| TELEPHONE jfrom ignorant, superstitious people te| win the confidence “of those — who: .-ONE YEARS aco! ; by exhibiting a device which he gays, k of the success of the latter in} ae }will convey the human voice any} Belinea without Or SS Ree the : | paper published the | distance over metallic wires 60 thet) principles on which it is based, Well- 2 eit met fears ago: [it dl Rete eard by the listener af the! informed people know that it is im- - I u years of age) other possible to transmit “the human The, Banne st year, ‘ Mame of Joshua Copper-| “He talls the instrument. a. tele- yoice over .wires as done "I find dt ee pve bea *fubite ag the past 3 lee lished ro 1, has been arrested in New! phone, which is obviously intended with dots and dashes and signals of On making a total of 496 for attempting to extort funds | to imitate the word E pavicieha' nd the Morse Code and that were it pos- t HO . ‘ Eb Renew your subscription for your ‘s sible to He 60, athe 1 thing would be of qajly paper or magazine at The Ban- Mise > Wiesel of < Distopats| a no pract e. * ell. o owel, |. : “The authorities who apprehend- ae: tebe spent the oe at ear “Pal of I jed_this erat, are to be congratu-| mr wad. Slight, Listowel, spent|Mr. and Mrs.” Wm. —Palmer- s : : we jlated and it is to be hoped that hie Fe hax riends._—|8ton Spectator. of the Dominion’ § | punishment will” ie prempt and fitt- Ciscisdine. Ravian-tiagusal: — in ef and Quebec jing, that it re 2 serve as in example ; The garden party at Carthage lat ebec supply of ‘ o other lenee-less echemers; yr, and Mre. R. A. Seaman and Thursday evening was a decided tisfying over on customers we i who enrich themselves at the ex-| yr. Mri <J. “Stewart, of Success, as a large crowd was p bstaeiee and cousistently ae is tbe ae ‘secret. baa pense of their fellow creatures.” Listowel, were gues! ae of Dr. ‘eal ent. The gate Sse totalled e- Quality Counts” VE. hy rs. H, Fowler over the week-end eee Sgt ey and holiday.—Clinton News Record, i CHOICE SARTA CLARA EVER NOTICE THIS? - ae nie aeaee exuwllant program wae’ Siveuy(saTereh ‘TOILET —— | Did you ever pauée in a pdéSstoffice| py as July th {-nvosec ha VERYTHING TISS SIZE LARGE SIZE | j long enopgh to take a wavint at the No! ey cand i re OF ka eroteal nS) Buy Milverton Business— . a ca P rice ea orely afgy ofl sain aot ot ne ee Mtcke} ‘The firm of Binkley and MeDon‘) ff 3 roll 1c. 3 rots 20. 2 tbs. 19¢.¢2 ibs. 250, eople ‘have received their ‘mail? TE Ponce, in needa tes a cee in: ald, of Stratford, has purchased the| — : , G ¢ h bab - O.T.A. . In- : ; Zam have sou wate! probably svc | teas Wateroo,Gousty supplied] ask of. Le | Buguand © Som EXTRA special — | | EXTRA SPECIAL | most of the latter cases, an 3 7 letters and hand bile that litered It iecgt_ot the criminal oases. Water-| MERMERE,. HO price paid was clos _— . tt ‘i x loo, Perth, Huron, Grey, ufferin COC A with the fact that many of them had! *™ Vy O. 1 been thrown in the basket as soon as mee Aah ipa ce COMP FIRS Ae Ott etartal Retorn Trip—~ Bere . © a Cc Headache Neéuritis. <Lumbago they were removed from the envel-| 5? M d Mra. H. Hemswarth’ who : eee ita eee Pai Neural 2 ope, the recipent never even taking) oven Perth Fortunate— wave ‘been visiting In” hak West) OR THE -~- 4 . ti ~ ain * euraigia Toothache Rheumatisr glance. But did you also notice that} The nominations of D. M. Wright, ssarten Oo teen te i PICNIC PRESERVING * you didn’t see anyone throwing the|f Stratford and F. Wellington Hay | Aug, pie ond SAWS Gee Seay BASKET ° o> newspapers and especially. the home| of Lisotwel, Conservative and Liber- “ae ae dwar eeiRHiahe cast along the i EAS ECESSITIES ___|_DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART town newapspers in the! waste baxk-|sl Canidae orl an favs aa these] Fontes: They neve, .visiielivell the CHATEAU LOAF CHEESE 4c tb. = > > mpaign 4 Be: et or on\the floor? Did you notice men are a lean 9 personally will western provinces and three statea STELNA CORNED REEF 256 crowns! $1 OF Pa that newspapers are always carried| ™e¢ = Dp ' : A HIGH DEGREE of i 4. $1.18 Be “Bayer”? away instedd of tossed away? Well,| be carried on a high pian of the: vata: a Hemawortt, re EXCELLENCE | BIPPERED SNACKS 2 for 13c 4 JARS ** SUE = Accept only “Bayer” package jricht there is a mighty good argu.|2te gentlemen of repute ‘and have Meee 2 ss ‘ eke, Ae splendid, 12 ex, bet. SWEET PICELES 25¢ large $1.5 i 5 which contains proven directions. | ment: in favor of adventising in the|never been guilty of descending to[0” “oct @, "lt OT Cther miefort! | RICHMELLO 79 Ib} POTTED MEATS 5 for 260 | 387 Bites Sdes. 26) Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 -tablets teases ee ae canutitcaea 4 . ene nuate aan i attente une does not strike the country, DOMING 73c tb. | LAIRD'S- CHICKEN SB f Zine Rings 20c doz | ¢ or Of & € ——e0es in- = Ale bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. | tothe waste bakket. They home| men ‘of euch splendid cajibre—Mil- there will be more grain than last D.S.L.BULK 63c Ib} LIBBY’S MUSTARD 13c | Parowex 2 for 25c. ‘xs eter 9f "Belleghieacit. last 8 Baleyte ig a. 5A} Walle tt in wel keewn | COWM Paper goes into the home. Re-j verton Su i= os ee ieitin mea na Bas: tie yoblie-qaninat-imitet tioun,— Ta —member—_this—and epend—your—atver-+ ee a _ = Company will be st scomoaat with ‘their general trade mark, the ng. tee Babe ; tsing money accoctineis: : Vandals in Motor Camps— — Compete PR ok hey yfield BA Re Cy "5 .~ Throughout Ontario, many towns| . Judging competitions a ie rand =o — en | and cities have been providing auto " ot, Rit ata Pigs Jct C by for tour-| Per : fie that thoy ag he apate sh. ara ae: eight girls participated in the QUAKER MARSH'S | CROSSED FISH | GOLDEN GATE : fortablé as possible ‘during over-| contests. F OWettiaut of pret PUFFEDRICE | GRAPE JUICE SARDINES | Summer Drink 1 ey night sojourns. Most of them ap-|and. Reuben Wett at ot. teak tine : ee, prectate this but there are boors e-|Hamburg, as a°resu ro Hor ag Sh the 2 pits. 35 3 1c bottle 15ctin 23c bottle as . mong tourists just as among other pen ae REL Eo, p ry ‘hes . people, and kindnesses done them is | /nternation * : : Hike casting pearls before swine. |¢ago. Thomas McKenzie of Mitchell. | "These Prices in effect for one week from date of this paper 128-C 2 - One of these fellows penanicly arriy-|Obtained the highest num ie ay : : ed at St. Marys. and t all the|points and the McCausland Irvine e ss sighs off the. trees ioe Teh camp| shield, but he had already won the : ground and split them up for camp;ttip to Chicago in-a kre rey year, Sag stakes, It !s such vandalism as this;and so the second and _ thir AP Rinaa UY WeddineS V; Curt } |] that. prevents those who ‘live in the) {ary Lowe of Stratford was away in house by the side of the road” from matte 4) BYY your Wedding Stationery, Visiting Cards or } | tite % int. "at" Sanya |e fad gis roan Ne FLOUR & FEEDS box of Writing Paper until you have seen the latest en suffer through the sins of one. |BnE {he Mc st. Paule pa A 1 AS New Stamp Issuc— was second, with 756% points and $ - and splendid assortment of super- fine quality, which Supplice of tho new innie’ ot five, Sine Lupton. of Stratford \third, Ww ae ek at bt ten and twenty cent stamps recently ; 7 e@ carry a complete stock Of a Hit we of fer you, at very reasonable prices. Phone 6], setaveds aa divatiods i tie tote fete CFI y 4 Pp : 5 Post Office soon. The issue was . 3 rades ra) our an Feed. Ea The Listowel Banner. made to commemorate the begis- Reunion is Enjoyed g W be dl Nj lj : . ning of the sixtieth year of Confed- . F ; eration and the restoration of the By Schneider Family | € aiso Nandie Niagara and lime. : penny postage rate. The new stamps will bearathe names of D'Arcy. Mc-| * xapie View farm, situated on the| This lime is strongly recommended for Gee, Sir John A. Macdonald, Carier ion of Wallace, on’ Mon- $ ——— - and Lafontaine. People generally ai oF at eae: was the ecene of a Fall Wheat. Price 8. 50 is ton. “re ae - will appreciate a new issue of two- happy event, when the owners, Mr. | \ d cent stamps of the red or rose col-|,,q Mrs. William Ferguson, were “f or. The green two-cent. etamp|) d hostess at the Schneider : Sa * .O O- makes a letter resemble an ordinary eos unt. Over 100 people Chopping Done = tisfactorily and eircular. from Prarices paint rr onere < Promptly tlaiming Schneider relationship at- j TO We Niexa Property Committee to Start Work-- tended: Qld and young mingled in HARVE STERS rigete salf a cent per milé U&yond'to all points in Mant : , Febic soting was seeraer siren a sit ed ain Seater ee games, = jen Scskat@bewan, Albertat’—Edchort etaite n the Canada Gazette o e. date| music, speeches, singing, e T na “2 Coleary, , Macleod aad Harte ee upon which the Dominion Church The moonday and evening meal Cc: H. SMI H, Phone 256 WANTED Ret rnin g—Hait Sent per milé to Winnipeg, Property Commission will proceedj were served on tables in sean aban s : plus $20.09 to destination. . tewards its findings respecting thejorchard, whie) had been bedec division of property between the Un-| with flags) s«unting Chinese | gem Through special trains for Win:.ipeg via Canadian National Rys. will leavelas as follows; (Standard Time)i 7 ited Churah of Cahada and non-|lanterns and vther oo. «sd lights. FRORS TORONTO (Union 1 Station), 12.01 A.M. Aug. 18 (midnight Aug: 17); 19%0 PR M*AXug. 18; 10.45 PM. concurring congregations of the|The tables were shenvy laden with ug. 18; 12.40 P.M.-Au 10.43 PAE Aug. 20;712.50 P.MAug. 31; 9.00 P P.M. Aug. 31; 12.30 P.M. Presbyterian Church, On Sept. 7th, | good thingy GO-OR0. oo: a rise fee ey Sass er Sept. 33. 9.00 P.M. Sept. 3 1926, the commission will start itsf The ages of shoes in attendance FROM OTTAWA 12.01 A.M. Aug, 19 (midnight Aug.-17); 12.01 noon Aug. 18; “1.85 AM. Aug-81; Scuriiring contreaatione sigur tom-lyaae, Botha Waite. SE 1Lg0n 77 EOL noon Aug: munieate in writing to the commis-|enue, Guelph, being accredited the E ; FROM WINDSOR 12.01 A.M. Aug. 20 (midnight Aug. 19), via Chatham, , London, Hamilton and Inglewood. sion a etatement of the particular] junior, while George Gross, sr., of f ROM: PALMERSTON 9. 2 Med propery rights.to which they claim| Listowel, captured the senior honor. Ee fr 00 AM. Ang. 2) ve Gneiph, Georgetown and Inglewood. a share.’ These claims must be sent| Others of noteworthy age were Mrs. ~ Special-tHrough cars from other principat peigye edfinecting big eb above special trains. For details heats local to the pene retary of the .Dominion| Louisa Kell, ef Gorrie, 84 years; nadian Nation: gen * : - Fah "5 ‘ Se eagmid TRAINS—COMFORTABLE_COLONIST CARS _-SPECIAL CARS FOR, WOMEN AND CHILDREN” et ME ee eee se a a P : Be ete ay Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg .via Canadien National Railways, whether oP not’ your destination in Srhneider, 516 Waterloo street. West is a point on the Canadian “National. . Tickets and all information from rom nearest the Iixezms for Motorisis—— Stratford and Mrs. George Grosz, of In view of the increasing number Listowel, Ont., both aged 84 years; Travel CANADIAN NA TIONAL . of motor avcidents, it is understood| Lenore Noreen Horning, Palmeretox, the Department of Highways. wil) aged 14 months, and. Anna’ Lorraine }- Ls recommend to the Ontario Legisla-| Kemp, of Listowel, 16 months. be . ture that the legislaton already pass-| During the day a. question comtest Fe aaaeemien lias: 3 ed to require every driver of a motor s 0 a arene =f vehicle to pass an examination pre-| ‘© Teun bs : f : ) Fine New ¢ P: - Bakke! for Vancouver liminary to having a license 4e to be|Norma Nihn, Gewanstown, Ont., eARAN: tei pee Dawgs ba | proclaimed and made effective next| Won with the figure 101, 103 being | aH eent pence wAiide “Atccatiete teas La Pepto ooet — gS st year. For some time officials of the;*he exact attendanoe. = 5. Ostaris Goveramest Buildiag ta be opened thigyvear- ; Ih ’ department ha n studying the| During the evening meal it was CANADIAN NATIONAL i : question of accidents and have about the unanimous ‘decision that the Fe eached the conclusion that the Schneider family gathering should ation. demands more stringent an annual one, as the family is strictions on drivers of motor vehic-|°%@ of the oldest in existence - |les. If and when the law respecting embers of the family were pres-{ drivers is proclaimed, it is expected|@nt from. Listowel, Guelph, Teronto, “TORONT FE that examination posts will be es- Gnas Ba Sotnsse Bhaly E tablished throughout the province ener, Gowanstown, ot oe & and all drivers" Will be eure to|ton. Newton, Madina, Palmerston 1926. Dates—Aug. 26—Sept. 11 fs breveae themselves for examination|®2¢ Hanover. . ‘ Pie f aecording to a system that will be ; worked ont. - THE TEST OF THE HEART Egg Grading Now Appreciated — It is © easy enough to be *pleasant i Some ite tt ago a govern-| When life flows by Hke a song ment egg grader visited Listowel{ But)the\man worth while « and explained to the merchants the}[s. the man who can smile -/system of egg grading and the act} When every thing goes dead wrong, chy which makes it compulsory - se seats eges for sale. The merchants} For the test of the ‘heart Is trouble re cemplying with the law and tind And it always comes with that a trade really likes _the new aes po snrile that pied plan. Many of the farmers do also; pra lect i = as ee but there ere some who keep fow]|'S the smile that shines ‘through | P; : Your Summer is From Fire! apparently without any idea of mak- Underwriters give lower ifstrance rates ing them @ paying proposition. The os on summ ges roofed with Brantford merchant is required to grade and THINE ; Asphalt Slates because they are fire resistant’ candle the eges and pay the produc-| [ts a little thing to do— é and cannot ignited 2A x ae ee ‘: er for them according to the-grade " Just to think. b of the -port of Vancouver to oropertiaad irs. Eight marine elevators will be installed on the rated ytiaog: Hehe nda tage the "Ought “re hie MSS; a “oslo on a level with the majer harbors oa Atiegh 5 anes le nia Shain of what aye ee pay a flat rate, and add ors “sub pt Take a little time each day the -woflc is indicated by the opining in August eB tyne. patie: 80 from this later according’ to the}From the minutes thrown away, T ra the new Canadian Pacific Railway e pn aah i ts Basie matt grading. The housewife can now Brare it from®your work or play— |) ure 109 feet wide and lie on}apron will peo iect ut hed gr si of a, uP top: eae think? depreseed track” area - Bing alongside, thus aes ing freight to be o-starey: hi: use the ful ectly from the ship to the dock by means of trucks. Reet seule Ses men who fail hice loceted at the shore fend and ‘bMost of the c Er oats load Bem anload Fide Half th bie: th ‘ heds} their side p ania ocean nat- |e © trouble that we see, the Canadion Facies auainesy cpabhte he percha refuses Trouble brewed for you and me, z +: Hor the pra 8 that ae not fit to eat, | Probably would never be 4 The buyer.is thus prote The; if we'd think* a TT act. met ‘with considerable disfavor ——— = at first and is k seaae ded. by many; Shell we see hif-or-miss, still as. being too drastic but tie bo Or shall we think? iF patae are net the consumers ‘Let's not Figs along by : end | aut rather. to epeatios, po a It ous a thea | more or leds