a slice of “ - Milk Made Bread [try to regain it. SZURBRIGC'S BAKERY “Phone 85 TE a few steps to the Breadbox asl times a day, whenever you feel low itv enerey .Get. eau f = Have it served with all your meals. It will preserve your health. Eat plenty of this pure, wholesome loaf nature's perfect food. Better far keep your health than Listowel. Vegetables STRAWBERRIES this week-end at market prices. CUCUMBERS, LETTUCE, ETC. FRED BENDER _ Wallace Street a Fruits and We will have a good supply of choice berries for BANANAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, eins Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, and Pumpkin 2tins for. - 25 Toilet Paper, regular 5c roll, 7 rolls for - 25¢ LISTOWEL iz Take Pecan 5 Agelust House Flies 5 The Liga to take precautions a- gainst hovse flies is padre the first, oy gets ert your hénie in the spring and begins ite egg-laying -activities. from which there is no protection. it must be generally understood that if péople were only sensible and would look for the breeding places of.the files, they could destroy the me before they become. flies. In country every preg tele practica-| 8 breeds his own files. In cities o 8 it ts Aletinetly the duty of the places are cleaned up or treated. Where the health officers seem in- ial ae citizens’ clubs should be or existing organizations should take the matter in hand. Women’s clubs “have been very suc- cessful in this direétion. There are aleo certain precautions| which the individual home- may o serve. Screens for the viadawe and screen doors should be’ looked after as-early as possible in the season, to make sure-that they are whole and fit well, eres otherwise in good strands to the inch will exclude -flies but a finer mesh is yokoumry to .ex- clude the smaller mosquito If flies have already = in getting into your house organize a “drive” at once among the mem- bers‘of the family. Darken all rooms leaving one brightly li — open- ing toward which the -flie can be driven with swatters and. “twale: -Various} Re: rooms. This should be pet out of reach -of children: To make it, add}} three teaspoonfuls of commercial} tion. A saucer or plate is then lined with te blotting paper cut the size of thé dish and placed bottom stick placed under the edge of the glass. As the solution evaporates from the paper more flows out from the glass, automatically renewing the supply. Many types ‘of flytraps are on the market and good home- made traps are equally effective. Income Tax Revenues -Hold up Despite Cut GOVERNMENT HAS CODLEOCTED YET TO GO. | Although earlier forecasts indicat- ed that the government would lose income tax, the returns to date show _}such emall reductions in revenue as to lead to the eonclusion that the *CHILDREN Cry For MOTHER :- Fletcher’s 3 Castoria is especially pre- iz WY exes to relieve Infants in “sal arms and Children all ages |. of Constipation, Flatulency, ee: assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Cott fliden fo ee Harmless -Ne Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there- from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the loss of. revenue. by larger ga and lower rates is being very ma as been claimed by the govern- ment ees about 90 per cent. of the ineome tax payers would have their taxes reduced, which was a tacit ad- mission that about 10 per cent. would have their taxes increased un- der the new schedule. Evidently the increase on the ten per cent. go- ing to be a large factor in offsetting the decrease im revenue from the 90 During May of this year, the gov- ernment colleeted $33,561,860 in in- come taxes, a decline of only about seven per cent from May, 1925. In April and May collettions totalled $36,706,257, a deoline af.about 14 per cent. These figures compare with the decline es over 20 per cent that was forecas April and May ‘prought in about three-fourths of income tax revenue a year ago. If April and May are to be taken as bringing im three fourths of the current year’s revenue, total rg ys will run in the neighborhood of $48,000,000, a declime of only sev twelve milltons for ( Hewever, the final results may up- set these calculations. Quite likely a number of people had eet aside an ‘amount to make the first payment! only or their income tax, and poe when the eut came that -this — SE ——— _——— For and : Fresh Groceries _| Phone 72 We have a > oo etc. ; \..CLIMIE —————— en ee AS LT he a ee Se Pt SS FE ae, ae Te) 2 oO Oo Orie Seasonable F ruits | a reo oO ch supply of Strawberries es PHON id 72. - pa: only portion, of the reddiand mecunt ot their taxes, they may have paid the whole tax in ome Va farang and this would have swelled - April and wey collections’ this year, and .in- "} co: may have on higher in TTR than in 1924 8 No Heme Without One We. don’t see why Texas makes co much noise about having a woman vermor; every Man up North has ‘one to himeelf. An editor aays love may — be blind but the neighbors are not. “Taking one thing and another the neighbors are pretty good. Most of {them are neighborly poses = a ‘each other alone—see nothing, Fy mothing: gay nothing. e e class had received. a lesson.on the life of the Eskimos, and. were asked to write an aceount of it. One bright youngster began ‘The Eski- {| mos are God's frozen people.” THERE'S A REASON Two Small girls were playing to “esto one afternoon in the park. onder — ‘time it 16," said one ner them a jecuee: 1. it can't be ¢ o'elock yeh” to be home at <nt tg the. see with, magnitt Se is ot : haadie, “heonabe a oo 1 was] Listowel Chautauqua July Presbyterian Pastor Inducted at Monkton insu mpany, it costs : IMPRESSIVE SERVICE AT MONK- to raise a and Ath a boy, tr} ‘TON LAST THURSDAY—GREET- o ‘gt tes. % i INGS BROUGHT FROM DISg-+ the United health officers to see that breeding! jer ticilorator. ‘of presbytery, Diincan of Stratford, addressed the minister and the Rev... W. condition. A creen -having 14>fRey. his servicesto the congregation. Following the formal service of in- duction a reception was held in the basement of the church to give the new minister an opportunity to mest genotings es the Listowel church; -Rev.-George Rowlant from Stfatford and Rey. H. L. Bennie from Mitchell. with her father in place of her moth- er, who was uflable - et there in from Monkiand arriving just in time Mr Miller is a native of County and is a graduate of Soleees where a took honors in-clas- in bis preaching. This will fourth charge. He was for’ some .11 years at Quaker View, a church near : d organization, particularly among the men of the congregation. This is an old church nearly 100° years old and although there are only amilies in the congregation he had men’s class of some 25 to 30. Mr. land, which is in Glengarry Town- 8 He is a man about 45 years of age and has a family of three daughters One son. One daughter is a teach- $86,000,000 WITH TN MONTHS naa while the son is a druggist in Toron- to. The manse has been all redecor- ated and wired for electrte light re about $12,000,000 by the cut in the! ?. daughter were most heartily welcom- ed by — members of his new con- ay offset by double taxation of div. EMORY AARON RICHARDSON os — Keown s+ "Big Rsk” te Chatanges en or eight millions instead of the ‘ecast ‘ z if H : ° & Rg 3 z . Ff Ze | J Jane Bride— | ‘The Kincardine | i held *o-day, rape ath ‘There “are! | three totalli $900, According to. statistics of one life}. rance Sam; Johnston and Will Rogers, of} Listowel, visited at their respective homes here over the ‘week-end.— Fordwich Record. Ontario will have a scientific vanii} educational temperance text- next month for use in the Sunday of Milverton, addressed the people. and day schools of the Province. - L. Bennie of Mitchell, clerk of the presbytery, who had been in- terim moderator of the charge nar- rated-the steps taken to fill the vac- Out of a total registration of 303,- 726 motor cars in Ontario last year, | farmers came “first with. 86,434 and merchants second with 23,332. The crops throughout Perth coun- ty have shown wonderful - ODT ment during the past week, due t the heavy rainfalls. Warm weatherk a is now the great need of the farmers, ; | Miss Eva Cumming of Listowel a} recent graduate of the Central Brtsi- RE} . Don't let Suensay make ea oe it 5 lieve that you can have tan impressive ubten eareiee held last|fun anywhere else tuen a I Listowel | 3 rureday night the Rev. T.-0. Mil-jon-Dominion Day, B.A., formerly of Monkland, was (oeacniy inducted into the ministry Monkton. The service which at 7.30 o'clock was very largely at-| vices on Sunday. tended, not only by m congregation but By. “visitors “Weather permitting it is. expected |, atithere will be a splendid turn out at /) opened} the annual I. 0, 0. -F. decoration ser-j: a delicious tea to drink. Regular price ae hice RICHMELLO A FULL FLAVORED Blend jetcuuecad sada India Teas scientifically blended prom 69 : 5. | Bs een BOn. MAPLE LEAF oes, cK 4 ‘2 5c | SHIRRIFE's ATCHES|—= 3 Boxes che Preserving BE bot Orange armalad 23° ule OLIVES: 39c| Tis ’ 69e Ww. th FARMERS! Wepez te best prices for Ease te ¢ Dominion Stores. ness College, Stratford, has secured an excellent position with the ‘Royal 4 Bank of Canada ‘in Stratford. Rey. and Mra. “Eric Anderson and little Sauehias of Monkton, called on friends as they were passing through the village on Thureday last.—Clin- ton News Recor The London Board of Health made a drastic move-for pure milk on Monday when seven milkmen had their licenses enuspended for one SOAP P&G or GOLD] FLAK 10 for 59c TYORY | CHEESE | PICKLES LARGE BOTTLE ES | KRAFT 35cy,| _ Vieers Breed 10°... — 32¢ n. CHOW These Prices in effect for one week from date of this paper 130-C premises. Engagement Announced— The engagement is announced of Margaret Taylor Wilson of Goderich. Ontario, to George McDonald, of Bluevale, Ont.,- the marriage " toon] place quietly in Goderich on June 17. Drops Dead in Field— While going about his work at the farm on Thureday in usual health, Joseph Davidson, a highly sannaete” resident of Minto Township, was t en suddenly ill with a weak spell caa succumbed immediately. Deceased, who was in his 58th year, resided with hig mother on concession 11, from where the funeral was held to pices of the Masonic Order Paying Near Harrist W. L. Malcolm, of Kingston, and formerly of Stratford, who hae the contract. for the balance of the mile and*a quarter strip of cement road connecting with the pavement at arriston and continuing to the Pal- erston turr, ie making preparations to finish the contract. He expects to have this ptece completed by the end of the menth, and then will turn hie attention to the mile portion above a aly to what is knowh as Cham- ber’e tu Agnes MacPhail M.P., for Europe— Missa Agnes Macphail, Progressive member of Parliament for Southeast Grey, will leave for abroad after the proregation Fie this monath. Be- tween July and 14 Miss Macphail will be in Dubiis, jreland, attending a conference ef the Wemen’s Irter- national League for peace and [free- dom and will spend a few daye in London and some time in Denmark studying the «ystem of rural schools being opérated there. Miss Macphail will be the guest of the Danish Gov- ernment ; Had Narrow Escape— Mr. Levi Wessley (Indian Dr.) of Harriston, and soca of Listowel, had a’narrow escape from death, while making his weekly trip _ to Stratford on Priday. Wher just ; '}within a few miles of Stretford, he took a weak spell end his sedan went over the bank, completely wrecking oan a and injuring Mr. Wessley te badly, Kind prenna found him Sor ‘brought him to “his home here, where he is,now under the Dr.’s care. Mr. Weesley is widely known as he hes on different oceasions visited the surrouading towns.—Harriston Review. age SWALLOWS J. SUFFER ACKNIFE; NO ILL EFFECTS —_— When a peteon ean swallow a jack knife mackont suffering afard, it as @ good news may be accepted story. The baby son of Mr. and Mre. Garnet Kinnehan, near Kingston Ont., was taken to a hospital in that eity the other day after a gmall jack knife he had been playing with die- appea ared, An X-ray examination showed the { authorities. declared, it would have {no i effects. The child was returned to lils home, apparently little the worse for hig novel experrience MUOH IN A NAME | A little colored Bact a@ newcomer in Sunday school, gave her name to the teacher as “Rortilizer Johnson.” Later the teacher asked the child‘s right. mother if that was ma’am,” dat’s her name,” sata. the fond parent. ‘You see she "| was mame for me and her father. Her father’s: name am Ferdinand,’ }jand my name is "Lim. So' we named i ther Fertilizer.” week while they cleaned up their Marriston Cemetery, under the dus- the season the Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of — the crops in Canada. These re-. ports, telegraphed to headquarters - from the Managers of the Bank’s 600 Branches, cover every Prov-. ince and form a reliable index of crop conditions. The reports are furnished free. Upon request at any Br of the Bank your name will be placed on our mailing list. BANK OF MONTREAL ’ Total Assets in Excess of $759,000,000.00 diveaenin Rich,, Soft Tones Of A Brantford Roof Brantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with le of tecture, and their rich, soft tones blend with ra thls surroundings an a tines of The Yaar are rnatant and lve pectct seoteticn trem Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Robert Olivers. ena