Weeks with friends in Toronto and “Waterice the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mat- s bide Serhan the Exhibition Mrs. W. D. Ku and Ewart Angus, of Strat: ‘ROASTS r—— ter spen in Goderich. ‘ Marjory Ratcliffe has re home, after spending a few aa and Mrs. R. R. Hunter, of } were guests over the eae at the home of Mr. — Erskine. dad Mre. T. G. Ballantyne! on Thureday and Friday at we kil Ley Chapman feturned Schoey to Niagara Falls after visit- ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Chasieade ; Miss Ruth Robinson, of Teeswa- ter, visited on Saturday and Sunday at the le of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson, ape had ag er Sarit Miss Nora Hisco Dr. and Mre A. Kaa return- ed- Ronis Friday, after spending pe n 1 T Toro ure ae nd Mrs. Norval Hall spent Sunday at the home of their daugh- were gu mn Tu wee of ‘or, oad Mra. G. P. and Mr. ks Lakeside, were guests on Sunday anid Dennis. and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nnd visited Sunday at the home of day to her home in Guelph, spending a week with Mr. and L es. ‘Dr, and Mre. Gordon McKenzie and Mrs. Donald Wilson, ht the home of Mr. and Mrs. -3 Earl Hastings and John Messrs. Boyd, and Miss Ethel Boyd, 12th. con, spent Sunday with friends in Lynden: Miss Boyd ese te a week at Lynden remained to J. Hamilton, tekchae on the ath con. spent the week-end at the yc red of her parents in Milverton. witzer visited on > RE. 8 harainy and Friday with friends in| w Stratf Mr. Smith of Stratford, m eorge Lochhead. Miss Rose Kearns«returned Mon- wi fsed orne Vallance and Mre. A. oll . Teasdale Whitfield has re- a turned home from an enjoyable trip ter, to the coast and other parts, in- eee ent Carditt, aaa cluding Vancouver, Calgary, Ed- ADENS, AM monton, Moose Jaw, Regina, Okot- » Were guests on Sunday at thé ome of Mr. I hhead. Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. George James B. Elliott) p oks, Neepawa, Winnipeg, North Bay and Toronto Mrs. James Brown réturned home aturday from ‘Toronto, where siie a eet anenging a few weeks. and Ruth and Mr. Whitfield epent Mrs. Hedley R: May, Saturday last in London. ee Mr. Elis Little, of Toronto, : . 4 spent the week-end at the home of ——-~——- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leslie, 2 a taire Star weer a eee ae Mr. Robert McMane, Mr. Allan _——....~)~CO pt MeeMane, of Milverton, Mre. Bur- goyne and eon, Billy, of St. Cathar- ines, and Mrs. Cameron, of Perth, were guests om Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. A. E, Coghlin. : Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMane, of 0 Li} For Corn AND Wiener . 8 a e ‘Leave Us Your Order ||F BAKED TO YOUR SATISFACTION a a *N bu Milverton, accompanied by Mr. Mrs. A. E, Cogh the home of Miss ance Porter. Mr. Apeakinn Marjorie, 14th; con Miss Annie Inglis visited “on Sunday and Mrs. Wes ode last at the home of Mr. £ Inglis. week-end with friends and ghlin of Atwood, mot- red to Toronto on Wednesday last ndattended the Exhibition. — Mr. George Arbuckle of Toront), is visiting in the village. Mies Margaret Porter returned aturday to her home in Beamsville! fter spending a weeks’ vacation at and Mrs. D,. Hodge visit- d on Sunday with friends in Mitch- ss d Mre. Walter Holman and and at the homes of Mr. aulkner, town line perty and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnston, 2nd con. Mr. George Chapman of Owen for Rolls for Corn and Sound, was a guest over the week- : tt ‘ N Wiener Roasts mee ot Se, and Mie, M Ww. G. Ingiis and daughter d Mrs. Ch Agnes, of Stratford, an ter Little and daughters, Thelma visited on and nd Jean, of Donegal, aie. nd Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson George Cox motored to Teeswater on Sunday and . visited’ friends, They were accompanied by liss Ruth ee and friend, Miss Nora —_ Mr, Gordon Hamilton spent the in Clarke- urg. -eron ener Elma Fall Fair Tuesday and. Sept. 21 GRAND CONCERT ATWOOD Weanes_ay Afternoon a Fine Programme of Three Speeding Contests, Boys and Girls Races and a Grand Show of Live Stock SEPRINGVILLE BAND ' By The Sterling Concert Co., of London. Wednesday and 22 in the EVENING Good Meals Served at Hall's Restaurant Children 15c. i Ww. A. GRAY, Pres.. | ‘Admission to Grounds - Concert 50c. Adults 25c: Autos 25c. E. H. SWING, Secy. “ATWOOD ELEVATOR . GRAIN, SALT, FLOUR, MILL FEEDS Shorts, oe Feed Flour, Hominy, Feed Corn, 100 Ibs. ‘Salt Borg. Be t Barrels, Oyster _ Bone Meal » Meat Sern, Tage Shells, Large Neieber Alleadel Politica) Meeting There were a large number from tL hiwend: and vicinity at Stratford on’ g those whose names we were ble tc to obtain were Mr. and Mrs chhead, Mr. and Mrs. Scott F Hamilton, Mr. and a: Thos. McFarlane, and Howard McMane, Mr. and. Ae: T. G. Ballantyne, Grosert Inglis, Mrs. R. E. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Ca Mrs. George Hamil- ton Wm Shera Ta. heuthortord Mr. and ane: Fred Bal- lantyne, James Dickson, D. -B. Hodge, Alex McKay, Chas. Vallance, George Ruittan lex Lawrence, | ® Henry Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. John n rs. Hanna, Mr. a Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. B. ao ths ape Vallance, Smit . E. Anderson, 1 SR ler, A George Ellacott, Wm. he rus Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Love, Mrs. Eric Love. Ralph Mr. di Mre. E. G. pn and family, and Mr...and Mrs 1- hert McBain visited on Sunday im the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Coghlin, Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunter, 3rd Wallace, visited on Sunday at the home of = and Mrs. Wnr-"Ad ens. Ry co nd Mrs. John Miller and sss ‘altce Miller, 12th con. visited n Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fe Koch, Gowanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell and family, eae West Monkton, ace tS anied by Miss Eleanor Edgar, Sth con. epent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mr. George Coghlin of Millbank, — a Atwood on Monday Mrs. Edward Gampbell are visiting friends in Wiarton. Mr. andl Mrs.“Wm. Bremner and Katheen, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bremner of near Ethel and Mrs. Harkness and daughter, Marguerite, of Edmonton, were guests on pendey. at the home of Mr. and Mrs . oe Hewitt, 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ducklow 12th con. visited Miss Dorothy Gor. on at the A he gh rhea Strat- ford, Saturday eve Miss Altha "Wilton or Clyde, Ohio, spent a few days last week with es Annie Ducklow and Mrs. Cleve Yeo, of Or- illia, ‘spent Wednesday and Thurs- day last at the “home of Mr. and George Brown and other friends here. Miss Ethel Blackwell visited over He week-end with relatives ‘in eee and Mrs. A. McDowell i w. int we boys, attended the Fair at London on Saturda Mrs. Robert Leslie is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mre. Isaac Ducklow and Mr. Eric Ducklow, of Listowel, spent Thurs- day last, gt the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Miss Douglas of Kitchener, Mr. H. McDonald of Galt, Sunday al the home of Mr. Alex Mayburry, Britton WALKER—McKAY A ed wedding took place on the Sth co Ima, on Saturday, September {ith. 1926, at twelve o’- clock noon, at the home of Mr. and Mr. Alexander McKay, when their youngest daughter, Isabel C., came the bride of Mr. Willis W. bi ee son of ore and Mrs. Rage fc Walke of Jary Rev West, WA. eee yor Proibvenciae church, Atwood, officiated. There were fifty guests present. The bride was given in marriage spent and Mrs. in a lovely white georgette crepe dress, white kid slippers and white stockings. Her~bridal veil was trim- med. with orange blossoms an panes and she gorried - lovely bou- qnet of roses. Mise Jean McKay, of Bantford, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and was handsomely crepe, trimmed with lace and ros- e also wore a large biack picture hat, and rr as Barton, 2 ainty flower girl. Sh n white voile, daintily trimmed with lace ani and carried a bask- et of sweet peas. The wedding march ia nee sohn wi 88 Margare was yed by Smith. During the signing of the sod ister, Mr. Came m Dickson sang “Forget You The groom's gift to the bride was a cheque, to the bridesmaid, silver] 4, rpin, to the groomsman, cw links, to the pianist, silver bracelet, and to — flower girl, signet oe: The bride and groom were the rec- ipients, ae many lovely gifts including arton ms Heud. The bride travelled in a black moire dress, bel fox fur and a large black Hat. eri retu a 8 A heat on. Tu and ending part of ‘their honéymoos at in. they will res Amo pent from a distance at a rsday evening last, to attend the} fe es meetings. ‘ly Jas. ing worked by Mr. Louis’Green “| Had Tooth Lanced— _ ana] ™ by her father; and looked charming! gs owned in peach colored georgette! Mrs. W. with Mr. and M al Miss day in Guelp ae will leave ‘for Detroit “where! ,;. Lose Fine Dog— $ “Bill,” the fine hound of Mr. and M Chas. Vallance, was hit by a . - afterw: Sells Farm in Elma Mr. J. M. Smith, its week disposed of cre farm on the 6th co Mr. Adam Willoughby, also of the 6th. Possession will be given Decem- ber let. The farm at present is of Listowel, his -hundred n. Elma, to Mr. Reggie Dennis was off work from Greenside’s bakery wagon the first of this week, on account of having had a tooth lanced by Dr. Pratt on Sunday. Last week Mr. Dennis was nursing a swollen cheek. Attended Perth Presbyt Rey. C. C. Kaine attended the Perth Presbytery meeting held in Central United church on Tuesday. Twenty-five delegates, including} ministers and laymen, were present from. the Aa or eA a district. Engagement.Annow Mr. and Mrs. sex “Stewart, of Monkton, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Myrtle Eil- een, to Norman Fisher Hiles, son of George and the late Mrs. Hiles, of Monkton. Underwent Opcration We are glad ‘to report that Mr. W. R. Humphrey, of Newry, ¢ fine respectedold resident, and who hag reached a ripe old age, is improving jnicely, following an opération at the Memorial pveptal on Wednesday of last wee Enjoyed Trip— oo ils Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greensides and—family,--Mr.—and Mrs..-B...H. Swing and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. . E. Coghlin and Mrs. Johnston Peebles, went for a motor hike on Friday ge stopping off at Seaforth, Bayfield a Grand end. hey took their ‘tuned with them and had a good day’s outing. Attended Funeral at London— Mr. and Wm, McCutcheon| were, My London esday, at- tending the funeral of tie late Léw- is McCutcheon, who died at his home on Sunday. The late Mr. McCut- cheon was a cousin of Mr. McGut- cheon and was a former Hibbert Hag rorgy His remains were interred in the family plot at Mitchell on Tuesday afternoon, Attended London Fair— Among those from Atwood and vicinity who attended the London ir on Wednesday of this were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. isses Annie and Mae Inglis, Mar- garet Inglis, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greensides, Lena and Nellie, Mrs. E. H. Swing and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. John Coghlin, Me, and Mrs: James H. Dickson, Mr. n- ald Murray, Mr. R. “ ‘Thompson, Messré. Murray Thompson, Regin- ald Dennis, Elmer Noble, fra Toll. PEE EET IEEE EEE EE PE EEE EEE ED & ¢ se ele Lots ocdoadesfonlod hecho car on ected noon, and died a | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR sUc- Next Tuesday and Wetee ae 21st a Lagi are big da twood. The fall fqir this year, vith beodel akties promises to be a rec- ord breaker. The directors are doing all they an to make each department a spec jal, feature. depa ments promise to be more than us- many fine and the racing program, always popular, should be better than ever. There are three speeding| ¥' events, green race, treat and pace, : There will aléo be a number of-foot renee for the eee as well as races for the older folks. The Sebringville Gant consisting of eighteen nares will be in at- te are on Wednesday The ites Obncert Co. of, Lon- don, te been engaged to put on the annual fair concert in the Mue- ic Hall Wednesday night. The four entertainers are Hareld Payne, ver- satile comedian; Nelson Lucas, dramatic and humorous entertainer; Eddie Willmot, thee and iss Phyliss Gray, sopran Fritzgerald will be the "pianist. ray. and Sec- retar will be busy men for the final arrangements. If the citizens of the district turn out as they should there will be a-rec- oyd fair. A day spent at the fair is a real investment. No other event offers so much for so little money. Let’s all be on hand for the fair next eeineedsy and make it a real suc- cess Fly-Tox your soma. Health auth- orities recommend it. Mrs. Harvey Erskine Honoured By Y. P. s. Mr, Harvey Erskine and bride, nee Alexis M. Easson of Blyth, have been spending part of their honey- moon this week at the home of Mr. T. G. Ratclffe. Their many friends have been extending congratulations and best wishes. Misses Helen Porter and Ethel Blackwell met at the home of Mr. Ratcliffe on Tuesday afternoon on behalf of the Presbyterian Young People’s Society, and presented Mrs. Erskine with a hand painted tea pot and hand painted nut dish. DONEGAL — Sentetereeesgenettsessees . and Mre. Tealle Hymers and chilaren, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nutt spent Sunday with friends at Lakeside and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jamés Scott and Mrs. James Barton attended the funeral of the late Mr. Holmes, in Stratford on Thureda Mrs. Young and little daughter, of Detroit, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Buch- anan. Mrs. Gordon Campbell and child- ren, Dorothy and Anna, of Brant- ford, are spending this week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Petrie and Jim, spent Sunday ~ at gg hag the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T Mr . Inglis and Miss Ag- Rev. Mr. Fhe ‘of Staffa, preach- ed two able sermons on Sunday last on the occasion of the ‘Young Peo- ples’ Bo eAprie obe serv *Rev. H. M. Wright took Mr. Jones’ work ‘at taffa. ee a rs. W. Cudmore and son Frank, and daughter Margaret, and Miss Reed, of Seaforth, were the guests at the home of Mrs. Collins, Sunday. Mrs. M. acy and Mrs. Mary Leslie ure visitin at ~e latter's son's, Deotee. in * Wallace PEPER ELET EEE TEESE EEE ETS GOTHAM tt + +o¢ ee ong aor io I. Agnes Keith is holidaying in Mr. and. Mre. “Webster and daughter, Margaret, of segs, —_— Sunday with Mr. end M ; Mr. and Mre. John McCauley vis- ited with Mrs. A. Hammond Mon- day afternoon. _ DORKING CEES PEPE EEL EE heb he Mr. Hunter M. Coote and sister, Miss ‘Libby ee spent last Thurs- Toronto —— r. an ae ‘Thos. Linseman} rae revs 3 evening In Glenallen. from here attended the pxhtbition in Toronto last week. harvest threshing has been Pi Par in this district. The grain while eee than eome years ar wate: ig a oP R sta- spent a few days Inst week pals Mre. Chester Little. _ and Mrs. Ed. Smith pee muricaa of-the 2nd. con. spent aie with Mr. and Mre., Chas. Mrs. Wm. cs en and Miss Dor- othy and Mrs W. Vipond and pe Sc pecaa Saturday with ; ‘ friends at Eth The monthly meetings of the La- o~ Aid and W. M. 8. were held on Thursday at the home of Mrs, 8. E. Barton. Arrangements were made to hold a’supper in connection with the anniversary in October. In the W. M - meeting Mrs. W. EB. Buchanan read the lesson, are D. Hymers gave a reading, Mrs. Vi- pond took the study on Sindia, and J. C. Hymere and Mrs. Vi- bei Gang a duet. The October meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Merton Scott. + TOWN LINE EAST i i i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibb and son Lino, Mrs. James Doyle and two sons, Russel and Norman, of Toron- to, visited ayer Monday of last week + een home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- baal Oppertshauser and Misa Ruby joo shear rel of Detroit. ere. visiting at their hom Mre. W. Knechtel, msg Hanover. is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mre. N. Oppertshauser. + DISPOSE OF MA é The old roosters will not’ lay any @ggs this summer, but they will ne & lot of those that are laid, ply because fertile eggs will not inte ones in keep as well rtile warm weather. . The hens will lay just as many eggs if there are no male birds in the flock. They will mre some returns for the em they w ‘ Rage oral Fai [ATWOOD FAIR BEING HELD ON The Baptist church annive was ae Su y and eauaay last pacasene was Rev. R. K, Gonder, of Stratford, a former pas- eee cin Rev. ©. C, Kaine, pastor. ‘Sunday, September 19th, i926 10 a.m.—Sunday school. CONQUERING : 11 Bea Es =~ rsary|7.30 p.m.—“MAN A CREATURE OF is eat ig : tor here, whose messages were ae rt-|ened to with great pleasure and h hia friends were glad to meet nun The musical part of the worship as lead by members of the Listowel Baptist choir. There were four an- thems, also solos by Mrs. Willard Tupper in the afternoon and by Mr. which were beautifully rendered. ‘ est of the Atwood Presbyterian church, was present and lead in prayer ve < spent together. Short speeches, with music interspersed, made the even- ing pass all too quickly. Kindly greetings were brought from etiar churches. Mr. Albert Baker repres- Brian Jackson in the evening, all of : On Monday the church was again a filled and everyone enjoyed the time] Presbyterian Church Rev. W. J. West, M.A., Minister Sunday, September 19th, 1926 0 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. a.m.—Morning worship hapa! “THE FOUR EVANGELISTS ©) 11 30 p.m. —Evening worship. ea “THE LONELINESS 0 Monday 8 p.m. Oe iar Peeple’s heeting. eer ead 7.80 p.m.—Prayer eer- vhuredi? 8.30 p.m.—Cholr practice. ented ‘the sister church, Listowel Baptist; Rev. C. C. Kaine, the At- wood United chureh, and Rev. T. W. Jones, the Atwood Anglican church. After their cheery messag- es, the whole audience stood and Sang one verse of “Blest. be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian va,” ‘ ; The chief address of the evening was given by Mrs. R. K. nder, of Stratford, who spoke on ‘‘China'’s Need of Christ.’’- Hers was a great appeal to Christian people, urging anes even to sacrifice and the of- fering of self on God's altar. It is a standing rule with the Atwood Bap- tists ‘that the Monday offering go to Missions and over $23 was given to this cause. The Sunday ee were éven larger than last Mr. John A. Turnbull yee “urd Wm. Lewis suitably moved and sec- onded—the church's appreciation of the help and sympathy of the many visitors who conspired to make the protege IE eae degrée hap- py, help Ww ore pful. PEP POE LOLENTE: SATO + FOURTH LINE WALLACE Se a ee ee ee Oe ee 2 De The wet weather has made ft very unfavorable for the farmers to finish jharvest as there are a few not done et. Cutting of the corn va now soon be the order of the A student held the bareices in the Lutheran church on Sunday, in the absence of Rev. Biesenthal, who is on a month's vacation. na Og Mr. Fred Ruppel spent Saturday and Sunday in. Kitchener visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gen Schmidt” Mr. and Mrs. Crist Runge; companied by Mr. an . Kaufman, motored to Waterloo on ephad eh ves with Mr. and Mre hae Youn, the latter being seriously few on this line are attending the London fair this week, Mr. scar Orth -is Sway getting a chopping in shape this last week nd will soon be able to supply the Waits of the farmer PEPE EE EEE EE EEEE EEE EP PhD rig? : + THIKD LINE WALLACE + + Mr. and Mrs. John Morse, boun- dary west, visited on Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. m. Kress Mr. @ Mrs. Isaiah repo Eileen and Dorothy, agara Falls on Satur- day and visited: with the former's son and daughter, Miss.Mabel Hall- man and Mr. Wilfrid’ Hallman. They returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah oboe ik or this line; and Mr. and Mrs. .Stan- ley Cooper visited on Sunday at the home of me and Mrs. Lloyd John- ston, 2nd co Mr. and ~ ee ‘Irwin Master spent a couple of days last week in Tor- onto and Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs; Robert Roe and Mr. and Mrs. J. Moorehead of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson of Molesworth, were Sunday Ma Sy at the ton. of Mr. and * McIn Mr. d Mrs. Stanley Lavery, of Moorefield, spent Sunday with Mr. . Fullarton an Mr. an T,: J. “Master and ees Mabel, spent Sunday © at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ankenman, Kurtzville. . Mrs. Frank m of Listowel, spent a few A last week at the hom are Mr. and Mre. I. Master, Ed. eber spent Wednes- day with friends in St ord. Mr. Leslie Doadt of Medicine Hat, and Mr. Linden Doadt, of Stratford, visited-on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Master Mr. and Mrs, Henry Campbell were in Stratford on Sunday visit- ing with Mre. George Elliott, of hospital. is a patient in Stratford ospi Mies Ruby Master visited friends in Heeat Pores on Sunday. Up-to-Date chiens. had taken his sweetheart] home and was kissing her in the ar H 11.58 p.m. hard to par’ spodslshs, gaa he webetroe gen Just Mr. a . nj Miss Vera Quanz The evening serxice on Sunday in the Atwood ted church was with- drawn on accoun of the Baptist an~- niversary There was a good attendance at the Mission band meeting in the Un- ited church on Saturday afternoon last, and a good program -was also- rendered. * » e Harvest . Thankegiving services will be held in St. Alban’s church; Atwood on Sunday evening at seven- thirty o'clock, and- St. yid’s chur- ch, Henfryn, on Sunday, Sept 26th. * . The regular meeting of Young People’s Society of the byterian church was held on Monday evening: The meeting was open with Rev. West in the chair. The scripture lesson was read by John Thompson. It was decided in the business discussion to hold a corn and wiener roast at Angus Dickson's grove on Friday night, The topic was prepared by Alice Dickson on “Faithfulness."" Mise Margaret Ov- ans had the Journal and the favor- ite hymn was read by Agnes Dick-. son. ee ee the Pres- and Ralph Krote: we. Wolfe visited Sunday at the home ot r. and Mrs, Emerson Wenzel,. Crediton. d Mrs 7 John Quanz and visited Sunday” with friends near Clifford. and Mrs. Simom Walters, ; Tdona and pest Walter, Mr. and? Mrs. N. J. Krotz spent the week« ed with friends in’ Kitchener and aterloo. Mr. Gordon Domn of Ayton, had ao of the services here on Sun- ae and Mrs. Otto Rheiber family, of Alsfeldt were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ape Pape ae H. Pletch, = % L. gh Parl, Pisch epent eo rhe n Pega oa and Brid Mr. d Mrs. Martin OReuites were guests Bestny at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le n Bender, 8rd con. Miss Flora Krotz left Monday for Naperville, after spending the sum- h her parents, Mr. N. B. Krotz,. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Burt, Mr. and Mre. Rose Burt and daughter, Verna, of Toronto, ag the week~ end atthe ‘pairs of Mr. and Mrs. é6pent Ed. Schneider. Miss nth Filsinger the week-end at her home in Ayton. Mr. Charles Welker of Kitchener, Mrs. John 8. McClung and daughter aig ey of WN Ontario, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. Michael Walter. Messrs Ephriam and Enoch Schneider of Elmira and Mr. Simon Walter, motored to Paisley ‘ana Shee for business on Thursday last. and Mrs. Noah Orth and tamily, 4th con. visited Sunday at os laggy of Mr. and Mrs, Herman rs. a and Mre. Andrew Filsinger -_ Mrs. Chas. Dietrich, of Ayton, are visiting this week at the home of aa Milton Filsinger. THE NEWSY WEEKLY PAPER Talk Pit ga your literature and pa- late About’ Vy iterative through the State; To me they ain’t Shoe led though. I look the word around, To the newsy basin ad ‘paper from. the old Home and doin’s Ma pei into ai ae room and ts the dishe And avons while < ae about the to we used to kno For births and Seats an deals, and weddin's, und; All are mighty A mage —— the’ old Home Town land a" too, a- I know it ain't 6o claasioal as hese big dailies are That stant eee oe the world tourt and But jist. for Paves 82 se ‘nothin’ I have found. the newsy little paper and ~