“a pee hh eee bal he ir cag Pe ree bs eae ee 25%, ees Rg ( ‘S&nuit, There's = ports i r ently held by the delegates. 10 eae woranib: The Past-| mine ek oF Sea dia a iui Baptist gee vlecamags , Sunday, November 14th 10 a.m,—Bible School. » 11 a.m.—Public W 7 p.m.—Public worship an of young bellevérs. Monday 8 ey. P.U. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer service. baptism United Church Listowel Sunday Nov. 14th 1926” 10- am.—Prayer and Praise Meeting. RY ao 11 a.m.—Subject “VICTO 2 WR CIRCUMSTANCES.” Thy Peace’ “Grant Us Henrich Bes: Gp oa Ground” letcher 2.45 p.m. gree fe school. _ 7 p.m—aAn Illuminated Service ee . Subject “THE LIGHT HOUSE This willbe an interesting and helpful seryice. Bring your friends. The male quartette will sing. Anthem: “Fierce the Wild Bil- lowe" Noble Salo ‘The Church With The Open Door P. F. Hoadley, Organist. E, F. Armstrong Minister. Don't try to please everybody. Ev- en this world is not run 60 as to please Many think they could Sree ees Ue ee Miuking It Hard « Salesman: But, my friend, wan the tractor you could do twice a much work. ye durn fool, 1 Pros Why. don't eat to do ein as much work. i EXPERIMENTAL ARITHMETIC Schoolmistress—"Well, what's the matter; has Johnny got the tooth- apr Mother, visiting ‘ips y hain't got the tooth- Pry ds <ul ops Fees lot fool teaching. You told You co Ras asd long it would take him to wenty les, if # took him one Se aut and a half to.eat one apple— WHERE IT Is ALWAYS SUMMER If you would golf all winter or bask in the sun on warm sandy beaches, or motor for miles throtigh smooth orange-bordered highways, take your winter yacation in Florida or along the Gulf Coast. You'll never Nether euch a holiday Es | the eights you you meet, © peop am sights you see-——all will far exceed the tennia racquet—ane your bathing fishing, “ye ing, yachting and motor-boating Tacksanville to te. Mexican or there are hundreds of resorts that il halp to pgs your holiday perfect 0 boarding to v- school—| 44 and he's got etuek on the fifteenth!" a ur anticipations iss the gAt “clubs along—and|¢ , Blythe nald Oakes: 609, Louise Gibson 580, Stuart il Wheat pe Ol- | Margaret Mel ROOM 2 Total $00, honours 600, Pass 480. tt 768, Hazel Harris arry Co [sez Jack Gee eae Dorothy Fothergill 668, Mar- garet Gross 660,- Roy Riehm 650, patanis Hamilton. 644, Franklin {Lem ex 638, Billy Lavery 632, Eb- 626, Carson Mills 621, Lloyd Hems- worth 616, Mabel Keeso 609, Elva Travis 603,. Dora Holtzman 581, Maye Helmka 578, Elmer Bean 578, Agnes Hamilton 572, Bert Simms Maurice Oliver 569, Hildred Kritzer 562, 657, Johnston Kelly 556, hi ideau 602, Roy Ronald 456, Malcolm 439, *Kenneth Baker 86. ROOM 3 Total 690; honours 518, pasa 414—- Vernon Matthewman 624, Jim Bur- rows 624, Lioyd Bean 697,” Billy Large 586, Douglas Fleming 585. Earl Zurbrigg 584, Jim Large 568, Gordon Wheeler 563, ean Smale 661, Bert Alexander 6560, Billy Riehm 559, Dorothy Stricker 650. Roberta Thompson 544, Ellen Green- slade 542, Mary Bennett 640, Nor- ine Filsinger 538, Lyle Youn 537. Grace Dierlam 526, Neil Gross 520, Billy Chapman 519, Vera ligt 618, Muriel Ward 618, Jack Ros 506, Jack Banzley 497, Morton Burnett. 495, Catherine Kibler 480, Wallace Elliott 465, Mervyn Bean 465, Eleshia Payne 465, Dorothy Kehl 456, Nellie Clarke 4651. Jessie Thompson 447, arnet Richards 445, Gordon aenm 427, Jack Bas- eorge Chamney 408, 407, Jack = 383, 378, *Max Ize aly Velma Smith 351, Gibson puck. sther Foreman 32 MclIntos 322, “Eileen : 309, *Gertrude Marshal) 210, *Loulse Robertson 202, *Flo» ence Ronalds : ef E. 1. MacKenzie ROOM 4 Total 580, honours 435, page 348 Grace Prueter 525, Marjorie Scott 519, Enid Vick 516, Phyliss Hoad 498, Marguerite Gordon 495, Norma Weber 492, Carlyle Chapman 491, Alloe o> pei a 483, Roland Bailey 482, Aud ernie 481, William Poag 465 Wena Willfong 465, Yds! 1 ow- 420. Floretice Groves 423, me Moorelread 415, (Boyne 413, Jaek Fimkbetmer . 410. Horman Fritz gr Erle Browne 466. Hibhert Bean rownre 396, Olive ig ten, Thelma Cand- ler 2380, Matle Gresz 376, Sdne Burke 272, ‘Lilian Alexander 371 Elien Willoughby 365,°"Jack Wake- ford 0 ald 265, Wakeford 238, Lisyd *Artamr Vanee 202, 166. o a a ie C.. difeot. 4 perm. *Jean’ Selby ce 2, Stan ey Fri bork Sune se) Hashes Asa, pond Zur- Al- ert eresborn 627, Norma Holtzman Ri B+) 2, 764, Reginald Guthrie 63, Bill Wellington |. + We aa seme an Be gp 56 tig ae Bond 336.— Mackin 50 375, anos Th 388, . 286, nel Upper 386, Alex Secu 33 Pos Margaret Wood 585, ictearat| Grabb 684, Earl McLean 581, Mary| iq ¥ Viola # BE. Carnso be ESS loyd very 319. *Edith Total 860, honours 2 ae 216- Morris Vick $46, i 29. Florence Poag 326, Betty “eed oan, ratty So gemma $22, 275, Dorethy Chamney 274,.G Peppler 266, Frederic Groves 266, race Helemka 261, Eddie Anger 259, Dora Welch 252, Vern Abram 250, Frank Gross 247. Eleie Chap- man 243, Ettia Loree 236, Jean Dav-’ is 229, George Sandow 2297 Sammy Poag 229, Billy Helemka 227, Bruce Westman 227, Lioyd Sanderson 223, Harry Ize 12, Eva Seehaver 211, 209, Beatrica Chalmers 208, Peppler 200,. race Kritzer ames Adams 176, Grace Cockwell 169. Diek George 130, Lockie Wake- ford 120. . J. Fleming. ROOM 7 First Class—Total.360, honours 270, pass 60—Donald Kennedy 241, Tom Forman 340, Mary Hardie 433, Marion Bricker 326, Elmer Fleming $07, Thelma Rocker 293 Dorine) orman 281, Kenneth Pirie Ruth Britton 260, Ruesel Oliver Burdette Irwin 227, ripe Athas 226 Bruce Spence, absen Senior Primer Total 100, hon- ors 75, pass 60. Olive Bender 94, Billy Baker 83, Helen Ducklow 81; Jack Keego 69, Percy:-Bean 66, Ruth Guthrie absent. ; Junior Primer—Total 100, hon- ors 76, pass 60, Billy Blackmore Margaret Chamney 89, Florence Gee 89, Irene Alexander 87, Mac Du- es 85, Calvin Rocker 80, Ethel Bogues: i? Haro 76, Grace ndow'7 " alice. Burnett 72, Estelle Izen 67, uaclin Freeborn. 65, Ken- h Werth 64, si Wolfe 22 . Lake, 278, ROOM 8 Primary pooner rt hyo 75, p 0. @enbr—Orviile |. Gutherie 83, m ihoee Forman §1, Harry Opfer 69. Marie Opher 69, MUERY Peppler ey pil Heibein Junio n Spence ce 98, Mel- vin Oltes 89, miition: Tanmer 87, Jimmie Holmes 84, Gladys Bitton 100, hon-} >} 82, Jack Yocom 79, Robert Kehl 17, Ts | Tohn MoMilian 77, Vera Hasna 75, R ussel Hammer 65, Eileen Sor ford 42, Douglas Thibideau 27. Junior .B—P. Hollinger 92, artney 88, Mflford Schnitt laie Groves Hoadley 84, Goldie Siddall Te, 8 ite) Jones 77, race Vance 76, Irem Lorne Irvin 7 BL Grosz 68, Jack Cartlidge 43, [vik 40, Edith- — pe 18, San derson. Hanna 67, as So persistently have the wots: aie f Della Payne 210, Norman Whipfler| ax| + FROM OTHER PAPERS = ureh anniy O71, bein: Baptist day, Novembe: Rontledge| being held on Sunday, = EBS patie Wileon 355, Billy Smith| When the special minister will 343 : Y, Nathaniel Harrington oe ‘Parker, | Pike Rag of McMaster sige. tye Toro Se A very enthusiastic ape intereat- - { the in a duet by Mra. Leppard and Mrs. T. J Smith, a reading by th held and afternoon tes served. The men of buried Chutes pave ar- ranged an “Every Member Sunday” for the toming Sunday and are work- ing for and looking forward “lo a large attendance of members, Pa oY ents and former me e con- fon of Communion at. 8. - and a uéual Loita at 11 A.M, 7 The Sunday School will have a Pally of its forces and thig will 2. fol- lowed by Baptism at 3.30 After the evening service the men of the con- gregation will adjourh to the base- ment where ‘they will epend a social hour followed by refreshments. tele ai lah A dl i data oieaeeesienecedsissenetes —.WOMEN BUYERS READ THEM Gunanoqre Reporter) The weekly papers are pre-emin- ently the HOME papers of newspaper- dom, says the Review of Reviews. Tt adds: “They are not hurriedly scanned while men travel to or from business, then left to trainmen to gather up: They go directly to the homes where their rending ie & duty as well as a pleasure.’ Hence their peseuier value ag an adv ertising med- omen do most of the buying and wonien are most interested in, firet their homes; secohd, the neighbourly doings. yery carefully the local paper because it alone can and does cater to those two niterests. All rural homés are reached each week by some of the weekly papers in Canada, and thus the combination of these publications ‘and the women uyers is ohe which should not be ov- erloo circulation of such a weekly as the Gananoque paren. gece ey to this town a great olume of trade that would in all pro- bability ¢o ¢leewhere, Ite value t? our tradeamen is therefore one that ahould not be overlooked. ech A BACKWARD STEP (Fergus News-Record) The announcement of the Provin- celal Blecti ations: there will be a mame eleetion inside of six weeks. One the @ther practically had to come, ps could hardly meet again with a large portion of the pro- } unrepresented. On account of ‘he red ution of the eéats, there Were als reasons why a general el- cation. Waa more desirable. we can see no objestion to Ruaibebiaben to held an election~ al- weet fit cin drain eal we cannot help but t Premier Ferguson hae at Jnst a to the clamor of Tor- aoe at other (ies, and announesd ee} Me perce et of ue Pd sale of rd step and if nrativen a ae s returned to of the pos'- Ht has been ton bullding up dur. This ‘telk of = |ganday et at thet book very . capable._ if Other items on the program were a J.j day with the -jand Mrs. Wm. mbers of t doagery ie There will be a Selebeats ly on has come. Instead of ten | + of eter are F Messre. amd Leslie Walter fag Herein Ti S arisbiarest: J. A large number of ihidies atteniied | * ‘Aid at the home of Mrs. gers Vines on Wednesday. t spent . Sam : @ of r. and Mrs eat and Mrs. Heary wabnke snd |meif of near Gowanst nstown, spent Sun- former's parents, Mr. Mahnke, Mrs. Orth left on Friday to spend several weeks with her daughter, Mra. wi Yendt, of Abe ford. Mies Bertha Schmidt. Mayne, at- tended the wedding ca her sister, Valeria, to Mr. Milton Fileinger, on ednesday. Wed bert ht FF Sb PESO T + THIKD LINE WALLACE | ae Sele ee bot Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bénder on Sunday were Bender and family, 8th con. and Mr. Clarencé oye sd Listowel, and Miss Mabel Bow Srd con, Miss ‘Victoria "Gassabetl epent a few days with friends at Colling- wood. ee WES : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bender and family, 6th con. and Misses Frieda and Margaret Bender of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mra. W. H. Goo a. Miss ythe Mason ia at Londor this.week attending tha Women’s In- stitute Convention ieges Susie and Loulse Bender left Tuesday for Kitchener after vie- iting a few days with the former's parents, also with friends on the 6th con. Mr. Clarenee Coghlin, of Stratford Business College, rh ceaneaty ing at his home on this and Mrs. Kinesde spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs: C. C. Cav- ell. Stratford. ‘ arry Sanderson, of Stratford. visited an Sunday at the home of Mr. John Mcintos number of friends and rela- tives gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, 4th con of Wallace, on Saturday evening last and surprised them, in honwr~ of thelr 27th wedding anniversary. Ap evening of games and; music war grently enjoyed by the many euestr who were present from: Millbank Toronto, Linwood, Listowel and the surrdunding eerie Mr. and Mre Patterson e dap ig tah many beautiful atta and a hor sood wishes. A dainty luncheon, Rae served. Slebeleedeb heb dee eb lee debey of of 4 * SIXTH LINE WALLACK “ - + Soteedesdoo}oo Hs Hoo JoeFooor and Mrs, Jacob Detweller, Mr. cimer Dauwetiee and M Fading Det- weller of Kitchener npont the holiday with ends en this 1 Ds and Mre. Jo mit ” Gedoke and tamity of Fordwieh visited Sunday at the home of mr. and Mrs.. Henry. Heinmiller. - Mr: and Mrs. Calvin Sofell of 1ant- owel apent Thursday last at the home Mu reel Grediten ‘Spent Than ving ~ Day yen friends-on inl tne aus fr Loy: teh- mee holiday with * and ner Mrs, Pater b iM unday tors at the ome o ry and -Mfs, rom Walters were Mr. and Mrs, John aTketton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton sees Thankegiving Day with m Ayton Morgan Pletch. isses Ni ley. iter, e and Clara Walter’ and Margue rite Pletch spent the weekend and the holiday yat the h ae re and Mre.. John fae Nein ana Margaret Ben- ‘an der ‘of their broth spent the, weekend with { her, Mr. ‘Clarence Ben- Caan J a On ‘nesta rene pone i,m $26. to Mr. and Men || “Linton B, Yule, a daughter. MORTGAGE SALE ship of Mornington, in the County of Pert under and by e of the * powiks contained In a comtala Indenture of mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction On Friday, the day of December A.D. 1926-4 at the hour of 2 o'clock D. m. at the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, by the un-| dersignéd Auctioneer,-the following property viz: The @asterly half of lot num- ber 2, in the 12th concession of ‘the: township of! Mornington - containing 100 acres more or less and the north westérlv counties of lot number 4, in the 12th concession of said town- ! ship containing 60 acres more j or lesa : The property will be sold in onel lot and is very desirable for Saba ing purposes, well located; and on, the premises there i6 a good bank barn and dwelling house of venser- ed britk and driving shed, drilled well 134 ft. deep, es of valuable farm jands, in the town-| 4 splendid water|~—~ with & pair ‘of | ‘ber boots,-Rubbers or Over-_ shoes, horse hide mitts or imitation Fur Gaur +; OF a Fur or Sheep Li a Coat: A large stock to choose from and prices the lowest: at) ~\ C. PREUTER’S. ead caw. supply, TERMS—20% cash on day fi eale, ‘balance in 30 days thereafter, without interest URTHER TERMS and Conditions of eats will be. made known at the) time of eale FOR FURTHER Bechesiere and information apply t W. J. Dowd,? Auctioneer, or to H. B. Morphy, K. C., Listowel. H. BE. Morphy, K..C. W. J. Dowd, | Auctioneer, | Listowel, Ont. bineay es Ont. : Sa i el Ma a MD i aed *® VANDRIOK'S SALE REGIS- +) + TER 2) + oo i ok Seg Mea ae ein Thueeda ov, Iith—for Stanley: Hamilton,” let 3, con. 4, Elma, | farm stock, implementa, hay,’ ‘ grain, ete. Without reaerve. about! 1 mile southwest of TEN Sale at one o’ciock. Friday, Nor 1926—For John | Heivein. at wy ft. con. 4, Elim farm stock, implements, hay, grain efc, without reserve. The will aleo be offered the same day subject to a reserve bid. Sale at one o'clock. j On Thursday y, Nov, 18—for J. M. Smith, ‘at lot 10, con. 6, ma, farm stock, implements, ay, grain, etc. Sale at one o'clock. Monduy, Nov, 22—For Mre. John as ay ard ga “at fot 10, con. 3,; Wallace. farm, farm stock..imple-) ments, oe Beatie cx ete. Sale at 12° o'cloc PRINCESS | THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Special Product- — “The e. Bat” v¥. 28—For Henry "Heinmiller, ny lot 25, con. 7, Wal- |ece, farm stock, horses, cattle, + pigs. Sale at one o'clock Indigest'on and Constipation Gone "Under great strain and in, Be cen ge was suffering