The Fito Bane Erde New Hom : \ , “ sane 2 = pon Séyeral new tome are fe er-} The Listowel Golt & Country { seat Cee ¥ : Page tes 2 3 The Ate Bee ected in Listowel. Dr, H. D. Living-| are entertaining members of the and age “at: thet, cat Wolfe of Listowel, spent y worry over (Amalgamated Oct., ist., 1923.) aibae is buildng one caf to ee of|cardine club on the local arene to- Baer of sa Kote, the home of Mr. and M res.” Leekpruf in your @ ap blished Thursday of each week.| his father's 6n Bay street; Mr. Law-! day.’ ~ Mr. 3 mobile _ tabes , PS Bight to sixteen peace seven col-| rence at Talia “is wuiiding on York} -. «4 8 ste Me Panes! ts na a ees “ot es._It’ is e picy page. All: home-primt.|street; Mr. R. Gray, of Monkton, 4s) Twenty-four members of the Stadt of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Fisher on Peter Dippel. é sha sh | Wate ; and ten 3 Bi building on ates street, Mr. Scott wel Bowling Club participated in the| Sunday. ot ids A say Gnecristion rate $2.00 a Binning’s new home and store on eekly jitney ‘puiak nent Mr. ‘and Mrs. ©. Range, accomp=| jy mend panied fest, Perkin and bie] ae : : — strictly in advance: otharwies $2. 360. Main street, ee is nearing comple~ aay" evening The prize-winners|anied by Mr. and Fe Felkar! y at Schneid A Besai tored a = months $1.00; three months ‘60c. | tion, Mr.“ W. ray is remodelling| were Messrs. Ed. Jermyn, Joe Lock- {motored to Ne d. Hanover on, fr c apc the? si a your eek= oe subscribers in the United Btates hie ‘Honiganée and turning it into al hart, Alex Tilker and Ed, Koch. Sunday and. spentsthe « day with rela ee ee it “not belp but where — 4 be sag apse for se double house, the other half to be “| tives, "| With: rity pad ne ara ae iH not help but wi e Banner and Bee et the cir-}occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gray.| Mr. Frank Kelly refereed a foot-|_ | Mr. d. Mra. Lestis of near datas ed Sunday bi fhe! Felner 4 tap: Sei live, *e amoves. : biaiiction-= several hundreds more Attén SER age Oe ball pi between - eeitennte and Listowel, and - ‘Lloyd ee rand Mrs. N. B. K 4 danger from: pu ae its competitor—and~ excels: as nded - Holetalé-in the datter tee on.F Friday| 2nd. line Howick, were guesta at Miss pilin Be: Lis w leaks, “leaky valves Sne- “gn ady zg ium. - . ‘Mr. Stanton Canill, manager raver the evening last. Brussels defeated Hol-| ome of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Wolf, ” nder of towel, porous tubes. One D tion We do job printing.of all kinds. local. branch of the Dominion store, . Sindat spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. lasts for the length of the a as in London on Wednesday of this| stein by the acore of 2-0. ‘ Mre ey Ankaiwian send. Bats, gobo Bender tubes. Many. motoriets in 2 ; B, 5S. HUDSON. . week attending the.weldling of. ‘is * Glen. spent the week-end at the home Walter” and Mrs. De Ficli 1 and viel ave had @ - B Editor and Proprieto?. fister, Miss Albert Cahill, daughter| Twenty-five ladies participated in| Or Mr vend aie Gent Detweller,! 2! ‘Rochester, New York, have’ been ~“Leekpruf” installed \ in. the E of Mr. and Mre. James Cahill, Elm-| the jitney bowling tournament . for Fi * spending the past week with the lat- . and James Cahill, Elm-| the Ji bowli Hespeier. ding th k Side he 1 past month and everyone is | Member Canadian Weekly Newspa-| wood Ave. London, to Dr. Wendell ladies on Tuesday evening: of this!” yfiee esther Hardin “of Fordwith.} ae Son Mrs. N. B. Buri gubllant over the Yesults ob-— per Association Hughes, of New York, son of Dr,| Week. Prizes were awarded as fol-|..ont last week at t the? ‘home of Mr. ss Viola. Bender of towel, shed, No chance _ of a, ke ‘4 and Mrs. F. W. Hughes, Queen’s| 0W8: 1st. Mrs. Tupper; 2nd. Mrs. C. Alex MeCaba. visited Sunday with her parents and Manager, Box 390 ro Bondo The “marriage took|Jobnston; 3rd. Mrs. L. A. Oliver; had as her py est, Miss Susie Bender. cantare "Banner, EE i “ . a . 4 ” s ith. Mrs. Ed. Koch r and Mrs. Norman Kakeater rai ei ran and Bota only in: tits tocatity 3 } P . place at St. Andrew's church at 6.30 $ ’ : * dey Sunday at the home of a dat-raaneht ea fe Hyslop's Garage, Mili as / : itoria o'clock. satin tas ge ter’s parents, Mr. and Mra. Irwin|{#ushter, Bi ent; Mrs. Reid of Toron ‘towel, Ont. ty ee The Dufferins, W. F..A. team of| Maste Pa pica preo Mr, and Mre : ; s . y . Lose Infant Daughte .| Stratford, have protested the game Mr. and Mrs. W. McDowell t r ‘ r AN AD ; Pec romreday, July th: 1986 The or Tangier of Mr. andj played last Saturday when they were Sunday. with friends “tn atrioton| Mr. and Mire. N. K. Weber —and |B = NER . 5. PAY s / Mrs. F. C. Vandrick, of Chapleau,| defeated by Kinburn. We understand and Pike Lake. Peer accompanied by Mrs. Webar a : : : ne e Pe en’ Si wasting for hc saver to eo | Cttareny, sd tn, Listonel alriew ihe, Geld way not properig, marked.| _ Mc-and bre. Wolt ot Gowantows,|Kuonsnor om Sunday. Mt. Catt Webe| 4 Banner Want Ads. Sell . -m. spen ednesday at th t ‘ . Es —— f : home now sits up until the same/the C. P. R. station, The child was| have a grouch over the fact that all spent W son, Mr. thes Weta. Ot the ler Nae 5 home with them. “ s hour waiting/for him to come home.) born on June 9th. Rev. BE. F. Arm-/the officials were neutral .men— i Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walters,.. Mr SPECIAL SALE ~~ strong had charge of the service at|they were all Listowel’ men, in fact-- and Mrs. John B. ee a Bh os : Sunday at the home ai Mr rs ‘ , : and that the Stratford team was not represented. the cemetery. Mr. F. C, Vandrick is has been learned that the increased|@ son of Mr. A. J. Vandrick, Listo- - consumption on dirt roads costs the| wel. Dr. Bruce,i of Rjncandine, at- | motorist as much as if he hag jhelp-| tended the funeral, / éd to pay a gas tax of 24 cents a gallon. Good gravel roads impose ----@n—additional expenditure equivalent § to a nine cent tax. Compared with After considerable~fnvestigation it Ed. Gottfried, 4th «© Miss Lorena Bender of Ayton, is sepnding the summer months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Gelger and ae Cora, spent Sunday on this a asi _ Men’s Shoe Store — West Side, Wallace St. Listowel Thank You Instead of sending receipts by mail,. which in each case requires Saturday, July 1 7 25. HATS * * a Two. rinks of Listowel bowlers ho to Wingham on Wednesday nd took part in the tournament in that town. The rinks were comprised Fine Rose Display— The Horticultural Society held its third window display of flowers last Prepare for the icees: of anesnee, R.A. Cilmie, Bd. bal hea three cents postage , The Batine Ha st the tax imposed by bad roads, the Saturday, in the windows of Living-| pr. Taylor and Rev B.| takes this Bs pc TM method b buying Mess rvest gas tax that is paid for highway |étone'’s drug store. The ever popular Howard: ‘and Messrs, J. A Sates: of acknowledging receipt of the fol- cuNKiE ADS. PAY. Shoes now. I have a full rose was seen in all ite beauty of form, color and fragrance. Listowel can boast of a goodly number of ros- arians’ who have large sections o ‘§mprovement ‘is truly insignificant. lowing new,subscriptions or ee pret als, received during the pas stock in Canvas, Mule and he}"days/ and for which those remitting Sterling Elk at very low Ba. Koch. Unfortunately they were unable to bring home. any of t ee $1.00 ea. A little more kindness, a little less cone wil} please accept our t A little more giving, a@ little. less|their. gardens given over to the cult- > «6 ‘ All Other Li i prices. large range of raed: ure of roses. Contributors ‘included 2 trder ‘to anulite sivlgeent ie “Thursday, July 15th., 1926 er Lines in the Men’s and’Boys’ Work and A aie more smile, a little less Mesdames Wellington Hay, golf among the young sinuler oF tne store at your own price - y Mr. _C. Treitz, Crediton. Mes Mary Giddins, Warton. Miss Agnes Shearer, Windermere, Dress Shoes always i in stock -C. PREUTER J. A. Bayne, Miss Schaefer, J. Livingstone, T. B. Howard and H. Goddard. town, the directors haye agreed to open a morning class at a very small fee. A number have availed them-| 5 selves of this opportunity, and ap- pear to be enjoying the links every + A uitie le ess ks kicking a man - when ‘MISS GIBBS — Milliner ‘Mr. H. B. Burns, Kingston. Mr. Alex R. Angus, Lakeside. A little more We, a little less I; A — laugh, and a little less m oe Any who wish to learn Mrs. John Mathieson, Uhthoff x ’ i oJ the game may b 7 SST RL. Sel: eR A aed e flowers on the pathway With the Gharcbes members on application to Mrg AS eer Lh eee Cematton. fe) e Dr. H, ia. Ballantyne, Uxbridge. Schinbein, the captan, or Mr. H. P. Wanzer, the secretary. ‘And fewer. on graves at the end of : the strife. . Banner Want Ads. Sell Members of the Harriston Tennis : Club played a friendly game with the local club in Listowel on Wednesday afternoon. The results were as fol- Galvary Evangelical Rey. M. L. Wing, Pastor = A little town in the United States ealled Sumner is said_ to the smatiest town with a Rotary club. It Special Res must, therefore be a live community lowe: Pp and deserves an efficient club. Sunday, July 18th L.. H. Beri won from Mickel- q ; The coming of the Rotary, the Kt-/ 44 Publi h ohn —6-1; " wanig ,the Lions, the Elks, the hud Saad Worship. The pas-| j F a ; Rites, dnd other similar clube hes tor. “Moses and the Burning ‘. Livingstone won from. McFarlane— ‘Fill Your Bins on i, . ash.’ Q been o wisteetal beens to the Bae 11 g.m. —Sunday Schoa ‘ ay won from Shannon—6-0; NOW ; othe | 7 p.m.—Publie Worshtp, “God's constitute a oa as wide as the! tend with the Hewbrews.” George and Bernie won Neil and ith | Ration itself. T e Elsk have the doc-/. p.m. Wed.,—Prayer meeting, Mickeljohn—6-4; 6-1, wil 7 | = easu é 4; e. “We Ba the faulte of our Manna and Hugeine lost. to, ids Fothers 6n the sande, cherish their rarieng and Shannon—4-6: 10-8: .« GENUINE: es virtues in love and memory.” he i , — Rotarians built a creed on the 5° e Whe Listowel Club have now wor SCRANTON | foundation of _ business integrity.7 a ist the group, Harriston. having defeat- ee “Service Above Self” and they made ed Mount Forest-in Harriston.-Listo- COAL good in their useful ‘lives the truth “He Profits Most Who Serves Best.” The motto “We Build” of the Ki- wel players will play agame witb Mount Forest in the near future, but this game_will have no bearing onj Rev.eHarry W. Jackson, Pastor It Looks Gc Good eaila aypiies nat esly Re sie Sunday, July 18th the group honours. ' wee Rie ihe aha It Tastes Good || Reg. $40.00 and $45.00 character. : 10 a.m.—Bible School. EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EET ES 7 t astes 00 eg. an x All these great fraternities, in{11 a.nt.—- Public worship. _The Pas- R bt Oli Opt. ver + % BORN rs Sebebeedefebteteebe deel eebhepetededefeded | PAYNE—In Listowel, on Memday, { July. 12th., 1926, to Mr. and Mre, L. Payne, a son. This Week $35.00 — » “their combined service and helpful- ness, make up a mighty brotherhood -. that we are all proud of. The nearest approach to these clubs in Listowel fs the Chamber of Commerce and every citizen should link up with it _ So that it may became a more effect- ¢: pare force in the community. PE cr . od tor 7 Pm. —Public worship. The Pas- And Brother it sure hits the spot on a Warm Day to Micetny 8 p.m.—B.Y.P.U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer service. Ny Bargains in ‘FOUNTAIN — }; Tried Out Plows— Mr. J. W. Sangster and Mr. Jam Donaldson were. in Unienville aaat week where a committee, of which Keep busy to keep young. Chaun- gey Depew says his most important One Hour Services Diana Sweets’ - ‘work was done between his 75th and ; ” PENS s E % Mr. Sangster is a mémber, were gon- i S £ G doth birthdays. Another aid to long ‘ . j evity is association with young folks.|| United Church, Listowel eg and tecting out the best Delicious atis action unranen sd” » Join in their games and amusements , ent for plow, . : as much as your stiff joints will let Sunday, July 18th plowing alfalfa. sod. Abeut three We are clearing out our Ice Cream Soda : Tae i: Ys y hundred spectators were present and#) entire line of Swan Fountain } ita ee oO s in In ow oan exchange which comes to our/) , also eo fifty District Reprosenta-s Pens. The prices range from : ‘ desk grom Auburn, Washington, had SERVICES tives of the Department. The eom- When the sun forces beads . ’ teas e | $2.75 to $4.50, which we mittee will report later. » the follewing item prominently dis- of prespiration. to stand out eet GOIN foto Bee, Ut Weeks |} TT am.—subject “Jesus and : are going to-sell at on your brow—that’s the ° ® eS BEE ee |" ecco "Half Price || Sear ese tJ. ML Schinbein & Som Mrivé ovér td Varzcouver or fer- J enna Fo & Closer Be + snow ee . our fountain. Name your e e ; WUE ee: ry to Victoria, the state depirt- ie Rage oF, wer } - t favorite fruit flavor, say wa rt aca te G asitan fing Ay ase % ee ue a tl tlt aia dd Another line of English _ “Soda” and you'll get one - LE your ear, Or if you feel that |]°2.45 p. m.—Sunday School L. Allen is taking = eum-|| made fountain pens reg. 50c of the tastiest concoctions : Cc. ns "eoultes in the University ‘of Tor- onto, He will be there during the mofth of Jaly. ~The five pupils Ke tried for em uc fer 28c you ever put your lips to. Thalé are alk yond peak and it will be worth your ed with the British emblem along- 7.00 p.m._— subject “Enthus- iasm or Love on Fire” Or if you prefer, select | you must_fly yoar colors, @6 it, ie a cone of the many’ other tasty The Talk of The ‘Town > BE . This is the ad¥ice of “high offici is in the ge depart- , aie oe Mae ae ak th. Sous ment,”’ according to a méseage them—Saeviour Whea Night “ e 8 met a e ECD pee pe Fo: 2 received in Seattle age ernetny peg ol the Sky Shelley i of Mra. J. R. Gode Wednesday aftey- while to get one at these Specials on our cate i Siege Ps Pe es eA from J. J. Underw Seattie - ‘ mnew) of last w prices. ‘ ; Pe Bs! AS Chamber of Gominaree repres«, -Wigttors -eordial! welcomed. e “True Workers”. Mision Cim , R x Bite vn irk in Washington, D. ¢. We have celteat music. elem mat at the home Mrs.. Blva ei Prete the wish that it-be ommend oh ; erie ne Thursday bag last Ate \nnivers: az eceecnitind to citizens generally. P. F. Moadiey,. EB. ¥. AtuiitYfong haan Over corty were jo 7 s = e intimation was sent © oul by| Pl : “Organist. - + Mthiater, The monthly. mocting of ft the “Busy ‘ALLO i & GREER : Washi gton lately a over --the, Bes” virgo arth ah being gue yr J Sale i Fatt Situ ai aie Ls eae oe stajes that a man should’ not; in:a}> ment o chur ¥ ; cre eae ; ign pr -ab fly - — ae a eee . ey: ternoon of tarday last, the. Mission Gaality sind Sertice ‘ - m Bie deities De ee uo Siege th tine = : on od . the On|]: @eakle’s Stand . towel. Tae ‘the country he is visiting. This i Pidhdeidehdiehaiahibiiiadehle Band pienic pestponed until ee ROBE 133. 5 doen Boys’ Balbriggan Shi pe: cs A Wednesday Petabe oa July 2 2 ees sy 10 dozen Men's B. V. D's. at 25 dozen Men's Cotton Sox 9 per oat 15 dozen men "s Overalls and Smocks formation ought to prove useful. tor as many have just heard it for the first : THIRD EANS WALLACE time. It amounts to purely a matter! + tet Quite a number attended the Or-} #iange walk ~ — Fergus on Monday. Tabor and family of court INE EERE TELE EE EEE ES | Mr. and M ee and Mrs. Ephriam Weber and motored to- Woodstock on : D. Fletcher Receives Contract— taste of Kiteliener, motored and} They were accompanied by Mrs. B. 5 dozen men’s Grey Flannel Pants at $2.49 © Op Seago gig e Diba lente vg aa he gil aha Pgs cg fa fle newd aaatk telt team play oy 100 pairs Men's Shoes, solid leather, waterproof, guar- 5 were. opened at the meeting former’s g rowbridge m > Tiday and the contract was jet to|_Mre. Weber uena to} Henfryn team last Friday. ening. Cy anteed; thrown on the bargain: counter, come in and — r. siyoagt sede fo bee ~ enend Pt SCS oan ie Trpeorises tgs the (winne ots et ; get your pick. ete rin electioni of officers} rs. Zurbrigg is spending ere were an usual ou 5 | yo wf ik plate, the « previous officers tile > week — her. daughter, Mrs. last, Sunday daaing to héar Dr: you are assuted of privacy 15 dozen of men’s Khaki Pants, $1.49. © e e: : ve Fare been ap rian ho gy ow gar area tk Wigtecs duh Wook t: are eres nittalac ‘ube when your VALUABLES 50 dozen’ of Ladies’ Silk Hose, all shades ie rsa «agin olMowsg: Pree - Weber and fani-/ ing, 2 Fon ang tinge gt iu - L, Bea be cath dais ae George ‘ise Mitt. het ‘guésts, Mr; . * Raynor of Listowel, will oc- are placed in a~ 50 dazen of Childrén’ . Cotton Hose, bla tee and - elrose; i L. K. Hacking. Weber and family of "Kitchener, ag "ies 2 age here on haggard — BOX sand at. 18 per p pair : : & he building comfifites is composed visited fe — Mr. and Mrs; Ai-! morning, Miss M. ‘Thom vice- DEPOSIT. Wa have the best display at dry dade an of Messre. E. Bolton, Geo. Mel-/lan McLaughlin, Tralee. pres. of the Y Bs League oni have at cine of our branches. g ready! 0. H. Nickel, 8. J. Kemp und/ . Several from - line seen in fie charge of te evening : -to-wear that you have ever seen in Listowel before. epee epee eee “ta — ahs sae 4 arelow. 4 Come in and look around. . Pere oer tin nivesizes Gibaael ak pss poehe. thitd) day evening and report an FREE---With every $10.00 purchase or over you get P ‘ utt, ~e tagiapar a ai rs e 2 n’s - b. Calif..|tion in Fergus, Monday, July. 12 The Trub. Workers». Mission: .. Suitcase, Club Bag or Boston Bag as a” near} Visitors at the home of Mr. and| cle met at the home of one “ Bring us Your Produce Wal H.| Mrs. Noah Bowman on Sunday, were|Clyde with a good aumber pre PR ack foe . and mire. heey 4 Hel- . ton car} en and. motorists } B ;