“Mlabecription eee Tor ten Oe pet el *BRUCE TWAMLEY HEADS LIST IN FOURTH FORM AND DORIS| C: YOCUM-IN THIRD FORM. J, One of the best Middle School re- “ports, in the history of the Listowel High School is published to-day. ‘The candidates wrote from one to twélve eubjecta, and of the total nureber of papers written, “eighty-six percent were suc be In Fourth kre Fed se _Twam- “ley led, obtaining 6 . Winnie highest, with "Firsts and 3 Secon Below are as the ‘names candidate es. Grades are as follows: FirstClass (1), 75 per cent to 100 per cent; second class 66 to 74 per cent; third class (3) 60 to 65 per cent; 59 per cent. R. Adams, A. His —__2nd;H. Aitchison, A. Hist. C, Allg: 2nd, Geo ‘ Cc, Lat. A. C, Fr. A. re + Cy Barrett, E. Comp. 3, Lit 2, Br. Hist. t.. 2nd, Br... Ae Davidson, A. Hist. 3, Phys..1, Fr. A. 2, Fr. C. 2: 8. Ellison, Lit, €. Br. Hist c, al. C, Chem. C, Lat. c.’c, Fr. C. C;i V.. Fewings, E. The Mosquito is the most cow- ardly of all insect tormentors. They attack in the night when we are a- sleep and defenseless. Their bite causes burning forment and Little children are most susceptable, Fly-tox the rooms and the screens. Scientific research developed Fly- Tox for the benefit of mankind. Get Fly-Tox from your retailer, always in bottles with blne label, EVERYBODY’S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first Insertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent Insertions five cents a line with minimum charge- of 25c. = MAID WANTED Mald wanted Apply to Miss Scott, co J j f BOARDERS WANTED High School students. Good home, Apply at this office, WINDMILL FOR SALE Second hand Brantford Windmill for sale, 40 ft. tower and in good shape. Apply Henry. Coghlin, R. R. 4. Atwood. itp. FOR SALE § choice York pigs, 5 weeks old; o 54 cedar posts, Apply Melvyn Gilkinson, Ethel, con. 7, Grey, Jot a8, FERTILIZER Carload o ffertilizer suitable for wheat will arrive eoesar.'¢ r Wed- nesday. inauire at R. P. sta- tion or R. Sehnston Listowel. L 3 VOR SALE Wooden pump for cistern. Almost new. Will sell reasonable. Apply to aid Taglts, Atwood, Ont. ie A. FOR PRIVATE SALE 1 Perfection .@ ba greet “oll stove with oven; 1. Consol Graphone .wal- nut; 1 Singer sewing gr fruit sealers; some small Call in evening. Thos. “Small, ‘$-26pa TN r FARM SALE 100 acres of land, north half ot lot 71 and 72, in rian of Elma. Good sy ne house and barn | with steel roof, about, Asxt8. Good driving phea, drilled we th wind- Preston, Britton. _ a owne of the credit (C); from 50-to} 9, His | a er | phone |, , 8-19 Hon . Comp. ” Hist zi sg C, ean: 2, Lat Cc. ‘4 Fr. c. 2; .E. Irwin, Br. Hist. 3, Lat. C. 2, 7 - G3 R. Jack, Lit. C, Br. Hist Ww. 3, Lat. b, . bit. 3, Br. Hist. - Chem: 2; J. Love, Alg. C, Fr. Fr. C;. a. ae as Pae. é Lat. Cc, a; Frc. M. MacLennan, E> Comp. Hist. Ist. Alg. €, 2, Cy 3; A. nox, 2, Alg. C, Chem. 98 ro ‘Ss, Gi A, Shearer, “. Hist. + 2,.Phya. Fr. As 3, Fr: B. Smith, oe 2, Alg, R. Smith, E. Comp.. CG, B. Twamley, A. Hist. L, Phye. oy Fr 1, Geom, c Vipond, Hit F i, Fr, 1} MM; ies Phys A Wanzer, Tr. A. I FlyeTox the cows before milking. Buy your boy his sclrool suit. at reduced prices at SCHINBELN’S, ~ Sprayed Restaurants shouid be with ¥ly-Tox regularly. Don't miss onr August CLEAR- ING SALE of shoes and furnishings. WALTER'S. Listowel Flower Show Will Be Held Sept. 10 & 11 The directors and officers of- the Listowel Horticultural Society met Monuday afternoon and decided to hold the annual Flower Show on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10th and llth. The decision. was only reach- ed after careful consideration, with he desire to set a te that would be uré to br oul the greatest var- ret of bl ny “here. the * aad will be. ase re ann wre but t he pP- pointea « ouadeituie 57) secure the place Ae. he fon of the Sh ‘also govern the ‘a will. ae put on. The, one fttees were amed: " Reo Placing — Miss Schaefer, Mies » Mre. J. A. _| Bayne, Cy Purcell, Mrs. 8. A. - Migs Morfigon, Mr’. Jas. Cleland, | Mr. M..K._ ‘ rs. “R. A. Climie, Mre. H. P. Wanzer, Mrs. T. B. ‘Howard, Mrs. Geo, Moore, 2M R. Hay, Mre- J. A. Schinbein. e ra. “M & tng pete as a¢ce d rs. A. stig pte ‘a position in the stere — — Mr. A." Zinn on Main street. PUBLIG NOTICE Ook Summer Covitiee - W..8. Gibson returned home from Toronto, where he Take notice | -I Have a po ‘electric welder ‘ welding, right on ~-on short notice Y ane ‘at re ‘25% to 75%. Cracks welded, Ret gi on Frond Plates bullt. line ‘ ook a ‘eummer Academic. course, Cc. the. rural parts o Se 3; Fa | liott; No. 5, William Ackerman; No. | yp, |6, John A. Nelso ‘| 2, John H 5) "| John Denstedt; No. 6, Willlam Lina- " pal sae ks i Geo 8, ah. Mo ornington, No. 1, Ben Weeatnns ‘| No, 2; Willlam Maybetry; No. 3, W A; Wilson Smith; No. sale "| WALTER'S | of @ew fall coats and dresses. J. M, _ | SCHINBELIN & SON. wrence | who _~ mt relieving at night by Sheriff Magwood, the re- -turning officer for North, Perth. They started work on Monday and will close their books on the 26th. The following two days they write up the lists and make any necessary corrections and on the 30th of the month the lists Os jon the fifth the- list must be com- Thiet and certified. ollowing are. the registraraé for f the riding, one tr each polling og a Wallace. i. John souraioe o. 2, Amos ‘iecue: No. 3, A am Strong; No 4, William J. at n. ‘North Easthope, abs 1, Edward} Wilhelm; No. 2, Thompson; No. 3, Andrew Wilhelm; No. George Neeb; No. 5, James Ruther- rd. ) Listowel, Harvey Ells, W. J. Dowd, John Watson, A. Ringler, R. emp. “Milverton, J. H. Lewis. Ellice, No. 1, Robert Fuller; No ‘No. 3, Forbes El- liott; d Kreuter; No. rge Ehgoetz; No. J. Bro J. Zoeger; No. 4, Percy Bramley; | 2 No. 65, Ernest 6, Knoblach; No, re 1, George L. Adams; George A. Hamilton; No; 3, Bear Johnston; No 4, W.°-L. Mc- Mane; No. 5, Wright Irvine; No. 6, 7, William Gern- hoelder; No, % Walter Blackwall Shoes— on and . 83.75. 9 See our Men's Work at ral $3.50 “We invite you to Inspect our range es Classic Orchestra Render “Sacred Concert at Lakeside The ‘List towel Classtc orchestra, with their families, motored to Point Clark on Sutiday and spent the day at the cottage of Mr. and C.. Fothergill, of Listowel. In the afternoon the orchestra give a sacred open-air concert at the request of the cottagers. — It thought there were about four. hun- dred who listened to the splendid concert rendered. Rev. De Wi Tosens, of Springfield, acted as chairman, and gave a very fine ad- dress on the ‘important part music plays a the worship of God. cottagers at Point Heri spoke highly of the concert, and th Listowel orchestra have been invit- ed to give a concert next year. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by the Listowelites. A collection, amounting to $25 was taken, which defrayed all expense Try WALTER'S for your next pair of Shoes, > Sim Angust clearing sale con- tinnes eat August ist. No sult in in the. store over Taos. 90. Geo. Hammer Sr. / Seriously Injured |' Mr. aaaree Hamm Sr.,. was potatoe injured on hursday af- oon last while assisting to ree Sey He sustained a broken | broken fingers and was, injured Yes Mr. Hammer was ng tp move a piano m™ Mr J J: A. Tre- main's former residence on Division street to his new residence on Alma street. The piano was standing crossways and while working with it the horses the ering tip- ping over on Mr. Hamme right leg: is broken hated tbe “ankle. two fingers of the ri ns pene were hroken and the pny a ly ‘eut.. It is feared too that he is inju in| pp ternally and at present his conaition| is quite serions. ' August irte,| on. or ston, has returned to eer heen _| The work of ‘ewearing’ in the rar jal registrare was completed last pin hot tar this morning, while en- 18 ingstoné Mission August S1st, x sale, con in m , + o 824.9007 Fire, which bio rie Gani be- fore four o'clock this morning, tot- ally destroyed the residence occupied | by Mr. and Mrs. W.°T. Foreman, on- Main stret ae just outside of the town If 4 Mr. Fo ceil was awakened by the smoke d aroused the family. By this time the back of the house ee a ae fm, and the family escap- ty. The cause of the fite is i sunk an aa a caused the o sore oe aD afresh, sotntng hanging rama had The piano and a hittie | ieee saved. Their Ww montiz . some 5 oS only “ whe t only in — nightclothes. Mr. and Mrs. voreman get only ; &¥® resided in this house, which belong- 2 Mr. Gilmgur, a short time, mov- ing from a house near the P-K Mille. Prior to that they resided at Trow- bridge. Buys Pontiac h— Mr. Howard Gee has purchased a Pontiac coach from the aot deal- ers_in tow : Gabel Re-Union— f the Gabel families terloo park on Saturday last. Left F or the West Mr. Warren Takin resigned his position with the Banner and left for his home in Clratham on Ribs raed and for the West on y. Mr. Tom Campbell of Orillia, sac \taken his place on the Banner staff. Hand Badly Scalded— Mr, Yansickle, ef the Galt Roof- ing*Co. had his hand badly scalded ‘gaged in putting a roof on the An- drew Male Furniture factory. Medical alanine sum- moneéd, Presentation = Leaving Mr. Simon Squires, who left Bat- urday to agsumethis new dutiea af the Imperial’ Bahk at. St. ‘Thomas, was presented with an initialed cig- arette case by the members of t local staff before leaving. The pres- entation was quite informal. Mission Ban The monthly aca bets of the ha onto pes only solution t ‘the furn-} band_me to. i smaller children. Siaaman ‘Mem held a re-union and picnic in We- : The average citigen knows what it is like to be short of funds, and that is the position of our band at pres- a with only two more weeks to make up ee sho re before the due date, Sept. On that Phe the local band takes part in the competitions at the Tor- ss vighees and roel still need that. Ys raised during the next two Everyone such 4 echapetition. not only to ring the suminer-many e been put on every Sunday erenien “at these concerts a collec- has asset taken to tion to defray the bo to ron a- mounts’ vasaieed Ln ee Sunday were as follows: June 1 $12.34; June Sth., 20, $18.19; June 27, $23.90; July 4, $18.90; July 11, $17.06; July 18, $18. 84; aay. 25, $15.77; Aug. 1, Rain; Aug ee $6; Aug. 15, $18.41. Tour $15 hset was found necessa to put- new euphonium at a cost of 380° the band was .to enter the. Seescnion, $12.21 was spent for music, and $5.15 for the entry fee o the competition” Total $97.36 Ze leaves only a credit Bainoe of There are still two aeiltays be- fore Music Sept. 3rd.—two more sacred concerts and two more opportunities to take up a collec- tion for thie purpose—providing the weather is favorable+ But unless a special effort {s put forth the sum not be realized. Moose Jaw is sending their band to Toronto at a cost of $4500, and all thé. money has been raised by contributions of the citizens. Double or treble your usual dona- tion next Sunday night—don’t_ both- er with a cent, a washer, a button, all of which are contributed every week, Better still—if you have a spare dollar, $5.00, $10.00, any a- mount large or small, that you: would like to donate for this pur- pose hand it to the band officials, @/or leave it at The Banner Office and we will see that it reaches the pro- per person. New Fall Coats now being shown at SCHINBEIN’S, Band was held o Augnst 138th. at the home of Mre. John Pretswell, .2nd. -tom, Elma, with an attendance of sixty mem- bers and visitors. Mary Sharpe read} the scripture reading, and the mis- sions w by Jessie Cleland, After ee méeting a Was served by the members our girl's” Slippers and Sand- saree on sale at 50c and 75c. WAL- TER'S. Simms’ August clearing sale ¢on- tinues ‘till August Sie No suit in the store over $2450 Canadians Think 7 That Nebraska Can Raise Nothing But Corn, a : Says Banner Reader's sox. When renewing age subscription to the Banner this week, Mre. “Koeb- erlin of Fremont, Nebraska, enclos- om Oliry paper e3] ts, yg, '] your attenton to the small clipping, “j|giving the © See gee et bushels f twenty acr a show, any thing yn to kt We We have many) 80 and “1! averaging from ris “4 35 bilshels per acre, I am sending this as many Can- adians think ‘that ont West in the we tan . nothi ugh corn 'is a good money-making crop for the farmer. These clppines: are proof t we can raise wheat also."’ The Sign ines pretense are from The Evening Tribun ont, braska, dated Aug. 42, 1926, and a ial Malmgren field ot whet on to- show} “Winter wheat- turned out much peter’ wer expected in western and eas the quality best on record. The yie 13. bushels against se The production is 38,- 630,000 bush 661,000 bushels last year and th ve-year average of 46,097,000 bu- shel. The western panhandle coun- neq =e a record crop and moat of eastern. counties .within “80 to 1 0 miles of the at river have ver satisfactory 79 cent which indicates a crop of z.868,000 bushels as compared to 2,489, ushels last year. whea t totals 40,898,000 b els ae as compared te 34,150, 000 bushe : condition ee ‘sprig wheat ie| recognizes the + capes ott sadpyed: the splendid sacred V saertel shes: Oe pracgaei ihe the state is bres band oe Robe: as compared to 31-1) ning e . BEEING : . NOON-—-FUNERAL AT Ramee 4 Solomon ties, whi who ‘was employ ed by Mr. Henry Lorch, of Wallace township in hauling robe to. the county road between Listowel and Palme?ston, [was instantly killed Tuesday ‘after about 4.15 when struck fa the south-bound Kincard- ine- Panerai train at a private crontias 6 ma: FBTR of Emerson} | Kaufmea The Takenheds with eleven others, was-engaged in wing grave! m. Kaufman's pit near the crossing for On evening, Aug. 20th, a meeting will he held” “in the Liberal Committee rooms, opposite the Post Of- fice, for the purpose of com- pleting anf organization for Listowel in the intereste of ‘ladies will meet clock and the men at 8.30. AD quested,. sangpside he} ahead, Mr. ph Bender, tried to embers themselves, “bat tO} warn him of the approaching train, the community at large, as the town but it is sup he nolse of is thus advertised far and wide. va the stone crusher, which was oper- near track Fries from hearing the train. He Ie] thought to have seen the warning given by Bender, but looked in the wrong direction to observe the on- coming train. He is reported to be slightly deaf. . ‘ This crossing is particularly dang- erous In view of the fact that there is an embankment leading to it on both sides, and the train makes a curve and comes up to it on a slight erate from Cagle of Listo- . The m d been warned of} ° the ‘aunger asi Cc. R. officials had been asked to. have the whistle ‘blown when approaching the cross- ing.’ A number of:trees had also been cut down to make the approach plainer. — The unfortunate man had drawn his last load of gravel for the day and was returning to the farm of Mr. Lorch, e was driving Mr. Lorch's team at the time of the ac- cident and both horses were also killed. Dr. H. B-. Coleman 7 Palmer- ston, was summ and found that oned had been instantly killed and he summoned Dr. James = Moore, coroner, of Listowel, Dr. Moore immediately impanelled a jury com- posed of the following men: Fore- man Geo. Melrose, R. R. Long, Jas. Johnéeton, Wim. Rae. Roy Nelson, of Listowel, and Wm. Koch and Henry ch of Wallace, This jury ,met at ten o'clock that night ‘and “wlewed the remains which had been brought to the undertaker’s parlor here. On Wednesday morning the jury view- ed the ecene of the accident made a careful investigation. are meeting again this, Thursday afternoon aft 3 o'clock im the Lib: rary. Fr Mr. Fries, who was unmarried, Be in his 65th, year. He formerly} ee'ded in Elmira and previously! had been in the West for about thir- ty-five years. Three brothers eur- vive him, Michael and Jacob of El- mira and Daniel of Kitchener. A short funeral service was held this morning at 9.30 at McLaugh- lin’s Undertaking Parlors. The re- mains were taken to Elmira and the funeral will be held Friday after- noon at 2 o'clock from the residence. of Mr. Arnold Fulacygr, interment taking piace in Elmira cemetery. We Lavite you to inspect our af new Fall Coats. J. M. SCHINBEIN — Moved to Listowel— : Mrs. Wm. Murray, Molesworth, who have rented the residence of Mr. and, Mrs. Archie rtson on Elma street, moved in bali ad of this week. Fly-Tox your kitchen, Serve ap- etizing food untouched by filthy ~~ npr, RB. F tr per deat . Se Aes ylor, dentist, wishes to announce that his office will be closed from to-day until Wednesday, Aug. bel dad ing Dentat Convention — b Spence is leaving Bates: ton Phil: elphia, where he will peste a days secant the International Dental Conve bis 3 Bei Fitted For Arm— “The a average yield of rye 1 bd bushels and t rorecket 7s ett vis iw’ Toronto thie nie ae Fieve red to 2.522.000 joke: veers he ‘tb being - fitt oe ‘e-| bushels last mre z Barley- ra Roti ficial aa th He will have to at 82 per and the production| tur agaih in thrée weeks’ time, placed at a6 o3s 00 bushels as com-| 6,662,000 bushels laat of 160°210,060 compared to 236 6,600,000 b yushels int peat and ‘tive-year average ~ “) bushels. - able- deterio the 0 tinues Bridgeport, yielded Say alte Pivotal bi we The condition of.oats at the time | the store over bis per acre. the'wies t testing sixty-| of hi was 52 per cen is : to the bushel. The yield} forecasts A“ praduetion. of 47,253,000 Transferred ‘to ae tig FF seid ‘ad record for west-|bushele against 73,953,000 bushels Mr. Harvey Plant, who joined] ora Nebraska, if-not for the . entire|Jast year. The excellent in the local Canadian Bank of COm-! gate The wheat Was grown on non-| northwestern Ne “in” merce staff afew weeks irrigated land,” —— of the eastern sorautios, and. ex- been transferred to Mare branch at} “Corn lost 80 points during July| Genes poor elsewhere. Part of Sotonn gener tae Red Fooalheg nditiodt wha 6 65 per cent|the crop did. not Gee auake” tite utlee“to-da; is indicates a crop; hay or pasture fe condition: of all tame hay is the} where. visiting - te daughters. Mabel and. Florence, are n Friday th Aug. CLEARING SALE now on of Men's, Women's and Children's! meth footwear. W. Accepts Position— Jean Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Weber, Wallace street, has accepted a position in George's table succeeding Miss May 8. _. from Trip— Miss Helen Hay rethenedl fone 4 cent which indicates a pro-| Wednesday, after an enjoyable two jauction of RF 88,000 tons as com-| months’ tour of Burope.-She visited er-| pared to 4 000 tons last Pe oi nd, . Holland, Belgium and : * West— ‘Robert Ronald, soa two leaving o Cl they will ee a tew re Nh | purposes clearing out some | Blanco of Listowel of} and : Thirteen Factories Thirteen factories were represent- ed.at- the ,Dairymen’s Exchange meeting: on Friday last. ‘The best bid on the board was 15%c. were sold.- — $105 boxes of cheese were offer- ed, consisting of the following onegal 250 white; Ethel 160 col- ore Silver Corners, 305 colored; Elma 415 white: ,Elma and Morn- ington 300 white; Linwood, 70 col- ored and 60 8s tilton: , Newry 165 white; Marion Beaver 225 white; Wallace 310 white; Monkton 150 colored; Molesworth 180 colored; Carthage 180 white, 20 colored; Millbank 315 white The meeting adsourned tor thtee weeks, to Friday, Sept. 3rd. “Buyere present were Messrs, Muir, Biffin, Gray and Steinhoff. Mr. and Mrs. abaiiain Moving tc to St. Catharines Mr. and Mra. s. S. Fejdman, who have conducted a clothing and dry goods’ store in Listowel for the past ten years, are leavigg for St: Cath- arines the firet oF Septe there are- opening up a ladies’ and gente’ ready-to-wear store. Mr. B\ Ornstein of Toronto, and father of Mre. Feldman, has taken None and Mrs. Feldman, He of the store of Mr. present lines. Mother of Listowel Woman ' Died While on Visit In her 93rd, year, Mrs. Amanda Servis died on Friday, Aug. 18, 1926, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. S. Karn, 1096 Florence street, London. Mrs. Servis had lived most of her life In Ingersoll but was visiting her daughter in London when she took éick. She was predeceased by her husband 22 years ago. Five sons so five daughters survive. Va is a chine: ge| One brother, Jonathan Emish, of Blyth also survives. , The funeral was held from the residence of her daughter in London on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15th., the remains were taken to In- gersoll where interment was made. Simms' August clearing sale con- tinues ‘till August Sist. No suit in the store over $24. Returns from Woodstock— Miss Mabel Ronalds, who has been engaged in the Oxford Hotel. Wood- stock, has resigned her position, ard returned, home on Saturday. Simpson's Catalogues In— Seven hundred: copies of Simp- --son'a- catalogues ibuted were —- distr from the local postoffice this week. Takes Nurses’ Training Course— Mies Helen Fritz, daughter of Mr. ‘jand Mrs. George Fritz, will take a nurses’ training course in Victoria Hospital London, and commences her new AN ao on Wednesday, Sep- tember 16th Simms" August cleering sale con- res tt Bin 4) Sst. ‘No: salt in afar Mr. Simon ra hg of the wrcss bratch of Impe Bank, has beer transferred tort the’ ‘past End Branch at St. Thomas, and left on Saturday. He assumed his new duti¢s on Mon- day morning. ted Leave n f Absence— iss Olive J eerahen: of the Herm- an Keifter | hospita) staff, Detroit, has been im leave of absence, and arrived evening at her “Tuesday home In town. She vin be home for an, indefinite pe eriod. ok ee sult in good attendance is bs casey ae Cheese Bearded By eens | over the stock, and will carry on the. — 4