light—T. B. Gecuear adioli, dark—Jas. Cleland; T. Howard. 10 spikes—Jas. Cleland; Tra.. , 12 spikes named—T. B. calendulas—R. Brim-|St F. Wil- R. Brimblecom lox perenaisl—H. “Goddard; R. pdragon—Mre. T. J. Smith; eae et Peas—Wm. Tench; J. F-. H. Goddard; R. Brim- 5 Semone. TY. Smith; T. Mrs. J. N. Baker; H. colt cut flowere—R. Brimble~ o} ; Wm. Tenc ber Table Decoration—T. B. + R. Brimblecombe. Flowers,..wicker—J. Fe on; R. Brimblecombe. Design—~ K. Hewitt; t. Brimblecombe. ' Goll. Roses—T. B. Howard; H. Goddard . FRUIT ‘St. Lawrence—-A. €. Champ; Gildner; C. ‘Little. r Quarrie. rt "McQuar KK . a. He 4 sK. He * George ‘OO. K. Falls Apple—- Thos. = Stuart MeQuarrtie. ° Northern Spy—Geo. Orth: A. K wilt . Hewitt: Stuart Cc. Hewitt, -~. Giltner: H K. Hewitt; K. Hew- A.O.K. Winter Apple—wW. C. ; J.-H. Bender. ; Coll. for shipping--Stuart McQuar- ie; C. Hewitt. ‘ Coll. "of cooking—-Stuart McQuar- 5 A. , co< Coll. 4 ict ladies art MecQuar- Tie; ol fal coir wigter—Stuart Mg- trie. rab, vallow—Mre. Clarke. UM H. Bend- Washington—Peter Mc Entcak Imperial Gage— I Bender Se — Bender; J. "n. ‘A. > Golden Drop—aA. Ringler. seit ake H. Bender; W. | Cc. Hew | Senclwd= Mi. J. Smith. | Coll. of Plums—J. en Bender. ears,:Clapps’ Favorite—A. K. pki: w Cc. Hewitt. Pilea’ d ‘Angloene—A. -Ringler. Louis Bonne de Jersey—A. Ring- Ter. Beurre O Anfou—W. C. Hewitt. Winter Nellis—Mary Bright. Bartletts—-R. Brimblecombe. FINE ARTS Oil Lanscape, original—Mrs. T. Dempsey. . i Peat. copy—Mrs. T. | ey; Mrs. A.’ E. Wherry. E oil i painting, “flower rs——Mre. A. EB. Oi “Painti ng, portrait figure— Face Thos. Dempsey; Mrs. A. ' Savage i Oil Painting, still life—Mrs. A. Ez. Wher i Water Cotor ee ee original-- | H. Bilis i age. a Water ote poe corv-—H. . Hymmen. figure—Mre. H. A. G. Savage flowers, Mrs. A... Gi : e. Water Color, eopy—H.. Elis; rs. H. Hymmen. ee ae on H. Ellis; _ Flower ee Ellis; Mrs. | BH. Hymmen. ig nen and Sugar Set—Mrs. 4H. a men. ~* ‘ a any size—Mrs. H. Hym- Crayon lansceape—Mre. A. EB. : Crayon. figure—Mrs. Hym- 4 Mrs. R. Brimblecombe: ‘Crayon. Fong ee ge: A. EB. / &. G. Savage. A..G. Pestle, san sibject— rs. ; Mrs. H. Hymmen. “nell Drawing. haere cubes H, | pencil—Stanley Hewitt; Alton Mc- a : Clory; Harold Metcalf; all of S. 8. teur Photo—Mre. H. Hym-| No. 1. mn; Mrs. R. Brimblecombe. est specimen ee ee * nie erett, S. No. 1; Elsie ‘LADIES’ FANCY WORK Henderson, U. e. No. 2; Tleen Emb., solid white—rs. T. N. ‘Bartley, U. 8. 8. 1; Yab; Mrs. H Hymmen. Listowel Punic School Emb. Sires He Hynes G. Say-| Bird houses or bird Ebert : “ et Freebo ; mb. 3 sgpline—Mrs. A. G. Sav- insets § Garnet Richards; Arthur gway i Gaimiaser.. Miss Strang-f Hymmen notte. TT. Ne ‘Mes. J. A. Modern X stit eye? 3 H, M rs. He rats Me- e. H. .Hym- work—Miss . Hymmen. Mrs. T. N. Ka original—| “J Hymmen; Mre. A. G. vage Table Doilies, other hand work— Mrs. A. G. Savage; Miss Strang- ways. Centre piece and Tray Cloth— Mrs. H. Hymmen; Miss Strang- ways. \ Set Table Mats—Mrs. H. Hym- men; Miss Strangwaye. Buffet ‘Set—Mrs. H. Hymmen; Mre.-T.-N. McNab Towel, emb.—Mre. A. G. Say- age; Miss Strangwa wels, Pict ia Pee re H. Hym- en; Mrs. 1, N. Me Geet A tag meat oriel i. ‘Hymmen; 3 . G. Sava "Bath “Towel—Mrs. H. Hymmen; Mrs. T. N. N Pillow Cases, aa: —Mrs. A&G. Savage; Mrs. Hv Hymm Pillow Cases, is 0. K. = Miss Strangways; Mrs. A. G, Savage ancy hed spebad hae Sean ways; Mra. H. Hymmen. Biles! a eae i H. Hym- en; Miss BE. Bamford. D iewer: Pillow slips, emb.—Mrs. A. G. Savage; Mre. H. Hymmen. . Bheet, Pillow Slips, erochet trim. —Miss Strangways; Mrs. H. Hym- men ; Tale Runner— Mre. H. Hym- men; Mre. A. G. Savage. Sofa cushion——Mrs. T. N. Me- Nab: Mrs. H. Hymmen. Lady's Night Gown, white or col- cored emb.—Mrs. A. G. Savage; Mre. H. Hymmen. Kimona, hand made -— Richard fiKin; Mre. J. A. Horne. B oudoir Cap, handm 9 Pama H. Hymme Richard Wilkir n; 5 haz ae sei Mrs, Costume SI ip, H. Hymme Mrs. McNab. Knitted W ood Jae ket, “best idea— Mra. TT Ny McNab: Fancy Handkerchiefs—Mrs. T. N. McNab; Mre. A: G. Savage Work Ban ete Ty Ne McNab; Vr: G. Savag Ley Purse. Bz ag—) Mrs. H, Hym- Miss Strangways Sport Sweater knit, woo]—-Mrs, 1. G. Savage. Irish Crochet—Mrs. G. Sav- age; Mrs. R. Brimbleoombe Filet Crochet—Mrs . Hymmen; Mrs. T. N. McNab. Tatting—Miss Strangways; Mrs. A. G. Savage. Handmade Curtains—Mrs. T. N. MeNab*\ Miss Strangways, Far ancy) Knitting, cottoi—Mre. T. . SMecNab; Mies Strangways. — Coll, jof fancy work—Mrs. A. G. Savage; Mrs. H. Hymmén. Child's Dress, emb.—Mrs. A. G. Savage; Mrs. N. McNab. Child’s dpecee aes ade—Mrs. G. Savage;. Mre . N. MeNab. ‘Child's Jacket, enitted. are H ymmen; Mrs - N. McNab. a Cases, girl under 18 years . Tymmen; Mrs. R Bribes. DOMESTIC WORK Quilt, pieced cotton—Miss Strang- ways; Thos Ison Quilt, Log Cabin—Miss Strang- ways; Mary Bright. Quiit, ‘Applique—Miss Strang- ways; Mra, A..G. Savage. Quilt, fancy silk—Mre. T. N. Me- Nab; Miss Strangwaye. © Fancy 2 le lel J. N. Bak- er; Nin Ward. Red Spread, knitt ted--Miss Strang- ways; Mrs, T. eNab. Bed Spread, crochet—Mrs. A. G. Savage; Miss Strangways Handmade button holes—Mrs. H. Hymmen; Mies Strangways. Floor mat, rag—J. H. Bender; Mre. J. A. Horne. Floor Mat, H. Bender; Miss Strangways Floor Mat, Wilkin. Floor Mat, A.O.K.—J. H. Ben- braided — Richard der; Mary Bright. Men s Sox—Mrs. J. N. Baker; A. Men’s ag Pies Strangwaye; Mrs. A. Hor Best ‘Idea Kitchen Apron—A. C. Champ; Miss E. Bamford. Patching Torn yg ote »{Strangways; Mary B Hand Hemming. table ‘nen —atrs J..A. Horne; Mary Bri ne ae ee ieee: a Champ ochet ack under 14—Mrs. R. Brigipleccmba. rps cette ll under 14—Mrs. R, Brimblecom Fancy oe a under 14—Mrs. J. N. Baker; Mrs. R. Brimblecombe . Rural Schools Best drawn colored map of On- tario—U. 8S. 8 2 Best drawn ‘copy, “any subject, PUBLIC SCHOOL EXHIBIT - Sr. Fourth—Room 1. Writing—Derothy Bridge; et Wood; Biythe Duberges and Jean Heme worth. Richards Richards. eect Work—lIola Hamilion; Ed ith Hastings; Lorena Pritz, Dra Harmnilton; Jean Hemeworth; Mary Anger. N Color aoe sage Erminie gina Fletcher; Ships— ‘Lio Fisher; (Matthewman; Seiwin: St. Patrick’s Pencil Drawi las Fritz; Wigwam Douglas Fritz; Boat Scenes Crayon Marjorie Scott; ery; Gordon Ross; June G Sewing Ca Snelling; Modelling Oliver; Marie Pasti Howard Kritzer. ards; Harry 1 n Bitiean Jones; Manual: Traiaiig—¥rank Lemmex, Bird ee Freeborn. Scheme—Norma Mills; Jack Pothersil il, Dorothy Fothergi site: gray Feewians: rok t Freeman; Dora Holtzman. ‘Printing—Lloyd pec relia Pbert Fre wers— Florence Welker; -Stricker, Derothy Seene—Georgina Fletcher; ese, BE Dierlam, Wr itingMar! ford; Doris Walker; Doli’s Clothes—Alice Lep- pard; Edith Coghlin; Enid Vick. Drawing— n Vernon Matthewman; Jim Large. Kaster Cards—Lioyd Bean; Billy Larg®; Gordon Wheeler. Crayon Work—Jim Burfows; Grace Dierlam; Bert Alexander Pencil ‘Drawing—Bileen Rocher; Dougins Fleming; Lioyd Bean. Calendar—Gordon Wheeler; Lloyd Jean; ‘Bert Alexander. Maple Leaves—Bert Alexander; Earl Zurbrigg; Morence Ronalds, Christmas Cards—Esther Forman; Ellen Greenslade; Bert Alexander. Second Class—Room 5 w ngs— Windmills—Jack Wakeford; Norma Weber. Scenes—Olive Haliman; N orma Weber Easter Cards—Eleanor aes : St. Patrick's erheas Bioperine “tube; Alice Leppard; Ellwood Barberries — Jean canes " Doris Walker; Douglas Fritz.’ Saute eats Walker; Alice Leppard; Wellington Boyne. ida chanior Fr ly Clayton Richards; George haa 1m Room Writing—Eileen Woe: Florence Poag; Bruce Westman. Construction Work— ea -—- George Sandow; Grace Barns Helmka; Bruce Westinan. Boxes—B Large; Elsie Chap- man; Alice Malcolm. Fancy Baskets—lIola Sinith; Nor- man Whipfler; Sammy Poag. Art— ° Block ,Design—Elsie McKenzie; Patricia Routledge; Bobby Vance. Linoleuit—Billy “Grainger; Billy Baker; Mary Olarke. Shamrocks — Billy Bartja; Alex. Armstrong; Billy Grainger. Wall Paper—Geo. Peppler; Percy Hoadley; Billy Helmka. Tulips — Dorothy Gee; Gertie Smith; Billy Bartja. Bore ler—Elsie McKenzie; Earl Lay- Hallowe’ en—Elsie McKenzie; Billy Billy Baker; Irene Alexander Windmills—Jack Keeso; Mac Du- berges; Kenneth Werth. Scenes—Clayton Richards; Carol Snelling; Marie McMillan Baster Cards—Stanley Fritz; Carol Tulips—Viola Hanna; born; Hilda Fisher. Sunset Scenes—Mabel Bartja; Car- rol Snelling; Viola Hanna. Writing—Thelma Rocher; Dorine Forman; Russell Oliver. Primarv—Room 8&8 Writing— ao ~pler; Harry Opfer; Ann Inger; Lillian sic er—Pearl Tanner; Orville Peso Welker; ; Be Smale; Norma 3; Geor- Roy, Riehm. Hemsworth; Pbert 1 Beryl Bernice Jessie Thompson. Third—Room aan pe Lep pre) ienk Wake- Helen Heath. Cards—Vera Pepeier; Doug- Smith; Grace Prueter. —Herman ae Edna Olive Smith. re Sree do om 7 rie Btiy Blackmore; in Plasticine — Melvin Opfer; Gladys Bitton. el Poag; Peter Athas; Eileen | wel is me Canadian eho, pub wh ig net week. ~S be tendered Poles Lote 3 by the ping ht eed Mr. R. D. Cunningham of Listo- renewing acquaintances Wingham Havanese: Migs Qo. Mitchell o her holidays 2 Lenin he henge ‘Three date sho last pen ov- er an inch ot snow or ibe years ago the ere four inches ge cate in Workers Ontario. Canada will produce enough ap- ples this year to provide-one barrel for every three people, or @ com- mercial crop _estymated at three million barrels. Hunters are beginning to floek to of North Bruce on Friday, Oct. 15th. ‘5 Tical e tanere, is | spending Mine las Mrs. and Mrs. Sai. paheenton BANNEK ADS. PAY And Fue 1 woulawaip you It you did, didn’t I “Yes, agente ; but as Ldidn’t keep 1 won't hol a = Sail ou at | lions, 80° an to do to prevent loss. "Oat goad thine abo ut it is that the total loss by fire gs ed the Dominion has } decreased e 14 millions in the ee four Soa: ci there’ is still oo high a fire Joss Some things last a great while if pickled but that doesn't mean men. their-accustomed haunts and In vis- ions are looking down the gleaming barrel and ie peer the baying of the hounds. e deer hunting seas- on will open ie Abe Quite*a number of citizens mot- ored to Toronto last wee to the Stampede. Most of those who aye seen it, however, were not much impressed with genuineness of the show, and a number of them were disappointed. The actual cost of producing the New York Times is said to be ¥4 cents. It sells for two cents a copy. The actual cost of producing the Saturday Evening Post is said to be around 60 cents per copy. And #& sells for a nickle. But The Times advertising rate average $2.00 per column, and the Post rate is much higher. This accounts for the low subscription rates, Rudolph Valentino, the film idol died a ‘millionaire. He came rich because he produced what the sen- sation-loving public wanted. His property included 2 homes, 8 auto- mobiles, a collection of armor and antiques, a yacht, 65 oreenore horses, 12 pedigreed dogs, 40 s 50 pairs of shoes, 300 caras: et 1000 pairs of peer Apparently he was as fond of changes of apparel as Queen. Bess.—Chesley Enter- prise. E will do,’ ach was gestion, constipa and could not r sale arl . Serviss, a opetaeat or eds man at Ot- tawa. “For a long time my stom- disorde gas stomach, continual Aleks tio) B JUICE gave me prompt relief. T believe it is. the best medicine. in the world. I now enjoy my meals, sleep well and have more energy than in months. Stomdch trouble and constipation are now a thing of the paat with me ». A. Fo by J Hacking & Son and other druggists. Listowel. Comedy : | —h “A Stylish Dress for 15 cts!” | It helps a lot when a woman wise to home dyeing. Old faded | dresses made the new colore of the! hour. Just as perfect a8 any profes-' sional dyer could do it—4f only yOR:! ul oe real dye s taay to ‘Diamond dye demeniat of palo and do wonderful tinting } of underwear and all dainty pieces. | Using true dye is the secret. You| can. Diamond dye all your curtains | and covers, scarfs and spreads; any) material, and right over other” col-! os. , it’s fun sk your druggist for = Diamond Dye Cyclopedia for gestions and easy directions; actual piece-goods. color samples, ete. Or the big iHustrated book, Color Craft, 6ug- Even a genius must lay his bricks one at a time, and just so, health is built, — “Love My Dog” Maple Leaf—tola Smith; Vera Rich- aaa Samuel ~ Poag; George Peppler. Collis _ | Hear. ORL 18 pidge INJURED Miss Marjory Collis, 17 years old, daughter of Mr. and of Maryborough Mrs. James eee tian Specialy Outline “anee beld in of Ontario—Blythe , ad Omg Mile; Margaret a FREE PANTS WITH SUITS —— TAILORED to Your Measure by Skill Craft eee edit te free, write DIAMOND DYES, Dept. You can’t take a health hurdle that lasts : oi Mr. pester, Davery has resigned N3, Windsor, Ontario. through life. You must build health s position at Galt an eft last ; week to take a position with the ? : ss 2 ORF meal at a time. eG Parker Dye Works at Peterboro. . B d Provincial Klection in Dec— : —~ 2 M il k M ade rea a s eg pores pod Cine md gaat arb Weak at —Is the most important food at each of those good sources in Toronto to the ef ‘meals. It gives the maximum of pure nourish- ment. in most delicious form. Always fresh, - Cena, Pera crisp, tempting. ag eee ee made in abopt two weeks’ time, to- aid Vem oma Used ats : Ss gether with the announcement ‘that Mesial ond ciety ZURBRIGG BROS. ae nthe presi so policy will} ee S2per box, 3 . : : one of modified government con- ‘zt i , trol. It adds that the Cabinet is u- Peon een Of pre see eee na BAKERS PHONE 85 nanimous on thie policy TRE wooD CO..TOROMTO.ORT. ry co Clothes Ltd., Toronto. Price . Eighty-Two Patterns of | All Wool Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds -Fit Guaranteed -- and Delivered in Ten Days 4 Days Sale, October Sth, 9th, 11th, 12th r= Canada’ S Greatest Values = S AND EXTRA PANTS § 25.50