: Patronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the An amazingly hak ‘rates of postage, effective + ; a week from to-day, “July 1, 19262" - Canada (for local (setvery) —Two: cents for ~ ounce, ees ‘cent for each addi- tional oun ‘ peat og neat r local de- : Sans a New. ‘ da mek other places -| in “the North A American Contin= | ent—Two cents for the first ounce, two cents for each ecciukis tional -ounce, 2 Great Brita: fo and all other, places within rege = pire cept in: the orth Seneeny cents for the first ounce,” Lise cents for each additional o Other Caiitsies ME cents for the first ounce, : cents for. bsp additional ounce. ‘ There is no change: as re- gards the rate on po rds & large number - ie of the estate. Thuy t Ps Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men Gattis Wid dgetien’ lacko psvatanl Muay tke DABS - e : to-day, will die. without nether var < their inheritance | and others reap } Si rovision for their disposa’ any 0 expense viding ee LEGAL MEDICAL dh will leave their wives and chil-jan estate in this way: pete! be many —o— dren without provision for heat im-! times paral t — ote sate te a . MacFARLANE mediate needs. The gross negligente) an execu iy tecoceoser te Tate J. i Ae G/SHIELL, M. D. is not intentional but the result is| is thus apparent that ‘the. neglect of 5 4 7 f ust serious. one, } the f making | | Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- and)8 oes than 4,000-persons die every} leads to endless trouble and ome wg ROR : ~ |. Diseaseq’ot pte and Suge withont havin ‘o-; when it is the earnest intention of E. D. Bolton,-9.L.8 lyear o c pro: a Beetles Over. A. x See Phone 13 © vision for the disposal of their és+; the originator of the estate to make i} Phane-€5 = ‘Office, Inkerman Street, West. tates. The anxiety and los¢ which} ample provision for his: dependants, ' : Opposite Presbyterian Church. / result is enormous, That one who is Ee - H. B. MORPHY. K. C. ~ x capable of ae up a bos ae hag ; pate , Notary Publi Conyay- OJ, Ru FORSTER ~~ _ | Should leave property to be : 5 ieee Ce Belicitor oe, Ban x of = - : ‘tributed by Strangers is hard to be- Hh usehol d ‘Hints | merce, Listowel, Milverton, Atwacd: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat lieve, yet this is too often found to my (i) | Money to loan. Office Fae st, ne. yi onrhepess in medicine, Baveteg odors net cd ke tinal ‘ ‘ | be eas o Seee ae ee He aris assistant New York: Ophthal- provele of haking a will would have} A well-made salad- is always an —| mié and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s|the family much uncertainty and] addition to any menu. The cook who el - and Golden aceite Throat Hos-| confusion at a time when they should| likes her work will be earning new e? J. C, HAMILTON, B. A. tals, Londo be protected from any ‘such exper-|-ways of papecpand foods and will en- ting , Conveyancer, Solicitor B3 Waterloo. St. Etnsttord. Phone 267 jience. joy experimen’ -— for Se iecial aan anada.|. Will be at the Queen‘s Hotel, Listo-| Making Will Simple 2 8 wel on the first Monday in the|, Some persons have the mistaken Virginia Salad h side of Main street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- amery Parlors. ‘ Bonds fdr Sale. Bs ©. MORTON SCOTT, B. A. © Barrister, ger _F able; Convey- : Office over saniahen Hardware = Store, Main street. DENTAL Fe : W,. G. E, SPENCE ie entist, Graduate of the Dentist ~ bein’s Stor For painless extraction we use nit- rous oxide eoyers gas, also conduct- five anaesthes month from 10 ‘a.m. to 4 p.m. INSURANCE, ~ FIRE INSURANCE {n best companies; also accident, au- “tomobile, burglary, plate glass» and eee iasurance. Automobile insur- 5 cts. per 100. aad business solicited. E. D. BOLTON. MUSIC PERCIVAL F. HOADLEY. Composer Organist and Choir Leader of Lis- towel United Church. Teacher of he and Theory of Mu Studio, ae of Division and El- ma Streets, Phone 30 Song, Organ a F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- ty. Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. Oftite over J. C. McDonald’s store. Phone 60. F. 8T. CO. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto University. Office over Banzley’s new store, ne 23 for appointments. ~ ia HR Milk Milk contains all the essentials of a well balanced diet. It is the princi- pal food of children eo every precau- ‘CHIROPRACTIC Bs pe L. O. WHITFIELD, D. C. Graduate Chiropractor Hlectric Blatiket Tréatments Office an Main street, over John- _. ~ stone’s Jewellery store. Hours 10 to a aa 2 moon, Evenings an to 5 p: j ice r hours , 4 appointment. Phone . . - ATES Sonsultation free. A'NICTIONFER TIES tion should be taken to keep it pure and fresh While it is-one cf the best foods for children, it is also good for adults, Every child should have from a pint to a quart every vy hose who are interested in the Seek of the publio-are very keen on pasteurization of all milk sup- plies. A town would not think of chlorinating part of its wat@r supply and leaving the rest~yntreated, but will pasteurize part dof its milk sup- ply and leave the rest to took after itself. Milk is one of the best culture edia for bacteria. Many of the in- feotigns diseases may be milk borne, among others typhoid, scarlet fev- . J. Bo wd Sets for a and alwaye sells th: to is NATIONAL FARM AGENCY <r e@ , Listowel, ss4seataiga ais r OPTOMETRIST DR. H. 8. MALLORY Registered Optometrist Graduate of the Royal Povese of emcee, Toronto. Office, 4. A. Oil- & Jewdlidry store._ _ FUNERAL DIRECTOR id #e Sieh Sis UR employ ers, fhe pub- He, have found us te be reliable |are not well founded. It is @aid to de- | er. 4iphtheria and septic sore throat, there is no doubt that a eertain nainber of eases of tuberculosis, pecially in children, are due to tu- peeeiae germs in m We phn samples of milk a short. time from a neighboring municipality ana injected it into guinea pigs. Of the four healthy guinea pigs thue inoe- ulated three showed tuberculosis within éix weeks. The objectons to pasteurization stroy the vitamins. Boiling the milk might but pagteurizing is not beiling, Some say it makes the milk more in- digestible. This is also erroneous The chemical qualities of the milk re- main unchanged. Others say aby milk would ‘be pasteurized. dairy that goes to the expenee of put- ting im a. -pasteurigatiod plaat is much more careful of the oleanliness of ite supply than the one that sells raw milk. While the wee of milk from tu- the she only way to be eure that all dia- ease germs-are destroyed is te. poe eurization. Next Week—Accredivted Bends. SUCCESS HABITS Sueeess is a conibination ef good habits. Here are eome to cultivate: ‘eer a emile. one regularly, slowly and moder- _- am be too busy to be polite. Leare to control your ‘and your temper. Say bye to the worry habit. . Dare to ee o al. Keep in tune with pour wat r stifle your conscien Ey mix personalities ‘and “pusi- = ae a teamwork Leok shead, not backward. “Siay,, Jones, noss 80 Ly ete “Well, Smith, I'l tell you. 1 jus: keep it out of cee people's imi nese and jet it Saintes A village newspaper this} veforence to the local “hospital a- chievements... “Our esteemed fellow citizen, Abner Brown, Be go to the ‘}hoapital tomorrow.to be perated on for ea He wil leave a wite. and two” =. ; ™~s thin ‘man, ©! making a will. bercullin tested herds is a good ining P ne of “junder the will is the appointment of t tongue the value and extent of their possess- ions will be at the time of their death, in order to make a will. Stich ig not at all the case. A: testator, or. erson making a will, -may either divide his property in certain definte peaeres among his beneficiaries, e y leave Y iated amounts. to them, the bataneé to be divided as he directs. This has no interference with subsequent variation in his in- véatinetite, prior to his death. Fur- thermore, if it at any time should be necessary to alter the provisions| of the will, im order to meet toring: conditions, the testator n either by destroying the dieing: wil and having a new one made, or by making an addition to “the existing will by a codicil. This is extremely simple and if would hasten many a man of good intentions in making out. his will. Hnnt For the Will” When no will has been made the first difficulty that presents itself fs the uncertainty as to whether a man has or has not a will. This requires a diligent and careful search, in- volving much éxpense. If it is finally decided that he has left no will an administrator must be immediately appointed to wind up the estate. This administrator must file in court, a- long with the application leading to his appointment, a band, binding himself and two private parties, or an approved fidelity company, as the sureties thereto, for doubie the value of the estate, or for such sum as the court may require. This is merely a pledge *for faithful administration of the estate. Where a After ascertaining the full value sd the estate and thereof, and Byedirn all the various debte, inistrato: make an arbit- rary atiaton eo the property among the heirs as laid down by the law of the partienlar province in which the deceased resided. Frequently, a wid- ow may discover that instead of re- ceiving the whole of the estate -of her deceased husband she has to] share a large portion with his rela- tives. She frequently finds that eed half the estate is hers and that th balance must be distributed, cites distant relatives, who are probably well provided for already. Such a state of affairs can be prevented by Che idea that it is essential to know what] understood | using ‘one and one-half cupfuls, add one cupful of cauliflower and cut in- to’ flowerettes, and three ‘tomatoes cut into quarters. Marinate each of these. vegetables separately in French. dressing, - using ‘four table- spoonfuls of ofl two of tarragon vine- gar, three-fourths ofpepper sauce, and one-half teaspoonful of salt. Cut one and one-half cupfuls of chicken into cubes ree _.hard-cooked eggs into «mall pieces, mix with the otato, add mayonnaise seasoned with catsup; Place the chicken mx- ture-in the center of the dish, cover with the “tomato, garnish with cauli- flower and lettuce, tsing them al- ternately. Decorate with hard-cook-| ed eggs and a-few nasturtium seeds. * . * ° pe Juice Cream Take one cupful of grape juice, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, one pint of cream, and sugar to. sweet- en. Freeze as usual. When properly thadé this Will bé the most beautiful watermelon pink, and it tastes as good as it looks. ; oe > s Radigh Sandwiches Chien fine a dozen fresh, p radishes, add four tablespoonfuls of chopped nut meats and four table- soonfuls of mayonnaise dressing. Spread on slices of buttered breed and cover with another buttered slice’. s . . Sauce for Golden Frozen Pudding Beat the yolks of three eggs, add one-fourth of a teaspoonful of-mace or nutmeg and one-half cupful of sugar, stir and cook over hot watet i ‘ . cured fom « tdelity barrens a until thick, Cut and fold in the stif- long as the bond remains “in force.| fly beaten whites of the eggs, let stand over hot water to cook. en cold add one-fourth of a cupful of lemon juice and one cupful of heavy cream” beaten -stiff. Serve very. cold or pack {in ice and partiy freeze. = eo “ ROAST LAMB WITH SPENACH STUFFING d many housekeepers are-un- familiar with the poagsibilities of a shonlder of lamb, and the leg is ¢con- sidered too large or too expensive to serve very. often. The shoulder meat is tender and of good . flavor. The whole piece is generally lighter in weight than the heg from the same animal, and ¢ells for less per pound. Beeanse of the number and location ° not quite eo simple as carving a leg, Benefits of a Will The chief benefit of making of a will is that the testator himself de- eides the beneficiaries who are to re- ceive his property. This pEsvipee is not left to strangers. man thus make adequate provision fer nis wife and family as long as they sar- vive him. e may create a special trust for the benefit of members of his family and he may proviée for the education of his children. He may leave certains sunis to ‘sene- factors, such as educational, relig- ious or charitable institutions. Soath bed wills. frequently result in pro- ©! traeted entanglements which itvolve, large portion of the estate. Fur-| 2© thermore, it is a very dangerone, process to make out a will witheut the guidance of an ettorney. Law- yers be ger or specialize in the dis- f estates and they arg ac- rat (4 with the requirements and for a small fee will produce a dosu- ment which is satisfactory under the law. the t festurea| * the executor has to carry out the gece ot ae will to the letter. The & ments involved fa ae e catrying. ont; ° fule ‘butter, 2 tables hogan 1 tablespoonful shopped green espoonfa i ped onion, % teaspoonful salt, butter, about two tes, } enough te wilt the spinach ee piace stirrin. Then push Be. slttibr = privais jadtviduel er onel and possibly this fact explains why the shoulder is not used as often. @ way of making the roast easier to carve is to have the SS take owt the shoulder blade. It is ble to bohe the entire ehnaiien-aa afd bake it in w roll, but the meat will be jutcler and of better flavor if the shoulder blade only is removed. The cavity is to be filled with a special spinach stuffing which is made the following materials: 2.cups dry bread erumbs, 4% pound clenned spinach leaves, 4 tablespoon- poonfuls chopped pper, chop- ae airty pepper. Cut the spinach up as small a6 possible, after thoroughly washing it. Put it in a pan with the pepper, alao, need oa the onion, and half the 100 s @ constantly. one side of the pan, melt the remain ing butter - ae empty part, and with it the orumbs 60 that soa absorb the waiter This ts simply an = little dry. The spinech, of 1 tesome ine cdoks. oe the etaffiag : e Cut cold cooked potato into. cubes, : { the bones, carving a shoulder is| Wit couver, B.C. M% the Maccabee be! gonerorus a peirvsd a more moist as the stuff- what makes your i ¥ e rai tirea!” decline the tan, af It- lef ther children, two . ste in an accident, ° con Pa ee. “datas of the detalls of t Seme Resuks of ed a Wm éentty Overlooked ~-that Po where ws property of @ mes” been place ed ng (ar Sh them went ‘to b ut both died Just at atime when eupful of hot water over Ose roast cover e ie ee and cook from two to a slow oven, bone side down. WILL KNOW ~ ' ‘Where is the book he brought from} 1? Where did he leave h -< ofie foot sniee Where did ke put p todey? Where is the game he lanaite to play? Where in the world. do playthings \ Mother will know! Wien there something he can do— yer an old game, some new? e-is\a movie he can see? little | ; will be missed. by a host of friends, | ™ Former Molesworth Man Died in Oregon BUSINESS HOUSES IN GRASHAM, OREGON, CLOSE FOR FUNERAL ESWORTH AT AGE OF | NINE- TEEN. ““Many inthe Molesworth district will regret to learn of the death of-a native of that village: who. passed ‘2- way on June 2nd, eat Gresham, Ore- gon, in the person of George Brown. The Gresham Outlook had the fol- lowing account concerning the death of their esteemed citizen “Sympathizing Sande and netgh- bors filled the Methodist Episcopal church Friday afternoon to pay their last marks of-respect to the memory f John Brown: who died Wednesday jak orning, June 2, at Good Samaritan hospital from peiacigeced following an i a Busi houses through- ut the town he during the atteelibon: in honor of the occasion and nearly every prominent business man in Gresham was present at the funeral. Many beautiful floral piecee were in evidence as tokens of the esteem in which the deceased was held. A quartet composed of NG E. Leslie Walrad, Mrs. Ww. Aylsworth and Miss Martha laghere’ sang, with Miss Amy Cooper at the gad also Miss Hasire rendered a solo, “The End of the Road.') The Re ev. E. G. Judd spoke from the text “Iam the Light of the World.” The pallbearers, all members of the Mod- ern Woodmen lodge, of which Mr. Brown was #-member, A. W. Lundquist, Alfred Hammar, C. H. Lane, B. L. “War rad and Fred Fieldhouse. OF JOHN BROWN—LEFT. MOL-|— ¥ pct ss ; Es so strong you could ‘stand on rit rt ri Fost Bes ‘ne am ing surface is heavy Bead Enamel, epee gris ot glass, but ‘unlike glass, it cannot. break! And it won't wear out, like zinc. The back is heavily re-inforced with wood. It’s a washboard. that will last for many years, and remember, it is SMP made, ‘ The Sheet Metal Proauots ae Yi, SMP ow” WASHI For.Sale at. ig WHITE'S. HARDWARE. Baby Chicks For Sale. We would advise you to place your page i early for BABY CHICKS for June, July and August - deliv We are etfering the some high standard, heavy laying sean of eg DBLAS MERE PRODUCTION SING WHIT which we have bee : ‘low price of_ 1BKe each. PRone or-write us at once t Delamere Poulter Pavan: Thos, G. Delamere, Prop. - Established 1903. Phones 489 } or w Delaasere Production ~ © Leghorns LEGHORNS, for ees Ont. ~ John Brown was born at Moles- worth, Ontario, Canada, Ma 1 1867. At the age of 19 he moved to Oregon with his parents and setiled near Lexington. While spending two years at Medical Lake and Spokane, aslington, he learned the carpen- ter’s trade. He then moved to Rock- Smith of Portland. were born to this union, all of whom, Mrs. Brown, survive, Mrs. Mir iam Adkins, of Heppner, a8, of Gresham; Frank, of Seattle; of. Powers, Oregon, All were pres- ent at the funeral with the exception of the @on in California. Other sur-! of Pertland, and three © brothers, James, of Seattle; David, of Living- ston, California and George, of Van- Mr. Brown followed the carpenter and eontracting business for several yeats and was engaged in the mer- cantile business at Rockwood © for aeven yearé and while a engaged ‘was largel¥-inatrumental in organiz- ing fhe Raekwood school diniriet and and Odd Fellow lodges. Before jexving Rockwood he started fn the insurance and. real estate Dieiness and upon moving to Gres am in June, 1911, opened an office and continued in that. business_unti] his hat illness. justice of the peace for seven years for Multnomah G@istrict, serving the oy, lying east of Portland. During ae =e years of Mr Brown's business he never became hard hearted < “s indifferent . to the feelings and needs of others. He wae almost to a fault. He ney- er complained about his ‘own troubles and- su pinching: e loaned and gare way mo to. Prien and strang- ers,’ often withteat on any record he head done. Because of his of what long residence In Gresham and hia! kin and benevolent aieiraae to dly all-with whom-he came in contact, he was one of the most widely known in the accu Dp will be missed by hundreds of peo- mee ease es hig. vaitrit . “Hill,” editor f the **Monta- vite Times, Sig's a heaaeitad tribute to Mr. Brow rough the columns ig paper, ‘in he following words: f the Montavilla. Times as soe of his ive @orrow that we chronicle his taking away.-In our associations with him in & social my during our stay of the greater of-four years, in minutes after arrival in Palmerston. Ede Ro Waiter of Los Angeles and Charles|# vivors aren dister, Mrs. Allison cel = citizens of Gresham and his presence} business |i Rt = CREAM wAseee fo you produce good cream and the. ost results under - the new grading system, éhip your ‘The Paim:Cream- ery. Our Creamery will be operated a-day in. the hot weather and your eream will bé in our © graded 16 uring the farmer” who produces good cream the best possible gpcbrmg: an@ price We loan our patrons cans and pay eash for ceived. You can ship on any train any aes and Posh -ef prompt delivery and pay. Send wus a trial can to- THE PALM CREAMERY CO. PALMERSTON Sue MEX ot uedane ee It Certainly Does What It is Recom- mended todo This was the opening etate- ment made by Mre. HM. Quanee; n 3 telephone orders a prominent Toronto lady who ean be taken in the time resides at 365 Shaw Street. “I pinay for one order was suffering- from stomach —— as and kidney disorders, dizziness, has been _— and loss of sleep and goor appetite. the of atelepbone So many people were stating in sale averages almost a the papers about the prompt third ioe tenn it relief that they sesured from can there any HERB JUICE and although T in your mind that the did not have much faith I de- merchant: who uses the cided to give it a t#lal. The re- > ee consistently sults. were wonderful. The will. win out over the stomach and. kidney troubles rival who ‘not’ 4 promptly disappeared. I sow eat and eleep well and feel like a new person. I &ukesitatingly, give HBRB JUICE full eredit for my wonderfpi improvement and would not be without it In the howse.’’ ig BE fh or wie For sale by leading druggist Seigler Price ee ham we had learned to regard Mr, pret. as 2 lover of his‘ fellow- meh. & big, generous-hearted — fel- Be, he -wonld ne someone else. of ite has @ prominent citizen ge eg county since an early Tt wi untimely endi worthwhtl bo years ofage.’’ The glas servicea. were, of Villa dee, mg. of ipo ger or saliberate ncendiaris e career, ae he was only} .- ‘The Orillia Packet says “886 barns were burned és if there wae too much een care- | im. “Dan, what’s “e heiter—is it ai cig pig or is i a eheep’” asked Dan. paused feflectively. Then he} mtg ings pag fan ‘the truth, ieee touch about’ poul