Listowel Banner, 7 Oct 1926, p. 5

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Annual Thank Offering SOCIAL AND PERSONAL peg Evans and son, Jack, United Church her sister, Mrs. “Martin” bay _two daughters, Wilson ior eee iy nd ala and Mr. Wyatt| of genes spent Sunday visiting PRESBYTERIAN W. M.S. MET|AUTO ACCIDENT |REV. w. BE, OF | Re-Engaged as | two wo sons. hasar and George, bs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John TUESDAY EVENING — MBS. AY Y EVENING LAST ON STRA’ SPEAK-! Mr, ’James B. Elliott, cheesemak- ; * Le visited on Sunday at the|Coghiin. (REV.) ROWLAND OF STRAT-| GRAVEL ROAD—HENDERSON| ER FOR THE DAY—SPLENDID/|¢r of the Bima factory, hae been re- Rev. C. C. Kaine, pastor. ee OMB of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bro Mr, and Mrs. James Gray. ci] FORD,.GAVE SPLENDID AD-|” OAR THROWN INTO. DITCH. SERVED AT MONDAY | eeeee oot at an rinerease tn ie Octok es eo = + and Mrs. John Tivtanitie phe coe Ser: Ona hive. . Hugh DRESS. . NIGHT'S MEETING. ary. : Sunday, 10th 926 ioe . Were guests on Thurs. iiebmond, nails Janet ‘Henderson, 14th con. _— ; Xb +ty. ewaday ‘Seboot fen At the home of Mr.“gnd)""Mr. George Richmond of Tavi-{' The annual Thankotforing meet. | ee aoe eine arerer noel batons |tord, prescied ,_ Donnelly, of Strat-| Orange Hall Being Enlarged— 11 @.mi.—Report -of United Chareh t. D. E. : fecihont on the gravel een jford, preached two able and instruc- : 3 stock, spent the week-end visiting|ing of the W.M e Atwood The Orange Hall in Atwood has Convention by Mr. Hugh Rich- and Mr. A. E. Coghlin mot-/.+ ine home of his parente‘in town. Presbyterian church a a Tues-| Atwood and Listowel early Thurs-jtive sermons last 3 nday, the occas- been repaired and« en Men} _ -mond and the Pas Erin on Saturday and epent;” nics Luella Kaine of Stratford,/day evening, October 5th, in the day evening last, Sept. 20th. jon of the anniversary of the United|).1. heen busy at thie for the ¢ 7.30 p.m.—Servyies. withdrawn on week-end visiting at the home sient the week-end with her. par-| lecture room of the church. ‘There| The accident occurred about two} Church. the ing was| Toy” wes foundation was also| account Of Presbyterian Anniver- + and Mrs. oy Hu They ¢ c _| miles nerths of Atwood when Mreé./ Genesis 4:17 “Cain built a city” and rents, Rev. and Mrs < ne. |was a good Rae es The Presi laid under the building. sary services, re orn eet by Mrs. Banner-|" yy and Mre. ee P rbe oi dent, Mrs. “Thos milton, opened zeoes Boeneee Per -ba Pp ae with ae ae d : 8 pent : ne etroit, visited the enderson ,and| with God.” was a sple' s- Bee: and Mrs. Ed. Ott, 6th co Boast the home of their parents, hyn a Mes. Walte atte een aie four" little children, all of Maitiand,|course. The congregation was large, nerd aman Pp : 7 Wi spent Sunday viaiting ‘at West Monkton y dnd Mra. James Duncan read the were motoring towards Listowél¥in including many et outelde ae t . ruce Smith, proprietor of resbyterian “Church mc tel he home oo éM Mr. and Mrs. Johni «yy. Malvitic Alexander and bride y ieston study for the mon a Chevrolet sedan. In trying to In the evening t church the Atwood Elevator, has had his Rev. Woo Ww . ier, 12th returned Monday from their wed@ing]- Mrs. (Rev.) Duncan of St. An-|% Coupe, going ne same way and) packed to the doors, the. ovnee con: ons eh ee cna eee se Viola Cl Clarke of Galt, visited trip to Galt, Grimsby and other avewa church, Stratford, spoke driven by Mrs. A.\E. Coghlin® ¢ ac- gregations having given way to the a8 arged. This will enable Mr. Smith Sunda j 10th 1926 week at the home of her aunt,! ,oints. stressing the many things we Canad-|C9mpanied by Mre. Johnston Peeb-} United friends and turned out in Ma mats several more’ car loads of y, October 19 Wm. ‘Willoughby, 12th con. Mr. James Cleland, 4th con. has/ian women have to be thankful for|/¢8 22d en E. G. Coghlin, of At-|large numbers. Rey. Donnelly took|*@¢- . te aca —Sunda School a ‘Bib ; ge Hammond of Listowel,| returned home _atter a visit. with|and the importance of training our} 00d. the sedan struck the coupe) for his text “‘Lillies on the pillars of j ; . ¥ ool and “Bi le | 8) D } with the Temult that sedan waa/life.”” He was listened to with the| Moved on Thursday— Class Sapert the week-end with her friend,| friends in Mont: young people to lead earnest help- eoult that the wae : 1 a.m .—-Morni Worshi | Mi Matic Hurst, 12th con Miss Nina = nar oO of London, | ful liy turned inté the ditch on its side. {closest attention, and it is only jus-| Mr. and Mre. A. R.. Terry have varaaxs Pecos orship. Anni- r. and Mrs. D. F. Hymers and/is spending this the home Reporte of the wationa auxiliaries} Considerable damage was done tojtice to add that it was one of the;}moved to their newly erected. resi- Rev 54 ~_ wh a, B.D. by gaily, Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Hy-! of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.jof the W.M.S. read and alf|the sedan, one wheel, some glass and|most eloquent and thoughtful ser-|dence on Main street, and Mr. and Stratfora.” oe D of and Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Hy-| Mecute ; ‘Ishowed that much progress had been| the top being broken. The coupe was| mons to which we have had the priv-|Mrs, W. G. Shera moved Thurs- pom .——Eveniug :worehip.C “Mmérs of Donegal, spent Sunday vis-; yr. ter "Mrs. George Keys of Tor-jmade. Miss Irene Shera gave an in-|20t damaged. flege of listening. In depth of day last to the residence vacated ation of re pele nl dec D. rag ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs./onto, spent the week-end with Mr. | teresting report of work dene by the} We are glad to report that the|thonght, research, logical reasoning; by Mr. and Mrs. Terry erst. Rowl et > an pee ymers, Atw and Mrs, Young Coulter. Mission Band. Miss Isabel Vallance| Other occupants escaped injury, Miss|and presentation it was a masterful minke be: the ' ; gpa Miss Muriel Warrington returned! Migs Miller of Toronto, was the}out-lined very interestingly the| Henderson being the unfortunate|effort and left its impress upon the| Accepts Position in Brussels — 2 late OD Bt OLA aes to her home in Toronto on Monday,! syest of Mrs. W. B. Coulter over| work done at eummer school. The|°B¢ in having her arm broken. minds, and we trust upon the heart} Mr. Calvin’ Cruickshanks, who Monday evening f 6 er spending two weeks visiting at/ Sunday. thankoffering of some $65 wae ded- of the large assemblage. R-|has been engaged With Mr. James} Anniversary 3 ten. £ 4 Hews the Sata of her sister, Mrs. Robert Raham of Niagara Falls,!icated by Mrs. (Rev.) West, after|_.- derson of Monkton, and Rey. West| Erskine, produce dealer, for the past} concert at 8 sala a visited this week at the home of her} which Miss Mary Hodge gave an in- Bibl Soci H Id of Atwood, assisted in the service. | two months, has accepted a position Thursday - 30 Ds U : Masers. Melvin Shera, L. Irwin! prother, Mr A. etcsiniantal and Miss Margaret Ing- IDLE ety Olds The choir rendered splendid ser! with the Bast Huron Egg Emporium! er verine ee a P.8. nion pray-, ap D. Wright motored from Toledo Wm. " Heembad of Chatham, | is 5 A ‘ vices on all occasions in the way of/at Brussels, and aesumes his new Pa) Spent the week-end at the home spent. Sunday with his mother, wer Duncan spoke a few Executive Meeting anthems, quartettes and duets. The} duties on Monday next. ‘s i up tea aned Fe et parents Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hammond. words a, appreciation ‘ot the work ‘ maee for _ morales ee lean an : Saenwnrer em . i ee ly Attendex 7, Miss Harvey and Mary Harvey re- tHe women are doing. Kev. ac. |REV. W.9. WEST WILL GIVE AD- And ‘a quartet “Cast Thy Bread Up- oa barca ae bergen ch geald ‘gh tua after @ visit) Cojlector’s Roll For few remarks of appreciation and| . DRESS AT MASS MEETING OF “i eee a pe Bena coh P. Groinaiden Mr. rae i, Ba 8 in Peterboro. Shan - +HURCHE aC. | lin, . 2. . 3 : Mecand Mrs. W. Brandle and E]ma Is Completed eee ge ee ee LOCAL CHURCHES — OOLLEC- M.. Robinagw And Mr. George Cox. ig Rec ae pms yatesop were ° : \ : i ee ae , i ’ _ he regular ¥ Gertrude, spent Sunday at the home mesting fanch was served. and al Na, TO BS MADE NOE IAT! At the evaniag Servivo “the sholrin ye eaatiie or Mise Mare enae |, The regular monthly meeting of MEMS. and -Mre. George Ellacott, a gens adn sill REE: ee ele * ‘ ER THAN NOV. 15th. rendered ab anthem: “I Heard. the wiithe ad agate ogi farguerite| Mission Band of the United church 10th co shi ‘of B} - han been completed by aaiectaciaire . Voice of Jesus Say” and a duet, “In Toronto, which to 4 I abe gr Pete ee pole. On Raturday next, at ; “Mrs. Ait. Watchhorn ot Palmer- Clerk Lochhead and handed to Geo. The executive meeting of the At-| God’s on Day” was given D¥! Ambrose Church, > ee. Fr i — n, visited on Monday. at the home} Go raon. abilackar . M H wood Branch Bible Society was held| Mrs. A.M. Robinson and Mr. Geo. Hneh y F. Mc- ¢ Robert Smart. r.and Mrs. Hargreaves |in the United church parsonage on} Cox, * The Baptist and United churches Fath Wynn returned to his home in Toronto on Tuesday, after low Spending a few weeks renewing ac- ogee un Atwood and vicinity enjoyed a#tending the tall taire “ the district The summary ‘et the roll is as fol- ws: Total amount of County Rate, lev- ied, 6% mills in the $ $20026.90; Township rate levied, 4% mills in the §&. $16385.31; Municipal Drain Guests on Sunday at the home cf ered. 319812.88; Award Dr - Lae Mr. and Mrs. Russel Holman were, oe ¥ “rr 00: a t Heght Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson, Mr.|,.°% taxed $ 7 gh 508.2 in t Ment » gnd Mrs. John Davidson, of Logan, pons et si98 jo. oo ir. and Mrs. Joseph Hamm, from | ‘2% neon. 4 ‘ ivnska; Mr. Wm. Davids t calineted per order of Ry. Board, Re and” Mr cuiene Phatt. D4 1.16; School taxes, levied by sec- iiverton ew .® n * Sonk $10219. 40; Municipal School taxes, 2 4-10 mills on the $, $8738.- wpe Sunday visting at the home of $9; Total Taxes levied $77622.39. Mr. and . antyne. Fe Hesars. A. ‘Doules sae ‘Dasesl Me- “Mane spent Monday in Woodstock. . W. E.. Evans spent Friday at wis 1 noi e in Forest. He alsp attended the canal fair held in that town ompson epent Sunday with friends Hickson. Miss Alice Porter is spending few weeks visiting i’ brother, Mr. 3 “eng Porter, Beamsv Bert Wilson of Gheddan, spent E auntay at the home of his parents in Atwood, : ELE Sota eee Wros: Beare _|Finest Bakery a Goods The rich wheaty flavor of Our Whole Wheat Bread has won universal |favOr and our Home- made loaves are “Just The Kind Mother Use To Make.’ Fresh Pastry Every Day , Watch Our Bakery _ Window Display es Mr. and Mrsf R. A. Thompson ‘ %: Jessie, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.| hom Pritttetteetetsteeeteets % BRITTON a + + Serko deobesbecgecede fede teehee Deedee Miss Hazel Lowry returned "y her e in Brooklyn, N.Y., last Fri- day, after spending a soon of months with friends. Mrs. R. J. wry accompanied her as far as Hamilton, where she visited with friends. Mr. and Mre. Robt. — Jennie — Sunday friends in Newto: Mr. and Mrs "Tho mas Haddow visifed with friends in Elmira on Mayberry with . and Mrs. Melville Alexander |* have returned home after spending {their honeymoon with friends in | Grimsby. Mr. R. G. Alexander was a visit- or in London on Tuesday. i] Special : Neilson’s Jersey Milk Chocolates, Family size, regu- lar 25c, This Week’s Special Price 19c. E. G. COGHLIN sides, Prop. Druggist. - - Atwood’ Have Enjoyable Trip Mr. and oy George Hargreaves, 4th con, Elma returned home Thureday last from their jhree months’ trip to the West and points n the U. S. This is the first trip Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves have had to the West and they thoroughly enjoyed the*trip. The crops in the West are very good, but the thresh- ing is very slow. They visited many friends and relatives, some of them they had never seen before. They went out vin Cy P.-R.. and returned via C. N. R.. The cities and towns Mr. and Mrs. Hargreavee visited were Win- nipeg, Portage La Prairie, Brandon, Jaw, Calgary, Dids-} fo} Regina, Moose bury, Innisfail, Red Deer, Banff, Vancouver, Lake Louise, Victoria, Edmonton, Neepawa, Seattle and North Dakota. Several other places were also visited. ia aia eal aie TRALEE Ce ce ae Me ate ae ate Oe Me eS es eM Mr. Clayton Querin has returned home from Niagara Falls after pomcine several hae there M. Hanley and daughters, Mies Winnitred ‘Hanisy and J. W. Mackey an r” Frank Hanley A a any in Toronto recently. Mr. } . Albert Kramer spent genday in Kitchener. We are glad to report that their small son, Bernard who has been undergoing| ® treatment in St. Marys Hospital, is improving Messrs. Harold and Ivan Smith of Linwood visited “their grandmother for a couple of days last week A large number from here attend- ed “the Catholic Centennial week at London, particularly Wednesday, which was the formal ae of the new St. Peter’s Semina Mises Bertha pinreinee. of Elmira, was home for the week-end. Miss Loretta Hammar, of Elmira, sepnt the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. gap . O'Grady Smith "Sra with triends in Linwood on Fri Mr ugh Wright Pb & the funeral af Aisi bother, the late Gil- po Wright of Hamilton on Thurs- ay. ete bee Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burnett of Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs. Nurse, of Linwood, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Burnett. PEEP EEE ELE EE EF EEE E PEP Monday evening, Se 27th. Th meeting wae opened with the Prest- ent, Rey. Kaine, in chatr. The minutes of the last ex- ecutive and annual meeting were then read by the secretary, Mr. J A. Turnbull. The treasurer, Mr. A. Hume, gave his report showing that $153 had been sent to the Canadian Bible So- clety. A few other business matters were also dealt with. Rev. W. West’ will be asked to give the ad- dress at the mass meeting of the churches of Atwood to be held on Oc- tober 31st in the Presbyterian chur- ch. This date is subject-te change but ij@is expected that this will ce he “a for the meeting. Thé_officers of the Society are as I ae Pyestiekt—itey, Cc. C. Kaine. Treasurér—A. m Secretary—J. A. T rnbu iW ate ehpdente= all resident min- G. Ratcliffe, J. J. Johnston, Bell, Dr, Kidd, G. Pry Cox,. BE. Vi- pond, Cyrus Lucas, M. Robinson, Harold Peter, T. Sbiuktaa and Hugh Richmond. The "eoliedbink are as follows: Con. 4 Elma—T. E. Shearer and David Park. Con. 6, west—Henry Coghlin and George Porter on. 6 east—Robert Farrell and Angus Dickso Con. 8, wast diion usreneet Smith and Riga Agnes Dickso 8, phe Richmond and ss io Turnbull. Con. 10, west—Misses McCreight and Shiell. Con. 10, east—Nelson Cowan and Wm, Gray. Con. 12, west—Wm,. Adams and 12; east—H. "Ducklow and Smith. Con. 14, west—Misses Henderson} and Ducklow. ATW OOD—Grosert Inglis ind T. G. Pit sarod iy ections are to ace made not lat- er ae Now. 15th ase ee 500,000" Lon as just -installed its 500, poet elephone,. The e- ment was actually connécted up ently in the Press Gallery a ‘the ous? of Commons, which strange to say has not hitherto ‘been pro- vided with telephone service. In that impressive building which we know generally as the Houses of Parliament, there ee. many spo which visitors never see and which even members do not frequent »Such 3 + NEGAL -spots are often the scene of partic- ‘ : = 4 ular activities necessary to the con- SFtSe+eseseseeeeesesegeses | Venience of members and to’ the, pro- ‘ r functioning of the Législative Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Danbrook| assembly. are to be found a- and famliy of Hamilton, spent a few long th ing corridors of days with friends her which the vistor obtains only a fleet- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Petrie and/ing giance. The room in which the Jim, and Mr. and Mre. Robert Mc-| telephone is installed of oar épent Sundey with Mr. S. Burnett, Listowel. a Dina Hymers. urée-in- training in Stratford tal, ie having a fortnight’s vacation at her ome here. Miss Mary Vipond spent the week- i ig Mise Marie Bryans, Ford- Cry et) hae. Sait Bone ches ELEVATOR ‘tr GRAIN, SALT, FLOUR, MILL see Mrs. Ed. Long tas been in for the ‘past week, but we are pleased to gt nee is recovering Cowan left on - ‘Monday ar RR ah. where he will take course in the B ess College. . Mr. Chas. Buchanan and Weldon ot Wheatley, oe a couple of weeks i with friends here bustle and activity when the House ig Puan for it is here that the tives of the Press News Agencies transcribe the snort: hand notes of speeches to which they have listened when seated gallery abdve the Speaker's Chair and to which this room thas access. | lone corner a telegraph instra-!H ment ticks away, and in another a Post Office Offical aits behind a & 2 w Eixoent ty e—T. G. Ballantyne, T., Wm. ; success, ie Nag much he | the church also added much to the pro- and} and instruction. The personal + ae newspaper La ear yh dd fon mouth will ‘be d The ogee of the day amounted to over $280.00. The auditorium of eens coe beautifully decorat- ed with gladfoli. Monday night a splendid supper was served the basement of the church, but owing to the heavy rain, the number present was not aa large as it would have been. After having done ample justice to the dainties provided so bountifully by the ladies, e gatheripg went to the music hall where a fine program was carried out. The artists for the évening were J. B. and Mrs«Sandy, Mrs. Rivers Miss Nellie Pinnegar of Dorchester, and Miss E. Rourke of Clinton. and each number given was well re- ceived and much applause given. Rev. West of the Presbyterian chur- h and Rey. Jones of the Anglican gram in two fine addresses. Rev. C Kaine, pastor of the church, was chairman, and along with those in charge of carrying out the 1926 anniversary to such a fine credit and congratulation The orbeauds amounted to nearly $90.00. ° haa Sk cl skin, aaah i + TROWBRIDGE + = eee e eer eeerer terre rr eee Rev. H. M. Wright is attending the Conference on “Dominion and World Service” in Massey Hall, Tor- onto, this. wee We are glad to report that Mr. E. L.. Halpenny is improving and is ex- pected home this wee The “Bu Bee” Miss ion Band will meet in the basement ‘Sattirday afternoon of this week. The ‘‘True Workers’ Mission Cir- ele will meet at the home of Mise ci ey ‘agg vr Thursday af- tern ath. . (Rev.) Ww. meetliog. of Thocadate, is ect- ed to be present and ‘salah an address on apeng ty work Mrs. W. ” Johnston € sunday” in Stratford. . Henry Armstrong visited a ew days this eo with friends ‘in Tor She companied Richard “Oliver, of “Calaney, as far ae the city. THE ONTARIO <* taat HEALTH The Ontario Dental Health Day to be held on Wednesday, October 20, will include among its activities an undertaking never yet attempted in convention with a campa of this kind. . The new the free dental examination and advice by the de who request at at this time. The importance of thie’ se cannot ee over estimated. There who find e many people pines difficulty in Tp prodieains and applying knowledge given in a gen- eral way, they get fhe’ benefit front the public lecture or the prin page. They need individual “advice service people: The ing this contribution at the request ha the Ontario Department of ealth. “Other activities being organized b the department are the showing ot 1 dental health films in the theatres, the broadcasting of mouth health m from the various radio stations, dental” health playe Mr. to Wii Grey Township Girl Dies— death occurred in Grey township on Monday, September 27, of Greta Wilda Frances, daughter of and Mrs. Luke C. Speiran, ag- ed eighteen years. The funeral was held from the parental e home on Wednesday, agg 29th. . to Brussels cemetery. Sincere sympa- thy is extended the Barenrer family. Ingagemen ——— be—Mr. and Mrs. Manner, Humberside Aven- ue, announce the engagement of thein. younger daughter, Velma Mary am Uria Mactarlane of. Tor- onto, eon of Mrs, Macfarlane of At- wood, Ontario, and the late Mr. Thomas Macfarlane. The marriage big! take place quietly on Oct. 30, mienox College’ Chapel. Two Cars Damaged— _ T o care w damaged early Sat- urda evening one driven by Mr David Bell of aA.wood, who was mot- Oring to Listowel, and other driven by Mr. el, who was coming from Listowel The cars collided in passing each other between th second and fourth concession. Both cars were coneid- erably damaged. Attend Atwood Meeting— Stratford Beacon-Herald — Rev, G. P. Duncan, Mrs. Duncan and Miss Alice Hammond. were in At- wood last might attending the annual byterian church there. Mre. can address and reports from various. departments were heard with satisfaction. The thank- offering amounted to $63. Attended Funeral in East Oxford— - and Mrs. John Riach, of At- wood, attended the funeral of Mrs Eleanor Riach, widow of the late Charles Riach, of East Oxford, on Monday of this week, © Mrs. Riach resided on lot 11, concession 2, Bast band predeceased her two years ago. Attended Fall F Quite a bom m Atwood at- tended Mitchell Fall fair on Wednes- day last, and these included, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Miss Jean Thompson, Mr. Jack Go Mr. and Mre. G. P. Greensides, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Miss Mae Inglis, Messrs, Russel McMane, aes Donley, James Robb and Roy ‘ton. Several from Atwood and ord a also attended Brussels fair on Friday ttended Conference i Toronto— Rey. and Mrs. C. Keine left uesday morning by Joie for Tor- onto, where they are attending Un- vee church conferenee of mineters to. Orangeville where they visited with their son, Rev. I. B. Kaine, and Kaine, for a féw hours. The conference is in session Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Hugh Richmond. left via C..N..R- to at- tend the conference . Few things make a man feel superior as to hear his wife rattle the gears meeting of the W.M.S. of the Pres- aa Oxford, in the vicinity -of stock, for several years. She was seventy-two years of age. Her hus-- are withdrawing their evening ser~ vice on Sunday. next on account. of the Presbyterian church anniver= sary 8 * . The Tne Tsonlegnciety of the Presbyteria ld their. week~- ly meeting on Thursday evening of this’ week in conjunction with the prayer service. . Rev.. T. W. Jones attended supper in connection with the Har-~ vest thanksgiving service at Milk bank on Tue&day evening: Rev. Jones also gave an address. ia * * ~ Commencing on Sunday, October 17th, the evening service in the Un- ted church will be held at seven o’- clock, instead of seven-thirty as it Bas been held during the summer s * ° The Presbyterian church anniver- sary will be held on Sunday, Octo- ber 10th at 11 aim. and 7 p.m. Rev. George Rowland, B.D. of Knox Presbyterian church, Strat- sora, will be the special speaker for pererareeer seen Pee leink el * DORKING + : + PEEP eb be th bE E hem The local masens and their lady friends attended the Masonic ban- quet in Drayton peat Tuesday. All report a’ goo Mr. Geo. last Saturday Mr. William. Richardson and eis- ter, Miss Kathleen, Spee ouenay at the home of Mr. C, + Weltz, wae in Listowel Mr. R. H. Miller ar. Brantford, spent a ay last week with Mr. W. N. Alling Several yeops from here attended Drayton’s Fall Fair last Friday he meeting winding up the pias ness.of the Linwood Cheese and ioe ter Co. was held last week. the officers present were noticsd re. Wm. Voll, D. Musser, . “{|Barl Noecker, John Voll, c. Tab. bert. S. J. Kreamer and W. N, es Mr..Norman Zinn's sale was well attended last ‘Tuesday The Wisdom Tooth Pape rd {apologetically): - ‘This mp weather makes the furniture stick rightfully. Guest: Ien't that the cat’e mas? , Hostess: drawers. DY. Ja- No, it’s the bureau's EVERYBODY'S ODEN COLUMN Ten cents a Saline. for first in- sertion, with min _— m charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cents a Ting With mini- mum charge of 26c. W.F. Mc LAUGHLIN LISTOWEL AND ATWOOD * Graduate ef Canadian embalmi —— Sov ae cer parlors, Main Ocks east of Bapeat, Sineeh. ‘aight and and calls promptly a 227. Motor or rien pas euvinmasn as desired. elivered| before bet ig elubs and other < meeting .of ‘be denied and it is just as true that many of theee conditions can be aa vented by sufficient care proper time. it has been well ane sahed that ie ze inspection ‘do much to ererent seces: and ay atin of this Se oe REMEMB ER THE ‘PHONE nner the ie You know all about it. You didn’ t let the paper know it. You sygne fault because the paper didn't have it. Hardly fair. When you have an item remember the Banner. . te at the U-

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