‘4 F “/garents, Mr. and Mrs. * real, ; Of Winnipeg, Mrs. Mr. Donald MeNeil of Flint, Mich. i and Wed rath. Mr. E. K. Wert h motored to ‘ora on Tuesday to "Piatt his other, ‘ —-O- M B. Deverall and Mr. = F. ~—p—— ~ Edna Ronléton is epending ‘Miss New Years with friends in Milverton. —i—w Mts... Joseph: Gilkinson and Mies erin Werth spent to-day in Tor- ento 5g Miss Lydia Moore, nurse of North- ern Academy, Monteith, ie spending the Christmas holidays ee Dr. J. o — Miss Isabel Graham of Kincardine, spent Christmas in Listowel, a gnes' at the home of Mr -_ and Mrs. T. ‘G. Anderson. —o— Aaron Ringler is spending lew Years with her daughter, Mrs. arry ape. * mePOtpunck. and Mrs. —~—o— Mr. E. S. Hudson = spent 1 has edger at Hespeler. On 2 oni he was accompanied by Mise Jennie Hudson, who am the past four months in — 43, gp t pwamnle®. of the Im- i] f,, Toronto, and Miss eos Boag of Toronto, were the former’s parents,’ Mr. J. Twamley,. for Christ- * . and ohn Prast of Han- ar, ‘Spent the holidays at the home of. Mrs. Harry Peppler. — aa Mr. and Mrs. F nkster, Mich., spent with their parents. E, Lemmex of Christmas Mr. and Elmira, were guests over Christmas at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Frank . —o-——- W., Krauter and mother, Mrs. inchock Krauter nea Ethel, spént Giitetmad ‘at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schnock. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilson spent i at their homes in Spring- seeker ‘ AA te Frank Wilson of Moose Jaw, 4 Was a guest last week at the Some of Dr. ate Mrs. F. C. Wilson, Miss Mabel Sixon | and Mr. Harry rab of Toronto ,were Christmas atts at ‘ie home of the former's Harry Dixon. Enoch Seymour, of “Oshawa. and Mr. fs spending New bh with Mr ts. Isaac Duc Mr. Milton Schinbein of Detroit, spent \Christmas with mother, Mrs. Adam Schinbein . i Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tennant of Toronto, were Christmas guests at -the-home of ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kay. Mr. and M M. Howson, Arthur, and Mr. “ae Mrs. F. Johnston of Arden, were guests over Christmas at the home of Dr and Mrs. W. G. E. Spence. of E — Mr. J. Edwin Synder, of Mont- and Mr. H. Emerson Synder, Cc. E. Nye and Mrs. D. EB. Weston of Detroit, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. L. Snyder Mn 3 Mr. and J. Hacking spent Christmas “with their son, Dr. R. Hacking, wate. . D. Bolton was in Ripley thie aick on b ——— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Routledge and daughter, Gwen, ~ gpent Christ- mas with a Routledge’s parents in Palmersto Mise Sophy Soleiban of Toronto, was a guest over Christmas at the tebe ae of Mr. onder Mre. J R. Vernon Mr. and Mrs: "Galvin Brubaker, of Kitchener. spént Christmas with Mrs. aaa = Ae sparents, Rev. and Mre. M. L Mae W...F. v * a Abram and Mr. and Mrs. SR Wm. s YAO, of Orillia, Sed he abe at the home of Mr. e eS abel Ree Ts. Hamlyn, of ‘Toronto, ere / guests at the Rectory éver christ- mas. with ca Moore and Mr. Reid Miss Annie MeDonaté, of Windsor Hospital, spent Christmas Day “e ° E. G. the —)— B Mrs. Robert Leslie, of jand Mr. Wellington Witmer, of Tor Rev, stroug, and Mr. vise Armstrong Kitgote ba with friends-in Forest. aes, with friends in Preston. . h olidays ether Mrs. reet. ‘ with Wallace et EE —0— Mr, and Mrs. R. Currie Mrs. C. Wettlaufer of Buffalo, —o—' ‘ Misa Chntener and Miss Baker, of family = Wingham, | spent was a guest over Christmas at the , t Mr. and Mrs R. home of Mr. and Mrs. JohnWatson. ede: a Christmas with 7 Kae iss W. Cham vy. — Mr. Herb Fyle of Elmira, spent Christmas with primes in Listowel. day and visited friends —o— Mr. Lancelot .Anderson, ents. Mr .and Mre. Mr. an with his mother, Mrs. Gabe Mies Vivian Clayton, Sault Ste Marie, pending and sister in town. —o—- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doubt with Mrs. Doubt’s est; Bamford in town mother, L. and are spending a few days with the former’s mother, Mrs. A. G. Savage. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Stewart in Stratford. -_—l— . Henry Youn and two bo are spending the puritmes holidays with friends in Toro a. Mr. and . Wallace and daughter, Of Ingersoll, “spent Christ- mas with . Wallace’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Calder. —)- — Mrs. N. L. Bean spent Christmas Elgi with her mother In Port —o— Mr. Wm. Goldner, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mre. John Goldner. —_—_—— Mr. and Mrs. family of Stratford, were Christm: guests at the home of B. Knipe. —_—o— Mrs. F. E. Bessie of Drayton, is} spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. — Ivan Brothers. of New York, is spending a in Mr. a former Listowel boy, few days with his, grandparents town. --n-- The Misses Gladys and Kathleen Kemp, of Detroit, are spending the Christmas holidays with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. James Waddell, Margaret and June, of North Morn- ington, and Mr. and rs. . G. Alexander, Listowel. spent Christ- mas at the home of Mr. Robert Alexander, Britton. ’ te Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wells visited a_few days this week Wells’ sister in Harriston. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brownscombe and son, of Woodstock, spent Christ- mas Mrs ownscombe's mother, Mrs. Mason. of Kitch- his home —0— Mr. Clarence Stricker. ener, spent Chrietmas at n town. of Goder- friends in —o— Mr. Perkins Thompson, ich, spent Christmas with town. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, 12th con, Eima, spent Christmes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . Smith —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. _—e of THilsonburg, Mr. and Mre E. Ren nie and son, and Mr. stan of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Rennie, of London, will spend ‘New Years at the — homes in town. Mr. spent Christmas at the and Mrs. W. P. Rennie. —0— Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Siaanter spent Christmas at the home of and Mrs. Bert Wilson, 6th con. El ma. Richard ‘Thorne, of Mitchell, ome of M —O-- Mrs. James Campbell, of Ripley, onto, spett Christmas with their par- ente, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Witmer. — Mr. Elmer Welsh of Hanover, “2 pe ‘Mrs. John Baker spent —, - Lesite Seley of’ Montreal, is Christmas Fleming, Mr. G. A. McDonald and Mr. Roy Martin motored to Denfield on Sun- of De- troit. spent Chistmas with his. par- T. G. Anderson. —o— Carl Gabel, of Detroit, spent L. teacher of the Christmas holidays with her father and family of Hanover, spent Christmas Mr nd Mrs. J. Savage,, of Galgsty. arrived Wednesday evening —_—oO— Mrs. Stewart and Miss sone suet r. Ezra Knehctel and | j home Friday penn after spending *| Mrs. D-/Bank staff, St. spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Squires T.| Routledge. Mr. and | Christmas spent Christmas with his parente,)— oa oue &. Miss Masgesnile Mbeiark ot Win- yd is home for the Christmas h ays -—-O— . ‘es ie of Biuevale, _ curistmas with Mra. 8. _ Wheeler. - J. #H. $25 spent Christmas with “trisnds in Newton. —— Mr. Lawrence Wenzel of Kitchen- er, is spending the Christmas vaca- tion with his parents, Mr. and Mre Louis Wenzel. —o— Miss Kathleen Casey of Toronto, was a guest over the week-end at the] 7 ae of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wen- zel. — Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, of Wanstead are spending the Christ- mas holidays with Mrs. Coleman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louls We —o— Mrs. i Hay is spending a few weeks visiting in Massena, New ‘York State Miss Margaret Walter, of Toron- . is spending the Christmas vaca- tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walter. _—— Mr. d Mrs. T. Clarke and Lou- se, are "epeaiige the Christmas week ra friends in Toronto —_—oO— “Mr. and Mrs. W. Toronto, spent Christmas at homes of their parents, Mr poor Ament, = t , of ‘ " at Sa aa a nzel. sp Annie L. picture hat. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm, Moncrief. pene Christmas a Mrs. WwW: and eas. Be Stewart Stone ana - ia hdping us nies at ites “aha of Palmerston, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lennox of Milver- roa ere Christmas guests at the ome or} Mr. and Mrs. David Lennox. oe Mre. M. I. Allan of bie tents is. visiting her sisters, Mrs. J hn Scott and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs, Morley Hamilton and daughter, of Stratford, spent Christmas E the home of their par- ente in tow — f x. . Moyer of Toronto, is' senna the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stricker. —o— WARD—BRANT A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, Dec. 29th. 1926, at the United church parsonage, Ethel. eee daughter of - and Mrs. B, Brant, Trowbridge, wlth the bride of Walter T. Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ward, so aa Rev. Duncan Guest offic- ate C. Preuter Wishes all his cu- stomers and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year and thanks them for their patron- age during 1926. success and good relations The attendants were Mrs. Jack Hird and Mr. James Brant. -The bride looked pretty in a peach geor- Gette dress, with bead trimming. The happy couple Jeft on the af- ternoon train for Toronto and Wel- land. The bride travelled in a fur trimmed needlepoint coat with black Mrs. Henry Horne, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ament Mr. Elgin Simpson, of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce staff, Ham- i}ton, spent Christmas with his par- j ents, Mr. and Mre. J. Simpson. | ° Mr. Clinton Kennedy, of the Can- |adian Bank of Commerce staff, Jar- binrs spent rh nage with his par- nts, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kennedy. — mberland returned May | the Fruits of your labor ja few days with m Wye in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Lome Cham of Dundalk, spent Christmas at their homes in town —oO— Mr. C.F. .“o- of Woodstock, and Mr. E. A. mp of Meaford. spent og ge atthe home of their parents, Mr. A. C. Champ. —o— Mr. Frank Burt of Montreal, spent Christmas visiting at the home of his mother —n Mr. George Woods, of Toronto Univeraity, is spending the Christ- mas holidays at his home in town Mr. Graham Watter. of Toronto Ee terity .is holidaying at his home ‘n to —H—— Mr. Ronald Cox is spending the Christmas and New — holiday with his mother in Fores --O— Mr Levi Good and Miss Annie Good, spent Christmas at the home during 1927 bring you the knowledge of duty perfectly fulfilled. In appreciation of your i patronage of the past year wesend you greet- |)! t ings and good wishes. Go to Church January THE BAZAAR As A Shopping Center This store has PROVEN its POPULARITY and we wish to thank our MULTITUDE of SATISFIED CUSTOMERS for THEIR LOYALTY and GOOD- WILL AT ALL TIMES, and ESPECIALLY for their LIB- ERARL PATRONAGE during the HOLIDAY SEASON. The HORSESHOE over the door the BAZAAR says GOO LUCK TO ALL WHO ENT HERE. This wish we extend to you at ALL SEASONS of the YEAR. May you have extra GOOD LUCK for 1927. Mr. Bazaar 4 UT of the land built by our hopes and promises he. eomes, this child 1927. For a short time he is to rule--to lead ‘eto strive with a world to at- tain its goal. He comes amid prosperity and happiness. That he may leave you happier and» with your own goal yet nearer is the sincere wish of - , W. A. Johnstone Jeweller . Listowel Go to Chusch January Trade at THE BAZAAR J. P. Walter lt of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Good, Gowanstown. —0o— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickel, Miss Laura Nickel, and Messrs. Albert and Oscar Nickel, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nickel, Gowanstown. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke and daughter of Port Hope, are oe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. — Mrs. G. Kehl of Elmira, spent a few days this week in Listowel, and was a guest at the home of Mr. and Joe Lockhart. _— Mr. Simon Squires of — Imperial i Gordon and Herb Horne of Palm-. rston, are spending the Christmas holidave with their sister, Mrs Chas. Master Eleva Bans Bean is ewes with friends in Harriston —o—— Mrs. 8. L. peaiok spent with relatives in St. Marys. —“I— Mrs. Amsey Riehm and children, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B Dietrich. r. and Mrs. = Welsh. Mr. Jack qree’: of Cargill, was a guest over Christmas at oe home Mr. and Mrs. J,-A. McInt —_o— Honorable James Malcolm and Bissett, Miss Bis- rdine, . were Christmas guests at the home of “Mr. and Mrs. EB. Maicolm. and Mrs. navies Scott. and two children of Toronto, and Mr. and, . Cosens, of Ridge- town, ate snending the Christmas + card with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. ay a . of -God- értch, boi ie ° EB. FL. Arm- T hanks! and Good Wishes We are thankful for your generous pat- ronage during 1926 and have pleasure in wish- ing our Customers and Friends a New Year filled ‘with Happiness, Good Health: and Pros- perity.. gee b laaey The Koch S Shoe Co. Main St. Listowel Your Vote PRINCESS THEATRE Friday and Sat- urday New Year's Special “The Halfway Girl” Matinee Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Until further notice this theatre will be closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Happy New Year to All and Influence is re- —_——— Regilate $1 5 to $50 On sale at less than cost maining “fens ae shipments including : Mfrs. samples pure ed at special ies ‘ice sold below pea we paid for it. spectfully requested for John Watson Thank You! We wish to thank our many customers for their liberal pat- ronage during 1926, and to ex- tend to eachand everyone the -kindliest wishes for a Bright and Happy New Year. ong which wall be good - contentment for jou. Looking to the new me thinking and planning of Ase t 4 oe