee he ges football. the the Berard the wedding to take place the latter Se risks Furniture < store. The penson, anh Teae went lye phaieik k, implements, - —_ | “Returns from Taking Course— ford, of Milverton, niece of the bride- eG ne ppetes oat by the part of June. . Peontes will be ehown next week OF| for, Micses. Thelma Rennie, Wilma ; or gar A who went to Bike; elect, answered the door. Miss Weir] nce © e Listowel goal. On Mr. an® Mre. J; Johnston, Wal-line week following when they are Sint Evel G erereererevners ress » Te eno ik: | la, ane the eg in, Wa AS, ant vine amma 2 | ee abneunce, the uensegeyo| rity Th iia wil lb | Guang stat, Orie Jobst pers he Kirks-| many dainty Shes useful enueiee of oe go. : tiod. Sec’ cess ae ap clas ey two day one—Friday and Saturday.! 34 Grace Gray. | fe VANDEICE'S BA SALE REGIS. : Kicking and M a ES Mathi nee Uphtoff, | pand Conce art at Tower Pa ee : = : re ~ a the wedding to ke place ehortly... | ‘The Sunday evening sacred band : bien teehee bbe ee concert, which was formerly held on ’ IN MEMORIAM Whites: ‘Of these, his team lost only;the Public Library grounds, will in Z Monday, June 2tst—For R. Bridee- a a first one to Wing-| future be held on the Water Tower, 1 ae ian: Ree Stratford. Oth-} jot: SERGISON—An sad. and loving}. technol ome. ure an Ba adae'o ew [5 The |" memory of our dear husband and hoses goods. anise ‘at one eo = father, Chas. Sergison, , Tune 2006, #8 oe peg ower Park, The } away one year ago t today, ejend 16, will vi 1925. be am ey You. are not bab aging is mole that | Nor ee ites ver be

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