TREE LT ET BOARD OF EDUCATION ASKS FO THIRTY THOUSAND ane —OOUNCH. PASSES — w TO ARRANGE FOR Pe yr yt The second lsat. meeting Both the | was by -the. Town.’ when all . n their places, “and considerable business was -transact-/* ed year was held Further correspendence was’ read from the Weetern Hospital, Toronto, concerning an indigent patient, Chas. Cresswell, who claim resident of Listowel. threatened court action count of $84 was not council is of the opinion municipality not responsible for this debt, t ving that Cressman was not a contunuous resident of the town for a long enough period to make the town liable.’ Mr. Cress- man when in, Listowel, was employ- ed at the Arlington Hote Reeve Ringler was appointed a committee to fully investiate the matter and re- port at the next meeting on Dec, 15. The. Finance Committee, in ‘bring- EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for firet insertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cents a line with minimum charge ~ of ° SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The Salvation Army Sunday Seboo! Christmas Concert, Dee. 20. HOUSE TO LET House to let, all conveniences. ply to A. J. Vandrick, grocer Ap- LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Highest cash price paid for live and dressed poultry. T. G. ANDER- SON, ‘phone 137, Listowel. tfinp at- STOVES FOR SALE Ten heating stoves for sale, burn coal or wood. Apply at drick's Furniture Store. ‘will PLANTS. AND CUT FLOWERS Boston ferns, cut flowere, funeral werk a specialty. Listowel Nurser- jes, rear of Public School. t HIGHEST PRICES PAID For live and dressed poultry, first four daye of each week at C. P. freight sheds, Alvin Goldner, ‘phone 11 ‘ tfap HOUSE FOR SALE Good comfortable brick house, 6 reoms, al] conveniences, on Elma Bt., good location. Apply to Aenea An @ereon. -12-2 p APARTMENT TO RENT A nice apartment on north side of Main street to rent, very easily heat- ed anc comfortable for small fam- By. Apply to J. W. Scott. _ tf, FOR SALE OR RENT Brick residence in Listowel for sale or rent. All conveniences, new furnace. Possession at once. , Ae W. J. Bartley, phone 619 r_ tf MATERNITY NURSING Experienced practical nurse. de- sires maternity cases. Apply Joseph Savage, phone 57, r 16. Brus- eels, Lot 24, Con. 5, Grey. + 12-9p od SALE and FANCY WORK Mrs. George Stevenson's Circle are holding baking sale and eale of fan- eor, on: weved, Dec. 10th. Tea will also de serv ~ 12-9: Van-,an assem 6chool. to Mrs.j ty. restaurant from |’ in ‘its report. mmen ended «4 aiiSivace of $60 de eo deducted trom Dr. Pratt’s taxes, as he was unable his pha for Pi ai fire. ‘the Board of Education for . $4500 in the accounts, was also included ~ The Fire, Water and Light Com- mittee recommended that the new fire siren ae installed be accepted Bm. satisfactory. The counts passed in connection with the siren totalled Another since, which woud bring . the total cost to $1114.6 Mr. George Wahl appeared ‘before me council asking for a rebate in which he claimed he had been paying for the last thirty-five years att Boge gn iby ° Ww seapaied m % acres and only own- ed % sot, The council felt that they had no power to act except for the past year or two. a informa- tion will be secured a e matter ny be dealt with at me next meet- : ite: Albert Cosens asked for a re- bate in his business tax as he out of business for “the past eight months. He had already paid the first installment of $4.00 and he will not be asked to pay the balance. Miss Ornstein addressed the Council on behalf of her father who had taken over the business of 8, Feldman, , concerning the -husiness tax and transient traders hcense. She claimed that her father would not be actually taking over the bus- iness until Jan. ‘the matter was left in the hands of Counciller Ronald. a School Addition - Mr. J. Walter, chairman of the Board ae Education. Mr. T. G. Anderson, and Mr. v Smith were a deputation from dy Board of Ed- ucation, and all three addressed the Council asking that body to either vote the sum of $30,000 for the High School addition or else submit a by-law to the ratepayere in, Jan- uary and let them decide. The Goputelion: stated that three different insped had urge stronglyethat’ Redttion be built, to accommodate the classes and rahe for better efficiency in the work’. age praposed addition will be ‘40 ft. 70 feet. The lower floor will be will provide two class rooms ranged that they can be utilized. ao y hall ,for the whole The $30,000 asked for is the outside figure and ineludes the e- quipment The additicnal cost in taxes to the ratepayers will be less than % mill as the county bears a iarge portion of the cost. At present 69% of the pupils are from the county and. 81% from town, thus the county will pay 58% of the cost and the town 42%. A motion was passed deciding to R.| submit a by-law to the ratepayers at the January election, and the clerk was authorized to have the by-law Prepared and presented - the meet- ing on Dec. 15th. By-law 950 was given its three readings and passed. This by-law provides for the municipal elections. Nominations will be pels on Monaeye Dec. 27th. from 10 a.m. to 11 a, for Mayor, Reeve pana on vul. ities, and from 12 to 1 p.m. for Councillors and Board of Education, The election ,if any, will be. held on Jan. 3rd 1927. The following polling booths, re- turning officers and poll clerks -were named: i Bismark Ward—tLavery’s Shop; Stewart McDonald, Jack Walter. Gladstone Ward—Fire Hall, J. R. McKenzie, Norman ae rd. Victoria Ward— L. Bean's Store, M. McG Suivrap: George Fink- beiner. Dufferin Ward—Jas. . Leppard‘s! Residence, J. D. Philp, Frank Kel- ‘Lanedowne Ward--Public actede id George Raines, Frank Kem For Goloshes go to WALTER'S. SALE OF WORK ation Army will nol th sale of work and homemade coo! on Saturday, saga lith. in their i at two o ‘oa SOHOOL E} : 8. 8. No. | SCHOOL |CONCERT - ewadnuees” U. 8. 8. No. 1, Elma ‘and Wallace, the towne fe are. ing their annual » Christinas ‘ood pla concert ,on -afternoon, Uaelo Rube.” Fen Tat Sot aktan Dec. 22nd. Good program. Every- this concert. Admission S5e and 20¢ mee eee: 2- z : oa WEBER'S LIVERY HOOL RT — have’ yom five teat of bl&ck hor Don't forget to attend S. Sv No. 2] 25 uipment. Wé have fine}, Wallace school concert on Friday ev- » day come — in! wo a8} there 7 esuidaaine and the aniets “el gt COAL—MEN SHOVELED Spence, who is employ: C-|he was partly buried in elevator and held prisoner for two hours ‘before released . by: willing | e ruises and." the job again Wednegday morning. Shorly before three o'clock Mr. Spence went down in the elevator to secure a shovel which had been left some ‘days previo which was partially blocking the coal chute which fills the wagons ae the shovel caught he called Johnston to open the chute and fin his wagon. When this was open- ed Mr. Spence drop a couple of feet'and found his-legs fast in the coal. His«efforts to release himself brought down more coal until he was buried to the armpits, his arms 4 have escaped he remained there dur- ing the two hours for fear of bring- ing more coal down on Spence. Help to Rentect arn from being psy i ell. Then the chute on ‘the Beate side of the elevator was opened and some fifteen or more men worked désperately to lower_the coal on that side. As these tired other took their places until the trapped man was rele: Mr. Spence, when freed, was par- tially phralzed with the pressure of the coal and the chill from the ex- posure. The nervé strain from the constant danger of being buried a- live was severe. He was on the job as usual on Wednesday, only com- plaining of a little soreness aroun the chest. Brotherhood Catiartts, Peabodys, blue, black Overalls or Smocks, stripe, $2.00 at SDI . ed * Bebe, Oliver coal dealer, nar- esca jury or éides FRANTICALLY TWO HOURS TO Bo RELEASE HIM. thus pay dollar whe: n would only basis. entures they onthe 80 per cent Sister of Listowel Merchant Died In Toronto David Savage recited ges Mary Cather- The d@gath al Migs ine McDonald joccurred Friday tlents Pavilion, General ] Hospital, following an illness of a- bout three years, Mjss. McDonald was born in Port 9 years ago) being ts daughter of | Tate Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Donald. She is survived by four ‘brothers: Neil of Hastings, Alex .of Acton, Archie of Star ‘oy, ‘Sask., and John of Listowel. The funerat: took; place on Sunday was secured and planks were lower- Noveree inte ent 4m Port Elgin ed into the elevator and placed 60 as Miss McDonald Sos been. ‘livitie for the past few years at the home of her brother, John C. McDonald, Wallace street. Messrs. Stuart and Archie McDon- ald motored and attended the funer- er at Port Elgt Seriously Lil— . We ure sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs, Opher, Le who re- with her son, Mr. Heury Opher, Wallace street. a ies taken ser- jously ill on Mond and members of the family were we called to _ rs. towel. They were Mr, aa and Mrs. A. p Thea, “a London,” Misses Lydia and Martha Opher and Mrs. Dixon, of Toronto, i have been at their mother's A Message From Santa Clau North Pole, Dec. 7, The Chamber of Commerce Listowel, Ont. A Sa one Foo ed & a ea ae 1926 Both Fog the play and on ae day words of praise w af-|- ternoon, Dec. 8fd, at the Private Pa-| lows TAXES DUE The second instalment of will be due and payable on or be- fore Tuesday, Dec. 14th. at the sec- 4 eee + apg $1.15, retary’s re Miss L. Tabberner:| to bring | wen a payers req their tax notte when niaking Sea ment. - Penman’s bg — |i Se ae cod -$IMMS' WEEKLY SPECIALS” |' Men’s all wool Tweed Suits, $9.75; taxes 3.75. Men's Sweater Coats, dark heather,; .. I will be in Listowel on Saturday, Dec. 11th. at 2.00 p.m. Will expect to meet all boys and girls of Listo- wel and for miles around. Pll have a treat for them. Santa Claus. That's the telegram received yesterday. Ien’t it great that Santa can find time at this busy season to visit our town, and bring a treat for all the children of the district... The tree is and Fay Executive who have being erected to-day charge of the paradé have all details There was not sufficient liecee ri ere a go a can- the me sa usiness: ero ig being made thie wee vass of the -tions. received during tie past week brings the total from that source $70.75, and the donors were: Mrs. J. N. Ha * . Scott Mre. W. W. Minis $ Ww, A.Britton Russell Knipe Miss E. Peffers Dr, A. H. Nichol F. W. Hay Cc. B. Simms » G. L. Adams Miss Chamney A. ¥ Zurbrigg - Dr. James Moore W. J. Dowd : WwW. - : “Fothereitl A, L.. Fleming W. L. Heibein & o” Toth” Dr. a tet ORDER OF PARADE g fe ie ee. jatis.; Distrib place. > the following order 100) z ome inne 1 nea et —To ‘ents with small c eae eae amount \ s Parade’ starts at 1.45 from the eae School where suit: . mile in their class rooms. It will then ounting to over $90 will be devoted towards the. pod be Schoo) Fu ere heard on all sides for polections, and between the setts Mr. e Dick Comfort—Robert Savage. George Merrigale—Robert Symons Alexander ekg bastiingades Savage. ~ .Harris—John | Mrs. Clementina “ffeander—Mise fora Nicol. Edith Comfort— Miss Florence ntyre Gally—_Miss Molly Wanze Rev. and Mrs. Nicol delightfully | entertained the actors and orchestra at the Manse after the play. Pleasant Evening Spent— ~ A pleasant surprise was given the Mission Workers of Listowel on Monday. evening at their home on allace street, when friends num- bering about forty-five. presented them with a grocery shower. The ev- ening was spent in singing, music and readings, after which lunch was serve N.-H. L. Holds | Annual Meeting; OFFICIALS MET IN IN PALMERSTON TUESDAY LAST—OFFICERS E- LECTED FOR 1927—SCHEDULE FOR. O, H. A. ALSO DRAWN UP. ern Hockey League was held in the Queen’s Hotel, Palmerston, on Tues- day, Dec. 7th. with a good attend- ance. Mr. B. L. H. Bamfod, retir- ing president, and Mr. attended from Listowel The early entry fees and the num- ber of delegates in attendance at the meeting indicated a very successful year\in 1926-27. The executive's ex- pectations have been surpassed, and teams from all partes in the district are wiring and mailing fees to the treasurer. Entries may be receiv up to. and incfiding Dec. 18th. by Dr. Howson or Reuben Horning Listowel has not entered a team but \ikely will in the Yourse of a few days. The officere for 1927 are as follows: Tnmediate- Past President—-B, L. H. Bamford, Listowel: pessldgt-Btgene Murphy, Mount orest. Vice-President—Robert McMane, Milverton. Secretary—-Dr. George Howson, Wingham. Treasurer—Reuben Horning, Pal- merston. Executive-+-Dr. J. F. Marcus, Kin- cardine, J.-C. McDonald, Chesley, and C. M. Steinacher, Durham. A. Schedule oO. H. Following the N.H.L. eeting, the following a4chedule for section A, Group 13, of the O.H.A. and Sec. B. were drawn up, with B. L. H. Bam ford as convenor. SECTION Jan. 6—Paimereton at Listowel 10— 14—Listowel at Wingham 17—-Wingham at Listowel 21—Listowel .at Palmerston 26—Palmereton at Wingham i SECTION B. Dec. be reo at Paisley Paisle Jan. -4— ey at Chesl a Paisley i urham -10—Chesley at D 14——Durham = Chesley 2i—Paisley at Durham Winners of these two sections will then. p ff, the dates to be set ey the 0.H. and winnere. of group must ‘be declared by Potrary Bank Miciagers _ District M Ho Saturday. of Commerce agian Bank mess ae corte siceahl for bette “tor ‘Ate- trict their second m @t the local branch on eats receiving new with ‘# view to improving the service ') -~ lof the bank. a Mr: J. P.. Bell, manager-in-chief. Mr. J the Impe Listowel this week> inspecting local books. : ing the play, . J. M. Nicol eh a short synopsis of the story. | Abscess Arm— Sia. dines. e evening, the Sunday h Rea, eon. Wehool'o Bircaiio “fendered eeveral| had an operation on Friday last ath ol rendered a piano instrumental. Men's Flannel Shirts rl sale at The cast of characters was as fol- aah anne et Sox on at 30¢, Moved on * "Pye ‘dota meeting of the- North-} spen the Ontario. Beekeepers Association. Carl Rocher. |* Honorary President—A. 8S. Black- ndon ed : Atenady Hoekey Match— * Sr 07 Mrs.’ W. P. Rennie, Miss ‘}the Hamilton-Stratford miateh .~ Se ; . F. Scearthe, inspector fron rial Bank, Toronto, mee = the Memorial H ‘on_her arm. Suturday— a Ambrose ' prose Zeiten, of of the local R. ted the C. N. R. eset eg and moved on Sat- ft Leave for Weet0 Mr. George Lang and aunt, Mre. Seves, of Tralee, ett Tuesday for He hid a Sask., whore, they will visit friends Reserve the date, Friday. Dec. 17, for Knox Sunday School Christmas! concert, which will be held in the new Sunday School—bullding. I — for London— Mr. R.jJackson, who hae heen spending the ‘past summer in Lieto- wel driving Labatt’s large truck, left lust week for London. Leave for Ottawa— Mr. F. . Hay, M.P t Mon- |day for Ottawa, where he : tetend: ing the opening of*parliament. He was accompanied ‘by. Mrs. Molesworth Community Christmas Tree and’ SS me Monday < ening, Dec. erybody come. Attending Convention— *” Mr. Nelson Mitchell, Molesworth, t a2.few days tm Toronto this week attending. the convention of County Counef? in Session— » Reeve Ringler is in Stratford — week attending the Decem sions of Perth pee Council. which opened on Tuesday For the better oe at the low- est price go to Simms emg a ieke Wie Mr. Tt Woods, who has been on the pees staff of the Imperial Bank for the Lert two years, has resigned is position, Accepts Position— Mr. Alfred King, of Detroit arriv- has accepted a Wednesday, and a position in Abram's barber shop, succeeding Mr. Ira McLean. men's Rubber Boots on selec at Saee. Ladies’ re Boot at $2.50. WALTER'S. Baptie Baking Sale— e Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist iek held a successful baking sale and éale of fancy work on Friday last in the vacant store of the Misses loerger. : : Able to Be Out Again— Friends of Mr. Harry were glad to see h -lagain on Saturday, after being con- fined 5 his home for four weeks with Ja grippe. Simms' is a good place to buy that Suit. or Overcoat. Improving ‘Nicely— Friends of Mre. Nin Ward ee fe glad to learn that she is impro nicely, after being seriously ill rie | few days. Nurse gia was in at- tendance for @ Shin days Moved on Wednesday— . Mrs. J. Livingstone and tamily. ve 8rd. -con. Wallace, moved:, their] ® household. goods nate Listowel: ; 8 Wednesday, and h renged home of Mr. R T. Hardie on Wallnes street. Maloney Lae miae can deen er ate reg. $4.50 and $5.00, on salc rat at $8.90 Ladies’ arp cigag one ap | reg. $3.75 and. 85.50, ng for Mor $2.08, WAE- vuiies Sick Relative— and Mrs. J. R. Pinnegir and te’ Dunn r tas law, who ia seriously é@, Meesrs 8. J. X G. Ti * Hace McDonaki and C. M. Jo ston ‘motored to Stratford Wi y - and attended emp, % ital, for an ab- osp ne - the receipts.of the on the street t hockey street, recently Mre: Thos. possession the first of the Mr. and M Ai n their house id furniture Corres ews to Listowel the rite the yea We Ladies* sell Zipper sisse'S to 7. at $8.95. Sata Weekly Report— ay Jim Savage 82, Edith Hastings $2." lola Hamilton 82, Dorothy Bu 80, Myrtle Hoad ae Bae sg (el- rose 76, Jac , Mary Anger. 72, Lulu Coghlin 72, Doeothe B 70, Velma Forman 68, Helen Stuart 68, Erminie Richards 66, Cartlidge 64, Louise Ducklow 60, Stuart Peppier 58, Mary Gibson. 68, Carol. Sangster 56, Blythe Duberges 56, Donald Oakes 54, Lorena Frits 54, Isabel Ross 52, Jean Hemsworth 52, Olga Gee 50, Alma Richards 50. The annual, Ch , ment of the p iret ge Saiiag: “School will be held Qn Wednesday, Dec. 22. met Friday eveni rary building, and discusse: mat- ters ae hockey during the coming winter. Several business- matters were brought up, one being hockey games. Due to the heavy overhead expense, it was found necessary to ask the hockey boys forty percent of the rink’s share of receipts for hockey games. .It was. formerly thirty. per- cent. The season tickets this year will en , ener 15, $2.50; ladies, $3.- 50, " $4.60, and family, $10, ven | Christ Church Guild Holds Successful Bazaar The Church Guila « of Christ Chur- ch held its annual Bazaar last Fri- day and Saturday in the basement} of the church. The colors chosen for the decorations were olive green and white. Streamers, borders, candy boxes, standards for the etalis and the tea table all bore these colors with such a charming and striking effect. It was perhaps the best result obtained by those ie a were in charge of the pe: Never did the ecw aie | have such an excellent showing of fine ey work in a wide range of necessari and noyelties. The tea table in the centre of the room was prettily ar- ranged with silver and china and yellow ‘mums and presided over by Mrs 8. J Rar emp. Those in charge of the different stalls oto fancy work, Misses Es-| tella Bamford and Pearl Goddard, and Mesdames Hemsworth and Bail- ey; Home Cooking, mendawes Walt ter Morris and Richard Paul and T, G. Anderson; Country Store, dames R. K. Hall and James Ball; Ps "Re: F. Taylor, ot three hundred and five dollars. ‘Ladies’ Misses’ High Shoes bee a’pote ond cen House apy otal for 25c a pair and WALTER'S A pat if you suffer po Ton | me its, uae a 8 el sa By Weushian. dost wate better pind ‘night. Guarkatecd. Fo ap & eemany tree L. T. B. Lodge Met Tuesday Evening 2L; T. B. No. 411 ‘met in the ne Orange hall on Tuesday’ evening ¢ 8 p.m,, all ate present. Th ‘Lodge opened in