Rabscription Rate $2.00 # Year in Advance, Otherwise $2.50 ‘Waterloo and Wellington Counties Visited by the Listowel Hikers ‘MOST pe a gt MOTOR HIKE SUMBEES CLER THIS YEAR| the N AT EVERY | hearty ‘POINT. it "The 1926 Chamber of Commerce Hike—the fourth annual trek—is over, and many expressed theméel- ves that this was the most enjoyable hike of all..It was not as grea suctess numerically, as three, but the spirit the district visited was one of the finest, and there was more to learned from. the places visited. ana to the surprise of many , perhaps considering Lise places visited, every man came hom There were Coreityke cars in the line-up and 102 peréons in the party. This was only about half ane usual crowd;that have taken in t thoes POD | ular annual events. Then as a reason. The date of ny hike this year was over a month later, and the farmers were'in the midst of hayin have gone, they found the work too preseing. -was also vacation time ele: some wae usually attended were out of to The wenthe: was hot and many a collar had a wilted appearance by Bncn. but the ardor of the hikers as not lessened. The duet nuisance, while annoying, ‘was not exceptional- ly_bad as.the breeze car. dust watchly off the roads for the greater part of the journey. The service car, in charge of McTavish Bros. did not have a great deal of diffculty look- ing after car troubles. They report- &. Much as they would have liked” is ed only three or four punctures andj 0? blowouts. Three new tires had to be “put on. No accidents oceurred. One ’ -_ % td *. electric welder man missed his straw hat the restaurant at Guelph and consider- able publicity was given in order to Secure his own headgear, but there was no response. After _ returning “home, the missing chapeau was .lo- cated on the head fone of his neighbors. Evidently the neighbor was so interested. in having his photo taken at the O.A.C. that a hat was a secondary consideration. The hike this year was several miles shorter than last year and the pace ‘set was not so strenuous. Some complaints reached the head car a bout travelling at too- fast # Pace while others, principally on the way home, complained of the slowness of EVERYBODY'S. COLUMN Ten pe a line for first insertion, * with miningum charge of 56c. Subsequent ingertions five cents a line with. nfmimum charge of 25c r the: aviving: as ine sas is very bad. i_ receptions. were "Feadered! town. At some of the ate ball games a in progress an e pa was give especial ‘invitation to ba we guest rot the tea ven to the a much creat for the success}} of the hike cannot be giv ister many weekly papers The ner will take its yar holi- day next week, an paper will be Tutilohed 6 on Thursday, July 29th. This is done that some of our staff may enjoy a week's rest from-the daily isting, and that c may be made The ames will be open as pag ei job printing and oth- er om + ee at pl Mr haggle reg of the Lis- towel Mpablte Utilities, received ser fous bu ‘and shock from eleetric- R.| rhe ity duritig the electrical storm, is now in the, Listowel e Listowel band, who were out nine- teen strong. They were certainly an bel|important factor of the day, and pen them the hike wou have a tame affair. They made a * ereditabie showing and many favor- heard. The able comments were 4 Ghamber of Commerce waa proud to any them. ey made no charge for eir services but Liongebiaae their meals and transportatio: ane eneesle was followed as 8 possble. The party were a fore ite in leaving Listowél, but at} Kitcerer the time was made up, the} parade leaving there on schedule time 11.45. It was. impossible to ere. Guelph at 3 o'clock, as there so much to see in the short time allotted. An hour was lost here, but even at that, the grrteat at Lis- towel ane nine o'clock was a satis- factory tim 4 gies Watson, presideng of the Chamber of Commerce; wae of ceremonies at all the different stops, and handled the job in a cap- able manner. The report of the hikers at the dif- ferent stops’ we had written, but find making up forms that there will not be room for this report. As next week we are observing our holiday, and no paper will be published, ‘the account of various receptions will be published beo weeks from to- day, along with the comments from othér papers on the visit = of the Listowel hikers. “Be Good to Your Country” is Slogan Of Motor League NEW CAMPAIGN ‘TO STOP VAND- ALISM—DON'T SPOIL BEAUTY-- SIgNS PLACED ON HIGHWAYS. All motorists are “ui are u rged to get be- hind the program of the - Ontario Motor League to stop vandalism, for cleaner camps and roadsides and for the preservation of wild plant life in ,} the 1926 touring season, according to appeal broadcasted So provincial headquarters in Toron “Tt ie superfluous oo that the Ontario Motor League is strongly behind the movement for the main-) tenance and enhancement. of the beauty, spots and against | ruthless destruction of-wild shrubs and flow- bs sak ’ said George Hodgson, past-pres- MAID WANTED dent and director of the O.M.L. Maid wanted. Apply te Miss Soctt, He declared that the conservation clo J. W. Beott. t{np.|and ‘beautification campaign’ which brought such results last year will be extendéd. While the ieotos BOR SALE League is taking a leading part in One good bay mare, ae te the movement, many other -organiza- ears, work yt al +f) -" y tions including chambers of. com- Mahlon Good, phone r 2. merce, boards trade, “women’s & clubs, girl guides, boy. scouts and : LOST < other bodies interested in outdoor In Listowel on Thursday last,}Técreation are doing their bit fawn all wool sweater coat. Finder kindly return same to this office. “This work should be regarded as one aspect of the safety progam in which the country is engaged,’’ Mr. said. Hodgson rgin Simpson provided the m for FOR SALE Every one of the forty odd bran-| 4. 14°se stone was thrown through @/funeral were: an only sister, Mrs.| the round dances, and sev - fid- Thirty acres, more or leas of hay,| ches of the O.M.b. is asked to launch| Window of Mr. Pollard’s home} Thos. key, of Palmepgton;. Mr.jdlers played for the #quare ces. | part timothy. Apply to Mre. Jessie|a campaign in ite own territory. The|°" York street and another at Mr.|and\ Mrs. W. J. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Lench served ‘at the close, Haddow, Administratrix, R. R. 3,|radio will be used to promote plant/J@mes Vandrick’s on Inkerman|Thomas Howe, Mr. Percy Howe,|and a pleasant evening enjoyed by with the Phone 610 r 81. - conservation; ‘roadside _ cleanlinese| 5treet- Whether this was done for bebe rn Mr. and Mrs.°fhos. Leak-| everyone. and camp éanitetion. Posters and Pecans tee ieee pAeTA to “ y, * ge dag ue ee Mrs. John — . pamphlets will be issued emphasizing | : olice away) Leakey, Mr. and Mrs., Bert Ladd and : ee Fire HAY. : thy hay| {3° urgency of a national conserva-| /fOm the centre of the town, where/eon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Evertt, of Pal-| Mrs. Wm; Allison Honored fr oi; oa fatrantonel ene | nt Bly i rorara tothe outdoor. igre were Many net Kno, | rtin, tnd Mri, Hate) Brown, ol for eale; alo one International tWo-!and the government will be asked to e same night thieves vieited the! Southampto By Friends Before Leaving reasonable. Apply Richard Jonasion. scatter’ flower seeds In certain local-|Ford garage on Inkerman etreet| ‘The {rlends present from out-of- 7 ic ities. aa they etripped . several tires|town were: Mra. C. Longmire, At-| A slisaaint social afternoon was “Be good to your county” is the| {fom old cars in the yard at the| wood; Mr. L. Pender, ex-sp tj enjoyed Thursday afternoon last, at slogan that the Motor League is co- side of the garage. The lenses.in the/C, N. R.; Mr. T. Sampson, super-| the home of Mrs. Henry Youn , when Lost operating with the A-A.A. in “car-|Ca™ wer and the) visor, C. N. R.; Mra. Hi and/ upwards of fifty lady trends gather- Between 12th con. of Elma and rying on.” Under this <span the rb light ere stolen. Mr. McIntyre. esti- Mr. Harry . ‘Palmerston; Mr.} ed ‘in “honour of Mrs. Listowel, on gravel road or side road}l0Wims notice will carried mates his loss at-about $40.00. . Andrew Holmes, . section an,| who bes jeft for her fg “home in east, a car license, No. 329407, Find: | 2Undreds of thdcennes of maps, see Bluevale; Mr. Archie Thompson, er please yetura to? ae Smith, R. | actions including camp manual, ate Returns From Summer “School— section foreman Brussels; “Mr. and a Alles has resided in Listo-}- R. 2, phone 623 r 28, wr leave at “Don't pick too many wild flow-|. Miss Evelyn Gee re thr Seger Mrs. §. Hollaway, Mrs. Art Bam-| wel ali her lite, and thus made many thie office m ere! 3 ‘ena spending 2 the Pres-|ford,.Windsor; Mr. and Mre. Albert} warm friends who regretted her de- F “Holly, dogwood, mountain laurel| b¥terian Summer “held “at}King, Kitchener; ; Schan-| parturé, As a token of esteem, Mrs. and meny other plants and flowers} Woodstock. Roprespntatives: were} als, Brown City, Mich.; Flor-| A’ resented with a beauti- NOTICE pes being rapidly. exterminated -be-| Present from al Western Ontario. | ence og wae Stratford; Mr. and fal yasé and a china sa wi from} Prof. E. Katz, well Pitta ‘opticat cates unlicensed and ruthless| Young he rely and Sunday School} Mrs, . Laing, Brantford; Mrs|her friends.. Mrs. Purcell apoke specialist, will re feve . we Sens work weré the main topic for discus-}-A A.M; rterfield. and Mrs, Fred bdparig of Mrs. Allison, who had al- trouble Saturday of this week at Be good to your country and let sion, under the able — aoe of Portettield ee enc ys been. a willing worker in’ all Queens hotel. Headach che, pain ie alt enjoy itt’ Dr. Kannawin » of Woodstoc k. fo ys Mrs. ‘Allison> temple and defective vision re | “Kertinguieh camp fires when leav- the ladies for the gt an through properly attention os your; ing.” ion with lavish hands. But to-day we H. Hamilton Chien. her great | having.to leave; m «, eyes by our great ekill. Fe, oan help Be cis or, bury ao ogee yp tod stand in da of . exte ting President f . | Listowel, ; break many! long- you even when ‘others f your : pienic| much that contributes so much tothe| bs Conservatives ties. A dainty luncheon was th Sein .-F Fow “in as good. ‘order as you} charm of the trail. <7 ts and Gi Paha voy cane doeleahon si mai ie fn akin of the} 4 Hs ed. = has: seater! t » number were presen < from the C, P- R.- hore to png : fe . pet Paget nc a gad country looking deb lage ts PUBLIO NOTICE ~ Take notice that T have a partes! and can do electric|as welding, right on the fo job anywhere, on short notice and at a saving of 28% to 75%. Cracks in boilers welded, heads on stay bolts and thin Sava built up, e and hay aoe | crank shafts ‘welded, car frames welded, all pe Mtoe z lg ed “There are ‘few torists,”” said} no Mr. Hodgson, — vonle not com- |mit themselves to the observation these simple + rules. And yet-in ual pract thi ds. "This | have such an organization accomp-|; inténded it to bet”! been biam Mrs. J. F. Vandrick Died at Chapleau FORMER RESIDENT OF LISTOs WEL AND KENCARDINE—DIED)/ pe! VERY BRIEF ILLNESS— FUNERAL HELD THURSDAY. After’an illness of ay four days duration... with —_aeu of the town of Chapleau, in the per- son es Edna: Floren¢e Graham, wife of M Vandrick, a druggist of that ow and son of Mr. ahd Mre. J. Vandrick of Listowel, on esday, July 20, 1926. Mrs. Van- drick’ s death is especially sad as they lost’ an infant daughter, 29 says f age on July’8th, and now, in an two weeks’ time, the wife ter mgr ner: is alto taken. e Mrs. Vandrick was born n HuHron ay eer of Hur- yom on May 20th. ed her ealy Ginstine in Kincardine} schoola.-For a few.yeare she was em played on the office staff of the An- gr drew Malcolm Furniture Company, Listowel. Following her marriage ra Mr. F. Vandrick, ‘ Phm. B. June 25, 1919, they resided in Kin- cardine. for: nearly asp years before moving to Chaplea ShSe is quysived.. by er sorrowing husband, and one little daughter, Helen Margaret, aged four years. Her, parents; two brothers and two sisters are attending the funeral here to-day, Mrs, (Dr.) Bruce and Miss Ada Graham of.Kincardine, Walter. of Kalamazoo,: Mich., Robert of St: Paul, oe eed eased _w. was a much beloved fady and “a popular citizen of" Chap, leau, and her death is much regrett- ed. by a large number f . friends. Shé was a member of the Presbyter- jan Church, She was a golf- egthus- fast being a member of the Kebes- quastishing Golf Club. of -Chapleau. She was a great lover of nature and particularly of flowers. The high es- teem in which the deceased was held was need by the large number of floral tributes sent, some seventy- five wréaths and sprays beng sent Lid friends A short funeral service. was hela at Chapleau prior to the removal of the remains to Listowel. The funeral was held this (Thursday) afternoon from the residence of Mr.-and Mra. A. J. Vandrick at two o'clock. Rev. . F. Armstrong had tg of the service and. was assisted by Rev. EB. W. McBrien of Orangeville,.a form- er pastor of the deceased. Interment was ae in Fairview Cemetery. Mr. P;-Spero, of Chapleau, ac- commas Mr. Yandrick to Listowel. Thieves Steal Auto Tires Windows Smashed in Homes About midnight Jast Friday wit- ows were smashed by stones in homes at opposite ends of the town ' bronchitis, phone death claimed a seater young lady and received-| “all punctures 2s large as those caus- z ae Mr. Hanna was working alone on}, the Hydro lines about six miles this side of Milverton when trouble © a~} rose during the Age storm and; the pofer was off. was on the Hydro wires, had connected - Stratford, an. told pe that he had discovered the trouble in the power- Mine, when he received the shoek. Mr. nna is of the opinion—that lightning struck the wires trav- elled down the wires to he was in a nearby farm house an the doctor from Milverton had enn ered first aid and bound up his wounds. In a dazed condition he ear before he-went to his home. On éummoning medical ald he was im- ei ee taken to the hospital: . Han suffered burns on one aide at his tate, his chest, wrist and some fingers; but on hag burn is on the right knee stand- es near a pole he chinke the. ‘current left his body es the be. kne€ en- tering a-wire It is very aptanats that. he .escap- ed more serious injury. He is mak- ing satisfatcory improvement at the hospital,-and hie friends wish him a speedy recovery. LEEKPRUF is an_ entirely new preparation made at Montreal and os by the Canadian Govt. and is in. semliquid form which when injected into the tires instantly seals ed by a 4 inch. nail. Get Leekpruf in your tires today. Sold at Hyslop's Garage, Mill St,. Listowel, Ont, e show everybody waits for. Waterloo ttoo, 2 big. nights, Aug. Sth and @th.. Same big show nights. Superlative and fascinating vandeyille, supreme night attraction} of gorgeous fireworks, snappy bands, beautiful pote Soeerentent: Waterloo Park is the ideal spot for a success- ful event of this kind. You will be more than pleased this year, Large Attendance at : Funeral of Mrs. Blackmore The ‘large attendance. at the fun- eral on Saturday afternoon last of the late Mrs. Thos. Blackmore at: tested to the high esteem in which the deceased Jady was held by.a large cirele-of friends” area Listowel}- and E. F. Armstrong, pastor ef she United church, had charge of the} cé. A much appreeidted solo, “Does Jesus Mrs W. Lavery. Pallbearers were six -grandsone: panes: Thomas Leakey, Percy Howe, Cecil Blackmore, Thomas Howe, Glen Blackmore and Oscar Rapp. Among the relatives attending thet r “Or. course motorists have often doube | “that, they ha is pase Eh ro Go rte e ofa a mot- rd orist. Ate all the "ot a god It} is Pacey ire ‘who stands «&o lose* the mcs’ ‘desecration of the. cam and the roadside and from t enre brag But there is | Lie ation of wild plant paseo He bloaeor ; onthe bush is worth ten e hand,| Dr nce one Phe follewiag ron ofheaes we were elects} vege Ea Bf He gepund using the telephone attacired | 4 the ae Sun ce te When he “tegained | ” Sonasibaintas down town where he got gas for the} 45, re" was rendered by ates and has bee! - that place for sever- nm. Mre., A n d and your per ba deel partner a pros- perous and happy married life. Signed on behalf of your frien and metenbors by R. J. Berlett, Sh: .Ham rope, Howard Walker, Claran Ellison, F phat oe Mr. and Mrs. W. tt. We, representing the church, Sun- day School, Léague and community, have come together. in your home this eheninn: << ateaiiant te your marriage to express to you our good ag cev sae for your prosperity and future happ You, Mr. Buiott, have for several years, been a faithful and willing helper n the various departments of our church work and have spared no pains: in helping to make many ot our gatherings a success. You, Mrs, Biliott, though not of our own immediate neighborhood are not altogether a stranger a- mong u We welcome you to this community feeling confident that you will be a true. helpmate coe husband and that while you ma work together for the material things of life you may also work together for the building up of the churoh and the Kingdom. of Jesus Christ in the hearts and lives of those with whom you come in contact. As a tangible expression of our good wishes we ask you to ‘accept these cut glass dishes which we trust May serve to remind you the many friends who join in wishing ee a long and happy. ‘prosperous * Alvin Robinson, Jack ‘Perkin, An- nie Williams. $29 Sicccodhal Sin anes? we Held Friday Evening very successful chad dance was Ti wards of four hundred people at- tending. Mr. Gilson had the mis- fertune_to-lose his barn by fire last winter, and has been busy during the spring replacing it with a new eteel barn. The building is, well ven- tilated, and the ad up-to-date sea. perhaps ha’ no eau in the en- tire district. Many old time aduare dances werd gnjoyed aswell a¢-the- round dances. Harold Siegal ang El- al months an children léft Friday for their new place of residen one sale x Stary a gga Eire | Stipes at 9.96. a. off Men's hour with you in your. few home. moved their householf effects Mon- ur reeter s at your leaving omr chur-| day to the Bo ccegtinding ch and co is somewhat re- Souant on Wallace s lieved by t the fact that your home is not far away we to a Patient at Hosgital— you .oft@n. to pe ere are sorry t that Mr. J. re “th yout ects rapt n K. Bricker was: taken to-the Meomr- e D. at you gave prin’ ure th y School, and Young People’s ial oe »fore part of thie ety 5; ment. As a small token of Ege esteem and sr ge ri we ask you to ac- ying Offtice— cept this silverware. We wish. you| “Eh Della Lavery is supplying in *) Cranbrook to-d t-} Oil be appointed shortly. ‘Thomaé ison, | ra thanked} and & fea Mrs. A. J. - Vandrick. en tred/ Silver Corners Factory at their home, 6th line, and’ presented Mrs. Biliott witk some ‘fine table si ad Mr. 5: dfott. with ginss water eet and ea tober rool fy av After a pleasant social} The Galt €op. have _ pie ‘time presentations were made} contract for the: new reef oF 6.4 of ‘and ae tollowing pre Hehe were! the local and this week The Ba 4 ‘read: art busily at this werk. nner we desire to — Dear Mrs; Elifors : ¥ our thanks to friends and t is with real pleasure wel Moved on ne plik ry pg and Mondey-— Mr. and- Mra. Norman L. the office of Andrew Maleo ae ne iture Co. tr the absence of Miss Ada Kidd, whe is om vacation. Resumes Position— Mr. Bfifton MeLaughlin has resum- ed his’ aad as manager of the om } State Savings Ban at Detroit, after being on sick leave for the past year. Spent Week-end at Tobermory— A party of local. men, including Messrs. Carl Rocher, Al Stricker, Gordon Johnston, R. G. vage and Frank Kelly, spent the week-end trout fishing at Tobermory. Moyed on Tuesday— Mr. and Mrs. T. Rellinger, who oro heer occupying the residence of : i. oe on. Richelieu athoet, “have rented the residence of Mr. Wm., Bogues, and moved in on Tuesday. Vacating. Present Sto Miss C. Gibbs, wnokae hae conducted a millinery store on Main street for a mumber of years, is vacating her present shop, and will-in, future. car~ ry her line of millinery in her a- partmegt: She is moving from her nt the latter part of this. month. First Instalment of Taxes— Miss L. Tabberner, tax collector, reports that $31,353.79 was the tot- al amount received for the first. in- stalment of taxes. This is a good showing, many taking advantage of the discount, and paying*the twa in- stalments on Thursday last, =. ee Attended School Re-uiion— Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schnock and a8 and Mrs. Mac Abram attended he re-union of the old boys and pins o of §) 8. Mors ae Grex township; | se Mr. Schnock ceived his aa training at this school. . Election Officers Named— e hundred and ninety;eight re- Garates eieee have already been named and the balance of the 245 } Magwood of Stratford has been ap- {pointed for North Perth and Jasper Walkom fog South Perth, Masckiohad in Niwiele— Miss Edith Keys, of Ethel, was successful in passing ea junior pi- ano with honors, iss Marjo - ‘Paulkner, of Listowel, tees primary fano with honours, ere “pupils of Mr. Brian Jack- a Bes True— Thursday, July 15th was St. seunia’e Day, and according to the ancient legend if it rained that-dey it would. rain for forty days. 6 le- gend also read “St. Swithin’s Day, if thou be fair, or agg days ‘twill : mair." it Thureday was goog ott * na fair but we have ana several showers since that. Moved - Listowel— - Mts. -Thos. ’ Petters, ot the res- . Sidney Greenslade on Nichol street, which hey recently purchased. Mr. and Mi Gréenslade rs Pag ti over Mr. Mrs. Gordon Little, es have been Mferbae, tg this apartment, have} joved to the double house of M Vandrick’s grocery s rT. - Sells Cheese at 16 1-2c The regular esting of the Listo- net Dairymen's Exchange was held Bird factories board-, 16 ¢. Silver Corners factory aold to g ented tel 16 ie. The afternoon sessio began 2.80. o'clock and mas mas opened ring the illness and © jeath of of ie Seeteets: also for ‘ he tiful floral tributes rom friends and various Or- ters. We desire especially to thenk — : uy - a gpa vias - and Mrs. M. Ww. ry, who sang Thomas piskdene and Family. Karges left Welnse. J day morning tor Goderich, where” i she is Bees pice School. ” Mre. W. Miss “ Htéod: retard missi jonary_. trom Atrice: will have ates of the” services in the M, B. on Sunday next. The "sagt eee with com- mence at three o'clock, -* s Rev. W. B. Fatlis, of Bunker — Hill, Indiana, who has been visiting his mother in town, aassie * Armstrong in the evening service * the United ‘Charek. se The. speaker at the sacred bani. coneert next Sunday will be Rev H. ~ W. Jackson. The differepi- ministers - the town are, reee tory b dresses rief ad- . each Sunday araning: and they are responsible for the vocal numbers. | s ]-'s : The Baptist Young People’s Un- on met as usual on ght aos evening. ; the topic was “The mind of Man.” which was dealt a¥ith very ably by Mr. H. Bennett, several _ met fottowite up with intéresting te i On shod. July 25th. service ie a St. Paul's Lutheran. chur lace, will be held at 2 orelock pm, in the eee jearuene and at.10.- 30 a.m. in t erma n langtiage in St. Paul’s Lutheran’ church, * Listo- — wel. Holy communaion will be ad- ministered at the morning service bie Listowel, + The TOURS cae ot hhh 2 ee Lutheran Lea the HrAstowat: and Waflace a people 'on their tennis grounds Jast Thure- day afternoon: The local young peo- ple left here in the iate afternoon and a delightful suppér was served, after which ténnis, croquet and’ oth- er games were dulged. in until quite a late hour. 2 Mrs. M. L. Wing and Mre, W. J. es, who were Sunday School convention held at the €arrick campgrounds, gave their re- port-at the Sunday School service in the ive foot Th hutch on Sunday Morning last. The delegates brought baek & tine report; Him Tretia ka: man gaye the report of the paar, convention at the EB. L. €, B. meet- ing Monday evening. Miss man ory|was delegate from: the local society. ‘|Teachers’ Convention Of Lutheran S. S. LISTOWEL - DISTRICT HOLD CON- VENTION AT FOURTH WALLALCE CHURCH ON hs sl DAY LAST. On Sunday. July. i8th, the Sunday ool Convention of the Listowel District = the Evang. Luth- ee Rada, was atone in t. Paul's enthao Lutheran church, 4th. line R: B. Geelhaar, pastor. In the morning at 10.00 o’- block a@ service was held, eonducted res-i by the pastor, with Rev. Mangelsen of Milverton: preaching the sermon. Anthenis suitable for the occasion were rendered ~by~-the choir of the rongregation . at with 2 brief devotion by Rev. J eae: sen At ‘hla a seasion three papers ing to and dealing with meeday peri work were given namely: The impo ce of the saniey: "Schoo! in choonma asides by Rev. J. Mangel- sen of Milverton. Co-operation of Sunday School teachers by Mr. Gus. Nickel. of Listowel, and the Church ‘and os Sher pel eraie of youth . by Rey. . Geelthaar of Listowel. ioe present Sunday school . od 3099 boxes of cheese as follows: {teachers from Listowel, Milverton, Donegal 300° white; Silver Corn-} Ellis and Loga y, ers 325 eg te Ethel 200 colored;! Offcers elected for a term of. % M white, a Sige years were Carthage 330 Neate: President—Rev. R. ae Geethaar, white; . Elma and Leorataten. too Listowel. white; Molesworth 270 colored; El- ave President—Rev. de “Mangel- ma 430 Mags ilyerton. . on the board started at -Treas— Mr. paiedis Lorch, 6th. dine .Wallace. In the he ae ont e thoir render- ,}ed 3 anthems, At.5 meek an juterestin ention