MMERCH HIKE NEXT: WEDNESDAY— SCHEDULE’ DRAWN UP. “ oe “Sure, I'm going,” ia the general reply to the question “‘Are you going; on the motor hike next Wednesday?” Everything would indicate that this will possibly be the largest hike of the by the Listowel Chamber merce. The route is a popular one} and four that have been conducted of Com- the distance is not as grea the previous hikes, the total distance files being 125 m Last Wednesdhy the committee went over the proposed route, in- terviewed the mayors, reeves and presidents of the Boards of Trades at the different places, made ar- rangements for meals, and drew up the schedule which will be followed as closely as possible. It is planned to leave Listowel shortly after seven o'clock on the morning of the 21st! fe a returnifig should reach home shortly after eight o'clock that evz, ening. Arrangements for the sr have/ are now been completed. The party will have dinner in Guelph at the Agri- will ultural College cafeteria and supper the be served at Drayton by. Women’s Institute. The meals-haye) been arranged at a cost of 50 cents.) At Guelph the hikers will have an opportunity to.see the Experimental eons Se also the Lt-C eit ‘ieee, A Commerce, writing to the Prison Farm. n, secretary of the in 1 secretary, says: Simpso loca “We are looking forward with pleas- ure to welcoming to Guelph. the cit- izens of Listowe! and district, and hope thatjyou will be favored ‘with’ firet classfweather on the occasion.” The , of which Listowel citi- zens are so proud, gain this year. will be The along a- hikers just couldn't get along without them. The fees $2.00 for m will be the same as last year bers and $32.50 for non members. Badges will again be sold to help defray the expenses of the band. Now it will take a number of cars to carry the 200 or 250 men. who in- tend going on the hike, and if you bec OWR & car, drive if thateday and take l Gaunt? , along a Yoad. are you expect to go next Wednesday register your name at the Banner Office, take « plan,to go in some particular The whether you or whether you | car. committee must know the ap- car or not, EVERY BODY’S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first inaertiog, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent ineertions five cents a line with n@nimum charge of 25c. BOARDERS WANTED Boarders wanted. Good home. All conveniences. Apply at Banner office. I Between C. N. Tupper’s, a ecarf. OST , a ae R. station and Dr. Finder please re- turn to Banner Office co MAID WANTED < Maid wanted. Apply to Miss Soctt; be J. W. Scott. . tfap. FOR Oembined Ba wg Quebee. Appl Eliott & Greets Phone 138. te cookstove, y to Mrs. Greer, of The W. church will hold” a are ae “of ‘Tailed 1.38 sale’ and tea in the lecture room of the chur- ch Friday afternoon, July. 1s, ; Registered pie soci No... 25035, 2.years ; aleo f cows. Abts. to Wm. oF roel. , Listowel, Phone 618 r° a grade - R. R. bes praviltag: ‘proximate number going. and how Heiatanieas your car number so that you may find it easily at different stops. 4. Do not pay your fee to driver of car, Collectors will call at every car before you leave. Have exact gor ened : many cars must be provided. @ house warming, their new house The schedule is as follows: being now nearly complete. Arrive _ Leave} It the anniversary of their Listowel” 7.00 a.m.jwedding and Mrs Fleming 8.15 Glenallen 8.30. quick change into her bride's” dress, 3.45 Elmira me O.18 which was charm 9.30 St. Jacobs 9.45 The party had brought a present of 10.00 « Waterloo 10.30 some lovely china _ Was pre- 10.40- - tchener 1.46 sented by the pastor, after a 12.30 .m. - Guelph 3.00 p.m. aemoroas address, and both Mrs. and 3.30 ergus 00 Mr. Fleming maid a few words in 15 Elora 4.45 warm appreciation 5.30 yton 7.00 Light De tiestinvannts were served by ate ener 7.30 the ladies of the party and a social : ti d by al , 1. Register at ak Bkhier Office if tte seers 7 ee ll ge ‘ A GENUINE Jul clearing sale in Deg + a ake Banner Office if| Shoes and Gents’ - e z are room goods, 8. Every wilt, ‘be numbered, TERS. a wale ¥ ‘ ~—__ A Mr> ae Mrs. L. A. shthes she pleasant surprise on Monday when a@ number of their Injuries Rie Fatal fo our Dorking cor- "reported ‘that a deer visited that locality, ‘stay- - ce few days with various ree ve rs and then disap- corréspondent ex- ure -that none of rts sought to shoot | “alae it to enjoy its visit in the Dorking district. \ Miss MacQuarri e salaries of ern eat ‘from $850 to ‘aa Grace Doctor of Toronto, ae “at a salaty of. $1 1700 to the staff o the High School. Doctor. adian atts and cdg Mies Weir, who resign as accept- eda position on the ae of the Mim- ico school. Rev. William Cox Orangemen and True baa ready. buys a badge to help Ps expenses of band. Bigs ey tb and numbers. for cars Ow ready. Get them early and pace Pein on your car Tuesday ey- ening. a 7. If a member show your m bership card when paying Solleeras the fee. 8. Be on hand at 7 a.m.. , . Crowd. must. stay together different stops to avoid delays. Stock Must Not Run At Large in Wallace STOCK TO RUN FORBID AT LARGE ON ROADS OF TOWN- SHIPS — PERMISSION GIVEN HYDRO TO ERECT POLES The Council met in the Township Hall, all -the members being present. The minutes of the last meeting ‘were reat and @dopted on motion of Mes- rs. Lorth and Good. Tenders were received from _Mes- srs Drury, Murray and Nicholson, Dobbs a ae Sedgeworth, McDonald & ftter tha tendérs were open- ed and considered it was moved by W. H. Lorch and seconded by J. P. MeLaughtin that the tender of W. ( panty at”$2650.00 be accepted, Carrie bers of the. court of revis« ion on 5s law No, 522 having taken the necessary effidavit of . niem- ber of said court aaa Dra riigiar of said court. was taker . No appeals having been filed with th e clerk a- gainst said bylaw it was ee by mes McEwan, seconded by W. Good that By-law No. 522 re the main @xtension to Municipal Drain No. 1 be finally passed by this coun- ell and that the. Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the same and attach me corporate seal to the éame. c 2 A request chating been received from the Hydro Commission for per- mission to erect their poles and lines on the roads in Wallace Twp. it was moved by J. P. McLaughlin, seconded by W. H. Lorch that the re- quest of the Hydro Commission to erect their poles and lines on the Highways in Wallace Twp. be grant- ed on condition as follows: rast That they erect said poles and lines at their own expense and also maintain said poles_and lines at their own ex- lateral boundaries of said highways. (c)_ That all poles and lines shalt be nari d t the Reeve of the Municipality in accordance with conditions numbered B. The question of allowing sheep to +un-at-large upon the Highways of the Twp. was decided to be wrong in view ab the t increasing motor traffic It decided to amend the part of br 3 of the page Sipe 8 to read as follows: No cattle, horses, a steep, pigs, or veal, ‘shall be gned on motion of od . ‘The » followin accounts: were ord- 2 tr, 226; a - Si m 3 to 6 o'clock on ; ion] ¥ bide Sar wi Friday, July Wm nei M. Fisher, bem in culvert, 30100; berg derson, on ae f ‘F. Bender $25.00; Wm. Zurbrigg, te i grayelling, $20.40; — J. ffin, , gravelling $8.00; A. B &p. = $2. Broughton, shovel- In Listowel, en uly aoe. $6.00; : 00; G. anaes See ver: " 20th. ‘the sam of $30, belne t two. he ye. brigg, pr blese money 2 ho: oe and two $6 bills eee Tet A. ; £0 - gravel,” MH war er y return] 99; 5 caid. road ' ‘same to: this OFlice.ii7 -8e a vDs pa aL a4 # iP tobe: uae e 7; % > {.clerk's tees«Ext. Mun. Drair No. 1, ° , FOUND ; a; a pee aba ) Listowel, Ans Monday, ae : 28th, near C. N tradks at pump- ‘Ing station, grey gflonk eid choker, Owner can have same 38, a2 1 1 om to strike the the current. year to. Ait schoo! ie FORMER LISTOWEL CONGREGA- TIONAL MINISTER _ SUCCUMBS TO INJURIES RIES RECEIVED JUNE 29 IN FALL FROM SCOR: s Injuries se nigtre y wiiasl he wilaped and struck h on a stove on June 29, proved fatal on esa Sais i1ith, 1926 to Rey. William Cox, of Forest, a former pastor of the * Congregational Church here. Death occurred. at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. At the time of the accident Rev. Mr. Cox was nioving hie furniture | from Forest to his new charge at Coateworth and fell off the load striking his head on a stove, with a fractured skull as the result. Slight improvements were noted in his condition until last. Wedtesday when he was taken to the London hospital and operated on. He appeared slight- ly improved last Friday, but on Sunday took a turn for the’ worse, death-resuiting Mr. Cox whe born in England 49 years ago and had been a’ resident of Forest for the past three years. where he’ was pastor, of the Congre- gational chureh and for the past year Wa Grace and Florence Kenney, Detroit. Annual Stekenson Reunion Held on Sian! Last’ The sauuatt Steve re-union was héld on Friday, “July "9, 1926, at Stratford, and a pleasant day was enjoyed by forty members. The entire day. was-spent at Stratford in ssa ing, boating and softball. A_ picni lunch was enjoyed at ue noon Bbar, and later on in the ev: § Among those pi bon the re-un- rene ee an Pig my . Nin Ward and family,, Mr. and M George Fisher and family, Mr and "Mrs. Wm. Mason, Listowel; Mre. Matthew ae age Mr.. Wm. |Stevenson, Mr. rs. con. rade Fréd Ste enson, 10th. M rs. John Ovans and fam- ily, 12th. con. Elma; Mr. and Mrs. ohn Cowan and family, Donegal; Mr. and Mré. Andrew. Stevenson and family, 4th con. Elma; Miss Merle rd, Gowanstown and the Misses r, and Listowel Students Successfuk— The results of the Normal School examinations were made paige in the daily press on Wednesday. The of the United Church> He was a meutbér of.the A. F. & A.M. and the I. 0. O: F. His widow, one daughter, Mrs. C.!} W. Wilson of St. Thomas and one} aon, Ronald of Listowel, survive,! Fioral tributes were sent by Listo-, wl friends and all exténd sympathy) to the bereaved family } The funeral was held o on Wednes-: coe? July 14; from the residence of ; W. P.. Wilson, Union, with ser-; viene in the United Church at 4 p.! m. Interment toek place at the Un-! * H-| ion Cemetery. following ‘reaylts Concern’ the Listo- wel students: nterim First Class Cortitiee am L: Hall dnd Clar- enge W. wkins; Interim Second Class Cartitiegt tley and Ruth Thirl Class .Cektt | Fletcher, Della L Brock. ary M. I. Twam -Twamilery; ‘Limited tificate— seers very and Mary L sf On Sale Saturday, ‘miele: e Ladies’ et Patent and Blon —— t $3.95. 2 off Men's xfords. WALTER'S. Items. Of Local interest RED MEM- ORDER AT UNITED SUNDAY MORNING— REV. ©. C. KAINE OF ATWOOD PREACHES. Members of the Orange fraternity of Listowel and district, including Orangemen, Young Brtons-. rue Blues, about 175 strong, attended the United Church last Sunday, morning] , where ah impressive sermon was de-|® shia hi by Rey. C..C. Kaine, of At- ood. : The church was crowded and the service was both pleasing and inspir- ing. Special music was rendered by the choir, includng a solo by Miss composed of Messrs. W. A. Hallman,.L. Loree as 5. Hudson Rey. Ka ine, who is county chap- lain of the Orange Order, took his text from Matt. 15:13, “Every plant which my Heavenly Father a not planted, shall, be rooted "He stated at the outset Orange order had no quarrel that the with ‘Roman Catholics as individuals and special ee for none.” He stated, that the history of the world revealed conflicts be tween right and wrong or truth and error. He began with early Biblical times and advanced to present times. Mr. Kaine then dealt with the struggle xalieigua: liberty in Spe ee .describing the tyranny of King James, and the rise of the people in rebellion, seeking the help of Wil- @}iiam, of Orange. With his aid they were able to triumph ; and _ seeured their religious freedom. rangemen, have promised to support and defend the King, and to be a real Orangeman & man must be a true Christian. He urged a brethren to stand up for God and the Protestant religion, and stated that he would like to see egy! protestant Attended Re-unlon— Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tanner were in Stratford on Wednesday last, attend- ing a re-union of the Tanner families. Taking Course in M. T.— Mr. Robert Savage left last week for Hamilton, where he is ae a course in manual training Underwent Serious Operation— Mrs. Wm. Holmes, boundary west, left this week for London, where she underwent a very serious operation. Able Be Out Again— Friends of Mies C. Gibbs will pe glad to learn that she is able to be at her millinery store again, follow- ing her fall some few weeks ago. Successful in Music Exams— Miss Dorothy Sproule was success- ful in ebtaining honors in Intermed- ate Harmeny and Senior Form at the recent Toronto Conservatory of Mus- ic examinations. Miss Sproule was a pupil of Mr. P. F. Hoadley. Attended Jeweller'’s Picnic— Bas and Mrs. W. A. ‘o boys, Oliver and Wilbur,. ue oer Nickel, were-in Stratford on nesday afternoon of eke attending the. pre ler’s picnic from this. district. ‘. Attending Summer School Miss Rae Ward is leaving on, Mon- day next for Goderich, where she wil: attend summer school prac 12th at the celeb: lawe | stoc peor at S. S. No. 10, W: accepted as rin School in Giekalien—= in manus Miss Nellie Dowd, who has. a she left Taking Course in Art— Mr. Griffith McDonald left this week to-take a Simmer course in art at Toronto. This certificate will qual- ify him for the principalship ofa eer ig tc school. Mr. Bill MoDon- ald, of Brussels is aleo taking a sum- mer Cate. Fell Off Box Gar— While aie op a bax car at the N. R. station of Monday after- noon about two o'clock, Sandow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sar- dow, town, fell from the car, and had his jaw and left leg broken. He was rushed to. the Memorial ap nies, where he ‘is doing ‘nicely. Looking for Site— ; A Manufacturer from a iil a tee : a © max we in Listowe ¥ a }some cies yee be p mae and woman in the Oranges ord- er, to etand Gicalter ah shoulder to fight’the battle for right. “Stop” Ricahiice'c on Provincial Roads MON. G 8. HENRY Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of Bom een announced recently th Th n has © process of drafting for n Fcc rt iP Della Lavery and a age rt thre ANNOUNCES NEW SAFETY MEASURE ON} W: HIGHWAYS—RESULT O¥F AGI- TATION. Lis The ca ' council Monday Mose a Faly.d ft Sage twelfth’ Bey as the “ conta . i under consid Milas of te river. was presented | eral changes some of which fo. on be acted The Hieanpes. that eer lights ms paces ‘at the corner of Wallace, Mil pike & point where traffic is very eavy cbelne'te Petit oP ate -R.-Gy ne on behalf of Meesrs. Or- mey "Walker, W:.L. Heibein and T. C. Jones complai: of tlie order; and unsanitary entities it rae Ede ér near their pro council ihe tapctasne rg ree question a it was decided*to take} immediate action to have the condi- tion remedied. The Board of Works was instructed’ to have river bed cleaned so that there will -be no stacihine pools of water. Sanitary In- ctor Brown was ordered to secure’ cesspools and = septic tanks and also to see that prope septic tanks were installed by every- one in town. The open drain west of Mr. Andrew Malcolm's residence will be tiled and closed in, Another letter was also a from Mr. MacFarlane on behalf of Mr. Or- mey Walker protesting against the detision of the council to have the new fire siren placed in the. tower of the fire hall. He claimed that the sounding of the siren might scare the horees in his shop and he might suf- fer bodily harm. As no‘better place could be s phe ep no action was the cil. : taken invitation was received from the mayor and council of the city of London inviting the Listowel pete fathers to attend a convention the Union of Can@dian Municipalities in Mrs. Thes. Blackmore Died This Morning HAD BEEN CONFINED TO BED FOR THRER MONTHS—FUNER- AL ‘TO BE HELD SATURDAY TO FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. One of Listowel’s most highly re- spected residents passed 1926, in the person of Ellen Brown, beloved nauk A Mr. Thomas more. Mrs. Blackmore had been in failing toxin for sometime. About a year ago she injured her foot and didn’t’ recover from the accident. e has been confined -to bed for the past three months. he was born on December 22nd. 1849, at Dorset, England, and was in oblige cont pF urge ping tain that was toge we'll be’ Let Let. sm-take the first part old as you were when I was two times as old as age Hee ie a. ses + Toms - to the cowncil, ate det petition for @ sinewalk but the mais é tem yn was the un-| & will er pte ine ta tat mmerce wrote suggest e Fire, Wat ter and Light committee postponed regular ar meet the to Works street past the Hospital and “Milt etreetfrom—the—end~ A petition. was received from Mrs. B. E. Nelson and Mr. Jo their property on Main street ivewint When Mr. A. Zin nn opened his s on Wallace street he paid $50 as ig te transient traders’ fee. He petitioned for a reduction and rp ‘council de- cided to return his no The tenders for the new roof on the wheel factory were opened and the succéssful bidder was R. B. ae eg The figure was rei as The mayor was instructed to p claim Monday, Aug. 8, as Civic Holt ay Receivés Cut in Face— While ‘playing on Tuesday of this week, Carl Koch, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, Gowanstown, fell A few stitches were require to close the wound Ns e. ten-y ld grandson of Mr. ul- arm broken recently while playing. Conservative Convention July 28— The Liberal-Conservative rece tion has fixed Friday, July 23rd. the date of the nominafion mectink 9s be held in, penbthen Town Hall. al speakers an effort is being e madete he ald Sutherland, of tae. Oxford; a the principal speaker Gicstan Band Meeting— A 25 members. attended ion Mission Band. on Friday afternoon, July 9th. held at the home of Miss Agnes Park, .4th. of Elma. Miss Jean Park read the scripture leason. The missions on the Doctorof Cornwall and Mrs, McShane were taken by Mrs. Geo. @leland. After the mieef- the away early* ing closed Junch was served by the this morning, Thursday; July ~-15th,| memb -| Conservatives Adjourn M ie The annua! meeting of the local Conservatives was called for last Fri- day evening, but owing to the fact that several evening. On account of the poor attendance it» was again postponed until Thursday night of this week. to Liberals of N. Perth to executive. of Note Perch Lib- eral Association haa called is song ating convention at Mily on Wednesday, aoe Pde, at rEg ea Optimiem pe: the exerutires fare j po ring Sey I 1 re men- eral pros tes we tioned. It ntention of the ex- erie ty to hat pro ent mem! of the) per idresa oe ‘Madham Tako ‘Goaibs in. rT. P. ¥. Smith; Sear, of the ool, ie a at Guelph, taking a co eu We haven't beard perees bragging that they were able wee they @d we would have heard about it. Pana Ne 13:.was:’ rae. tips 0: oln ie i old as you 4re. ci gto = am, sixty-thhee,. ‘iid k’s puzzle, and we are . as you were when I : The .two ages are, reepoctivhty, 268 and 21. of it ee: ~ HY aim twice as now re.’ I am as o as you eve (a), we I festa sca? pessayt 0. art: “and when rou are as old as 1 when the spare ic ordering new books fF be The i Bas a of I their intention to gravel- Inkerman ~ ‘for the extension of the 1 sidewalk een : White; providing he gives a five year and received a bad cut above his eye. ter, of 3rd con. Witness had his left eee meeting of the Livingstone ~ ie Sek