‘Mr. Louis Pfeffer was ‘in Bridge- port this week on business. Mr. C. Zilliax, ney WOaey Sunday h : bie 0 ietds in Kit ZAlliax ‘pent | the week-!> Ww. out ‘with friends in Toro Mr. Janies Inglis is sae a few days with friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. A. Schinbein spent the rene pertp. 2 friends in London. Mre Climie visited friends in Hamilton this week. Mr. J. F. Vandrick is in Chap- leau this week on business. Mr. J. Robbie are ct week-end at his home an nig Mr. and M ‘ abate were ‘in Bizattoré Betarday on business. Mrs. W. A. Gray visited her son, Mr. Wesley Gray in Stratford this “week. , Dr. and Mrs. J. Emery have re- turned peat from their trip to the West. Mr. -A. E. Malcolm and: Mr. G. Savage were in Kitchener on Tuesday. Mrs. A. G. Savage is spending a * few gare in Toronto and other. points . Alf. Watchorn, of Palmer- ston, spent Monday with friends in a ad Mrs. Joe Lockhart anak: Sunday with friends in Mill- bank. M Mr. and Mrs McDonald spent Sunday with ‘eteate in Prest- on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huggins eee Sunday with friends in Pres- pe D. D. Ellis left this week to visit friends in the Western Prov- inces Mise Viola Zilliax is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. J. A Bailey, Fint, Mich. Mrs. Frank Lee of Kincardine, visited on mhpotee A at the home of Mr. C. A. Lee Mr. and Mre. ac, A. Zilliax spent the week-end a Fatbahlegienbigy with Miss Laura Sm Mr. Russel Knipe and bride, re- turned to Listowel Monday evening from their wedding trip Mrs. James Moore enjoy- ed a motor trip last week to Toronto, Oshawa and apcolge Falls Mr. and Mrs. G.G Smith return- ed home Tuesday evening after a trip to Montreal and other points. Mrs. Robert Oliver and Miss Lil- lian Tabberner visited to-day with friends in Kitchener. Mr. J. H. Gee was in Kincard- ine Monday and Lucknow Tuesday on business Miss Winnie ga spent the week-end visiting friends in Palm- eréton Mr..and Mre B. Simmg and Bert, spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs George MHarron spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fleming. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. N. Blackmore and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blackmore vis- ited in Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alex McLennan, ,of Millbank, visited on Wednesday a the home of Mr..and Mrs. Joe - rt. Miss Jean Clarke ,of Kitchener, wus & guest over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Flem- ing Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and family, of Waterloo, visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1 Mr.- M.-F. Zurbrigg and Frank- » “lin, returned home Monday evening, after spending a few days with relatives in fol cma Mr. Harry Howson and son, Don- ald, of Halifax, visited from Sunday *till-Tuesday at the home of Dr. and Mre. W. G. E. Spence. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dickert and family, and Mrs. Emerson Dickert of Lakelet, visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. Knipe. Mrs. D. Nicholson, of Detroit re- turned home “with her son and daughter, who motored over for her, 8S. S. Rothwell, and other relatives. Re Bender visited at the home of Mr. this week visiting at the ome of Mrs. W. H. Peppler. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited the latter part last w at the home of Men dic ley’s mother, va “A. W. "Glenn. two children, accsiabantal by Mr and Mrs Brown of Palmerston, mo toes to Bridgebure and spent the bere Sp ith frie Mr. Mrs. | ‘Alvin Stricker and Herb, peepee By by Mr. and Mrs Harry Maloney, returned Tuesday evening from Detroit, where they spent a few days. isses Amy and Gertrude Madill f London, and Mr. and Mrs. Semp- le of Straitord, ioent Sunday at the home of Mrs. McCracken, Wallace Hees F. Knipe, Mrs. C. Fish- Mitienas Lydia Fisher amd Viola brother, Mr, Osca Rain Listowel, and with his parents, Mr. fice Mrs. G. K. Rapp, 3rd con, Mr. J. W. Sangster aitendon the funeral of the late George Hamilton, county treasurer, in Stratford, on on iF Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Wazizer and the Misses Margarct and Molly Wan- zer, motored to Walkerton on Sat. urday and enjoyed a game of golf at the Walkerton links. Misses Clara and Minnie Fred Ainley, of Mr. and M J. R., Brown and acco and Mre. Ch ope Shewan, . Palmer-jt ston, on Sunda: Pp Mr. Melvin Rapp of Seen) spent ie week-end at the hom of With Mr. Abram as barber in gene Guel- Harold Karges, of ph, meg "Harold Kopas of Kitchenér, accompanied by the an and Be bid Ae motored to Toronto on Sunda: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerdon C. Bender. Mr. Harry McMillan, f Listo-} er dshilil on Sun- day and visited at the home of Mr. and itr. pe tes Carroll. Mr Koenig and he nee Ruth Filainker returned : nhesday to their home in Ayton,’ jai a wedding tripsto Toronto and other points. They were guests * and Wednesday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender and Mr. and “ W.. L. Heibein. Jack Climie, of Tillsonburg. Mise Mand Cimié, of Kitchener, and Miss Beth Climie of Detroit, spent his{ Suests, Misses Jeanette Clarke and Margaret Snyder of Kitchener and Miss Beth Climie had as her guests, Misses Helen and Irene Brown, of Detroit. Mrs. Charles Murphy, of Medicine Hat, who has been spending a week renewing friends in putes, left Saturday last for Elmira, where she is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Cobean ae che stots to her hash In “the We The Wickie, Frieda Hallman, Margaret| Roe and Kathleen Halsoll spent the week-end at the home of the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wick- e, Newton. Mr. Robert Alexander. and sisters, Mrs. Moorehead and Miss Eleen Alexander, of Britton, attended the anniversary services in the Presby- terian church on Sunday, and while in Listowel were guésts of their bro- her, Mr. A. G. Alexander, Elma street, } * Rosenberger and Mrs. Herb Schultz of "Pontiac, Mich., who haye been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah piacere re- turned nt to their hom ; Dr. W. . Spence meted his guests, Mre Harry Howson and’ son; Donald, of Halifax, to Arthur, on Tuesday evening, where the latter two are visiting friends Mrs. Lyle Kidd, nee Alice Living- stan, returned Tuesday evening to her home in Listowel. Mr. Kidd sailtd to-day for Negrites, Pern, and Mrs. Kidd will join him after Christ: mas. Mrs Ronald and Mabel ‘and Florence arrived home Tuesday evening after two montha visit/ in AS gine and other points in the West. Mr. bib Mrs. E. Lemmex re- turned Friday last ‘to Inkster, Mich. | after visiting their parents here for the past three weeks. Miss L. Roth- well accompanied them and will spend a few weeks : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tindall and two children, of Toronto, are renew- ing acquaintances in Listowel ani vicinity this week. At present they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fleming. daughters H. Doubt, of Hanover. spent the week-end at the home of hér mother, Mrs. John Bamford, who has been confned to her home on account of illness. She is now im~ proving nicely, and Mré. Doubt re- turned to her, home on Monday. Mrs. Ezra Weber and daughter. Miss Emily Weber of St. Jacobs, re- turned home on Tuesday after a week’s visit with friends in town, and on the third line of Wallace. While here they were guests at the home of the former's sister Mra. Wm. Ronald. é Mr, and Mrs.-Sam Caruso ‘and little son, Joe, and Master Tony Car- uso, of Walkerton, Mr. and Mre. Chas. Bondi of Wingham, and Mr, hand Mrs. 0. ¥| Saturday last, when Florence B., THE BAZAAR | If you had to go to SIX STORES to find the goods you SEE at this STORE you woulé perhaps have'to buy a little too much MORE THAN you WANT- ED. At each your buying is SIMPLI- FIED atthe BAZAAR and you don’t need to be told that the prices are SAVING beth in GIFT GOODS and NECESSITIES. Some’folks are interest- ed in BOOKS we have | over 500 works of fic- tion on stock a lot of GOOD READING for you nothing ever 50c. SCOTT and Burns found in the TAR- TAIN at‘25c. Kiddies picture books at 3c. 4c. 5. 8c. 10c. and 15c. Photo Books and pic- ture frames at 10 15 and 25c. Consider Lhe Stet First An Trade at James Catalano, of London, were guests on eaetin at the home of THE BAZAAR Miss Rose Caruso ‘Rev. ‘Owen, pastor of St. Jolie United church, Stratford, officia Mr. ae ik Louis Pfeffer, Mr. H. Finkbeiner art and Mr. and Mrs. EB. F. Finkbein- Winnifred and George, Neranded. the wedding. The groom is a grand- son of Mr. and Mre. hep sik — FATUM-—-WERNER Ferns mingled with varied col ings of Autumn bloom decorated St. Johns Lutheran church, Ayton, Rae! ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ait Werner was united in marriage to Henry Fatum. wa Js Langholtz. conducting * the ser- vices which were very quiet owing to a recent bereavement. e bride entered the church on the arm of her father, | king love- ly in a gown of, sunrise gette with ae fitting dice and full Bouffant skirt, trimmed with silver and aie ribbon. She wore a large picture hat of black and car- ried a bouquet of sunset roses, lily of the valley and fern. The bri Anthracite $14.00 | Per Ton DELIVERED R. T. Kemp Son Cannel! COAL Try some of our Choice Cannel in your fireplace. Robt. C Oliver ’Phone No. 4 o NEW MODES in NEW COATS Te FALL and winter Coat mode is versatile and presents several new ideas in silhouette and fabric. Most noteworthy 4 is- the return of the bloused back, which is featured extensively. It May Be Plain or Fur Trimmed. SOME of the cdats depends entirely on the novelty of their fabric, while others are lavishly collared and cuffed in fur. unusal va'ues are dh ee this season at $14 $23 JOHN McDONALD % es are smart and. $39 Mr. and Mrs. W. Schnock and Vern Abram, visited with triedds’ at Cranbrook and Moncrieffon Sunday. The Misses Perry, of Blenheim. who have wenn visiting with Mr. and Cy ian? We nett, are at erent vis- iting friende in Oliphan Wing left Nosalas for Oshawa to visit her brother. She will algo visit friends in Kitchener and Stratford before returning home. Mre. Alfred Wright and to Mr. Arthur Wright motored “rlende, on Sunday and visited “fr oi George Schell and bride, of worszis Visited over. the week-end at the home of the former's father, Mr. oe Schell. Mr d Mr. John W: Mies Rervatie Lores and Mr. Bern Zilliax motored to Brantford and London on ~— Pap and visited friends, Mre . J. Climie and Mies itary Climie motored to Tilleon- burg on” Wednesday last and visited FLOUR AND FEED Get your supply of Flour and Feed of all kinds at L. PFEFFER MILLING CO. Bring Us Your Wheat, Oats, Barley, Etc. with Mr. Jack Climie. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Set ag S 9 Tillsonburg, former residen 5 Annual Hospital Bazaar “Don’t Forget — Our Contest _ lt Come in and try a = and WIN A| McDonald’s October 15th and 16th Fancy Work, Plain Sewing, Siocne ‘Matie Baking « Candies, Second-hand Clothing,- Etc. ar TBRNPON TRA 3 to 5 y. m. Music Hall | price possible. All wool serges, Sizes 34 to 360 2. | A forunate purchase last week from a well $ known Toronto. Manufacturer makes this low Get Your Size To-Day | FIFTY EIGHT | MEN'S SUITS | iwéekle: and wortede ae the] better qualities - values to $32.50. ‘Tailored in the LATEST STYLES two and three button coats.